How fricking much? Are they smoking whacky tobaccy in Lenton?

How fricking much? Are they smoking whacky tobaccy in Lenton?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    As much as I've seen people seeth over GW pricing, other miniature makers aren't that far behind.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly I expected worse. The Verminlord is almost, almost, almost reasonably priced.

      That's not really a fair comparison, PP has consistently been having even more ridiculous prices than GW itself with no real justification. 5 knights for 80+ bucks is their insane standard.
      If you compare them with good and reasonably priced plastic manufacturers like Northstar, WGA and Fireforge, you get a very different picture.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry, I said "not a fair comparison" but what I actually meant "PP is an outlier that's arguably worse than GW rather than a representation of the rest of the market". My bad

        • 2 years ago

          >a representation of the rest of the market
          Not him but let's take a look. 99% of the wargame market is covered by GW's games, Star Wars Legion, Infinity, Kings of War and A Song of Ice and Fire.
          >Star Wars Legion
          30€ for a box of basic infantry, 60€ for an AT-ST, 20€ for Bobba Fett. Those are GW prices (5 years ago, but still close to what GW asks for models).
          I'm not familiar with the game so I'm not sure how it's organized, but I see packs of 3 models for 35€, packs of 2 for 25 and single models for 15. Considering it's a skirmish sized game I'll assume 3 models is roughly equivalent to a single box of troops for GW, so it's more or less the same. GW is still a bit higher, but about the same tier.
          >Kings of War
          30€ for a box of troops, 40 for a box of cavalry, 55 for a monster character, 13 for a foot character. Once again, a bit lower than GW on some stuff but otherwise on the same level.

          So yeah, GW is a bit more expensive mainly because they hike the prices every couple of years so it adds up, but it's not like they are leagues over the majority of the market. Unless you play obscure, agnostic historicals or other model agnostic games where you can find cheap, bad looking models (oathmark skeletons come to mind, that kit is horrendous even if you get a million skeletons for nothing) you're not gonna be spending singnificantly less money.

          • 2 years ago

            >(oathmark skeletons come to mind, that kit is horrendous even if you get a million skeletons for nothing)
            Oathmark skeletons are amazing, I think you're mixing them up with Warlord

          • 2 years ago

            >glosses over the prices being ridiculous by describing stuff as a "box of troops" when you get double or quadruple the quantity from Mantic or Oathmark whilst a single Terminator is now like £7

            So much cope

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm not familiar with the game so I'm not sure how it's organized
            A 300 pts "army" is composed of more or less 10-15 troops, but usually people use those that come in bundles.
            Proxying is actually encouraged in the rules, provided you use models with matching weapons.

            That said in Infinity with £100-150 you're done if you buy new or from 3rd parties, in 40k if you're playing at 2k pts depending on your army you will look at £400 and upwards.

          • 2 years ago

            >cheap, bad looking models
            Victrix Romans/Saxons/Vikings/Cets look phenomenal and cost close to nothing.
            40k and AoS are definitely overpriced compared to Mantic, especially when you consider multibasing in KoW means you don't need 40 minis for a horde, just to fill in the base, so you can get away with filling half the bases and then using scenery to make it look nice.
            Also, free rules, most companies offer them while GW struggles with a fricking app and wants you to pay £30 for each army book lol.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Outside of shit looking cheap troops that come in huge boxes everything else is either just as expensive or more and most of the time also worse looking.

      • 2 years ago

        Eh, atlantic warganes looks pretty good

    • 2 years ago

      Warmachine is non-existent outside the states.
      I say this as a man with a Menite army; game is deader than dead here in UK.

      Frankly, if I want some miniatures I'll get something reasonably priced off some bloke who doesn't have a decaying IP empire to maintain on dwindling supplies of consumer goodwill.

      Got some lovely Cavemen offa Copplestone Castings.
      Copyright-marines and infringement-proofed space elves are more festive than the Ram Ranch christmas special.

      I'm sticking with my pulp adventure and sci-fi staples in the future thanks very much.

    • 2 years ago

      its because GW is causing prices to rise

      • 2 years ago

        Are you fricking dumb, that's not how economics work at all

        • 2 years ago

          Yes it is. Once a big player normalizes a pricing strategy, smaller players feel more comfortable to move up to that level. Consider xbox live, which cost money while sony and nintendo consoles cost nothing for the same features. Once it was obvious that consumers were willing to tolerate paying for online access even if there were free alternatives, sony and eventually nintendo copied the practice, charging money for what used to be free services that are indeed close to free to provide.

          The moral of the story is, the real, deepest problem with capitalism is that the "invisible hand" can't function if it's blind and moronic. A company can get away with pretty much anything it wants if the people paying for their products and services identify with the company to the point where they're willing to pay more for an inferior product or service. Competition is irrelevant when the end user sees competition as competing AGAINST them rather than FOR them.

          • 2 years ago

            Why would you not always try to undercut the competition, It's a very basic principle, not to mention your example is awful because they didn't start charging "because they could" they started charging because they wanted to expand their service.

            Xbox started charging for gold because they were building up to the game subscription model that gamepass is now, starting with small benefits to prove consumer interest than expanding the program once that interest was proven. Not to mention at the time microsoft was way more center on online multi-player at the time, with halo peaking in popularity while Nintendo and Sony weren't trying to exploit the same avenue.

            Sony eventually saw that the future for the western market was the direction that Microsoft was heading, so they're doing the exact samething.

            Nintendo's online has been, and continues to be a joke. They never charged for anything because they never had games that actually required them to manage servers, everything was peer to peer.

            • 2 years ago

              >Why would you not always try to undercut the competition,
              Because if the consumer is stupid you have no reason to. Why don't movie theaters undercut eachother on concessions, when they could easily do so while maintaining profitability? Because people just have a baseline understanding that it just "is" expensive, and refuse to deny patronage based on moronic prices.
              >your example is awful because they didn't start charging "because they could" they started charging because they wanted to expand their service. Xbox started charging for gold because they were building up to the game subscription model that gamepass is now
              Nobody on the 360 was paying for Live in anticipation of a service that would not exist for a decade. They were doing it for online multiplayer, which was free everywhere else.
              >Not to mention at the time microsoft was way more center on online multi-player at the time,
              Their marketing was. Their services were not actually better than Sony's or games on the PC.
              >Sony eventually saw that the future for the western market was the direction that Microsoft was heading, so they're doing the exact samething
              No, they saw that the consumer was moronic and would not refuse to buy a console even if they had to pay 50 bucks a year to use it, and so you can just rip them off because they're too dumb to care.
              >They never charged for anything because they never had games that actually required them to manage servers, everything was peer to peer.
              Lmao. Dedicated servers cost next to nothing. And even then, microsoft uses a "hybrid" system which basically an excuse to not have servers anywhere but the US coasts and pretend that all matches outside of those two regions aren't always peer to peer.

              Congrats on being a great example of a paypig brand zombie though. I could not have asked for a better way to show why games workshop can get away with overpricing injection molded plastic by 500%.

              • 2 years ago

                >Their marketing was. Their services were not actually better than Sony's or games on the PC

                They literally were, name a first party Sony title with online multi-player, while two of xbox's flagships, halo and gears were

                >Nobody on the 360 was paying for Live in anticipation of a service that would not exist for a decade. They were doing it for online multiplayer, which was free everywhere else.

                Yeah were not talking about customer motivations here genius, were talking about why xbox charged and others didn't. They were testing the waters to see if anyone would pay for an online service at all. Shit like Netflix didn't exist yet

                You're absolutely deranged, shit isn't just free, if you want to expand your company and provide new services, that shit costs money. You have an elementary school understanding of economics and repeat some shit your friend told you in middle school because you can't stop pitying yourself for a single moment and think that maybe people aren't just trying to frick with you and have reasons why they do things.

              • 2 years ago

                >name a first party Sony title with online multi-player,
                >Yeah were not talking about customer motivations here genius,
                Yes we are. That's literally the entire point of my posts. If consumers weren't morons, microsoft would not have gotten away with charging 50 fricking bucks for Live, regardless of any long term aspirations.
                >You're absolutely deranged, shit isn't just free,
                Online services cost fractions of pennies per user. And like the moron consumer cattle you are, you bray and stomp at anyone who might appear to threaten your owner.

              • 2 years ago

                Xbox got away with 50 bucks a year for live because people valued what Xbox gave them higher than Playstation you elitist twat

                You probably shouldn't be critiquing what people buy if you consider 50 bucks a year is too high a cost

              • 2 years ago

                >Xbox got away with 50 bucks a year for live because people valued what Xbox gave them higher than Playstation
                They valued it because of brand internalization and intellectual laziness. Not that the people on Playstation were actually better on average, after all, Sony implemented the same system and the PS4 substantially outperformed the PS3.
                >You probably shouldn't be critiquing what people buy if you consider 50 bucks a year is too high a cost
                And thus the paypig reveals his final form. "Paying 30 bucks for a bit of injected molded plastic is fine because me being able to afford it is proof of my disposable income."

                THAT, OP, is how games workshop can so brazenly rip off its customers and still maintain enormous demand. Because people are so stupid and egotistical that they will mentally recontextualize their own mistakes as successes.

              • 2 years ago

                And the poorgay goes on in his delusion that the whole world is dumb and he's only smart person getting his money's worth by living in his parent's basement and looking at other's hobbies with jealous as he can never afford to participate, suffering as an eternal no-games

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, you were wrong and he was right from the get-go. Please reconsider your life.

              • 2 years ago

                never thought I'd see somebody defend early xbox live but here we are, as somebody that was actually around at the time people valued the platform and its games NOT paying money to access gated off p2p multiplayer which they did begrudgingly because of the former, it really was as the guy you were replying to said

                also you'd have to have acute funkobrain to not see yourself tripping up on hypocrisy by crying crocodile tears about elitism then in the very next sentence intimating that the other poster is a poorgay

              • 2 years ago

                I said elitist because he's parading around a holier than thou attitude and pretending like he cracked the conspiracy and everyone else is just sheeple..

                Also don't pretend like being around during early xbox live is crazy, I played halo 2 online and tried to play cod on ps3's dogshit servers, there was a night and day difference

              • 2 years ago

                you have a side of hypocrisy to go with your elitism so that's automatically worse

                I'm not pretending to be special for being a 32 year old boomer, just your story is entirely at odds with my experience, congrats on living somewhere that Microsoft deigned to spend a fraction of their xbox live profits on a few dedicated servers for a handful of games

              • 2 years ago

                "Conspiracy"? It's not like anything I've suggested requires disinformation. People aren't too gullible, they're just lazy, dumb, and defensive. "A fool and his money are easily parted" is over 400 years old, and it wasn't talking about scams, but people who spent as though their wealth wasn't finite. It will doubtless still be true in 400 more years.

              • 2 years ago

                The man pegged you and now you squeal in panic like the funko paypork you are.

                Again, elitism over toys. Just embarassing

                Sure, sure anon. Tell yourself that as you buy your next £48 infantry kit.

                Forgot to add to this, the point is there's no reason for GW to charge what it charges for their shit when Bandai can get away with less than half their prices and A MORE ADVANCED product.

                Even Bandai 1/72 Star Wars stuff is impressive compared to GW vehicles, the fact GW charges you £36 for a Leman Russ is criminal when you can buy any Revell/Tamiya etc. 1/35 WW2 tank for £15/20 and it will be bigger with bigger models as well.
                Truth is, with GW you're paying for the IP, its world and its lore+access to a huge community of players.

                >GW charges you £36 for a Leman Russ
                Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it's more than that now, all the Guard infantry boxes are £30 or more for 10 bods. I went over what it would cost to remake my ig army a month back, as a bit of fun, and stopped when I realised the infantry complement alone would buy me several armies for other, better, game systems. The prices are wack.

                Warmachine is non-existent outside the states.
                I say this as a man with a Menite army; game is deader than dead here in UK.

                Frankly, if I want some miniatures I'll get something reasonably priced off some bloke who doesn't have a decaying IP empire to maintain on dwindling supplies of consumer goodwill.

                Got some lovely Cavemen offa Copplestone Castings.
                Copyright-marines and infringement-proofed space elves are more festive than the Ram Ranch christmas special.

                I'm sticking with my pulp adventure and sci-fi staples in the future thanks very much.

                Cryx player here, I can vouch for this.

                >a representation of the rest of the market
                Not him but let's take a look. 99% of the wargame market is covered by GW's games, Star Wars Legion, Infinity, Kings of War and A Song of Ice and Fire.
                >Star Wars Legion
                30€ for a box of basic infantry, 60€ for an AT-ST, 20€ for Bobba Fett. Those are GW prices (5 years ago, but still close to what GW asks for models).
                I'm not familiar with the game so I'm not sure how it's organized, but I see packs of 3 models for 35€, packs of 2 for 25 and single models for 15. Considering it's a skirmish sized game I'll assume 3 models is roughly equivalent to a single box of troops for GW, so it's more or less the same. GW is still a bit higher, but about the same tier.
                >Kings of War
                30€ for a box of troops, 40 for a box of cavalry, 55 for a monster character, 13 for a foot character. Once again, a bit lower than GW on some stuff but otherwise on the same level.

                So yeah, GW is a bit more expensive mainly because they hike the prices every couple of years so it adds up, but it's not like they are leagues over the majority of the market. Unless you play obscure, agnostic historicals or other model agnostic games where you can find cheap, bad looking models (oathmark skeletons come to mind, that kit is horrendous even if you get a million skeletons for nothing) you're not gonna be spending singnificantly less money.

                Frick off porky, no-one is buying your shit
                You need 3 or 4 boxes, maximum, to play, and you get more in the boxes.

                A box of 3 dudes is 1/3 of your army, more often though it's 4 or 5 to a box. I built my Nomads for under £100 back then, and the prices havnt change much.

                >Kings of War
                A box of mantis minis gets you 30 to 40 infantry, compared to gw's 10 to (rarely) 20. And as the other anon said, you can multibase. The rules explicitly state that you need no more than half the given number of minis for the unit, and you can use any in scale minis, so you can also buy Perry (£20 for 40 superior to be infantry) or Victrix (£20 for 60 even better minis) or any others you see.

              • 2 years ago

                Absolutely deranged consoomer posting

                People are scared and thick as shit anon

    • 2 years ago

      don't look at perry miniatures, you'll have a heart attack

      • 2 years ago

        Because their prices are so cheap?

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      warmahordes used to be cheaper, thats one of the big reasons they rose to be a solid competitor of GW. you used to be able to pick up a metal pack of 10 infantry for $20 usd. on top of needing about half the models of a warhammer army for a full game, it was also half the price for the kits, with individual heroes being $5-10 and dreadnaught sized jacks and beasts being $15-20.

      wasnt until their 2nd edition that they started raising their prices to what you see in that picture, and frankly thats probably one of the biggest contributors to everyone dropping their game like a hot potato. it was no longera cheap alternative to warhammer, it actually became more expensive

      the ONLY reason GW can charge what they charge is because they have an effective market monopoly on wargaming. they have no serious competitor so they are free to charge what they want because more or less people dont have a choice. its warhammer or bust. yeah, a couple of fringe games exist like star wars legion, ASoF, and infinity, but those occupy such a small niche, such a small marketshare that they might as well not exist. they are like your local cornerstore to GWs walmart in terms of how much marketshare they have vs GW.

      • 2 years ago

        >they are like your local cornerstore to GWs walmart in terms of how much marketshare they have vs GW.
        I doubt its that bad. I mean all the local cornerstores added together are like less then a percent. I think a better analogy is like Amazon vs walmart cause amazon takes like 5% of walmarts market.

    • 2 years ago

      People get mad at this?

      • 2 years ago

        $7 American per 32mm army dude?
        Kinda, yeah.
        That's the same number kiwis see on some of the cheaper space marines, and GW values their money like a farmer values crows.

  2. 2 years ago

    get a better job or get out the hobby
    modelling has never been for poorgays

    • 2 years ago

      I am 98% certain I have more cash available than you right this second

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I am 98% certain I have more cash available than you right this second

          Hi I'm a neutral third party mediator for petty disputes and moronic gloating
          Add me on discord so we can all three get into a call and try to prove who's the bigger homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      Sadly this. It's an unjustifiable rip-off but if you want the models that bad then that's the way of things.

    • 2 years ago

      Less than you poorgays. Get some money or find something cheaper to pretend to play. Next I suppose you’ll complain about how you can’t afford a car either.

      Anons, you don't get it. The people who complain about GW pricing, for a large part, don't do so because they can't afford it. They are passionate people, even if they can't really afford it they'd be willing to buy it anyway because they enjoy the hobby so much. But more and more, the facade is falling apart. Corporate doesn't want people playing, they want people paying. And of course they do, GW is a publicly traded company we can't expect anything else. But it still stings when you care about something, and see that the people making it don't care at all. It's not about the money, it's about passion

  3. 2 years ago

    I fail to see the issue?

    • 2 years ago

      The price, anon.

  4. 2 years ago

    24 quid for a metal Verminlord ain't bad tbf
    The rest are bullshit though, and £30 for Thanquol and Boneripper's about what I'd expect to pay secondhand
    It's the rest that are in the realm of the worst eBay pisstakers though, so that's shite

    • 2 years ago

      You wish, you gonna get your failcast and you will like it

      • 2 years ago

        MTOs are usually metal, because it's cheaper and easier to just take the old spincast pewter moulds out of storage than to make up new Finecast moulds

      • 2 years ago

        its metal moron.

        • 2 years ago

          Pewter, you mean.

          • 2 years ago

            pewter is metal yes

  5. 2 years ago

    my question is...out of all the minis they could have chosen why on earth these!? I'd also ask the same question about all the made to order bloodbowl stuff.

    The generic heroes from one of the later editions go for obscene money, id kill to get dome of the old empire heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      even the old generic skaven heroes like the old warlords and plague lord would be more welcome

      • 2 years ago

        I know right!?

        It feels like i'm taking crazy pills when GW keep releasing these made to order blocks of things nobody asked for, you could probably hop on to ebay or any of the facebook groups and get any of those skaven characters for a fraction of the price, not like they weren't literally churned out for about two solid decades.

    • 2 years ago

      They're shilling Skaven because Skaven just got their new AoS book last month
      As for these particular choices, the redone Thanquol/Boneripper, Verminlord, Squeek and Ikit are all still available (just under generic HQ names for AoS). Hell, the GW website even still says that Ikit 2.0 ('Arch-Warlock' these days) is a metal model, I'm not sure they've even bothered to make a new resin mould for him yet. It's just Snickch whose later version is unavailable, although I'm fairly sure that just got squatted a few months ago to make way for a new plastic Deathmaster. Basically, apart from Nurglitch they all have direct AoS utility, and tie in to a recently released Battletome

      • 2 years ago

        thanks for the reply, that all makes sense I gotta admit, still though i'd have preferred the generic dudes.

        Hope they do something similar for guard when they get their new codex, a re-release of the old cadian/catachan officer would be kewl.

  6. 2 years ago

    >50 AUD for a single infantry character model

  7. 2 years ago

    Less than you poorgays. Get some money or find something cheaper to pretend to play. Next I suppose you’ll complain about how you can’t afford a car either.

    • 2 years ago

      >or find something cheaper to pretend to play
      >pretend to play
      why would you just straight up out yourself as a friendless loser like this?
      you don't have money, your parents do, and they give you money for wardollies because the respite centre won't take you every day but the game shop you haunt for pick up games of 40k will
      lmao @ ur lyf

  8. 2 years ago

    is there still chinaman sellers for warham models? or am i out of date by 3-4 years?

    • 2 years ago

      There is but you dont need too anymore. A good 3d resin printer can make better than GWS minis for cents and there are thousands of free files to steal.

      There has been a big jump from the filament printers to resin ones which are almost 0 hassle to use. Another 5-10 years GWS is really going to be screwed as is most mini companies outside of selling paints.

  9. 2 years ago

    Woah I never knew that the Verminlord was an original model, I thought it was just one of the new whacky models introduced for End Times

  10. 2 years ago

    Will they be metal? Cause I ain't paying that for finecrap.

    • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    I want Bandai to enter the miniature market. They could probably produce good quality miniatures for half the price of GW.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek this so much. I come from Gunpla and building an Imperial Knight made me fully realize how moronic minis "fans" are.
      >no articulation
      >no undergates, something Bandai knew how to do in 2001
      >huge as frick gapes you need to fill instead of hiding them strategically like Bandai does
      >just a single material, hard plastic
      >£85 with a discount

      MG Gunpla
      >fully coloured, painted looks better but you don't really need to do it
      >masterful engineering, gapes and nubs are hidden by clever part placement
      >clear plastic, abs, pvc etc.
      >£30/50 depending on model MSRP

      • 2 years ago

        Not really comparable, gunplay are basically display pieces where as knights are sturdy enough to be played with and are made of a better material for painting on.

        • 2 years ago

          >gunplay are basically display pieces
          Anon they're literally toys for 12 year old japs and SEA people.
          Bandai ones in particular are made to last, even Hasegawa or Kotobukiya have made giant improvements since the early 00s.
          Every single "piston" needs to be glued in place with plastic cement lest it falls off, and they need pinning to stay on the base. I have magnetised mine so I can change weapon load out when I want and turn the torso for laughs, but I wouldn't say it's particularly more sturdy than my Zaku 2 MG or Jesta MG.
          Certain gunpla are hand grenades like RG, that's true, but usually MG are sturdy.
          You need to prime both anyway, it's not like you paint on bare plastic.

          • 2 years ago

            Not really comparable, gunplay are basically display pieces where as knights are sturdy enough to be played with and are made of a better material for painting on.

            Forgot to add to this, the point is there's no reason for GW to charge what it charges for their shit when Bandai can get away with less than half their prices and A MORE ADVANCED product.

            Even Bandai 1/72 Star Wars stuff is impressive compared to GW vehicles, the fact GW charges you £36 for a Leman Russ is criminal when you can buy any Revell/Tamiya etc. 1/35 WW2 tank for £15/20 and it will be bigger with bigger models as well.
            Truth is, with GW you're paying for the IP, its world and its lore+access to a huge community of players.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean Bandai prices are all over the place, some mg are as low as 30 and then some as High as 150

              • 2 years ago

                The prices are correlated to how large the model is, and how recent it is. The great thing about gunpla is once a kit is released, its retail price never goes up. The Perfect Grade RX-78 was $120 when it was released and it's $120 now, not counting shipping costs from Japan.

        • 2 years ago

          >sturdy enough to be played with
          Oh yeah, all that lifting it and placing it in another spot must be fricking catastrophic on the model
          unless you're saying that you go over to the other players' models and smack them around with it, going "pew pew clang ahhh"

          • 2 years ago

            I mean more stuff getting knocked off tables, being transportable, having easily swappable parts, in the box customization.

            Like I just have single questioris knight that I have the weapons magnetized for, and I've never had break despite it getting knocked off a 5ft shelf on to hardwood a handful of times, I just use a case to care the swappable parts, the main body just sits on my car floor whenever I transport it.

        • 2 years ago

          Nothing GW has done in the last decade is "sturdy".

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Tbqh GW consoomers are an entry level subset of miniature hobbyists. They are to the hobby as a whole as lego technics builders are to mecha modellers.

        • 2 years ago

          >Getting elitist over toys
          Oh this is a whole new level of pathetic

          • 2 years ago

            What? He's not wrong.

            GW-only customers are the equivalent of people who play Candy Crush on Facebook compared to everyone else involved in the wider world of miniature wargaming.

            • 2 years ago

              Again, elitism over toys. Just embarassing

              • 2 years ago

                What next anon? "nuhhh don't be elitist about fiction I'm reading all three novels of Fifty Shades of Gray"? Why does the truth pain you so?

                Don't get your knickers in a twist anon, it's okay to like GW stuff. But don't go into the big boy's room and start crying because other people know more about the rest of miniature wargaming.

            • 2 years ago

              I got a hardon for dwarfs what company?

              • 2 years ago

                Black Scorpion

                Resin but amazingly cheap prices for such nice sculpts

      • 2 years ago

        I kinda want to make a sort-of Super Robot Warz homebrew that uses gunpla and bandai shit, but I've got no one to test it with.

      • 2 years ago

        Bandai is also one of the largest toy and model producers in the world, the Gundam franchise on its own produces more revenue in a year than all of Games Workshop's products, and most of that is Gunpla. For example:
        For FY 2021/22, Gundam's franchise revenue went over 100bn JPY for the first time, generating around £622 million. Meanwhile,
        GW's total revenue the year, for all its products (including revenue from licensing), wasn't even £200 million. Gundam alone eclipses everything GW have several times over, and its only one of the hundreds of brands in Bandai's stable; Dragonball, Kamen Rider/Super Sentai, Pretty Cure, all those Shounen Jump series, Godzilla and various Toho kaiju franchises. Bandai's frickheug, and controls all of its own production methods (IIRC they even tool their own molds in-house). They also have insane market dominance, with wide availability well beyond GW's (honestly fairly insular) distribution approach. Right down to doing collabs with fricking 7-11 to promote sales in god damned convenience stores (and wide accessibility is a big part of Bandai's model kit design ethos). Bandai utterly mogs Games Workshop in every conceivable way, they're a financial juggernaut that could by a micronation if they really wanted, and through that scale and their tight control of their materials and production channels they're able to keep their prices that low and competitive. GW just aren't. They're small, have fairly limited production, have limited distribution, and cater to a much more niche market. GW will never be able to have pricing that can compete with Bandai

        • 2 years ago

          What is this moronic cope? 90% of plastic miniature companies are smaller than GW but all of them are cheaper than GW.

          • 2 years ago

            That wouldn't make it any less fricking moronic to say
            >why can this global multimedia empire offer their product cheaper than piddly little GW, they both make model kits so they're basically the same thing right???
            If you're going to make comparisons, make comparisons to stuff that are actually in the same ballpark, not worlds apart from one another

            • 2 years ago

              Are you dense or pretending to be moronic? In your example GW can be both the global multimedia empire and the piddly little challenger depending if you chose to stack them against Mantic or Bandai, and yet everytime they end up being the most expensive otpion. It is NOT a competition issue because GW is not trying to be competitive.

              • 2 years ago

                Ironically the only thing GW has going for it over other companies right now is the game, which they constantly shit on. It's so bad I can't even play it anymore.

            • 2 years ago

              Gw makes injection molded plastic at a premium price (because they have an outdated, shitty and expensive tech to work with and they're greedy goblins on top of that. The only reason because they're stikl on top of the biz is their IP)
              Bandai makes injection molded plastic for a lot cheaper( because they use modern, cheap and self -made tech they cna significantly cut down on prices, this coupled with japanese quality control and customer service makes for a great product, the IP-s are just a cherry on top)

              They are direct competitors but have different audiences you mongoloid

      • 2 years ago

        Model planes and armour shit all over gunpla in quality

        • 2 years ago

          You don't build anything. People who actually build scale models would not say this for reasons obvious to scale modellers.

  12. 2 years ago

    A luxury item costing an exorbitant amount of money, color me surprised.

  13. 2 years ago

    Less than £20 for single character models? You're playing to my nostalgia again, GW.

  14. 2 years ago

    I'd like to take a moment to point out that the gunplas in the same price range as imperial knights have articulated finger joints.

  15. 2 years ago

    gott strafe rattengays

  16. 2 years ago

    Dat sexy Nurglitch gut <3

  17. 2 years ago

    Actually think Victrix have the Perrys beat on quality for price. £35 for 60 of these glorious bastards.

    Their plastic historical ranges don't have much overlap though so it's a moot point.

    • 2 years ago

      Victrix Roman’s are the best

    • 2 years ago

      Victix are great, but they suffer from their limited predefined poses.

      • 2 years ago

        Still better than gw monopose

  18. 2 years ago

    They know fat homosexuals will buy anything that says "Games Workshop" on the front of it

  19. 2 years ago

    Can’t afford don’t buy

  20. 2 years ago

    Look this

    • 2 years ago

      I can never get over the fact that GW have worse quality resin kit production than most of the fricking garage kit groups I've bought from

      • 2 years ago

        Indeed buddy

      • 2 years ago

        Thats because forge world (their resins production line) was effectively a garage kit group for years with a license. It was effectively a hobby in the hobby for GW employees. But they got away with that shitty quality for so long that now the execs just see shitty products selling for bank so they wont change. Why increase the quality when the one employee they have making models by himself has been doing fine for years.

    • 2 years ago

      I can never get over the fact that GW have worse quality resin kit production than most of the fricking garage kit groups I've bought from

      kek that's like Duncan Rhodes' video on painting Horus. FW model, has horrible gaps and parts of it were warped. Like here's this guy who gets paid to do this shit and even then, he doesn't have a very good kit sent to him. You'd think when GW gets an order with Duncan's name on it come through, they'd inspect the product being shipped and making sure it's absolutely flawless. He didn't make a big deal out of it in the vid (just showed that how he fixed some areas), but I remember thinking "100+ USD for shitty resin that has bubbles and mold lines? No ty."

      • 2 years ago

        Its funny recasters in China have higher quality. I rarely have any imperfections from Chinaman.

        • 2 years ago

          It's the same issue with MtG, thank god I am not a WotC paypig. With recast FW and GW products: I am glad there's a culture of actually cleaning up the models in a 3D program, and not just selling it 1:1.

        • 2 years ago

          Well they have more experience and lower overhead, so yeah I'd expect better quality form China.

  21. 2 years ago

    Gw has decided that they want to market their stuff to look like its accessible to everyone then rely on paypigs who can't get out of the GW Stockholm Syndrome pit.

  22. 2 years ago

    Reddit ratgays will pay literally anything for Skaven.
    An infatuation with rodents should be classified as a mental illness. It’s so clear to see the same people who post UwU cutesy shit about rats also obsess other capybaras to an unhealthy degree, and they’re all the same kind of freak

    • 2 years ago

      Based anti rat seether
      The doormouse will inherit the earth

      • 2 years ago

        It’s on par with scatological obsession. Liking rodents is a sign of an unwell minds

  23. 2 years ago

    Which producer have plastic regiments?

  24. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      > Made to Order
      > Out of Stock

    • 2 years ago

      doesn't count

      • 2 years ago

        does for me

  25. 2 years ago

    Daily reminder you can get tons of minis for dirt cheap from smaller companies like the following, many of which have oldschool sculpts STUFFED with soul.
    -Forlorn Hope Games
    -Battlezone minis
    -Mirliton (all 4 of the above and many others carry the old grenadier minis. The first three are cheaper but Mirliton has most of the range.)
    -Reaper Bones
    -Turnkey minis
    -The Viking Forge (contain lead)
    -Essex Miniatures (contain lead)
    -Irregular Minis (shop is on the bottom banner of the site)
    -Dark Alliance (1:72/20mm scale)
    -Caesar Miniatures (1:72/20 scale)
    -Midlam Minis
    -Perry miniatures
    -Crusader Miniatures
    -Pulp Figures
    -The Assault Group
    -Crusader Miniatures
    -Fenris Games
    -Impact Minis (carry a lot of ranges that would otherwise be lost)
    -Old Glory
    -Ral Partha Europe
    -Denizen Miniatures
    -Iron Wind Metals
    -Ral Partha Legacy
    -North Star Military Figures
    -Black Tree Design/EOE Orbis (prices vary wildly - extremely unreliable shipping)
    -Mantic (army packs are around 3.50 per mini, still a bit expensive)
    -Scotia Grendel
    -Wargames Atlantic
    -Gripping Beast (the plastics especially)
    -Diehard minis
    -Prince August (Carries the old Warzone figures)
    -Ramshackle Games
    -Cobblestone Castings
    -Emperors Choice Miniatures
    -Alternative Armies (mostly 15mm, has some 28mm)
    -Northumbrian Tin Soldier
    -Mageknight (these and the next 6 entries are all available via ebay)
    -D&D boardgame pieces (legend of drizzt, ravenloft, wrath of ashardalon, elemental evil, etc.)
    -Battle Master
    -Crossbows And Catapults
    -Battle Masters
    -CP Models (VERY unfortunate name)

    Support small mini makers. Frick paying 40 bucks for two guys.

  26. 2 years ago

    Yeah, it's a gouge, but ebay prices are just as bad, or worse.

  27. 2 years ago

    Why would anyone ever buy a 40k army when for only 500 dollars, they could buy a beehive and have an actual army?
    Do they not realize bees are also miniature?
    Simply put them on bases. Your foes will appreciate your extra hard work to make your models moving and realistic.

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