How have video games ruined your life?

How have video games ruined your life?

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  1. 7 months ago

    drugs ruined my life more than video games ever did. be glad this "addiction" is all you ever had.

    • 7 months ago

      I’ve thought about trying weed to calm my extreme anxiety sometimes. Do you recommend?

      • 7 months ago

        maybe make your anxiety go away by actually fixing whatever is bothering you?

      • 7 months ago

        >weed for anxiety
        phenibut moggs it, hell id even say to use kratom before weed for that and that has actually annoying side effects.

        • 7 months ago

          how do you take phenibut? I did too much one time because I was just parachuting it and it fricked me up horribly

          • 7 months ago

            I ordered sketchy tablets from online and they worked fine for me. Can't remember the dosage
            I took but it must've been pretty low, I'd say around 250mg per dose.

      • 7 months ago

        It helped me for years, then out of nowhere it made it much, much worse. Your call

    • 7 months ago

      I’ve thought about trying weed to calm my extreme anxiety sometimes. Do you recommend?

      maybe make your anxiety go away by actually fixing whatever is bothering you?

      >weed for anxiety
      phenibut moggs it, hell id even say to use kratom before weed for that and that has actually annoying side effects.

      I ordered sketchy tablets from online and they worked fine for me. Can't remember the dosage
      I took but it must've been pretty low, I'd say around 250mg per dose.

      how do you take phenibut? I did too much one time because I was just parachuting it and it fricked me up horribly

      Ganker to /drugs/ lol

    • 7 months ago

      This but alcohol

      I’ve thought about trying weed to calm my extreme anxiety sometimes. Do you recommend?

      Weed is great, but it 100% can make you paranoid if you smoke too much. 99% of the time I just smoke and relax/go to sleep but there have been a handful of times where my heart just started racing for zero reason, and I was terrified to get out of bed. This hasn't happened since my state legalized it though, so I think I probably just got skunk weed those times.

  2. 7 months ago

    By destroying my ability to be around people.
    I can no longer interact with people without first thinking up ways to open them up and engage with them. I can't even approach somebody without shuffling forward and kicking them.

    I cannot shake hands with somebody without guardbreaking them, hitting them with the back of my first and then throwing them into a wall while following up with a charged punch to knock them down and finish up with a jumping stab.

    I my mum tried to give me a hug once on my birthday and I hit her with a dodge attack, pinned her with a charged stab and then just vortexed her with a light and then a punch and then a light and then a punch while shouting INCREDIBILIS and INFIRMUS over and over again. When people ganked me, I just spammed "Wow!" over and over again and screamed at Ubi for not giving me revenge.

  3. 7 months ago

    I had a hinge match with a girl last night who was flying back home to the states in a day and wanted a quick hookup but I blew her off to play WoW with my friends

    • 7 months ago

      aryan faustian spirit ngl. i had a girl flirting with me on a new years party last ny and instead of going to her room with her i instead left to play counter strike with my friends calling me from the other room. i am so moronic

      • 7 months ago

        She said she had a bf back home, and when I told my friends that they all said I did the moral thing by not partaking in cheating

        In reality I don't care about that at all (and if anything I find it more ego gratifying), but I just wanted to play vidya last night.

  4. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't say videogames alone did it but internet in general has completely warped my standards of beauty, now any women below 9/10 isn't even worth the effort, and since i'm a 5/10 at most, i will most likely die alone and childless, the upside is that i own a house, and i can dump as much money as i want to my car, plus genetics say that i won't live past 50 so whatever.

  5. 7 months ago

    Ryan gosling?

  6. 7 months ago

    by making me anti social

  7. 7 months ago

    >How have video games ruined your life?
    This was video games fault.

    • 7 months ago

      This is me circa 2014 last year of school.
      I caused all the pain and loneliness myself.

  8. 7 months ago

    >How have video games ruined your life?
    They didn't
    I did it all myself
    I am extremely lazy and if it wasn't for vidya i would just find something else to waste my time pointlessly with

  9. 7 months ago

    Online gaming and internet 24 hours Constantly through my teen years
    Captcha 2 star0

  10. 7 months ago

    They kept me away from my heroine darn it

  11. 7 months ago

    They didn't. I have the internet to thank for my continuing spiral of apathy.

    I think we all would have been better off if online speeds remained 56k.

    • 7 months ago

      The transferring is nice. If it stayed at that tech but the downloads were really fast it would be nice.

      • 7 months ago

        nah he has a point, there isn't really a benefit to higher download speeds other than shoveling more slop into your face faster.

        • 7 months ago

          I guess, I just remember waiting for days with DCC going

  12. 7 months ago

    I've never met someone that ruined their life over a video game. I'm not from the 3rd world though.

    • 7 months ago

      I never met him, but when this happened /b/ was going insane for like 3 months

      • 7 months ago

        >it's just some 15 year old
        Damn that's fricked up.

        I guess I have seen people ruin their lives over a video game, by proxy. All the Ganker devanons that tried shilling their games here in 2023 became laughing stock lolcows. Pizza tower, Lunacid, Psuedoregalia. All lolcows because they put too much time into developing a game and then shilling it here.

        • 7 months ago

          >Pizza tower,
          Pizza Tower had a huge speed troon community around it beforeGanker even got a whiff of what the game even was. People crying over it supposedly being shilled here are newbies.
          Just because a Dev hangs out on Ganker occasionally doesn't mean it's astroturfing.
          Ganker even bullied Devs from Ganker made games away with their "le shill" crap and then wonders why the place is so insignificant these days.

          A game that was actually shilled here was Rocket League but nobody actually cared.
          Devs(or their CMs) entered webm threads and posted clips of the game before it came out. Later they started giving away keys in those very threads.
          But as said, what was "stop shilling" Ganker doing then? Beg for keys of course.

          • 7 months ago

            Pizza tower dev ruined his life over the game though. He was anon so you know he liked this place and he is now a joke here.
            >video game generals belong in /vg/
            He is a massive lolcow.

  13. 7 months ago

    i have wasted over 4000 hours on dota and there is no end in sight

  14. 7 months ago

    Nah, I ruined my life. I have no one else to blame.

  15. 7 months ago

    Video games are weird. Yeah most anons will say everything is their fault and not vidya’s fault, but if you consider an alternate world where vidya didn’t exist/you didn’t have access to games, what would your life look like instead?

  16. 7 months ago

    Whether I'd be happier without video games in my life, I can't say. It's easy to think so since so many gamers are depressed and unhappy (see this site), but I wouldn't say they ruined my life. For the longest time I was using gaming as a scapegoat for why my life sucked, but I don't even play games that much anymore and I'm not addicted to them. Really, it's my internet consumption and unwillingness to try new things that has made me discontent. If gaming is your only hobby then I can see how you'd think it ruined your life, but you just need to become a more well-rounded person. I don't play multiplayer games though, which seem to be the really addictive ones.

    I've tried to quit gaming to "fix my life" but denying myself of my own interests and passions only tortures me, doesn't help. I can still go to the gym and like bing bong wahoo games. Life isn't "nerds vs jocks" or "virgin vs chad". I don't have to put myself in a box just because I like some nerdy things. The whole "haha we're all losers and degens" camaraderie here can be fun but don't start to think of yourself as legitimately foregone just because you like gaming or anime. That is fricking bullshit.

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