How many more years of Pokemania could we have gotten if Gen 2 was taken in a different direction and was better received?

How many more years of Pokemania could we have gotten if Gen 2 was taken in a different direction and was better received?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Pokemania never stopped

    • 11 months ago

      I don't see any 747s with pokemon on them these days

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          He did he doesn't see them anymore, not that they don't exist

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe because The Pokémon Company is not spending their money to market its brand like that anymore...?

        • 11 months ago

          >Maybe because The Pokémon Company is not spending their money to market its brand like that anymore...?
          Maybe you morons need to sit down and accept you lost.

  2. 11 months ago

    >the only merch that isn't KANTOOOOO is a fricking baby
    they wanted Gen2 to fail

  3. 11 months ago

    Gen 2 was fine it was gen 3 when it died.

    • 11 months ago

      This pretty much. Anime and merch were popular here long after gen 2 released, but nobody seemed to care about gen 3

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, the only problems with gen 2 were the massive amount of shitmons and the anime being mostly filler, and not even of the good kind, had those two issues been adressed it'd be even better regarded that what it ended up being/currently is

      • 11 months ago

        i dont think most people care about how good stantler was against the snorlax matchup in smogon ou 2001

        • 11 months ago

          I meant shitmons design wise, while gen 2 might not have had ugly mons like newer gens do, a lot of them were uncool or unremarkable, as opposed to gen 1 which had a far better variety and cooler mons overall that more easily resonated which a lot of people and were therefore more marketeable

          • 11 months ago

            Except the second most common complaint about Gen 2 pokemon (with the most common being related to compshit), is that Gen 2 pokemon don't show up enough so people clearly want to see Gen 2 pokemon. Gen 2 pokemon's problem isn't lack of marketability (though it has is share of duds and the babies are just embarrassing) its lack of marketing. No other group of pokemon was robbed like Gen 2's roster was.

      • 11 months ago

        They flat out admitted that Gen 3 Pokemon designs were intentionally made cooler instead of being cutesy for the sake of merchandise.

        Game Feak was incompetent and decided a bunch of worthless babies was more important than giving evolutions to the single stage or weaker Gen 2 pokemon. The babies threw off the balance of the dex in terns of strength and aesthetics so not only you have have a bunch of weaker mons, he dex overall looks too cutesy compared to everywhere else.

        but Reminder that it could have been worse, there were like 15 babies planned.

        • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Game Feak was incompetent and decided a bunch of worthless babies was more important than giving evolutions to the single stage or weaker Gen 2 pokemon. The babies threw off the balance of the dex in terns of strength and aesthetics so not only you have have a bunch of weaker mons, he dex overall looks too cutesy compared to everywhere else.

        but Reminder that it could have been worse, there were like 15 babies planned.

        all these complaints about baby pokemon came like 15 years after the games released, likewise pretty well every other complaint about gen 2. we're projecting modern sentiment into the past (sentiment heavily coloured by 20 years and 9 gens of an increasingly formalized/standardized Pokemon formula).

        • 11 months ago

          They'll never get it. Don't even bother.

  4. 11 months ago

    Where is this meme coming from? Gen 2 was very well received. It was 100 new Pokemon at a time when Pokemon was huge. Pokemania died because all fads die eventually.

  5. 11 months ago

    >Another Hoenngay thread trying to pin the blame away from their flop of a generation that almost killed the franchise

    • 11 months ago

      They flat out admitted that Gen 3 Pokemon designs were intentionally made cooler instead of being cutesy for the sake of merchandise.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          Are you actually trying to argue with what Gamefreak said back then?
          Most of the dex IS more cool

          • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              fireflies are cool as frick

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemania died before RS hit the shelves. RS was really what turned the dead trend into the franchise we have today.
      >"After Gold and Silver came out, it was a huge hit around the world, but shortly after everyone was saying, 'That’s it. The Pokémon fad is over! It’s dead!'," Masuda says.
      >"At the time, the atmosphere and general thinking was that the Pokémon fad was over and there was huge pressure to prove people wrong," Masuda says. Toy stores that used to be filled with Pokémon toys were clearing out their stock, and when visiting America, Masuda says he noticed that all the Pokémon merchandise, including the unofficial toys featured at mall kiosks, were beginning to disappear.

      • 11 months ago

        >posting literal masuda cope

  6. 11 months ago

    Pokemon is more popular now than it has been ever. "Pokemania" is made up bullshit 90s kids who can't move on from their childhoods jerk off over.

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemania was very much real, you could say Pokemon is more popular than ever now, yes, but in the sense it has successfully ingrained itself into pop culture, the difference was that during Pokemania it stood out and was the hot new thing as opposed to now where it's just another IP that feels like it's been a part of the cultural zeitgeist since forever like Star Wars and Marvel. No Pokemon game has outsold Red and Blue yet btw

      • 11 months ago

        No other console grabbed Normalgay gamers as hard as the Game Boy till Switch (DS went Blue Ocean, as Iwata didn't want to spend money on tech to compete with the memeboxes).
        And with the home console boost, and the fact SS sold 9m in three years, SV will likely run very close to RGB's total. Given it started higher and isn't going to be replaced until 2026, an extra year than SS got..

        • 11 months ago

          >”SV will likely run very close to RGB's total. Given it started higher and isn't going to be replaced until 2026, an extra year than SS got..”
          I wouldn’t be so sure about that, we’re probably gonna get a new gen by 2025, they probably wanna save 2026 for a rereremake of RBY for gen 1’s 30th anniversary, besides, we don’t know what kind of games might be announced tomorrow or might come out in the future which might serve as replacements for SV even before gen 10

          • 11 months ago

            Only if Nintendo release the successor unit in 2023. But all reports point to 2024 and Pokémon ALWAYS wait two years after the launch of a system to launch Pokémon on the system. Because they wait for Nintendo to release a child-friendly version of the console, to ensure the greatest penetration of the series with fresh kids.
            Or they could just make a new Gen and pander the everliving frick out of Kanto, like they did with Alola. The fact they did it with Alola and Gen 7 makes e think they'll repeat it. It did sell the frick out of Gen 7's early days for them. SV will best SS and push the sacred cow to the limit. And you homosexuals will not handle that well.

    • 11 months ago

      Frick off stupid zoomer, you have no idea how overwhelming Pokémon was in the 90s. It may be more popular now in the sense that it sells more, but it is nowhere near as "relevant" as it was back then.

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking every media is more popular these days because all people do now is consume media.
      Having a show or game or toy be widely popular back then was notable because it was spread by word of mouth, and that had to be going like wildfire to make it to the news and influence a production boom.
      The franchises that sparked those fires before the internet/social media age were the pioneers of pop culture. The cities grew around their flags.

  7. 11 months ago

    You can't make a fad last forever. They were lucky they were still in the days where people's attentions spans weren't completely shot yet and it lasted more than a few months. But no craze even back then lasts more than a couple years.

    Also - kids naturally start bullying each other for still being into kiddy stuff after a certain, but still young age. They captured that sweet spot of kids old enough to read and play video games, but that demographic quickly approached the double digit age. In my elementary it was around the time we'd go to the "big kid's side" of the playground. That was the lion's share of their audience, who Pokemon was now spoiling into lameness with. Older kids that still liked it would have to hide it or embrace the social status of being a nerd.
    Maybe if they made the franchise grow with those kids and introduced prostitutes and guns before GTA SA became the hot thing?

    But for me it wasn't gen 2 that slammed the brakes harder, unless you're talking about the anime. There was a raffle for Silver at my school, trading cards was still going hot, and we were all playing and helping each other find stuff in the game. Kyogre and Groudon were just not cool looking at all, seeing them advertised with the logo sparked no desire to buy when my interests were already moving on. And that's on top of having to have the motivation to bug my parents to buy me a new console, which I never did until years later for the SP, and then mainly played gen 1 and 2 on it.

    • 11 months ago

      >Maybe if they made the franchise grow with those kids and introduced prostitutes and guns
      There were guns, but they removed it.

  8. 11 months ago

    Gen 2 wasn’t the issue, overexposure was. This built resentment within the franchise until it eventually became social suicide to enjoy it. Zombie memes and enjoying things ironically wasn’t a thing back then.

    Pokémon would always have died at some point before the late 00’s-early 10s cultural shift towards geek chic and nerd culture in general.

  9. 11 months ago

    Did somebody save the Mew statue seen in the background? I would love to frick this Mew!

    Or at least the Lapras fap towel?

    • 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    Isn't Gen 3 the one where Tajiri said he didn't like the new Pokemon designs but it was too late in development to change them because they already learned the horn/tail moves

    • 11 months ago

      oh no it was sugimori

  11. 11 months ago

    well maybe if gen2 had some usable pokemon it wouldve been marketable

    • 11 months ago

      Then game freak should spend more time giving buffs and special snowflake super saiyan forms to Gen 2 pokemon instead giving everything to GenWun, KANTOOOOOOO, and CHARIZARD.

  12. 11 months ago

    >Chansey + Togepi plushie set

    Togepi was the og baby Chansey??

  13. 11 months ago

    zoomer headcanon

  14. 11 months ago

    Me at the bottom left

  15. 11 months ago

    Gen 1, 2 and 3 are based and everything after that is stupid and gay. If you disagree you are wrong. Frick you.

  16. 11 months ago

    Pokemon would have died and this board would not exist, because Gen 2 saved the franchise by being an objective improvement over Gen 1 in every single possible way.

  17. 11 months ago

    Probably not much more, fads tend to only last about 4 years anyway. Look at the three biggest spikes of popularity Transformers had as an example. It's rare you get anything longer than that, even Disney only got 8 years out of their renaissance and that's fricking Disney. GS is solid as is, if Masuda pushed it out sooner it would have been a mess and if Tajiri did it it probably wouldn't have fricking come out at all the Game Boy would have been so outdated. Be glad it wasn't something like Beast Machines or the Wii U, which killed all the momentum the original had AND failed to convert existing fans to the new thing.

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