...How many of you actually hate videogames and play nothing but whatyou say is good?

...How many of you actually hate videogames and play nothing but what Ganker says is good?
Do any of you actually play everything that looks interesting, even games that Ganker universally proclaims as dogshit games?
Do you have any guilty pleasures?

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  1. 3 months ago

    i just like games

    • 3 months ago

      i just like video games 🙂


  2. 3 months ago

    if there's a sufficient amount of buzzwords surrounding a game, one way or the other, it's worth a cursory glance
    /v/irgins will often just call a good game shit for the frick of it or because it's got an obnoxious fanbase so you can't go on word alone, ever

  3. 3 months ago

    i play what i want. don't care what shitposters say

  4. 3 months ago

    I just come here to troll and post in funny animal threads

  5. 3 months ago

    this is /lgbt2/, this board should not be taken seriously by anyone

  6. 3 months ago

    I absolutely love video games, but most games are kinda trash.
    I play pretty much anything, although recently I've gravitated more towards weird indie games and older games, specially RPGs (I find most if not all modern AAA slop boring).
    My guilty pleasures are Oblivion and Genshin Impact. Never spent a single cent on the latter and had to uninstall since it took up too much of my time, but I still had a blast exploring and probably will install it again some day. The story gives me cancer but the soundtrack and atmosphere are really pleasant, if a bit shallow. Both games hit the same notes for me.
    Ganker has both good taste and unfathomably awful taste, almost as if it's more than one person. It's good to find and talk about non mainstream games (like Void Stranger), but it's not like you'll find anything actually obscure here.
    My favorite game is Undertale and I'm a huge fan, but turns out I absolutely despise 99% of fans of the game. Oh well.

    • 3 months ago

      you sound like a cool dude anon

    • 3 months ago

      >My guilty pleasures are two extremely popular games
      You're a dumbass.

  7. 3 months ago

    You play video games?

  8. 3 months ago

    >play nothing but what Ganker says is good?
    literally the worst taste in videogames

  9. 3 months ago

    I like Ubisoft games.
    In particular the RPG AC trilogy.
    Far Cry 6 was also surprisingly fun.

    • 3 months ago

      Well, the world does need people with shit taste. Somewhat.

      • 3 months ago

        Seething homosexual.

        • 3 months ago

          >this is supposed to be attractive
          Cute twink though

    • 3 months ago

      I wish I could enjoy these, but I got bored of the series after Brotherhood.

  10. 3 months ago

    I play whatever looks interesting to me. I don't give a shit about what Ganker or any other gaming community says because most gamers are moronic and most online gaming discourse is founded on hearsay, selective reasoning and bandwagoning. I still come here to shitpost and because of the occasional good threads and recs. I don't have any guilty pleasure because most other people are morons and I've made peace with that fact a long time ago so now the thought of being perceived as X if you enjoy Y doesn't even cross my mind.

  11. 3 months ago

    I'm a boomer and neeted for almost 7 years playing video games.
    Stuff from the SNES, Playstation, Gamecube, Playstation 2. I love quirky weird japanese games, especially RPGs.
    However the mid 2000s became the dudebro age of nothing but sports games and brown first person shooters. I didn't play video game at all outside of some fringe small budget japanese games on the DS, 3DS, and PSP. The only major titles I played was Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Persona 5.
    I still have fun playing old games with new twists via romhacks. I've played some recent titles like Yakuza, Persona 3 R, and Rebirth but mostly I hate modern video games because the west can't make them good outside of Rockstar and old school Rareware.

  12. 3 months ago

    Was gonna play death stranding no matter what. And been too broke to get any nrw games in 2 1/2 years. Finally hitting up muh backlog cause ps4 is finally working again, yay. Finished up fallout 4, call of cthullu and kh3 so far

  13. 3 months ago

    >Do you have any guilty pleasures?
    I love grinding games. Im quite a lootbrained monkey. Monhuns are really nice grind games that dont even need a loot incencitive to make you keep going. I have like 30 fatalis evil eyes and nearly all weps crafted just because I love beating its big dumb ass

  14. 3 months ago

    I won't say i HATE video games, but I definitely don't like them, and I have not liked them for about 8 years.

    I will not be buying a PS5, Switch, or Series X.

    I will play the Elden Ring DLC and then I will be dropping this hobby like a 10 lb bag of hot dog shit to focus on something else.

  15. 3 months ago

    You think Ganker is one person because you're stupid. Why should I take someone like OP seriously?

  16. 3 months ago

    I don’t really hate games but the current industry is bad
    I actually haven’t really enjoyed any direct recommendations i’ve gotten or many of the Ganker essentials but sometimes the indie games or other such fotm have been pretty good
    I don’t usually get to play everything that i want to but if something looks good to me I will play it regardless of what Ganker says if i get the opportunity. If anything i’ve played a couple games i know i won’t like or Ganker doesn’t like just to be able to talk more shit about it.
    I can’t think of any guilty pleasures except most recently aew fighg forever but I usually only play vs my friend but he always beats me so I haven’t had any fun with it recently

  17. 3 months ago

    My playlist for the last 5 years
    >Median XL
    >Path of Exile
    >Got Complex
    I give 0 fricks about Ganker's take on things because Ganker is moronic

  18. 3 months ago

    I love games and since I only like big budget mainstream stuff, I've been fine these last few years. I mostly come here to shitpost as I dislike a lot of the garbage Ganker adores

    • 3 months ago

      Most of the games Ganker praises as good are actual dogshit and barely playable at all. Stalker Vampire: The Masquerade are good examples of this.

  19. 3 months ago

    I'm starting to hate gaming

  20. 3 months ago

    i place moderately high value on Ganker consensus. i have a short list of youtubers i curated to my taste as well.
    >play everything that looks interesting
    i don't usually go for a game unless i'm pretty certain i'll enjoy it. sometimes i take chances
    >even games that Ganker universally proclaims as dogshit games?
    if it's universal, usually there's a good enough reason to avoid it. otherwise it's a subgroup of devout haters inflating the flaws of an otherwise decent game.
    >Do you have any guilty pleasures?
    used to be skyrim but it's been 5 years now. not sure if i can bring myself to play it again. my library is kinda basic, some of my favorite games are on this list. my guilty pleasure is if i replay any of my favorite games instead of playing a new one from my library.

    indies are the way to go right now until AAA stars dividing its money up for more AA projects and we get more games like hifi rush.

    • 3 months ago

      >i place moderately high value on Ganker consensus. i have a short list of youtubers i curated to my taste as well.
      unironically the cancer killing this board

      • 3 months ago

        >doing research and using information from hand picked sources before a deciding on a purchase
        are you by chance moronic?

        I wish I could enjoy these, but I got bored of the series after Brotherhood.

        i'm thinking about playing black flag. i only played 2 and liked it a lot. one of the youtube channels i follow did a video on it and it looks pretty kick ass. i wanna be a pirate.

  21. 3 months ago

    I look around on random pages of pirategay sites and if something is visually pleasing to me, I watch a video of it and if it looks fun I try the game, regardless of what anyone thinks about it, for the record I can enjoy games which are never discussed on Ganker and that are rated as 6/10 but that I ended up enjoying.

  22. 3 months ago

    >How many of you actually hate videogames and play nothing but what Ganker says is good?
    Still love vidya, I like what video games I like and have never given two shits about what Ganker thinks about whatever game. Good chance is that if Ganker is talking about a game, it's not for actual game discussion reasons.
    >Do any of you actually play everything that looks interesting, even games that Ganker universally proclaims as dogshit games?
    If it looks interesting to me when announced and after doing the proper research I'll give it a go. And holy shit, if I didn't play games because Ganker said they were shit I'd barely be playing anything right now, especially fighting games which is one of my favorite genres. I don't think I've seen Ganker express anything but complete distain for every single game in the genre with the exception of fricking 3rd Strike.
    >Do you have any guilty pleasures?
    Ganker guilty pleasures? I guess sports vidya would be the closest to that, although I did drop Madden and FIFA years ago. Mostly frick around with arcade or manager stuff like Motorsport Manager or NFL Street if I'm playing sports vidya, MLB The Show is the last sim type game that's alright imo.
    Actual guilty pleasure that I wouldn't show my family or friends? Daughter-raising sims.

  23. 3 months ago

    I just play what I want, most of Ganker's takes on what's a bad game are way overblown. Though it can be a good resource for finding lesser known stuff that's cool.

  24. 3 months ago

    >...How many of you actually hate videogames and play nothing but what Ganker says is good?
    If you actually want good games then you should play what /vst/ and perhaps /vrpg/ recommend. Ganker just plays AAA FOTM and japshit. /vst/ is probably 15-20 years older and 15-20 IQ points higher than Ganker

  25. 3 months ago

    Ganker said Fortnite is bad but I've been playing for years
    Ganker said Call of duty was bad but I've been playing since 4
    Ganker said Palworld was good but it looked like complete shit and now no one plays it anymore
    Ganker said Helldivers 2 was good but I see people just spam the same webms over and over again while complaining about how the game doesn't even work most of the time
    Ganker said Dragons Dogma 2 is good but it was less players than Elden Ring now.

    I just do the opposite of whatever the anonymous shills try to get me to play/do

    • 3 months ago

      i don't bother talking shit about games i haven't played
      i gave mw2 a fair shot back in the day. the campaign was not terrible but not good and i'll say the multiplayer was well made but got old quick. i hate cod style shooters with such a low ttk, i think it's shit. i was a halo boy.

      For the longest time I was in a really jaded mindset and thought everything was shit, loudly talked about it in the threads.

      Then I got a bit more active in life and stopped browsing Ganker all day, but kept playing videogames in my free time. In the last 20 or so months I played Rise of Nations, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Metro Exodus, NFS MW, NFS Carbon, Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor, Everspace, Everspace 2, Mordhau, Helldivers 2, Titanfall 2, DRG, Dawn of War, The Binding of Isaac, Darktide, Hades, Control, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Mechwarrior 5, Armored Core 6, Lies of P, maybe some more games that I don't remember. And I enjoyed nearly all of them, turns out I like videogames when I actually play them.

      Then I went to this board and everything is once again shit, and you realize how disconnected this board is from everything. Game you had fun with? It's going to be described as slop or someone will mention trannies or it'll derail into a thread about Black folk. This place is made entirely out of resentment and outrage addiction, and is designed to pull you into that too.

      I do think the gaming industry is making a lot of mistakes and opportunities to get back on track are being thrown away, but there are enough exceptions that there's still stuff to enjoy. The rule I use is to let new games release, wait about 24 or so months, then pick what is considered good after the dust settles. You'll rarely end up playing a bad game.

      >turns out I like videogames when I actually play them
      its a good feeling
      >described as slop
      i'm convinced anyone who makes a habit of saying goyslop hasn't actually played the game he's talking about.
      >mention trannies
      nothing derails a thread like talking about trannies. it's one thing to discuss esg/dei because it's a real thing that effects vidya, but i don't think these fricks screeching about trannies understand the irony. they'd be happy to know they live rent free in some chud's head shitting up the community

  26. 3 months ago

    For the longest time I was in a really jaded mindset and thought everything was shit, loudly talked about it in the threads.

    Then I got a bit more active in life and stopped browsing Ganker all day, but kept playing videogames in my free time. In the last 20 or so months I played Rise of Nations, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Metro Exodus, NFS MW, NFS Carbon, Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor, Everspace, Everspace 2, Mordhau, Helldivers 2, Titanfall 2, DRG, Dawn of War, The Binding of Isaac, Darktide, Hades, Control, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Mechwarrior 5, Armored Core 6, Lies of P, maybe some more games that I don't remember. And I enjoyed nearly all of them, turns out I like videogames when I actually play them.

    Then I went to this board and everything is once again shit, and you realize how disconnected this board is from everything. Game you had fun with? It's going to be described as slop or someone will mention trannies or it'll derail into a thread about Black folk. This place is made entirely out of resentment and outrage addiction, and is designed to pull you into that too.

    I do think the gaming industry is making a lot of mistakes and opportunities to get back on track are being thrown away, but there are enough exceptions that there's still stuff to enjoy. The rule I use is to let new games release, wait about 24 or so months, then pick what is considered good after the dust settles. You'll rarely end up playing a bad game.

    • 3 months ago

      i don't bother talking shit about games i haven't played
      i gave mw2 a fair shot back in the day. the campaign was not terrible but not good and i'll say the multiplayer was well made but got old quick. i hate cod style shooters with such a low ttk, i think it's shit. i was a halo boy.
      >turns out I like videogames when I actually play them
      its a good feeling
      >described as slop
      i'm convinced anyone who makes a habit of saying goyslop hasn't actually played the game he's talking about.
      >mention trannies
      nothing derails a thread like talking about trannies. it's one thing to discuss esg/dei because it's a real thing that effects vidya, but i don't think these fricks screeching about trannies understand the irony. they'd be happy to know they live rent free in some chud's head shitting up the community

      You guys are gays

  27. 3 months ago

    I simply don’t give a shit about Ganker‘s hivemind opinions.

  28. 3 months ago

    Not that many games actually seem interesting to me any more, but then again I am 50 years old what the frick am I even doing with my life. Catch ya later, off to play though Starfield again.

    • 3 months ago

      How do you even live to 50

      • 3 months ago

        I don't know how it happend and I regret everything

    • 3 months ago

      >but then again I am 50 years old
      oh god you really are here forever

  29. 3 months ago

    I haven't picked up a new game in years

    I just cycle through the same old games I have basically repeated through my entire 20s

    • 3 months ago

      simple and comfy. i'm tempted to do the same half the time

      You guys are gays


  30. 3 months ago

    Ganker has not shown me an interesting game I hadn't heard of since KSP and Space Engine. Games I've enjoyed lately for the most part are difficult to discuss here cuz of what console they're on or because of some innocuous aspect of a character's physical characteristics or the presense of some triggering combination of colored stripes or something the devs tweeted. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was the one exception while it was freshly out but I found out about it on my own before I saw it discussed here. Helldivers talk is also only half poisoned by morons. I'm mostly here cuz I can never leave and because it's entertaining poking fun at the outrage brigade

  31. 3 months ago

    i play a ton of ubislop, regardless of if Ganker says it's good

  32. 3 months ago

    Ganker is full of:
    >contrarian homosexuals
    You can't trust them. If I played Ganker approved stuff only, it'd be a turn based soulslike immersive sim with gay sex scenes that runs in software 320x200 on a 486, but requires a CRT to see secret doors.

  33. 3 months ago

    i just like video games 🙂

  34. 3 months ago

    Yeah dont listen to anyone else's opinions ona game, do your own research and play whatever catches your interest. Learned the hard way to not take people's opinions after suffering through death stranding and witcher 3

    • 3 months ago

      trips of truth
      >suffering through death stranding and witcher 3
      did you buy them and feel the need to force yourself through?
      >dont listen to anyone else's opinions ona game
      i'd say don't blindly follow someone's opinion. it's really helpful to hear from people who've played the game i'm researching.
      good post

      • 3 months ago

        Nah I pirated both, im dead serious when I say that I got sleepy several times while playing Witcher 3, many times I was riding roach then I thought to myself "tf am I doing playing this game" but I powered through, yeah the ending parts werent bad, Ciri was good and Gaunter was good but the rest of the game was so shit
        Yeah I got no words for Death Stranding

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