How many of you play MH solo? People usually say that its only enjoyable with other people...

How many of you play MH solo? People usually say that its only enjoyable with other people...

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  1. 3 years ago

    I played MHW online for a while. I don't know why I bothered, it's the most impersonal shit ever, the absolute most you'll ever get is a wave. Maybe it's fun with friends, but I don't have any of those so I wouldn't know

  2. 3 years ago

    MHW is the only MH game that is more fun to solo.

  3. 3 years ago

    It's very boring and repetitive solo, friends don't make it better but some people seem to think it does

    • 3 years ago

      Sounds like you're that third wheel friend that just doesn't make his presence known ever and complains that his friends are "boring".

    • 3 years ago


      MH games are pure grind garbage on hallway maps. WTF do you people get out of grinding to fight a monster for 30 minutes just so you can MAYBE get the item you so you can fight the next monster for the exact same reason. Just fricken stupid shit

      if you enjoy MH games you are a legit NPC

      • 3 years ago

        >30 minutes
        Look at this casual.

        • 3 years ago

          >fight a monster for 30 minutes

          >I killed the same monster i have killed a million times in 5 minutes. I r so good

          lol holy frick you people are pathetic. The it takes to kill is irrelevant. You are going to do the EXACT same shit again and MAYBE you get your drop, so you can do it again

          Truly an npc answer

          • 3 years ago

            Do you exclusively play story/movie games?

      • 3 years ago

        >fight a monster for 30 minutes

        • 3 years ago

          what subreddit did you get your longsword build off of?

      • 3 years ago

        Go back.

      • 3 years ago

        >fight a monster for 30 minutes

      • 3 years ago

        Just use the mod that lets you buy any item in the game. I bought all the gems I wanted and only farmed monsters for gear.

      • 3 years ago

        you only spend close to 30 minuiutes a fight in the first 20 or so hours

        till you either, learn the monsters patterns, learn to dodge, and get a stronger weapon

        eventually you should be beating every mission sub 15 minutes, others sub 10 minutes

  4. 3 years ago

    Multi player in world is mostly just people dropping in mid hunt and either beating the shit out of the monster for you or getting themselves killed and ruining the hunt for you. Unless you are actually playing with real friends and have a voice chat set up playing solo is just fine. It’s easier to stay on top of the monster when they aren’t ping ponging around between different targets.

  5. 3 years ago

    I'm halfway through, completely solo, I'm having a lot of fun. Rise online is an absolute eyesore for example

  6. 3 years ago

    I did when my friends got filtered and caused me to fail missions over and over

  7. 3 years ago

    I beat the entire game solo and made sure to not leave a single hunt completed without a single cart.

    Then once I finished all that and realised there were zero bragging rights ANYWHERE to having done that, I switched to only playing online with others.

    • 3 years ago

      If you beat alatreon and fatalis in solo hunts then you proved yourself to be good, unlike gaijinhunter who had to make a full fatalis set with plunderblade cheese for hours and got carried in group.

      • 3 years ago

        Not him but i refused to build any fatty parts until i actually beat him myself. I found out afterwards that 2 players is actually the comfiest way to play this fight. It's so fricking good

    • 3 years ago

      if capcom devs are smart, next MH will be have even more mmo-lite elements, such as titles, cosmetics and achievements that you can show off for completing special stuff

  8. 3 years ago

    solo is more enjoyable unless you can find people that actually know what they're doing and don't die to stupid shit. There are a lot of chokers and people who don't really try and just get carried for anything mildly challenging

  9. 3 years ago

    People still play this repetitive grindfest?

  10. 3 years ago

    solo is fun, playing with a full group of friends is great

  11. 3 years ago

    I've exclusively played MH solo for 14 years now. Every time I try to play online I just get angry at how much less fun it is. It's clearly how the game is meant to be played; all content is solo-able while only gathering hall quests can be played multiplayer.

    • 3 years ago

      Dunno chief I would have liked people to join me so I don't spend 30 minutes chasing and weakening a high rank rathalos to capture it, In a few words coop makes things faster and benefits everyone.

  12. 3 years ago

    Both, depending on my mood. I try to solo every monster multiple times, and then do multiplayer when I need to farm since it's usually faster.

  13. 3 years ago

    With randoms its a mixed bag, however if i join randoms i just assume its because someone is having a hard time so i dont judge too much
    Solo is enjoyable if you know what you are doing
    If you like boss fights and learning movesets solo is more enjoyable, playing in a group is fun if you have chill friends
    Eventually everyone in your group will need to git gud or you won't be able to do endgame stuff, so if your group is people who don't realize they are shitters and tryhard the game but never play solo then its a tickling bomb that will explode once they get to endgame and start saying that its X fault for carting or some shit

    • 3 years ago

      The lategame is super unforgiving so most people will say solo is "boring", "not fun", "annoying", etc... Which is codeword that they take 50 min in hunts and die at the end by successive greedy carts, which usually happens when people play multiplayer and get carried for a while by someone who actually plays solo and then when he is gone they have to deal with a much more difficult game for their skills and they get stuck

      This is not like Dark Souls or any game with bosses where if you fail you just lose 2-3 minutes, if you fail here you lose a whole hour of progress, imagine most people quit games with bosses if they take more than 5 tries even though the sum of time is like... 15 minutes, imagine how much they quit the game after doing 2 hunts of 40 minutes in which both end by carting with no rewards or anything after playing solo

  14. 3 years ago

    Completed the whole game up to fatalis and tempered furious george in solo, was really fun
    For some people playing solo is better, for others in group with friends.

  15. 3 years ago

    I got my fill of multiplayer in the Nintendo games when they had free online. It's fun but not necessary to be honest

  16. 3 years ago

    I played solo until I beat the game because I was embarrassed about my playing. That is until I finally did multiplayer and realized solo made me better than the literal morons you sometimes get. Still very fun though

  17. 3 years ago

    Does Rise on PC have all the content released after release on Switch? Like Bezel.

    • 3 years ago

      if it's like world, we might have to wait for updates. again

      • 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      Devs said in previous live on yt that the PC release will have all the updates and shit

      • 3 years ago

        That's pretty good.
        Thanks for beta testing Switch friends, I guess lol.
        I'd like to play with them tho, more players = more rooms = more good

        • 3 years ago

          They said unfortunately no crossplay and no cross saves

  18. 3 years ago

    Solo hunting teaches you to git gud. Classic MH games always had an offline set of "story" quests precisely to get you prepped for the harder multiplayer hub quests, all of which you can still do solo. Playing with friends is really fun, for sure, but that's true for any game. World is actually easier solo due to the way multiplayer scaling works. Most of the time you get 1-2 hunters playing optimally while the rest are dead weight that add more to the monster's health than the damage they contribute, which just leads to longer and more tedious hunts than simply playing alone.

  19. 3 years ago

    It's enjoyable with people but it'll be more enjoyable when the Gun Sword from Lost Planet 2 is added as a new weapon class

  20. 3 years ago

    >tfw you get in a group of random people and just slap the shit out of the monster constantly stunning and knocking it down
    When you play with players who understand the game a bit, it's very satisfying. Sometimes you go through an entire fight and nobody is wallbanging or using traps or they wake up the monster as it's falling asleep. It makes a big difference.

    I switched to hunting horn a few weeks ago and it might be my new favorite.

  21. 3 years ago

    post world online is just shit and impersonal. in classic days you would either join a lobby with a specific goal like grinding a specific monster or something or one without a goal that would basically always mean the missions are selected on rotation. you communicate with your teammates what order you play in and how mission failures are handled, if you try again or continue the rotation. you would be doing multiple hunts for hours with the same group of people, eventually switching someone out along the way but you could quickly tell people apart from one another, by their usernames, weapon and armor or just playstyle and adapt accordingly. hunts felt way more personal that way. in world youre just forced to sit in a 16 player lobby wether its full or just you is a different concern and everyone would be doing their own thing. you start a quest, do SOS, some people would join in the middle of the quest, kill the monster, leave and repeat. you dont remember any players or anything, no interaction with your mates whatsoever. or you are the one joining someones SOS and then its the same thing from another perspective. really, the most personal classic-like online experience i had with world was when i played arena missions for the guild armor. I joined a specific arena labeled lobby and because so few people still play arena nowadays i can honestly see them removing the arena entirely in a future game the lobby was nearly empty every time i went there. arena can only be played with 2 people max and the later ones are designed with 2 people in mind so youll have to find a partner. found someone that didnt have anyone to play with, i joined his mission, we finished it and without any communication whatsoever, we both understood the rotation structure of classic and i selected a mission next, he joined, finished, then he selected the next, rinse and repeat. you dont get that post world any other way.

  22. 3 years ago

    Solo 4U was the most fun I've had with a 3D game ever.

  23. 3 years ago

    I found it more engaging solo. I didn't even like bringing cats either since they end up agrroing the monster away making you chase around the target more then necessary. But i mean sometimes multiplayer can be fun though but only for later game stuff or when you need to farm. I haven't played in a while but I remember back when Golden Pickle was a thing i would have some good laughs using my Zorah gunlance build, blasting away while watching other homies get stomped.

    • 3 years ago

      fellow gun chad

  24. 3 years ago

    I pretty much only play solo, I hated that the Kulve and Safi weapons were basically locked behind multiplayer missions

  25. 3 years ago

    Well people can join your quest, investigation, etc at any time since you post it on the board, Unless you play completely offline which I wouldn't do cause responding to SOS flares and joining investigations is fun and not also helps with the grind but you also get rewarded for helping other hunters.

  26. 3 years ago

    I like both and I play both, in the old games you didn't have the choice anyway, you had to solo the story.

  27. 3 years ago

    I beat all the MHW monsters (before iceborne) solo first to make sure I learned the fight correctly. Then I played with groups to make it go faster. I'm a pretty casual player so I didn't want to drag my team down by carting over and over.

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