Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis - how the frick do you screw up this hard ?


>Have MMO with the best gameplay there is in the genre

>Competition is being moronic, perfect opportunity to claim your spot in the sunlight

>Along with a run of 8 years of mistakes and success to learn from, ontop of player feedback

>Use none of that and release a half assed parody of the old game instead (which you also nuked in the process), and divert all resources on gacha cosmetics as the sole content

This has to be the biggest display of incompetence in the last years. I can't even begin to comprehend what process could have led to this. It's like these people are literally trying to commit PR suicide.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >How the frick do you screw up this hard ?
    >>Be SEGA
    Here, thread over

    • 3 years ago

      Sega is my favorite company because you never know what kind of confusing moron shit they'll do next

      • 3 years ago

        honestly I dont understand how they keep doing shit like this or how they managed to make it past 2005.

  2. 3 years ago

    this game is really fricking boring

    not even the original was this dull

  3. 3 years ago

    It does really take a special kind of morons to frick up an IP with so much potential like this.
    I seriously have no idea what they were going for, this is a complete shit show.

  4. 3 years ago

    I assume having not the right people directing.

    • 3 years ago

      It's even worse than that : Not having the right person directing, acknowledging it, but rehiring him again for the sequel anyway.
      They are this moronic.

  5. 3 years ago

    >empty open world meme
    frick off

  6. 3 years ago

    I'm sorry, is the western version different from the current Japanese version? Because I thought fans loved Phantasy Star Online 2.

    • 3 years ago

      People do like PSO2, you are correct. The game here is NGS. You probably heard people say they really liked the gameplay in NGS more than original PSO2. Those people are fricking morons who didn't stick around to play either PSO2 or NGS, and pandering to them just made NGS an objectively worse game.

      • 3 years ago

        NGS without a doubt has better gameplay. It lacks the photon art diversity and classes culminated from 10 years of pso2 updates. Since Sega bungled the release we'll likely never get a fair comparison.

    • 3 years ago

      PSO2 is good
      New Genesis is some sort of sequel but not really that was stapled onto PSO2. It no meme or exaggerations only has enough content to last a slow, casual player about a week.

    • 3 years ago

      PSO2 was loved by the fans, JP and Global alike.
      New Genesis shat the bed and now even Japs are calling bullshit on SEGA's crap.
      But the deed is done and the IP is probably not recovering from this.

      The content they are (supposedly) releasing on December is just more of the same in a new zone about as big as the one in the game right now that's already considered too small, with cheap enemy recolors instead of actual new ones. And absolutely no ambition to improve on the current shit overall game design.

      It's fricked beyond recognition.

      • 3 years ago

        >The content they are (supposedly) releasing on December is just more of the same in a new zone about as big as the one in the game right now
        How do you know? Are you a insider? Datamining doesn't have everything otherwise we would already have leaks of content already promised.

        • 3 years ago

          >How do you know? Are you a insider?

          No, but I'm a realist and I have eyes and a brain. You only need to look at what SEGA promised, did and showed to know exactly where this is going. I don't know what more you need to get your eyes open.
          If at this point you still have any hope this shit show getting fixed by these morons, you'll only have yourself to blame when they inevitably come up with more ways to frick it up, and ask why players don't throw more money at the gacha in the process.

          I have to give them one thing though, they certainly are good at inventing new ways of fricking things up and looking like morons while doing so. This at least they're consistent at.

          • 3 years ago

            I still remember the fricking Microsoft store launch. That fricking store issue was a month-long cavalcade of mistakes. I couldn't in good conscience recommend my friends even try to play without using the launcher which circles back around to the whole issue of "trust" you have in a company to run a game properly. That's the same kinda reason folks didn't want to bother with the JP release. They didn't want to have to frick around with 3rd party shit.

            TO THIS DAY, the English version effectively requires you to use the 3rd party launcher to avoid frickery. Maybe the steam release is better now but it was also acting fricky when they put on steam. Since then, I only bothered using the 3rd party launcher. The question kept coming up.
            >"did no one bother to test this shit?"
            Frick the gachas and shit, does your game even work? Or will I have to format my hard drive because it force installed everything to my OS drive instead of my preferred drive? Basic b***h shit that should have been sorted out before it even launched could have helped them save a lot of face. For me, it was one of the worst launches of a game I've experienced in the past 3 or 4 years.

    • 3 years ago

      PSO2 was great but had some flaws.
      NGS is meh with a ton of flaws:
      >literally a few days worth of content only
      >gameplay is worse than PSO2 was with every class dumbed down
      >enemies are boring to fight
      >"endgame" is literally afk'ing until a enemy recolor spawns
      >economy completely fricked because of moronic decisions
      >content schedule of 6 months
      >shit filler event they had is already being rerun
      >focus is on biweekly cosmetic gacha banners
      They basically killed PSO2 with the release of NGS because of the changes they made (PSO2 used to be very f2p friendly but now it's the complete opposite)

      • 3 years ago

        PSO2 still is f2p friendly. You can experience hundreds of hours of stuff to do in base without paying a penny. The cash shop is only cosmetics nobody cares since you can mod in whatever you want for free

      • 3 years ago

        They gutted Gunner. I used to have near infinite i-frames on air dodge. Now I get thwacked even on a "perfect" dodge. Frick em.

    • 3 years ago

      >is the western version different from the current Japanese version?
      I remember that they had to censor e-girls because of Microsoft

      • 3 years ago

        God I fricking hate how it lets you create absolute abominations but doesn't let you make e-girls.

  7. 3 years ago

    >game is so dead that even daily "What went wrong?" shilling threads are long gone
    Good, frick Sega.

  8. 3 years ago

    At this point, PSO2 and NG are games suffering from an identity crisis for me. They're piss easy gameplay-wise and combat goes by so quickly you hardly have enough time to savor. You have two sets of players, the JP folks who know the game inside and out, and newcomers who have a shitload of content dumped on them all at once. The trudging diablo esque gameplay of the original PSO is gone, replaced with a devil may care combo heavy combat affair. The problem for PSO2 is your enemies move so slowly it feels like your curb-stomping toddlers for the most part. NG tries to address that a little bit and you do have some slightly better fights but I couldn't be bothered to stay in the world long enough to experience them.

    NG was a way to get everyone on an "equal" playing field gameplay wise but there was so little enthusiasm for it I didn't even bother playing at launch. I only recently checked into it a few weeks ago and found NG to be "okay". It didn't really grip me or pull me into the world the same way Genshin Impact did. I was actually kinda hoping they'd try and do a single-player game but I think that project is dead (probably it was recycled into NG, but that's just speculation on my part).

    • 3 years ago

      >The problem for PSO2 is your enemies move so slowly it feels like your curb-stomping toddlers for the most part. NG tries to address that a little bit and you do have some slightly better fights
      Agreed with this. The base of the gameplay is good enough, but the enemies are too much of a bunch of pushovers, in PSO2 and NGS alike. It wouldn't take much to make the game more fun by having less braindead enemies in the world, that could actually be a threat and kill you.
      As it stands, not only are the enemies braindead but they had the genius idea of letting players heal instantly at no cost, removing any threat of failure. It's become such a cakewalk you could have the best gameplay there is, it makes absolutely no difference, the game is boring to play.

      >It didn't really grip me or pull me into the world the same way Genshin Impact did
      Now I don't get you. What you said about PSO2 mobs also stands for Genshin's, which also has a much more shallow gameplay ontop of it IMO, and is what took me out of it. Genshin has literally nothing other than a 3 hit combo and 2 specials on a long cooldown to play with, and the enemies have terminal brain disease. I got bored within a few hours.

      I do agree Genshin's world is nice, though.

      • 3 years ago

        depending on who you ask there is "challenging content" if you do certain endgame shit in PSO2, but the casual player isn't going to encounter that and if they have more than a handful of braincells they'll have no trouble trouncing 99% of the content PSO2 offers. That or I'm just "gud". I don't think I am, at least not for PSO2 in general any more than the average player who knows about skill trees and can figure out simple combos.
        I'm not gonna say it's GoTY or anything, but if you were to put it side by side with PSO2 and you asked me to pick one, I'd do Genshin every time. The world is prettier, the combat (while simple) is fun with the team you craft and how their elemental shit combos off one another, and there's a variety of shit to do so most things don't feel stale whether you're exploring, doing puzzles, collecting shit or doing the combat.

        They didn't need to re-invent the wheel, they just copied BoTW, put their spin on it, and released it for free. For a lot of PC players who were envious of BoTW but didn't want to bother with emulation, GI mostly scratched that itch. All it needed to do was work and on a technical level it was superior to PSO2. The fact that it does certain things better than PSO2 is just icing on the cake.

  9. 3 years ago

    When they do the first major content update they have to release it on PS4. Bringing the game to an all new platform while giving a slew of new content is the only thing that will save it. Also bring it to Switch if it's even possible

    • 3 years ago

      >they have to release it on PS4
      Not happening in the west. MS owns the rights.

      • 3 years ago

        MS owns the rights to Minecraft yet it's on Switch and PS5.

        • 3 years ago

          The situation is way different regarding the Phantasy Star IP.

          • 3 years ago

            I don't see how. Minecraft even has crossplay with all the consoles.

            • 3 years ago

              Available on ps4 for jp but not for the west. Probably issues because of that.

              • 3 years ago

                So make it available in the west? The Japanese client is the same build version as the Western client minus the JP only cosmetics. Sure they use different servers but that shouldn't be an issue either since Sony also uses MS Azure servers too for their PSNow service and again MS has already done crossplay with Playstation and Nintendo since 2018.

              • 3 years ago

                Ask Sony. They're probably cucking the west like they usually do nowadays.

  10. 3 years ago

    bros...street fighter and guilty gear shut down imminent.

  11. 3 years ago

    at this point, they should just go back to making single-player games. phantasy star has such a neat aesthetic and world, it's a shame that they've pigeonholed it into mmos only.

  12. 3 years ago

    >PSO2 out in Japan
    >it finally comes 8 years later

  13. 3 years ago

    i played it. its boring

  14. 3 years ago

    jp player
    censorship to cater redditors killed it for me

  15. 3 years ago
  16. 3 years ago

    I'm really glad that I tried the game when the western version came out. It had a lot of intresting things and that hardcore profane darkness was really challenging and fun. The story sucked ass but the rest was ok. Doing pve content for server points so you get more premium currency was also fun. But the best thing was
    There are is a lot of stuff I wish other mmos would copy. I'm a sucker for ingame events and the concerts were really fun. A game full of wasted potential

    • 3 years ago


  17. 3 years ago

    Games dead Jim

  18. 3 years ago

    PSO2 is a very healthy game. CALM DOWN. its gonna be around for another 4 years minimum

  19. 3 years ago

    >>Have MMO with the best gameplay there is in the genre
    >>Competition is being moronic, perfect opportunity to claim your spot in the sunlight
    Masses don't care for this type of action in an MMO, single player sure, but not an MMO. At least not anymore.

    • 3 years ago

      Not sure about that.
      I think they don't care cause there's no MMO that's done it proper yet. It would only take one to turn things around. That's how it usually works for anything, really. And that one could have been NGS if it wasn't handled by morons. It fricking hurts to see a combat system with so much potential being wasted on this turd.

      I personally am tired of brain dead tab target based 'gameplay' and combat in MMOs, especially in 2021 when the technology is there to make it happen. ERPing trannies aside, fighting and killing stuff is what you do most of the time in these games, it baffles me none of these devs try to make it more engaging.

  20. 3 years ago

    Classic Sega

    • 3 years ago

      Does Sakura Wars have a chance after the gacha game's complete failure? I thought the 2020 game did well. I love Hatsuho

  21. 3 years ago

    At this point they should just re-release Blue Burst and keep updating it with new content.

    • 3 years ago

      Don't need to do that. There's plenty of private servers with custom content. Honestly, I've played enough BB to not want to go back. Something between it and PSO2 might be welcome though. Like a more methodical darksoulsy/monster hunter style of combat on alien planets/ruins. If I'm so agile I can jump, flip and dodge 99% of enemy attacks I feel a little too invincible. If I have that kind of agility I need equally fast opponents who will actually make me need to be consciously dodging their attacks and not spazzing out like a moron and killing everything like I'm from devil may cry.

      Bring back the dungeon crawling feel and make it less about speedrunning stages. Speedrunning can be a facet of the game but it shouldn't be the focus I think for a dungeon crawler.

  22. 3 years ago

    Main game lacks content, and the gacha rates are so fricking stingey that even dumbass whales like me have baulked and walked away.
    The percentages are also a fricking lie, and everyone has enough viper mouths to prove it.

  23. 3 years ago

    They put the same director of ep5 in charge.
    If you didn't know this very guy caused the almost DEATH of the original game in Japan with how bad he was fricking up.
    >make a shitshow
    >piss nips
    >nips demands him to be removed
    >he tells them literally "frick off"
    >they actually quit
    >SEGA has to change his position
    >move foward
    >SEGA put him in charge of NGS
    >he fricked up AGAIN
    >this time nips just don't even want to complain anymore and just silently quit, west follow suit
    Another galactic brain decision by SEGA

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