How was the fandom in the Diamond/Pearl hype on 2006 and earlier?

How was the fandom in the Diamond/Pearl hype on 2006 and earlier?

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  1. 11 months ago

    I wasn't involved in any Pokemon communities in 2006 but I remember checkin Serebii and Pokejungle obsessively. I was extremely hyped for these games and I was really impressed with the mix of 2D and 3D in the overworld as well as the battle screen.

    • 11 months ago

      >PokeBeach, Pokejungle and Serebii in my favourites

    • 11 months ago

      This was my experience. I remember seeing Torterra and feeling immediate disappointment. Not because I didn't like the design, I loved it. I just knew that a design like that would never be favored by the anime. I was proven correct.

      • 11 months ago

        That scene with a Torterra in the intro to the Darkrai movie was so cool though.

  2. 11 months ago

    Hopeful since we didn't know how shit and slow Gen 4 was yet

    • 11 months ago

      >Bait so bad it doesn't even get a reply

      • 11 months ago

        meant for

        Hopeful since we didn't know how shit and slow Gen 4 was yet

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              No, you're just a summer tourist

  3. 11 months ago

    D/P saved pokemon after gen 3 finished off pokemania for good

    • 11 months ago

      It was definitely a step up from the repulsive, fanbase alienating Gen 3 experiment but it was stil underwhelming. Overall not a shocking offensive "effort" like anything from 6 onwards

    • 11 months ago

      >D/P saved pokemon after gen 3 finished off pokemania for good
      Same for the ashnime
      gen 4 season >> gen 3 season

    • 11 months ago

      You mean gen2

      • 11 months ago

        In Japan, Gen 2 didn't live up to the hype and the Ashime Johto Arc had a lukewarm reception in the west. Pokemania dies midway through Gen 2.

        It basically took Gen 3 carrying the entire franchise back from the root and gen 4 to be released on one of the most popular handheld systems of all time to make Pokemon back on track in its current state.

        • 11 months ago

          You knkw that image with the Sugimori mentioning how Gen 3 was designed to go back to more monsterous and cooler mons? His reasoning fir that was because of how so many Gen 2 mons were made cute for marketing/anime purposes. Considering how Hoenn was the 1st gen to have Pokemon inspired by Tezuka, Nagai, and Evangelion I say it worked.

          • 11 months ago

            But gen 4 goes back to it, even the "cool" mons like Lucario were blatantly there to sell merch. Gen 4's Pokemon in general are consolidations of the previous three gens and the new non legendary/starter additions are mostly lame.

            • 11 months ago

              Can't really argue with entirely despite the fact that I actualky like Gen 4.

              • 11 months ago

                One thing I liked about gen 3 is that the Pokemon just sell themselves. If you look at the merch between 2002-03, it's mostly starters, anime captures and the gen mons that we're already known at the time of gen 2 being featured. Absol was pretty much the only one being pushed oddly enough. Gen 4 Pokemon don't have much a identity that naturally draws people to them the way RSE 3rd stages do.

                It doesn't really help most of the new Pokemon were evolutions with tedious requirements, attached to a feature like honey trees, Marsh, underground and version exclusives. And the ones that are straightforward to encounter are all mostly crammed to the first two gyms.

                It's a shame because I really still like gen 4.

          • 11 months ago

            Yea, The Gen 3 dev team wanted to recapture the magic of Gen 1. It worked good enough as the series kept going. The original western fanbase growing up from their Pokemania phase to think Pokemon is for babies at that point did hurt RSE in the short term though.

      • 11 months ago

        gen 2 began it, gen 3 finished it off

        also RS were the first Dexit

        • 11 months ago

          According to Masuda gen 3 was developed with them knowing pokemania was already over and another game would be a gamble.

        • 11 months ago

          > also RS were the first Dexit
          You could still obtain every Pokemon up until Gen 3 you mouthbreather. The lack of transfering mean they straight up didn't put the 'mons in the game.

    • 11 months ago

      I was there at the beginning and gen 4 is when I decided to take a break from the series for a while.

    • 11 months ago

      You mean gen2

      gen 2 began it, gen 3 finished it off

      also RS were the first Dexit

      According to Masuda gen 3 was developed with them knowing pokemania was already over and another game would be a gamble.

      zoomers talking about pokemania as if they were there will never not be funny

  4. 11 months ago

    I was on at the time, using the forums to discuss as a moronic 13/14 year old.
    I did not however no where to source Corocoro news so I found out the final starter evolutions from logging into some MMO esque japanese pokemon website and using the ingame computer to find the artwork.
    Then later I found the full Dex sprites.

  5. 11 months ago

    I sorely miss the days of corocoro leaks

    • 11 months ago

      I miss those days

      Hard to believe this was 17 years ago

    • 11 months ago

      I remember that moronic homosexual Joe falling for fake leaks and falling for it. He redacted it and later made a section for "fake leaks". Most famous one was the big piplup thing and the shitty torterra evos.


      Stuff I remember leading up to release:

      1. Lucario and Weavile were revealed around the same time, and it lead to speculation that the games would have an Egyptian theme.
      2. The announcement of the Physical/Special split pissed compgays off because they knew a lot of special mons would lose the Elemental Punches. They also were worried Earthquake would be special for some reason.
      3. People fell for some really obvious fakes.
      4. Rowan was speculated to be a bad guy.
      5. Palkia/Dialga's designs were not well received at first, a lot of "literal Digimon" complaints.

      It was generally agreed though that the games were a return to form after the polarising third generation. WiFi trading/battling was a game changer.

      >Lucario and Weavile were revealed around the same time, and it lead to speculation that the games would have an Egyptian theme.
      I distinctly remember people thinking Lucario was a legendary, I think the movie also didn't help.

  6. 11 months ago

    Here’s bulbagarden thread on the starter leaks
    Glad to see things have stayed exactly the same for every starter reveal

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, nothing's really changed, it's always just nu bad, old gud

    • 11 months ago

      >The part where they're discussing making Chatot say full sentences

  7. 11 months ago

    I have no idea why I have this memory, but I remember being on Serebii during the D/P reveal cycle and Joe being so fricking adamant that Lucario was a legendary. When Riolu was revealed he kept going on about how it was the first legendary to evolve, despite me trying to say otherwise in the forums.

    • 11 months ago

      Back off.

      • 11 months ago

        Hi Joe. Still haven't posted that TCG Promo that Thailand Supermarket is running yet I see, gotta get that Serebii Exclusive!

    • 11 months ago

      >say anything against Joe
      >his dickriding forumsimps berate anything you say

    • 11 months ago

      Seems like I'm not the only one who remembers that.

  8. 11 months ago

    I miss those days

    • 11 months ago

      I miss them too, friend.

  9. 11 months ago

    Stuff I remember leading up to release:

    1. Lucario and Weavile were revealed around the same time, and it lead to speculation that the games would have an Egyptian theme.
    2. The announcement of the Physical/Special split pissed compgays off because they knew a lot of special mons would lose the Elemental Punches. They also were worried Earthquake would be special for some reason.
    3. People fell for some really obvious fakes.
    4. Rowan was speculated to be a bad guy.
    5. Palkia/Dialga's designs were not well received at first, a lot of "literal Digimon" complaints.

    It was generally agreed though that the games were a return to form after the polarising third generation. WiFi trading/battling was a game changer.

    • 11 months ago

      >. People fell for some really obvious fakes
      My favourite fake was the final Piplup evo that was just bigger Piplup

      Took me ages to find this

      • 11 months ago

        Love Piplot, has a bit of an evil delibird vibe to it.

      • 11 months ago

        This was my favorite too. Looks cool.

        • 11 months ago

          It's probably the reason why I never liked Empoleon

      • 11 months ago

        they reused it for crasher wake

    • 11 months ago

      >Lucario and Weavile were revealed around the same time
      Lucario was in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team as well as a cameo, or did that come after?

      • 11 months ago

        They were both revealed by silhouette and then Lucario was announced as the star of Movie 8. He then appeared in a ton of other stuff before DP's release. That's how I remember it anyway

        • 11 months ago

          Lucario, Weavile, Bonsly and Mime Jr. were the 4 Pokemon revealed for movie 8. They then kept stuffing all four of them into all kinds of promo shit and side games from that point on until the DP games finally released.

        • 11 months ago

          Lucario was a silhouette first in very early 2005 with the Japanese magazines saying this pokemon was similar to Blaziken in type and moves. Bonsly and Mime Jr were leaked a few weeks later, then the two baby Pokemon and Weavile were revealed a few months later.

          Munchlax was the first in May 2004. Shit felt surreal.

          • 11 months ago

            I miss when Pokemon games could be delayed. Now we see the first new Pokemon of a generation like 6 months before release.

            • 11 months ago

              Diamond and Pearl were announced autumn 2004 for a autumn 2005 date but got delayed which is why the BF arc exists. They seemed to have the idea that it would have pacing similar to Kanto/Orange Islands but then got rapid fire by Greta which when you look at the prototype info for DP, makes it look like GF had no fricking clue how to work with the DS until Dec 2005, which was like 2 months after the OG projected release date.

              Something like that wouldn't be done today. They would have put everyone in overtime or outsource the living shit to make that autumn 2005 date.

  10. 11 months ago

    I was incredibly excited. I think I was in like the 4th or 5th grade when it came out. All my friends got it and we'd always battle or trade on the bus. Was the first Pokémon game I 100% the pokedex. Underground was also awesome. Literally spent so much time fricking with my base and stealing flags.

  11. 11 months ago

    >Emerald felt like the peak of the franchise with how content it had. Diamond and Pearl just felt empty empty

    • 11 months ago

      Eh? DP was way better than Emerald. What are you talking about?

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          It had everything that Emerald had and more, literaly a step up

  12. 11 months ago

    I remember sites claiming that Lucario was a legendary mon.

    • 11 months ago

      He was advertised by TPC as a legendary

  13. 11 months ago

    It was hype because the graphics were starting to get 3dish which looked super awesome while maintaining the same kind of gameplay. The new starters looked tight and some new forms like donkrow looked exciting. Plus the names like diamond made it sound thrilling like an advanced gold and silver. Then once the game came out it ended up super boring and stuff like mag mortar looked stupid as frick and shat on your childhood memories. Still, compared to everything on the 3ds til now at least it resembles what was so great (Gen 1&2).

  14. 11 months ago

    I miss when Pokemon would appear kn the anime and merch and spinoffs before the games were out.
    Having gen 4 Pokemon in the anime, being able to use Bonsly in XD. Fricking kino.

  15. 11 months ago

    Everyone said it looked exactly like gen3 rehashed

  16. 11 months ago

    It was great to be a kid and care enough about it, I remember getting figures from Japan of Lucario, Mime Jr, Bonsly, Munchlax, & Weavile before most of the official English names were even released

    • 11 months ago

      I only remember Rucario, Gonbe and Poochama. Hikozaru was Chimchar I think too.

  17. 11 months ago

    I remember thinking the visuals were underwhelming and not as huge of a jump as gen 2 to gen 3 was. I liked the starters, and the legendaries were "literally digimon", as everyone kept saying Good times.

  18. 11 months ago

    Is this the last time we got three good starters? I'd say so.

  19. 11 months ago

    I kinda wish Gen 5 added more evolutions while keeping new mons like the litwick line instead of going for a soft reboot.

  20. 11 months ago

    First time I was disappointed by graphics in a Pokemon game. The DS had tons of fully 3D games so I was expecting Pokemon to be in 3D. When I saw they were still using sprites and all the battle backgrounds were still vague smears of color instead of actual environments, I was upset. There was no reason for it to not be in full 3D. This was the beginning of the end. Imagine how I felt when BW was STILL using sprites.

    • 11 months ago

      midwit take

      • 11 months ago

        nitwit take

  21. 11 months ago

    I was on serebii forums around this time. I remember thinking the new designs were pretty shitty, I didn't like any of them. People argued a lot about the phys/special split (I remember one comment that read something like "now I need special defense to take a rock to the face?")

    This was the first gen where you saw a lot of pseuds coming out of the woodwork with the argument "Oh, you don't think [x] looks like a pokemon? What does a pokemon look like then?" as if it was inconceivable that the series had set a precedent with its previous designs and was now changing said precedent/pushing the boundaries with designs like Dialga/Palkia.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember coping a lot over Chimchar. It just didn't look right. Dialga and Palkia didn't help either.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember coping a lot over Chimchar. It just didn't look right. Dialga and Palkia didn't help either.

      I miss the good old times when people shitted on designs that are legit decent by today's standards-

    • 11 months ago

      >serebii forums
      i'm sure that you'll remember this guy who is still fricking there from the looks of it

      • 11 months ago

        I remember this arrogant c**t. I got into an argument with him (can’t remember what about), he probably won since he was probably 35+ at the time and that was about 15+ years ago

        • 11 months ago

          >serebii forums
          i'm sure that you'll remember this guy who is still fricking there from the looks of it

          Imagine the smell

      • 11 months ago

        I do remember this guy lmao, was a dickhead

      • 11 months ago

        I remember this arrogant c**t. I got into an argument with him (can’t remember what about), he probably won since he was probably 35+ at the time and that was about 15+ years ago

        I do remember this guy lmao, was a dickhead


        • 11 months ago

          just a terminally online loser who seemed to post on the forums 24/7 and was always nitpicking what you said and getting into arguments. had the attitude that he was always right.

    • 11 months ago

      >I was on serebii forums around this time. I remember thinking the new designs were pretty shitty
      same but for gen 5

  22. 11 months ago

    The hype was real. I'd visit serebii and pokejungle everyday and imported a US copy since I couldn't wait for the European release. I also made my mario kart ds emblem into a turtwig

    • 11 months ago

      >and imported a US copy since I couldn't wait for the European release
      Same, made an ebay account for it. The thin black case threw me off

  23. 11 months ago

    This gen was the first I really got to enjoy the hype, with the first 3 gens I didn't have any magazines or internet access and I'd get the games a year or so after release. But with gen 4 I had a Nintendo magazine subsription and limited internet access so I got all the news and could talk about it with friends, I'd bring my magazines in to school to show the Pokemon news to my friend who didn't get any and we'd speculate about it and make dumb theories together. There was something pure and innocent about it
    Now I'm jaded and cynical and always expect the worst

  24. 11 months ago

    Good, like everything else in our society.

  25. 11 months ago

    Now next question is how was Ruby/Sapphire hype prior 2002?

    • 11 months ago

      I had a magazine that showed a bunch of new mons and I thought Latias and Latios were children of Lugia and I headcanoned they would have some sort of fusion form or lugia like evo

    • 11 months ago

      I had a magazine that showed a bunch of new mons and I thought Latias and Latios were children of Lugia and I headcanoned they would have some sort of fusion form or lugia like evo

      i like how the magazine is comparing kecleon to lickitung and wailmer to mantine as if they were the official replacements

      • 11 months ago

        Serebii genuinely thought Walmer was a Mantine evo while Volbeat was a split evo of Ledyba. He also though Blaziken was legendary.

        • 11 months ago

          probably cause blaziken was revelad in latios latias movie scan

          • 11 months ago

            the starters still were not revelead so nobody know it was torchic final evolution

    • 11 months ago

      For me this was the pinnacle of my pokemon hype. Blue I recieved from my mom on my 6th birthday, and Gold I just randomly found in a store, not realizing there were new games out. Ruby and Sapphire, however, I knew about beforehand from Serebii and the game's release in the US. Back then europe had to wait like three extra months or more before we got the games, so I spent the summer in constant anticipation, going through the pokedex on the official website. I remember playing rock paper scissors with my sister to see who would get what version since we both wanted Ruby because big cool dinosaur, but I ended up getting Sapphire instead. Ended up not mattering since I ended up liking all the Sapphire exclusives much more than the Ruby ones. Gen 3 will always have a special place in my heart because of this, despite the fact this was post-pokemania and I was one of very few kids still playing it.

    • 11 months ago

      When they announced that there would be a Pokemon game for the GBA I was hyped out of my fricking mind, the game I imagined was pretty much GSC on steroids, being able to go back to Kanto AND Johto and basically expanding on every feature that GSC introduced.

      When RS came out, they did not meet those expectations. It took me a while to warm up to them. I think every kid from my generation had a similar experience.

    • 11 months ago

      Some early reactions

  26. 11 months ago

    I had zero internet at the time so my only "hype" was whatever came on tv and whenever I could read a Nintendo Power magazine.

  27. 11 months ago

    you now remember the old fakemons section on serebii

    • 11 months ago

      The thumbnails are still hosted.

  28. 11 months ago

    i wasnt on the inet at the time because i was still so young. all i remember is buying a kids magazine with some of the new pokemon in it. i just saw buizel and thought "wtf this looks so fricking bad and weird. why does it have blue fins on the body. like that doesnt look like it belongs together." kricketot was in it too and combee. def the first time i could tell pokemon was changing to be something i like less.

  29. 11 months ago

    i just remember being in the old Ganker and everyone hating lucas until someone said his beret looked like ocelots. funny that. shit i'm old.

  30. 11 months ago

    I was 14 and had really bad grades so I had to sneak playing it, hiding my DS and such

  31. 11 months ago

    it started in 2005 munchlax appearing n the anime

    • 11 months ago

      *2004 sorry in deoxys movie

      • 11 months ago

        I love how early they released gen IV Pokemon. They didn't do this for any other gen since then. Gen IV Pokemon even appeared in Pokemon games prior to gen IV like XD.

        • 11 months ago

          I didn't, felt like it was dragging it out far too long even though it wasn't much longer than most.

          • 11 months ago

            >felt like it was dragging it out far too lon
            Yeah, now we get yearly releases like shart and shit and scat/vomit, what an upgrade.

  32. 11 months ago

    With mobile phone i spent a lot of money to see all the new pokemon revelaed on internet.
    There were a lot of fake pokemon, it was so cool.
    I spent a lot of time to search an emulator.
    It was one of the best time of my life

  33. 11 months ago

    Followed the news from Pokemon 2000 website:
    >why are these pokemon so purple and cyan (Pachirisu and Drapion were some of the ones revealed early)
    >Some fake rumors on changing the starter types to Fighting, Psychic and Dark, which would most likely have those color schemes
    >Dialga, Palkia and Lucario were still called Diaruga ,Parukia and Rukario judging from magazine information
    >The ugly cross gens weren't present yet

    • 11 months ago

      >>Some fake rumors on changing the starter types to Fighting, Psychic and Dark, which would most likely have those color schemes
      I was INCREDIBLY upset this was fake. i wanted this cat so bad

      Now we have two cat starters and they both become anthro jobmons. Frick it I'm still mad

      • 11 months ago

        Those looks way better than any of the actual Gen 4 mons. Very impressive

      • 11 months ago

        It was stablished in Pokemon Garden, that jap web game that was datamined short time ago. But that was said like in 2004, something happened in those 2 years to backpedal that decision

  34. 11 months ago

    I remember there was a guy who had a sexy furry girl in his serebii forum signature but I didn't know how to save images on my computer at the time and now I can't find it 🙁

  35. 11 months ago

    the fandom was at its peak because:

    >the games were still decent-good
    >DP info was being drip-fed to us over the course of years, generating lots of hype
    >pre-mass normie adoption of the internet
    >also before Pokémon Go, social media, and Kanto-baiting influenced hordes of normies to return to the series

    I think a big thing that must be conveyed is that it can't be understated how uncool and cringy it was to like Pokémon in gens 3-5. The franchise was straight up treated with zero respect in gaming communities. It was lonely, but looking back, it really made the fanbase feel authentic and special.

    • 11 months ago

      It still gets zero respect. As it should.

      • 11 months ago

        the attitude towards that franchise is quite different now. literally the same normies who clapped for pokemon go and put team mystic stickers on their cars were the same ones to think us pokemon fans were weird and creepy back in the late 00s and early 2010s.

        liking pokemon is still pretty trendy for normies. the modern games are rightfully criticized, but its place in pop culture is respected. i wouldve been bullied like hell if i had so much as a pikachu keychain on my backpack back in 07

        • 11 months ago

          >i wouldve been bullied like hell if i had so much as a pikachu keychain on my backpack back in 07
          and now shit like picrel is apparently the coolest thing ever, and the resale value of the DS games gamers were cringing at back then because there were no guns has skyrocketed

      • 11 months ago

        Because the fandom is now half shiteaters and half overly pessimistic schizos while back then it just wasn't trendy.

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemon fans used to have a reputation as being easy to please and unwilling to criticise the games in any way. Nowadays everyone says that nobody hates Pokemon more than Pokemon fans.

  36. 11 months ago

    daily reminder that if you love gen 4, you love Platinum, NOT DP
    DP is by far one of the worst pokemon games in the series, rivaling gen 8 and 9 and Platinum fixed all the major problem that trashed DP

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