How well have the first 2 witcher games aged? are they still worth playing?

How well have the first 2 witcher games aged?
are they still worth playing?

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  1. 2 years ago

    2 is easy to get into but 1 is a rough start because of the goofy combat. you have to chain combos by timing mouseclick with a arrow indicator but you get used to the timings

  2. 2 years ago

    Witcher 1 is kinojank, but nothing you accomplished in it ever really carried over. Even in Witcher 2 they had already disavowed a big choice from Witcher 1 where you saved Foltest's cursed daughter instead of slay her. I guess Daddy just said "yeah no filthy b***hes on my throne" and disinherited her in favor of those two young bastard children he had sired.

    • 2 years ago

      read the fricking journal Black person, she was assassinated (if you saved her in w1)

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know how to read.

  3. 2 years ago

    still the best one
    still the worst one but frankly it's a lot better game than I remembered it's stupid that in order to be able to afford anything you have to run around looting people's houses and random crates tho, also there is such a tiny encumberance limit while you need to carry so mamy different items for crafting that by act 2 you will find yourself emptying your eq every 5 minutes, wtf were they thinkkng

    • 2 years ago

      Don't listen to anyone who tries to shill Witcher 1 to you

      Anyone who played Witcher 1 and calls it "the best" like this moron will only ever use abstract dogshit like
      >it's comfy
      >the err, Eurojank is funny

      Because the game is irredeemable garbage on every level.

      >Runs on NWNs engine, so it was horribly aged on release
      >combat is not only objectively simplistic compared to Witcher 3 (which everyone shits on despite it having better combat than most RPGs), it's also canonically wrong, in what fricking world does Geralt stand still. The combat system also makes every enemy feel identical, go look at the wieneratrice fight in the sewers and compare it to fighting Salamandra members or whatever, identical
      >quests are fricking horseshit outside of Chapter 1, 4
      >chapter 2 is one giant fetch quest within a fetch quest that's meant to be some "detective shit" with it having no way of being failed (there goes the kino detective work) and the big reveal being "surprise, it's me Azar Javed, are you surprised Witcher?"), which is also funny because a throwaway Sidequests in Witcher 3 (Carnal Sins) revolving around a murder mystery is infinitely better because it CAN be fricked up and also is simply better written

      And here's the biggest offender
      >completely horseshit story (muh amnesia) and key characters are literally retconned in how they act
      >Triss is "totally not Yennefer btw"
      >Alvin is "totally not Ciri btw"

      Game is fricking shit, has no redeemable qualities and i've never been more pissed off for being tricked into sticking out a game until I dared download it.

      Think of it as S.T.A.L.K.E.R, a horseshit game that has a cult following because it's not popular and fans who can only use buzzwords to praise the game because the games at their core are fricking shit.

      Throw in some Eastern European developers who are literal who tier (relative to when Witcher 1 released) and "by golly gee, this is underrated kino").

      And frick the polish rats who disagree

      • 2 years ago

        based post
        but stalker is good, just mod out the head bobbing for SoC

      • 2 years ago

        fricking this, you literally never see people praise Witcher 1s quests, story or shit, even the writing because even that was janky as frick (translation issues or something?). Game was so fricking bad, I enjoyed the Lovecraftian chapter though

      • 2 years ago

        never played Witcher 1 but completely agreed with you on "frick Polish rats".

        Slimey ugly rodents who are everywhere besides Poland

      • 2 years ago

        what's your opinion on Witcher 2 and 3?

        • 2 years ago

          Witcher 2:
          >casualized to shit, with horrendous combats that I had to mod in the back damage that is so horrendously implemented it just makes every fight feel shit
          >didn't care much for the whole plotline as I just wanted to be witcheran instead of poor mans Game of Thrones politicking
          >respect the huge focus on choice & consequence (my most desired thing from RPGs) and the Iorveth/Roche choice is probably the biggest choice&consequence as far as main games i've seen in RPGs
          >would never replay it, but infinitely prefer it to Witcher 1 on the side quests/choice&consequence alone. It actually had some good side quests

          Witcher 3
          >one of my favorite games, also horrendously casualized but i've given up on caring as this is just how you sell games, but the things it gets right, it's unmatched in my opinion (quests, choice & consequence), writing
          >story is the weakest part but I can name the RPGs in which I didn't think this on one hand
          >DLCs just push it over that "great" tier I initially had it in on release, over into the "favorite game(s)" tier I now have it on

          And no cope, memes and seethe over how infinitely successful it is will change that opinion. Oh yea, the waifus are also GOAT tier

      • 2 years ago

        And yet somehow the short boss battle loop is still the best boss battle theme of the entire series.

      • 2 years ago

        1 is genuine trash. has about the right of it. It's aged like milk, the story is nothing special, and the gameplay might be one of the worst combat systems I have ever played.
        2 is okay, but barely a Witcher game. Narratively very strong, gameplay is so-so at best, but never as obnoxious as 1.
        3 is shallow as frick, but probably the best overall game of the bunch.

      • 2 years ago

        that was a helluva diatribe, right there.

  4. 2 years ago

    Only slavs cared about first 2 games and there are reasons for that.
    Just don't try to like them just because you liked witcher 3.

  5. 2 years ago

    install a running speed mod for TW1 cuz there's a lot of slow backtracking
    TW2 is alright but gets brought down a bit by being an early 2010s Console Xbox QTE era game

  6. 2 years ago

    Skip 1. That's been the most common advice since Witcher 2 came out. This idea that 1 is good, much less the best in the series, only started after the contrarian frickbrains on Ganker saw how popular 3 got.

    • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    1 has aged like milk, not that it was all that great to begin with. 2 is kinda better, but the gameplay is still basically what you'd expect from a eurojank title made with the budget of vodka and kielbasa.

  8. 2 years ago

    first one is kino purely because it draws from the books more. 2 and 3 are also good in their own regard but rely heavily on the canon that the prior games introduced. 1 is also a lot more loose just like the cuck author intended.

    • 2 years ago

      >first one is kino purely because it draws from the books more
      How the frick can you say this when Triss is written and depicted the way she is and how the entire first game literally retcons the entire book series you moronic pseud

      • 2 years ago

        no it don't you dumb trash heap, she was always a two faced c**t that wanted to frick geraldo and she did

        • 2 years ago

          >Every single Witcher game has bad gameplay and only has writing going for it.
          Then why would I play them?

        • 2 years ago

          >Every single Witcher game has bad gameplay and only has writing going for it.
          Then why would I play them?

          Misquote, my bad anon.

        • 2 years ago

          Black person, she's LITERALLY YENNEFER in Witcher 1 you dumb frick. She's NOTHING like the Triss from the books, she's a stand in for Yennefer because "Yennefer couldn't be introduced right away", nothing more, nothing less.

          Same with the absolute half assed Alvin plotline lmfao, "n-n-not Ciri btw". Stop. Pretending. You. Read. The. Books. I can see right through everyone of you homosexual pseuds everytime you try to act like Witcher 1 is anything but abhorrent garbage, even in writing and even in terms of canon, it diverts the most of any of the games, unironically.

  9. 2 years ago

    1st one is the most comfy and the story is kino
    2nd one is fine
    3rd one suffers from the huge empty open world and no question marks aren't content

    • 2 years ago

      >question marks aren't content
      same shit as going into a random cave and smacking a basilisk in 1
      how could you be this delusional? just axiied your own brain?

      • 2 years ago

        no monsters were without quest in 1
        there were a few hidden things here and there but the locations were much smaller so no going around the location for hours signing off checkmarks

        • 2 years ago

          >so no going around the location for hours signing off checkmarks
          So unironically take your zoomer brained ADHD meds so you don't feel like 500-800 checkmarks designed to simply give you XP or fill the open world are meant to be 100% completed. You're one of the homosexuals who woulda spent hours on every Korok seed in BoTW to only be given literal feces as a reward

          >hurr durr don make it durr open world den! Amirite Gankerbros!
          >this opinion is original and unique durr!

          Witcher 1 is fricking horseshit, somehow even the combat made Witcher 3 look like fricking DMC3. Witcher 3 is better in L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y every way besides inventory/character management screen

          • 2 years ago

            >see a point on the game map
            >let's ignore it lmao
            said no gamer ever

            • 2 years ago

              >see a point on the game map
              >let's ignore it
              Unironically, yes. If your room temperature IQ could comprehend that doing the first 5-10 question marks wasn't bringing you enjoyment, the logical thing to assume is "ok, i'll stick with the main side quests/witcher contracts because I prefer those".

              Anymore life lessons that stem from a fatherless household that you need help understanding there kiddo?

  10. 2 years ago

    2 is genuinely one of the worst games i've ever tried

  11. 2 years ago

    1 is great
    2 has one phenomenal thing about it (the second act), everything else is okay to bad. They doubled down on that stuff for 3, unfortunately.

  12. 2 years ago

    They're all very different game and there's no guarantee you'll them if you enjoyed W3. It's not like Mass Effect where trilogy is comprised of incremental changes or sidesteps, for example.

  13. 2 years ago

    None of them are worth playing

  14. 2 years ago

    there are a lot of pleople playing 80s and 90s videogames right now, how abput you use your internet service and search for motherfricking gameplay videos and decide if it worth or not? what the frick ius wrong with you people? are you fricking moronic? cant you just search a fricking video on youtube? jesus fricking christ

    • 2 years ago

      >noooo stop discussing videogames on a videogame discussion board
      >better watch e-celebs so you can copy their shitty opinion

  15. 2 years ago

    It's never been worth playing lol, all 3 games are dogshit

  16. 2 years ago

    Haven't played 1. 2 is great though. Combat starts out rough but honestly wasn't a major turn off for me. Loved the story and the way the game splits up into completely different games depending on player choice rivals modern RPG's.
    Talking with Letho at the end was one of the better endings I've seen in any RPG. Interesting to see how a guy can seem like an uncaring mercenary to a sympathic radical over the course of the game.
    And of course, LESBOMANCY

  17. 2 years ago

    >How well have the first 2 witcher games aged?
    >are they still worth playing?

  18. 2 years ago

    gameplay/age in witcher does not matter because all the series has going for it is cutscenes and batman dialogue

  19. 2 years ago

    Just downloaded Witcher 1 like a week ago. Probably gonna play it later this week. Hopefully its still playable in 2022.

    • 2 years ago

      Why the frick would it "not" be?
      It's literally the best one of the bunch. A real ROLE playing game, not some "We want AssCreed & Souls fanbase!" meme shit with BatHam vision "exploration".

  20. 2 years ago

    Witcher 1 is literally the ONLY good game in the entire franchise, and a MUST play if you skipped the books (and I know you gays did).

    2 was some of the most disgusting trash I've ever sat through. The worst case of god awful consolification and shitting on the OG fanbase. Terrible gameplay, terrible writing, terrible world design.

  21. 2 years ago

    Witcher 1 sadly aged bad. But is very respectfull of you know the cdproject red lore and their willpower of making It.

    • 2 years ago

      Like said, TW1 is the only good game in the series. Rest are irredeemable garbage.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah the others are very good technically and in terms of gameplay and worldbuikding are better, they are Just a bit "soulless" than the First.

    • 2 years ago


      >first one is kino purely because it draws from the books more
      How the frick can you say this when Triss is written and depicted the way she is and how the entire first game literally retcons the entire book series you moronic pseud

      Stop pretending you read the books you tryhard pseuds. Witcher 1 unironically had the worst take on the books lore you dumb rat

      • 2 years ago

        the books are shit after the first one.

  22. 2 years ago

    Man I remember thinking the witcher 2 looked like the absolute height of graphics, especially Flotsam with that depth of field in the forest. How times change. Still looks nice though. I have nothing but fond memories of that game and the time around it. Triss was also extremely attractive in that game.

  23. 2 years ago

    Installing witcher 1 again, last time I played it was in 2014 apparently. I just remember you had to do some weird clicky combat shit and that Geralt held his sword in an actual realistic fashion, if I remember. Give me some fricking tips, anonymous.

    • 2 years ago

      max ignii and blast stuff as much as you can

      • 2 years ago

        In act 1, buy the ribbon from the witch

        I will do both of these things, thank you anonymous. I do not know if these are good or bad, but I will do them.

    • 2 years ago

      In act 1, buy the ribbon from the witch

    • 2 years ago

      play on easy mode to make the combat less annoying

  24. 2 years ago

    I would argue that Witcher 1 w/ Polish dialogue and Polish subtitles is the only Witcher game worth playing, preferably after you’ve already read the books (in Polish)

  25. 2 years ago

    I'm just getting into the series, so which books should I read and in what order before or after which games?

  26. 2 years ago

    No, they're so fricking bad that anyone telling somebody else to play them should be thrown in jail for gross negligence and high concept torture

  27. 2 years ago

    The opinions in this thread are way too mixed
    each one of you says each game is the best or the worst

  28. 2 years ago

    The third game isn't even worth playing

  29. 2 years ago

    if you're really really reeeaally into the witcher series, then yes.

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