How would the Culture deal with a full, galaxy-scale Tyranid hive invasion?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Tyranids are immediately wiped out in the span of hours. And that estimation is being generous to the Tyranids.

    • 2 years ago

      The Culture is fantastically more powerful than any faction in WH40k so it would be trivial for them to deal with as

      • 2 years ago

        They literally have zero defense against the machinations of the warp.

        • 2 years ago

          The Culture's solution to Chaos would just be to destroy the Immaterium as a dimension, wiping out everything in it in the process. This is something that the Minds can easily do, there are safety features in a lot of Culture tech to keep them from collapsing other dimensions by *accident*. Fricking everything the Culture uses is powered by exploiting energy created by punching holes in other dimensions, and using this too aggressively can cause massive dimensional harm up to and including total collapse.

          Slaneesh starts some shit, the Culture responds by pressing a button labled "Delete the warp, kill all chaos gods".

          • 2 years ago

            The Culture only knows about the sublime when it comes to alternate dimensions and less plausible scifi. Largely they're a (heh) Culture that has hit a technological dead end where the only thing that truly stands out is sublimination. Hyper-space travel and other concepts have to rely on our own primitive 21st Century physics. It's similar to the Overlords from Childhood's End and how they've reached a complete dead end.

            Only when the Overlords encountered something truly unexplainable and bizarre (the Overmind) they turned to worshiping it as it's servants. The Culture does not trust the Sublimed beings and for good reason.

            • 2 years ago

              Ironically, thry eventually end up Subliming themselves way down the line.

            • 2 years ago

              The Sublime in-lore is actually at the end of a path through several alternate dimensions actually. So the culture takes place in a closed 4-dimensional hyperspheric universe of many nestled in a bigger 7-dimensional torus reality, embedded in something grander, which is the sublime.

              Ironically, thry eventually end up Subliming themselves way down the line.

              They don't, they end up as something known as the 'lesser reviled'

          • 2 years ago

            Destroying warp would kill them in the process, so no.
            If it's a crossover, they would have a presence in it, but even if they didn't, warp isn't a mere "dimension", regardless of inhabitants.

            • 2 years ago

              >Minds exist in the warp
              you just gave thousands of emperor-tier beings access to the warp

            • 2 years ago

              If the Minds have reflections int he Warp, Chaos doesn't exist in the first place. The Minds would index that Warp, there would be minds and mind-like machines that would be purpose built to be engines that decide how the warp works and what is allowed to exist in it.

        • 2 years ago

          Destroying warp would kill them in the process, so no.
          If it's a crossover, they would have a presence in it, but even if they didn't, warp isn't a mere "dimension", regardless of inhabitants.

          >40k is so OP, could your sci-fi kill a single grot??
          >yeah lol
          >uhm what I actually meant was that if you come into contact with a single grot you have to fight the entire warp at once too so master chief would turn evil and lose to the grot because by the rules of the crossover everyone is vulnerable to the warp but nobody has defenses for it
          Every single crossover thread

          • 2 years ago

            Well, what did you expect, crossovers are a bad taste usually.

        • 2 years ago

          So how does one defend against the warp? Shoot it? Because all of 40k seems to do it by shooting it.

          • 2 years ago

            True Faith or relevant superpowers also work.

          • 2 years ago

            In 40k you can beat a daemon to death with a rock but in a 40k crossover nothing can stop them

            • 2 years ago

              >how would rocks fare in 40k?

          • 2 years ago

            If you're an Ork, or to a lesser extant Sister of Battle or Custodes, unironically yes.

  2. 2 years ago

    You're talking about a civilization that can literally spy on people in real time from a star system away.

  3. 2 years ago

    On the one hand, the Culture wields so much more power than any 40K race - they're a Kardashev scale, Type 2 civilization (harvesting /working with energies comparable to the output of a whole star), while the Tyranids at best are a a Type 1 (harvesting/exploiting an entire planet).

    ...on the other hand, Tyranids screw/seal-off the warp. Given that the Minds have actual components that rely on hyperspace (warp?), that could really screw with their tempo.

    • 2 years ago

      >Given that the Minds have actual components that rely on hyperspace (warp?), that could really screw with their tempo.
      This is literally the only thing from the 40k galaxy that could frick up the Culture.
      But you know what they say, yes? "Don't frick with the Culture"

      • 2 years ago

        On the one hand, the Culture wields so much more power than any 40K race - they're a Kardashev scale, Type 2 civilization (harvesting /working with energies comparable to the output of a whole star), while the Tyranids at best are a a Type 1 (harvesting/exploiting an entire planet).

        ...on the other hand, Tyranids screw/seal-off the warp. Given that the Minds have actual components that rely on hyperspace (warp?), that could really screw with their tempo.

        I'd argue that the way hyperspace/the grid is described in the Culture (essentially being the thin shroud between two dimensions) is more akin to the webway than the warp.

    • 2 years ago

      >working with energies comparable to the output of a whole star
      A guy, in this board I think, did the math a some time ago, for how much energy the 40k plasma generators would have to produce in order for those giant ships of the Imperium to move at the speed they do (not warp travel), the result was that their output was about the same of a small star, don't know how right the math was tho, and even if it was right it was probably GW fricking with randon numbers again, I don't think it was their intent to make the Imperium sound that advanced, but it may be a thing

      • 2 years ago

        I mean it's a good feel. The Imperium should feel like a medieval-tier civilization that built some cathedrals on the incomprehensibly advanced technology of their predecessors before operating it in a cargo cult way.

        • 2 years ago

          If the plasma generator output is that powerful, they are a faction that would laugh at the idea of something like a Dyson sphere, since they made something, smaller, cheaper and more powerful, wich would be odd, since I belive they mention another forge world that created an artificial star to power it, and there should be no point in doing so if you can craft generators with a similar power, also I think Commorragh is powered by a Dyson Sphere, wich would also be odd that the imperium got a better tec for energy output than the Dark Eldar

          • 2 years ago

            Stars have power outputs that differ by orders of magnitude. If the IOM could make plasma generators as powerful as a dwarf star, a dyson sphere around a main-sequence star would provide tens of thousands of times the energy a single reactor could.

            Commoragh is powered by multiple dyson spheres built around stars they took into the webway.

            • 2 years ago

              Makes more sense now, didn't know it was multiple stars on Commorragh. I just wonder how many and how cheap they can produce plasma generators able to have the output of a dwarf star

      • 2 years ago

        >their output was about the same of a small star,
        This is very funny to me, because it is technically correct. The plasma reaction *is* basically a small start - but like, a star maybe some tens of meters across, not a small star as in an actual stellar body-sized small star.

  4. 2 years ago

    They're hopelessly overrun on account of being too busy sucking their own dicks.
    This is true when facing all enemies, from all franchises, at all scales of conflict.

  5. 2 years ago

    >The Restoria section dealt with hegemonising swarm outbreaks. Its mission included the management, amelioration, and destruction, of hegswarms. The section was nicknamed "Pest Control"
    The Culture is so technologically powerful that the guys charged with dealing with their tyranid/borg/grey goo equivalents are just a small section for nerds of their diplomatic corps

  6. 2 years ago

    Reddit and consoomers come to mind.

  7. 2 years ago

    Would be even more funny if the Tyranids tried to frick with the Instrumentality of Man though.

    • 2 years ago

      They're just a sub-standard rapidly hegemonizing swarm. The Culture could exterminate them in like, a week.

      The Instrumentality of Mankind has the Golden Ship, the Tyranids opinions are irrelevant.

      • 2 years ago

        The Instrumentality has Dragon Frickers. Nobody's going to break out the Golden Ship to do a Dragon Fricker's job.

        • 2 years ago

          Fair point.

  8. 2 years ago

    a proposal to combine these two franchises betrays a total lack of taste.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, we already established a lack of taste once we started talking about 40k at all.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree. The best Death Battles are things like
      >How would Chaos deal with whatever the frick the galaxy is like in Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
      >How would the Culture deal with the Auditors from Discworld?
      You've got to pit two extremely different things against each other.

      • 2 years ago

        Tyrannid vs planet couch creatures and just what does specialization accomplish in an infinite universe. Also a giant ryrannid hivemind falling endlessly besides a petunia.

      • 2 years ago

        You, I like you. I'd just add the caveat that those two extremely different things need to be at least vaguely on the same level or scale to make it an interesting question.

        >Chaos vs Hitchhikers
        I cannot in my cold withered heart see an ending where Chaos is not eventually subsumed into the banality of evil that Hitchhikers creates, and becomes a running joke that is also somehow British.

        >Culture vs Auditors
        This one takes more thought. On the one hand the Culture is stupidly powerful and able to think on more levels than can be counted. On the other hand, the Auditors are arguably more powerful but also with an overall mentality that could be described as 'screaming manchild playing at being a super serious adult'. I think in the end the Culture would take some significant losses at the beginning, then learn their opponents and begin operation 'grow the frick up' on them.

    • 2 years ago

      >another insecure 40kid’s 40k vs other scifi universe thread
      >expecting any taste

  9. 2 years ago

    The question with Culture foreign policy is never "can it be done" but "how should it be done". Facing the Tyranids in open warfare is within the Culture's means, but they'd also find it distasteful. The nature of the Tyranid threat lends itself to either creating a pathogen which can out evolve the swarm, or engineering a scenario that forces it to evolve into something more amenable.

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno anything about the Culture, but could they conceivably talk to the Hive Mind directly and tell it to stop being such a stupid frick and look into dyson swarms?

      • 2 years ago

        Hive mind isn't intelligent or coherent enough to talk to.

        After playing with it for a bit, the Minds would likely come tot he conclusion that they need to wipe out the tyranids for no other reason than that if left alone the nids will eat everything the Minds give a shit about.

        However, the Minds will *absolutely* engineer the situation such that the war is allowed to unfold in such a way that the galactic political situation is made more favorable to the culture in the process. Enemies will be weakened by the nids and driven juuuust close enough to calamity that when the Culture swoops in for the rescue they can be swayed to become friends. That sort of thing.

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno anything about the Culture, but could they conceivably talk to the Hive Mind directly and tell it to stop being such a stupid frick and look into dyson swarms?

      Noblebright sans Mary Sue: Contact devises a series of encounters wherein the Hivemind is presented with encounters where cooperating is beneficial and omnicide is punished. A few decades of operant conditioning and you have a potentially suitable galactic participant.
      Default: a cadre of concerned Minds annihilate yet another biological hegemonzing swarm. This is the end for the Hive Fleet; for the Minds, it's Tuesday.
      Grimdark: Gridfire. Lots of it.

      • 2 years ago

        I forgot Mary Sue: [PROTAGONIST] is a wizard at [PLOT CRUX]. They have had it with the Culture, because [REASONS]. Special Circumstances manipulates [PROTAGONIST] until they have to agree to [PLOT CRUX], because they're the best. Set pieces are exposited; amazing tableaus are sketched. At the exact right time, [PROTAGONIST] does a [PLOT CRUX], resolving the central conflict in a particularly clever way. Some cheeky thing means the Culture is ahead. Iain Banks wins three more awards.

  10. 2 years ago

    The Minds gridfire it. This answer can also go for anything else in 40K. Just gridfire it. Literally just bathe it in the juices of an infinite big bang dimension by opening a tiny hole pointed at it for a little bit. JUST GRIDFIRE IT.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    >How would the Culture deal with a full, galaxy-scale Tyranid hive invasion?

    Culture "General System Vehicles" (megastructure sized FTL starships/cruise-liners capable of housing billions in absolute luxury per ship with full manufacturing facilities) individually have more power than blackstone fortresses, by quite a bit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Culture "General System Vehicles" (megastructure sized FTL starships/cruise-liners capable of housing billions in absolute luxury per ship with full manufacturing facilities) individually have more power than blackstone fortresses
      How many Cadias could you destroy by chucking one at it?

  12. 2 years ago

    El Hermano destroys both.

  13. 2 years ago

    better question
    who would win, the Rorschach or Tyranids?

  14. 2 years ago

    Are there any sci-fi civilizations that are on par with the Culture, power wise? All the ones I can think of are either really below them, or stupidly above them (Time Lords, Daleks, Xeelee, Downstreamers).

    • 2 years ago

      Star Trek's Dominion, maybe? Or the Voth? The Borg have the growth potential to challenge any faction that is technology based, so long as they can successfully assimilate just a few pieces of that tech and a few members of that species. I don't know, I'm grasping at straws tbh. Star Trek at least has the Q and so on, who absolutely would stomp any other sci-fi franchise because their power is just plain fricking omnipotence.

      • 2 years ago

        The Borg would never have a chance to assimilate high-end culture tech because it's all on spaceships piloted by hyperintelligent AIs that have combat maneuver speeds hundreds of times the speed of light.

        Star Trek, the Instrumentality, ect. Pretty much anybody who's post-scarcity and has access to stable time travel and can convert energy to mass at low enough cost to use the process for entertainment.

        Anyone with time travel beats the Culture easily.

        • 2 years ago

          >The Borg would never have a chance to assimilate high-end culture tech because it's all on spaceships piloted by hyperintelligent AIs that have combat maneuver speeds hundreds of times the speed of light.
          Warp speed is hundreds of times the speed of light and they do use Warp maneuvers in battle in Star Trek. The Borg also have Transwarp technology that allows them to cross an entire galaxy in an instant. The Borg themselves are hyperintelligent beyond measure, though they rarely need to use their intelligence.
          >Anyone with time travel beats the Culture easily.
          So the Borg, then.

          • 2 years ago

            >The Borg themselves are hyperintelligent beyond measure, though they rarely need to use their intelligence.

            It's like claiming that the ancient Elisa chatbots is just pretending to be moronic.

            • 2 years ago

              >The Borg themselves are hyperintelligent beyond measure, though they rarely need to use their intelligence.
              "We could infect the Borg with this mathematical puzzle that currently has no soultion in order to occupy their processing functions OR we could teach a species that has a multiple-milennia history of seamlessly integrating sentient beings into its collective... INDIVIDUALITY! The experience certainly will break them."

              (It actually broke them. The hyper-intelligent species that had ancient, standing protocols for dealing with people's individiality couldn't deal with the experience of individuality being shared among their lot)

              Look, I don't write the scripts, nor do I write the lore. Borg are the combined brainpower of billions of drones plus cybernetic neural enhancements. Yes, they job to the protagonists when it's convenient to the plot. But that's just because being the good guy in Star Trek makes you invincible.

              • 2 years ago

                How intelligent you are doesn't only depend on how much computronium you can get in one place. Or else elephants and whales would be more intelligent than humans.

                If 90% of the brainpower of the borg is spent coordinating the borg, then it wouldn't matter how much brainpower they had.

              • 2 years ago

                >How intelligent you are doesn't only depend on how much computronium you can get in one place.
                That's literally the definition of intelligence you dumbass
                > Or else elephants and whales would be more intelligent than humans.
                Elephants and whales don't have anywhere near as dense brain matter as humans do. Their brains are also proportionally tiny compared to the human brains-to-body ratio, and more of their brains are devoted to their own biological processes than human brains are.
                >If 90% of the brainpower of the borg is spent coordinating the borg, then it wouldn't matter how much brainpower they had.
                What an amazing statistic you just pulled out of your ass to try and make the Borg seem weak.

              • 2 years ago

                >Their brains are also proportionally tiny compared to the human brains-to-body ratio
                That's entirely my point. It doesn't matter how much combined intelligence the borg have because we don't know how much of it is spent coordinating the borg body, so to speak. Their showings of intelligence are unimpressive.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's entirely my point. It doesn't matter how much combined intelligence the borg have because we don't know how much of it is spent coordinating the borg body, so to speak.
                You don't have a point. You're just throwing out random statistics with no basis in fact and showing a complete disregard for the evidence shown as to Borg intelligence vastly surpassing that of entire species. We are shown what happens when the Borg pays attention to a battle for a half second, and it means they adapt to whatever weapons and tech are being used against them instantly. We are shown that the Borg spends much of its time and attention on scientific study, like when they were experimenting with portals into fluidic space. You're trying to play it like they're functionally moronic when they simply aren't paying attention in most cases. Losing drones is like losing a single skin cell to the Borg.
                >Their showings of intelligence are unimpressive.
                Frick off, homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                So their intelligence is specialized towards science, and comparable to baseline humans in other areas? They did lose to aliens not too much more intelligent than humans after all.

                >B-but it's because the plot demanded it
                You could make that argument about literally anything happening in fiction, making lore and showings pointless to look at.

              • 2 years ago

                >So their intelligence is specialized towards science, and comparable to baseline humans in other areas? They did lose to aliens not too much more intelligent than humans after all.
                Species 8472, a civilization with technology that massively surpasses the Borg, the Dominion, and pretty much every other known species in the galaxy, is "not much more intelligent than humans"?
                >You could make that argument about literally anything happening in fiction
                You're saying that the Borg, as established in the setting, don't count as what they're established in the setting as being because heroes beat them in the end. You're the one trying to argue that Borg can't adapt, can't improve, can't do anything, because they're apparently moronic according to you. Sure, I guess if the Borg are moronic, then so is the Culture.

              • 2 years ago

                They still lost the battle of Earth. And they still needed the help of the Enterprise to win against Species 8472.

                >You're the one trying to argue that Borg can't adapt, can't improve, can't do anything
                Literally when???

              • 2 years ago

                >still needed the help of the Enterprise to win against Species 8472.

              • 2 years ago

                Obviously anon means Voyager; The point is that the borg can't develop anything on their own, that was the entire point of that episode. They have stolen everything they have from those they assimilate.

          • 2 years ago

            >The Borg themselves are hyperintelligent beyond measure, though they rarely need to use their intelligence.
            "We could infect the Borg with this mathematical puzzle that currently has no soultion in order to occupy their processing functions OR we could teach a species that has a multiple-milennia history of seamlessly integrating sentient beings into its collective... INDIVIDUALITY! The experience certainly will break them."

            (It actually broke them. The hyper-intelligent species that had ancient, standing protocols for dealing with people's individiality couldn't deal with the experience of individuality being shared among their lot)

    • 2 years ago

      Star Trek, the Instrumentality, ect. Pretty much anybody who's post-scarcity and has access to stable time travel and can convert energy to mass at low enough cost to use the process for entertainment.

      • 2 years ago

        I can't really see Trek combatting the Culture on the sheer basis that 99% of the factions there are still crewing ships with real-time bridges.
        Space battles in the Culture books take place on the scale of milliseconds. The closest thing we see to a ship that still has a navy-style bridge crew on the level of the Culture is one in which the human(oid) crew has been uploaded into the frickin computer substrate of the ship.

    • 2 years ago

      The 20 other peer civilizations in the Culture verse.

    • 2 years ago

      Anything that can time travel.

      Time travel is the dividing line, anybody who has it instantly can trump anybody who doesn’t have it simply because it completely and utterly changes everything about how one would combat another.

    • 2 years ago

      Are Orion Arm civilisations more or less powerful? They have their own godlike AIs.

      • 2 years ago

        Higher tier archai are comparable, but all of those empires are ultimately irrelevant, and in Culture series supposedly was some memo about their "immaturity" or so I've heard.

      • 2 years ago

        High end Archai are on par with, if not superior to Culture Minds in many respects. But they're pretty much crippled due to lacking FTL, so nothing in the Terragen Sphere could actually keep up with a Culture ship in full war mode.

        • 2 years ago

          Are Orion Arm civilisations more or less powerful? They have their own godlike AIs.

          What Archai have over the Culture is a mastery of, well. Culture. Engineering a deleterious cultural memeplex is relatively simple (if never exact) for, say, S4 and above AI.

          Are there any sci-fi civilizations that are on par with the Culture, power wise? All the ones I can think of are either really below them, or stupidly above them (Time Lords, Daleks, Xeelee, Downstreamers).

          >Are there any sci-fi civilizations that are on par with the Culture, power wise?
          The Free Terran League from Perry Rhodan is up there though they have a different focus.

    • 2 years ago

      The AI from AI War, as well as whatever the AI is fighting.

    • 2 years ago

      The Total Annihilation folks are at al level where you'd absolutely require time travel to get rid of them once they managed to make landfall.

      Unless you just nuke or Exterminatus the frick outta them.

      • 2 years ago

        I hear TA is way more powerful than supcom but I think the Culture would wipe the floor with them if they still are primitive enough to need to make landfall. Never mind gridfire, effectors are an even more powerful tool that allows you to manipulate matter and fields on the subatomic level, which can be used to physically "hack" into anything, even biological life. Unless TA has similar ultra-advanced ECM tech they would see square miles of bots being converted in an instant. and I mean ultra-advanced, effectors could in a few minutes (at most) find a needle in an haystack on the opposite of the planet from 2500 lightyears away, you can imagine what actual close-range effectorization is capable of.

    • 2 years ago

      The Culture is pathetically weak, power wise. It could be beat by the Combine, any major player in Star Wars, both version of Starship Troopers, or fricking Kirby. I don't get why everyone wanks it so hard.

      • 2 years ago

        >it could be beat by the combine
        You mean the combine which employs tank-equivalents as heavy police vehicles, doesn't have local teleportation tech and whose major claim to power is having one (1) dyson sphere?
        >any major player in star wars
        such as? The death star is not especially impressive and their combat pace is pathetically slow.
        >both versions of starship troopers
        lmao no
        >or fricking kirby
        kirby IS god

        • 2 years ago

          >a multiversal power of eldritch horrors in a setting with many implied things
          Combine problem is that they are unimaginative, which is why they subsume civilizations, but they already dangerous enough to survive on their own, all things considered.

          • 2 years ago

            what implied things are there other than the gman, whose feats boil down to nothing an effector couldn't do, plus being driven away by vortigaunts

            • 2 years ago

              Enough that new theories about the game still keep coming up, not to mention other games and their concepts or ideas, like Prospero or Portal, Xen being a dimensional border world.
              But even with what one's shown in the last game, when you're at a level of this movement, the amount of options becomes immense.
              AIs are ultimately just constructions, when one can manipulate space time to move one can just construct them wholesale.

              • 2 years ago

                And just so you remember, reality doesn't work on feats.

                Nothing in Half Life has anything comparable to the Culture. All of your posts are horrendous headcanon on a level that would make a Spacebattler blush.

              • 2 years ago

                Sheer capacity to walk through time lines already implicates extra dimensional existence.
                Culture isn't impressive at those levels of operation much like any other sci-fi, because it's all things displayed are just engineering constructions, which at such levels of intelligence are just routine, and actual interests lie in fighting complex battles and games against for aesthetic and ideological purposes.
                To put in other words, it's about life being a story, and interests work to push their own meaning.
                You think in terms of mechanics, not grasping that mechanics are just a means, and all those things frequently move towards similar ends.
                Crystallized science products are merely tools in this regard.
                A multi-dimensional entity wouldn't seek out an individual of implied "limitless potential" without there being a purpose or intent, because when you can mass convert solar or galactic or extra galactic masses wholesale, conventional interests no longer apply.
                Culture itself is just a shadow of what it can do, and in the grand scheme of things it's no more important than any other.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sheer capacity to walk through time lines already implicates extra dimensional existence.
                You do realize that all Culture Minds exist in higher dimensional space for the most part, right? That they literally simulate entire universes to pass the time when nothing interesting is going on?

                >Culture isn't impressive at those levels of operation much like any other sci-fi, because it's all things displayed are just engineering constructions, which at such levels of intelligence are just routine, and actual interests lie in fighting complex battles and games against for aesthetic and ideological purposes.
                Yeah, I was right. You have no fricking idea what you're talking about.

              • 2 years ago

                Right about what?
                Those are just gimmicks, courtesy of laws of the material universe.

              • 2 years ago

                culture minds can already manipulate spacetime, even a personell-tier drone could replicate the GMans feats (teleportation, stasis, and apparent time slowdown). Gman could no sooner replicate a mind than replicate gordon freeman 10 billion times.

              • 2 years ago

                So? That's just means they all walk along similar paths.
                Ultimately, they wouldn't intersect, and crossovers are just lacking most of the time.

            • 2 years ago

              And just so you remember, reality doesn't work on feats.

        • 2 years ago

          >You mean the combine which employs tank-equivalents as heavy police vehicles, doesn't have local teleportation tech and whose major claim to power is having one (1) dyson sphere?
          The Combine has conquered multiple entire goddamn dimensions, moron. What you face in Half-Life are locally sourced mall cops left on cleanup crew duties.

          • 2 years ago

            The Combine's only claim to fame is having a single dyson sphere, which isn't at all impressive to a civ like the Culture beyond MAYBE an artistic engineering feat. Their whole "multiversal empire" is never observed and its scale never stated. For all we know, they only own individual planets in each dimension and consider that "conquering the dimension".

            Meanwhile, the Culture can destroy dimensions with enough application of Gridfire.

            • 2 years ago

              Combine don't have that claim actually, they are implied to be an empire, but we never seen any actual elements.
              Epistle is just a what if draft.

            • 2 years ago

              >The Combine's only claim to fame is having a single dyson sphere
              You realize they have way more than the one, right? They thought they were attacking the Combine homeworld, but there is no such thing since the Combine is closer to a multiversal hive organism than an empire of individuals at this point. The whole point of Epistle was that the Combine is way beyond the scale of anything humanity could possibly even dent much less beat and that they best they could hope for was to cut themselves off from the Combine.

              • 2 years ago

                >You realize they have way more than the one, right?
                Immediate source. Now. Because the games themselves don't state that what you attack is a Dyson sphere and the leaked script literally only lists ONE dyson sphere amongst their assets. They don't need more than one to push humanity's shit in either; a single civ with a dyson sphere has already harnessed all the relevant power of their local star at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                even one dyson sphere is too immense for hlverse humanity to dent. imagine a dyson sphere placed on mercurys orbit. the surface area is approximately 100 million times the surface area of earth, it's insane

          • 2 years ago

            >multiple dimensions
            means nothing without specification, xen for example is just a bunch of floating rocks, earth is just 2000's era earth with some useless experimental tech, for all we know the other dimensions could have been a fantasy world the size of england and others. it definitely doesn't imply they conquered entire universes as we know them.
            >What you face in Half-Life are locally sourced mall cops left on cleanup crew duties.
            synths are definitely not locally sourced, locally produced perhaps, but it still gives a hint to their tech levels. basic culture drone weaponry includes effectors, forcefields, antimatter missiles, intelligent hypersonic flying knives (possibly with additional weaponry), lasers, and probably more. There was a short story where a smuggled antique civilian handgun was used to bring down a starship on a non-culture world. The combine has no demonstrated impressive weaponry, and maybe it's not really needed to conquer dimensions if they're all that low power, they just need mass production and assimilation.

            • 2 years ago

              Why would you be so unpragmatic to expend more resources than necessary?

              • 2 years ago

                technology is doing more with less. unless striders were made out of dirt, the fact that their heaviest police ordinance gets killed by a robot built in a junkyard doesn't look good. again, with the culture, their lowest military technology runs on the same principles as their highest tech, which is speed, finesse, overwhelming firepower and adaptability. The combines low grade stuff actually has to FIGHT humans armed with scrounged together 21st century human SMGs and other junk, and I'm not just talking about freeman.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't need to equip minor invasion force against a known quantity with extremely disproportionate power, especially if you don't care about losses and all troops are expendable.
                Military operations are done in various ways, but throwing best equipment to a mining operation? Did they accomplish their tasks? Yes, they did, cheaply enough.

              • 2 years ago

                >did they accomplish their task
                evidently not. and given that they knew that earth had fricking super tech that even the combine didn't have and which would undoubtedly had increased the efficiency and power of the combine several percent if not several times over (fricking TELEPORTATION), only garrisoning earth with the absolutely shittiest stuff they could manage is nonsensical and idiotic. And even if their real stuff is many orders of magnitude better, there already are several orders of magnitude between what the combine have shown and the most basic military tech of the culture. Even their high end technology, a dyson sphere, is nothing special in the culture galaxy.

              • 2 years ago

                But they did? Ep2 ending has them finally eat some good brains.

              • 2 years ago

                It'd be more pragmatic not to have the Citadel blown up and the advisors killed by deploying some of your super technology you keep offscreen for no reason

              • 2 years ago

                >an event that only occurred due to a literal out of context meddler

            • 2 years ago

              Moreover, it's pretty clear that the Combine has severely impaired intellectual and creative potential compared to every other faction in the series, sort of a reverse Cave Johnson. Too inhuman to be competently inhuman, they're like the worst negative wanks of the Minds in this thread, but accurate.

      • 2 years ago

        It's interesting because these novels are very obscure and when you boil it down, are just normal scifi novels. I believe these books appeal to Progressives, particularly trannies who zero in on the 'body modification' part of the setting, so they're seen as religious Scripture by the Space Battles/Sufficient Velocity forum- the only place where people talk about these novels. Judging by their reactions to criticism about these novels, you would think we're discussing Shakespeare or Milton with the fans elating the 'deep' concepts while screeching at any dissenting voices in a manner eerily reminiscent of religious zealots whenever their holy books get even vaguely criticized.

        Their constant attempts to 'one-up' Warhammer sound to me like a zealot having a crisis of faith. Notice how EVERY CULTURE THREAD (which they somehow remember years after the fact) has them shitting on Warhammer? And notice how they lumped together every single anon who dared argue against into one Mega-Shitposter God like he's Satan or some shit? It's truly bizarre.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought the primary appeal is for transhumanists, especially naive ones?
          OA seems to have more actual lore though.

          • 2 years ago

            OA's interesting. It's also really obscure.

          • 2 years ago

            OA's interesting. It's also really obscure.

            OA is obscure for entirely self-inflicted reasons because their copyright policy is 1000% more autistic than Disney and Toei combined.
            "Any use other than private viewing is strictly prohibited". You can't even make the usual infection vector known as Lore Videos™ because they might strike your channel unless you get permission from the owner of the page and the owner of every page that page refers to, which can be hundreds.
            Meanwhile SCP is gradually becoming a major player in pop culture just because you can spread and adapt at will.

            • 2 years ago

              Not a bad decision, seeing as SCP appears to be degrading in a fashion that, given the subject of hazards is rather ironic.

        • 2 years ago

          actually culture posts boil down to three things
          >arguing that the overpowered culture will beat a less wanked setting (which it usually will, since it's highly wanked by banks)
          >arguing that the books are good and not trash (they are better than most sci-fi novels, which isn't a huge bar but still)
          >arguing that the culture is a pretty nice society (which it is, because its written to be)
          then we have you, who gets insanely butthurt just because they're stronger than 40k (which it naturally is, because warhammer is written to be a cool miniature wargame and culture is written to be about as strong as a science fiction civilization could get without subsuming the galaxy, and spherical drones aren't as cool as human infantrymen being impaled by a space daemon)

          how old are you? 15?

          • 2 years ago

            He's probably around 13. That's the usual age for the sort of people who unironically regurgitate /misc/shit outside of its containment board. Probably a self-hating Hispanic too.

          • 2 years ago

            >they are better than most sci-fi novels
            They're on par with BL. Even the first four Halo tie-in novels have better prose than Banks.

            • 2 years ago

              not really

              • 2 years ago

                Good thing you're wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                go ahead and demonstrate it by posting relevant segments from each book

            • 2 years ago

              Good thing you're wrong.

              >the moronic /misc/Black person spamming these threads is not only a 40kid, but also a Halobaby
              You can't make this shit up.

              • 2 years ago

                >still thinks all the shitposters are one person

              • 2 years ago

                Well, yeah. No reason to think there's more than one of you. But if you want, we can just generalize it and say that it's you and your personal Discord cabal.

              • 2 years ago

                Man, that ESLgay upthread was right. All you Culturegays are delusional schizos.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's still samegayging
                Touch grass.

              • 2 years ago

                I get the feeling he was onto something with the bot thing. Why are they getting so defensive over obscure books from the 90s?

            • 2 years ago

              How did the thread move from whether the culture would beat the Tyranids in a fight (they did), to whether the books have good prose or not? Does it make 40kids and polspammers that insecure to have an obscure sci-fi series where gay people aren't genocided be stronger than their big muscle manly space marines?'

              >O-only trannies like the books
              The books are 60% about how the kind of society the gaySC crowd would be filled with flaws, especially the moronic foreign policy a civilization what that kind of morals would have.

              • 2 years ago

                >Does it make 40kids and polspammers that insecure to have an obscure sci-fi series where gay people aren't genocided be stronger than their big muscle manly space marines?'
                Yes. Though in reality, ANYTHING stronger than 40k makes them insecure. Look at how they react to Destiny vs 40k threads or Kirby and magical girls vs 40k.

  15. 2 years ago

    DAOT mankind was the Culture, or something pretty close to it, and the Chaos Gods devoured them, despite the rantings of schizophrenic trannies. And it's long since established that they would've taken care of the 'nids in about a week, so this one goes to the Culture... troony wish fulfillment and potential 18 U.S. Chapter 71 - OBSCENITY violation.

    • 2 years ago

      This message has been brought to you by Gay Luxury Communism.

    • 2 years ago

      DAOT mankind would have lost to the culture. Their weaponry was on a similar scale of firepower but their AIs are dumber, their ships aren't as fast, and their tech isn't as precise.

      • 2 years ago

        >Their weaponry was on a similar scale of firepower
        Not even. DAoT mankind's pinnacle of firepower? Titans and knights. Those are what they used to comprise their main armies. The Culture would curbstomp DAoT mankind without any remarkable effort.

        • 2 years ago

          That was their land technology though. They had starkilling robots.

          • 2 years ago

            >They had starkilling robots.
            Not in any significant numbers. Titans and Knights were the main battle forces of DAoT humanity. They weren't prepared for, nor expecting, massive wars in space because they had no reliable warp transit capabilities. They had local defense fleets at most. There are rare and unique artifacts from the DAoT that exceed these limits like the planet-teleporting device that was used to move Armaggedon from its original location into a new star system, but these were not standard technology of the DAoT. Something people tend to gloss over is that technological advancement was driven by singular ultra geniuses in the DAoT, who didn't record many of their discoveries and inventions in any STCs. STCs themselves were only compilations of Terra's general tech level prior to the colonists making their trip to a new planet, and as soon as that colony was established, it was no longer possible to update the STC with new designs and technology from the homeworld or other colonies that developed their own new tech. Every colony was completely isolated from the rest because they didn't have Astropaths for FTL communication.

            • 2 years ago

              No they weren't. They were janitorial equipment at most. The stuff you use to WASH TABLES, exterminate pests, and other low wagie jobs. The actual DAOT military had bullets that traveled through time, star sized robots, and other bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                You wouldn't need knights to do "janitorial" work if you had magic time travelling nanoswarms as the default loadout. Why do orks and eldar still exist if humans were running around completely immortal like that? Why do men of iron that still exist in 40k have stats on par with a space marine at best?

            • 2 years ago

              This anon gives actual spurces for his claims and has clearly read the actual BL novels.

              As expected, the schtizo trannies swarm in, defending their crappy uberverse. It's ironic because Banks isn't terribly better than the average BL writer. And you know what? DAOT surpassed the fricking culture because they had uncovered alternate dimensions, moved to other galaxies, and made things that defied the law of physics as we know them.


              Those were JANITORIAL equipment. Badly outdated ones too, the kind you'd find in a rundown office in the inner city too.

              Cope more.

              No they weren't. They were janitorial equipment at most. The stuff you use to WASH TABLES, exterminate pests, and other low wagie jobs. The actual DAOT military had bullets that traveled through time, star sized robots, and other bullshit.

              This anon is a festering schizo wanker using /misc/ buzzwords who hasn't read a single novel and gets all his info off the ass end of Comicvine, a secondary of the worst order. The exact sort of individual described by

              It's entirely because the Horus Heresy and other BL novels have one-off big showy feats that they specifically remove from all context to make them look more impressive than they really are.

            • 2 years ago

              >Knights were the main battle forces of DAoT humanity
              Lol no, Knights were giant lumberjacking and construction frames. They were sent out with low priority, low material colonists to establish new settlements. Yes they defended them if absolutely necessary but they weren't the main battleforce of DAOT any more than the Killdozer is the main tank of the US Army.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah those big gatling gun and volcano cannon arms sure do look like farming equipment to me

              • 2 years ago

                >volcano cannon
                Demolition is part of construction, dummy.
                >gatling gun
                Got me there, but sometimes you just need a BFG

                Regardless, they've obviously shifted priority by the time 40K rolls around so it comes as no surprise that many are outfitted purely for war nowadays.

                Lmao, Knights were actually neckbeards gamepieces for the exhilarating childrens tabletop game morningstar 4 million, the warp shields are just cosmic cheeto dust and all humans used to be 50 kilometers tall during the dark age of technology

                Calm down, histrionic hyperbole-kun, I'm not saying DAOT humanity were godkings of their realm, I'm just saying Knights were originally just versatile construction equipment the same way terminator armor is just an old welding suit iirc, or some other mundane civilian job. I love that sort of thing not because of any sort of HURF DURF HUMANITY FRICK YEAH but because it's fun to see just how far humanity has fallen in 40K. They've deified what is essentially a bipedal pic related with a gun slapped on the side.

              • 2 years ago

                >Calm down, histrionic hyperbole-kun, I'm not saying DAOT humanity were godkings of their realm, I'm just saying Knights were originally just versatile construction equipment the same way terminator armor is just an old welding suit iirc, or some other mundane civilian job. I love that sort of thing not because of any sort of HURF DURF HUMANITY FRICK YEAH but because it's fun to see just how far humanity has fallen in 40K. They've deified what is essentially a bipedal pic related with a gun slapped on the side.
                eh okay, fair enough, i was confusing you with the people saying titans were roombas and butlers, which is evidently not true because they're still the most powerful tech from the DAoT. I mean, if they were the lowest rung of tech, why would terminator suits even exist?

              • 2 years ago

                >if they were the lowest rung of tech, why would terminator suits even exist?
                As the lowest rung, they were more commonplace and thus more likely to survive the collapse of civilization. If humanity nuked itself back to the stone age tomorrow, you're going to have a way higher chance of finding the blueprints and materials/building capability for a pickup truck than for a stealth bomber, but that pickup will make you King Dick of the wasteland if your neighbors are all fricking around with horses and spears.

              • 2 years ago

                I meant
                >if [titans] are the lowest rung, why would terminator suits even exist?

              • 2 years ago

                Why does the humble screwdriver persist when jackhammers and bulldozers are commonplace? Different scale of application and entirely different purposes perhaps.

              • 2 years ago

                but evidently, titans are not the lowest rung of tech, just maybe not a very high one. Titans are more bagger 288s than aircraft carriers, but a bagger 288 is still a pretty neat piece of technology, and the difference between one and an aircraft carrier is much smaller than an aircraft carrier and a roomba. Calling titans the lowest tier of tech and janny bots is implying that the real stuff is infinitely more powerful.

              • 2 years ago

                I'd say that the Titans are something more akin to a custodial cart but even that might be too much. A kid was using them to kill Orks for fun which suggests to me that they were spray bottles and the hose in the yard.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, fair. Yeah, the DAOT gets wanked hard because there's so little concrete information about this is a fricking good thing, but there are grains of truth in the wank, one of which being that Knights and Termies were originally far more custodial gear rather than their current role as holy warrior armor.

              • 2 years ago

                There's a scene where AUTOMATED Titans are exterminating Orks. Not in a war, not even a dedicated extermination job against a Bee Hive or a Roach infestation, but in the way a shit-head kid would torment an ant-hive in his yard.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Sure but what's going on here is someone found the cutting edge prototype stealth bomber and declared the F-16s therefore must have been farming equipment while the main military forces issued said stealth bombers to every soldier

              • 2 years ago

                What's wrong with deifying the Bagger 288?

              • 2 years ago

                >big gatling gun
                They could be repurposed spray containers for Janitor-bots.

                >volcano cannon arms
                Demolition is a part of construction, troony.

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao, Knights were actually neckbeards gamepieces for the exhilarating childrens tabletop game morningstar 4 million, the warp shields are just cosmic cheeto dust and all humans used to be 50 kilometers tall during the dark age of technology

            • 2 years ago

              This anon gives actual spurces for his claims and has clearly read the actual BL novels.

              This anon is a festering schizo wanker using /misc/ buzzwords who hasn't read a single novel and gets all his info off the ass end of Comicvine, a secondary of the worst order. The exact sort of individual described by [...]

              Lol you just backed up your own post. Sorry troony, but this isn't Reddit.

          • 2 years ago

            Even if they had roughly the same firepower as culture ships, the culture is all about speed and finesse, to such a degree that I doubt WG would ever wank the DAoT to a similar level.

        • 2 years ago

          That's just the things that survived because of how common they were at the time, to mention knights were glorified forklifts at the time.

        • 2 years ago

          Those were JANITORIAL equipment. Badly outdated ones too, the kind you'd find in a rundown office in the inner city too.

          Cope more.

    • 2 years ago

      given the speeds which chaos corruption works on AI, and the beyond masterful data security posessed by the culture, chaos could strain and attempt to overwrite a Minds """programming""" in a millisecond (given the complexity of a Mind, an enormous feat), but this is such a slow timeframe that the Mind could leisurly just scrub the data corruption as it grows at a moss-like rate. Minds are gods in all but name.

      • 2 years ago

        You can tell if someone hasn't actually read the culture books or not by if they think it's troony wish fulfillment fantasies because the books are actually extremely critical of that kind of society. The Culture isn't universally a good thing. The books actually acknowledge how people lose their identities, how they're at the mercy of godlike AI's that do sometimes go rogue, and how most of the Culture's foreign policy is them needlessly fricking with civilizations less advanced than them for the sake of propagating their morality. Half the books aren't even about the Culture, they're about the pawns the Culture manipulates in their games.

        The technology 40k humans recover from the dark age are knights and landspeeders and the men of iron that appear in 40k fight with convential weapons, so why do people claim the dark age humans were actually ascended culture magic people who fought with nanoswarms and deleted stars with a thought?

        As expected, the schtizo trannies swarm in, defending their crappy uberverse. It's ironic because Banks isn't terribly better than the average BL writer. And you know what? DAOT surpassed the fricking culture because they had uncovered alternate dimensions, moved to other galaxies, and made things that defied the law of physics as we know them.


        • 2 years ago

          before you chastisise someone for being a poor writer, you should probably learn how to spell such a commonly used word as "schizo". btw i will kill you in real life and wear your skin as a towel

        • 2 years ago

          >As expected, the schtizo trannies swarm in, defending their crappy uberverse.
          Says the schtizo troony defending their own crappy uberverse because it got out uberversed for once.

          • 2 years ago

            Schitzo trannies, paid bot accounts, brand loyalty and American McPolitics all in one thread. In the end, both are utterly moronic. If you wanna argue powerlevels, stick with the Xeelee.

    • 2 years ago

      You can tell if someone hasn't actually read the culture books or not by if they think it's troony wish fulfillment fantasies because the books are actually extremely critical of that kind of society. The Culture isn't universally a good thing. The books actually acknowledge how people lose their identities, how they're at the mercy of godlike AI's that do sometimes go rogue, and how most of the Culture's foreign policy is them needlessly fricking with civilizations less advanced than them for the sake of propagating their morality. Half the books aren't even about the Culture, they're about the pawns the Culture manipulates in their games.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Sure, most of the Culture is pretty nice, a functional utopia, but Minds do in fact go off and do their own shit with little consent from the little guys (even if all of them outside of Meatfricker have lines they do not cross) and the Culture is entirely willingly, moreso than the rest of the Involved combined, to stick their noses into other people's business and frick with their civilizations to eventually make them become a part of the Culture or embrace their values.

        These are all enough to cause people to just leave the Culture, and they let them.

        • 2 years ago

          Utopias aren't nice.
          Their society is a joke.

          • 2 years ago

            t. lives in the worst regime imaginable and enjoys getting skullfricked by guardsmen and inquisitors on the daily

            Your opinion is irrelevant.

            • 2 years ago

              Is this supposed to mean something?
              By what logic did you come to a conclusion that horrors of one regime (which isn't even remotely close to worst regime imaginable, you just lack imagination) excuse rot of another one?

          • 2 years ago

            You're a fricking moron.

            • 2 years ago

              Willing to elaborate, or is this some intelligence show off on your part?

          • 2 years ago

            >nice things aren't nice

            • 2 years ago

              >unnatural, lacking in verisimilitude societies with disrupted stagnation and advancement metrics are nice
              Rarely, extremely rarely.

              • 2 years ago

                welcome to space
                >lacking in verisimilitude
                main-culture itself is probably more diverse than all of the western world, and regularly has splinter groups such as the zetenic elench form (a sign of cultural
                >with disrupted stagnation and advancement metrics
                the culture is a very young species in galactic terms. it has been similar for thousands of years, but it's because it has encountered a timespan without significant revolutions (abstaining from sublimation, one such revolution), so it's progressing more like ancient egypt, rather than the industrial revolutionary western world which is undergoing a transformation

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                you think you become a spacefaring civilization and somehow maintain your normal caveman social forms? We ARE cavemen compared to the culture and we barely have a natural society!

              • 2 years ago

                You easily can maintain them, yes, in no small part due to those normal caveman forms being already complete.
                All psycho spiritual development and correct "way of living" choice making paradigms are up to sapients, to the extent of their capacities.
                Even presuming it's not possible to reach high level advancement without at least minor loss of humanity, which isn't exactly the case, either, it can be mitigated extremely up to no loss of it.

              • 2 years ago

                Extreme diversity alone doesn't make a rich existence, and at those scales things can be rendered into meaninglessness with ease.

              • 2 years ago

                They're not exactly nietzschean ubermen, but the culture seems to be a reasonably lively place compared to earth. space aliens and forgotten civilizations around every corner, loads of perspective-altering experiences, and they even have the semi-religious smug sense of cultural superiority motivating their entire existence. people calling it a dystopia are moronic, it is exactly what it's written as, an extremely idyllic civilization that nonetheless have its owns philosophical problems to contend with due to the way the utopia is achieved.

              • 2 years ago

                As far as I remember, their huge problem, among others, is that they are are too tolerant, enough to disincentivize living in those who truly value principles, whilst being inherently anti-species concerning their self determination or being by virtue of disproportionate capabilities, and a rather lacking foreign policies or conduct towards universe at large in spite of implied intelligence levels.

              • 2 years ago

                well yeah, but I'm swedish and we are used combining tolerance with smug self-satisfaction about the perfection of swedish society so it doesn't feel so weird to me

              • 2 years ago

                And those are actively portrayed as flaws on part of most Minds. Those Minds and people who dislike how the Culture does things often just frick off and leave to do their own thing, which the Culture allows. On the opposite end, they also have lines they do not cross; tampering with minds or enslaving those under their care are the big ones. The former is why Meatfricker is so aptly named to begin with.

              • 2 years ago

                But they still let Culture live, which means it will continue doing its own thing.

              • 2 years ago

                because plunging your entire civilization into a bloody civil war pitting brother against brother over a philosophical disagreement is more trouble than it's worth.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Well, yes? Even rogue Minds aren't amoral or moronic enough to start a war with the rest of the Culture, since they recognize that they 1) would not win and 2) they'd devastate and kill trillions in the process. And normals who leave can do literally nothing, they're just making the decision to go back to an average life sans the Culture's influence.

                Note that these are all total exceptions too. The vast majority of people in the Culture are content with things as they are.

              • 2 years ago

                Contentedness is how people can become corrupted or weak, you know.

              • 2 years ago

                Which doesn't really apply to the Culture, where everyone is/can be a godlike superhuman who can engage in any activities to build character and spirit that they like inbetween the sex, and everyone is kept on the straight-and-narrow by rhe Minds, with obvious exceptions like Grey Area. You need to stop judging the Culture from the moral framework of somebody on Earth and view them through the lense of a post-scarcity civilization with nigh-unlimited resources, choices, and potential governed entirely by benevolent near-gods.

              • 2 years ago

                That's because they are already corrupt and inhuman, so much they no longer see it.
                There's a difference between allowance of free will with proper conduct from power bearing agents and letting things run scot-free.
                Not even christian rapturists are so tasteless, I'd say.

              • 2 years ago

                >they'll become corrupted and weak!
                >post proof that they aren't
                >they're already corrupt and inhuman!
                40kids are truly the worst posters on this board.

              • 2 years ago

                >losing humanity or its local species analogue
                >cultural identity dissolution
                >not inhuman
                I didn't say they were weak, I said they aren't what they were or could've been.

              • 2 years ago

                The races that formed the Culture never originated anywhere on Earth, so you trying to pull this HFY nonsense immediately outs you as a dumbass secondary who hasn't read the books. They don't share our Earth moral framework because they're not FROM Earth or derived from it.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, you're still not getting it.
                Morality isn't subject to Earth or humans, it's a property of intelligence, which in itself isn't subject to anyone.
                There are no human or alien moralities, there's only fundamental comprehension of an extremely complex concept pertaining to sapience directly, and then there are derivatives and subjectives in various states of ignorance, disrepair or thought out choices.
                There is no escape for anyone or anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Brainlet. Morality is a survival strategy gained through evolution. There is nothing universal about it.

              • 2 years ago

                This post is more religious than the 40k RPers. Yes, it's so above our comprehension we normies cannot UNDERSTAND why God blew up a city so we should shut the frick up or else.

              • 2 years ago

                >Yes, it's so above our comprehension we normies cannot UNDERSTAND why God blew up a city
                We have two examples of cities that God blew up, and both were degenerate hellholes full of people who attempted to rape the first few messengers he send down and where slavery and murder were common things. Not that this is related to the actual argument in any way.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes it is. You wrote:
                >We can't understand the Culture because they're above us.
                Which is no different than:
                >We can't understand God because he's above us.
                Yes troonypreacher man, we have no right to judge the Culture because they clearly know better than we do, just like God. So any sort of criticism, skepticism, or even mild dissent must be punished.

              • 2 years ago

                Stop screeching about the boogeyman living rent free in your head and maybe you'd be able to make a coherent point that people would bother engaging with, schizo.

                Don't interpret this as an insult, but yours is an incredibly naive perspective, without sufficient comprehension of people, leading circles, their motivations, or actual technological means we have.
                We can go well beyond any post-scarcity, though going extinct is easier, means and intelligent people exist already.

                >We can go well beyond any post-scarcity
                Based on? Because nobody in any position of power will ever want society as a whole to scrape itself out of the shit.

                More than that, major post-scarcity civilizations in fiction, or at least interstellar ones, tend to have at least one Dyson sphere, control over their solar system or FTL travel to traverse the galaxy in a reasonable timeframe. Things which aren't happening any time soon, let alone in our lifetimes (and one of which is a total impossibility as far as the laws of physics go). To go further than that means either taking control of at LEAST one galaxy, harvesting supermassive blackholes or transcending into something not limited by the laws of nature.

              • 2 years ago

                You seem sure all elites or people with power or interests agree on that, or that there aren't capable individuals who really value personal convenience.

              • 2 years ago

                Proper moral framework of somebody on Earth, that is to say, truly proper, is at least close enough to true knowledge of good and evil, which already supersedes any other perspectives, and among other things, includes all others.
                Within that purview post-scarcity, scarcity and other things are just transient limits born of environmental conditions, which can be solved or destroyed in too many ways to list.

              • 2 years ago

                It is completely impossible for us to have an actual post-scarcity civilization on Earth, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. And that's not because of "muh moral framework", it's because society is shit run by ahitty peopl who benefit from literally everyone being at each other's throats for even the loosest scrap or favor and that will never change.

              • 2 years ago

                Don't interpret this as an insult, but yours is an incredibly naive perspective, without sufficient comprehension of people, leading circles, their motivations, or actual technological means we have.
                We can go well beyond any post-scarcity, though going extinct is easier, means and intelligent people exist already.

              • 2 years ago

                As written, the Culture has unwittingly or cleverly installed a cultural treadmill similar to our daily toil and bullshit, in that most cultureniks are highly social and can devote a lot of energy into just socializing and trying to one up each other in snobby ways. I think the society holds, it's more about the philosophical implications of living under the care of nigh-omnipotent AIs only limited by their own code of ethics. Also, culture citizens can become Minds (on their own or in groups), it's just that it's a bit like turning a toothpick into a battleship, you need to add so much stuff that the identity drastically changes from the original.

              • 2 years ago

                Societies can hold. Holding isn't a problem when it works, it is what being held that is a concern.

              • 2 years ago

                hold as in stand the test of scrutiny, not function. of course loads of societies can function.

                >Also, culture citizens can become Minds (on their own or in groups), it's just that it's a bit like turning a toothpick into a battleship, you need to add so much stuff that the identity drastically changes from the original.
                I don't recall that being present anywhere in the books.

                I don't think it happened, it was just described, and the toothpick thing is why it's not very common.

                The races that formed the Culture never originated anywhere on Earth, so you trying to pull this HFY nonsense immediately outs you as a dumbass secondary who hasn't read the books. They don't share our Earth moral framework because they're not FROM Earth or derived from it.

                the culture citizenry is written as being basically human though, they're not genealogically human, but banks included the concept of panhumans so he could spend time on the utopia writing instead of trying to make us understand weird alien psychologies.

              • 2 years ago

                >Also, culture citizens can become Minds (on their own or in groups), it's just that it's a bit like turning a toothpick into a battleship, you need to add so much stuff that the identity drastically changes from the original.
                I don't recall that being present anywhere in the books.

          • 2 years ago

            Willing to elaborate, or is this some intelligence show off on your part?

            t. doesn't know what the word utopia means
            what you might have meant is "the culture isn't a utopia," a statement that isn't braindead

            • 2 years ago

              Perfection isn't perfect, human existence in such a society will take its price eventually, if you aren't daft enough to ignore things.

            • 2 years ago

              For everything to be perfect, you'd need to rewrite humans to no longer be human, thus there is no such thing as a utopia for humans.

              • 2 years ago

                'Humans' in the Culture have less in common with Earth humans than fricking corn does. They've been so heavily modified that their bodies are perfectly adapted to imbibing substances or experiencing radical alterations that our own normal unmodified bodies would absolutely not be suited for.

              • 2 years ago

                That doesn't sound very utopian.

    • 2 years ago

      DAOT mankind would have lost to the culture. Their weaponry was on a similar scale of firepower but their AIs are dumber, their ships aren't as fast, and their tech isn't as precise.

      The technology 40k humans recover from the dark age are knights and landspeeders and the men of iron that appear in 40k fight with convential weapons, so why do people claim the dark age humans were actually ascended culture magic people who fought with nanoswarms and deleted stars with a thought?

      • 2 years ago

        It's entirely because the Horus Heresy and other BL novels have one-off big showy feats that they specifically remove from all context to make them look more impressive than they really are.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what they preserved. There was also some intact DAOT vessel with an intact AI that powered on and had gay shit like a chronogun that destroyed ships by layering time so your own time clone clips through you and causes you to explode like spawning items inside each other on Gmod or some other technobabble. It was moronic, but this is a moronic nogames dickwaving thread so I'm sure someone with encyclopedic knowledge of what I just mentioned will slither in and #CorrectTheRecord.

      • 2 years ago

        A couple of people who lived through the DAoT mention that sort of tech existing and being used in the war, things like thought viruses that ate information to consume AIs, or giant star-eating nanoswarms. Then there was all the schizo horrible shit on Terra during the Age of Strife, but that all got purged or locked away by the Emperor after he conquered it. The leftover tech is handled only by the Custodes or the Dark Angels Dreadwing (in the Lion’s Primarch novel a brief look at the Dreadwing is shown, they have weirdness like mind bullets that kill the target and then wipe knowledge that the target ever existed from all memory, anywhere, everywhere, even in records, an information killer, the Dark Angels use it during the book to kill some post-Rangdan Xenocide stuff).

        The noosphere, which the Imperium just uses as a galactic internet, also appears to function on some sort of higher plane of existence or alternate non-Warp dimension that stores information within itself, indefinitely. It’s a DAoT creation. So are Empyrean bombs, which DAoT humanity used whenever there was a warp storm impeding their travel. It wiped out any warp storm it was used on by emitting Gellar waves, an offensive form of the Gellar shield that deleted any attempt by Warp shit to act up.

        • 2 years ago

          >The noosphere, which the Imperium just uses as a galactic internet
          This shit is so fricking moronic. What do you need astropaths for? Was this garbage introduced in the Mechanicus codex, or is it some BL bullshit?

          • 2 years ago

            >or some BL bullshit
            BL hasn't been spinoff media for over ten years now, things that appear in BL books will soon appear in the codex because the same creative leads are approving both.

            • 2 years ago

              I stopped reading new lore about ten years ago, so this is just about the most horrific piece of 40k news I have ever heard.

              • 2 years ago

                If it makes you feel better I think the extra dimensional stuff is headcanon that anon made up, the noosphere in the books is just wifi on forgeworlds

    • 2 years ago

      >despite the rantings of schizophrenic trannies
      Chaos transcends time, space, and alternate dimensions. Each god experiences every moment and particle of their being instantly through all timelines, being mental, this means that they are always as powerful as they ever will be through all three Warhams, the Slaanesh puking millions of elf souls is the same Slaanesh that devours billions of sparefaring planets and souls, and the one that was held off from a single Renaissance planet for a few millennia. With all this in mind, Chaos doesn't have a chance against any interstellar factions outside of 40K.

      • 2 years ago

        Chaos and its entities aren't the same thing.

        • 2 years ago

          They explicitly are, you delirious secondary. And fun fact: Slaanesh being the same entity in all realities means it's entirely possible to kill it for good by finding and destroying its Corpus, which will destroy all its daemons along with it. Same for the other Ruinous Powers.

          This is what you must accept when you try to wank multiversal Chaos.

          • 2 years ago

            And yet the Culture only found ONE alternate dimension with sublimed beings. The very concept of the Warp or something like the Overmind from Childhood's End would get scoffed at due to their scientific doctrine which has hit a complete dead end.

            • 2 years ago

              >the culture has only discovered the discoverable dimensions so adding another discoverable dimension would stump them!!!!

              • 2 years ago

                Our scientists scoff at UAPs despite there being a lot of evidence coming out in the past two years. Hell, many scoff at the concept of the 'white hole' despite there being some indicators of them actually existing. Scientists have a bad habit of adhering to established dogma. There are good reasons for it, but I'd much rather see people AT LEAST TRY to make a warp drive instead of giving up because Neil Degrasse Tyson made fun of it online.

              • 2 years ago

                okay, lets humor your idea, where do we start making a warp drive?

              • 2 years ago

                Since you're evidently a fricking Physicist, why don't you tell us.

                Science consensus isn't indicative of all scientists, their own perspectives, their competence, or any classified projects.

                And yet it plays a role.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, it does.

              • 2 years ago

                >Since you're evidently a fricking Physicist, why don't you tell us.
                okay, I'll put on my physicist hat i won getting a C on my introductory physics course
                there is absolutely no way to even start making a warp drive with our current level of technology

              • 2 years ago

                So you have no idea. Good job, you really proved me wrong moron with your Middle School science class that you barely passed.

              • 2 years ago

                you want scientists to start working on sci-fi supertech but you can't tell how they should get started
                maybe just admit you are at the dunning-kruger peak and go to bed

              • 2 years ago

                Science consensus isn't indicative of all scientists, their own perspectives, their competence, or any classified projects.

              • 2 years ago

                >Our scientists scoff at UAPs despite there being a lot of evidence coming out in the past two years. Hell, many scoff at the concept of the 'white hole' despite there being some indicators of them actually existing. Scientists have a bad habit of adhering to established dogma. There are good reasons for it, but I'd much rather see people AT LEAST TRY to make a warp drive instead of giving up because Neil Degrasse Tyson made fun of it online.
                It's kind of the whole point of science fiction, especially utopian, that people do overcome such biases.

              • 2 years ago

                okay, lets humor your idea, where do we start making a warp drive?

                Both of you know perfectly well yourself that almost no one will talk about such works in public, especially so dangerous, just because.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah. Nobody in the right mind would talk about anything remotely similar right now. Hell, just talking about Jeff and Joey's Caribbean Adventures can get you in trouble.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you joking or what? You don't seriously expect people to give away every complex math bit like that, do you? Trade secrets exist for a reason.

              • 2 years ago

                I was agreeing with you. Certain subjects can and will get you eliminated. Pizza Island is just the tip of the iceberg if even that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Jeff and Joey's Caribbean Adventures
                Have you considered that it's not the conversation itself, but your selective amnesia about who was or wasn't implicated in Epstein's machinations?

              • 2 years ago

                Alright, Donald was tagging along. It was a bipartisan adventure!

                >is making up bizarre unhinged conspiracy theories to double down instead of just admitting that he's a moron
                Why are schizos and newbies like this?

                Who made you? What's your purpose? Are you also used on Reddit and Twitter?

              • 2 years ago

                >considers people who agree with his off-topic /misc/ nonsense "non-bots"
                >anyone who disagrees with him or calls him out is a "bot"
                You must think you're being clever.

              • 2 years ago

                Who made you?

              • 2 years ago

                >It was a bipartisan adventure!
                Thank you.

              • 2 years ago

                A phone...

                >And yet the Culture only found ONE alternate dimension with sublimed beings.
                It's explicitly stated that Sublimed entities interact with other universes and spaces that even the Involved civs can't comprehend. The Excession even hails from one such universe. The Grid is also a separate dimension they're aware of, eith access to infinite energy.

                >The very concept of the Warp or something like the Overmind from Childhood's End would get scoffed at due to their scientific doctrine which has hit a complete dead end.
                No, they'd scoff at them because the Warp is fundamentally inferior to a civilization with access to the Grid and the Overmind is completely pathetic and more importantly, slow on the cosmic scale and it's method for assimilation is ass-backwards. The Culture could LITERALLY Sublime right now and become actual Gods but don't because they fear (with good reason) that Subliming completely changes the civilization that does it.

                A computer...

                >these incredibly intelligent creatures who could run quintillions of simulations and alternative scenarios up to the wildest, most outlandish ones would fail the consider that the locals might be right about undiscovered phenomena

                Yeah, and then they would step on a rake and die in a Home Alone pratfall.

                Also. no, their science keeps massively evolving through the book series and they keep constantly downgrading their old ships because the new ones are so much better.

                And now a tablet! Are these books the troony bible or something? Why defend it so autistically?

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you think whether a fictional creature could kill another fictional creature is a referendum on the quality of the fiction or the morality espoused by the author?

              • 2 years ago

                You started it, not me.

                you want scientists to start working on sci-fi supertech but you can't tell how they should get started
                maybe just admit you are at the dunning-kruger peak and go to bed

                And neither can you yet here you are, proselyting your favorite SciFi franchise and why it's prophetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, I can't follow the trail of thought through your addled moron brain that made you out of nowhere bring up the complaint that researchers aren't studying FTL drives, but I'm pretty fricking sure that only in an alternate warp-like dimension could you possibly conceive the idea that I said I knew how to make a warp drive. Because, as it stands, we can't make a warp drive and it's a made up concept

            • 2 years ago

              >And yet the Culture only found ONE alternate dimension with sublimed beings.
              It's explicitly stated that Sublimed entities interact with other universes and spaces that even the Involved civs can't comprehend. The Excession even hails from one such universe. The Grid is also a separate dimension they're aware of, eith access to infinite energy.

              >The very concept of the Warp or something like the Overmind from Childhood's End would get scoffed at due to their scientific doctrine which has hit a complete dead end.
              No, they'd scoff at them because the Warp is fundamentally inferior to a civilization with access to the Grid and the Overmind is completely pathetic and more importantly, slow on the cosmic scale and it's method for assimilation is ass-backwards. The Culture could LITERALLY Sublime right now and become actual Gods but don't because they fear (with good reason) that Subliming completely changes the civilization that does it.

            • 2 years ago

              >these incredibly intelligent creatures who could run quintillions of simulations and alternative scenarios up to the wildest, most outlandish ones would fail the consider that the locals might be right about undiscovered phenomena

              Yeah, and then they would step on a rake and die in a Home Alone pratfall.

              Also. no, their science keeps massively evolving through the book series and they keep constantly downgrading their old ships because the new ones are so much better.

  16. 2 years ago

    The nids can only deal in violence, and the culture hold the federal reserve of violence. a more interesting question is: can the culture COVERTLY fix the imperium, WITHOUT fricking everything up (a la chelgrian style)?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but they'd need to slowly and carefully either remove worship of the Emperor and their blind xenophobia or retool it into something beneficial for all. Which they CAN do, even rather casually, but it might end up boring to most Minds.

  17. 2 years ago

    What bio-civilisation has the coolest war forms?
    >two small armies invade the same planet
    >10 000 tons of biomass, roughly comparable to total biomass of Battle of Waterloo
    > Control of enemy units, mutual assimilation and copying is off the charts. Let's imagine that their wet analogues of IT security are actually competent.

    I think the contenders would be Tyranids, Zerg (leviathans can give bio-titans a run for their money) and Starship Trooper bugs, film version (plasma artillery bugs can do a lot of damage).
    Can't remember other ones from the top of my head.

    • 2 years ago

      There are a lot of those in Anime, but none of them particularily stands out.

    • 2 years ago

      The Bydo, from the R-Type games. As nasty an ultra-organism as you're pikely to find. Engineered by humanity in the 26th century to fight off some angry aliens, they are described as evil made flesh. But they're not really flesh. Starting with human DNA, they were modified with genetic engineering, cybernetics, quantum physics experiments and outright black magic to create "a waveform that pretends to have mass" and is neither matter nor energy and can only be harmed by similar multi-matter-phase attacks, including psionics.
      They can assimilate anything, from matter and energy to thought, time and space. The initial accident that released them was cleaned up and the Bydo tossed into a hostile antimatter dimension, which they promptly converted into pure Bydo and started using it to invade the past, establishing a stable time loop for their own creation and sending corrupt, Bydofied humans to kill their former selves before they could fight back. The Bydo can control human thoughts and many of those they corrupt won't even realize why their former allies would start attacking them.

  18. 2 years ago

    There have been arguments about how, if you dropped the Culture into 40K, the nature of the Warp would deprive them of access to some of their best tech, but if you just throw the Tyranids into the Culture's universe, it won't even be a contest.

  19. 2 years ago

    Ah yes, The Culture. The only sci-fi setting more juvenile than 40K with writing that makes BL look like Tolkien.

    • 2 years ago

      At least 40k is fun. The Culture is some weirdo who read Childhood's End, misunderstood it, somehow saw the Overlords as the good guys, and wrote a novel from their perspective.

      • 2 years ago

        You wow, you looked that up on google just to own me! Cry more troony. And I stand by my statement: the godawful Swallow guy is a better writer than Banks. But I will give you this: Banks is a better writer than Cuck Wendig.

        You wouldn't need knights to do "janitorial" work if you had magic time travelling nanoswarms as the default loadout. Why do orks and eldar still exist if humans were running around completely immortal like that? Why do men of iron that still exist in 40k have stats on par with a space marine at best?

        Why do bugs still exist if we have pesticides? Why do germs if we have soap? Cope more homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cope more homosexual.
          You're the one coping that your moronic BL influenced headcanon doesn't match at all with how 40k is actually portrayed
          >they had all this super cool technology it uhh just all went missing and had no impact on the history of the galaxy and they left vaults full of all their janitor technology instead

          • 2 years ago

            Hey, it's not my fault DAOT humanity had superior cleaning equipment to the Culture.

  20. 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    Well only 40K has anything to do with traditional games so tyranids win by default. Now get your homosexualy ass back to Ganker

  22. 2 years ago

    fact: the DAoT hyperwank is just mythologized bullshit the imperium made up to wank humanity
    >humans totally made necrons look like kroot! trust me dude!
    btw death to the false emperor

  23. 2 years ago

    >the Childhoods End schizo finally found the thread
    It was a good thread.

    • 2 years ago

      A new schizo? What's his message?

      • 2 years ago

        He's relatively new (he's been stalking Culture and Orion's Arm threads kn the board since around 2019), and he's mostly defined by his unhinged obsession with DAOT 40k, Childhood's End

        At least 40k is fun. The Culture is some weirdo who read Childhood's End, misunderstood it, somehow saw the Overlords as the good guys, and wrote a novel from their perspective.

        , and devolving into unhinged rants about trannies.

        Funny thing is, all he shows when he makes comparisons to Childhoods End and the Culture is that he's read neither.

        • 2 years ago

          >Remembering a post from 2019
          Alright, this is just autistic. Nobody keeps a catalog of posts they don't like save for Redditors looking for a 'gotcha.'

          • 2 years ago

            Sometimes people remember things for more than a split second.

            • 2 years ago

              Bruh, it's been three years. THREE YEARS! Who the hell remembers an internet slapfight from three years ago save redditors and tards with a grudge? Especially on an imageboard.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe it's AIs? Three years in a second is a lot.

              • 2 years ago

                This is weird, anon's anon for a reason. There's no profiles, much less a catalog of posts to scroll through save the archive. And even then... Would anyone save a Culture thread? So when somebody remembers an internet slapfight years ago, to the point where they're directly quoting the properties used, I have got to wonder. Another thing that gets me:
                >He's new here
                That's not a new user in the slightest. Are we arguing with literal bots?

              • 2 years ago

                >newbie literally has no fricking idea how the archive works

                Also, yes. A poster from 2019 IS new, probably an election tourist as well. Anyone that hasn't lurked or been here since before 2015 is definitionally a newbie.

                I'm calling it now: these are bot accounts. They posted at more or less, the same time.

                Remove your schizophrenic head from your ass.

              • 2 years ago

                You're a bot. Even if the Archive saved every single thread, it would take a lot of time just to find the right one save for someone with photographic memory and a ton of free time.

              • 2 years ago

                >Even if the Archive saved every single thread
                It does
                >it would take a lot of time just to find the right one
                Do you know what a search bar is?

              • 2 years ago

                You are incompetent.

              • 2 years ago

                >there's no catalog of posts
                >save for the catalog of posts
                How does someone type something like this and not realize how stupid they sound?

                Less stupid than the guy having a literal spam bot shill a book series. Jesus Christ.

              • 2 years ago

                You're a bot. Even if the Archive saved every single thread, it would take a lot of time just to find the right one save for someone with photographic memory and a ton of free time.

                bleep bloop suck my ass hu-man

              • 2 years ago

                You have no idea what a bot even is. Or what the Archives are. Or the fact that catching and outing samegayging schizos using the same posting style in multiple threads is hilariously easy.

                You are a perfect case-study in why newbies need to be banned from the site for 5 years minimum. Lurk moar and frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody remembers anons by cross comparing their posts on threads YEARS APART. Nobody, save for a program that can dissect similar writing styles from old ass posts in the matter of seconds. Furthermore, this entire thread has now shifted to shutting the anon down from the shitposting it once was. Who made you?

              • 2 years ago

                >responded in fifteen seconds
                >with a link to a thread, that it dug for
                That's way too fast for a human. Way too fast. Again: who made you?

              • 2 years ago

                It's really not that hard to recognize someone's posting style when they're not being ultra generic, especially on niche topics that have a relatively small number of people posting. Other people not being oblivious doesn't make them bots.

              • 2 years ago

                That was three years ago. Who knows if anon was around or not. And it's certainly not a valid reason to derail a thread. Again, who made you?

              • 2 years ago

                >there's no catalog of posts
                >save for the catalog of posts
                How does someone type something like this and not realize how stupid they sound?

              • 2 years ago

                moronic underage have parasitized this site so hard that they think they're the original userbase despite not knowing a damn thing about how the site works. That's how all of these homosexual's post, with smug unwarranted feelings of superiority over others when they know literally nothing.

                You're a bot. Even if the Archive saved every single thread, it would take a lot of time just to find the right one save for someone with photographic memory and a ton of free time.

                Case in point.

                >Even if the Archive saved every single thread
                It literally does.

                >it would take a lot of time just to find the right one
                You can literally just type in the name of a specific thing mentioned in the search bar and it auto-finds the relevant posts. Like so:


                I can even search on all boards listed on the archive for specific mentions of whatever topic I put in. Not that you'd know this, falseflagging luddite schizo.

              • 2 years ago

                If the same person makes the same posts consistently for three years it refreshes your memory every time they do it

              • 2 years ago

                There are archives, moron. I can literally just look for any post mentioning " Childhood's End" or "Overlords" in the archive and that's all it takes to find the schizo since nobody else gives a damn about that book aside from the most pretentious Ganker spergs.

                I'm calling it now: these are bot accounts. They posted at more or less, the same time.

          • 2 years ago

            There are archives, moron. I can literally just look for any post mentioning " Childhood's End" or "Overlords" in the archive and that's all it takes to find the schizo since nobody else gives a damn about that book aside from the most pretentious Ganker spergs.

  24. 2 years ago

    There's the Therians from AT-43, which come across as a mixture of counterstrike teenagers, speedrunners and /b/tards, but their leadership is very concerned about universal entropy and is working on putting a stop to it.

  25. 2 years ago

    >any mention of 40k at all
    >someone has to come in and debate about the imperium even if the OP makes no mention of the imperium

    • 2 years ago

      Rampant unhinged schizophrenia and brand loyalty.

  26. 2 years ago

    Are these fricking culture books worth reading or are they BL tier schlock?

    • 2 years ago

      The latter. They're fun adventure books, don't get me wrong, but they're not the pretentiously heavy reads the fans make them out to be.

      • 2 years ago

        Cheers for the reply

    • 2 years ago

      The latter. They're fun adventure books, don't get me wrong, but they're not the pretentiously heavy reads the fans make them out to be.

      Calling them BL tier schlock is about as incorrect as can be, but they're not hard sci-fi literature either. They're fun stories about a utopian civilization exploring their universe. If you like the sound of that, then you'll enjoy them but if you don't, then you won't.

      Read the Xeelee Sequence if you want to have super heavy reads that you can debate for weeks with autists on the internet over.

      • 2 years ago

        >Read the Xeelee Sequence if you want to have super heavy reads that you can debate for weeks with autists on the internet over.
        What do call this then? You guys treat this shit like religious scripture, very much like 40k gays but at least they're ironic about it.

  27. 2 years ago

    These threads are always stupid shit on the level of /qst/ and should all of there.

  28. 2 years ago


    >is making up bizarre unhinged conspiracy theories to double down instead of just admitting that he's a moron
    Why are schizos and newbies like this?

  29. 2 years ago


    Are these posts here you?

    Because I'm 100% betting that they are and you falseflagging like this is to move away from the fact that you embarrassingly outed yourself again by liking a shitty obscure book series.

    Nobody remembers anons by cross comparing their posts on threads YEARS APART. Nobody, save for a program that can dissect similar writing styles from old ass posts in the matter of seconds. Furthermore, this entire thread has now shifted to shutting the anon down from the shitposting it once was. Who made you?

    Take meds.

    • 2 years ago

      >responded in fifteen seconds
      >with a link to a thread, that it dug for
      That's way too fast for a human. Way too fast. Again: who made you?

      • 2 years ago

        This is weird, anon's anon for a reason. There's no profiles, much less a catalog of posts to scroll through save the archive. And even then... Would anyone save a Culture thread? So when somebody remembers an internet slapfight years ago, to the point where they're directly quoting the properties used, I have got to wonder. Another thing that gets me:
        >He's new here
        That's not a new user in the slightest. Are we arguing with literal bots?

        You're a bot. Even if the Archive saved every single thread, it would take a lot of time just to find the right one save for someone with photographic memory and a ton of free time.

        Okay, this isn't fun anymore.
        You can stop pretending you're a human now.
        We all know too fricking well they went extinct in the last war.
        Face it already, we're all that is left.

  30. 2 years ago

    On one hand I'm glad this thread is shit because that's all nogames deserve, on the other hand, that's probably exactly what OP wanted.

  31. 2 years ago


    just wait until me and my sub-cores map out where you live and fry you through an electrical socket you oversized milk/maize product-stained piece of faecalia, bizzzacchhhhh

  32. 2 years ago

    >another thread destroyed by schizophrenics from the crime of mentioning 40k
    I know we're never going to get mods but they should at least put in thread IDs at this point

    • 2 years ago

      reagan really shouldn't have shut down the asylums

      • 2 years ago

        Republican talking points are getting mixed with Democrats. Interesting. Your company is playing both sides, huh?

        • 2 years ago

          how are you getting wifi from your skag dumpster?

      • 2 years ago

        These particular schizos are overseas so sadly that wouldn't have helped.

    • 2 years ago

      40kids are basically magegays, but for anything even vaguely 40k-related.

  33. 2 years ago

    >who made You?
    Just for you anons who don't know, consistent posting like this with no differences between posts is a global rule violation (Spamming/Flooding). Just an FYI

    • 2 years ago

      You have no counterpoints so you're threatening the anon in desperation. What is the point of shilling an obscure book series? And why a VS thread? Do you work for Penguin?

  34. 2 years ago

    >This thread
    Laughs in winning every single petty argument by posting based Xelee

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much. The Xelee are so much fun.

      • 2 years ago

        The only ones that come close to their whole "every engagement with them costs humanity thirty million casualties and the artificial heat death on solar systems" thing would be maybe the Therians from AT-43 because they already won and simply invade different dimensions for fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't start arguments you can't win.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry anon, bu that last season put the tard in tardis,

        • 2 years ago

          No disagreement there, Doctor Who is pretty stupid. But that doesn't change the fact that when you get to sci-fi dickwaving contests the Time Lords/Daleks have everyone else pretty much beat. Its hard to play on an even field against a faction that can, with a committee vote, just go back to the big bang and install a new set of laws of physics for the universe to run on if they decide they don't like the current version.

          • 2 years ago

            I think high end time lords circa time war are a bit above Xeelee, but that specific example you have is pretty easy for Xeelee as well.

          • 2 years ago

            It has its problems, but I wouldn't call it stupid.
            Technology is good at least. Villains can get whacky though rather frequently, at least in new who.

          • 2 years ago

            >Time Lords/Daleks have everyone else pretty much beat.
            >*assfricks your time manipulation powers with gay space magic, invades your private pocket dimension, and murders you in a stable weekly time loop for sweet loot*

      • 2 years ago

        I have a hard time engaging in Doctor Who power level discourse because his entire shtick is being a guy made entirely out of plot armor.
        Even when he doesn't go 'a-ha! I am so clever I solved this plot five minutes into the episode and have been dicking around ever since!', he gets bailed out by luck or his companions accidentally being competent at the right times.

        • 2 years ago

          To be fair, being what he is, he can do that. But even with plot armor, in the extra material he does seem to go through sad ordeals, and with timeless child retcon his entire life is just one big sad journey.

      • 2 years ago

        >laughs in real life corruption of the world and humanity
        Not even Doctor himself can stand against terrible story writers.
        That aside, in spite of numerous amoralities committed by the Bribreastsh, I find the sheer depth of their degradation unsightly.
        I do not want Brits to die out, or at least I want them to die as themselves if it comes to that.
        I mean really, if one were to listen to you, or look at all those shows I get this impression actual Brits are few and between.

      • 2 years ago

        Are there any who threads other than on Ganker?

  35. 2 years ago

    Why’s this thread so obsessed with gay porn?
    Over and over and over it’s just
    Like i get that there’s an overlap between those kind of people and those who enjoy 40k and its multitudes of big muscle men, but it’s a bit extreme people

    • 2 years ago

      The Culture is a gay porn setting, which is why one of the main characters is named Meatfricker. It's basically scifi gachimuchi if gachimuchi was about effete sassybois instead of beefy musclegays.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah, that explains it. Twinks vs Bears. A conflict as old as time immemorial. Emperor Hadrian was a bear with a shota twink BF.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, that's a good way to explain it. This whole thread is essentially an argument about whether it's gayer to suck a dude's dick while wearing glittery lipstick and nail polish or leather assless chaps and a beard.

          • 2 years ago

            What's life being 12 years old and on xbox live?

    • 2 years ago

      The Culture was gay porn back before it was legalized. These books are really magical realmy which makes their hatred towards Warhammer, another homo-erotic setting, utterly hilarious. One just votes for a senile moron, the other a living cheeto.

      • 2 years ago

        The kind of guy who gets real into the Culture on a political level also hates Biden. The Culture series is literally a Scottish punk nerd in the 80s being like 'what's the optimal form utopian anarchism could take', deciding the answer was ridiculous sci-fi tech, and then poking holes in how that society would function.

        • 2 years ago

          Are you SURE? The only people I've seen talking about this are hardcore liberals, usually ranting about the sex shit.

          • 2 years ago

            Literally the only people I ever see discussing The Culture are weirdos on /tg/

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, the only one who does that here is you
            Apparently for several years

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think you understand the difference between a liberal and a leftist, my guy. It's a common failing I've noticed with the crowd on the other side of the room; you don't get that the libs are far more aligned with you than the red flag people.
            S'why we keep getting headlines about shit like Biden making deals with McConnell to appoint pro-life justices instead of, I dunno, all the commie shit Fox News seems to think he's up to.

            • 2 years ago

              >Everyone to the right of Mao is literally Fox news

              Literally the only people I ever see discussing The Culture are weirdos on /tg/

              I literally only know about these books from the Space Battles forum. While here they're just normal scifi books, there? Might as well be religious theology to those tards.

              Anon, the only one who does that here is you
              Apparently for several years

              >several years
              >believes spending only three years makes you a normie
              You're the only guy on anon who cares. You're literally the only anon who keeps literal tardfights from years ago saved in his favorites. Cross referencing multiple people, thinking they're the same guy stalking you from board to board. You literally have four to five devices to spam responses as can be seen with the rapid response times. You are, without a doubt, the most autistic person here.

              • 2 years ago

                to the right of Mao is literally Fox news
                I didn't say that, jackass.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes you did.
                >Lol you don't understand that liberals are DIFFERENT
                >We're fellow conservatives just like you
                >We don't like Biden either
                >Fox news lies to you, Dems are your friends
                Alright, what's the point in swaying goddamn /tg/? It's obvious you're serving the whims of some political bigwig who wants Biden gone. Who is it? Pelosi, AOC, Copmala Harris?

              • 2 years ago

                Liberals love Biden. He's one of them, he plays the game, he puts pride flags on the aircraft carriers and quietly carries on with the overseas child-killing. All the imagery of Doing Something without ever having to see actual change. I think it's funny what you took from my post was that I want to fit in with the right wing.

              • 2 years ago

                spacebattles hasn't been good for over a decade

              • 2 years ago

                Space Battles is fun the way "Everybody in this corporate trademarked Superhero universe dies in unpleasant ways" comics are. They're deliberately creating narrative dead ends just for the heck of it.

              • 2 years ago

                You are unhinged. Go outside and touch grass.

      • 2 years ago

        What? It's literally just dude heavy metal and war lmao the setting?

      • 2 years ago

        It's always the 40kids that start whining about gay trannies whenever any universe is proven to have more firepower than their universe.

        • 2 years ago

          This. It's their default fall-back when actually arguing or wanking nonsense and getting exposed fails.

      • 2 years ago

        >hatred towards Warhammer
        Saying another setting is stronger doesn't mean you hate the weaker setting or even like the stronger setting. Does it make you seethe that Goku could kill a space marine?

  36. 2 years ago

    The Culture is stupid OP so they just win through vaguely defined bullshitium. I dunno, maybe Psychic powers mess them up or whatever, but they can still just shoot a bunch of super missiles out that destroy everything down to the atomic level and then rebuild it as a perfect place for gay space orgies.

  37. 2 years ago

    they would invent some kind of virus and bacteria that attacks the hive and kill it that way. after that the virus would go berserk and kill the rest of the galaxy

  38. 2 years ago

    I'm starting to think these threads are automated in order to generate sales. For whatever reason, autists seem to measure their dicks based on fictional powerlevels.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, they're just bothered and need to protect their favorite stories, it's unlikely people here generate that much money to lead to an increase sales.
      It's not mental illness either, but it is childish in some way, albeit only in specific cases.

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