How would (You) make an Age of Sigmar game that's actually good - unlike Realms of Ruin - and reaches the heights of other Warhammer 40k/Fantasy ...

How would (You) make an Age of Sigmar game that's actually good - unlike Realms of Ruin - and reaches the heights of other Warhammer 40k/Fantasy games?
>inb4 age of smegma/shitmar
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  1. 3 months ago

    >age of smegma

    • 3 months ago

      post models

      • 3 months ago

        Your game is dying and everyone is laughing at you.
        Fantasy won.

        • 3 months ago

          i don't see any models posted so i'm going to assume you're a secondary who parrots the slop he hears from 90% of youtubers

          • 3 months ago

            >But models
            This is Ganker, moron. Your 'setting' will never have a good game because it is inherently awful. Once it dies nobody will miss it.

  2. 3 months ago

    reposting my ideas from the archived 40k thread:
    >CoS colony sim, have to negotiate with other factions, deal with shit like chaos corruption, soul/bone tithe from death factions, make deals with mercs like fyreslayers to deal with problems, etc
    >stormcast helldivers clone, lazy idea but it works so well when you think about it
    >kharadron factorio/4x/other 'tismcore type game, company/industry management, corporate warfare and trading

    • 3 months ago

      >Age of Shitmar

    • 3 months ago

      >stormcast helldivers
      that idea really does work too well
      >get thrown down from above by sigmar
      >shit on orcs/chaos/vampires/whatever
      >go back to azyr between missions

  3. 3 months ago

    >Age of Shitmar

  4. 3 months ago

    a Mordheim game that isn't absolute dogshit

  5. 3 months ago

    age of smegmar

  6. 3 months ago

    >age of shitmar

  7. 3 months ago

    Does anyone in this thread actually play the tabletop games?

    • 3 months ago

      You knew exaxtly how this thread was going to go yet you still made it. Suffer the consequences of your actions. Nobody likes AoS.

  8. 3 months ago

    How would YOU do it OP? I wouldn’t make it, it’d only appeal to the <20 trannies who still play Age of Shitmar so it’s a flop by virtue of existing, if anything I’d try and bring back Warhammer Online

    • 3 months ago

      >it’d only appeal to the <20 trannies who still play Age of Shitmar
      That number dropped by about after yesterday. The Old World landed the knockout hit and Shitmar's bleeding to death now.

      • 3 months ago

        Who woulda thought once people didn’t have to cling to AoS for any scrap of the setting they loved it would die. My LGS when TOW dropped earlier this year went overnight to OW, nobody plays warcry or AoS anymore, nobody is talking about 4th reveal, the fantasy fans are too busy having fun with their armies that have personality and character

        • 3 months ago

          Seeing AoS slowly implode over the years has been fun to watch, I ALMOST feel sorry for the morons who bought into it.

          I don't know anything about AoS and WH fantasy, but why does it look so shit?

          Why in AoS humans are suddenly discount space marines instead of being medival knights using black powder weapons like in fantasy?

          Because GW's leadership at the time was full of complete morons who decided to try and kill Fantasy off to sell more Space Marines. It was one of the single biggest mistakes they've ever made and they're now in the process of fixing it by bringing Fantasy back and killing AoS off.

          • 3 months ago

            >GW axes fatcasts and savage orcs
            >"LE AOS IS IMPLODING"
            >GW replaces marines with primaris
            >you'll still eat it up like the piggy you are

            • 3 months ago

              You forgot
              >Entire faction removed from AoS and moved back to TOW

              • 3 months ago

                Faction who's only bit of support in the last 10 years was 1 test sculpt. And who's units were alreayd remade for other factions.

              • 3 months ago

                all the beastmen got since the start of aos was a new herdstone and beastlord so the writing was clearly on the wall, i'm not approving of GW's actions but if you stand in traffic you're going to get hit

                >It's okay that they just removed an entire faction from AoS, they were clearly going to do it!
                Cuck mentality, exactly what's to br expected from Shitmar fans.

              • 3 months ago

                where's your reading comprehension, i said that i don't approve of GW removing beastmen. is this your average secondary mind where all they hear about the games and universe is from a youtuber?

              • 3 months ago

                Beastmen beign cut has been a rumoru for liek 5 years no. Most people were shocked they continued beign supported in 3rd edition, since early promo mateiral alreayd omited them

              • 3 months ago

                all the beastmen got since the start of aos was a new herdstone and beastlord so the writing was clearly on the wall, i'm not approving of GW's actions but if you stand in traffic you're going to get hit

            • 3 months ago

              You won’t find many people defending primaris but they weren’t moronic enough to axe whole races and army personalities and themes like they did from the move from WHFB to AoS, they sold space marines to space marine players.

  9. 3 months ago

    I don't know anything about AoS and WH fantasy, but why does it look so shit?

    Why in AoS humans are suddenly discount space marines instead of being medival knights using black powder weapons like in fantasy?

    • 3 months ago

      >Why in AoS humans are suddenly discount space marines instead of being medival knights using black powder weapons like in fantasy?
      GW tried chasing the Warcraft audience and failed.

  10. 3 months ago

    giving this thread some actual vidya discussion, something with the FEC would be fun, something like crusader kings esque dynasty management but you occasionally get peeks beyond the delusion

    • 3 months ago

      AoS art is so fricking awful holy shit

    • 3 months ago

      FEC is in a never every dimesnion for any function cause you'd need two sets of 3Dmodel/sprites to make them function.

      They would carry a puzzle level where you flip betwene reality and halucination where stuff changes

      • 3 months ago

        i was more thinking in the vein of paradox strategy instead of action. maybe you could have a "delusion meter" which gets changed by events, with being at extremes providing buffs and debuffs to certain styles of play. i think in the recent 2nd wave for them there's been stuff about FECs going out and fighting chaos thinking they're gallant knights, so you could lean into the superdelusional antihero archetype instead of just being a crazy people eater

    • 3 months ago

      looks good to me

      • 3 months ago

        Soulless Warcraft garbage.

        • 3 months ago

          >buzzword buzzword buzzword
          actually explain what's wrong with it instead of being a seething moron

          • 3 months ago

            Too bright an colorful.
            Bloodthirster is too clean. No blood at all, even.
            Too focused and centered, very little actually going on besides one Bloodthirster attacking one shop and having some dwarfs around it. Nothing in the background, no real battle going on around them.
            It's a very generic and clean piece of art for Warhammer, an overarching franchise know for being gritty, dirty, and bloody in many scenarios.

            • 3 months ago

              >too bright and colorful
              the entire scene is surrounded by a dark putrid green fog and the only things illuminating the scene outside of light peeking through is the flames of the bloodthirster and the muzzle flashes of the guns. the action itself is illuminating the scene.
              >bloodthirster is too clean
              on a majority of the official art i could find for the bloodthirster, including painted models on GW's pages, there is no visible gore, not arguing that a bloodthirster cannot be gory, but there is no requirement for it to be so. especially when it's tearing into a giant skyboat and not something with blood and organs.
              >too focused and centred, no real battle going on around them
              kharadrons are coming from every angle to attack the bloodthirster, the sky surrounding the ship is filled with explosions from ordinance, if you look by its wings someone offscreen is clearly shooting at the bloodthirster. it's clear that this is the center of a gigantic battle wherein the khornate forces have charged into the kharadron frigate and the kharadrons are responding with a countercharge of their own combined with supporting fire
              >warhammer is known for being gritty and bloody
              yes, but it shouldn't be constrained into being a grimdark gritfest. by your standards of what warhammer art should be, this classic art of orks vs marines is too colorful, unfocused and bright.

  11. 3 months ago

    Dump Age of Shartmar and make it a Fantasy game instead

  12. 3 months ago

    >You are Order of Azyr (Witchhunter) or Soulbound agents
    >you investigate ground level stuff in cities, deal with intrigues and politics of the various factions and the countryside
    >Witcher 3/ Bg3/ Owlcats Pathfinder style gameplay
    There you go

    • 3 months ago

      >Eight faction at base, two for each Alliance
      >Sigmarites (CoS woth minor SCE) and Lumineth for Order
      >Slaves to Darkness and Skaven for Chaos
      >Nighthaunt and Ossiarchs for Death
      >Ironjawz and Gloomspite for Destruction
      >Each faction has three tiers similar to DoW2, for most each tier offers branching upgrades giving unique units and such (For example, at T3 Sigmarites can either start calling in Stormcast or focus on Siege weapons)
      >Base Building is present but somewhat limited, most constructable buildings are battlefield fortifications or Faction Terrain pieces
      >Campaign is focused on Sigmarites founding and defending a new city, managing development while undertaking missions to secure resources, fend off attacks, etc., leading up to defending against a large Chaos invasion
      >Can ally with Lumineth and Ironjawz to use them but with various consequences, can even sign a contract with Ossiarchs for 'protection' later on

      finally some good fricking ideas now that the secondaries have left

  13. 3 months ago

    >Eight faction at base, two for each Alliance
    >Sigmarites (CoS woth minor SCE) and Lumineth for Order
    >Slaves to Darkness and Skaven for Chaos
    >Nighthaunt and Ossiarchs for Death
    >Ironjawz and Gloomspite for Destruction
    >Each faction has three tiers similar to DoW2, for most each tier offers branching upgrades giving unique units and such (For example, at T3 Sigmarites can either start calling in Stormcast or focus on Siege weapons)
    >Base Building is present but somewhat limited, most constructable buildings are battlefield fortifications or Faction Terrain pieces
    >Campaign is focused on Sigmarites founding and defending a new city, managing development while undertaking missions to secure resources, fend off attacks, etc., leading up to defending against a large Chaos invasion
    >Can ally with Lumineth and Ironjawz to use them but with various consequences, can even sign a contract with Ossiarchs for 'protection' later on

  14. 3 months ago

    sell me on AoS, i dont like how 40k 10th ed is going

    • 3 months ago

      The rules change in like a month when 4e drops, so if you're interested in buying a cat in a bag go for it.
      But so far they haven't announced any changes as major as 10e

    • 3 months ago

      I've played both and AoS feels more all around fun to me.
      AoS is significantly more melee focused which in turn allows more interactions. Monsters and Psykers/Wizards are more impactful since they get Rampages and Spell Lores (RIP 40k Psychic Phase), and leaders handing out Commands feels far better than Stratagems.
      As the other anon said the game's going to 4th Edition in a month or two so things are liable to change, but 4E AoS is CURRENTLY looking better than 10E 40k.
      Lore and setting wise it's subjective but AoS doesn't have the 40k problem of one faction dominating most of the narrative, so most armies get to have some kind of involvement with things.

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