How would you run a Metro setting? What system that isn't GURPS would you use it for?

How would you run a Metro setting? What system that isn't GURPS would you use it for?

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  1. 5 months ago

    As much as I love it, I feel like the bullets are currency thing has a chance of being really annoying in practice.
    While fun for roleplay, writing down how much money you spent every time you shoot won't be fun in combat.

    • 5 months ago

      I ran a post apocalyptic game with bullet counting and a barter system for the bullets. Each settlement had a custom exchange rate for all type of ammunition but I had to tell each player after they shot how many ammo they consumed.

      Really annoying, wouldn't do it like that again. I am studying a system where players only lose "unit of ammo" if their attack roll is below a certain threshold. That way you count ammunition as magazines or an unspecified amount of bullet of each.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't most people use Junk bullets made from trash to shoot and military bullets as currency and emergency ammunition?

      • 5 months ago

        I don't remember any such thing from the books.

        • 5 months ago

          I do. They are able to produce subpar cartridges in the tunnels but when shit gets hot they still use the old soviet ammonition. I think both types are used for trade

          • 5 months ago

            That's not from books tho. In books bullet is bullet, 5,45x39, 7,62x39 no matter.
            In games you have "dirty rounds" that are hard capped as how much of them you can have and military money rounds that are unlimited and by end game you will have like 3-4 times more military rounds than normal ones. It's just mechanic to make it lore accurate(boolet as money) give you enough rounds to go full auto during combat but not rich enough to buy everything in early game and not feel bad that you are shooting money.

          • 5 months ago

            Do you know where and in which book that is mentioned? Because I really don't remember it.

    • 5 months ago

      Aside from the point other anons made about MGR and trash rounds being separate. Metro encounters should not feature more than a few dozen bullets spent each. Mutants are a different story but if the players try to kill them instead of running away then it's a good time to roll new characters.

      I'd run this by grabbing a box of spent casings from the range and hand them to players to use as tokens.

      • 5 months ago

        Killing Players off for fighting mutants is a bit of a weird take. This isn't Call of Cthulu - fending off mutants with gunfire is major part of the setting. It should just be sucky, somewhat dangerous and resource intensive so you are actively encouraged to avoid it if feasible (just like in setting).

        Running away from mutants, on the other hand, is rarely a particularly good idea unless you have safe haven a short distance away - against most things you either want to sneak past or ambush them because running into unknown territory pursued by a pack of monsters is a good way to find more monsters or just fall down a hole and die.

        • 5 months ago

          It depends on your take on the setting frankly. You can totally make it a call of duty campaign like Last Light where hordes of humans and mutants will be dead after a few hours, or make it more accurate to the books and have mutants be legitimately terrifying threats that you don't frick with if you can help it.

          • 5 months ago

            To be fair, is there literally any fighting in the books? Artyom mostly just talks with people, and sometimes they're not even real

    • 5 months ago

      Depends how autistic you want to get with it. Its established in the Metro games that dirty bullets, Metro produced bullets, are the ones you shoot with 90% of the time. Its only the Military grade ones that are used as currency.
      If you abstract things a bit, it might work. Personally I would just track full reloads, for dirty bullets. And like the games, just give up on /k/ autism over caliber and size. You buy reloads for what you're using. If you choose to use the Military rounds for shooting, you get a damage bonus, and every reload is directly subtracted from your currency. Effectively shooting money, because you are. Maybe at x2 the rate.

      Ex. Sergei is out of bullets for his AK. He chooses to use his saved Military bullets. He subtracts 2x what he would spend for a reload of dirty bullets from his Money, and gets one reload that does +something damage.
      The numbers probably need some fiddling, but thats how I see it working.

    • 5 months ago

      kinda sounds fun tbqh

  2. 5 months ago

    I'd make each player play one of the cars on the subway train and they have to work together to keep the thing on the rails.

  3. 5 months ago

    D20 modern

    • 5 months ago

      Delta Green, or the Generic Chaosium d100 system aka
      >Basic Roleplaying
      If you want to run it on Spartan Difficulty you could use Savage Worlds
      Im guessing you want to do the Game Metro and not the Book Metro. Im more interested tho In how you would populate it. What would the players goals be?


      Depends how autistic you want to get with it. Its established in the Metro games that dirty bullets, Metro produced bullets, are the ones you shoot with 90% of the time. Its only the Military grade ones that are used as currency.
      If you abstract things a bit, it might work. Personally I would just track full reloads, for dirty bullets. And like the games, just give up on /k/ autism over caliber and size. You buy reloads for what you're using. If you choose to use the Military rounds for shooting, you get a damage bonus, and every reload is directly subtracted from your currency. Effectively shooting money, because you are. Maybe at x2 the rate.

      Ex. Sergei is out of bullets for his AK. He chooses to use his saved Military bullets. He subtracts 2x what he would spend for a reload of dirty bullets from his Money, and gets one reload that does +something damage.
      The numbers probably need some fiddling, but thats how I see it working.

      As much as I love it, I feel like the bullets are currency thing has a chance of being really annoying in practice.
      While fun for roleplay, writing down how much money you spent every time you shoot won't be fun in combat.

      5.45x39 prewar ammo is used as currency. But in the end it is a barter society. I don't think its too much of an ask for player to keep track of their bullets. Depending on the weapon ()system and how much you are willing to homebrew you could have 4 modes of fire
      >Single Shots - Half Aimed, maybe more damage/higher minimal damage - 1 bullet fired
      >Short Bursts - 3-5 bullets shot - higher likelihood of hitting something
      >Long Burst 5-10 bullets - Mostly used for suppression and a higher likelihood of hitting something (tho at a higher cost of ammo used)
      >Mag Dumps - 30 bullets, when you really want something dead,
      I hope you get the point I'm trying to make.
      As for military rounds, they just do more damage. You are shooting money tho. The gun wont Jam, the damage is more consistent and what ever small buff you can think off.

  4. 5 months ago

    I think you misunderstood how the metro economy works. You got metro made "dirty" rounds, and the pre-war "military" grade rounds or MGR. MGR's are your currency, metro bullets are for fighting. Only use MGR's for fighting shit that needs to die ASAP, otherwise keep hoarding that shit. Also combat should be something to be avoided, as ressources are scarce. Could have alot of tense negotiating/sneaking interrupted by bouts of combat, with down time at the stations to resupply and talk to npcs and stuff, maybe explore and roleplay a bit.

  5. 5 months ago

    You joke, but GURPS has pretty good support for this. Setting that option aside, I'm assuming 2033 and Last Light, NOT Exodus here (because Exodus is a whole different mess):
    Mutant Year Zero might work if you file off the overt mutation bits (or if you don't, and want to embrace a weirder metro).
    Twilight 2000 maybe? I haven't read it but to my understanding it works well for this kind of setting, and I thought it got a new edition recently.
    Apocalypse World with the Driver removed is an old standby, but I know how /tg/ feels about PbtA in general. May not catch the tone you're after, either.
    One of my group members threw in Savage Worlds as a suggestion, but I'm also not very familiar with it.

    • 5 months ago


      You could easily run Metro with GURPS using After the End and, if you care about details, High Tech.

      • 5 months ago

        It's what I would do personally, but OP did ask for non GURPS options.

        • 5 months ago

          I asked for non-gurps not because I don't like the system but because I was curious how other systems would handle. I'm fully aware that gurps is capable of it

  6. 5 months ago

    Isn't this just Fallout:Russia

    • 5 months ago

      Fallout has a lot of commentary about the 1950's cold-war mentality, and a lot of zany b-movie science when it comes to science and radiation. The most recent game is also set like 200 years after the bomb, and in turn is in an alternate timeline from the 1950's.

      Metro has a nuclear war kick off in our 2013, and takes place only 20 years after the nukes. While it's got radiation doing weird things like make ghosts and mutants, science otherwise seems to be the same. Also there is some critiques about the Russian government, but I feel like they've grown more pointed over time as the government just turns into cartoon villains in real life (they've effectively banished the original author who is probably the most famous living Russian author for criticizing them invading Ukraine- so yeah I expect he has a lot more mean things to say than ten years ago).

      • 5 months ago

        Isn't this just Fallout:Russia

        If you want a "Soviet 80s Fallout" try ATOM RPG (Steam or wherever). Some of the atmosphere will no doubt be lost in translation, but that frequently adds to the charm (see: EYE being a French mess).

      • 5 months ago

        Glukhovsky is accused for being a foreign asset and considering he is an outspoken zionist and has spent several years living in Israel it is quiet probably true. In his own words:
        >"Not that I started feeling myself a israelite, but I definitely started feeling an Israeli".

        He is a decent writer though.
        troony jannies tongue my anus

        • 5 months ago

          That kinda has no relation to the Russan Government putting out an arrest warrant on them. There's a lot of pro-israeli people. Being pro-Israel (or pro-Ukraine) isn't some crime.

          Being a 'foriegn agent' isn't even a thing unless you work in government. Which he doesn't.

  7. 5 months ago

    Apocalyptia is a free game you can pick up, pretty easy to understand and has the right amount of "Get Shot, Get Fricked" in it.

    It'd be a particular variety of Metro, but you can lean into the books or games with few minor adjustments with it. You can even add in survival stuff if you're really into that aspect.

  8. 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    I've been throwing ideas around with friends to try out a Metro homebrew with Free League's Twilight: 2000 rules, especially since its recent Urban Operations expansion introduced rules for urban combat and its Black Madonna book tweaked explosion damage and ricochet rules for underground firefights specifically.
    There's a lot about T2K that can work well for Metro's grungy atmo. I might start seriously getting some maps together for a Communist-Fascist underground war.

    • 5 months ago

      This is the perfect combo of my two suggestions. Literally both wrapped up together.

  10. 5 months ago

    There was an unfinished Metro ttrpg I found on Steam once...

  11. 5 months ago

    Also a question of what kind of Metro you want. The book is very grim and has only a few mutants, dealing more with weird phenomena like a giant horde of rats that ate an entire station or Burbon randomly dying of a psychic shockwave.

    The video game is more like Fallout in terms of the number of monsters and variety of mutants. Everything is mutated and inhospitable, but still fertile enough that giant life is abundant.

  12. 5 months ago

    >How would you run a Metro setting?
    I don't know. I would probably draw a line in the sand about the currency and say that it can't be used in combat.

  13. 5 months ago

    I think the cthulu system could work. Both systems have the players fight against mighty and mysterious monsters beyond their comprehension with limited and very much human strength. The wealth value would be discarded and I'd give every player a few rounds to start their adventure with. In metro, the majority of people are paupers. They'd all get shitty dead end jobs like mushroom farmer or prostitute. Then their station will come under attack and they are assembled in a desperate attempt to avoid the whole population (20 people!) suffering a gruesome death.

    I want to play this setting now.

  14. 5 months ago

    Twilight 2000, either 2 or 2.2 ed

  15. 5 months ago

    Duh. Either Twilight 2k for crunch or Mutant Year Zero for narrative. Don't waste your time with anything else.

  16. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk 2020 will do it well enough.

  17. 5 months ago

    I actually ran almost year long metro campaign on Savage Worlds, before my group got fed up with the system. Bullet/Currency worked great, they did sort and hog ammo, reducing the murderhobo possibility and they tried to find other solutions than dakka.

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