How's that YouTube channel going, anon?

Are you working on your Let's Plays, reviews or retrospectives? You spend your entire day talking about games in this shithole, why not take those opinions and share them at large with the world?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >why not take those opinions and share them at large with the world?
    cus it scary

  2. 11 months ago

    Working on it

    • 11 months ago

      that looks like my 20 seconds animation

  3. 11 months ago

    I recorded an entire voiceover only to realize when I put headphones I can hear echo. I dunno where to put foam pads in my room to help this.

    • 11 months ago

      I think foam pads in corners would help the most. A cheaper solution would be to wear a big bed comforter over your body and mic while you record, but this can be uncomfortable and get hot, but it works.

  4. 11 months ago

    > why not take those opinions and share them at large with the world?
    I tried that and I got terminated. I stream on rumble and a different site now. I had a good run though. I got like hundreds of thousands of subs.

  5. 11 months ago

    I only upload trimmed but otherwise unedited recording of video game sections I want to show to friends. I set them public anyway but nothing have gone past double digits.

  6. 11 months ago

    Youtube is bow 30 year old boomer shit, why aren't you working on that TikTok channel?

  7. 11 months ago

    It's going alright. I made a Zelda video recently that's doing pretty good.

    • 11 months ago

      >Listen to the sound of me deepthroating zelda for 40mins
      I’ll pass. Your voice isn’t terrible though, I might have listened if it wasn’t nintendo wank.

    • 11 months ago

      how do I talk good like that?

    • 11 months ago

      Nice voice

    • 11 months ago

      What keeps you going when you get zero views? Are you one of those I do it because I like it liars?

  8. 11 months ago

    I am here because I'm not an attention prostitute. That's the point of being anon.

  9. 11 months ago

    how many of you are just making incel shit about how much you hate women?

  10. 11 months ago

    >why not take those opinions and share them at large with the world?
    Not an extrovert. E-whoring is physically painful. I just make videos without talking.

  11. 11 months ago

    I just like to make art stuff..painting 3d prints

  12. 11 months ago

    Get a job, loser.

  13. 11 months ago

    I make music unrelated to video games

  14. 11 months ago

    it's alright, recently made an ai thing based off of baldur's gate 3. had fun with it.

  15. 11 months ago

    is anyone else's youtube recommendations just completely fricking worthless? mine only seems to give me stuff from channels i'm subscribed to, videos i've already watched, or "my mix" which is a playlist made up of songs i've listened to in the (distant) past. i literally never click on any of the shit it recommends me yet it never changes it up, its hard to find anything worth watching and i often have to be linked to things from offsite like from Ganker or gamefaqs threads

    • 11 months ago

      same honestly, it's all the same stuff and nothing is interesting besides tf2 vids or something else

    • 11 months ago

      yeah algo got fricked somehow

  16. 11 months ago

    You have to like talking and the sound of your own voice more than videogames themselves to be a streamer. I don’t have the ego drive to care enough.

  17. 11 months ago

    I'm interested in making videos like Sseth but in essay format, but have few questions
    How do I get good at editing? I already have Sony Vegas, but i can't do anything besides trimming and merging clips
    How do I get started in making videos? I feel like my first attempts will be shit and not worth posting on Youtube, so I may to try again

    • 11 months ago

      Like all things in life it'll be something you'll get better at the more you do it. Even Sseth took a while to get good, this old video of his for example has relatively minimal edits

      What's important is to visualize the kind of gag that you want on screen, in your mind. And the second there's something you don't know how to pull of on Vegas, look it up on YouTube. I started not even knowing how to blur the background video when I overlayed an image on top, by the end I uploaded a five hour long retrospective on Ass Creed to YouTube. Just frick around and don't be afraid of not making a super perfect video your first time around, for the most part others won't care for the little details.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks for the response, so it's something that's mostly has to do with experience
        There are certain games I want to cover, but I feel like I should wait and have more experience with making videos until I feel like I'm ready reviewing them, since they would take like over an hour covering them.

        • 11 months ago

          I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. I just like doing reviews, although my results in Guilty Gear: Strive tournaments have gotten me way more attention. I should be more grateful for all the traffic, and I’ve come to terms that people in general don’t give a shit about my reviews.
          Here’s a shorter review that all my friends like, probably because I try to be funnier than usual but I’m just being honest about how shit the game is.

          That’s not a bad idea. Start with games you don’t care quite as much about, and then cover your big favorites once you feel you’re ready. That’s what I did.

          • 11 months ago

            Good review. Comes off very early AVGN without the vulgarity and skits.

            • 11 months ago

              Thanks, although that’s not really my intention. I guess this game gave me a lot more “material” to work with, but I typically try to be more informative and argumentative, like I’m trying to debate a point, rather than focusing on being funny and entertaining. Probably the wrong direction to go in if I want attention, but whatever.

          • 11 months ago

            alright so serious question. What is this guy doing wrong? Almost 700 videos and still no views

            • 11 months ago

              I don’t follow trends. My most popular videos are movie reviews on Rupture and The Reader, but those don’t count because they got randomly picked up by some foreign AI and put on weird playlists to boost the views for some reason. The 25 To Life review got lucky, I guess. The most popular, consistent videos are on games that hadn’t come out yet, like betas / demos for Dragonball FighterZ, Guilty Gear: Strive, and Code Vein. If I was smart, I would’ve done a video on the Granblue Fantasy: Versus Rising beta, but I didn’t really care to at the time. The answer for what I’m “supposed” to do is there, but I don’t really care to do it; I’d rather do what I want to do and leave it at that. I will say, though, that I’m very surprised whenever I got to a major tournament, like Combo Breaker, CEO, and EVO, and I’m told that my videos are the reason someone started playing Guilty Gear: Strive. Really warms my heart, and knowing that makes it plenty worth it.

              • 11 months ago

                I didnt ask you. I asked everyone else

              • 11 months ago

                That’s fair, although I still think the answer is that no one cares about reviews for the most part even though that’s all I want to do. Titles and thumbnails are weak too, I'm sure, but I never really liked the whole “This RPG changed my life!” kind of approach.

              • 11 months ago

                his videos don't have any hooks
                not in the thumbnail, title or first 30 seconds
                very few people are just going to be looking up game reviews, it would need some sort of clickbait to make people who aren't interested in the game but see the video in their recommended click it

                not that he needs to do any of that if he's happy where he is

              • 11 months ago

                If you're asking why people don't watch his videos then it's likely because they just don't see it recommended because like he said he doesn't chase trends.

                One of the best things about a youtube competitor would be that they would be starting with a fresh algorithm so their algorithm wouldn't be as bad. Sure,they would still prioritise things that are safe and make money, but they wouldn't have 2 decades of shit they've "learned" that results in them incorrectly recommending things to people. I would be much more likely to watch that anon's videos than 99% of shit youtube tries to get me to watch yet youtube probably wouldn't even think to recommend it to me.

                Shilling on various platforms, and be known for a specific kind of content, then people will flock your channel expecting to see more of that. I've seen plenty of channels that get lucky with that 10-100k views video and then they continue with their regular content where they hit a few thousand of views then it defaults to their usual number again, it's like trying to keep a glimpse of that charcoal grill flame alive.
                This isn't exclusive to meme channels or the ones that go viral because some big CC posted a clip of their video in their channel/social media. There's a snowball effect that may be enhanced by the help of YT's algorithm via some specific keywords that people tend to write on the search bar. It's pretty common for those tutorial channels to go big when they solve a specific kind of problem, then all mentioned before plays out on how much popularity they are able to capture based on the kind of content they're putting out.
                I noticed this with an artist that was kind of all over the place then she focused on biz talk and her channel immediately skyrocketed in views, she seems like the kind of person that researches about SEO and does her homework though.
                It's either being extremely dedicated, getting lucky or a mix of both. Having some video editing skills and making your shit interesting obviously helps though.

                All of these sound about right. I decided early on that worrying about the algorithm or chasing trends was a headache I didn’t want to bother with. When I was younger, I was inspired by Electronic Gaming Monthly’s dedication to giving honest reviews despite losing advertising revenue from the publisher due to poor scores. After all the controversies over the years (IGN’s Pixeljunk Sidescroller review, GameSpot’s Kane & Lynch review, EGM’s bastardized revival and Aliens: Colonial Marines review, and of course Amiga Power 1995’s Pound of Flesh article, among others) I decided that I could either keep b***hing about it or I could put out there the kind of stuff that I would want to see. That’s always been my motivation and it hasn’t changed.

              • 11 months ago

                whats the point in producing things people dont use?

              • 11 months ago

                Well, like I said earlier, I’m still surprised by the amount of people who say they got into Guilty Gear Strive because of my videos.

                I don’t follow trends. My most popular videos are movie reviews on Rupture and The Reader, but those don’t count because they got randomly picked up by some foreign AI and put on weird playlists to boost the views for some reason. The 25 To Life review got lucky, I guess. The most popular, consistent videos are on games that hadn’t come out yet, like betas / demos for Dragonball FighterZ, Guilty Gear: Strive, and Code Vein. If I was smart, I would’ve done a video on the Granblue Fantasy: Versus Rising beta, but I didn’t really care to at the time. The answer for what I’m “supposed” to do is there, but I don’t really care to do it; I’d rather do what I want to do and leave it at that. I will say, though, that I’m very surprised whenever I got to a major tournament, like Combo Breaker, CEO, and EVO, and I’m told that my videos are the reason someone started playing Guilty Gear: Strive. Really warms my heart, and knowing that makes it plenty worth it.

                If I’ve helped as few as one or two people, then that’s enough for me. I’ll also get the rare comment that’s like: “Wow, I’m glad I avoided this game” or “Thanks for recommending this” or something along those lines. Maybe if I was literally getting absolutely zero views, period, then I might’ve quit, but the fact that I’ve helped a few strangers here and there is awesome. Besides, the videos themselves aren’t going anywhere; they’re an archive that will be available for years. If someone wants a review on some odd game they’re interested in, then I’ve added my own shit to the pile. If YouTube goes down one of these years, I still have the raw videos and I’ll simply move on to the inevitable replacement. Even though there inherently no value that I’m getting out of this (I’m making an average of $100 every 13 months), it still feels worth it to me.

              • 11 months ago

                If you're asking why people don't watch his videos then it's likely because they just don't see it recommended because like he said he doesn't chase trends.

                One of the best things about a youtube competitor would be that they would be starting with a fresh algorithm so their algorithm wouldn't be as bad. Sure,they would still prioritise things that are safe and make money, but they wouldn't have 2 decades of shit they've "learned" that results in them incorrectly recommending things to people. I would be much more likely to watch that anon's videos than 99% of shit youtube tries to get me to watch yet youtube probably wouldn't even think to recommend it to me.

            • 11 months ago

              Shilling on various platforms, and be known for a specific kind of content, then people will flock your channel expecting to see more of that. I've seen plenty of channels that get lucky with that 10-100k views video and then they continue with their regular content where they hit a few thousand of views then it defaults to their usual number again, it's like trying to keep a glimpse of that charcoal grill flame alive.
              This isn't exclusive to meme channels or the ones that go viral because some big CC posted a clip of their video in their channel/social media. There's a snowball effect that may be enhanced by the help of YT's algorithm via some specific keywords that people tend to write on the search bar. It's pretty common for those tutorial channels to go big when they solve a specific kind of problem, then all mentioned before plays out on how much popularity they are able to capture based on the kind of content they're putting out.
              I noticed this with an artist that was kind of all over the place then she focused on biz talk and her channel immediately skyrocketed in views, she seems like the kind of person that researches about SEO and does her homework though.
              It's either being extremely dedicated, getting lucky or a mix of both. Having some video editing skills and making your shit interesting obviously helps though.

    • 11 months ago

      Use Davinci Resolve instead of Sony Vegas. It's just as powerful without being a piece of shit. There's a bit more of a learning curve though, but I think taking the time to learn it will be better in the long run.

      • 11 months ago

        >Davinci Resolve
        Interesting, gonna check it out.

      • 11 months ago

        >Davinci Resolve
        Interesting, gonna check it out.

        I second this. DaVinci Resolve is arguably not as good as Adobe Premiere or Final Cut, but you can’t beat free, and it is a plenty good enough editing program to stand on its own.

        • 11 months ago

          Editing in Davinci made me realise my PC's old and busted. It's what I get for never playing new games but whatever.

          • 11 months ago

            Same, I’m overdue for an upgrade, but I’m an idiot who uses Mac. I’m waiting for Elgato or AverMedia to make a 4K capture card that’s compatible with the new Mac models. Until then, I’ll deal with rougher and slower editing.

        • 11 months ago

          how the hell do you even manage to get DaVinci to work? ive tried fiddling around with it but holy frick man
          t. brainlet

      • 11 months ago

        >Davinci Resolve
        Interesting, gonna check it out.

        just pirate premiere lmao

        • 11 months ago

          I can pirate it, it's just it would take a while to get good at editing with premiere

          I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. I just like doing reviews, although my results in Guilty Gear: Strive tournaments have gotten me way more attention. I should be more grateful for all the traffic, and I’ve come to terms that people in general don’t give a shit about my reviews.
          Here’s a shorter review that all my friends like, probably because I try to be funnier than usual but I’m just being honest about how shit the game is.

          That’s not a bad idea. Start with games you don’t care quite as much about, and then cover your big favorites once you feel you’re ready. That’s what I did.

          Yeah I've been thinking i should cover some shorter games as a way to start my channel and work my way through
          Also I really like your video, it's edited well, the voice over is good and it feels like kind of AVGN video like the other anon said

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks anon. I would definitely encourage you to start with shorter videos. It’ll make the whole process a lot more palatable that way, but you should still make the video as long as you feel it needs to be. I originally had an arbitrary rule that I wouldn’t make videos longer than 10 - 15 minutes, since dislike longe videos myself, but I’ve since made about ten or so reviews so far that border on 30 minutes. Usually it’s for games I absolutely loved, like Omori and Bug Fables, but I also had to really tear into Last of Us 2’s story which lengthened that video a lot. Anyway, do what feels right but don’t put it off; just do it. Once you’ve started editing a video and your about an hour or two into it, you’ll find yourself getting momentum and blowing through the editing process a lot faster. That’s how it is for me.

            • 11 months ago

              Alright, thanks for all the advice, anon.
              I wil try and see if i can get into editing just like how you described it.
              Good luck with your channel.

    • 11 months ago

      keep doing it and learn as you go, don't worry about if it's good or not, just keep it up if you enjoy it

      • 11 months ago

        Good post, thanks

        • 11 months ago

          yw anon

  18. 11 months ago

    is it true you can pretty much have a free gaming rig if you write it off as a business expense if you have your youtube as a business on your taxes?
    How does it work? You get the money you spent back, at the end of the year, or you just dont pay that much in taxes?

  19. 11 months ago

    Tried it for a year and forgot about it for another year. Thinking of dusting it off this week.

  20. 11 months ago

    you guys should conscider moving your content to twitter
    I had to start over on youtube after getting banned over a fake copyright claim
    now I get more video views on twitter than youtube
    i have 200+ videos to move to twitter so there's a good chance I could get a decent payout from the ad share program.
    for example, this video got 2.9k views in three months

    while this video tweet got 3k views in just 5 days

  21. 11 months ago

    I'm doing okay. I make videos based on being a low IQ gamer. It's basically just a "guide series" where I explain how you can UGNA BUNGA through a game without thinking (assuming you have an American 1st grade reading ability). For obvious reasons, I only focus on games that don't have an easy mode and for soloing games, since anyone could easily beat a game with friends.

  22. 11 months ago


  23. 11 months ago

    >make a gmod video
    >16k views in under a month

  24. 11 months ago

    one of my shitposts hit the algo and got 600 views overnight after years of making videos with at least some effort
    weird how it works, sometimes they will just shill something super hard on peoples homepages and then let it die instantly

  25. 11 months ago

    released my first video last week and I have 30 views
    I'll make another soon but I don't want to work too hard. it's just a hobby 🙂

  26. 11 months ago

    Made a video that's doing pretty well. But good lord the amount of time these larger videos take is staggering. I really need to work on making them shorter.

  27. 11 months ago


  28. 11 months ago

    I tried to make a video game dunkey but I gave up.
    I have another idea for a gaming channel, maybe someday i give it a try.

  29. 11 months ago
    doodle guy

    I mostly do animations, but wanting to get into some gaming, skits, and other things.

  30. 11 months ago

    Creating reviews can be quite fun. It is nice to stop and think about what you really thought about a game after finishing it and then putting those thoughts together into a video.

    Been doing it for a while now and it is fun even though nobody watches them.

    • 11 months ago

      This anon gets it. Organizing your thoughts in a semi-concised manner and accompanying them with a visual aid is very satisfying if you're the kind of guy that just can't shut the frick up about vidya regardless of who listens.

    • 11 months ago

      This anon gets it. Organizing your thoughts in a semi-concised manner and accompanying them with a visual aid is very satisfying if you're the kind of guy that just can't shut the frick up about vidya regardless of who listens.

      Hell yeah dude, this is what it’s all about. It’s a good reminder of what I’ve played in the past too. Being able to reflect on some of my favorites and most hated games with an editors and explained record of my experiences that I personally made is really neat. Putting them out there publicly just makes them easy to share with friends and the world as a whole. I’ll also say that I’m surprised how many friends I’ve gotten from my channel, mostly from threads Ganker threads like this. Even if I’m a nobody, these last few years have been great.

  31. 11 months ago

    Any recommendations like these? I like how they feel like video strategy guides.

  32. 11 months ago

    Is my YT channel shadow banned?

    I used to get 1k views on my youtube shorts but recently my view dropped significantly. Some videos literally get 0 views. To this date i cannot make a video that reaches even 5 views and I don't know what to do at this point.

    • 11 months ago

      the algorithm hates you

    • 11 months ago

      if you're cursing, even in the slightlest way, that may frick you over.

    • 11 months ago

      Time to get a real job.

  33. 11 months ago

    >lets play
    >in the year of our lord 2023

  34. 11 months ago

    I stole a clip from twitch, uploaded it on to my youtube channel and got 3k views. It's just that easy.

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