Hypothetically, if I couldn't play PC Quake, what's the best console version: Saturn or N64?

Hypothetically, if I couldn't play PC Quake, what's the best console version: Saturn or N64?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Saturn quake plays like powerslave and its secret levels play a shit ton like powerslave levels and that's part of the appeal. An ambitious port playing like the most ambitious game of 1996. It also has faster load times.

    The N64 version is interesting but sloppy. Downgrades across the board and often poor use of colored lights and smeary textures and the most stunning thing is the load times. They are insanely long. The game is clearly decompressing the levels and the n64 can not do it fast enough so be prepared to wait. The game itself performs fine in action, better than saturn overall but it feels just like quake. If you've ever played quake you know quake already. This version is just blurrier and takes forever to load. Saturn quake is a powerslave sequel and holy shit is it a better game for it.

    • 2 years ago

      this guy is an idiot and is incorrect or outright lying about half of what he said, e.g. the load times which occur once before each level and are literally 10 seconds long. look at youtube videos of both versions and compare. Saturn looks and plays like complete ass. it's running at 10fps half the time, the enemies are absolutely fugly and move like molasses and the levels are miniaturized. take it from someone who actually owns both versions, this guy is a moron and the Saturn version sucks.

      • 2 years ago

        >literally 10 seconds long
        don't get so defensive by the way, it just exposes yourself. They have their ups and downs each, frankly nothing in q64 is as entertaining as the
        QWF stage. You have to be more open minded to shooters and have less tunnel vision to appreciate it, the genre didn't evolve in a vacuum.

        • 2 years ago

          >15 seconds instead of 10 seconds
          >conveniently chose the level with the longest load time in the game
          disengenuos homosexual. you try to use a fricking 15 second load time for levels that can take 20min or more to beat as some kind of knock against the game when Saturn quake runs at fricking 5-10fps and has no gun models lol yeah you're an idiot

          • 2 years ago

            I just took a random level, you need to calm down. I'm not saying it's not worth playing, I'm saying it's underwhelming. Which it is. Congrats you beat the Saturn, lmao I'd hope you can do at least that. Just a shame the game is just a much shittier version of the PC version.

            • 2 years ago

              nice try you dumb homosexual, you've posted this same webm for years. now you've switched gears and started arguing Saturn Quake as a "powerslave sequel" instead of a version of Quake because of how hard you've been BTFO'ed every time we have this argument. you post the same fricking webm and the same drooling down syndrome criticism every time. Quake 64 is a good version of Quake with enough differences to make it worth playing. It has good controls, runs at 30fps, has multiplayer, and provides a fair representation of the original game. It's a solid, competent title. Saturn Quake is a shit tier version of DOOM with digitized Quake assets slapped on top and is riddled with graphical issues, runs at 5fps, has terrible controls, has no multiplayer and adds literally nothing to the experience except a fricking easter egg comic book strip and 4 new levels in tandem with the original levels that have been absolutely butchered and barely resemble the originals -- and this is on top of 1000 other issues. It isn't a good Quake game and it isn't a good game in general. I'm not going to respond to you again because there's nothing to say that hasn't already been said but you are very stupid and you need to stop this moronation for your own mental health.

              • 2 years ago

                lol wtf
                I wonder what motivates someone to shitpost about a console for months. Mad that they weren't bought a N64 as a kid? I don't know a thing about Quake but this thread has been fun

              • 2 years ago

                bot posting

              • 2 years ago

                it's not a bot, the dude has been doing this for years. he can't stand the fsct that his shit tier weeb console got dicked down by the 64 so he posts shit like this ad nauseum in some weird attempt to defame the console but he's just ended up motivating people to post their own webms etc. that prove how bad the Saturn really is. he at least concedes that the N64 version is better now, he used to actually argue about it.

              • 2 years ago

                I could get flaunting the Saturn's 2D superiority but trying to argue its 3D was better than the N64? Really?

              • 2 years ago

                didn't read btw but everything in that screenshot is correct

              • 2 years ago

                based quake autist. gave me a few keks. cheers to a good health to you.

        • 2 years ago

          10 seconds long
          >don't get so defensive by the way, it just exposes yourself. They have their ups and downs each, frankly nothing in q64 is as entertaining as the
          >QWF stage. You have to be more open minded to shooters and have less tunnel vision to appreciate it, the genre didn't evolve in a vacuum.

          I'm thinking Midway used a lot of compression algorithms to get the most that they could out of the limited cartridge space. I think the decompression may cause the delays. The same thing happens in Wipeout 64, which was also developed by Midway. Wipeout 64 the audio samples compressed and require decompression.

  2. 2 years ago

    Quake autist here. Quake 64 is the best console versiom available and it isn't even close.
    >runs on a modified version of the original quake engine, complete with the same physics, etc. basically 1:1 with PC version in terms of gameplay
    >graphically similar to winquake with some GL effects
    >runs at a solid 30fps most of the time
    >levels are mostly the same as PC but with altered geometry here and there, some different textures, new colored lighting effects, new skyboxes, new music, a few new sound effects, etc.
    >no "welcome to quake" hub, difficulty is selected at the main menu and levels are played in linear order
    >rumble added
    >bilinear filtering added, can be toggled on and off
    >simplified HUD
    >new 2 player deathmatch mode replacing original multiplayer, PC maps and one new map
    Saturn Quake is more of a curiosity piece than anything. It isn't actually Quake -- it runs on the Slavedriver engine, same as Powerslave/Saturn Duke. It has a few new levels, dynamic lighting effects, more cheats and a few nifty easter eggs, but outside of this it is inferior in every single way. The levels were drastically altered to be smaller and less complex, there is a bizarre "warping" effect seen when walking past walls or turning, the engine runs at around 15fps for most of the game and can get as low as 3fps, physics are different, enemies were butchered and not only sport about half as many polys but totally different coloration and animations (they were also slowed down to make them easier to hit), there is no multiplayer of any kind, and the guns are no longer 3D models but sprites ala DOOM. it's a very clunky, slow, hacked up version of the game that's cool to play for the historical value, but as a game, Quake 64 is far and away the better choice.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesn't the N64 version also display in 24-bit color?

    • 2 years ago

      >Quake 64
      >Best version
      >has the longest load times despite being on cartridge

  3. 2 years ago

    All the quake autists are going REEEEE here.
    I have played every version of Quake and N64 port is the way to go. It's fast, smooth and runs fricking great. It almost feelings like the 64 controller was made for this game.
    The Saturn version while charming, is a slow, clunky mess. That being said I think both versions are worth checking out, but you will see how awesome the 64 port actually is when you play both and compare.

  4. 2 years ago

    The only good thing about Saturn Quake is that it runs faster than Saturn Doom.

  5. 2 years ago

    N64 version is king

  6. 2 years ago

    Look at this.

    • 2 years ago

      I like the grainy appearance of the textures and literally NOTHING ELSE. This looks like really clunky.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking mess.

      There are a few raging autists on here as well that swear by Duke Nukem Saturn port being the best port of the game, even though half the game is scrapped from the original. N64 version of Duke is the best you can get. As is Quake. People tend to think of the 64 as a kiddie wahoo console, but it had some great games, and some fantastic ports.

    • 2 years ago

      That is hilarious, look at their little legs go. Knights look like they can only turn 90°

  7. 2 years ago

    Now look at this.

    • 2 years ago

      couldn't the N64 at least have the same geometry detail?

    • 2 years ago

      I’m going to throw my Sega Saturn in the garbage when I get home from work later

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t do that, just download hellslave instead

        • 2 years ago

          LMAO you mean the unfinished fan project for saturn featuring ripped assets from Quake 2 PS1?

          • 2 years ago

            You ok there anon

  8. 2 years ago

    The ps vita one.

  9. 2 years ago

    i grew up with Quake 64 but i find Saturn Quake to look more athentic. grittier.
    Quake's textures weren't really made with texture filtering in mind.
    Quake 64 plays better i think.
    oh and Quake 64 dosn't have Nine Inch Nails music.

  10. 2 years ago


    Quake 64 still looks blurry without the smear you "dumb c**t"

    • 2 years ago

      Original quake on PC literally used a blurring filter as a feature

  11. 2 years ago


    c**t i turned that shit of first day moron. your port is mediocre i'll stick to pc.

  12. 2 years ago


    learn to read moron i never played the Saturn port. and yes i grew up with Quake 64,it was before i had a PC.
    you hurt sperg need help

    • 2 years ago

      >learn to read moron i never played the Saturn port
      so you like the look of a game that you've never played more than the version you grew up with that you now claim is trash compared to the PC version... makes sense.
      >you hurt sperg need help
      you're a dumb 19 year old mulatto and you should end your life. i mean that sincerely.

      • 2 years ago

        you don't need to buy games to see how they look you simpleton just go to Youtube .
        god i wish i was 19...

        • 2 years ago

          >YouTube is an accurate depiction of a game
          19 year old mulatto.

          • 2 years ago

            sorry i can't help you son

            • 2 years ago

              19 year old mulatto.

              • 2 years ago

                weird fettish but okay...

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                yes your situation is pretty cringe, all this rage for a shoddy port...

              • 2 years ago

                >no u
                cringe lol

              • 2 years ago

                >no u
                cringe "lol"

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                i get last reply, i win you lose. if you respond to this post it means you admit you're gay and also have black DNA. no immunities. get owned moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Nibiru is calling me

  13. 2 years ago

    If a game has complex geometry, odds are the 64 will win

  14. 2 years ago

    it's interesting reading the differences but i don't really get why you'd argue over this shit when you can easily play the pc version. its probably easier to play that than to actually get n64/saturn emulation working kek
    i guess the saturn having entirely original levels might make it worth checking out, but i imagine they've been modded in the pc version

    • 2 years ago

      >i guess the saturn having entirely original levels
      it has 4. the rest are vanilla maps but cut down in size and complexity.

      • 2 years ago

        >it has 4. the rest are vanilla maps but cut down in size and complexity.
        they usually retain most of it, even some of the textures are given extra animations that aren't in the PC original. It's nice and any Quake fan would love to see the changes, plus having familiar maps with a totally different feel but similar mechanics is a ton of fun. N64 is just the same game but a step down in every way and saw massive cuts to the geometry detail. It's actually scary how much more geometry is in the Saturn version vs the N64 version. I guess that's the cost of running a PC engine on a the bottlenecked n64 hardware.

        • 2 years ago

          >it's cut down and shitty to the point where it barely resembles the original, that justifies its existence
          Classic cope for a shitty port.

        • 2 years ago

          >they usually retain most of it
          yeah, most, like 51% lmao
          >N64 is just the same game but a step down in every way
          except for the different lighting, and textures, music, HUD, added features like rumble and modified levels.
          >It's actually scary how much more geometry is in the Saturn version vs the N64 version
          it's actually scary how mentally ill you must be to think this when the Saturn version's levels are literally half the size of N64 and PC and have tons of geometric cutbacks e.g. the walls added to the first level because the draw distance in the nailgun room made the Saturn shit itself so they needed to prevent the console from rendering too much at once
          >that webm
          bro, the Saturn version has fricking sprites for weapons. it runs at 5fps. the controls require a fricking toggle to look up and down unless you input a cheat and use a 3D pad. the enemies are beyond fricked up. the levels are condensed. the physics are broken. the graphics warp and jitter when you walk past a wall. there's no multiplayer. but yeah, a demon texture on the wall has a blinking light now. you are legitimately fricking moronic.

  15. 2 years ago

    You guys really need to go outside and get laid. Console warring over 2 consoles from like 25 years ago. Jesus Christ.

  16. 2 years ago

    N64 quake is novel in that it feels like they just textured greyboxes without finishing the geometry of each room. I suppose it's what the N64 could handle, but Saturn is closer to the PC version here which also has an archway over the exit.

  17. 2 years ago

    I suppose some people like disco lights in Quake, the colored lighting feels off. Oh it's missing the chapel emblem too. 4kb of texture cache for you I suppose.

  18. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      holy kek the saturn is garbage

  19. 2 years ago
  20. 2 years ago

    Keep in mind, Saturn couldn't pump as many polygons as N64, and yet it did it anyway. I suppose the performance was the cost.

    • 2 years ago

      is the right screenshot supposed to look better because it looks like dogshit compared to left.

      • 2 years ago

        I can pretend to be moronic too, but I see the n64 dickriding brigade is here to get upset about facts.

        • 2 years ago

          >I can pretend to be moronic too
          you dont have to pretend, you play saturn quake LOL

          • 2 years ago

            >you dont have to pretend
            Oh, you weren't pretending, well you fooled me 🙂

            • 2 years ago

              is this advanced shitposting? i refuse to believe you actually think the saturn pics look better, what are you smoking

              • 2 years ago

                It's so bewildering, sure the Saturn version has higher resolution textures and clearly more detailed geometry and moodier lighting and actual contrast and working full brights and more texture variety but well, it makes the N64 look bad so it doesn't count.

                What makes these "true" Quake fans so unhinged? It's no secret the Saturn version is actually interesting unlike the N64 one.

              • 2 years ago

                What? I don't know if something's gone wrong with resizing the images but the Saturn lighting in your images look real bad, it's too dark. Weirdly enough the guy posting .webms shitting on the Saturn does a better job of advertising its visuals

              • 2 years ago

                it has literally none of those things outside of higher res textures which you cant even compare because you dont use any pics of the N64 version without filtering on. you are seriously messed up in the head. i also think it's fine hoe you ignore every post that mentions shit like the weapon "models" being fricking sprites because or the game running at 5 fricking frames per second because you dont want to draw any negative attention kek.

              • 2 years ago

                >it has literally none of those things outside of higher res textures
                You might need glasses.

                >Just how lighting works on the console
                I guess that explains some things.

                hey you updated the same webm you've been posting since 2014. Good job, I guess that's the autistic dedication I expect from the biggest n64 fanboy on the internet.

              • 2 years ago

                >I guess that's the autistic dedication I expect from the biggest n64 fanboy on the internet.
                Blatant hypocrisy.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh you are denying that you didn't just post this webm?

              • 2 years ago

                No. I just find it funny how the one person who defends the Saturn port of Quake as a masterpiece would call anyone else a fanboy for anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Never said it was a masterpiece, but I can see you're very biased and not interested in being honest. Anyway take some responsibility for your dedication in the autism olympics. 5 years of this boring shit, why do you hate the saturn so much?

              • 2 years ago

                >grammatically incorrect
                >filename doesn't match
                That's not my post but it is my image. That was posted just a few days after I first posted it. I recorded it because I was tired of seeing Saturn fanboys pretend the Saturn port was superior. That sounds familiar.

              • 2 years ago

                >I was tired of seeing Saturn fanboys pretend the Saturn port was superior
                So far I've never seen this happen, just you pretending it happens. For 5 years. Why do you have these mental complexes? Nobody pretends it's superior, it has a couple of novelties, performance is worse overall especially early on, the draw distance is a little farther, that's it. You pretend they're declaring it as the definitive version so you have a boogeyman to defeat. All while lying (blatantly and obviously) about other versions of other games. Take some responsibility, you're the worst console warrior I've seen on this site. Own it but don't act like you're not. It's just pathetic when even you admit you've been doing this for at least 5 years.

              • 2 years ago

                >you're the worst console warrior I've seen on this site
                I'm not even the worst one in this thread.

              • 2 years ago

                You are, but you're terrified of owning this fact. Face it, you're the worst shitposter on the board.

              • 2 years ago

                This attempt at gaslighting is just not gonna work when you're the guy who thinks this is a masterpiece.

              • 2 years ago

                >This attempt at gaslighting is just not gonna work when you're the guy who thinks this is a masterpiece.
                5 years of this pathetic act. I think it's because the n64 has no games.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't see how exposing the truth is a "pathetic act".

  21. 2 years ago

    The Saturn port has such simplified and shitty gameplay the AI has no wandering state unaware of the player. This totally breaks this intro to the second level.

    • 2 years ago

      This literally looks one of those shitty fps games made for gameboy advance, what the frick

    • 2 years ago

      Now you might be wondering "what are you playing on easy? Where's the grunts in that scene?" Nope. The game has cut down enemy counts on every difficulty. The only thing the difficulty setting does is effect enemy damage.

      • 2 years ago

        Resident Evil 4 Zeebo vibes

  22. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Just how lighting works on the console, it gives it a different flavor. If you prefer the disco lighting you can always play N64 version.

      • 2 years ago

        I prefer a version I can actually fricking see

      • 2 years ago

        >Just how lighting works on the console
        I guess that explains some things.

  23. 2 years ago

    You gotta admire the sheer autistic will of the guy who has spent years trying to convince people the Saturn port is good. I mean nobody ever agrees with him and yet he just keeps going undeterred.

    • 2 years ago

      his autism is inspiring, truly

  24. 2 years ago

    /vp/ has this years-long anti-Nintendo DS gay who reposts the same images and webms, cherrypicks what makes his argument looks good and completely ignores any contradicting evidence no matter how much you shove it into his face. He's even been caught downright altering gameplay footage, he's insane

    The Saturn guy is giving me similar vibes, probably best to just ignore his shit. Though I do kinda appreciate how crunchy the Saturn webms look

  25. 2 years ago

    is this discussion even real

    • 2 years ago

      I'm starting to think not.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm starting to think not.

      maybe Pete Hines wants us to talk about Quake before announcing the new shovelreboot?
      today there have been 3 threads about Quake

  26. 2 years ago

    Saturn port had the hidden Dank & Scuz comic, thus it is superior.
    Tendies btfo.

  27. 2 years ago

    Unofficial dreamcast versions might be good but idk. I know they exist.

    • 2 years ago

      >Unofficial dreamcast versions might be good but idk. I know they exist.

      There were a few. One of the oldest ones was from a developer called Titanium Studios, who ported QuakeGL directly to WindowsCE:

      Video above is some HD emulation. But Quake on WindowsCE ran at 60fps @ 480p via VGA and even supported keyboard and mouse. It was never officially released, just a test of porting the OG quake to Dreamcast.

      But there have been other later ports of Quake and Quake II to Dreamcast. Some use WindowsCE and others do not.

      • 2 years ago

        >There were a few. One of the oldest ones was from a developer called Titanium Studios, who ported QuakeGL directly to WindowsCE:


        > This test port was a short project to demonstrate our porting capabilities. The Quake engine had recently been open sourced and was very straightforward to work with. The fully functional port was completed in a week and a half with much of the work involving conversion of OpenGL code to Direct3D.

        It's crazy to think that the Quake Source Code was GPL'd shortly before they made this port. They used the Quake source code to gt running on WindowsCE with hardware acceleration. I'm not sure if this one is 60fps or 30. Maybe variable?

        • 2 years ago

          >> This test port was a short project to demonstrate our porting capabilities. The Quake engine had recently been open sourced and was very straightforward to work with. The fully functional port was completed in a week and a half with much of the work involving conversion of OpenGL code to Direct3D.

          That was from Titanium Studio's own website.

  28. 2 years ago

    Anytime an N64 version is superior to others, thread turns into a shit show. People can't fathom the idea that Nintendo did some things better.
    When it comes to N64 or Saturn, the Saturn is my preferred system. But you can't honestly tell me with a straight face that Quake is better on Saturn lmao and I bet half the people saying Saturn port is better never played the 64 version.

    • 2 years ago

      I owned the n64 version and can say without a doubt that Saturn was better. It looked prettier, had better controls and less load times.

  29. 2 years ago

    N64 version fookin shits on the sharturn version its not even funny aha

  30. 2 years ago

    Doom on Dreamcast using WindowsCE. I think the Dreamcast :


    One of my favorite homebrews for the DC is Rise of the Triad:

    It actually runs at a fluid 60fps at 480p and worked with my Dreamcast keyboard. Not using WindowsCE. It was one of the first home console ports that came out after the the source code was GNUe'd. Though ROTT was made with the wolf3D engine.

  31. 2 years ago

    Thank you based N64 schizo for doing your part to deflate the Saturn bubble resellers have been artificially inflating for years.

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