I actually really like open-ended 'zzles.

I actually really like open-ended 'zzles.

Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago


  2. 2 weeks ago

    Why the Discord is trying really hard to make Ganker hate this game?

    • 2 weeks ago

      they need it so they can "own the chuds" when the game is a massive success

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't need any Discord for that, the artstyle alone is enough.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Ive seen more soul in legos.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Im convinced the hype for that shit has to be a conspiracy. There is just no way someone would enjoy seeing this artstyle and be willing to collect them too. They had to get paid shills to popularize that shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Its a continual infantilization of the population.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I dont know what these ticks in the normo's brain. A coworker was seeing Demon Slayer Funkos in Amazon and I showed him some Nendoroids around the same price but then he went back to see the Funkos

        • 2 weeks ago

          Disgusting. I really think they just got memed into it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I don't know how people think these are better looking than the Nendos. Wtf.

            I remember watching some guy on youtube talk about what the appeal to some people might be, them and he flat out looked at the camera going "You WILL own a Funko one day". Fricking cult like behavior.

            I would understand if their quality were good but a friend's gf got him a mini one for a keychain and the paint started to fade within a month.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't know how people think these are better looking than the Nendos. Wtf.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I dont know what these ticks in the normo's brain. A coworker was seeing Demon Slayer Funkos in Amazon and I showed him some Nendoroids around the same price but then he went back to see the Funkos

        I remember watching some guy on youtube talk about what the appeal to some people might be, them and he flat out looked at the camera going "You WILL own a Funko one day". Fricking cult like behavior.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah, its just bored consoomers, being told the new thing to consoom, basically. I think in a based schizo way it may just go to show that a lot of market trends are kept alive by corpo shilling + peer pressure

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't care for the artstyle, but the gameplay looks interesting.
        Don't think I'll get it unless they make some significant improvements though. There is no reason to only have one item equiable at a time and spend a minute searching for one to summon. That will be horrific in execution. I also don't think the puzzles/enivornments look complicated enough to keep my attention either. If you can break every puzzle by using a bed then that'll be super lame.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I do too but I would appreciate my game looking closer to Talos Principle than "discontinued board game"

      Im convinced the hype for that shit has to be a conspiracy. There is just no way someone would enjoy seeing this artstyle and be willing to collect them too. They had to get paid shills to popularize that shit.

      I remember watching some guy on youtube talk about what the appeal to some people might be, them and he flat out looked at the camera going "You WILL own a Funko one day". Fricking cult like behavior.

      >junko slop collectors are unironic brainwashed cultists

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It actually looks really cool. Ganker has been complaining about zelda being stale for years, then they got totk and complained about it being a repack of botw for months, id expect them to be glad about this change in pace

    • 2 weeks ago

      I dislike the reskinning of Link Awakening but hopefully the gameplay will make up for it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah the artstyle sucks but wind wakers artstyle sucked too, but it was still kino

    • 2 weeks ago

      The people who hate the modern reinvention of Zelda fall into two categories:

      1. People who think being contrarian and hating popular things is a valid substitute for not having a personality.

      2. People with autism who get upset when usual routines are changed.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Youre wrong. I shan't elaborate.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't care if you won't elaborate. Almost all criticisms I see of new Zelda games is that they don't have the same dungeons the older games had.

          In other words, these people need to find exactly one item in each dungeon, and they need to use that same item to solve the dungeon by using it in places that are specifically marked for using that item, and then they need to defeat the boss using that item.

          Sounds like autism to me. And I'm not trying to be rude or funny by saying that; it genuinely sounds like that.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You never understood Zelda.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It wouldn't surprise me if I've been playing the games since before you were born.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You werent.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I knew Ganker was moronic, but I never expected to see ever anyone claim to have psychic powers.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's called item-gated progression and its been a classic staple in the series up until literally two seconds ago (BoTW/Totk)
            If you don't like it then you literally don't like the series.

            • 2 weeks ago

              While it has been a staple of the series, it's far from central to what Zelda is about and there's no reason for the games to be designed that way.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's literally what Zelda is about.
                >find a cool-looking cave
                >go there
                >wow a new item!
                As opposed to modern Zelda where the cave is fricking barren.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>find a cool-looking cave
                >>go there
                >>wow a new item!
                Uhhhhh no that's not how it works.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's literally what Zelda is about.
                >find a cool-looking cave
                >go there
                >wow a new item!

                Except that doesn't happen in WW/TP/SS. You don't find the cave (or dungeon). The game instructs you exactly where to go.

                Also, the older games don't follow the formula so rigidly. For example, many bosses in the old games don't have to be defeated with the item you found in the dungeon.

                By the way, one other question... why does it need to be one item in each dungeon to satisfy your OCD? Why can't a dungeon have two items, or three items, for example?

              • 2 weeks ago

                WW absolutely let's you discover new items on small islands and there are caves everywhere. The other two are because they forgot to fill in an empty world.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >In other words, these people need to find exactly one item in each dungeon, and they need to use that same item to solve the dungeon by using it in places that are specifically marked for using that item, and then they need to defeat the boss using that item.

            this is not what made the old dungeons good and isn't what people are asking for

            • 2 weeks ago

              >and isn't what people are asking for
              The guy arguing w him said exactly the opposite and truly beleives without this specific characteristic it isnt zelda, so obv thry are

              Ive been playing zelda since 2003 and idc im tired of the old direction and am glad theyre trying something new

              • 2 weeks ago

                I just wish in botw/totk you could stumble on something as significant as an old zelda dungeon, something that takes longer than 10 minutes to complete

                I keep saying they should just splice 4 similar thematic shrines together, throw in some combat and a relevant skin then call it a dungeon

              • 2 weeks ago

                Thats literally what they did in the latest game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                all the temples are 10 minutes long, they aren't anywhere near on the level of an old zelda dungeon

                the bosses were a marked improvement over botw in terms of memorability/aesthetics though

          • 2 weeks ago

            Saw all the new fanart floating around, felt inspired to think of a joke BitF would make if it was still going.

            • 2 weeks ago

              i giggled, thank you, Anon.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I don't get the hate. It's a quick spinoff using an asset flip, it satisfies the "WE WANT TO PLAY ZELDA AS A GIRL" crowd, and it seems like they are using this game to potentially experiment mechanically.
            If they announced Breath of the wild 3+4, then I could understand why people would doompost about some of the stuff they do, but this seems like a small thing to get upset over. It's like getting upset over triforce heroes

            • 2 weeks ago

              I didn't want a quick spinoff using an asset flip, I wanted a proper new 2D Zelda that built on ALBW but in a new world. I don't feel like I'm asking for much, it's what we used to get every 2-3 years. Aonuma has just decided to slowroll everything.

      • 2 weeks ago

        mario if he real

  5. 2 weeks ago

    ok but zelda is too weak to save link

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Good for you, but I do not

  7. 2 weeks ago

    yeah I don't get what people are complaining about. Zelda is about puzzles and exploration not combat
    Zelda might have invented the rollslop genre but that was never the intention for the series

  8. 2 weeks ago

    The modern Zelda experience:
    >find puzzle
    >immediately think of five obvious ways to solve it
    >repeat for every single puzzle in the game
    >never have fun

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why do you find that less fun than, for example, using the hookshot on a hookshot-specific target? Or using the dominion rod on statues which have been positioned there for you to use the dominion rod?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why do you find that less fun than, for example, using the hookshot on a hookshot-specific target?
        Because old Zelda games at their best required you to think about where you are and where you're going. New Zelda dungeons are one or two rooms in a straight line, or four rooms connected to a hub room, and navigation never matters.
        Also never did I say I enjoyed the dominion rod. Zelda puzzles were never great but at least there used to be SOME that can't be solved at a glance, unlike the new games which accept so many solutions that practically anything your character is capable of could solve them.
        Regardless of what you think of the old games, the new puzzles still aren't good and should improve. Unfortunately Nintendo designs games for morons who will cry on Twitter if they have to use their brains for even a split second, so that will never happen.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Because old Zelda games at their best required you to think about where you are and where you're going.
          Are you that guy who was jerking off over the Forest Haven flower room having vines you could cut with the boomerang?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Zelda puzzles were never great but at least there used to be SOME that can't be solved at a glance,

          Can you give an example? Zelda's puzzles were only challenging for me when I had only played one or two games and I wasn't familiar with the formula. Once you know Zelda, all the puzzles become trivial.

          >unlike the new games which accept so many solutions that practically anything your character is capable of could solve them.

          All puzzles in all Zelda games might be easy, but in principle, puzzles that involve flexible-use tools (bow, ultra-hand, magnesis, etc.) are far superior to puzzles using tools with rigid applications (spinner, dominion rod, whip, hookshot).

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >What if we design a puzzle that isn't puzzling
    What did they mean by this?

  10. 2 weeks ago

    The problem is that easy open-ended puzzles are boring. Doesn't feel like the "freedom" serves any purpose.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >You will never get a sense of unease and dread from a Zelda game again
    I hate what Zelda has become.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Where is that real Zelda vs Nu-Zelda meme? I know someone has it.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I'm starved for 2D so I'll give this a chance. I really hope they've figured out a way to make dungeons that aren't just 'stack some beds and tables to win'. Someone also needs to tell Aonuma to keep the cancer menus confined to the 3D Zeldas.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There are ways they can do it
      >have areas that need to be climbed up but in very confined areas, meaning that you won't have enough room to place beds down
      >make water evaporate in hot environments, and make wooden items catch on fire and disappear quickly
      >require you to have a water traversal item before being able to swim (including the water blocks)
      >make metal objects conduct electricity, which you will not be immune to
      >have "key items", aka new materials only found in dungeons
      >have actual new key items on separate buttons
      >have a "separated from companion" section of the game
      >prevent the player from using an item if they don't have enough triangles (they have already done this)

      I can easily see them rather heavily tweaking the freedom comparatively to the wild games, since your options are inherently more limited here.

  13. 2 weeks ago


  14. 2 weeks ago

    >Zelda can bring the bedroom anywhere.
    Guess I'll cook myself

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