I can't justify building a desktop just for video games.

I can't justify building a desktop just for video games. Post cool things I can do with a powerful computer that aren't video games.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Porn upscaling

  2. 7 months ago

    mine crypto
    run AI simulations
    donate the power for protein folding

  3. 7 months ago

    >Post cool things I can do with a powerful computer that aren't video games.
    Opening directories
    IDLing in front of a monitor
    Jerking off to the sound of your overpriced cooling system
    Getting epilepsy from RGB lights
    Fisting yourself with an overclocked geforce 9999 XT Nitro Ultra Pro Ti
    Making some bacon & eggs on your i9 heat spreader.

    • 7 months ago

      that image is funny

    • 7 months ago

      oh man my sides

    • 7 months ago

      what a fricking dick. op legit makes a good post, this b***h ass Black person, says the dumbest shit?

      anyways, i use my radeon with davinci to edit videos from my sony camera. shit is accelerated. kinda dope. back in my day we didnt even have this kinda shit so..

  4. 7 months ago

    Buy midrange components

    • 7 months ago

      The midrange is for the midwitted.

      • 7 months ago

        The ultimate cope.

        >consoooome 4090

        • 7 months ago

          Of course not. That would be totally idiotic.

          I was referring to the 7900XTX.

    • 7 months ago

      The ultimate cope.

  5. 7 months ago

    >running open source LLMs
    >automate generating images with stablediffusion
    >transcode videos for a movie library, realtime and for storage
    That's what I do on my 1080ti. I can only do one at a time because of vram limitations but the fact I can do all this with a 6 year old gpu is amazing to me.
    Honestly it's the cost of electricity that stops me from buying more compute and running it 24/7. Otherwise I'd have sillytavern, piper/bark and SD running all the time.

    • 7 months ago

      How much would you feel is worth spending on a computer to do these things, if you started from zero and had to buy it all today?

      • 7 months ago

        - 7950X = 550
        - 4090 = 1700 = 2250
        - 128gb ddr5 6000/30 ram = $400 = 2650
        - motherboard that will support all of it without problems = 200 = 2850
        - 1000w psu = 150 = 3000
        - adequate case = 80 = 3080
        - 2tb fast nvme = 100 = 3180
        - good heatsink = 35 = 3215

        computer itself = $3,215

        - 4k/144hz monitor = 400 = 3615
        - decent audio = 200 = 3815
        - keyboard, mouse, webcam/microphone or whatever = 100 = 3915

        total computer setup = $3,915

        chair and desk can be anything from 50 to 1000+

        • 7 months ago

          >- 7950X = 550
          replace with 7800X3D for $300
          >- 4090 = 1700 = 2250
          replace with 7900XTX for $850
          >- 128gb ddr5 6000/30 ram = $400 = 2650
          go down to 32GB for $100
          >- motherboard that will support all of it without problems = 200 = 2850
          >- 1000w psu = 150 = 3000
          >- adequate case = 80 = 3080
          >- 2tb fast nvme = 100 = 3180
          >- good heatsink = 35 = 3215
          >computer itself = $3,215
          >- 4k/144hz monitor = 400 = 3615
          >- decent audio = 200 = 3815
          >- keyboard, mouse, webcam/microphone or whatever = 100 = 3915
          >total computer setup = $3,915
          >chair and desk can be anything from 50 to 1000+

          down to $2,515 with no appreciable difference beyond getting rid of Nvidia and increasing game performance with X3D part, and let's be frank, 99% of people aren't utilizing a 7950X.

      • 7 months ago

        you can do everything listed but LLMs on a fairly modest computer (<$1000), you don't need much to play games/run stable diffusion/transcode video with acceptable performance
        for LLMs you need at minimum a 3090 to have a good time, preferably two

        • 7 months ago

          I'm willing to just skip LLMs. They seem bad unless you go the whole way with 2x24GB 3090 or 4090 systems.

        • 7 months ago

          >for LLMs you need at minimum a 3090 to have a good time, preferably two
          7b LLMs are all the rage now beating out some 13b models and even reaching 30b quality. It runs ok with cpu+ram but can hit above reading speeds with <10GB vram. There has never been a better time for small models.
          Dual gpu setups are for merging your own models or running 70b+ size. Unnecessary unless you're using it for freelance work.

          • 7 months ago

            Small models are fricking horrendous and frick you for pretending they're remotely comparable.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm running 70bs right now, haven't bothered with the mistral tunes tbqh
            but even the best 13bs I've tried required so much tard wrangling that I wouldn't call it an enjoyable experience

            • 7 months ago

              What is your workload? I'm tinkering around with 13b-tiefighter and 7b-zephyr and they're both pretty impressive for general chat and light coding like bash scripts.

              • 7 months ago

                agents, code completion, story writing and RP (among other things, I integrated it into emacs and tell it to do various things, summarization, refactoring, etc.)
                30b is good enough for code, agents can be tricky, but using one of the various logit force-fitting strategies (llama.cpp grammars, guidance, etc.) can make a 13b usable for some tasks (I still wouldn't have it interact with anything important), although I typically use turbo for agents still
                and for story writing/RP, anything less than 70b is too dumb for complicated/realistic characters imo

              • 7 months ago

                > integrated it into emacs and tell it to do various things, summarization, refactoring, etc
                Pretty cool anon, I have to get into more integration stuff. For now all I have is krita+stablediffusion to play around with. I wanted to build a RAG system for my nextcloud/dokuwiki instance but I'm so VRAM limited it might be useless.
                >30b is good enough for code
                I could barely run 30b llama1 on my 1080ti but coding didn't seem to work well. I gave up on anything useful and just use it as a regex/bash generator.
                >for story writing/RP, anything less than 70b is too dumb for complicated/realistic characters imo
                I guess I'm not really doing complex rp just testing out <2k context and moving on to something else. For a few lines without complex characters 13b was fine.
                >I typically use turbo for agents still
                You mean gpt 3.5 turbo or 4 turbo? Isn't 3.5 basically useless now?

              • 7 months ago

                >RAG system for my nextcloud/dokuwiki
                that's a cool idea, I kinda have something like that in my emacs extension. You can use a vectordb to match files/load those into the llm's context, (still somewhat of a WIP, I'll put it on github eventually), I wrote it because my attention deficient brain will turn off if I have to flip through too many papers, it's really handy for academic writing.
                >I could barely run 30b llama1 on my 1080ti but coding didn't seem to work well
                I mean 34b for code, some of the tuned llama-code models are pretty good (phind v2 in particular), not perfect, but good enough that it's a help rather than a hindrance
                >For a few lines without complex characters 13b was fine.
                yeah 13b is good enough for known characters or characters that don't have ulterior motives (which is what I like to do with the RPs)
                3.5 is still useful for agents. but yeah, it has really gone downhill for everything else, I've been trying out gpt-4-turbo recently, but I haven't used it enough to really have a good idea of how it performs

                I'm still using an old 1080ti too, I just also bought a 3090, can get like 8-9 T/s on Q3S 70b and 4-5 on Q4S. It's alright, but I'll probably buy another 3090 once inebriated enough to make poor financial decisions.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's really handy for academic writing
                I didn't even think of that. I would archive papers if a model could summarize and explain them for me. I'm too moronic to understand them as is.
                >some of the tuned llama-code models are pretty good
                I check the coding leaderboards every couple weeks just to see if there's anything new. Chat models are good enough for regex and nginx configs but I could see a usecase for making better ansible playbooks using a tuned model.
                >ulterior motives
                I avoided complex characters because of how much work needs to go in building backstory and your character. I'd rather a bot just spit out smut rather than spend time writing a flawed yet well rounded character for the ai to bounce words off of. I see the appeal but it's too much work for my taste.
                >3.5 is still useful for agents
                What do you mean by agents?
                >4-5 on Q4S
                That's around reading speed which is pretty damn impressive for a single consumer card. I too am looking at 3090s (and maybe p40s) but won't pull the trigger until I figure out automation with ComfyUI, home assistant integration and a better tts.

              • 7 months ago

                >I would archive papers if a model could summarize and explain them for me.
                been meaning to do something like this, but automating scihub retrieval has proven to be a bit of a pain in the ass, and I don't have the space to download everything
                > Chat models are good enough for regex and nginx configs but I could see a usecase for making better ansible playbooks using a tuned model.
                I'd agree, although even gpt-4 fricks up regexes sometimes. LLMs are great for config files, so long as its well known software
                >it's too much work for my taste.
                you're not wrong, complete waste of time, but it's addictive
                >What do you mean by agents?
                anything that interacts with the outside world, like running shell commands, calling APIs, searching for things on the internet, etc.
                generally very well defined tasks
                I've thought about p40s, but the old pascal architecture isn't great, plus you need a very annoying blower fan mod. not an issue if your server is in a closet somewhere, but in my case, it's next to my desk.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's addictive
                I didn't get it until I started using sillytavern, the whole workflow is addictive. Especially when you start using SD to generate character images.
                >anything that interacts with the outside world, like running shell commands, calling APIs, searching for things on the internet, etc
                Ah that reminds me of the autogpt git repo, I remember that was THE cool ai thing a year ago. I'd like an agent that interacts with my searxng instance, maybe linking it with jellyfin to generate local links of youtube videos I've archived. Not exactly outside world but I'm trying to locally host more.
                It's only appealing because spending all that money on a 3090 or 4090 hurts too much. I have a laundry list of things I would use gpu compute for but I can't justify the cost unless it pays itself off. And I'm too moronic with CAD, transcoding and ai models to make money off it.

              • 7 months ago

                A 3090 is only $600 now.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                P40s are like $200 or something and they're very slow

      • 7 months ago

        - 7950X = 550
        - 4090 = 1700 = 2250
        - 128gb ddr5 6000/30 ram = $400 = 2650
        - motherboard that will support all of it without problems = 200 = 2850
        - 1000w psu = 150 = 3000
        - adequate case = 80 = 3080
        - 2tb fast nvme = 100 = 3180
        - good heatsink = 35 = 3215

        computer itself = $3,215

        - 4k/144hz monitor = 400 = 3615
        - decent audio = 200 = 3815
        - keyboard, mouse, webcam/microphone or whatever = 100 = 3915

        total computer setup = $3,915

        chair and desk can be anything from 50 to 1000+

        samegay stop spamming this garbage

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing because your reasoning is backwards. Have a hobby or interest and invest in it. Don't invest in something and look for ways to use it after.
      I bought my 1080ti 6 years ago because I wanted to get into VR and needed a better gpu. I'm still using it despite raytrace and dlss memes because I don't need more for gaming. I'm considering an upgrade because I want more compute. Even though I have an actual reason for one it's not worth the cost for something I mess around with a few hours a week.
      Be smarter with your money, or don't I don't give a shit.

      • 7 months ago

        meant for

        How much would you feel is worth spending on a computer to do these things, if you started from zero and had to buy it all today?

  6. 7 months ago

    make millions off mining alt coins before people realize they aren't worth it

  7. 7 months ago

    Crack passwords.

    • 7 months ago

      When people say this, are they literally talking about, IDK, stealing from crypto wallets or something?

      • 7 months ago

        they mean utilizing a GPU to brute force a password hash, i.e. one acquired from someone's wifi network
        not worth the time unless you have a (very expensive) dedicated rig with a bunch of GPUs
        but if you can buy such a rig then why do even need to crack someone's wifi password, i mean
        like what's the point
        it's a dead art

        • 7 months ago

          I always assumed it was to steal money, somehow.

        • 7 months ago

          >what's the point
          getting cool ass tripcodes
          I used to do that back in 2015 but then I gave up because being a tripgay sucks

  8. 7 months ago

    I honestly do not know how people live without a graphics card. My life was so empty without one.

    • 7 months ago

      What are you using it for, OTHER than video games, unless the video games are educational or something and would justify themselves beyond entertainment.

      • 7 months ago

        generating AI child porn

        • 7 months ago

          This is the real reason so many mentally unhinged people worship AAI.

  9. 7 months ago

    You can get a usable gayming setup for like $110-130ish with a skylake prebuilt + 1070/470/480 + 6to8pin-adaptor though
    Just be careful with how much power you let the gpu have, start with a super low limit and just slowly increase until you're in the ballpark of what the cards performance should be with base clocks
    If you smell burning plastic you pushed too far

  10. 7 months ago

    Same i sold my last two gaming pcs and built a 64gb 136k monster

    The games are aweful the only new ones i like are cs2 and vr shit which is all dead mp

  11. 7 months ago

    You can generate furry girls

    • 7 months ago

      How much is that worth, though?

      • 7 months ago

        if you're a richgay you'll coom so hard you'll end up dangerously dehydrated. not really worth it otherwise tho unless you play gaymes or need GPGPU.

      • 7 months ago

        you decide!

        • 7 months ago

          god i want a 4090

          • 7 months ago

            I have a 2060, rejoice!

          • 7 months ago

            My concern with Nvidia's newest cards is the power consumption. I am not environmentalist homosexual but even with a 3080 when I play at 4K/120fps it sounds like a jet engine. I was playing Lords of the Fallen and it tripped the circuit breaker. These cards feel like overkill. It's a lot of heat and a lot of electricity, raw power output, going into a mere videogame. Seems disproportionate. Something to think about. If there's a way to deliver the same results using less power I think that's gonna be the next big innovation, especially concerning the costs of training AI

            • 7 months ago

              Powercolor told me that my 6900XTXH Ultimate required a 900W PSU. I laughed @ them and used a 750W PSU and slapped a TDC limit and now the GPU boosts higher than advertised OC BIOS while using no more than silent BIOS wattage limit.

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    I dunno like make a billion dollars?

  13. 7 months ago

    generate disinformation

  14. 7 months ago

    It can be about the journey. When I embark on a hardware mission, although its usually frustrating, I learn stuff and there is a sense of fulfillment when I get things back to how they were after I mess everything up.

  15. 7 months ago

    the most interesting thing I've seen so far is the text to speech and transcription AI stuff.

  16. 7 months ago

    Pixar tier 3D animations.
    Will all this UE5 raytrace bullshit, if you have good enough art ,you can pretty much do a pixar movie at a decent speed.

    • 7 months ago

      *sigh* and what kind of 3D animations are you making with that...?

      • 7 months ago

        It don't need to be porn if you don't want it to.
        You can even make something cool or wholesome.

  17. 7 months ago

    Nothing else LMAO

    • 7 months ago

      Did AMD frick with the last rx 580 driver for windows 11?
      When i try said driver my card would not clock as well as older drivers.
      Just wondering if that's a thing...

  18. 7 months ago

    Can someone recommend me a good build using a 7900XTX sapphire nitro +?
    I mostly play games like squad, hell let loose, and rust. I do some photo/video editing and basic stuff like excel. I would like to experiment with 3d stuff like blender but that's on a backburner.

    • 7 months ago

      May as well be getting a 7950X3D at that point, everything else in your build is discretionary. Water cooling the cpu is a must at this level unless you can 3D print custom airflow channels for a case (unlikely you’d be able even with a printer unless you have just the right case for it)

      • 7 months ago

        What is the difference between a 7950x and a 7950x3D?
        Which AIO would you recommend? Arctic liquid freezer ii 360?
        I do have a 3d printer but my skill levels with it are terrible.

        I'll post my generic top end (for video games) setup


        How do you like that motherboard?

        • 7 months ago

          7950X3D is better, has a bigger cache and less power draw with better performance and thermals. Arctic liquid coolers have never disappointed me, but I also haven’t used a cpu of that level with one.

        • 7 months ago

          That's not my actual desktop. That's a good motherboard, though.

    • 7 months ago

      I'll post my generic top end (for video games) setup


  19. 7 months ago

    Make deepfakes.

  20. 7 months ago

    You can make cool videos.

  21. 7 months ago

    you can make stuff in cad

  22. 7 months ago

    Am i losing much with 3200mhz cl 16-18-17-17 ram on 5800x3d? i dont want to replace my 4x8 gig sticks for 2x16 3600mhz if it doesnt matter a lot

    • 7 months ago

      3200/16 should be all you need, IIRC.

  23. 7 months ago

    ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

  24. 7 months ago

    Random question not really on topic, but I have a 4090 with 3 display ports and 1 hdmi port. My main monitor runs at 2560x1600, and the other two run at 1920x1080. All 3 use the display ports, but I also have a projector that I switch over to for movies and games, but I have to unplug my main and another monitor to plug in the projector because the video card can't support another 1920x1080 resolution, which causes some flickering frickups. Not sure what to look for, but I need something like a switch that will turn off two of the monitors and enable the projector without having to unplug two of the display ports to plug in the hdmi... is there such a thing that anyone knows of?

  25. 7 months ago

    Researching neural networks, Using that research to control drones, make your workflow easier.
    Finetune existing neural networks. Use your workstation as central NAS, have it control your house/ backyard with sensors everywhere.

    No regrets about my past spending for computing components and will continue to do so.

    You will find some algorithm that you find interesting eventually ; )

  26. 7 months ago

    Honestly? I upgraded just for my fricking monitor. It can run at 240hz but my old PC couldn't handle that, so I built a new system and now it runs at it's true potential. So getting the most out of your hardware is something to consider

    • 7 months ago

      do you play anything other than CS2 with such a refresh rate?

    • 7 months ago

      This doesn't make sense though. You basically bought the monitor knowing you'd then need to upgrade your computer. What a clever way to consoom.

  27. 7 months ago

    >I can't justify building a desktop just for video games.
    and yet you really want to. that's why you've made this cope thread.
    just do it. treat yourself.

  28. 7 months ago

    You can run demoscenes in real time on your graphical adapter. They produce amazing visual effects that stress your graphics card and the music also amplifies the experience. They can range from a few kilobytes to a dozen megabytes so they are very portable to run.


    Some of my personal favorites:



    (this one is only 64kb)

  29. 7 months ago

    Real answer?

    Video editing
    Compiling (programming)

  30. 7 months ago

    I run a plex server on my desktop to easily stream my movies/tv/music collection to the living room.

  31. 7 months ago

    Every time I uninstall Nvidia's audio driver, it returns, why do companies do this?

    • 7 months ago

      That's Windows automatically installing drivers even when you tell it no. You have to unplug the Internet and install your integrated sound/sound card driver first.

  32. 7 months ago

    translate JAV

  33. 7 months ago

    You can compile Gentoo way faster than you would on a craptop.

  34. 7 months ago

    video game development
    video editing
    3D modeling
    technically you don't need a powerful computer but it really helps

  35. 7 months ago

    i shorted my 4090 last week because i jizzed into my case by accident, apparently cum is super conductive or somthing.

    anyway, my jizz leaked into the card and the power supply and now both are fried.

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