I challenge you to explain what is actually wrong with Brutal Doom beyond

I challenge you to explain what is actually wrong with Brutal Doom beyond
>waaaah, it's too edgy!!!

That's kind of the whole point

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  1. 3 years ago

    I've never played Doom

    • 3 years ago

      Come on, everyone's played Doom. It's the one with the glasses guy with the crowbar, remember?

  2. 3 years ago

    it does not render enjoyment when I play it

    • 3 years ago

      In english, doc

      • 3 years ago

        not fun

  3. 3 years ago

    Idk I played it once just cuz and never returned to it

  4. 3 years ago

    Nothing technically wrong with it, it's just a bit over the top and really isn't that fun when you get down to it. It's an interesting diversion to play one time but past that, there's no point.

  5. 3 years ago

    Theres a reason I'm playing DOOM 30 years later and it's not to entirely frick up the balance of the game.

  6. 3 years ago

    I had fun with Brutal Doom at the time and it gave me a new way to replay Doom which I hadn't played in years. Each new version though just kept adding more and more unnecessary shit which took away from the elegant simplicity of the original game. Now I haven't touched Brutal Doom in years but I still fire up regular Doom from time to time.

  7. 3 years ago

    Too easy, gets old after 10 minutes, the maps made for it aren't anything to write home about and its babys first doom wad. Stuff to like about it but way overrated by kiddies who don't know shit about the vast modding scene

  8. 3 years ago

    western gamers don't understand the concept of "less is more", their primitive brains need to be overloaded with sensory bombardment at all times

  9. 3 years ago

    for me it's smoothdoom

  10. 3 years ago

    >what is actually wrong with Brutal Doom beyond
    it's Doom

  11. 3 years ago

    Its fine. The mod is fun to boot up from time to time to frick shit up an a glorious gory manner. Its the homosexuals who think it somehow replaces unmodded doom that are the problem.

  12. 3 years ago

    >I challenge you to explain what is actually wrong with Brutal Doom
    glow effect is the ugliest shit ever
    the balance is dogshit. the player is so absurdly powerful that nothing in the game can pose a real threat.
    you have too many movement options which breaks maps completely

    • 3 years ago

      >the player is so absurdly powerful
      Play some slaughter maps. I dare you, I double fricking dare you.

      Anyway - in the early versions Brutal Doom was some minor gameplay changes and more gore and it shoud have ended at that, period. Instead the mod is more and more bloated, outgrowing its original purpose, while being overrated at that.

  13. 3 years ago

    I wouldn't even necessarily call it overly edgy because I feel like if Id could think to do dying states and exploding corpses shit like that at the time they might've done it. The issue is more that it's completely unbalanced.
    Also the creator is a major butthole.

  14. 3 years ago

    >Lame Weapon Replacements
    >Repack of metal soundtrack and taunt
    >Tricks newcomers into coming in and saying "This is DOOM haha" without actually having played vanilla Doom 1 and 2.
    >Besides not having them experience the fun simplicity of Vanilla, it also gives them busted ass weapons and stupid shit like ads, crouch and jump
    >The mod has some cartoony shit that doesn't mesh with the actual game
    I think it's fine and appreciate the new weapons, but sniping all enemies from afar aiming down the sight of the rocket launcher and an assault rifle is not Doom. It negates the whole design of the encounters and normies will think that playing Hurt me Plenty cheesing with overpowered shit is Doom instead of what it actually is. I feel you are probably starting out. The more you play, the more you will realize how much it sucks.

    • 3 years ago

      >"This is DOOM haha" without actually having played vanilla Doom 1 and 2.
      Yeah, the fact that it bills itself as a straight upgrade and replacement of the original games despite not understanding why their extremely economical and tight design works is really damning.

  15. 3 years ago

    Balance is completely fricked. There are better mods out there:

    >Final Doomer
    >Treasure Tech
    >Doom Roguelike Arsenal
    >Weapons of Saturn
    >High Noon Drifter
    >Hideous Destructor

  16. 3 years ago

    Nothing is wrong with BD. It's just grumpy old men going "oh noes you can't have fun with my valued possession my D O H M gaem... i-its too edgy... a-and unbalanced a-and bad". Come on, grampa, BD doesn't make base game magically disappear, people can play whatever they want to.

  17. 3 years ago

    It isn't really Brutal Doom that people object to, it's the fact that it's still the go-to recommendation for a gameplay mod by mainstream outlets that don't keep up with the scene. There are much better options nowadays if you want fun but unbalanced (Trailblazer, for instance) or fun *and* balanced (High Noon, a bunch of others).

  18. 3 years ago

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, it's one of the greatest doom mod ever made and the only people b***hing about it are homosexuals won't can't aim

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