I decided to try CS2 and good lord this is the hardest game I have ever played.

I decided to try CS2 and good lord this is the hardest game I have ever played.

The game is unforgiving by design: you die in literally one second, usually one-shot, and then you can't play (and thus, can't get better) for 5 minutes. Plus when you spawn back in you have no weapons anymore and your opponents who raped you have even better ones.

I've only put in about 24 hours but I am always at or near the bottom of the board.

Realistically long does it take to get decent at this game?

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  1. 7 months ago

    The game is trying to teach you something. Play CAREFUL, if you get domed it’s because you weren’t considering sight lines. It’s a tactical shooter, unless you’re some pro who has perfect perception over his spread control, exploit enemy blind spots and don’t expose yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      this. and stay unpredictable. dont just do the same shit every round or anyone with a 3 digit iq will frick you up

  2. 7 months ago

    Depends on your definition of decent and if you have experience playing other FPS.
    1k hours would make you decent if you aren't a mouthbreathing moron that won't learn from his mistakes.

  3. 7 months ago

    Well, maybe a couple of hundred if you know what you're doing. Learning how to shoot, learning the econ, learning the maps and learning how to read your opponents are all distinct skills which take time, and just playing matchmaking is probably not the best training you can do.
    Don't buy the fricking aimtrainer tho, it's waste of money.bif you want to train aim, just get the aim_botz map and shoot some heads. If you want to get better map knowledge, load in practise map or look into practise configs and run around, throw some util and learn one or two defensive, and two offensive utility lineups for 2-3 maps you like, and expand from there.
    Economy and reading/stratting/anti-stratting comes with experience, so you probably want to play with and against better players, not shitters because they teach you to be lax, and you ingest bad behavior.

    Or you know, you can just have fun with the game as is and not sweat too much. The matches are not that brutal at the lower end of MMR spectrum tbh

  4. 7 months ago

    If you have under 300 hours and are doing good people will assume you are either cheating or smurfing. The most common players have over 1k hours and are still shit at the game.

  5. 7 months ago

    ive played cs on/off for almost 20 years and im still pretty shit. sure i can dominate in matchmaking but i get my shit pushed in by actually competent players but it doesnt matter because i can always go nut in my big titty gf while they stay seething at a video game

    • 7 months ago

      Properly sanitized pics or big titty gf didn't happen.

      • 7 months ago

        were gonna get married and have kids pretty soon im not gonna share it with Ganker coomers

  6. 7 months ago

    Delete and install the real CS2: Legend of Heroes: Cold Steel 2

  7. 7 months ago

    premier is nonsensical garbage. the numbers are random in every fricking match ive played, beating a player with 10k and his team of 7k-8k players and only being forcibly stopped at 4999 for an arbitrary reason makes no fricking sense when the numbers represent an individual skill level. it doesnt matter how well i do because against an evenly match team and having 1 or 2 shitters on mine makes my w/l mean any indicator of skill level.
    i swear they matchfix with a hidden mmr, else ranks would not forcibly stop at 4999.
    the fun of this kind of elo system is watching individuals rank get higher by the number but it randomly decides you need to carry a dipshit against an evenly team to go any higher.

    • 7 months ago

      >not even past 10k
      lol. lmao even. Just accept youre shit at the game.

      • 7 months ago

        im not going to finish games where i have to do everything. im going to abandon them and lower my teammates trust factor

        • 7 months ago

          just click heads and have fun. why do you have to be such a little b***h lmao

          • 7 months ago

            they shouldnt have these numbers that dont mean anything. just make the matches random. as bad as l4d2 is solo atleast you can abandon a shitty lobby and join another

            • 7 months ago

              are you so insecure that you care about some dumbass number in a video game? play with friends if randoms make you seethe that much

      • 7 months ago

        i beat a 10k and his team of 7k-8k i dont need to to prove shit. most of my games are against 7-9

        • 7 months ago

          >beat a 10k rated player one time
          >this means you are 10k rated
          I used to play esea and beat a team with one pro player in a public match. Does that mean im better than pro level cs

          • 7 months ago

            it means you can compete with them. not better but much higher rating than being artificially stopped at 4999. if you are regularly playing even against people higher elo that means your able to play against them competently not getting demoted because i dont carry 4 other idiots.

            are you so insecure that you care about some dumbass number in a video game? play with friends if randoms make you seethe that much

            primed with unprimed friends in competitve is much better than premier and soloquing. the matches in comp with unprimed people are not ranked at all. i dont give a shit what happens because valve isnt going to curate shitty lobbies. why do you want dumbasses that dont play their own matchmaking to curate your games? you cant even surrender if someone doesnt abandon.

            • 7 months ago

              doesnt prime cost like 10 euros, shouldve known youre some brown thirdie moron

              • 7 months ago

                i bought the game twice, one was near launch. My friends are new to it but havent decided to spend the $15. it is much more fun even when they need a carry because its not a curated mmr like the shitty primed matchmaking is.

            • 7 months ago

              I am not 5k rated! I know he swapped those numbers! As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. And he gets to be 13k?? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!

              • 7 months ago

                it stops you at 4999 and makes you win a second match. there is no point to playing premier when you need to win a secons game when soloque is a game of chance. Im not going to touch that shit without being a nuisance if they keep dropping elo at the 4999 point.
                leave it to a company that adds money gambling to their games to trust with a matchmaking(they dont even tell you how it works!)

              • 7 months ago

                i got stopped at 9,999 you dont hear me crying about it. I never got stopped at 4,999 because my rating was never that low.
                Mad cause bad.

              • 7 months ago

                why arbitrarily stop someone at x999? theres no reason to stop the mmr, you get a different distribution that is either a positive and negative, but it suddenly makes is stop? if someone is improving at the game and wants their elo to be a representation there number becomes artificially inflated or deflated when they reach an x999
                unless youre a 5 man team in a league or tournaments that regularly scrim w/l isnt any determination of skill besides youre ability to hard carry an overwhelming amount of games. for an improving player this is no indicator of skill. it makes people with 200 elo mvp against 6-7ks. these numbers have no meaning besides limiting the games you get.
                no team game game is good enough to implement mmr as a soloque.
                youre not complaining about it because youre braindead.

              • 7 months ago

                But you realise EVERYONE gets stopped at 5k intervals? so how does it make any difference? everyone is playing by the same rules as you moron. You are just making excuses for being bad

              • 7 months ago

                because it stops a natural mmr increase i was had beforehand. youre matches are always going to be determined by the people it picks, so having my rank get haulted back and forth at this number is moronic when in the games i play, regardless of w/l am able to compete with players of higher mmr.
                when has mmr ever been a good indicator of skill in a team game? the main factor is w/l, but you cannot win everygame due to be outmanned against a similar skill team. team compisition ends up being the deciding factor of your mmr, instead of what you did in the game.

              • 7 months ago

                again. any complaint you have of this game and its match making applies to literallly every player on your team amd every player on the enemy team. Somehow others continually gain rating while you dont. The reason for this is because those players are better than you

              • 7 months ago

                and every game has useless numbers attached to players. they dont have any value when it haults your progression, but youre competing at an equal level to players much higher than you.

              • 7 months ago

                its much more likely you only remember the games were their ranks look higher and ignore the times when their ranks are equal or lower to you but you somehow still loose.

              • 7 months ago

                I wish it did stop me at those intervals.
                I'm several k higher rated than my friend group who play this in a stack, and when we lose it just divebombs me down as fast as possible, no safety net for me! Luckily it seems to allow me to rank up past that interval too.
                I don't know why this is, to start off with I had those rank up and rank down games, now I don't anymore.

              • 7 months ago

                they dont acknowledge how important your teammates are. skill level is being swayed by teammate preformance instead of your own.
                id rather have my scoreboard placement be my rating. it judges kills very highly, but it needs to have context for your points to be an effective rating for soloque

              • 7 months ago

                >id rather have my scoreboard placement be my rating
                >t. awper
                that's not entirely fair, when I play with my stack, some of us play as supports for the others.
                As they acknowledge my skill, one of them will usually throw util my way so I get to pad my score.
                If your system was in place, there would only be aggressive killprostitutes at the top of the elo board.

              • 7 months ago

                playing with a full stack is what w/l can represent because you won an as organized group. soloque is random, no one has ever met their team before. some players simply dont synergize with the other. there is nothing you can do about it in the only game youre going to play with them
                scoreboard accounts more than kills. someone with stats in other categories can sometimes beat a top frag. and whats to say that w/l cant be a factor? it can exist for progression aimed at support players. people that can carry their weight will always get fricked over by bad teammates. no mmr system has any idea how to deal with this

              • 7 months ago

                >will always get fricked over by bad teammates
                This is why I don't play premier soloqueue, everyone plays in a stack there. If you want a real rank in a game that requires a team, you need to have some decently skilled team mates to play with.

              • 7 months ago

                >I never got stopped at 4,999 because my rating was never that low.
                I wish I was like you and waited with my placements until after they made you gain more rating from them. Even pro players and ex pro players placed below 4k before they patched it.

          • 7 months ago

            which pro player? If esea is na then it was a t2-t4 pro anyway i bet

            • 7 months ago

              it was almost 10 years ago now so I dont remember exactly. It was EU. They werent a star player or a star team but were on a well known team that regularly qualified. Its impossible to remember when everyones name in cs go is something like kRimZ, Sc00p1, 911DenierZ, G0t-m1lK

              • 7 months ago

                i played vs Frozen and chopper in retakes

    • 7 months ago

      >i swear they matchfix with a hidden mmr, else ranks would not forcibly stop at 4999.
      thats a thing since csgo. the game aims to keep your w/l ratio at 50/50. there is no winning in cs mm.

    • 7 months ago

      >i swear they matchfix with a hidden mmr, else ranks would not forcibly stop at 4999
      they do, its the basis for how many points you earn/lose for a win/loss
      i was 12k in beta and got ranked 1,6k in live
      i play against fresh russian accounts using wallhacks with kiddies in my team that aim at the ground while they run into 3 ppl on A with the bomb while i cleared B solo
      i got a <50% winrate and drop 30-40 kills every match, im basically a valve sanctioned smurf but it doesnt matter when your teammates are absolute trash so you need 3-4 kills every round to win the game
      premier is a complete waste of time, dont bother with it, go to faceit and have ACTUAL good matches against skilled people and not russian kids with hacks

  8. 7 months ago

    maybe try playing a better game like TF2
    CS isn't even a shooter. you shoot 1% of every round, the remaining 99% are spent walking, staring at corners and walls, throwing grenades and other boring shit then when you finally get to shoot the TTK is so low (so unskilled players can feel skilled) that it's over immediately

    • 7 months ago

      >maybe try playing a better game like TF2
      TF2 is a shit dead game and is only played by 30-40 year old basement dweller

      • 7 months ago

        >is only played by 30-40 year old basement dweller
        these are people you WANT to play with dumbfrick. these are the people that adopted and nurtured gaming when it was still good.
        CS is only played by kids, streamers and russians. if you prefer that you must belong to one of these groups.

        • 7 months ago

          no, i do not want to play with a bunch of miserable old losers, and im pushing 30 myself. tf2 is fricking gay and always has been anyway

    • 7 months ago

      i play cs 1.6 in CS assault and spend 90% of my time shooting at walls actually

      • 7 months ago

        Somebody remade assault in CS2 and threw it on the Workshop recently. It looks like 90% finished but it’s real good

  9. 7 months ago

    >hasn't played this daily since cs 1.6 as a kid
    Good luck. At best you can one day get a positive k/d ratio, but you'll never be great.

  10. 7 months ago

    Mordhau/Chivalry is still the hardest games I've ever played, like in CSGO I can pwn a couple noobs here and there, but those games it's like you either get it or you just fricking don't at all, and that's it.

    • 7 months ago

      I like those games, but I absolutely abhor the homosexuals who play them.

  11. 7 months ago

    I uninstalled after realizing I wasted 90 hours on that game. By that time I was always at the top of the board (playing on casual).
    What helped me: burst shooting (instead of keeping the mouse pressed like in cod), shooting while standing still (ideally crouching) or walking, changing the reticle so it moves with recoil, adapting my strategy based on my spawn position and paying attention to the sound even though I don't wear headphones.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm a casual shitter, but trust me I know what I'm talking about

      • 7 months ago

        I mostly play casual because games are quick and you get them right away. Still lots of great opponents there.
        Also, I'm a new player like OP so my advice might be more relevant than a two hour video about all the spots you should throw your flashbang.

        • 7 months ago

          you wouldnt even get a single kill on some random gold nova moron so you shouldnt talk about the game

        • 7 months ago

          No one with under at least 400 hours has any clue of what they're doing.
          I had to unlearn everything I learned in the first couple of 100 hours to break out of shitter ranks in CS GO.

  12. 7 months ago

    cross hair placement, you can have a reaction time of a geriatric and you can trade a frag or two if you have good cross hair placement, also counter strafing

  13. 7 months ago

    do not come too Ganker for help on how to be good at a game, especially not fricking counter strike

  14. 7 months ago

    Initially you will learn way more from watching some videos and reading some guides + playing maybe a workshop map for aim/spray practice than you will repeatedly queuing. Look up beginner tutorials like WarOwl, he's annoying but he does a good job getting people from dogshit to gold essentially. Not sure if he's done CS2 videos but his CSGO guides should help a lot.

  15. 7 months ago

    If you're dying and the game consistently goes on for 5 more minutes, then it's obvious you're not ready for competetive and are dragging the team down. Unironically get good and don't even try to play with the AK at first, just run and gun with the smgs, it will work on low levels until you see you've hit the ceiling and can't progress anymore but at that point you probably have more gamesense and are ready to learn the AK

    • 7 months ago

      this. headshotting/spraying shitters down with the ak once you get the hang of it is some of the most fun you'll ever have. probly my favorite gun in any fps ever

      • 7 months ago

        If you're dying and the game consistently goes on for 5 more minutes, then it's obvious you're not ready for competetive and are dragging the team down. Unironically get good and don't even try to play with the AK at first, just run and gun with the smgs, it will work on low levels until you see you've hit the ceiling and can't progress anymore but at that point you probably have more gamesense and are ready to learn the AK

        and adding to this the silenced m4 is a really good noob gun even though the mag size is ass

  16. 7 months ago

    You need your to work on fundamentals first, notably aiming skills will carry you hard. If you've never pushed yourself to be good at aiming in PC FPS before then it might take you a good hundred hours to get all the muscle memory built up.
    I suggest you hop on DM servers and just practice one-shot headshots with the basic weapons you'll buy in competitive games like ak/m4 and pistols like the p250 and deagle.
    Now it's kinda boring to just do trainings forever and I can't emphasize enough that the META game is absolutely insane in this game. Pick a map you like and queue for the normal competitive mode and just play that map. You'll suffer for a while but you'll get matched with people your skill levels after 10 games or so.
    You'll learn "timings" by seeing how soon you get into contact with an enemy at certain point of the maps. You'll learn about gay spots people hide in when you get shot, you'll find which spots you prefer to play and which one are more effective. Don't even worry about grenades yet because you're gonna hurt yourself more than anything trying to use them at the beginning.
    In the end you'll slowly build a mental map on how the game plays, how pressure points are applied around the map, the most common pathway people take, the way attack/defending works, how to outsmart opponents and all that stuff. It takes a long time but eventually you feel like you know enough and then you can hop in premier or the more general competitive ranking pool.

  17. 7 months ago

    You get good after 100 hours when you realize you've been wasting your time. Then you install one of the cheats everyone else is using and start being competitive.

  18. 7 months ago

    CS (1.6, CS:S, CSGO, CS2) is much more of a sport than almost any other "e-sport" that has a decent number of people in its scene. It's a weird thing as playing the same game with shitters is just a casual breezing if you're decent at the game but playing real competetive matches transforms it to something completely different.
    Many people have difficulty adjusting their mindset to this jump from dominating shitters in casual/lower tiers to actually competing against other competent players. It literally becomes a completely different game when people know what they're doing. I'm talking around faceit level 10. Before that players will by default have huge gaps in their gameplay and even many high level players might only be good on one or two maps.

    An entirely different question is: is it worth it to get good? Honestly dunno, was fun tryharding for a while but unless you plan to go (semi)pro the requirements to get better no longer work for a "hobby".

    • 7 months ago

      >is it worth it to get good?
      I mean a lot of people play sports without having any delusion they're not gonna make a living out of it.
      Personally, CS is the only game I've sank thousands of hours into that I don't feel one ounce of regret having played.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah but that's a thing that one has to figure out for themselves, if you get something out of tryharding the game then all the better. I found it very exciting if not always enjoyable. But I couldn't recommend it for everyone. Some people just don't enjoy competition that much and playing cs is not the place where I would judge them for it.

    • 7 months ago

      >worth it
      ive been playing since i was a kid, dont really care if im good or not. i just find it to be really fun

      • 7 months ago

        fun is often something people consider "worth it"

        • 7 months ago

          its a very rewarding and fun game. but it depends on the person i guess. in real life during the time in my countrys army i remember getting an erection when our 8 guy group managed to flank a company of 50 guys from both sides and we could have killed them all if it was actual war so maybe im just a psycho

  19. 7 months ago

    Matchmaking in GO was horrible and I assume it's the same now. It's so fricking FUN to have played sub 500 hours and having to play exclusively people with 2000-10000 hours every single game. It's so fricking fair having to play against those polished mechanics and game knowledge right

  20. 7 months ago

    1.4k hours here and I'm still shit, I had a year long period where I tryharded at the game and learned like every smoke and did all the aim trainers and shit like that and nothing worked. Then some of my friends started playing and got way higher ranks than me in far less time. It's all talent and natural ability, you should learn pretty early on if you are naturally good at this game or not. If you aren't I'd suggest forgetting the idea of playing to be good and accept you will be bad forever and only play for fun. If you don't have fun or enjoy the game, don't play it simple as, don't do what I did. Even if I did get good at the game it probably wouldn't make me enjoy it anymore. I'd probably enjoy it less as higher ranked games are more pressure and more toxic.

  21. 7 months ago

    20 hours isn't shit, but CS skills like aiming/spray control and map awareness transfer over to other FPSs so being decent at it means you're decent at other shooty games too. Just keep grindan.

  22. 7 months ago

    not a veteran but i'll give you my 2 cents
    CT: buy (according to your team economic situation, dont be afraid to ask) 5-7 or mp9 or favourite m4, usp is godlike in pistol rounds, armor is a must, helmet not so much (T will, especially on full buy, one shot you in the head anyway) buy a defuse tool instead
    T: buy (according to ...) tec9 or mac10 or ak, glock is ok on pistol round if you are confident in your aim else upgrade to p250
    you get better with nades as you practice and learn the maps
    practice guns listed above in f4a, learn short sprays (rifles are powerful but you need to stand still, smgs are good for run&gun) but most importantly learn your angles
    learning maps is much like learning a character in a fighting game so only do a bunch at a time as you warm up to the game (mirage, vertigo, ancient, overpass for starters)
    expand your repertoire of guns and map pool as you get better with the game
    stay frosty and use your mic despite the memes most players you'll play with are cool

    • 7 months ago

      >not recommending Dust2
      newbies should always be thrown head-in to the 10v10 casual queue meat grinder

      • 7 months ago

        dust2 is a godlike map overqueued by morons and a total noob won't learn anything
        however if you are in for casual cs casual dust2 usual micspam never fails to give me a laff

  23. 7 months ago

    i'd literally never watched any cs gameplay outside of DOOR'S STUCK until last year when i befriended a pro canadian player who streamed some games for me playing in some l33t server browser thing where apparently exclusively turbosweats play and it looked like the least fun thing imaginable, must be the most solved game in existence if analyzing smoke grenade trajectory is a core gameplay skill

    • 7 months ago

      >sexposter is moronic
      CS and CS-likes is a game about nerves, memorizations and reflexes

      • 7 months ago

        Which is why it can't be "solved". It's like saying you solved football. Individual skill and utilizing your individual capabilities optimally while making split-second decisions is not solvable in the way it's usually meant.

        If you can't get your hand-eye (or technically eye-hand-click) reaction time, technical limitations and hardware latency included, at least below 200ms you're gonna have a hard time in a game like cs and it's a handicap that will never go away. It's also not very trainable, some people are just wired better for reflexes.

  24. 7 months ago

    just use cheats, it's what most people do
    even the pro gamers

  25. 7 months ago

    I'm waiting for them to finally add character customization so I can finally make a loose girl operative

  26. 7 months ago

    anybody remembers Leet World from CSS? that shit was fun to watch back then.

  27. 7 months ago

    I don't play cs but I love reading about its updates and keeping track of the meta. It's like the chess of the video game world.

  28. 7 months ago

    Alright mates, let's talk about Care Package drops. Did anyone get anything good in the past months? All I've ever got were black, dusty and green camo skins, nothing good looking. Obviously I always take a crate to sell it later. I ironically got one of those orange / black M4A1s right before CS2 dropped.

    • 7 months ago

      2 operation bravo cases and some shitty graffitis
      sold the cases for a 100 bux, bought some new game and quit cs2

      will comeback when they fix the rampant cheating after they implement the AI anticheat.

  29. 7 months ago

    lows seething they cant get past 5k lul. i always knew v is bad at anything else than walking simulators but cmon anon what are you doing

  30. 7 months ago

    Never made it out of silver 2 on CSGO and haven't even won 10 matches on any map in CS2 yet to get ranked. Almost always bottom of the leader board. I just uninstalled. Now that I'm older with a job and friends I do IRL shit with and a wife and dog, etc., I just legit don't have the time or patience to get good. Why bang my head against a wall because I can only play a few hours on weekends and never improve when I can play single player games I actually enjoy my time doing so?

    • 7 months ago

      There is no reason to. There is no reason to feel obliged to get good at a videogame you do not enjoy.

    • 7 months ago

      No reason, but you will get laughed at

  31. 7 months ago

    I remember always being hooked by arena shooters but never understood the appeal of tactical shooters like CS.
    It took a while for it to click when I finally understood crosshair placement and how to mechanically take gunfights like a human being and not like a monkey.
    It's really fun learning the overall strategy of each map and the game itself.
    Like once you get a feel for how the economy works and read the enemy team you can start to create your own little plays. Like imagine you won pistol round as CT on mirage and think you're mechanically better than the other team, you can try full armor + mp9 + 2 flashes and rush A ramp.
    It's small stuff like that makes it fun.

  32. 7 months ago

    How do I defend a on mirage? I usually throw molly or smoke in pit and stay behind firebox while other friend either pushes palace or stays under/firebox. Sometimes enemies miraculously exit pit and go through site so I can't consistently rely on my aim.

    • 7 months ago

      There's literally no simple answer. You just need to adapt. Having good aim and reflexes will help obviously. You should try to vary your level of aggressiveness (somewhat based on spawns too) to keep your opponents on their toes, but not push like a moron either. It's kinda like calling a bluff in poker, sometimes they're gonna catch you.
      Examples for round variations:
      1) push ramp or palace with a good spawn and a 5-7, mp9 or something similiar. Sometimes even without any utility. Can really catch the t's off guard but also can make you look like a moron who dies instantly. You need a "read" for this.
      2) stay back in ct/jungle and play mostly for retake. you don't need to give the site for free, but you will know beforehand to not desperately push smokes to "defend" against a plant. Just regroup and retake without giving the t's any mapcontrol from ct.
      3) hold the site from different positions; close ramp, stairs (with palace controlled or smoked obviously), default box (behind or on top), firebox, ninja, tetris etc.
      And don't get stuck into predictable patterns. It's so much about gamesense it can't be written out so just play to get better and try to understand the game without getting mad.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh and for pushing ramp and/or palace; you need to undestand what you just gained if you pushed it: do the t's know? how far has the round developed? should you try for a backstab or just return?

        a big pitfall for succesfull pushes is overcommitting: sometimes you will gain nothing from remaining there or pushing forward and should instead rotate back to defend mid/b

  33. 7 months ago

    200 hours

  34. 7 months ago

    it's crazy how zoomed in the radar minimap is by default
    borderline unusable

  35. 7 months ago

    >Realistically long does it take to get decent at this game?
    probably +1k hours it's the hardest comp fps there is.

  36. 7 months ago

    >be the last one alive
    >die like a b***h because i have no idea wtf i'm doing
    >get kicked from the game

  37. 7 months ago

    I dont get new players jumping straight into matchmaking.
    the best way to get good is to play against bots at first and then work your way up from there. you need to get familiar with the game first.
    my first online matches were played after I managed to beat expert bots.

  38. 7 months ago

    I got good in under 18 hours without viewing YT videos or learning spraying patterns. Did 50-17 in deathmatch. I don't play it anymore. There are many sus players that cheat there.

  39. 7 months ago

    Playing the normal mode as a beginner is moronic. Play deathmatch with quick respawns and learn all the weapons and how to shoot them. If you don't see improvement after two weeks of playing deathmatch, you're mentally/physically handicapped and should give up on CS

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