I don't get it

What did people think the way forward was for console shooters, if not dual stick controls?

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  1. 5 months ago

    A lot of people were still playing Quake with no mouselook in those days. It took everyone a while to get on the same page.
    The notion that a 3D game should be played with two sticks isn't necessarily as obvious as you think it is, after 20 years of Halo.

    • 5 months ago

      In 2000? No they weren't. Maybe in 1997.

    • 5 months ago

      agree. console shooting is a solved problem now but people forget how scattered the approaches were until it convened
      you could play Halo 1 with d-pad + RS for example

  2. 5 months ago

    >taking 1 moronic reviewers opinion as everyones view

    • 5 months ago

      kids are unbelievably stupid.

    • 5 months ago

      >as everyones view

      Contrary to popular belief, D-pad controls were the standard on consoles at the time. Having two analog sticks was weird and gimmicky at the time.

      • 5 months ago

        because dual analog wasn't standard either dumbo, yeah you could buy one but playstations didn't come standard with it nor was there any other fps game on the playstation that used the same setup .

        • 5 months ago

          Medal of Honor was huge back then.

          • 5 months ago

            Doesn't work the same though, you have to press the aim button to even get a good shot because otherwise your likely to aim only at the edge of the screen the moment you tilt the right stick

            They came with the console starting with the scph7000 (1997,98)

            still kinda late

            • 5 months ago

              >you have to press the aim button to even get a good shot
              Just line up your targets with the center of your screen, lack of skill is no excuse

          • 5 months ago

            >config 4
            Thankfully the Alien Resurrection/Timesplitters way of doing things became the standard

          • 5 months ago

            No it wasnt. Goldeneye was huge.

        • 5 months ago

          They came with the console starting with the scph7000 (1997,98)

  3. 5 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised modern FPS controls became accepted as easily as they were.

    I'm sure there's a parallel universe out there where FPSs are played by turning left/right and moving forward/backward with the left stick and looking up/down and strafing left/right with the right, just because it would have been closer to older controls.

    But then again it was a different time. Apart from boomers like that gamespot reviewer, people were used to adapting to new control schemes.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know about that, grouping translational movement on the same stick and rotations on the other stick seems pretty logical to me. Even though I first got used to playing Doom on keyboard only.

  4. 5 months ago

    The left stick directly maps to WASD, and the right stick directly maps to a mouse. It seems like a retarted opinion even from a year 2000 perspective

    • 5 months ago

      >The left stick directly maps to WASD, and the right stick directly maps to a mouse
      That weird control scheme got invented by Half-Life in late 1998. It's not how people played other FPS on the PC. The normal state was still considered that moving the mouse up moves you forward.

      • 5 months ago

        It must have been an idea that was permeating game design at the time because Tribes came out a month after Half Life and controls with wasd and mouse aiming.

      • 5 months ago

        No it didn't it was a pro Quake player called Thresh who first started using it and absolutely dominating everyone

      • 5 months ago

        People were rebinding to esdf and wasd in doom. When you're deathmatching for hours, you don't want to be using the arrow keys. Dario Casili for example was doing that.

      • 5 months ago

        Marathon was released in 1994 you know.

      • 5 months ago

        How else did anyone play Turok? I remembered thinking that it was just quake with an analog stick for a mousr. I'd already been taught to play Doom 2 with m+k on dwango, I think the changeover was already pretty far in. Was the default scheme something else and I don't remember changing it?

        Huh, didn't see that post yet. No, m+k had already filtered down to random flyover nerds playing casually on dwango in 1995 like me, much less some pro player.

  5. 5 months ago

    Friends already played Turok like that, the C-buttons moved and strafed while the analog stick pointed the camera.
    We'd say that control scheme mimicked keyboard + mouse because Quake and CS were already a thing

    • 5 months ago

      How else did anyone play Turok? I remembered thinking that it was just quake with an analog stick for a mousr. I'd already been taught to play Doom 2 with m+k on dwango, I think the changeover was already pretty far in. Was the default scheme something else and I don't remember changing it?

  6. 5 months ago

    D pad forward/back/turn
    Face buttons shoot, jump, etc
    Shoulder buttons strafe
    If two rows of shoulder buttons, modifier for face buttons (R1 and X to throw grenade or some shit)
    Select then D pad for weapon select
    Left stick can sub for D pad
    Right stick was an oddity

    It was a moronic time in many ways.

  7. 5 months ago

    Journalists aren't people

  8. 5 months ago

    I mean we still see the sort of thing today, there's literally a thread right now on this board complaining about metroid prime's controls. Many people do not want to take time and learn mastery over controls. They want to learn mastery over the game and come into it with a really solid grasp of the controls already.

    This is what happens in reviews like this, dual analog was brand new, reviewers more then anyone don't get a lot of time to play the game, so the controls get shit on.

    • 5 months ago

      Metroid Prime has bad controls.

  9. 5 months ago

    Most used the L/R shoulder buttons for turning. It makes a bit more sense for a flat FPS, where you could strafe/rotate while moving in any direction and still having four face buttons to use. Looking up/down wasn't as much of a thing and not as necessary.

    This was also the era of Z-targeting, when Zelda: Ocarina of Time made the mechanic big and everybody was emulating it or making their own variation of it. Going from a game where you can just tap a button to target an enemy to one where you need to use a janky thumbstick with no acceleration/smoothing/softlock to target enemies would've felt like a huge downgrade. You needed someone who would make the thumbstick targeting feel good before it would start getting accepted.

  10. 5 months ago

    Strange how that entire context of that one sentence is never provided

    >The game's control setup is its most terrifying element. The left analog stick moves you forward, back, and strafes right and left, while the right analog stick turns you and can be used to look up and down. Too often, you'll turn to face a foe and find that your weapon is aimed at the floor or ceiling while the alien gleefully hacks away at your midsection. Add to the mix a few other head scratchers - such as how the triangle button controls item and health use - and you'll be wondering how Sony let this get by without requesting a few different control configuration options.
    >Beyond the control issues, Alien Resurrection is gruelingly hard. That is, it's hard to the point where you'll spend as much time reloading your save file as you will spend playing the game. The near-mythical PlayStation mouse peripheral is supposed to solve many of the game's control problems, but the 99.9 percent of PlayStation owners who've never even seen the device will find the game almost unplayably difficult to control and unreasonably hard to enjoy. It's a dramatic answer to a problem far more easily solved by adopting the control scheme from EA's Medal of Honor.
    >Fans of console first-person shooters or the Alien film series will probably be better off waiting for Fox's recently announced Aliens: Colonial Marines for the PlayStation 2. While no concrete details have been announced for the game yet, this is one instance where the unknown is preferable to the devil you know.

    • 5 months ago

      That makes the reviewer sound even more moronic than it in isolation.

  11. 5 months ago

    I'm sick of people dicksucking this shit game and using this review as a strawman.

  12. 5 months ago

    Console controllers are SHIT. I have no idea how anyone plays games with those things.

    • 5 months ago

      You have to be 40 to post here.

  13. 5 months ago

    dual sticks remains stupid. Why the frick would I want analog control of walk speed.

    • 5 months ago

      >Why the frick would I want analog control of walk speed
      Because you can control if you want to walk or run, and at what speed.

  14. 5 months ago

    It's fun because it's TRUE. Then Rare realized that on console you don't need to ape PC and its high precision controls in hard games, just fricking make a game babbies can play and give the player auto-aim. Halo "perfected" it and here we are.

    The issue was devs not thinking outside the box: don't try to adapt the controller to the game, adapt the game to the controller.

  15. 5 months ago

    That's still my reaction to that control scheme today. As someone who was both a PC and console gamer back in the day it was obvious to me that it was no more than a way to give console-only gamers a way to play FPS games without using mouse and keyboard. It was a huge compromise, but they wouldn't know any better with no PC experience. Mouse+keyboard and controllers are ultimately suited for very different types of gameplay. The controller is superior for 3D platformer and racing games while mouse+keyboard combo is superior for FPS and strategy games. There is nothing that will change my mind on this, and the fact that there are entire generations of people who prefer playing shooters with controllers ON PC nowadays is fricking terrifying to me.

    • 5 months ago

      >controllers ON PC
      Why don't they play on consoles? It disturbs me.

      • 5 months ago

        >with controllers ON PC
        It's an exploit to get autoaim.

        Not him, though I generally agree mouse + keyboard is just too perfect for certain games. But that said, not so much controllers exactly but flight sticks for PC used to be very popular. I also had a friend who bought this super wacky ball shaped controller just to play Descent Freespace but it never worked well for him.

    • 5 months ago

      >with controllers ON PC
      It's an exploit to get autoaim.

    • 5 months ago

      Its just convenient. People want to lounge on a sofa and play Halo.

      Hyper casual play suits the controller. Play on easy or normal difficulty, you dont even notice a difference with a kb+m, ain assist does the work.

  16. 5 months ago

    Dual stick controls are still inferior to mouse and keyboard. Every console generation after the 5th shouldve adopted mouse and keyboard controls. I doubt they are much more costly to produce than controllers.

    • 5 months ago

      The problem is that putting mouse and keyboard support into console shooters would frick up multiplayer because anyone who does that is going to have an objective advantage. It's why keyboards are banned at most fighting game tournaments. It's awkward to learn, but if you do you can do shit impossible on a controller.

      • 5 months ago

        >awkward to learn

  17. 5 months ago

    turning is soulful, strafing is soulless

  18. 5 months ago

    You're thinking about this in hindsight, analog sticks were really imprecise back then and not suitable for aiming accurately and quickly. They also hadn't thought of implementing absurd amounts of autoaim yet.

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