I dont get the fighting. >Fallout 1: based. >Fallout 2: super based. >Fallout 3: Fine

I dont get the fighting
>Fallout 1: based
>Fallout 2: super based
>Fallout 3: Fine
>Fallout 4: Fun and fine
>Fallout new vegas: based, fun, and good
>Fallout 76: Fun every once in awhile
>Fallout TV show: Pretty decent for a video game show
no more brother wars, theyre all good for different reasons.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Fo3 and NV are 3/10 dogshit. Get some standards.

  2. 3 months ago

    I can toast to that. Even if I don't care for the Bethesda games I can still find elements to like about it.
    I propose a challange to anons to say something you like about your least favorite Fallout titles.

  3. 3 months ago

    its when you learn how much of a lore/story downgrade is 3 compared to 2 was when you start to get upset at bethesda, did you know that by 2 bottlecaps were just fun money? everyone was already using a more respectable currency.

    • 3 months ago

      2 still had stupid shit in it. Hell even 1 does. People take the lore of these games way too seriously. Now that's not to defend Bethesdas poor handling of it but at the same time not all of the criticisms apply to just the Bethesda games.

      • 3 months ago

        they don't even need to take the lore that seriously, just take the most important notes and build from there.
        At this point fallout 4 is more of a reboot since it doesn't even take the bethesda lore as serious.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah even F4 wanted to forget F3 existed. Even when F3 itself was the one to begin the Institue and Railroad lore. Bethesda can't even stick to their mess.

    • 3 months ago

      Never understood this, why they would take a fun fantastical currency like caps and just delete it for more paper money, which is far more lame. NV had the right idea to backpedal and make NCR and Caesar money jokes because no one trusts them, and caps gain more value by being a resource you cant make more of so no inflation. The only time introducing paper money to fallout was a good idea with merit was the joke quest from 2 where the hidden money were all worthless caps.

      • 3 months ago

        Because backing by gold is more substantial than just water. It's why we use our given countries currency over shiny beads. Now Ceaser being a threat to the NCRs tender gives legitimate reason for caps to be in common use again in NV but I think the majority NCR controlled territory of F2 was fine for using just NCR money.

      • 3 months ago

        Because backing by gold is more substantial than just water. It's why we use our given countries currency over shiny beads. Now Ceaser being a threat to the NCRs tender gives legitimate reason for caps to be in common use again in NV but I think the majority NCR controlled territory of F2 was fine for using just NCR money.

        To add on to this, the NCR is a republic governing over a million people. They're already capable of manufacturing their own post-war standardized service rifle, it stands to reason that organized crime could easily counterfeit something as easy as bottlecaps if that were still the everyday currency.

        IMO this is part of the problem with Bethesda's interpretation in that there is no actual post-post apocalypse ever, which is what F2 (and NV to an extent) are more about. F3 at least had an excuse for it because the capital area was hit the hardest, but they've consistently shown that they're not interested in doing any compelling world-building beyond generic murder raiders and shanty towns with 200+ year old trash and skeletons in the town square.

    • 3 months ago

      Also the mojave being this eternal shithole with no signs of improvement when in 2 the radiation was already decreasing and some city's being midly functional were a thing.
      Yes there is the whole
      >but the chinks are slowing us down
      excuse, but comeon they can't be that bad.

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      well F2 took place differently, it had NCR
      F3 was east coast, many more nukes targeted the populatrion centers, so maybe the devasation was more severe, and progress was moronic

      • 3 months ago

        This would have been fine if F3 took place even sooner than F1 did, but they had to shoehorn in the BoS in the game and now it just doesn't make sense. Even if the area was hit harder by bombs the radiation should have mostly died at that point. Even irl after some 40 years Chernobyl is a lot safer to explore than when the reaction first happened. D.C. must have been hit by 50 or so bombs. But this it the least of F3s story issues when Little Lamplight exists.

        • 3 months ago

          honestly if they revealed at the end of that quest that the children were just ghosts that are just lingering around it would have been more respectable that just make it seem like
          >nope, they are actual children somehow surviving at the entrance of the most dangerous vault on the game with the closest form of life around being death claws
          >oh and somehow new kids arrive, because once you turn 16 in little lamplight, they kick you out into the wasteland

        • 3 months ago

          >Little Lamplight
          Bethesda seems like a company where people are too nice, no one wants to be mean and point out dumb ideas
          But, better to have creative freedom with a few misses

  4. 3 months ago

    i think all the games are fine but anytime i bother to engage with the story or dialogue is peak cringe

  5. 3 months ago

    sure. I'm enjoying the show for what it is, and actually am liking all the little Easter eggs that reference the games. Hoping we get a new season, and looking forward to the Fallout 4 update later this month.

  6. 3 months ago

    positivity on my /v

  7. 3 months ago

    War has changed.

  8. 3 months ago

    Good taste. Fallout 2 was the best

  9. 3 months ago

    I agree with all of that except i genuinely think the TV show is boring and difficult to sit through. The only part i liked was the brother digging through the old vault an that was mostly just the novelty of seeing typical vault exploration acted out in TV show format.
    The main girl is so ridiculously innocent no matter what happens to her it feels like a joke, they just seem to keep making the ghoul edgier an edgier until it's difficult to care about him even though they spend so much time on his backstory and I don't even understand what they were going for with the Brotherhood guy. He's pretty edgy too but he's super passive about it and sucks at it.

  10. 3 months ago

    >You suddenly remember that VaultTec was not evil before BethSoft retconned them into stupid capitalist caricatures
    >Vaults opening on time and the use of GECKs really did create new, peaceful, liveable utopias.

    • 3 months ago

      It seemed to also be implied there were a lot more normal vaults that simply got fricked by vaders. But now it seems like ones intended for genuine survival were a small minority and were 'special'.

    • 3 months ago

      >VaultTec was not evil
      they were always evil, the whole point of the vaults was to experiment on people and develop new war weapons, some vaults were even designed to open 6 months after the nukes.

      • 3 months ago

        That is Bethesda retconning. In the originals the vaults were simply safe places to live through the bombs and radiation; there was not any experimentation or the like.

  11. 3 months ago

    Based. All the Fallout games and the show are good.

  12. 3 months ago

    Reinstalling FO4 in honor of Nate the Rake. Any Good/Based Mods I should Install? I want to make a fascist minutemen that'd be fun.

  13. 3 months ago

    >Fallout 76: Fun every once in awhile
    Is it? So far it's been a lag fest where I'm just running to quest markers encountering hardly anything.

    • 3 months ago

      I had fun with 76, but I understand the complaints. It has some nice moments but suffers as a MMO. I really wish they made 76 a solo adventure game, it could have been great with the story and world they set up

  14. 3 months ago

    3, 4, and 76 suck ass. Not watching the TV show because I have taste.

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