I don't think gen 7 gets enough hate. People always complain about gens 5 or 6, yet overlook 7.

I don't think gen 7 gets enough hate. People always complain about gens 5 or 6, yet overlook 7. So many people I know lost interest with Sun and Moon due to its story heavy nature and shitty online.
As divisive as XY are people tend to agree it had good social aspects, so it was a big mistake to ditch that in favour of a useless rotomdex

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  1. 11 months ago

    Gen 7 was the best game in the series

    • 11 months ago

      Based on what? I liked the theming and cast but gameplay wise I don't think it had much to offer. Battle royale was a lame replacement to triple battles

      • 11 months ago

        >gameplay wise I don't think it had much to offer
        >Battle royale was a lame replacement to triple battles
        Dude, get your thoughts together before you launch an attack. What does Battle Royal, a battle facility, have to do with Triple Battles, a gimmick form of battling? Also what do you even mean it didn't have much to offer gameplay wise? What are you referring to? What are the things that other gens offered "gameplay wise" that gen 7 didn't?

        • 11 months ago

          how is battle royal not a gimmicky form of battling just because it's in a battle facility

          • 11 months ago

            How is it a replacement for triple battles when you had triple battles with random trainers in the routes while you can only have a a battle royal in a facility? They don't have the same role.

            • 11 months ago

              I wasn't the one saying they were a replacement, but they still both serve the same role of being a gimmicky type of battle to mix up the formula
              the only difference is that one is only accessible in a battle facility while the other one has a couple of trainers scattered around the game. are you gonna tell me that sky battles and inverse battles aren't gimmick battle types due to being accessible outside of a facility?

            • 11 months ago

              Triple and Rotation Battles were removed
              Battle Royal was added
              It’s not hard to see why

              Based on what? I liked the theming and cast but gameplay wise I don't think it had much to offer. Battle royale was a lame replacement to triple battles

              drew a parallel, autist-kun.

    • 11 months ago

      no it fricking wasn't it was the fricking worst by a country mile

      • 11 months ago

        You can't say that when swsh exists.

      • 11 months ago

        It's the absolute worst. The shitty baby tutorial spam in USUM make the game unplayable. I get bored being told the basics in unskippable cutscene form and to date Gen 7 is the only gen I've started that I never finished playing (I haven't bothered with gens 8 or 9 because they look like absolute dogshit, especially PLA which isn't a real pokemon game).

        How braindead you have to be to prefer SV over SM? I mean, it's worse in every single aspect.

        • 11 months ago

          SV allows actual freedom and waits until the end of the game to spam cutscene hell at you. It's also way faster, and yes that's with the inability to turn animations off. I have no idea how Sinnoh gets memed here the most for slow fights when SM on release was blasted for having some of the slowest fights in the entire franchise.
          SV is significantly more fun to play in pretty much every single way unless you think SM being infinitesimally harder makes it better in the battles department

          • 11 months ago

            Freedom to explore doesn't mean much when it's all a soulless wasteland with enough randomly generated assets to keep zoomers entertained like jangling keys to a toddler.

    • 11 months ago

      It's the absolute worst. The shitty baby tutorial spam in USUM make the game unplayable. I get bored being told the basics in unskippable cutscene form and to date Gen 7 is the only gen I've started that I never finished playing (I haven't bothered with gens 8 or 9 because they look like absolute dogshit, especially PLA which isn't a real pokemon game).

      • 11 months ago

        PLA is the best game out of all the ones you mentioned

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, but it didn't remake Anon's childhood, or indeed carter to her as if she was still a child, thus it's baddy-bad.
          Learn how /vp/ thinks, they're all entitled children, steaming pokémon had the temerity to move on and find a new audience to pitch their kiddy shit at.

    • 11 months ago

      try harder
      lmao if this is your actual opinion

    • 11 months ago

      i see we're on that phase now so when gen 10 rolls around we'll be praising gen 8 as the best games in the series

  2. 11 months ago

    Fricking quizzes
    and USUM could've easily fixed it and didn't

  3. 11 months ago

    It was overall a better game than xy despite being a downgrade in some ways

    • 11 months ago

      You're completely right. It DID get a good bit of hate for a few years, though. Then Dexit happened.
      Sun and Moon were absolutely the last game for me. I hated XY but they were still trying to BE a video game. Sun and Moon just said "frick you, gameplay is for nerds" and pissed out malasadas in your cereal.
      The shitty online is also HEAVILY overlooked. I remember being utterly shocked at how much of a downgrade it was when it worked just fine in Gen 6. Festival Plaza is disgusting and any other dev would've been publicly hanged for such gross incompetency.

      No, it wasn't.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember early in sun and moon they set up a global mission for players to accumulate a set number of points and they didn't come anywhere close to that goal. Wouldn't surprise me at all if people just didn't know how to enter with how cumbersome that shit was

      • 11 months ago

        Historical revisionism by someone who doesn't remember how undercooked XY was. SM was a game with actual content in it and actually innovated on the formula a bit.

        • 11 months ago

          I remember that XY had proper trainer customisation, proper online and didn't handhold me for the entirety of the game (just particularly egregious segments.)
          No, SM is not a game with "actual content" in it. You can look to HGSS or Emerald for that.
          >innovated on the formula
          Yes, "Rattata but black" and "malasadas" is so riveting and innovative.

          • 11 months ago

            >"Rattata but black" and "malasadas"
            ignoring the obvious innovation with totems, trial captains, and plot substance, those two are already better than muh benches and dress up

            • 11 months ago

              >having a plot (and in SM's case not a particularly good one) is now "innovation"
              >people who serve the same function as gyms but actually just don't and stand around while you fight a boss who gets oneshot by super nuke STAB move is "innovation"
              Holy fricking kek
              Yeah I think I'll take character customization and the best online in this franchise to this day over any of that, thanks

  4. 11 months ago

    i fricking despise gen 7 easily the least amount of fun i have ever had with the series

  5. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      > 2>3>4>1
      If you're going to bait, use fresh bait.

      • 11 months ago

        try harder
        lmao if this is your actual opinion

        Ganker replies aren't plebbit upvotes.

      • 11 months ago

        >He likes Gen 2? Must be bait!

  6. 11 months ago

    USUM did decent damage control

    being followed by the most horseshit core games in the series certainly helps as well

    • 11 months ago

      USUM absolutely did not do damage control
      People were beyond pissed at the ULTRA CHANGES shit and memed it for months, the ULTRA MEGAPOLIS being another shitty hallway and for making the story objectively worse.
      I mean I know you're a newbie who's fallen through the memoryholing that took place after dexit pissed people off worse but at least try to pretend otherwise

      6, 8 and 9 are still worse overall.

      >this pile of shit is better than this pile of diarrhea
      Great observation

      • 11 months ago

        USUM did do a decent job of patching up the postgame, but yeah, not so much everywhere else

      • 11 months ago

        >I mean I know you're a newbie who's fallen through the memoryholing that took place after dexit pissed people off worse but at least try to pretend otherwise
        lmao I've been here for...12 years now. wow. frick.

        anyways, while what you say is true, USUM still got a lot of praise for its boss fights. Ultra Necrozoma is objectively one of the most iconic fights in the series post gen 2, and Totem Lurantis gets plenty of respect as well. Like you said, a lot of the criticism of USUM is mainly about the lack of changes, but despite that, they still ultimately offer a better gameplay experience (but i agree the story got neutered) and that's generally accepted.

        • 11 months ago

          >Ultra Necrozoma is objectively one of the most iconic fights in the series
          lol no
          no one remembers that shit
          you know what they remember? Cynthia, N, Ghetsis, etc.

          • 11 months ago

            >no one remembers that shit
            its in the history books for sure

    • 11 months ago

      USUM is the only "enhanced version" that is arguably inferior to the originals.

      • 11 months ago

        >mount lanakila with more rooms and actual trainers on it now
        >an extra battle facility
        >more pokemon obtainable without trading or transferring
        >a new mini game for obtaining BP
        >an extra Totem fight
        >move tutors
        i consider USUM to be better than the originals

  7. 11 months ago

    6, 8 and 9 are still worse overall.

  8. 11 months ago

    They're not great, but being games that were balanced around the assumption that you use Exp. Share did wonders.
    XY snaps like a twig if you use it, as it was clearly a last minute addition, and is a dreadfully bland experience without it.
    SM is similarly easy if you do use it, but if you don't, you can easily be considerably underleveled, giving you a much more appropriate level of difficulty.
    As someone that doesn't care about online all that much, that's a facet that matters way more, that is, is the actual main story enjoyable?
    I'm not going to deny the huge flaws in there or anything, but from a personal perspective, SM is a much more enjoyable experience than XY was.
    Still wouldn't really want to replay it exactly because of the endless cutscene shit.

  9. 11 months ago

    I'm starting to think most of you don't play the games. Gen 7 is good. Gen 6 is good. Gen 5 good. They are all good games. The problem is you are little b***hes that throw a fit about everything. You have shit for brains and just want something to complain about because you aren't happy because your brains are actual shit.

  10. 11 months ago

    You should go visit Hala zzzzz
    *leaves the town*
    >unskipable 15 sec cutscene
    *gets 3/4 of the way through the next route
    >unskipable 15 sec cutscene
    Hey dzzzzt do you like me?zzzzttt

  11. 11 months ago

    Fricking despise the "it's not a pokemon ;3" bullshit with ultrabeasts. Just give me actual animals and the occasional inanimate object/historically inspired deity forever. No more of this fricking alien shit and alternate dimensions, this isn't digimon.

  12. 11 months ago

    I respect gen 7 simply because I felt like they actually fricking tried when it came to enemy teams, everyone not having the same no IV no EV shitters that most other generations have along with Totem pokemon battles being 2 on ones, made me feel like there were attempting to make something that wasn't entirely braindead easy.

  13. 11 months ago

    Ultra changes were stupid, however the gameplay was good online is only secord to XY/ORAS and that's only because they removed the PSS

    The slow first island is annoying if you are replaying it though, but playing 6v6 singles really made up for it

  14. 11 months ago

    Sure, Gen 6 had a fun online component that they got right, but that era is long fricking gone. And with it the only thing worth praising it for, the rest is unmemorable at best, not worth defending even if I don't think they're all that bad games. Gen 7 still has a good dex, good characters, and a decent story so it's easier to defend. They got a lot wrong, sure, but I'm not the type to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I enjoyed those games at the end of the day.

  15. 11 months ago

    That's because it's not that bad. Some people don't like the story based direction it took, and fair enough, but over all, it's an all right game. Frick USUM though.

  16. 11 months ago

    I blame it for unleashing the unskippable cutscene hell that has plagued the franchise since. I don't know how people got to play ultra changes knowing they had to go through all that again.

    • 11 months ago

      Not everyone has ADHD like you

    • 11 months ago

      I replay it regularly, only the first island feels slow and even then trying to get SOS encounters early is a great distraction

      It is really a good game, not as fun as ORAS chaining with the dex nav but still quite a nice distraction, people that b***h about pokestar and malasadas are not wrong but at some point they feel like either frustrated speedruners or their sycophants

      • 11 months ago

        This. i always hunted for hidden ability mons and SOS exclusive mons like Goomy. the cutscenes are nothing in comparison

    • 11 months ago

      played SM four times before USUM released. don't see why people make a big deal out of them

  17. 11 months ago

    Alola is fine.

    It's definitely the best gen out of all the post DS, but mostly because all the others are way worse, the mons are pretty good, it came up with the regional mons mechanic which is a great idea tbh, USUM has a decent difficulty spike, and most importantly it gave us the best female cast of the whole series so, i still like it.

  18. 11 months ago

    >on a website that is already the very embodiment of hate
    >"hey guys don't forget to hate on this too!"

    Do you fricking die if you stop hating anything for 2 seconds in your life, or something?

  19. 11 months ago

    Generations 1-7 were all really good in my opinion, then the quality drops happened right when Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee came out.

  20. 11 months ago

    i got filtered by the cutscenes

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