I don't understand Japan's obsession with this series. Almost every single title is the sa...

I don't understand Japan's obsession with this series. Almost every single title is the same game, with the most recent one just having some bells and whistles. Gameplay is a generic turn based affair, plot and characters are bland, the music is nonexistent, and graphics are nothing special. It offers nothing unique compared to other JRPG series like Final Fantasy, SMT or SaGa. Consistency? Who cares if they are so afraid to innovate or change? It took so long for them to get rid of random encounters when other JRPGs had already done so long ago but the games still have the same old archaic trappings of the NES titles. Even when Final Fantasy screws up (FFII, FFVIII, FFXIII), its still interesting to talk about it because the successes and failures of those games are borne out of Square's desire to innovate. Dragon Quest is too safe, sterile, boring and repetitive. Its the Mcdonalds of JRPGs.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >plot and characters are bland
    are they tho? i think the themes that each game presents are interesting and well delivered
    >Gameplay is a generic turn based affair
    yeah but the series been doing that for so long those devs have become masters at it
    they've made turn based combat dynamic
    you don't need to grind as long as you think, cuz you've always got the options you need on hand, and thats the mark of good turn based combat
    >afraid to innovate or change
    expanding on my last point, the series' combat has evolved, with careful yet meaningful additions, tension in 8 was such a good system i thought turn based concept had peaked, and then 9 came around and it was even better, and it was on a handheld, on a multiplayer focused game, after 8 was the most success the series had seen in years
    dragon quest is innovative, dragon quest has changed, maybe you havent been paying attention, or maybe not being there as it happened has affected your perspective
    >Dragon Quest is too safe, sterile, boring and repetitive. Its the Mcdonalds of JRPGs.
    maybe, wouldnt agree on sterile, boring and repetitive, but whats wrong with it being safe? its good food every once in a while, its comfortable

    tldr; the games are good, its not a yearly series, the devs take their time and the improvements between releases are felt, plus its charming, maybe it aint for you, and thats okay, but it has a place in the modern landscape

    • 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    The only reason you say that is because you played the remakes instead of the original games.
    The remakes backport tons of features that do give the impression that every game is the same with different characters but that was not true at all. New releases had tons of new features and changes.

  3. 3 years ago

    "Dragon Quest doesn't innovate" is a meme parroted by people who don't actually play Dragon Quest.

  4. 3 years ago

    >Almost every single title is the same game, with the most recent one just having some bells and whistles

  5. 3 years ago

    Dragon Quest -> Constantly expanding and evolving on the old-school JRPG formula, has never has a bad mainline entry
    Final Fantasy -> Abandoned the old-school JRPG formula, has not had a good mainline game in nearly two decades.

    >It offers nothing unique compared to X
    What other modern JRPGs offer the same experience that Dragon Quest does? Dragon Quest sticking to its guns and only making objective upgrades and changes to 1980s/early 1990s JRPG mechanics without going against the spirit of these mechanics is what's made the series age like fine wine and new entries so easy to get into.

    Dragon Quest is innovative and constantly expanded on older mechanics to the modern day. The other series you mentioned on the other hand completely overhauled themselves, which is not innovation.

  6. 3 years ago

    McDonalds is not healthy for you

  7. 3 years ago

    >I don't understand Japan's obsession with this series
    Dragon Quest is Japan's Madden/NBA. Plenty of games in their respective genre are objectively better. But people like tradition and it's one that's gone on for decades.

  8. 3 years ago

    Shut the frick up and get some taste, you hrt loving Black person

    • 3 years ago

      Oh, hello there!

  9. 3 years ago

    Comfort food in video game form.

  10. 3 years ago

    The games are objectively just good. I played DQ1 for the first time a few months back, and it holds up. There's a bit too much grinding, but the story is interesting, the puzzles are engaging, and the characters are charming.

    Ultimately, I think the problems stem from extremely poor translation. I can't stand western DQ, it's translated like it's intended solely for 5 year olds. The original games are all-ages, like Mario, they don't insult you.

  11. 3 years ago

    It's one of the grandfathers of games in Japan. They play (and make) it to fellate tradition and history. In reality, it's a boring schlock you've seen 100 times and it still refuses to innovate. That's why you see it in massive decline and why it has never taken off in the mainstream.

    • 3 years ago

      >I don't understand Japan's obsession with this series
      Dragon Quest is Japan's Madden/NBA. Plenty of games in their respective genre are objectively better. But people like tradition and it's one that's gone on for decades.

      you are clueless
      DQ was a huge fricking phenomenon with the kids in Japan, the government had to ban weekday release dates for them because kids were skipping school to buy and play them

      it's appeal has nothing to do with "just fellating tradition and history", DQ was big in Japan from the early days

      you people who have no idea of the appeal of certain things really need to stop pulling your headcanon theories out of your asses and post it as some facts and instead should just ask people who actually enjoy them what they like about them

      • 3 years ago

        >government had to ban weekday release dates
        Maybe you should stop talking shit outta your ass and get your facts straight? Talk about being clueless.

        And what's that recent survey they had about what players liked about the Dragon Quest series? Sounds like they're losing confidence in their product about tradition and history. It's high time they innovate and change things up, unfortunately, it's too little, too late.

  12. 3 years ago

    music is great
    stories are not the absolute main selling points but also not bad in any ways, they are simple charming tales done right
    Character designs are very memorable
    monster designs are brilliant, they have just the right balance of making them still feel threatening but not overly so where they give an overly dramatic/melancholic feel to the world, making exploration and just being part of the world and it's adventures more fun

    >but it doesn't innovate, it's still turn based with no gimmicks
    FPS games are still the same shit since 25 years old with very minor changes. Westerners really need to stop dumping on turn based games for not reinventing the wheel just because it's a genre that isn't that popular with them. It's a tried and true formula, even if you don't add any unique gimmicks to it. It's not something we need to leave behind, and one of DQ's selling point was consistency with these fundamentals.

    • 3 years ago

      >FPS games are still the same shit since 25 years old with very minor changes
      I'm not the biggest FPS fan and I have nothing against turnbased (love SMT, for example) but FPSes have evolved tremendously from the 90s to now. Compare Doom to Halo 1 to Apex Legends or Destiny 2.

      • 3 years ago

        Its still about shooting things, now you can aim down sights, and sprint, and not shoot while sprinting literally the only changes in the genre since quake debuted, and they're both a regression to what was originally fun and simple.

  13. 3 years ago

    Play Dragon Quest V, OP.

  14. 3 years ago
  15. 3 years ago

    You make this thread every fricking second day.

  16. 3 years ago

    Dragon Quest 1 has the most atmosphere I've ever felt in a video game. So many try the "you're the lone hero and only you can save the world" but only DQ1 gets it right.

    • 3 years ago

      Diablo 1 and 2 shits on DQ in that regard. Sounds to me like you only played shit games.

      • 3 years ago

        I'm glad you like Diablo. Did you have something to actually contribute to the thread?

        • 3 years ago

          Oh, I didn't know this thread was "everyone let's fellate Dragon Quest". My bad for bringing up a different idea to the table.

  17. 3 years ago

    >I don't understand Japan's obsession with this series
    its clearly not meant for you then

  18. 3 years ago

    Puff puff.

    • 3 years ago

      just close your eyes and you get the best puff-puff ever...

  19. 3 years ago

    >Gameplay is a generic turn based affair,
    You're wrong is not generic its THE generic turn based affair, DQ pretty much debuted all the concepts qe associate with turn based jrpgs.
    >the music is nonexistent
    Now you're just being moronic, music is great, so great in fact the japanese played the DQ overture during the olympics
    >Dragon Quest is too safe, sterile, boring and repetitive. Its the Mcdonalds of JRPGs.
    Again Dragon Quest is THE prototypical jrpg, it doesn't have to innovate because it single handedly created the genre, reject modernity embrace tradition OP is a cuck that likes to suck massive wiener.

    • 3 years ago

      >You're wrong is not generic its THE generic
      This is why I think orcs and elves are lame in everything EXCEPT Lord of the Rings, because it literally invented their modern usage.

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