I genuinely don't get why people hate her so much.

I genuinely don't get why people hate her so much.
They talk about the amalgamations like they were some nazi-tier experiment when in reality she experimented with literal dead corpses that'd have stayed dead if it wasn't for her.
And then you have the whole "she pretends to save you to become your friend" thing. How is that worse than trying to literally murder you like Undyne, Mettaton or Asgore do before they become your friends?
Alphys gets too much hate for no real reason.

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  1. 3 years ago

    The real reason is she's not attractive or frickable without artists taking extreme liberties with their art. If you're flawed but attractive your negative qualities are seen as quirks. If you're ugly and flawed everyone just hates you.

    • 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    >obsession bad
    >unless woman

    • 3 years ago

      >"Papyrus's theme song and battle theme were from an earlier RPG idea I was working on before I gave up"
      >here's your beta Papyrus boss theme bro

    • 3 years ago

      >based on Dedan
      We were this close to Papyrus dropping slurs every line

    • 3 years ago

      Huh, nice to know that OFF influenced Undertale. I figured it must have, but it's nice to see it be acknowledged.

  3. 3 years ago

    She looks like she simultaneously sounds like an Adam Sandler israeli grandmother and looks like she's about to shit herself.

  4. 3 years ago

    I guess for me at least she's a character that represents some of the weakest writing, highlighted in probably the weakest area. Her entire gimmick is, "MAN, I'M SOCIALLY AWKWARD AND NERVOUS," where that "joke" is hammered home dozens of times due to the social media gag that happens. Add to it the corny attempts to make you like her, which is appropriate to the character but still kinda obnoxious.

    I think the real issue though is a common thing you find in characters purposefully made to be annoying/obnoxious: she doesn't grow that much. She forms this parasitic relationship with you, Mettaton goes hostile, then she basically meanders off realizing how she's kinda terrible. In the secret lab, her entire characterization is basically, "Yeah, I realized I should free these scientific abominations back to their families. Ya know, because now I'm more confident in myself!" There's no real sense of consequences for her actions (other than Mettaton almost dying), and even in the face of some pretty fricked up experiments she did, everything is totally fine and chill.

    Hell, it even adds a weird cherry on top that she's basically the only main character that you don't kill in the genocide route. I get she was never a character you fought, but it still feels like plot armor.

    I actually got a kick out of a lot of jokes surrounding Alphys and her characterization in a lot of ways. But I can definitely see why she's hated by a lot of people. She's by far the weakest character, yet given probably the most focus in terms of dialogue/scenes.

    • 3 years ago

      >Hell, it even adds a weird cherry on top that she's basically the only main character that you don't kill in the genocide route.
      The entire timeline dies in that route, you just don't personally stab her to death.

      • 3 years ago

        Sure, I guess I mean she's one of the only main characters you don't personally deal with before Chara nukes the timeline.


  5. 3 years ago

    She's Ganker in real life

  6. 3 years ago

    She's just not an interesting character at all honestly, just a walking embodiment of a massive weeb. The other characters at least had some redeeming factor about them that made you smile and laugh but Alphy's character doesn't strike as anything pleasant.

  7. 3 years ago

    >when in reality she experimented with literal dead corpses
    Let's make someone experiment with your dear deceased family member's corpse or butcher them and sell them for parts and see how you feel.

    • 3 years ago

      >Give body to the governement
      >Governement do thing the the body you gave
      >Nooooo what are you doing that!!!!

      Maybe don't act like a moron then

      • 3 years ago

        >Give body to the governement
        Is this an American thing?

        • 3 years ago

          I guarantee your government accepts or helps process body donations if you live in a developed nation

        • 3 years ago

          Organ donor or something i guess
          Point is
          >Asgore ask bodies (no you can't use the monarchy card, asgore is know to not force other monster to do something
          >People give bodies to asgore

          Don't whine when you consented to give the dust of your loved ones without caring about it first

  8. 3 years ago

    Funny enough
    She didn't even do any experimentations

    You can tell there 2 person in the true lab entries
    One person typing in uppercase and the other in lowercase.
    Lowercase talk about mettaton and is anxious about everything so we can assume it's Alphys.

    But the Uppercase one, they clearly show he is the one exctracting determination, putting it into vessel and... into a flower, the previous royal scientist, our fricking gaster

    All Alphys did was watching over the experiments gaster did and assuming she made them because, there was no previous royal scientist, it was always her

  9. 3 years ago

    she annoying and i cringed every time she was on the screen. undeniably the worst undertale character

  10. 3 years ago

    the thing with amalgamations isn't that she experimented on them - it's that she left them to rot.
    all alphys had to do was tell the families that the experiments didn't go as well as she'd hoped and that their relatives were alive but melty mutations of their former selves. instead she chose to imprison them in a lab for years. living thinking beings trapped because she was too much of a coward to admit that things went a bit wrong.

    >"she pretends to save you to become your friend" thing.
    i think the problem isn't that she pretends to save you but that she's extremely annoying the entire time. her whole character is just haha so relatable am i right fellow weebs???

  11. 3 years ago

    It's mainly an issue where if you didn't immediately like her a lot, the game basically doubles down in a way where you'll hate her by the end.

    >Toriel gets the opening section, then ceases to exist outside of the pacifist ending
    >Papyrus gets Snowdin which is filled with tons of other character interactions, as well as one date
    >Sans is Sans
    >Undyne gets dialogue towards the end of the water area as well as a date
    >Asgore gets the ending, and a bit more dialogue in pacifist
    >Alphys gets the entirety of Hotland (one of the largest parts of the game), most of the lab leading to Asgore, constant messages by phone (not even optional like with Papyrus or Undyne), a date, the secret lab section that serves as her characterization, bits in the pacifist route, and implementation in Mettaton's encounters

    Hell, the date is you basically just trying to hook her up with Undyne. If you didn't like Alphys from the start, she's shoved down your throat so hard that you'll likely hate her by the end.

    • 3 years ago

      >gets absolutely mogged in Hotland by the best character in the game

      • 3 years ago

        what's it like anon? Being based I mean

  12. 3 years ago

    She's just an annoying "le quirky social anxiety! xD" lesbian.

  13. 3 years ago

    Alphys is a brilliant character, her whole back story of being nothing more than a small assistant and then being thrust into position of head scientists and responsible for taking over all of gaster's amalgamation projects halfway through completion

    She comes off as unlikeable because she is unattractive, she has no social skills and no friends

    Basically everyone who hates Alphys is a fricking bully

    All she wants to do in her life is watch anime and eat sushi

  14. 3 years ago

    >she experimented with literal dead corpses
    Isn't that a lie? Didn't the game say that all monsters turn to ash or dust when they die?

    • 3 years ago

      Monsters, unless killed by extreme violence, 'fall down' and then eventually turn to dust. It's not clear how long dusting takes, but there's a period between death and dusting and Alphys used that period.

  15. 3 years ago

    I just hate this b***h. Horrible writer's pet character

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