I had the most brutal idea for a videogame ever

Manhunt But Multiplayer.

It’s like manhunt but multiplayer and 100x more brutal. Where you play as like death row inmates that try to kill Eachother in the most sadistic ways possible.

Tell me what you guys think.

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  1. 11 months ago

    It needs like chainsaws and shotguns and like meat hooks and stuff I think

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Like if you can think of it you can do it.

      Like funnel a box of nails down a guys throat etc.

  2. 11 months ago

    omg epic

  3. 11 months ago

    No one cares about violence.

    Now if you were one male prisoner and your goal was to rape a bunch of captive females as they try to kill you/run from you and you get to rape or murder them now that was be "brutal"

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man
  4. 11 months ago

    Manhunt isnt top 10 most violent game anymore. Literal children can buy it on the playstation store for like 7 dollars.
    No more walmart police to stop the kids from buying violent games.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      It’s still brutal in terms of how intense the murder scenes got. But I guess the punisher also had some Gorey ones. You could done a guy on a toilet seat in that game.

  5. 11 months ago
    The Game Play Tester

    Some one make this idea so I can test it!

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      I mean it’s unlikely it’s a game that could be made now of days because if stuff like manhunt wasn’t ok back then people would have a conniption fit over it now.

  6. 11 months ago

    that's dumb and gay and you are dumb and gay

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      You know what’s also gay? That modern videogames have lost their edge.

      Id rather a game be fun and mindless violence than it be weighed down by identity politics tripe and be an absolute microtransaction filled normie preachfest.

      You don’t like it then get out of the thread.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      How dare I want videogames to be. Sod off

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Constructive stuff only none of this childish shit.

  7. 11 months ago

    sounds cool

  8. 11 months ago

    >manhunt 1 multiplayer
    i can only dream

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Id even have a split screen sort of mode that you could set it to to simulate couch coop even with online players buy you know it could be turned off and as soon as that person got in your field of view it would transition to only your camera then go back to their camera when they are out of your field of view.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      There also would be like two teams.

      Both would have objectives.

      There would be the guards and the inmates. It would be the job of the guards job to try to stop you from killing Eachother. You’d be able to kill

      Eachother at any time of the day but the best times would be during lunch times at the prison where the inmates would be able to freely roam the prison courtyard as well as other parts of the prison.

      Or at night when security is low each time has its advantages and disadvantages. It’d be easier at lunch because you’d be able to hide the body or dispose of it in a woodchipper in the prison courtyard.

      If you kill your cell mate at night you’ll have to explain to the guards why he’s dead because you’ll be stuck in there with the body.

      You’d get all sorts of points for creativity of the kills as well as other things. You’d be able to craft weapons and things from workbenches outside in the courtyard.

      And you can actually escape the prison but you’d need to be the most Efficient killer in order to do so.

      And doing so nets you A lot of points and you win that game.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      So what do you think of my concepts?

  9. 11 months ago

    So a battle royale ?
    Zoomers made fornite again

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Frick no I hate battle royale games they suck.

  10. 11 months ago

    You must be 18 years old to use this website.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      I’m 25

  11. 11 months ago

    How about we make it like this. Introduce both male and female characters (CaCs). The same sexes can brutally finish each other off. However, a man finishes off a woman by r*ping her and a woman finishes off a man by violently castrating him.

    Bonus: You have the ability to choose how your CaC interacts with other sexes. Violent death, r*pe or castration.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      No that is way too much even for me.

      Plus that would get the game not even to get past the green light.

      That shit is enough to even make a gore hound squeamish and uncomfortable.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Though there would be enough disturbing stuff to go around be sure of that if it was made.

  12. 11 months ago

    The fun of Manhunt is that it's a power fantasy. It works in single player. The moment you make it a multiplayer experience, it gets judged as a multiplayer video game and then its identity outside of the actual game aspect gets forgotten.

    It's like how Dead by Daylight isn't scary to anybody passed the first 10 minutes. You no longer recognize the horror, you just recognize it as a game. People would optimize multiplayer manhunt.

    • 11 months ago
      The Idea Man

      Id find some how to make it fun and engaging.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I'm sure you could. But that's not solving the problem, that IS the problem.

        The fundamental concept of the game isn't practical on its own, it's counter productive. You can make it a great game, and then you're still left with a great game that could be a success, but the manhunt part of your concept is completely misused.

        All the responsibility has been left in the hands of your development staff with this idea being good enough designers, artists and programmers. The original pitch is itself garbage.

  13. 11 months ago

    You're thinking about the concept first and not thinking about how you'd make the gameplay actually good so I'm not really sold on the concept. Manhunt's main gimmick is staying stealthily behind someone long enough to get a maximum brutality takedown, which would not translate well to a multiplayer setting where people are constantly moving and hyper aware, you'd have to do a shitload of modification of manhunt's gameplay to the point that it's barely manhunt anymore in order to make this work. Pragmatically, this kind of game wouldn't work without a lot of iteration, prototyping, and testing.

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