I have a playable copy of an unreleased 2002 Turkish Fallout-style crpg set during 17th C Ottoman empire

I have a playable copy of an unreleased 2002 Turkish Fallout-style crpg set during the 17th century Ottoman Empire.
I will share it only if someone recommends an extremely obscure game that is content-rich, mechanically deep, polished, and immersive.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    *that I haven't heard of

  2. 3 years ago

    Sakusaku Daigoutou Returns

  3. 3 years ago

    You may have heard of Super Mario Brothers before but have you ever heard of Super Mario Brothers TWO?

    • 3 years ago

      Do you mean Super 2 TM Mario Bros. Mario Madness?

  4. 3 years ago


  5. 3 years ago

    Prince of Qin

  6. 3 years ago

    Cosmology of Kyoto

  7. 3 years ago

    Tao for NES/Famicom

  8. 3 years ago

    G.O.D. - Growth or Devolution

    • 3 years ago

      This game is garbage or doodoo

  9. 3 years ago

    Ribbit King

  10. 3 years ago
  11. 3 years ago

    Janky's Quest

  12. 3 years ago

    Boku no Pico

  13. 3 years ago


  14. 3 years ago

    Not extremely, but Urban Assault.

    • 3 years ago

      bruh is this minecraft enchanting table speak

      • 3 years ago

        Isn't that actually Commander Keen script?

  15. 3 years ago

    That is a neat premise for a game, too bad it doesn’t exist.

    • 3 years ago

      It certainly does. Here's an unrelated Turkish crpg to prove my arcane knowledge.

      • 3 years ago

        No proofs. Post a screenshot with timestamp.

      • 3 years ago

        I really hope you're not trolling. I've always wanted a game centered around anything Turkic.

        • 3 years ago

          Ottomans are not turks.

          • 3 years ago

            Who is? Turk is to the Ottoman Empire what Aryan is to the Germans. Both are names of distinct tribes that people just decided to call themselves.
            Turkic is applied to various peoples retroactively who were known by different names back then. In the case of Ottomans, it was mostly Oghuz.

            • 3 years ago

              do not talk about this topic ever again clueless westeroid

              • 3 years ago

                Enlighten me, then.

        • 3 years ago

          turkic and turkroach are two different things

          • 3 years ago

            Americans don't cease to be Anglos just because most of their heritage is Irish.

            • 3 years ago

              *Scottish. Also German, Dutch, and Norman.

  16. 3 years ago

    Does it have romance options?

    • 3 years ago

      Were the Turks really lighter skinned than the Greeks? I always assumed it was the other way around.

      • 3 years ago

        Greeks are kind of brighter skinned, but if you live in that region, chances are good you pick up a lot of sun anyway.

        • 3 years ago

          I meant in antiquity, I imagine a lot of modern Greeks (and turks for that matter) have come from a lineage of interbreeding.

      • 3 years ago

        No, that's a modern phenomenon from when they realized that they could just go to the beach all day and let Merkel pay their bills.

  17. 3 years ago

    inb4 "haha ebin troll'd xd can't believe you guise fell for it xddd"

  18. 3 years ago

    Can you please share Turk game now anon?

    • 3 years ago

      There was no turk game.

    • 3 years ago

      As soon as someone shares a game that meets my criteria

      • 3 years ago


        • 3 years ago

          Anyone who thought this thread was going to be anything other than this is a newbie. It's just an opportunity for the OP to attention prostitute.

      • 3 years ago

        >Now this looks interesting and I've never heard of it before!

    • 3 years ago

      OP's conditions are subjective enough to render any and all recommendations as not good enough. He has already decided if he's going to share anything or not.

  19. 3 years ago

    Here is rare turk game. Be enjoyment

    • 3 years ago

      I don't know if obscure, but Inindo: Way of the Ninja is possibly the best game released for the SNES but never gets any love.

      Still the best game released in the 21st century.

  20. 3 years ago

    Is the game Turkish made or just set in Turkey?

    • 3 years ago

      Turkish made up

    • 3 years ago

      The game is in Turkish, and I'm not even sure whether it can be finished. I'm surprised so many people are interested.

      OP's conditions are subjective enough to render any and all recommendations as not good enough. He has already decided if he's going to share anything or not.

      People are recommending meme games, shovelware, or games that I've already heard of before. Vangers is a great game... that was on every Russian computer back in the day. Prince of Qin would be exactly what I am looking for, if I hadn't already played it and made threads about it on Ganker. Cosmology of Kyoto seems cool, but then I found out Robert Ebert reviewed it and it has been mentioned many times on Ganker before. Don't even get me started on the rest.

      Since I am a fair man, I will upload the game on the internet, but I wont tell anyone how to find it. This is the furthest I'm willing to compromise for such a mediocre effort.

      • 3 years ago

        >but I wont tell anyone how to find it
        So you might as well not have uploaded it at all. Probably because you didn't.

      • 3 years ago

        Guy you first responded to here, my girlfriend is Turkish and I'm learning so I find interest in Turkish made content and would find translating it to be appealing depending on the platform.
        I've spent probably 50 hours going through retro game titles on various older computer, though many games I've come across seem more interesting in concept than actual execution. Many MSX games can be ported to work just fine on the Master System, though when searching one of the games I'd like to try is the Rune Master series by compile, the first of which has a modern Windows port, but the other 2 later releases do not. They're all MSX2 based so no porting is possible and I rather play with original hardware anyways than emulate, so I couldn't tell you if they're that enjoyable in practice. (Honestly the reason I'm okay with playing some of the ports is that the original MSX and SMS share a CPU.
        If you have an MSX or an SMS and a flash cart you could try Lord Over (ロードオーバー) if you haven't, but given your reactions I'm sure you've probably seen it tried it before anyways, likely Rune Master as well. Of course this is also under the assumption of honesty on your part, which I could believe to a degree as many Turks I've met tend to be immersed in their own culture and don't usually partake in international communities unless they have a strong desire for it.

  21. 3 years ago

    I'm convinced bluffing, so I'll just say Hideous Destructor on a bullshit technicality because I don't really GAF.

    >obscure game
    Not a widely played mod for Doom.

    >that is content-rich
    There's 28+ years of levels you can play with it, and there exists a pile of sub-mods built for it to customize your experience.

    >mechanically deep, polished, and immersive
    All of these things apply, it mixes a realistic milsim shooter with light Rogue-like elements, and the fantastical elements of Doom, with its supernatural demons, arcane magic, sci-fi guns, and abstract and unrealistic level design.
    It has pretty realistic wounding mechanics (having to stop bleeding, having to stitch up gaping wounds, having to put yourself out if you're on fire, etc), which you can bullshit to a degree with sci-fi steroids, or bullshit entirely with magic healing, which can fix injuries you otherwise can't mend with tools.
    The monsters are made devious and conniving as frick, but there's also a wide range of tools and tactics you can employ, the monsters are not fair to you, the player, therefore you should not be fair to the monsters, and do whatever it takes to win.

    There's very little else in the world like it.

  22. 3 years ago

    Kowloon's Gate and Garage: Bad Dream Adventure

  23. 3 years ago

    >OP doesn't have shit
    >you all give him answers anyway
    Are you morons?

    • 3 years ago

      I like sharing obscure games I know, stfu.

  24. 3 years ago

    Sand Black person shit

  25. 3 years ago

    Another War

  26. 3 years ago

    no one cares about a fricking wienerroach simulator

    • 3 years ago

      I disagree

  27. 3 years ago


  28. 3 years ago

    War Inc.

    • 3 years ago

      not obscure. got magazine ads in my country until I couldn't stand it anymore.

  29. 3 years ago

    >Only one page when searching on the Ganker archive
    I'd consider that obscure enough.

  30. 3 years ago

    uncharted waters

  31. 3 years ago

    Turk here. Frick you op never heard of such a game

  32. 3 years ago

    May not fit the "content rich, mechanically deep, polished, and immersive" parts in the SLIGHTEST, but Command and Conquer Sole Survivor is a fun gig if you're willing to put up with the jank of what is effectively the very first arena based battle royale.

  33. 3 years ago

    >Turkish Fallout-style crpg
    So it still has giant roaches?

  34. 3 years ago

    Could we get screenshots at least so that we can verify authenticity before we continue?

  35. 3 years ago

    If you like Doom and consider it to be all of those things, I'll recommend Radix: Beyond the Void to you.

  36. 3 years ago

    You better fricking dump it regardless.

  37. 3 years ago

    Eat a bowl of frick and checkem, Opie.

  38. 3 years ago

    Have you played Maka-Maka

  39. 3 years ago

    go frick yourself

  40. 3 years ago

    OP is a massive baiting homosexual but I will take this opportunity to shill Phantom Dust wherever I can.

  41. 3 years ago
  42. 3 years ago

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