I never understood what did gouto did to get turned into a cat, can someone help? what did he do wrong?

I never understood what did gouto did to get turned into a cat, can someone help? what did he do wrong?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    bump, i know it's an old game but this question bothers me

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't remember, but I'll bump the thread for you, anon.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Gouto broke the code of honor that united the Kuzunoha clans, but what he actually did was never elaborated on. Gouto-Douji is the name of the punishment given to him (which I guess he uses as his own). It entailed that he must watch all of his successors grow old and die without him. Gouto being the first Kuzunoha, and all
    He mentions that he was a Housonoshi magician but I don't think that's the crime, as that was before the afromentioned becoming Kuzunoha the 1st

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think it was actually elaborated on, only that it was a grave crime.
      Maybe there's more about it in those thick as frick complete guidebooks but I don't think anyone bothered to translate anything from them.

      oh so it really is never elaborated on
      I wonder what he did man, what a harsh punishment

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah, nope. The Kuzunoha 'code of honor' is also not elaborated on, unless I'm missing something.
        I also made a mistake calling him the 1st Kuzunoha, he was the first Kuzunoha of the Raidou clan, as there are 4 Kuzunoha families (only two semi-elaborated on)
        If I were to guess it was some cross-clan disputes, maybe a fight, maybe a murder or something. Could've happened anytime during his (most likely) long lifespan, as Kuzunoha summoners were rumored to live for a long while and more.

        Vengeance is about the least half-baked game they've ever released. Also has Raidou clone. Also also they've been teasing Raidou 3 for years now.

        Vengenace is a re-release of a halfbaked game I already paid for once, and it still has that half-baked game inside it next to the other 'mode' I've yet to play, as I refuse to pay the same price for it again. And Shohei looks like Raidou because of his cop uniform and a sword, other than that they're not really that similar - and good, it would be stupid if they were

        Realistically, they can't really afford to pull the good old "reuse all assets and make a new spin-off title" in the HD era. It's a miracle that Soul Hackers 2 happened. It's also a tragedy that Soul Hackers 2 happened.

        >It's also a tragedy that Soul Hackers 2 happened.
        couldn't have put better into words myself, man what a disappointment

        • 2 weeks ago

          i paid for vengeance twice too, once on the switch and never could finish it because it ran at 1 fps and once on pc kek
          i am a tard

        • 2 weeks ago

          Soul Hackers 2 feels like some other thing that got the Soul Hackers name slapped onto it.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I don't think it was actually elaborated on, only that it was a grave crime.
    Maybe there's more about it in those thick as frick complete guidebooks but I don't think anyone bothered to translate anything from them.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    They're saving it for Raidou 3

    • 2 weeks ago

      never ever, it's all persona slop now or half-baked mainline titles
      the golden PS2 era is long gone

      • 2 weeks ago

        Vengeance is about the least half-baked game they've ever released. Also has Raidou clone. Also also they've been teasing Raidou 3 for years now.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Realistically, they can't really afford to pull the good old "reuse all assets and make a new spin-off title" in the HD era. It's a miracle that Soul Hackers 2 happened. It's also a tragedy that Soul Hackers 2 happened.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Didnt Raidou games score high on that ATLUS poll?
        Surely the fourth Kuzunoha clan HAS to be revealed.

        what happens if you use all the cat toys on him

        If I remember well he gets annoyed but eventually will go all cat out and play with it happily.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Raidou 3 actually happens
      >Raidou now talks
      Listening to the drama CD with him talking was really weird.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    what happens if you use all the cat toys on him

    • 2 weeks ago

      pls respon
      the item was called foxtail or something right?

      • 2 weeks ago

        If you collect and use enough foxtails on him he goes crazy and then gives you an item.

        • 2 weeks ago

          why is there no video of it on youtube

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I never played smt 3, but I hear raidou is in it
    in what way?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It has either Raidou or Dante depending on the version you're playing. Raidou being in Nocturne is a bit of an asspull but given everything else that happens in that game I can't exactly say it doesn't fit
      It's because of some deal with Lucifer that I don't exactly remember if it was elaborated on or not, but ends up Allying with demi-fiend seeing his prowess after almost blowing him the frick up, only stopped by Gouto

      Didnt Raidou games score high on that ATLUS poll?
      Surely the fourth Kuzunoha clan HAS to be revealed.

      If I remember well he gets annoyed but eventually will go all cat out and play with it happily.

      I don't follow the ATLUS polls much but if Soul Hackers is anything to go by I'd rather they left Raidou the frick alone

      • 2 weeks ago

        that gouto voice is so cursed

      • 2 weeks ago

        Look at that. Most requested after Persona. Guess the japs love Raidou.

        is he different gameplay wise or is it just fanservice?

        Originally he had Pierce but now Dante has it too. Its Fanservice that makes sense as Lucifer appears regularly in Raidou 2.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Raidou takes Dante's place in a few versions and is the available guest in the HD Remake unless you pay for Dante.

      • 2 weeks ago

        is he different gameplay wise or is it just fanservice?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Same skills, just different animations and names.

          do the new SMT games even have alignment choices?

          What do you mean by new SMT games? Mainline has them, SH2 doesn't

          >Raidou 3 actually happens
          >Raidou now talks
          Listening to the drama CD with him talking was really weird.

          Honestly it'd be kinda funnier if he remained silent and Goutou spoke on his behalf instead

          • 2 weeks ago

            as in the latest abortion on the switch

            • 2 weeks ago

              SMTV has branching paths at the end depending if you side with law, neutral, chaos or secret neutral

              Not sure about the new story yet as I don't have the money to buy the same game twice
              The different paths just had different bossfights and different endings, I prefered it much more in IV where you'd go to one place or the other (or both) depending on the side you chose. It also feels like it has little consequence in base V because there's barely any dialogue or interaction with the alignment reps beforehand, they show up once or twice to spoonfeed you small does of information before fricking off

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it's not even cheap on g2a
                it's so ogre, I hate it

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just wait a few months until it's cheap or just emulate, you dingus. There isn't a single reason to buy games on release these days since they go on sale just a month or two later.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I bought it on the switch and I feel like a complete moron, why did they not make it work on the switch

              • 2 weeks ago

                Does it run like shit on the switch? They had years to improve on base V, what the frick happened?
                I feel bad for you anon, and happy for myself that I didn't fall for the Fatlus trap again

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah, still makes me dizzy
                it's not even 30 fps, it keeps dipping randomly

              • 2 weeks ago

                You can only do so much when the hardware in question is some ancient tablet shit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Because it's too much for the switch. I bought it on PS5 and it runs great.

              • 2 weeks ago

                This is all outdated as frick, you interact with all the allignment characters much more in Vengeance and they even join your party now. Vengeance path also has law and chaos endings on top of the original 4 endings. The original V also had a bunch of allignment decisions that would result in different demons joining you, and tracked your allignment and would reward you if your decisions matched what route you picked.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you interact with all the allignment characters much more in Vengeance and they even join your party now
                Is that vengeance path only or does that happen in the main game? If so, that's an improvement
                Again, I didn't get to play Vengeance because it's way too expensive where I live, I'm eager to give it a try to either get disappointed or genuinely surprised and disappointed
                > Vengeance path also has law and chaos endings on top of the original 4 endings
                How many endings can you choose in either path? Is it 2 for Vengeance and original 4 for base path?

                yeah, still makes me dizzy
                it's not even 30 fps, it keeps dipping randomly

                You can only do so much when the hardware in question is some ancient tablet shit.

                Rip switchbros, but I guess that's on you given the game actually released on other platforms
                I guess you can also emulate it, I played base V on Ryujinx after I couldn't bear it on the switch with some jank ass 60fps patch and it worked like a dream, I bet Vengeance could work too, if not now then soon

              • 2 weeks ago

                when i bought it, the game wasn't on other platforms and i assumed it won't come to pc so i bought it

              • 2 weeks ago

                If you're talking base V then I did the same thing, sadly
                never buy an atlus game on release is the harsh lesson I've finally been taught

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah it's 6 endings total. I haven't tried original V on Vengeance yet but from what I understand the original is left exactly as before and the only new thing are the gameplay additions/new demons.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    fools, i was already playing it

  8. 2 weeks ago

    do the new SMT games even have alignment choices?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Of course, every demon still has their allignmeent including Light and Dark primary allignment. V has a bunch of allignment war sidequests where you choose what demon to side with and the other joins your party. Character allignment and story allignment are both in the game. There are a bunch of allignment based skills in Vengeance too.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    why doesn't gouto talk to Narumi? i thought he would know?
    especially after the toast incident why didn't he apologize?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Messing with Narumi is one of the few joys Gouto gets to have in his eternal punishment

      • 2 weeks ago

        kek, so he's just a boomer now

        • 2 weeks ago

          I was joking but honestly he kinda is

          he straight up doesn't hear him no? is raidou just special?

          I know Narumi mentions once that Raidou stared at Goutou for a long while after Gotou and Raidou spoke about something in Narumi's presence in one of the games, I'm not sure if he knows that Goutou can communicate with Raidou but he for sure can't hear him
          Could be Goutou speaks through Raidou's mind, given his connection to Kuzunohas and him being the 'guide' for all future Raidous, but he also speaks to Demi-Fiend in Nocturne so who fricking knows. Could be he just decides who can hear him and who can't

      • 2 weeks ago

        he straight up doesn't hear him no? is raidou just special?

  10. 2 weeks ago

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