I really really want to like this game, but its so rushdown heavy that I literally can't compete.

I really really want to like this game, but its so rushdown heavy that I literally can't compete.
Why does every fighting game feel like the same thing these days? I can't play this game for the same reasons I can't play Guilty Gear, why does everything play like a pseudo anime fighter now?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Play JP then.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm a dedicated Zangief main

      • 10 months ago


        I actually am maining him here too, no one on the roster really interested me so I said "frick it" and decided to experiment and play an archetype I usually never play. It's disappointing how nerfed frame data on normals is here, barely matters once he's in since with DR he can't threaten pressure well enough to make the opponent block, feels like all he has is good pokes and 5LK DR SPD going for him. I'm in Plat 3 and feel stuck, I'll build points okay but some MUs like Guile or JP just feel impossible to deal with.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm hard stuck in Plat 5 myself, I just don't have any tools to make people respect me when I'm up close. Lariat barely works, crHP is a joke button, sLP isn't actually an anti-air, crLP has bad frame data now, only SPD has actual low, medium, heavy versions and everything else is either NORMAL/EX cause they couldn't be fricked to update them after adding classic mode, and airSPD's hitboxes compared to the pushboxes on jumping characters explain everything about why its such a shitty air grab now.

          Did you know that characters legs don't exist when they jump? You cannot grab legs, and the hitbox only goes up to Gief's hands, so if the enemy is above you at all your air grab will whiff. This is why airSPD and super 1 are fricking terrible now.

          Capcom needs to give Gief back a bunch of shit
          >grab invuln on exSPD
          >crossup hitboxes on lariat
          >headbutt beats fireballs (this was important for meaties as it would beat a bunch of projectile supers)
          >reduced range for the TOO LATE lariat so I can do the sLKxxRBG cancel again
          >replace parry with flex because parry is fricking garbage for Gief and he needs flex
          >allow Gief to cancel sHP into _ANYTHING_ before he releases it as a bait
          >give jHK 1 hit of armor to make it less of an uber hard read only move
          >either make sLP an anti-air again or give it a new animation to reflect that its not the old credit card swipe anymore
          >make the input buffer less fricked up for 360/720 moves so the game stops wasting my meter and giving the opponent free damage cause I tried to jMK or something

          Gief has a lot of wack ass problems in this game that come from them carrying over all of his fricked up nerfs in SFV and then nerfing him further on top of that

          • 10 months ago

            Some questions if you don't mind.
            >do you use any super beside 720? Initially I tried using lvl 2 after a DI but it seems hard to justify not keeping it for 720 since its his only reversal. Lvl 1 may as well not exist to me.
            >do you extend any combos with DR? I see some Giefs do 2LK 2LP DR 2LP 3MP lariat but I never can really find places to get the 2LK 2LP
            >what exactly do you do on oki? I kind of just swap between long range 2HK, 4MK, and 6HP to mix results

            • 10 months ago

              >>do you use any super beside 720? Initially I tried using lvl 2 after a DI but it seems hard to justify not keeping it for 720 since its his only reversal. Lvl 1 may as well not exist to me.
              Super 1 can be useful specifically in some combos or situations where it will just work 100% of the time, but I barely use it myself, I tried really hard to mix it into my gameplan but it just never works
              Super 2, despite me not using it, has potential as an anti-fireball tool and maybe for beating meaties since it has some invincibility on startup, the issue is that its so fricking slow that unless they do the shallowest meaty in the world they'll recover in time to block and punish you.
              Super 3/CA really are worth saving the meter for cause its our only access to a real reversal in the game, and it can completely seal a round out and save you from getting robbed.

              >>do you extend any combos with DR? I see some Giefs do 2LK 2LP DR 2LP 3MP lariat but I never can really find places to get the 2LK 2LP
              nah not really tbh, I could but from what I've seen in the lab its a waste of meter. The scaling is so harsh that you're basically just wasting meter, and Gief doesn't really get much out of combos anyway. I think that meter is better saved for exLariat/exSPD and meaty DR
              Why use the DR for 40 extra damage when you can use it for oki

              >what exactly do you do on oki? I kind of just swap between long range 2HK, 4MK, and 6HP to mix results
              Drive Rush>6HK/2HK/3HL(if its not fully meaty and I think they'll sweep cause it'll hop over lows)/ex or lpSPD/block or parry if I think they'll DP or super/ jump and air SPD/ jump and charge HK/fMKxxSPD or airSPD/sLKxxRBG/raw RBG

              I try to mix it up quite a bit, and a lot of the time I won't drive rush at all on wake up and just walk up or whiff 6HK to gain some ground, cause I wanna condition them to not be ready for the oki pressure so it is more likely to frick with their reactions when I do dash in after a knockdown.

              • 10 months ago

                To keep it simple, on oki I most often go for either 2HK, SPD or air SPD
                Get them used to blocking with the sweep, then SPD them a few times, and then you can start mixing them up between a sweep or an air SPD if they try to jump the sweep. If they have a DP or reversal super thats when you start dashing in and doing nothing to bait it out etc.

              • 10 months ago

                To keep it simple, on oki I most often go for either 2HK, SPD or air SPD
                Get them used to blocking with the sweep, then SPD them a few times, and then you can start mixing them up between a sweep or an air SPD if they try to jump the sweep. If they have a DP or reversal super thats when you start dashing in and doing nothing to bait it out etc.


              • 10 months ago

                also protip for labbing with Gief
                play as the character you want to lab, and set Gief as the CPU to do either lpSPD or crLK on block, and then set him to block everything.

                That way you can just make him block stuff and take note of what gets punish countered by SPD or your jab, you'll be very surprised by how much doesn't look like you can punish it but is free damage for you on block

  2. 10 months ago

    Because new players absolutely hate blocking. The game is designed to blow up your defense whether you have good defense or not, since your drive bar works as your primary battery for your invincible reversals while acting as a guard bar, similar to alpha. Either adapt or play an older game where blocking is viable like Xrd or Garou

  3. 10 months ago

    Zoning and footsies are for gays

    • 10 months ago

      yeah because
      >dash jabjabthrow
      >dash jabjab drive impact
      >50% damage combo
      >dashjabjab confirm a hit into a 50% damage combo
      is so frickin fun

      • 10 months ago

        You have counters, moron

        • 10 months ago

          I play Zangief no I don't, they literally removed all of his defensive options

          • 10 months ago

            You know you can stuff drive impacts with a jab, right

      • 10 months ago

        oh and don't forget to make your opponent watch your entire win animation after you beat them by doing literally nothing but jab/dash/throw, they're probably super impressed by your pro skills

      • 10 months ago

        Check those dash-ins, your opponents can't do nothing when they dash in SF.

        • 10 months ago

          They added a special command dash that freezes the game and lets them cancel out of it into any move they want, and whatever move they cancel into gets better frame data

          • 10 months ago

            Drive reversal then, they wasted 3 bars canceling their normals and now you both are back to neutral.

  4. 10 months ago

    Only thing i dislike in sf6 is rush grab. Wish there was more time to react when doing that.

  5. 10 months ago

    Why is Ryu so fricking shit in this game? I'm tired of hearing "he's not bottom tier so it's okay" and "everyone in the game is good". I fight against more than half the cast and feel like I'm at disadvantage at all times.

    • 10 months ago

      he's a defensive character in an offensive game.

    • 10 months ago

      Because he's just a shitty Ken

    • 10 months ago

      Ryu ranges from lower mid-tier to S tier depending on how long you've been playing Ryu.
      Ryu players that only press a button when they need to and play him super patiently are scary as frick

      • 10 months ago

        >to S tier
        Nice cope. You can even watch pro players like Paladin, Jimmy, and others playing him and getting worked while they struggle to manage anything.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm serious, he's gotta work way harder than other characters to do that, and it requires insane experience and wisdom, but really he has all the tools he needs to never let someone get in on him, its just harder than usual in this game cause its so heavily focused on the jab/grab mixups and defense is intentionally bad.
          Ryu can still frick you up if he has you downloaded and won't let you jump/dash/skip neutral though.

          • 10 months ago

            So you're saying to play anyone else unless you're a Ryu main since SF2 launch.

            • 10 months ago

              basically yeah, or at least that Ryu has the potential to be super strong, but honestly it feels like he's just there so boomers with 30 years of Ryu experience can dunk on adderal zoomies with solid fundementals and no gimmicks.

              He's got nothing to make him stand out or feel special, but he's got all the basic shit
              >invincible reversals
              >great pokes
              >high damage, reliable combos
              >good fireballs
              You can't do any fancy shit with him, but you can play extremely solid patient street fighter and unless the other person is a master rushdown artist and can slip through every crack, its pretty strong

              • 10 months ago

                >good fireballs
                In what world? Denjin charge is practically useless outside of the charge setups for it and his regular fireball is either equivalent or loses to other characters with fireballs.

  6. 10 months ago

    >they said there will be no patches for a year from release
    Frick off.

  7. 10 months ago

    Samurai Shodown is slower paced and less reliant on combos for damage.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't even mind combos being in the game, I just think its obnoxious that everyone can command dash cancel their jab into a huge combo
      Its less about the combos being there, and more that the big combos carry no risk because you can start them from risk free moves, which makes all the high commitment moves pointless.
      Why would you ever press a button that isn't a jab or something that cancels into DI

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