I somehow missed this game, is it actually good or just another soulless homm clone?

I somehow missed this game, is it actually good or just another soulless homm clone?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    looks like a mobile game, can you buy some skins for your guy?

  2. 1 year ago

    It cuts out the city building layer but the combat is miles above anything in any HoMM. And I personally love the fairytale art style, the google screenshots don't do it justice.
    Also amazing music.
    I will agree that the promo art makes the games look like shovelware, but the mechanics are rock solid.

    • 1 year ago

      >the combat is miles above anything in any HoMM
      Just because it has abilities on unit stacks? Or altars and chests on the battlefield? In general the combat does play very much like HoMM3, a game with a very sizeable fan following in developer's country.

      It's very good, KB:Crossworlds is the version you want.

      Lol no, that mish-mash of "canonized" fan content and a slightly weaker sequel is anything but what a new player should want. The original is the best entry point and then he can decide whether he likes the proper sequel or the very same sequel with lots of usually ill-fitting fan-made stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      >the combat is miles above anything in any HoMM
      Where did you get that? I found this game extremely boring and repetitive, combat is just meh, it's somewhat similar to heroes but worse since battle grid is significantly smaller and you don't have cool tactics like in HOMM games.
      Music is great - yes.
      But the game is so repetitive - I barely made it to the end.

  3. 1 year ago

    It's very good, KB:Crossworlds is the version you want.

  4. 1 year ago

    It's not amazing but it's not bad either. The writing is part of what carries it but I highly doubt that that has survived translation into English.
    Other than that it's a weird hybrid of generally HoMM3-esque combat and real-time adventure map exploration.

    Since you'll most likely be playing the most recent version, without incredibly invasive DRM, you'll also get less fun magic system. But that doesn't mean magic is somehow weak.
    Overall the game is painstakingly balanced so you really can't go wrong with whatever class you use.

  5. 1 year ago

    Its very good

    • 1 year ago

      >very good
      Really? No reason not to take Inquisitors. No reason to ever take undead except maaaybe Bone Dragons for the end game but still probably not. No reason to keep using animals past the very early game when you simply have no other options sometimes. No reason to use bandits/rogues/pirates/and so on ever except for getting that gold loot bonus for which you just keep one pirate in reserve. No reason to use barbarians. No reason not to fill every slot with the best archers you can get, after you take Inquisitors. Very few good reasons not to end the game with mostly just dragons.
      There are like 2 variations from the usual army composition which are only enabled by RNG giving you enough artifacts to justify going all-in into elves, which will be somewhat of a pain anyway because they mostly suck, or dwarves, which also get nerfed by the artifacts synergizing with them and you need to pacify the fricking breastplate after every 10 battles.
      Remember, losing troops not only counts against your score but also means you get fewer experience points.

      • 1 year ago

        >No reason to keep using animals past the very early game
        Look at this guy that never found out about the power of double Royal Snake Rings combined with Feanora as your wife.

        • 1 year ago

          Animals are fricking terrible. Their stats are in general really bad.

          >double Royal Snake Rings combined with Feanora
          So a whooping total of +6 poison damage for snakes and doubled base attack for snakes and spiders? Does it also fix their terrible initiative and speed? Give them flight maybe? Ranged attacks? Useful abilities, at least? Frick all. They will still be dying by the dozens per average combat. Without protecting your other troops because they are too slow and act too late.
          While instead you could have 2* +10% to XPs and, say, +1 morale for elves.

          • 1 year ago

            >So a whooping total of +6 poison damage for snakes and doubled base attack for snakes and spiders?
            Yes, that's double their base damage and attack also improves that greatly depending on how much defence the enemies have. Royal Snakes quite literally have 6 initiative, the most out of any early game unit and are only beaten by the late game 7 initiative units like dragons. You can improve their intiative and speed using the snake boots, too.
            It's a fun archetype and certainly goes against your notion that "animals are not worth using past the very early game". Why are you even obsessing with meta builds? I beat the game on hard and snakes carried me through a lot of the midgame. This is not a competitive multiplayer game.
            And G-d be my witness, Feanora is cute.

            • 1 year ago

              >Yes, that's double their base damage and attack also improves that greatly
              Assuming they reach the target quickly enough. Or at all, sometimes.

              >Royal Snakes
              So you use up two artifact slots for just one troop type? LOL

              >You can improve their intiative and speed using the snake boots, too.
              I can also not move the goalpost by adding another equipment slot into the equation.

              >It's a fun archetype

              >and certainly goes against your notion that "animals are not worth using past the very early game".
              LOL no.

              >Why are you even obsessing with meta builds?
              LMAO. But sure, let's pretend you're not butthurt by your bold claim being disproven.

              • 1 year ago

                I will not continue this conversation if you will quoting piecemeal like a moron. Either learn to write proper paragraphs or sod off to some crappy forum.
                Yes, you are indeed doing exactly what metagays are doing — trying to disregard perfectly viable strategies as something that's not worth doing when I know from experience it is indeed worth doing. I've had plenty of battles where those snakes indeed reached the enemy and had time to use their no-retaliation ability. Meanwhile all you can do is compare late game armies like Elves to a versatile midgame setup that fits many other builds.
                I do not even know what you're attempting here, saying "my bold claim is being disproven". I beat the game using that fun army composition as a stepping stone to other builds so that alone is a testament to this composition being viable.

  6. 1 year ago

    It's actually great.

  7. 1 year ago

    It's okay, but I really didn't like how all-or-nothing the combat is. If you lose a bunch of units in battle, even if you win the actual battle, you might as well reload immediately.

    • 1 year ago

      Eventually you accumulate enough gold that it stops being a live-or-die kind of deal. Plus there are consumables (eggs, coffins and so on) that let you instantly get some chaff to throw at an obstacle.
      But the real problem is the number of combats is limited, and thus the number of just XPs alone is limited. And then there are "X after Y battles" bonuses, like from artifacts. And then there are those rage chest thingies.

    • 1 year ago

      You should be aiming for a no-loss run anyway

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, it's basically unplayable without liberal use of resurrection spells

      • 1 year ago

        Far from it. First, get Inquisitors and always keep them at maximum number allowed by leadership. Second, fill the other four slots with strongest ranged creatures you can find. Slow down melee enemies with spells.
        It's baffling that they thought keeping this is fine while the spell that used to enable using all-undead armies fell victim to balancitism in one of the patches, along with Armageddon no longer dealing 100% fire damage (it's now 50% fire and 50% astral - one big irresistible frick you to the player).

        • 1 year ago

          Aren't they the unit with a resurrection spell as an ability, basically bringing it back to liberal use of resurrection spells?

          • 1 year ago

            Yes. Also their resurrection ability affects L5 creatures unlike the hero spell at maximum tier.

            Yeah, and no HoMM has been made by the devs of HOMM 1-3 since Ubisoft got the IP.
            KB is still not a HoMM clone when it is a clone-tinuation of the old KB games, just like Heroes of Might and Ubisoft.

            >KB is still not a HoMM clone when it is a clone-tinuation of the old KB games
            There is only one "old KB game" and as I've posted already the new games are only similar to it, not really quite like a proper sequel. The name was taken for brand recognition among HoMM fans.

            • 1 year ago

              The Megadrive game is real time, it is pretty much a different game just due to that.

              • 1 year ago

                How is that playable? You'd be completely fricked early game on the higher difficulties. Is the combat TB at least?

  8. 1 year ago

    >just another soulless homm clone
    How many of those can you name?

    • 1 year ago

      It's less of a HoMM clone and more of a real-time adventure game with combat very similar to HoMM.

      You only have one hero and you get warped to the king's castle on defeat, King's Bounty-style. That's about the only thing the game has genuinely inherited from the original beside the name.
      You can also defeat guardians of various castles but instead of actually gaining ownership of them you just get a shop and 3 garrison slots which are only there so you can dump excess troops you don't want to sack for whatever reason. Even the one castle that is not owned by anyone initially, the one on the same island as the king's castle, is like that. You defeat the monsters and there's suddenly a shop selling scrolls and items. Without anyone actually being there. In other cases there is at least some kind of regent (or butler, I guess) who gives you some blurb explaining why he is there and why it's not you running the things now.
      You also don't get to build anything as some anon has already mentioned.
      Creature dwellings also do not get re-populated weekly (unless plague) because the adventure map is in real time. Dwellings get re-populated a few times on advancing the main quest and, if I'm not misremembering, some specific dwellings also get refilled on completion of some side quests.
      You even don't get boats the same way you do in King's Bounty because there you can only have one and have to constantly pay rent for it and here you can buy one per game map and it just stays wherever you've left it.
      Adventure map spells are a huge deal in King's Bounty, while here they are simply absent. The devs have added some in the sequels but they still don't work anywhere like adventure map spells in what's supposed to be the namesake for the series.
      You only get the adventure map flying thing in the second game, "Armored Princess", and only past midgame. In King's Bounty you can get it on the very first continent on higher difficulties, RNG willing.
      The list goes on and on.

    • 1 year ago

      NTA. Don't know about the presence or the lack of soul, but I can name: Disciples, Age of Wonders, Lords of Magic, Hero's Hour, Songs of Conquest, Discord Times, Lords of the Realm II (I guess), Heroes of Flatlandia

      • 1 year ago

        >Disciples, Age of Wonders
        >Lords of the Realm II (I guess)
        Have you played any of them? They play nothing like HoMM games besides being TB strategies with fantasy worlds.

      • 1 year ago

        Lords of the realm existed alongside HOMM. Anyway, you forgot Legends of Eisenwald, in concept it is the closest to Katauri's KB (but with a realistic style).

        More like a lot of people shill it because they're from the same country and desperately want something their people have made to be seen as good.

        Speaking of gamers from "that country", I feel like the only people I ever see talking about and playing HOMM3 are from there, but I never hear them talk about or play KB. I only know about KB because I played it at a GameStop sometime during high school without knowing what it was, and then for years wondering what was the name of that game I played where you right clicked to move a horse around.

        >that country
        Why are you homosexuals are afraid to call Russia Russia? Afraid that hurts ukrainean feelings or something?

        • 1 year ago

          There's no such country

  9. 1 year ago

    It's better than all of the HoMM games.

  10. 1 year ago

    >somehow missed this game, is it actually good or just another soulless homm clone?
    The Kings Bounty and HoMM franchises were litterally started by the same people, and KB came first.

    • 1 year ago

      Except this is a completely unrelated game but unrelated developer and publisher. They got the right to use the name and kept some of the mechanics similar.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, and no HoMM has been made by the devs of HOMM 1-3 since Ubisoft got the IP.
        KB is still not a HoMM clone when it is a clone-tinuation of the old KB games, just like Heroes of Might and Ubisoft.

  11. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      That's what he gets for being a warrior. Picrel is mage.

  12. 1 year ago

    Campaign is fun at start but gets repetitive fast.

  13. 1 year ago
  14. 1 year ago

    i found it really boring and repetitive but as you can see a lot of people love it. would recommend trying before you buy

    • 1 year ago

      More like a lot of people shill it because they're from the same country and desperately want something their people have made to be seen as good.

      • 1 year ago

        Speaking of gamers from "that country", I feel like the only people I ever see talking about and playing HOMM3 are from there, but I never hear them talk about or play KB. I only know about KB because I played it at a GameStop sometime during high school without knowing what it was, and then for years wondering what was the name of that game I played where you right clicked to move a horse around.

        • 1 year ago

          HoMM games are also very popular in Poland and most ex-commieblock countries. KB is somewhat known but the average player is too young to even know it exists, yes.
          The question of why KB's name was chosen for brand recognition was often raised back in the day. But at least it was somewhat known and definitely related to HoMM.

          • 1 year ago

            >The question of why KB's name was chosen
            Probably because it's a remake of the original KB? Well, to an extent, since the original is more of a very long puzzle game

            • 1 year ago

              I read somewhere that the dev was making a heavily KB inspired game that was supposed to be its own franchise but sometime along the way the publisher got rights to the King's Bounty name so they called it that for brand recognition.

            • 1 year ago

              >Probably because it's a remake of the original KB?
              If you played the original you'd know that this bullshit you've read somewhere is bullshit.

  15. 1 year ago

    Or, since we're talking about something as unlikely as having two copies of a highly desirable artefact, you could have two of either:
    +100% attack for ranged troops with weapons (as opposed to natural attacks);
    +50% rage income for about 50 combats;
    +4 intellect, +15 mana, also 10 magic runes after 50 combats;
    +30% to the power of fire spells;
    +20% HPs for both vampire types, the only undead troops worth keeping ever, and also +300 leadership.

  16. 1 year ago

    >soulless homm clone?
    It's a remake of the game that predates HoMM by 5 years.

    Fricking zoomers.

  17. 1 year ago

    it's good-ish but can be a bit repetitive imo

  18. 1 year ago

    I really tried to get into this for 2-3 times but never managed. Same with Overlord game where you control goblins squads.

    • 1 year ago

      You need to play a mage in the first two games. They might have rebalanced the classes in the later titles, I don't know.

  19. 1 year ago

    Homm is unironically a Kings Bounty clone.

    That being said, KB is good but if you played one edition you've played them all

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