I think I know why the June Nintendo Direct was dismantled

and released piece by piece

Nintendo scared of backlash because Goldeneye has russia in it


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  1. 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    It's one third-party announcement. I really doubt Nintendo would delay a presentation over it. Now if it was first-party, it would be a different story.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, MS will announce Goldeneye

    • 2 years ago

      You're underestimating how hard Nintendo is bleeding this year. Just no good releases lined up.

      • 2 years ago

        Nintendo has Xenoblade 3, Splatoon 3, Mario + Rabbids, Pokémon, and Bayonetta 3. They also got out Kirby and Nintendo Switch Sports earlier this year. If that's "bleeding" in your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you.

        • 2 years ago

          Nothing that people care about, what's out already was quickly forgotten about. Kirby? Instantly forgotten about Switch Sports? Wii U Sports 2 more like. Everyone forgot about them and Nintendo has no major title for this year.

          • 2 years ago

            Kirby is single-player focused for one, but I've seen it brought up as a highlight for this year quite a lot already. Switch Sports on the other hand is still selling consistently among the console's big casual audience. The only real flop Nintendo has had this year is Mario Strikers.

            Even with all that, are you acting like Splatoon and Pokémon at minimum won't make a lot of waves among release? That's just out of touch.

            • 2 years ago

              pokemon will sell, but who will care? Brilliant Diamond and Pearl also sold, but can you believe those games aren't even a year old? Nobody even remembers them. Nintendo has nothing worth playing this year.

              • 2 years ago

                This. It's the third pokemon we're getting in a year and bdsp and pla didn't have staying power. It's hard to give a frick anymore. It's the mcdonalds of games, sells and is comfortably familiar but it's shit in the grand scheme of things. Disposable experiences only get relecant by memes and porn

              • 2 years ago

                This is what Nintendo achieved this gen. Wii U sold like crap because the games were crap. Switch sold well but enthusiasm in software drops to 0 shortly after release, this is the generation people realize Nintendo games kinda suck.

              • 2 years ago

                >Wii U sold like crap because the games were crap.
                the wii u sold like crap because it had bad marketing so people didnt know what it was
                bad specs which drove away third parties from porting anything since last gen Xbox360 and ps3 games ran like shit on it
                no major games until mario odyssey
                and it was fairly expensive for what it was

                eventually by the time mario kart 8 came out, the wii u had a decent library of nintendo games, but the reputation damage was already done, there was no way to keep it alive for the full 5 years so they pulled the plug and made the switch

              • 2 years ago

                >the wii u sold like crap because it had bad marketing so people didnt know what it was
                This was only excuse for the first year, it was around from 2012-2017. Wii U always had the problems of none of the games being particularly good.

              • 2 years ago

                Well it had a few great games, but they weren't ones that stood out to consumers.
                >a sequel to the most standard 3D Mario game ever
                >another, seemingly by the numbers 2D Donkey Kong game
                >a sequel to a fairly niche action game
                >an open world JRPG with a divisive aesthetic direction and mechs
                >a new family-friendly third-person shooter
                >reused assets from other Mario games

                Compare that to a lot of games on other platforms, Nintendo or otherwise. These were most of the best games on Switch, and they could be genuinely fantastic. You just couldn't sell a console on these.

              • 2 years ago

                >Well it had a few great games
                You can keep saying this but it'll never be true. Tropical Freeze was bogged down with painfully easy and lame level design that followed the most blatant rule of 3's design in existence. It didn't se the world on fire because it wasn't good. 3D World was boring because it recycled so much from earlier games and did nothing interesting or stand out on its own, 0 identity. Bayonetta 2 was a step down in every way from the first and lets be honest, Nintendo will -NEVER- have the action game audience. Xenoblade X was a boring as frick game from top to bottom and its MMO tier combat only served to numb peoples minds, Splatoon was and is a broken mess that failed to deliver on its world design and basically felt like half a game.

                These games are not great in any regard, they're not finished, they're boring, and they're lame.

              • 2 years ago

                mario kart 8, smash 4 were great

              • 2 years ago

                Was definitely the case for me. I hacked my switch only to find that there's nothing I truly want to play. I'd stop after maybe half an hour tops because there's just not much that feels like it has any real meat on the bone, or that I don't feel I could be playing smoother on another system. The portable gimmick was cool for the first year or two but now is just there and in some cases feels like a detriment since games have to work in it

              • 2 years ago

                >Wii U sold like crap because the games were crap.
                the wii u sold like crap because it had bad marketing so people didnt know what it was
                bad specs which drove away third parties from porting anything since last gen Xbox360 and ps3 games ran like shit on it
                no major games until mario odyssey
                and it was fairly expensive for what it was

                eventually by the time mario kart 8 came out, the wii u had a decent library of nintendo games, but the reputation damage was already done, there was no way to keep it alive for the full 5 years so they pulled the plug and made the switch

                The marketing and branding were the primary reason the WiiU tanked, but the library wasn't overall great either and that definitely hurt it further. A lot of the new first-party releases skewed heavily towards spinoff/heavily experimental territory. They went over better on Switch because they actually got to be spinoffs available in ADDITION to a "core" library consisting of types of games that people wanted.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay. Then do you agree with the other console makers? PlayStation has four big games this year, and God of War is easily the one most worth a damn. Horizon was alright but kind of fell to the sidelines of Elden Ring, Gran Turismo 7 was marred with problems, and almost nobody wanted nor needed the TLoU remake. Microsoft on the other hand delayed basically everything to 2023.

              • 2 years ago

                I do not like the games Sony is putting out but it's obvious there's an audience for things like God of War 2 or whatever. tlouredo is happening to tie in with the TV series and also to gauge future interest after the most discussed game of 2021 didn't break 10m or whatever. There's no denying their games stay in the public conscious far longer than Wii Sports Switch or whatever.

              • 2 years ago

                "Sure it will sell 20 million copies but that doesn't mean people 'care.' Instead of such antiquated metrics as money, I base relevance on twitch streams and forum posts.

              • 2 years ago

                yep, I want better games instead

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      they probably had the direct all ready and recorded but don't know what to do with that, and maybe a few other things had issues so they pulled them

      it was obvious something was wrong a few weeks before E3 when nintendo forgot to upload the weekly 3 hopes hype trailer and demo

      the persona collection, splatoon3 switch, new nso games, nier automata would have been half of a direct

      • 2 years ago

        It was obvious the Direct was edited down. The announcer said they'd show off games for 2022 and then the next 4 were for 2023

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I agree. Just think there had to be a big reason they suddenly cut down whatever presentation they had planned, although maybe it was just a lot of shit hitting the fan around the same time.

        • 2 years ago

          >aonuma sends botw2 trailer to management to put into nintendo direct
          management: this looks just like botw1! wtf have you been doing the past 5 years? you're gonna ruin the company! we're not showing this!
          aonuma: prease undastando

          • 2 years ago

            BotW2 is going to be a massive shitshow and people aren't ready for it.

            • 2 years ago

              BoTW 2 is going to be a shitshow but it's going to get high 90s on metacritic and everyone defending it because it's Nintendo.
              I can already see it.
              >Nintendo put a lot of work into the overworld, it's fine that it's the same!
              >Uhhh framerate doesn't really matter. I'm perfectly fine with it running like that and you should too
              >I don't even notice it when the game dips.
              >You should be thankful we have this game at all
              >Yeah, Covid took its toll hard on this one but good on Nintendo for releasing it for us.

  3. 2 years ago

    Isn't the code property of Rare, and Rare itself is property of Microsoft? Why Nintendo would have anything on them, since their license was for only one game?

    • 2 years ago

      Why would Rare own the code when Nintendo was the publisher?

    • 2 years ago

      Why would Rare own the code when Nintendo was the publisher?

      It's a fricked up nightmare of legal issues
      IIRC Rare owns the game code, Nintendo owns the publishing rights to the game, and the rights to portraying James Bond in any type of media is owned by whoever the frick owns James bond

      • 2 years ago

        >and the rights to portraying James Bond in any type of media is owned by whoever the frick owns James bond
        Danjaq already signed off on a game

  4. 2 years ago

    >Nintendo scared of backlash because Goldeneye has russia in it

    Bullshit speculation. Why would Western players be offended by killing Russians when the media portrays them as enemies? I think it's just licencing issues: a party or parties want more money than Nintendo is prepared to offer.

    • 2 years ago

      probably dont want to wake up to headlines like:
      nintendo releases anti-russian game on eve of russian offensive
      or be accused of glorifying violence or whatever
      you know how game "journalists" are

  5. 2 years ago

    >Advance Wars (remake of 20 year old GBA games) delayed indefinitely because muh war
    >Goldeneye 007 (rerelease of 25 year old N64 game) in stasis because muh war
    Nintendo does beyond moronic things to be this child friendly loving company but behind closed doors unleash lawsuits after lawsuits of fangames and stalk random people because they hacked their Wii U. Frick Nintendo

    • 2 years ago

      Frick that homosexual Zelensky. I'm no Putingay either, but Zelensky's acting like an incredibly arrogant homosexual. Casually demanding 750 billion more dollars from the world (aka mostly from America) for "rebuilding after the war" and outright saying the world is OBLIGATED to give him that money. Just what does this Black person think Ukraine is? Israel 2.0?

      • 2 years ago

        >casually demanding 750 billion more dollars from the world (aka mostly from America) for "rebuilding after the war" and outright saying the world is OBLIGATED to give him that money.
        its why America is gonna pay Russia to nuke Ukraine

      • 2 years ago

        Because westBlack folk are funding the war by buying Russian gas. Ukraine could just blow up the pipes to leave Russia without resources but they prefer to have western allies instead.

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    >yeah just make the internet more accessible to everyone
    >nothing will go wrong
    >yeah dont ban phoneposters
    >nothing will go wrong

  8. 2 years ago

    Wait wait are we really getting a goldeneye rerelease?

    • 2 years ago

      >rumors of goldeneye coming to nso for months
      >xbox achievements were leaked
      >goldeneye documentary released late last month which was probably supposed to coincide with release
      it was probably supposed to drop on xb1 and switch last month, but delayed

      • 2 years ago

        Sheiiiit that's awesome

      • 2 years ago

        wasn't the goldeneye video cut content from rare replay or was it a different video

        • 2 years ago

          nah, its a new documentary with new interviews with former staff and random game industry people, it's called "goldenera"
          wasn't too many new tidbits in it, 99% stuff that most people know already

    • 2 years ago

      doing a lil digging, apparently some achievements list was leaked.
      No sure what it has to do with nintendo tho

      • 2 years ago

        I sure hope it's actually gets released

      • 2 years ago

        >No sure what it has to do with nintendo tho
        nintendo prevented goldeneye from releasing on XBLA many years ago, and they can hold it back again

  9. 2 years ago

    You want the real truth?
    Pierce Brosnan is blocking the re-release because it doesn't have enough BBWs in it

  10. 2 years ago

    your leak was nothing but lies
    have a nice day homosexual

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