I want honest, non shitposting answers only.

I want honest, non shitposting answers only. Which game aged better and had a more timeless and profound affect on the industry as a whole?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Neither had any impact on the industry at all, neither did anything groundbreaking

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick are you talking about? DMC basically created the hack n slash genre.

      • 2 years ago

        Hack & slash existed long before DMC. It was a spinoff of beat 'em up. DMC created the refined form of the genre known as character action/stylish action, depending on who you ask. GoW is actually more of a hack & slash than DMC.

        Neither had any impact on the industry at all, neither did anything groundbreaking

        See above
        Repopularized excessive gore and violence and popularized QTEs.

        Both games also spawned an army of clones and copycats

  2. 2 years ago

    GoW aged better, DMC had a bigger impact

    • 2 years ago


      DMC1 isn't made any favors by starting out as a Resident Evil title, it has some baggage left from early phases of development which is why it's so different from future installments and it focuses more on ""puzzles"" and things like swimming sections and the like. In comparison GoW 1 is an expansive greek tale that revels in its spectacle even if it doesn't require as much skill

  3. 2 years ago

    DMC cover art looks like something I could put together in Gmod

  4. 2 years ago

    GoW immediately loses for being western troony shit.

  5. 2 years ago

    God of War had more clones made in its style due to being more streamlined than DMC
    >Dantes Inferno
    >Sonic Unleashed
    >Castlevania Lord of Shadows
    >Darksiders 1
    >X-Men Origins Wolverine
    I'm sure there's more, but these all have the same simplistic combat as God of War.

    That being said, DMC is the better game.
    And Ninja Gaiden is better than both DMC and GoW

    • 2 years ago

      >GOW clones
      Meanwhile the original GOW before Santa Monica Studios trying to steal the concept of it

  6. 2 years ago

    game on the left is for white people
    game on the right is for Black folk
    hope that answers your question

  7. 2 years ago

    DMC1 is the second best game in it's series and hasn't aged a day. DMC1 is the only one to have ANY effect on the video game industry. You can see action games before DMC1 and action games after DMC1. It's a night and day difference.

  8. 2 years ago

    Gow had way more impact and sold more, everyone copied the qte's, the scale of the game, the combo rank, upgrade system, exploration etc

    Dmc only got good with dmc 3

    • 2 years ago

      >everyone copied the qte's
      anon, it was shenmue that introduced that shit, GoW was copying shenmue

      • 2 years ago

        Shenmue was too niche for QTEs to catch on. In the video game industry, it really doesn't matter who did something first. It's who made it catch on that matters.

  9. 2 years ago

    The only thing the original DMC had over the original GOW for me was the aesthetic of the levels, enemies and the puzzles. GOW 1 felt more fun to play despite being somewhat simpler, had better music and protagonist because hes a walking, talking Greek tragedy. Overall both of these games were inspired by others but GOW definitely had more people trying to copy how its simplistic combat and tone of revenge.

    • 2 years ago

      >protagonist because hes a walking, talking Greek tragedy

      • 2 years ago

        I find Kratos much more entertaining than Dante.

        • 2 years ago

          >i killed muh wife in blind rage
          >greek tragedy
          Didn't ask

          • 2 years ago

            Yes thats all more interesting to me than Dante is.

  10. 2 years ago

    GoW, DMC is just discount re with everything being mediocre

  11. 2 years ago

    Dmc is a joke compared to God of War 1

    Dmc 1 you're stuck in a shitty castle and a boring looking colosseum

    In God of War you go from crazy sea battles with Hydras, to Athens, to deserts, the back of Cronos
    It also has more puzzles, better bosses, more enemy types, better soundtrack, better graphics, animations, longer etc
    Dmc simply can't compete

  12. 2 years ago

    Tough call. I want to say DMC because its clones are better.

    DMC1 was solidly more fun than GoW in repeat play through unlocking things, while GoW was very impressive on PS2 hardware by the end I fricking hated the QTEs. The eased up on the Minotaur button mash in GoW2 but it just felt so much less interesting despite playing better. DMC on the other hand while 2 was a dip down got 3 which was a big step up.

    God of War clones were things like Lord of Shadows, not bad, but not great either. Devil May Cry on the other hand pumped out some good games in its own series, Bayonetta, Nier Auto even feels like it borrows a tiny bit, and hell even cheapo knock offs like Blades of Time actually play well. GoW I beat it, enjoyed it, and never wanted to button mash like that again.

    So yea DMC aged better despite the camera kinda being shit because it has less annoying parts to go back to and its impact and success were more repeatable.

  13. 2 years ago

    The guy who made GoW has a troon son.

  14. 2 years ago

    dmc wasn’t good until 3.

  15. 2 years ago

    GOW1 is the better game but DMC1 laid the groundwork for it. DMC1 had more impact.

  16. 2 years ago
  17. 2 years ago

    still the king

    • 2 years ago

      >Shits the bed Sands of Time made
      No thanks.

  18. 2 years ago

    I played DMC on release thinking it would be good but it is fricking shit, it was so terrible, only a handful of different enemies too.
    I played GoW more recently in the HD version and I really like it. I play CoO on PSP before so I knew what to expect.
    I would say GoW is a better game but DMC had more impact on the genre as GoW is more casualized

  19. 2 years ago

    GoW1 is a better game, and anyone who says otherwise is coping.

    Here's the thing though. GoW1 is a better game due to production value, not its game design. And what made DMC1 remarkable was its game design. As a result, you can have games that imitate DMC for the better, but you can't say the same for GoW. That's why few GoW clones managed to be anything but, while DMC1 is the root of a whole gamut of games, from Ultrakill to Ninja Gaiden to Furi to Bayonetta. If it weren't for DMC there would be no Nioh and no Metal Gear Rising.

    Comparing a game to DMC is a praise, it's a selling point. Saying a game is like GoW is red flag. And while you can't make for production value with game design alone, you can carry that game design into projects with better production value. That's why DMC has only gotten better with time, and even its worst games (and it nearly died, twice) had some sort of positive influences on their sequels, while GoW is a franchise that's never been sure of where it wants to go.

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