I will never understand the people who prefer either of the Galaxy games to Sunshine or 64.

I will never understand the people who prefer either of the Galaxy games to Sunshine or 64. And no I am not a nostalgiahomosexual for Sunshine/64, I played all of these games for the first time last year and Galaxy was by far the most boring experience out of all of them. The only redeeming quality it has is Rosalina.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Sunshine is just stupid and well mario 64 is a bit outdated. They should remake it for switch 2 then it would be about as good as galaxy

    • 12 months ago

      Mario 64 plays just as well today as it did back when it came out. Which is a good thing unless you're a zoomer homosexual who can't handle low poly graphics and a primitive camera.

      64>galaxy>>>>>>>>[...] dogshit>sunshine

      This but unironically

      Sunshine mogs Galaxy with its movement alone. The setting and copious amounts of soul are just a bonus.

      • 12 months ago

        >dude what if we made the player play not one but two slot machines
        "Seems kinda unnecessary but o-
        >and then have then play a very Frustrating panel flipping game
        "Dude what the fu-
        >and have them do a secret course at the end!
        FRICK sunshine

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Sunshine is full of "those" moments for no fricking reason. So much antifun bullshit

        • 12 months ago

          this is what no one can deny, Sunshine had so many moments that were frustrating and unfun

          I still like it the best for the physics, is always fun to slip and slide around while I'm not too fond of galaxy's floatyness

          • 12 months ago

            >dude what if we made the player play not one but two slot machines
            "Seems kinda unnecessary but o-
            >and then have then play a very Frustrating panel flipping game
            "Dude what the fu-
            >and have them do a secret course at the end!
            FRICK sunshine

            also the no long jump is a legit flaw, jumping and slowly hover nozzling is so shitty compated to simply long jumping and even worse than the luma spin as a double jump

      • 12 months ago

        "Movement" is a shit argument that puts only one component of the gameplay in a vacuum. The level design of Galaxy does not lend itself to Sunshine-like movement and even then the movement goes way beyond just base Mario in Galaxy. Even granting the argument, Galaxy is better than Sunshine in every other way.

  2. 12 months ago

    i like funny noises wiimote makes

  3. 12 months ago

    64 and Galaxy are fondly remembered, while Sunshine gets most of the shit

  4. 12 months ago




    • 12 months ago

      This but unironically

      • 12 months ago

        Who said I was being ironic?

  5. 12 months ago

    The hover pack was a neat mechanic. It just didn't feel like a Mario game.
    Also "the part of Florida where all the old people are" just wasn't an appealing setting.

  6. 12 months ago
  7. 12 months ago

    Sunshine would be a great game if it was finished. It's so unfinished they had to force you to do most of each level and add a ton of padding on top of that just to get in the same ballpark as 64. It lacks the level of polish they showed they could give us with Luigi's Mansion and the setting while nice was very samey resulting in an honestly very middling Mario game and the one I find myself returning to the least. It and WW are casualties of deadlines, great fundamentals, much less content.

    • 12 months ago

      Sunshine would be even better if it was finished, but what's there is still better than Galaxy. The secret of the X platforming challenges alone provided more satisfaction than anything I encountered in Galaxy.

      • 12 months ago

        The secret levels are short as frick and there's only a few that stand out. Lest we forget trash like pachinko, chuckster and go down a hill you basically can't fail level.

  8. 12 months ago

    It was the first Mario I didn't bother to 100% and couldn't wait to beat the game by the time I got the 60th one. Most of the planets were fricking lame and felt like uninspired indie-shit, And it was also one of many examples why the Wiimote is the worst controller ever created. It would've been better without it. The OST is one the best in the entire series though. That's the only thing it has going for it.

    • 12 months ago

      I see people suck off the Galaxy OST constantly and yet I swear I can't remember even a single track from the game that sounds good. It's all the same orchestrated slop that blends together. Compare that with the Delfino Plaza theme, which is instantly recognizable and insanely memorable. Orchestra =/= instantly good.

      • 12 months ago

        if you say you can't remember a single track from galaxy that sounds good youre lying

        • 12 months ago

          I didn't say it sounds bad, it just isn't memorable. You're telling me you'd hum this to yourself while taking a shower or mowing the lawn??

          What a moronic post. People don't say it's good just because it's orchestrated, and just because your dumbass brain can't remember any tracks doesn't mean other people can't.

          The full orchestra is literally the only thing people praise when it comes to the soundtrack. No one ever brings up specific tracks that they liked or remember. Even the anon above me probably just grabbed some random track off youtube.

          • 12 months ago

            >The full orchestra is literally the only thing people praise when it comes to the soundtrack. No one ever brings up specific tracks that they liked or remember
            But this is completely and unequivocally wrong and you're massively moronic

          • 12 months ago


            It was the first Mario I didn't bother to 100% and couldn't wait to beat the game by the time I got the 60th one. Most of the planets were fricking lame and felt like uninspired indie-shit, And it was also one of many examples why the Wiimote is the worst controller ever created. It would've been better without it. The OST is one the best in the entire series though. That's the only thing it has going for it.

            again! Here are some random songs that usually come into my head. I'll start with the most obscure one that I never hear people talk about compared to the legends:

            Cool remix of a SMB3 classic

            Final Boss theme reminded me of the beginning of the SAW theme (very popular franchise at the time) and I am reminded of each whenever I come across something SMG or SAW related:

            And then of course, of the most popular ones, for good reason. Even my dad said he liked it when I first got to this stage in the background:

          • 12 months ago

            i like that track a lot thats why i posted it. I listen to heavy metal while i mow the lawn but if youre talking about humming i'd probably hum gusty garden galaxy or the observatory theme

          • 12 months ago

            >I didn't say it sounds bad, it just isn't memorable.

            I see people suck off the Galaxy OST constantly and yet I swear I can't remember even a single track from the game that sounds good. It's all the same orchestrated slop that blends together. Compare that with the Delfino Plaza theme, which is instantly recognizable and insanely memorable. Orchestra =/= instantly good.

            >yet I swear I can't remember even a single track from the game that sounds good.

            • 12 months ago

              Okay, I'm moronic, I'll admit. The examples ITT are pretty good but I will stand by the fact that they're not very memorable and tend to blend together.

              • 12 months ago

                they r very memorable i used to hum the observatory theme all the time

      • 12 months ago

        What a moronic post. People don't say it's good just because it's orchestrated, and just because your dumbass brain can't remember any tracks doesn't mean other people can't.

  9. 12 months ago

    idk why zoomers seem to love sunshine so fricking much

    • 12 months ago

      It's Gamecube babbies, they are insufferable

  10. 12 months ago

    Galaxy 2 is better than 1 imo, it's more polished and challenging.

  11. 12 months ago

    I love Sunshine but galaxy's atmosphere, aesthetics and most of all MUSIC were fricking outstanding. Enough that I still go back to it way more than Sunshine.

  12. 12 months ago

    It's ok anon, everyone has shit taste for something, super mario wonder may be more your style in gameplay there is even an elephant mario, exciting right?

  13. 12 months ago

    As an adult while the objectives in 64 and Sunshine aren't very challenging, you engage yourself by imposing the self-challenge of using Mario's moveset to traverse and finish each course as quickly or efficiently as possible. It's satisfying to absolutely fly through tick tock clock or the fludless levels as an adult remembering how tough they felt as a kid.

    In Galaxy Mario's moveset was dumbed down to the point where this sort of gameplay is no longer possible, which is why it feels so boring as an adult.

  14. 12 months ago

    Its entirely down to preference. If you're not that into the sandbox stuff, then the more linear offerings of Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2 are going to appeal more. Hell the latter's my favorite 3D Mario of all time because its tight level design without the identity crisis of Galaxy 1's semi-open levels, and still with better aesthetics and 3D World.

  15. 12 months ago

    Outstanding aesthetic direction in terms of both visuals and OST, focused platforming level designs instead of sandboxes, planetary physics and gravity shenanigans. Sure, the movement mechanics are dialed down and the first game in particular is a bit on the easy side but it's not hard to figure it out. People who like to do the speedrunner strats aren't going to have much fun with these.

  16. 12 months ago

    some of the textures in galaxy look like perforated cardboard

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