If a 6th gen game has PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox versions, what's the best one to emulate?

If a 6th gen game has PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox versions, what's the best one to emulate?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Dolphin because its more advanced and has higher compatibility than the ps2/xbox emulators

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah usually Dolphin because the emulation is superior. There's gonna be cases where the PS2 version is just way better though. If you had real hardware then definitely Xbox in 99% of cases but unfortunately Xbox emulation isn't at that stage yet

      • 5 months ago

        >There's gonna be cases where the PS2 version is just way better though
        If PlayStation 2 emulation was as good as Gamecube emulation, this would be true in most cases. Gaming mags of the time always went on about how Gamecube ports were always the worse option because content usually had to be cut to make games fit on the Gamecube's much smaller discs. I've heard recently that PCSX2 is much better than it used to be, so we might have already arrived at the point where a PS2 port is the better one to emulate and people just don't know it from having to put up with Gamecube ports for so long.

        • 5 months ago

          PS2 is usable now, but GC has support for hd texture packs, widescreen, handles higher resolutions better. It's just hands down better if you're emulating. As far as the consoles go, the Xbox is gonna be the best looking, but I tend to go for PS2 because og Xbox controllers are ass

        • 5 months ago

          Dolphin is still the best 6th gen emulator but PS2 emulation has made A LOT of progress in the last couple of years. Just make sure to get the latest nightly version of PCSX2 on their website and NOT the ancient stable version

  2. 5 months ago

    I think they're all close for me it goes ps2>xbox>gamecube but the emulators are best for gamecube>ps2>xbox I think

    That generation is the closest they are too a tie for all 3

  3. 5 months ago

    Depends on the main platform games were build for
    If emulation were perfect it would be
    Xbox > PS2 > GC
    PS2 > Xbox > GC

    • 5 months ago

      Killer7 is better on GC than PS2 (But it also has a PC port now)

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah that's also true for RE4, but both pointless nowadays. RE4 also have some great mods.
        Viewtiful Joe is also much better on GameCube, despite missing content.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, the teams Capcom put on PS2 port jobs really shit the bed.

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      He said 6th gen
      >But my hecking dreamcastarino is so kino and it was actually the first 6th gen
      Thats marketing, it has more shared ports with N64 and Ps1 than it has shared ports of xbox/ps2 games
      >But it's so heckin great look at the library
      It was good for sports titles and arcade ports.

      • 5 months ago

        >durr why dreamcast not get more ports for games from 2003-2008

    • 5 months ago

      6th gen, not 5.5

  5. 5 months ago

    Now that I think about it. Is there a good 6th gen game that doesn't have a PC port today?

    • 5 months ago

      Many the list would be too big

      • 5 months ago

        the better question is if there is 6th gen multiplatform that is not on pc

        • 5 months ago

          I would not play turok evolution on pc, and is one of the rare cases where the xbox one is the best version

        • 5 months ago

          Many games from that era aren't very good ports to begin with. Ports before 2010 are hit or miss.
          Unless Xbox emulation becomes better we can't be sure as comparison on low res is harder. Some effects are missing on PCSX2 sometimes.
          There are also cases like
          Splinter Cell 1 is better on Xbox
          Splinter Cell CT is better on PC

  6. 5 months ago

    It's usually a case by case thing. Xbox emulation is still in its infancy so I'd say forget that unless it's an xbox exclusive game. They all have their own wikis so before playing a game look it up on the Dolphin or PCSX2 wiki and pick whichever one reportedly has the least amount of bugs and performance issues.

  7. 5 months ago

    dolphin has the best emulation because the gc is the weakest console
    pcsx2 is spotty but can get by
    xbox has like 6 games that can be emulated it seems

    • 5 months ago

      You can emulate most of the Xbox's library between Cxbx-Reloaded and Xemu at this point. You just need to keep swapping back and forth between the two depending on the game. Which is made even more annoying by the fact that Xemu only supports XISO, whilst Cxbx-Reloaded only supports launching XBEs directly. Neither supports unmodified Redump ISOs or CHDs and both have dismissed the possibility of adding support.

      I hate emudevs so much.

      • 5 months ago

        >I hate emudevs so much
        Not really an emulator but the nintendont devs don't let you remap the controls

      • 5 months ago

        >Neither supports unmodified Redump ISOs
        Literally nothing supports unmodified Redump Xbox ISOs because the format they use is trash. It's not meant to be played, it's meant to be preserved.

    • 5 months ago

      >because the gc is the weakest console
      PS2 is weaker
      Also Nintendo consoles tend to get emulators the quickest in general

      • 5 months ago

        gc's specs are much tamer and entirely sub-pc, meanwhile this has no equal and needs higher spec to match thru hacks and other tricks

        • 5 months ago

          explain why Sonic Heroes was locked to 30FPS on PS2 then

          • 5 months ago

            shit port by a team that didn't care
            Explain why you'd use a universally agreed upon to be bad game as your argument

            • 5 months ago

              If GC was more underpowered compared to ps2 why did it almost always have better graphics?

              • 5 months ago

                Did it?

              • 5 months ago

                gr8 b8 i r8 8/8

        • 5 months ago

          The design decisions in your picrel made PS2 difficult to program for more than anything else. The ports of Dreamcast games that it got in the beginning like Rayman 2 or Dead or Alive 2 often looked or ran worse. Ofc, after a few years developers learned how to tame PS2's unusual architecture and games that look amazing to this day started coming out. When you compare Soul Calibur II to Soul Calibur III it's difficult to believe that those games run on the exact same hardware. But that makes me wonder: how would the 6th gen have gone had Microsoft and Nintendo released their consoles before PS2 and avoided making the mistakes they did? 7th gen proved that Sony's position was hardly unshakable.

          • 5 months ago

            Rayman 2 is a terrible game to name for "running worse" it's not an n64 port, it's a full visual remake with far better assets than any other version. It never at any points runs worse than the N64 version which never receives the same critique.

            • 5 months ago

              >it's a full visual remake with far better assets than any other version.
              That visual remake was not worth halving the frame rate during gameplay, but that's just my opinion.
              >It never at any points runs worse than the N64 version which never receives the same critique.
              Because hardly any 5th gen 3D game ran at 60 FPS. The hardware was just too weak for it. Then the Dreamcast came out and it changed people's ideas about what good performance was like. Comparing the PS2 version to the original N64 release that came out on a system that had 8 times less RAM (or 4 times less with Expansion Pack) and 3 times slower CPU is just disingenuous. Dreamcast is less powerful than PS2, had UbiSoft worked on the game for a year more and focused on what's important instead of adding open world and other useless additions we could have had all of those graphics improvements AND 60 FPS AND 480p at the same time, making it the true definitive version of Rayman 2. Sadly, all that has ever mattered for Ubisoft's execs is money and being a launch title always guarantees good sales, so they made the decisions they did. The same greed led to the cancellation of the original Rayman Raving Rabids concept and the game being turned into a series of minigames with Wiimote as a central feature, all just to be a Wii launch title. But I'm getting off-topic here. TL;DR: Dreamcast and PC versions are the best, Rayman Revolution sucks by comparison.

              • 5 months ago

                It's a boring opinion. We already had 4 versions that looked the same, revolution is a massive visual upgrade.
                >Then the Dreamcast came out and it changed people's ideas about what good performance was like
                And by the end of 2001 it was back to delivering the same low framerates from the previous gen. Revolution is the same game, if you don't like it you simply do not like rayman 2. Getting pissy and territorial over that game is like getting clingy over re4. It's on everything, what's wrong with you?

              • 5 months ago

                >Revolution is the same game
                >if you don't like it you simply do not like rayman 2
                False, again
                >Getting pissy and territorial over that game is like getting clingy over re4. It's on everything, what's wrong with you?
                I "get pissy" whenever I see obvious squandered potential, and it's obvious that Revolution is exactly that.

              • 5 months ago

                >False, again
                Weird hang ups over small additions seems to be the cornerstone of rayman 2 fanboys.
                >obvious squandered potential
                we got the high framerate version, lets get a version that looks good. Don't like it? You already have a wide selection. Just don't let me catch you b***hing about performance when you play the N64 version.

        • 5 months ago

          The PS2 was Sony thinking it was a smart idea to follow the same path as the N64 of "copy a SGI computer" and getting the same exact fricked up results that only got crutched by market momentum and the arrival of middleware, there is a reason they got a giant middle finger from devs when the PS3 happened

          • 5 months ago

            >The PS2 was Sony thinking it was a smart idea to follow the same path as the N64 of "copy a SGI computer"
            Fanfic, they were designing an entire graphics platform and it was a massive success.
            >and getting the same exact fricked up results
            Nope, from the word go games were looking a generation ahead. Tekken Tag demolishes every DC fighter, nothing on DC had the massive open areas of Smuggler's Run and the only game comparable to SSX, Trickstyle ran at a framerate in the teens on DC.
            >there is a reason they got a giant middle finger from devs when the PS3 happened

            • 5 months ago

              PS3 ended up last in that gen thanks to its redicilous hardware design that costed more and didnt even outperform the 360.
              Sony got back in gen 8 thanks to both MS and Nintendo fricking up bigtime
              And today Sony is a sad shadow of its former self, with a mere 25% marketshare and pretty much zero exclusives for their platform.

              • 5 months ago

                All fanfic

              • 5 months ago

                >PS3 ended up last in that gen
                Should we tell him...?

              • 5 months ago

                No point. The fanficcers live in their own world, anything to the contrary is discarded, the espousers labeled contrarian. Dare you go against his head canon?

              • 5 months ago

                Ps3 ans xbox 360 had a few games 360 had a lot more for whatever reason but neither of these have the amount the previous era had. I think it was the beginning of them caring less to put a bunch of stuff out. I think 2000-2008 is gonna be the biggest effort for games in general other than early arcades and nes

                Maybe I'm wrong but that's how it looks from my perspective

                The new PC simulators are entertaining though so I guess they have that goin for it

            • 5 months ago

              >Fanfic, they were designing an entire graphics platform and it was a massive success.
              Graphics aren't everything if the hardware the GPU's attached to is basically a N64 made by a meth smoker, also nice of you to handwave the sentiments about marketplace momentum carried over from PS1 and middleware making things easier for game devs with a single word like this is Ganker

  8. 5 months ago

    dolphin's easiest to emulate
    xbox was usually the best on original hardware (although there can be exceptions)

  9. 5 months ago

    quality of emulation: GC>PS2>Xbox
    quality of games: PS2>Xbox>GC
    personal opinion optimum setup:
    >GC - emulate
    >Fat PS2 + freemcboot memcard + games off internal SATA HDD or network share.
    >Xbox + cerbios on a modchip + XMBC4gamers dashboard on upgraded SATA HDD

  10. 5 months ago

    GCN versions of multiplats always suffer from the tiny discs. especially if you're turning up the resolution and making the shitty textures that much more obvious. Not an issue for first party games but in something like Big Red 1 its painful

  11. 5 months ago

    >phony gapestation
    >nofriendo gaycube
    >microshaft xcox

  12. 5 months ago

    Ganker hates arcade games and arcade ports now, grim, this used to be an autism safe board

  13. 5 months ago

    PS2 emulation is getting better, Xbox emulation is still bad but I honestly cant tell if Xemu is getting better I don't follow it. Xenia seems to be making good progress.

    Honestly real hardware is so much better for OG xbox but i don't care enough about the games like Otogi stranded on there to bother, and I'm not paying for them on a series X. I'd rather wait for the day either xbox emulation gets good enough to run those games with no problem (unlikely, Xbox doesn't have the critical mass of troon tendies to push the emulation to god tier) or I guess hardware just gets good enough in 20 years to brute force the accuracy issues.

    • 5 months ago

      >(unlikely, Xbox doesn't have the critical mass of troon tendies to push the emulation to god tier)
      cause it sucks

      • 5 months ago

        seething tendie

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