if i discovered a rpg i made when i was a youngster would you play it?

if i discovered a rpg i made when i was a youngster would you play it?

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  1. 3 years ago

    i meant to post this in Ganker hopefully it is fine here though

  2. 3 years ago

    Sure man. Is there anything special about it? Custom battle system? Did you make any sprites?

      • 3 years ago

        Push the release until you can guarantee your death.

      • 3 years ago

        >that um, that's not my picture, in fact it looks better than mine..
        Post a picture of your's then. We need to see something before we decide if it's worth our time

  3. 3 years ago

    Looks neat. When did you make this exactly?

  4. 3 years ago

    Only if at the end we get to watch you have a nice day

  5. 3 years ago

    >Remote mountainous Island with a big spooky castle
    Love this shit.

    • 3 years ago

      what do you like about it

      • 3 years ago

        It's cool

  6. 3 years ago

    Post the game

  7. 3 years ago

    the game i was originally talking about is called Era of Devolution, and it's probably just a waste of time because it's so janky and unpolished. but i included another project i worked on waybackwhen a Zelda fangame which i think is pretty enjoyable and has a few quality of life additions, definitely give that a go. i haven't touched these projects in a long long time so i hope it all works without a hitch.

    • 3 years ago

      Well I guess I should try it now. Bump, instead, because I don't presently feel like trying it

    • 3 years ago

      I tried both titles, OP. Era of Devolution starts me in middle of the ocean, unable to move anywhere. The Zelda one spawned me in a wall unable to move or enter the menu after leaving the Deku Tree's room; I tried it with both new game and the first existing save file.

      • 3 years ago

        i'm going to have to tweak them i reckon, change up the story of EoD and maybe i will finish the water temple on the zelda one as well

    • 3 years ago

      Sign me up boss!

  8. 3 years ago

    I remember all the kids trying to make their dbz rpg.

  9. 3 years ago

    nice try discord malware spreader

  10. 3 years ago

    I unironically trust files i get from tbp more than I trust files random people upload to Ganker

  11. 3 years ago

    Has anybody found this dude's thingies to be playable in some fashion, and if so what did that person think of them

    • 3 years ago

      i was hoping a few of you would try them out and roast me or have a bit of fun, the fact they wouldnt work for some of you is actually a bit of a surprise
      they were made with Ace if that makes any difference, maybe i can import them to a later version and fix them up
      EoD honestly needs to be scrapped and have a reboot lol, though i am proud of what the Zelda one was, a few minor tweaks and i reckon it could have been a bit of a cult classic, though that is probably embellishing it

      • 3 years ago

        I just tried them but I'm on Linux and they gave error messages in Wine. I don't feel like hunting down the reasons for the errors or booting Windows. Sorry!

        • 3 years ago

          Hey, it's been two hours since I reported this Linux-related bug in your games. Have you patched them yet? If not, what's holding you?

  12. 3 years ago

    Alright guys, I think I played through most of the content available in The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Evil's Bane. The full title of the game is only found in the game window's title bar. It's an RPG Maker title, either VX or VX Ace. I can't remember which of OP's games are which. I'm gonna share some screenshots and commentary for the curious.

    TL;DR: Skip. It's unfinished. The sloppiness of the writing and event triggers gives me the feeling OP didn't play his own game.

    • 3 years ago

      >The sloppiness of the writing and event triggers
      what do you mean?
      those screenshots take me way back, damn

      • 3 years ago

        Errors that could be corrected with proofreading.
        >event triggers
        I found several scenes that can trigger when they've already happened. I'll be pointing them out in my commentary.

        • 3 years ago

          did you enable the map in your inventory, it turns on a minimap, do you like it?

    • 3 years ago

      thanks anon, you have turned this into a quality thread.

  13. 3 years ago

    The game opens with Link hanging out in middle of the forest with a ghost when he hears the village call. Link's sprite is ripped from Minish Cap, which makes him small in comparison to the stock RPGM assets used on the map screens. There are a couple of chests with money and a shield to go with the sword and tunic Link starts with.

    • 3 years ago

      The very first map transition already places Link out of bounds. Fortunately the one direction we're allowed to move in puts Link back into the map. The village has Link's house, an item shop, a fighting guild arena, the Deku Tree, and the barest pub in the world. Link's house is a free resting point and has a map to be picked up. The pub has a chest with a Heart Piece in it, which acts as a consumable adding 40 maximum HP. You might notice that mirror floating in middle of the water. I don't think it does anything.

      There's four Kokiri walking around. They all say the same thing ("Your so lucky!") and use the same sprite, all bigger than Link. The bridge out is blocked by some dork who won't let me through until I talk to the Deku Tree.

      The Deku Tree tells Link to go kick out some evil presence from the Lost Woods. There's a room hidden behind the Deku Tree (counter-clockwise) but I've got no idea what it's purpose is.

      • 3 years ago

        spawning in out of bounds is obviously a bug that didn't exist way back when i put it together, i played through the project a lot putting it together
        and also the mirror i didn't place that it must be another compatibility error

        the room behind the deku tree was for fast travel later on in the game, i never got that far and never implemented it

        also thanks for posting the screenshots friend

          • 3 years ago

            for sure, i was confused when everyone else said it wouldn't start and whatever, to hear you installed the relevant RTPs makes it all the weirder it is acting on the frtiz

            still thanks a lot for taking the time to toy around with it and post screenshots, it is so nostalgic to see it again, this is almost a decade old it's like time traveling lol

            • 3 years ago

              Can't you just play it yourself if you want to?

      • 3 years ago

        When you leave the Deku Tree's room, that's the end of your adventure. You're put in a wall and no input registers, not even the menu button. It was all a trap to make you one with the forest. I'm sure Link will slowly begin to morph into a tree as punishment for his sin of not being born as a Kokiri. I have to X out of the program. OP left 10 premade save files, so I load up Slot 1 since that's the earliest one to see the rest of the game.

        • 3 years ago

          Save 1 is positioned before the boss fight of the first dungeon. Link is now level 6 and drained of mana from a dungeon trek. His equipment remains unchanged.
          The boss will provide us with our first taste of combat! He knows Link's name and might reveal how he knows it if we defeat him. Standard attacks are enough to bring him down. The Unknown Sorcorror leaves us with a Heart Container (+80 Max HP) and a "No wayy...." without revealing any further information.

          • 3 years ago

            The battle system is like early Dragon Quest without monster groupings. First-person, menu navigated and text driven. Your options are "Battle" and " Escape". Selecting "Battle" opens a submenu consisting of "Attack", "Skill", "Guard", and "Item". The combat is fine if you like basic RPG combat.

            Link's skills currently include Double Attack (Damage 2 enemies, 15MP) and Triple Attack (Damage 3 enemies, 30MP). These descriptions are misnomers. Link actually attacks 2 (or 3) times regardless of how many enemies are on the field. In fact, if Link slays an enemy before he finishes executing his multiple hit attacks, there's no guarantee he will adjust his target to a living one.

            Guard reduces damage as expected but it also restores small amounts of HP and MP. I thought that was a novel way of giving purpose to a guard option.

            Escaping seems to always work if an encounter allows for it. This is the go to option when you encounter Gorons in the volcano.

            I do like OP's choice of using the monster's concept art for their battle sprites.

            • 3 years ago

              Posting the Chu because his sprite made me laugh. There is also a surprise attack factor, where you or your enemy can get an extra round on each other at the start. This is probably tied to the AGI stat.

              • 3 years ago

                Now that the boss is defeated, it's time to walk back out of the dungeon and see what's new. The first dungeon is occupied mostly by Deku Scrubs and Moblins. Neither of these pose any noteworthy threat. At the exit (entrance?) of the dungeon an event tied to a tile triggers. Link faces the dungeon entrance and says something was taken and walks into the dungeon. Obviously this should've been something triggered when first entering the dungeon. You can just walk back out and this tile, unlike several others, does not seem to trigger again.

                At some point, Link acquired the ability to hop around. I imagine he was bitten by a radioactive flea. Not only is it a lot quicker than walking, but it's useful for skipping terrain, skipping tiles that trigger events, and reducing random encounters. The speed, rate, and effectiveness of the jump make it fun to use.

              • 3 years ago

                >At some point, Link acquired the ability to hop around.
                i had that in one of my builds to mess around with but i figured it broke stuff so i disabled it, surprising to see it is in that build
                if i were to touch it up maybe i should leave that in if it is so enjoyable

                do enemies display their health bars? that should be happening as well, i figure it's a nice qol upgrade from not seeing them

              • 3 years ago

                I didn't realize the hopping wasn't meant to player-accessible, given there's a few points where Link automatically hops back if you try to hop up somewhere (the pathway to the volcano, the drop south of the Skull Shield chest in the Water Temple). It also let me escape from the mandatory fight against the Fire Moblin in the volcano. Trying to walk back would retrigger that fight every time, even when he was visibly removed from the map.

                >do enemies display their health bars?
                There's another thing odd afoot in regards to that. I noticed health bars at some point when I first played through yesterday. I found it nice for the harder fights allowing me to better evaluate my options and knowing how close I was to winning the tough battles. I noticed they were absent when I loaded anew for screencaps this morning. There's something behind the scenes here.

              • 3 years ago

                you got into the water temple? i thought that wasn't even set to engage lol, nice
                my plans for water temple was to make it the second overworld, an underground ocean you get to sail around in and pop back up above ground in distant regions of the main overworld

                also did you notice that the pool of water in the forest temple provided full heals? i should have made it more apparent in-game probably

              • 3 years ago

                I'm assuming it was the Water Temple. It's the series of islands and dungeon. I remember fighting the blue orb guy and the possessed water spirit lady.

                I didn't notice any pool in the Forest Temple, but I didn't pay much attention to that dungeon in the first place because it was already cleaned out. I did notice it in the Volcano because who can miss a pool of water in middle of a Volcano? I suspected that was its purpose and was pretty glad for it.

              • 3 years ago

                >I did notice it in the Volcano because who can miss a pool of water in middle of a Volcano?
                hell yea!
                >I remember fighting the blue orb guy and the possessed water spirit lady.
                damn i dont remember any of that at all, lol
                everything else in the game is burnt into my brain but i am flabbergasted about all the water temple aside from the concept

              • 3 years ago

                Making our way back leads to the first map we started the game in and triggers a full replay of the text at the game's introduction. At the very start a boulder has blocked us off from accessing the point we're at now but it disappears sometime before the the slot 1 save. Maybe it felt lonely? The game once again places us in a wall tile.

              • 3 years ago

                that's odd that the triggers aren't set on the saves you loaded

              • 3 years ago

                There's a map to the north, but it doesn't have anything except for two chests of money and random encounters with scrubs & chus. The game will put Link inside an escapable wall on the way back.

                Kokiri Forest is unchanged, including the dork who wants me to talk to the Deku Tree. Going to the Deku Tree replays his introduction spiel. I had checked the secret room (before learning its purpose from OP), find nothing different and go to leave.

                On my way out, the tree congratulates me for chasing off the evil and makes a lewd request of me. Normally, I wouldn't but loot is loot, right?

              • 3 years ago

                Inside is a Kokiri Sword. Upstairs has a Heart Piece, and a Deku Helm. Nice haul! There's a Demon Warlock here doing some psychedelic redecorating.

                This time he's got a couple of Moblins with him. I have MP, so I spam Triple Hit. He's defeated and magics himself away while cursing our name. Unfortunately, he gets the last laugh because the only way out is through the exit that locks up the game.

                I'm gonna stop my detailed coverage here for now. Maybe I'll do more later, but probably not. The rest of the content is open from save slot 2 for anyone who wants to check it out on their own.

              • 3 years ago

                No prob. Exploring unknown games is a bit of fun in its own right.

            • 3 years ago

              >I thought that was a novel way of giving purpose to a guard option.
              >I do like OP's choice of using the monster's concept art for their battle sprites.
              hell yeah, thanks for the appreciation anon
              it's nice to know that it isn't all bad and it has some redeemable qualities
              i just wish all the screen transitions worked properly, i tried to make movement feel fluid and more like a zelda game by having natural points to leap off of to lower areas, i feel like that makes the navigation feel much better

  14. 3 years ago

    >It was all a trap to make you one with the forest. I'm sure Link will slowly begin to morph into a tree as punishment for his sin of not being born as a Kokiri.
    got a chuckle out of me, sorry about that

  15. 3 years ago

    Anyone knows where I can find the sprites used in the overworld for Helen's Mysterious Castle? I love them and I know the game uses some default assets because I've seen some of the same sprites in One Way Heroics as well.

  16. 3 years ago

    In case I don't bother doing more detailed coverage or a janitor prunes this thread for not being Ganker, here's some notes I took playing through last night.

    >The first fight you win after loading save slot 2 reverts Link by 1 level.
    >When you level up, it shows your old stats on the left and your new stats on the right. However, the old stats factor in only the character's natural stats and not stats obtained from item use.
    >I didn't get a Strong Medal from winning the fight contest in Hyrule Field like the contest holder said he'd give me. 🙁 Instead I got an Essence.
    >Guy in the house in Lon Lon Ranch offers a minigame prompt that does nothing.
    >I don't know how I did it (probably jump abuse), the sprites of Kevin, James and his dad in the Kakariko entry event remained there for the rest of the game.
    >The dog in the Graveyard house seems to be purposeless.
    >When grabbing the red orb in the Graveyard house, it's not intuitive you have to stand 3 squares away from it to trigger the scene.

    • 3 years ago

      >Tektite Juice (+20% current HP & MP) is under Valuables instead of Goods; unless the goal is to disallow selling them.
      >You can retrigger the scene where Kevin joins your party. This resets his level (and equipment?) and allows farming Golden Ash from the Fire Sorcorror.
      >If you initiate the event in the building at Lake Hylia by talking to the guy from across the counter, the game locks up similar to the Deku Tree room. This does not happen if you initiate the event in the tiles directly next to the guy.
      >You can retrigger the previous scene every time you enter the building at Lake Hylia.

      The oddest bug occured when I started from Slot 2 yesterday. I 'continued' after learning how deadly Gorons are in the Kokiri forest arena. When I entered the Lon Lon Ranch map, the whole fight tournament was gone (without doing the event). This persisted after I replaced the save AND re-extracted the game. I quit and gave it one more go an hour later or so and it fixed itself.

      It happened again when I started up slot 2 today, but fixed itself when I reloaded the file.

  17. 3 years ago

    Uh, spoiler tags please

  18. 3 years ago

    >World map inspired by Super Mario World

  19. 3 years ago

    No. Also, isn't that a template/sample world map? Would consider playing if you made one now though

  20. 3 years ago

    I'll play yours. Will you play mine?

    • 3 years ago

      Wtf is this done?

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