If Konami put a gun to your head and forced to you pick what the next installment on the Metal Gear franchise is, what would you go for?

If Konami put a gun to your head and forced to you pick what the next installment on the Metal Gear franchise is, what would you go for?
I'd actually like to see Metal Gear 1 and 2 getting remade in 3d.
Also, what's his name again?

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  1. 1 week ago

    Metal Gear Solid 4, but with gameplay.

  2. 1 week ago

    peace walker, which is like phantom pain but actually finished and good.

  3. 1 week ago

    Shadowhog Moses Booty Camp Trainer
    Routes are Meryl, Chico/Quiet, Rose, Sniper Wolf, Mei Ling from 3, and Liquid Ocelot

  4. 1 week ago


    I’d love a Philanthropy game with MGS2 mechanics and fixed camera angle.

    10 years ago I’d have said that I’d like to see an American team start a new timeline that’s a little more grounded in reality but still tries to be all heady and philosophical, but now I wouldn’t want a westerner touching it with a ten foot pole. I used to think the parasite plot line of V was moronic and nonsensical, but in 2024 it seems like the percent of your population that speaks English is directly proportional to percent of your population that is completely, suicidally insane.

    • 1 week ago

      >I’d love a Philanthropy game with MGS2 mechanics and fixed camera angle.
      Would you be cool about Konami doing it without Kojima?

      • 1 week ago

        I mean, how bad could you really frick it up? Especially if it was a budget game. Here’s the pitch
        >x-com style base management
        >20-30 peace walker sized story missions
        >”radiant” procedurally generated missions for filler/grinding
        >devs can tell whatever story they want as long as it’s aware that it’s a filler story and doesn’t retcon or needlessly recontextualize any other game in the series

        I know that last point may be a huge ask in 2024, but as long as the people making it have respect for the series and don’t get too wild with it, it’d be a slam dunk.

      • 1 week ago

        >Would you be cool about Konami doing it without Kojima?
        NTA, but frick no.
        Not involving the OG authors while they're still alive is absolutely disgusting.

        MGR:Zero or something about how Raiden became a cyborg and did cool shit between 2 and 4

        This was literally the OG script for the alpha-MGR. Before Platinum salvaged the project.

        • 1 week ago

          >Not involving the OG authors while they're still alive is absolutely disgusting.
          Doesn't look like they have any plans to let anyone back in.

          • 1 week ago

            Well duh, israelitenami's yakuza boomer execs have hated Kojima's and all their other "entrepreneur" devs (ie. TS) with passions since day 1. All the social media kids started going #FrickKonami last decade, but for us Silent Hill fans, it already started back in 2005.

            • 1 week ago

              >tfw you're a Konami goon assigned to launder money with unviable businesses but the people you hire keep on making good shit and turning a profit so you have to fire them

  5. 1 week ago

    I've always thought that Kojima's swan song should be Metal Gear 1 remade and retconned.
    I think Metal Gear 2 has enough substance to it that it should remain unchanged and original though, but there's massive potential in MG1 to bring everything full circle

    • 1 week ago

      What would you change in MG1?

      • 1 week ago

        haven't played it in years but I remember there being quite a few inconsistencies in the storytelling and worldbuilding about snake's past and Big Boss's role that needed to get worked out

  6. 1 week ago

    Acid 3. Been playing it a lot recently, and I've never seen another take for its stealth/card-based concept.

  7. 1 week ago

    MGR:Zero or something about how Raiden became a cyborg and did cool shit between 2 and 4

  8. 1 week ago

    Reddit Gankerman

  9. 1 week ago

    A stand alone game where you play as Skull Face, the infamously stealthy janitor, and act like some junior varsity goon much to the tune of Lord of The Rings 3rd age. Have Zero just shitposting in your ear constantly while you do shit like leaving resources for Snake when he back tracks or stuff paper into door locks so people can't lock them properly. Fail states are being spotted by Snake and/or interacting with any important character what so ever. Basically part of the game you are editing the crime scene and the other part you are making it easier for Snake. Let the campaign change depending on your play style in Delta so you do a bunch of waggie shit if Snake was a mass murderer or you play it tactically much more of the time if Snake was sneaky. cutscenes should be 100% the same but as if you were Snake but you get to press a button to slyly poke your head around the corner to peep in on what is happening. An alternate skin would be that fricking goofy trenchcoat from MGS4 and trilby. Another would be Hideo Kojima.

    • 1 week ago

      The people who are butthurt over it being retconned that there was a SITEX follow-on team for Snake are so fricking stupid. Did you even play MGS3? THE ENTIRE PLOT OF THE GAME IS A FARCE THAT'S THE POINT.

      • 1 week ago

        I thought MGS 3 was rather weak given the games 2 and 4 surrounding it. Skull Face being a thing didn't bother me in the slightest since obviously someone had to prove Snake's testimony.

        • 1 week ago

          The point of MGS3 is that the entire story is an intricate stageplay between The US and Soviets to create a post-WWII NWO, and Snake and The Boss are both just pawns in that game. It's a representation of how the game being played by governments manufacturing consent for policy by lying to the people they are supposed to protect has existed throughout history. MGS4 and V are about how our inability to escape the manufactured worldview fed to us damn us all collectively (4) and how Big Boss's inability to let go damns him and those around him in the microcosm (V).
          Then people play MGSV (having played nothing else in the series) and get buttfrustrated that MUH HECKIN' BIG BOSSERINO DIDN'T BEAT UP DA BAD GUISE ALL BY HIS SELF JUS LIKE BATMAN??? HOW COULD THIS BE!?!?!?
          Fricking morons

  10. 1 week ago

    I'm just gonna make my own squad based '80's soldier of fortune/mercenary cult leader game and nobody can stop me. God V was such a fricking letdown in the story department.

  11. 1 week ago

    Set between Peace Walker and MG, follows Big Boss and the events that led to the founding of Outer Heaven, game closes as Solid Snake prepares to infiltrate.
    Basically what MGSV was originally supposed to be before Kojihack went full moron again.

  12. 1 week ago

    I'd just have them remake Peace Walker.

  13. 1 week ago

    Metal Gear went down with Peace Walker and it's never gonna recover. Phantom Phaggotry proved that.
    If GZ was a full game and not a fake out tech demo it might've had a shot, but Kojihack fricked that up beyond repair.
    Games were overrated to begin with.

  14. 1 week ago

    New game with new characters and plotline.
    The Snake Saga is FINISHED, and any attempts to
    >force out a sequel where Solid Snake is brought back for One Last Job fr fr this time
    >"fill out the missing links" with midquel games with no stakes
    >stretch the series history further back with le WW2 Joy Boss prequel
    will only end in misery.

    • 1 week ago

      Honestly the whole series is done, there's nothing else to do with the story or any of the characters. Kojimbo was right to focus so heavily on just iterating the Fox engine and make that the route forward for his studio but israelitenami had to completely frick it all up as per usual.

  15. 1 week ago

    >Make a War of 1999 Castlevania game or pull the trigger i dont care.

  16. 1 week ago

    Metal gear rising 2
    But I'd I remember there was a leak with that info in here
    But besides that remake de the 2 d game
    And bring back zone of the enders
    Remember mgs 6 will exist

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