If modern FromShitware made Dark Souls 1 again, Sif, instead of limping and getting weaker when on low health, would enter some retarded super saiyan ...

If modern FromShitware made Dark Souls 1 again, Sif, instead of limping and getting weaker when on low health, would enter some moronic super saiyan 2nd phase, scream ARTORIASU FORGIVE ME, I HAVE TO GO ALL OUT, grab all the swords from the arena and turn into a fricking anime beyblade killing you in one hit, after which he would mock you "Face the wrath of the Blade of Knight of Gwyn, The Lord of Cinder" or whatever.

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  1. 1 week ago

    I don't care. Let the shitskins roll around in the mud and enjoy their feces. Why even bother trying to rile them up? You can't treat them like human beings, literally nothing will change their minds.

    • 1 week ago

      The issue is that EVERY boss does it. Every boss has 15-hit combo, AoE one-shot mega hit, delayed attacks and all the fricking shit because it HAS to be hard.

      Some restraint and pacing would come a long way. DeS and Dark Souls had it in spades while later games became a parody of itself.

      Hahahahahha, refute this fromdrones

      get gud

      • 1 week ago

        I got good and beat all their games and had less fun for each one. When is From gonna git good making games?

  2. 1 week ago

    DeS by modern FromSoft:
    Once you kill Garl Vinland, a cutscene plays where Maiden Astrea suddenly looks up and notices like a moron that you just killed him, starts screaming hysterically, does some stupid shit with her body like pulling out here eyballs, breasts or pussy, whatever and turns into a horrific abomination that spergs out all over the arena like ADHD Artorias on crack.

    • 1 week ago

      fromsoft never should have listened to the ds2 critic homosexuals. Now every game and bosses have to be some power scaling homosexual

      • 1 week ago

        stage gimmicks is probably a good way to do it, though it would need a drastic combat overhaul.
        >"they've already done it!"
        kinda but not really. yeah they've done gimmicky battles that involve the environment, and of course not all arenas are the exact same, but if the core battle system was build around it you could have plenty of variety depending on how you AND the boss interact with the stage.

        Speaking of which, anyone else notice that almost of the ER bosses even try to elicit any kind of pathos like in Dark Souls games? Stuff like Sif, Artorias, Gwyn, and the countless npcs who go hollow. In the dlc alone plenty of bosses go forgive me zanzibart but it feels like parody at this point.

        get gud

      • 1 week ago

        This doesn't make any sense. ds2 itself was already moving in this direction. It started with prepare to die edition.

    • 1 week ago

      >like pulling out here eyballs, breasts or pussy
      based fromsoft

    • 1 week ago

      gore makes game gud, as proven by Mortal Kombat as well as nuDoom.

  3. 1 week ago

    They've already done "enemies getting weaker, clever subversion" and already done "enemy has 4 phases!!! endless combos". What else is there to do? Perhaps the solution is to stop making and playing video games altogether.

    • 1 week ago

      The issue is that EVERY boss does it. Every boss has 15-hit combo, AoE one-shot mega hit, delayed attacks and all the fricking shit because it HAS to be hard.

      Some restraint and pacing would come a long way. DeS and Dark Souls had it in spades while later games became a parody of itself.

      • 1 week ago

        Post proof that every boss does it.

    • 1 week ago

      Next is "boss enters a 30 minute long QTE sequence".
      Except the QTEs are you just rolling.

    • 1 week ago

      stage gimmicks is probably a good way to do it, though it would need a drastic combat overhaul.
      >"they've already done it!"
      kinda but not really. yeah they've done gimmicky battles that involve the environment, and of course not all arenas are the exact same, but if the core battle system was build around it you could have plenty of variety depending on how you AND the boss interact with the stage.

      • 1 week ago

        homies been shitting and pissing themselves for YEARS over Bed of Chaos

        • 1 week ago

          yeah but that's a shitty boss in general, I'm talking about making your bosses and your character movesets so that the placement of floors and walls makes more of a difference than
          >lol moronic boss jumped to his death
          >boss stunlocked me because I can't move around as good

          idk, I'm not a game designer, I'm just saying it would be nice if boss fights played differently because of how the boss AI is scripted in terms of how it interacts with map objects and layout and such. like even if two bosses are basically the same, the battle would play very different if one is set in an empty arena and the other in a place with pits, platforms and walls the boss can wall-jump from or whatever.

        • 1 week ago

          bed of chaos really does suck, though. It's fighting the game's collisions to shoot two things and then making a somewhat tight jump in a game with bad platforming. The mechanics of the game itself prevent that fight from being fun or good.

    • 1 week ago

      >boss is already defeated

    • 1 week ago

      I think its time to just make a flat our character action game/spectacle fighter or whatever the frick you call DMC and Bayonetta. This same old gameplay loop has gotten old and no amount of switching weapons or ashes of war has helped alleviate the tedium of it all. They need to either lean in on the action some more and have the player start doing their own crazy shit or just cool it with the spastic flailing because whatever the frick we have right now has already overstayed its welcome and its barely been one game.

      • 1 week ago

        they literally did that with Sekiro and Armored Core but alas shitters bought elden ring en masse instead

    • 1 week ago

      But why would they changed it? Normalgays can't get enough of their games.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >everything's been done so just give up
      Its not about originality or subverting expectations. It's about doing what makes sense for the story, and giving the player a wide array experiences within a single game.

  4. 1 week ago

    cool, op is a homosexual once more

  5. 1 week ago

    There is boss limping and getting weaker right in ER.

    Wolf holding sword is already common in anime.

  6. 1 week ago

    The game would also fully render in ultrawide but they would be too fricking lazy to mod in a UI for it so they'd just put up some shitty .jpg of black bars instead. Oh and it would have forced TAA and EAC which does not actually stop cheaters btw.

    • 1 week ago

      Prease understandu

  7. 1 week ago

    i chuckled

  8. 1 week ago
  9. 1 week ago

    Hahahahahha, refute this fromdrones

  10. 1 week ago

    kek, this chink is mindbroken

    • 1 week ago


  11. 1 week ago

    Reminder that Elden Ring is Elden Ring and not Dark Souls

  12. 1 week ago

    Whybare there like 3 disckrd homosexual ER threads up right now? Isnt it time for you troons to move on to a new game?

  13. 1 week ago

    This guy? Easy 3 phases boss, plus he gets stronger if you try to do the cheese instead of just dying.

    • 1 week ago

      Which one is this?

      • 1 week ago

        endless ejaculation

  14. 1 week ago

    Probably, yeah

  15. 1 week ago

    Speaking of which, anyone else notice that almost of the ER bosses even try to elicit any kind of pathos like in Dark Souls games? Stuff like Sif, Artorias, Gwyn, and the countless npcs who go hollow. In the dlc alone plenty of bosses go forgive me zanzibart but it feels like parody at this point.

    • 1 week ago

      its all they can do now

    • 1 week ago


      If modern FromShitware made Dark Souls 1 again, Sif, instead of limping and getting weaker when on low health, would enter some moronic super saiyan 2nd phase, scream ARTORIASU FORGIVE ME, I HAVE TO GO ALL OUT, grab all the swords from the arena and turn into a fricking anime beyblade killing you in one hit, after which he would mock you "Face the wrath of the Blade of Knight of Gwyn, The Lord of Cinder" or whatever.

      they LITERALLY became their own parody

  16. 1 week ago

    If you are going to just talk shit..
    make a better, game
    Criticism is fine
    But you just talking shit!

    • 1 week ago

      Miyazaki won't frick you lil bro
      Actual he might if you are a lil bro kek

  17. 1 week ago

    You’re right and it’s upsetting me.

  18. 1 week ago

    And at the bottom of the demon ruins there would be a new arena where you can see shit and fight "Discharge the Ceased" and he never stops comboing and is the most ridiculous boss with screenwide attacks with shitty telegraphs and you get one swing in every 5 you dodge

    • 1 week ago

      And some guy would still post a video on youtube of him killing said boss at level 1 and naked

      • 1 week ago

        100% legit no hacks no wiki no fans telling me how to do

    • 1 week ago

      It's funny how Ceaseless looks passable now: one shitty attack with poor telegraphing, it doesn't kill you instantly, and even leaves the boss immobile and vulnerable for several seconds afterwards? Basically easy mode.

  19. 1 week ago


  20. 1 week ago

    Dying to Gwendolyn would 100% be another "you're now this troony's sex slave" thing like Elden Ring's pride month DLC.

    • 1 week ago


      I think Ganker is just genuinely sour due to an inability to learn to play. The amount of "why won't the boss let me get a combo in" when posture breaks exists is pretty funny.

      I'm doing lion right now, within the first 4 deaths I understood his basic combos.
      Second Phase has the challenge of his storm element variation, but all 3 modes have basically the same moves with some minor changes to a few attacks so it's all easily memorable (I'm still sloppy on the ice one)

      I've learned his openings, there are a few moves I have to look out for that are rare but otherwise I know the fight.

      I think Ganker simply hates the idea of "learning a fight" and thinks videogames should be based on magical "will power" to simply out skill your opponent or something moronic, like some dumb teenager who spends hours on Counter Strike and then goes "lol I'm new" and then other children actually believe it's true.

      The only time From went too far was Sister Friede, because the final phase has so many attack variation the earlier phases become a boring chore after you've mastered them.
      They really should have broken them into 2 separate fights, keeping third phase as a new state upon re-fighting her.

      >you just refuse to adapt!
      Correct, I refuse to deal with shit.
      I refused to asiaticclick predefined meta build orders when RTS went to shit, I refused to climb Ubisoft towers for 9999 hours when RPG went to shit, I refused to aim train 40 hours a week and grind battlepasses when FPS went to shit, and I refuse to memorize completely arbitrary attack timings and safe windows now that Souls games are going to shit.
      The breaking point was when I did a no death of DaS3 and realized it was going down the same avoidant gameplay path of moden Total War games.

      • 1 week ago

        >Avoidant gameplay
        that's not bad game design, you just want a game that involves extreme player advantage to staying aggressive and making quick combo decisions to defeat a boss rather than learning to wait for the right time to attack

        I get it, but the closest souls ever got to that was BB and even then a lot of fights like Wet Nurse were structured around learning how to avoid its attack storms.

        With an attack system maped to a light/strong/run and now a few other additional movements, souls has always been an advancement of Kingsfield/Shadow tower gameplay which is about avoiding at the right times and striking when your energy meter was full.

        They were always wait and hit, not hit and try to string together an attack combo before your opponent obtained footing.

        • 1 week ago

          >avoidant gameplay is not bad game design
          >you just want a game that involves extreme player advantage to staying aggressive
          Wrong and wrong.
          I want a game in which, when I encounter a room with a new enemy guarding a locked door, the best option is NOT to rush the door and open it in perfect safety because lol animation iframes.
          I'm fine with aggressive bosses, I'm fine with passive bosses, hell I'm fine with external time pressure too a la Flexile Sentry (maybe a bit spicier but you get the idea), I'm not fine with bosses so poorly designed you sleep them not to create a window for heals and buffs but to burst them down.
          It's like comparing Xcom to Xcom The Long War, one of them has flaws but you can (mostly) make effective use of all tools and the other is bullshit where you only use the 1 or 2 tools that let you completely bypass the worst bullshit.

          • 1 week ago

            In other words the balancing in ER is complete and utter ass.

          • 1 week ago

            NTA but its actually shocking how much of this stuff was in previous soulsborne games. But I didn't really mind it so much there. Yet in ER it sticks out like a sore thumb and is actively detracting from my enjoyment of the game.
            I don't know if I'm just finally recognizing the pattern, or if they've taken it a step too far to where there isn't a redeeming factor anymore.

          • 1 week ago

            >Don't give me rpg build/strat advantages or disadvantages because I've got terminal autism and need solution validation.

            • 1 week ago

              >rpg build/strat advantages and disadvantages
              >everyone gets BY DEFAULT a roll with so much uptime it clips its own animation

              • 1 week ago

                >Changes argument when he brought up sleep
                Oh yeah? Dishonest.
                Ganker is going to be dogshit for a month with this Tortanic homosexualry.

              • 1 week ago

                >everything insulting my idiotic posts is the same person
                But go on, tell us all about how sleep is actually a good addition to the game.

              • 1 week ago

                Rare aux effect only obtainable via a limited resource or a specific build, that certain enemies are susceptible to, that offers free stun points?

              • 1 week ago

                >free stun points
                Only on some enemies, many others simply stagger for a second or two: there's no real logic to guess which is which in advance, which means you have to try it out, which really doesn't work well with the "limited resource" deal.
                Also, outside of very dedicated crit builds you'll deal far more damage just by spamming R1s during the long wake up animation.
                See the problems?

                >I want a game in which, when I encounter a room with a new enemy guarding a locked door, the best option is NOT to rush the door and open it in perfect safety because lol animation iframes.
                Dark Souls 2?

                Yes, that was a pretty good game even if it had some big flaws (free teleports from the start for one).

          • 1 week ago

            >I want a game in which, when I encounter a room with a new enemy guarding a locked door, the best option is NOT to rush the door and open it in perfect safety because lol animation iframes.
            Dark Souls 2?

      • 1 week ago

        I do wonder if Heart Stolen can be broken if you use the Miquella rune somehow. It states that its only power remaining is resistance to charm, you'd think that this is the perfect setup.

        • 1 week ago

          That's exactly what it does, if you have the great rune it isn't an instaKO

  21. 1 week ago
  22. 1 week ago

    >pretentious npc
    >"Fricketh thee"
    >you kill the area boss
    >get invaded by said npc
    >continues to yapp while fighting
    >it get's it's teeth kicked in
    >dies slowly "woe is me"
    >you pick up it's equipment

    • 1 week ago

      >>"Fricketh thee"

  23. 1 week ago

    I think Ganker is just genuinely sour due to an inability to learn to play. The amount of "why won't the boss let me get a combo in" when posture breaks exists is pretty funny.

    I'm doing lion right now, within the first 4 deaths I understood his basic combos.
    Second Phase has the challenge of his storm element variation, but all 3 modes have basically the same moves with some minor changes to a few attacks so it's all easily memorable (I'm still sloppy on the ice one)

    I've learned his openings, there are a few moves I have to look out for that are rare but otherwise I know the fight.

    I think Ganker simply hates the idea of "learning a fight" and thinks videogames should be based on magical "will power" to simply out skill your opponent or something moronic, like some dumb teenager who spends hours on Counter Strike and then goes "lol I'm new" and then other children actually believe it's true.

    The only time From went too far was Sister Friede, because the final phase has so many attack variation the earlier phases become a boring chore after you've mastered them.
    They really should have broken them into 2 separate fights, keeping third phase as a new state upon re-fighting her.

    • 1 week ago

      >The only time From went too far was Sister Friede

      No. ER is just From trying every way to push difficulty on players removing everything that is fun from boss combat. It's not about memorizing attack pattern if the boss 2 hit kills you, that just cheap way to make you believe the fight is hard.

      It's the same difference between getting good in an old school FPS and getting good in a Battle Royal.
      In old school you join a match and even if you die 100 times you actually play the game so you can actually learn while in a battle royal if you die 100 times you probably have passed more time in the lobby than actually playing the game.

      • 1 week ago

        Every attack on the lion that has 2 shotted me is extremely telegraphed and I learned to avoid it. Maybe the damage on a few moves could be "balanced" but overall it's capable of being learnt.

        It's always a good idea to try and be summoned as a phantom on a fight, since that can teach you the mechanics at a safer angle and let you witness what the boss can do so no surprises.

        But Ganker isn't smart enough to incorporate that into their gameplay, because of the old "you didn't beat the game" mentality, which is ironically ABOUT making souls games seem harder than they are.

        • 1 week ago

          >because of the old "you didn't beat the game" mentality

          That another moron way to ruin fun. Using and experimenting with new things it's part of the fun otherwise you could just stick with DeS forever.

          But even talking about the base ER game I found the boss a lot less fun and that their fast combo with fake opening and fast wind up just be bullshit to ramp difficulty. At this point I think Sekiro was the best one, there were hard boss, but at least they were still "honest" if you catch what I am saying.

          • 1 week ago

            >Oh no the lion occasionally does a upward ram when he smacks his head into the ground, which is dishonest because sometime she doesn't which implies an opening.

            I just stopped going for a jumping attack when he did a head slam instead did a guard counter on the upward slam if he did it.

            Mogh is a honest to go hard fight, but he's also a beautiful dance once you've mastered him. Stay close, avoid the blood splatter outer rim of his swings. Dodge, strike, dodge strike. Dodge back for the down ward pluge, dodge again for blood flame blast. Jump attack.

            It's a dance, learn the dance and stop pretending Seath is the ideal boss fight, because thats what it sounds like.

    • 1 week ago

      This thread isn't even about the boss fights themselves, it's about the atmosphere and storytelling of the games. Read the the thread before you start projecting out of your ass.

    • 1 week ago

      >The amount of "why won't the boss let me get a combo in" when posture breaks exists is pretty funny.

      Black person, people want to get one (1) attack in. Skibidi tree avatar is an awful fight, either you instantly kill it 3 times since you can hit the flower, or it's elden beast 2 electric boogaloo. The arena is way WAY too big, you'll literally use your entire 130+ stamina just running to it, hitting the head does absurd damage, hitting anything else does like 200 damage

  24. 1 week ago

    Sounds something they probably woukd have done if they werent struggling with limitations and how DS1 was notoriously half-baked

    • 1 week ago

      poor argument to be honest since a lot of great games were created specifically because the devs had to work with limitations and if they had free technical reign, they wouldn't be as good

  25. 1 week ago

    why cant you morons just eat your skibidi fragments

  26. 1 week ago

    Sounds KINO, I'd play that

  27. 1 week ago


  28. 1 week ago

    kek, don't forget about the mandatory fire aoe effects from every attack.

  29. 1 week ago

    It's beyond a parody now.

  30. 1 week ago

    lol and maliketh is when I beat the game because he Le unveils his Le furrywiener and starts jumping into the air doing somersaults doing eight spin attacks and hits the ground for .1 seconds before flying away again
    Worst game ever
    To beat this boss you have to have the right summon and that’s literally it if you have the wrong one you can’t do it

  31. 1 week ago

    Lmao this is so true. I quit playing these games after I realized DS3 was just continuous spastic ADHD bosses with a boring one here and there. Glad I didn't fall for elden meme

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