Im about to start ATOM RPG. What should i know before i start?

Im about to start ATOM RPG
What should i know before i start? Game looks like a total slavjunk but i bought it after recommendation so ill give it a shot
How buggy it is?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >How buggy it is?
    Havent run into even one bug
    >What should i know before i start?
    Nothing really, the game isnt that hard but save frequently as enemy can one shot kill you with a lucky crit.

    Also Atom Trudograd is a standalone sequel DLC and its much more better in writing and gameplay departments

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks, is there any particular build i should avoid?

      • 7 months ago

        If i remember correctly pistols are underpowered. Rifles/Shotguns are decent but Automatic Weapons are a king due to the fact that you can burst fire and deal 100+ dmg this way
        Also there are 3 possible companions to recruit. 1 dog and 1 hidden meme companion that you'll get only on a very specific path

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks its good to know - is it worth to be mechanic/scientist with high speech?

          • 7 months ago

            companions split xp so it's worth it to go solo

            there's cut offs for most checks, think it was like 80 science was all you needed for most things
            speech and all utility skills are good but you 100% need to heavily invest in one of the combat skills

          • 7 months ago

            You dont need to autistically min max as there are a lot of items that boost stats, also consumables stack so you can get like 5 endurance with tea+herbal tea+coffee+some other misc stuff
            Dont be afraid to use this before big battles

        • 7 months ago

          >pistols are underpowered
          couldn't be more wrong. It's the most OP build in the game. The low AP cost means you can get the highest damage per round. It's the same as how OP pistol builds were in Fallout.

          • 7 months ago

            >One shots you with VSSM
            Or alternatively
            >Burst fires 15 shots from RPK each doing 15 dmg
            What can pistols do? Make 3 aimed shots for 20 dmg each?

            • 7 months ago

              It's the difference between killing 1 enemy or multiple enemies in a single round. You have to optimize your build so the ap costs are as low as possible.

          • 7 months ago

            I remember pistols being shit once you got out of the early game and enemies have more health and helmets. I relied on scoped rifle headshots and burst fire. Did they change the balance?

        • 7 months ago

          How is Hexogen hidden? He's just there in one of the side quests. One of the big sidequests that gets you your base and everything. He is a meme, that's true, but everything is a meme in this game.

          • 7 months ago

            think he means the raider chick for the evil playthrough

          • 7 months ago

            Hexogen is probably the funniest companion i saw in any RPG, but i didnt mean him. I meant the Bathory chick you get on a specific path

  2. 7 months ago

    BTW OP if you didnt grow up in Ex-Warsaw Pact country you are going to miss a lot of humor in this game, there are also references to Russian imageboard culture hidden trough the game

    • 7 months ago

      Well im Polish so...

      • 7 months ago

        You should be able to understand at least half then there is also a subquest referencing a polish youtuber who backed the game very early on

        • 7 months ago

          Not watching youtubers im too old for that crap

          • 7 months ago

            Well me neither but i guess that was one of the references to Poland in that game in some way

  3. 7 months ago

    Game was buggy and unfinished on launch but is great now.

  4. 7 months ago

    was an ok game combat wise if you are into that kind of gameplay. I am someone big on story though, so I got bored and filtered by the excessive Russian/communist inside jokes.

    There is a few characters that just start giving you walls of text about their opinions on various communist/Russian leaders/founders etc. and it just feels jarring and irrelevant to the post apoc setting the game is based in.

    I've heard Trudograd is better on that front, but I have no drive to try it without finishing the first game first.

    • 7 months ago

      >feels jarring and irrelevant to the post apoc setting the game is based in.
      Dude the game takes place only 20 years after the apocalypse, the people who were party members are still alive in this universe
      In fact its part of the whole joke
      Apocalypse is kind of like USSR collapse in ATOM universe, that is all those old farts survived it but became irrelevant. And the world moved on at best using previous regime symbols as a window dressing. It applies to both real life Russia and Atom universe. It fits great.

      I like that approach much more as there is a direct continuity with pre war society instead of throwing everything out and having literal tribals running around like in Fallouts or communities descending from survivors but somehow forgetting that they are americans

      • 7 months ago

        Idk dude, it would feel pretty jarring and irrelevant if you went up to some lady in FO1 and they started going on about how they hated trump or some shit like that.

        Though you are right that it fits thematically, I guess its more of a "who asked?" situation. (probably me clicking every dialogue option just so I don't accidently miss any side quests)

        • 7 months ago

          Q: How do you know when you're talking to a vegan Crossfitter?
          A: They'll let you know.

        • 7 months ago

          Fo1 takes place 100 years after the war, 4 generations have passed
          Atom takes place 20 years after the war.

  5. 7 months ago

    I played it for like an hour and got bored. It just didn't grab me. Russians are just annoying tbh

  6. 7 months ago

    Know this game in and out. Start is very hard once you leave first zone. Craft a quality Knuckleduster it is better than any early game firearm. Crafting is quite good but requires you to commit skills to it to eliminate jamming. Speech is king for early non combat xp since you can´t kill shit. Armor does little until you get your hands on a bulletproof vest. Lategame is all about aimed shots so push gun skill all the way 150+ unless you go automatic weapons. Solo play is doable but you should have a party for first time.

    Can´t say I encountered any bug whatsoever. Also the expansion is worth playing if you enjoy the game. It is quite easy tho as you can stack so much damage skills and get power armor.

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