I'm confused. So what was originally in the sarcophagus? Just a normal mummy?

I'm confused. So what was originally in the sarcophagus? Just a normal mummy? But what about all that shit about the guy being immortal and drinking blood? And why did all the powerful vampires constantly talk about how they can sense something big about to go down when it was all just a ploy to kill Lacroix?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >So what was originally in the sarcophagus?
    Chips Ahoy. Barrels of the stuff.

  2. 1 week ago

    The vampire genesis has been predicted for a long time. Thin bloods and other omens have been occurring more and more.

    Some early generation (stonger) vanpire was in the box. I think everyone wanted to eat it's flesh to increase their vampire power level.

  3. 1 week ago

    You deserve to be dusted, OP

  4. 1 week ago

    >So what was originally in the sarcophagus? Just a normal mummy?

    Yeah, it's just a guy.

    > But what about all that shit about the guy being immortal and drinking blood?

    Your sources are unreliable as they're vamps and power hungry and spreading rumors. Think of Vampire Masquarade Vamps as organized crime factions and they make more sense.

    >And why did all the powerful vampires constantly talk about how they can sense something big about to go down when it was all just a ploy to kill Lacroix?

    There's spooky end of the world shit lingering around, so likely that.

    • 1 week ago

      No, Messerach is a vampire, he’s just in torpor.

  5. 1 week ago

    Cain was in the sarcophagus but he awakened long ago, He's the taxi driver. If I remember correctly if you pick malkavian the player freaks out when seeing the taxi driver for the first time.

    • 1 week ago

      yeah this.
      haven't played it in forever but idk what the rest of the thread is talking about.

      • 1 week ago

        Cain was in the sarcophagus but he awakened long ago, He's the taxi driver. If I remember correctly if you pick malkavian the player freaks out when seeing the taxi driver for the first time.

        cain was never in the sarcophogus. there is no indication of this. it was just this guy on the left, who's either a normal human mummy or a vampire that hasn't had blood in like, 5,000 year and shrivled up from thirst.

  6. 1 week ago

    An antediluvian in torpor, the reason Lacroix was looking for it was to diablerize it and gain power, so Jack switched it out with C-4 and pranked him. Also, the end times are going down and Caine is fricking about.

  7. 1 week ago

    Just a normal mummy, you saw the ending? Jack is sitting with the stupid corpse that was inside it. The spooky "feel" some people were sensing is harder to explain who knows where that started. They've been spooking each other out with tales of Gehenna forever so maybe someone started a rumor about that boat and it spread quickly. Not many vampires directly say they sense anything though.

  8. 1 week ago

    Hate the word but it's just vampires gaslighting each other. It's a normal mummy (not a powered one cause that'd probably be worse than an elser vampire). It's just that every vampire has been fearing what's inside, it became a source of fear and unease

  9. 1 week ago

    that dude sitting next to jack on the lawn chair in the end cutscene. it was jack that fished him out. it's not clear whether he's even alive or jack just propped his corpse up for shits and giggles. there WAS something big going down, there was a big showdown and and explosion.
    >what was all that shit about the guy being immortal and drinking blood?
    all vampires are immortal and drink blood so this question doesn't quite make sense. the other vampires wanted to drink HIS blood, because drinking another, more powerful vamipires blood lets you steal their powers.

  10. 1 week ago

    there is now a random warehouse somewhere holding a hundred tons of unstable explosives

  11. 1 week ago

    it was just a prank lol
    as for the vampires sensing something bad is going on, they are probably talking about the presence of the cab driver

  12. 1 week ago

    >heh, an antediluvian in the sacrophagus? As if *tips fedora*
    >do one short mission
    Why did he change his mind?

    • 1 week ago

      He realized there was a bomb in it and was warning the fledgling not to blow himself up?

      • 1 week ago

        reasonable guess

    • 1 week ago

      He found out there was a bomb in it.
      >But why didn’t he tell you about the bomb?
      Because then you might tell LaCroix, who’s a douche, and Beckett isn’t completely above vampire politics bullshit. LaCroix can blow up for all he cares, but he doesn’t want innocent collateral.

    • 1 week ago

      He was going all around the city hunting for that sarcophagus and he's a famous vampire so maybe Jack or someone else "in the know" told him what was inside and to stop sniffing around. Maybe he warned the fledgling because he grew fond of them after all their conversations but he couldn't outright say what was inside or risk ruining the plan. In other words, it was all an act.

    • 1 week ago

      Just realized Beckett looks like a young jorsh

    • 1 week ago

      It still irks me how the entire thing about the spooky boat and everything else was just a pirate's prank. I felt personally trolled at the end.

      Jack told him so he would give you a chance to save your ass no other explanation on how the snarky furgay would do a 360 degrees and then walk away.

      • 1 week ago

        If you look at the lore 99% of the reason any of the intrigue happens is because really old vampires are so insanely bored that they start wars and conspiracies just to entertain themselves. The entire game was just because Jack was bored.

  13. 1 week ago

    >And why did all the powerful vampires constantly talk about how they can sense something big about to go down when it was all just a ploy to kill Lacroix?
    It's almost like they were sensing a different, all-powerful, elder vampire was in town or something

  14. 1 week ago

    Just let me remind you that the pawns always gets sacrificed to protect the King
    Are you a pawn?

    • 1 week ago

      God I wish that were me.

    • 1 week ago
  15. 1 week ago

    It's pretty well done. There's all this setup about how there must be a vampire in there, but it's not like you're ever given any proof. It's just people saying it over and over and that's it. You fell for it.
    You can even talk with the archeologist guy about how the guy supposedly lived for centuries and he says it's probably just bullshit to make him seem more powerful. And everyone who plays automatically thinks that no, it's because he was a vampire, but you're wrong and he's right. It was just a completely standard dead king.

  16. 1 week ago

    The vamps getting hysterical over nonsense is something that happens all the time, but it was most likely presence of the cab driver that was setting them off.
    common theme in vtm is that the end times are always just around the corner.

  17. 1 week ago

    It was just a bullshit rumour made by Pirate man to get all the power players fighting each other and then hopefully take out as many of them as possible. Jack is an anarch afterall so he was wanting the main powers among the Camarilla and others like the chink vampires to be removed to let LA go back to muh freedom.

  18. 1 week ago

    It's implied that the dead king in the tomb used to be a ghoul to some ancient vampire, hence him living for centuries and drinking blood from a bowl poured by a female vampire. I guess his blood supply ran out and now he was just a dead guy.

  19. 1 week ago

    >And why did all the powerful vampires constantly talk about how they can sense something big about to go down when it was all just a ploy to kill Lacroix?
    They sensed the cab driver (who's strongly implied to be Caine himself) and since the sarcophagus arrived around the same time they got confused and assumed they were sensing whatever was inside it.

  20. 1 week ago

    >And why did all the powerful vampires constantly talk about how they can sense something big about to go down when it was all just a ploy to kill Lacroix?
    It was Caine/not-Caine, depending on whether you believe Troika or White Wolf. Then again, you could reconcile both by stating Caine WAS in LA, he was just mind controlling the malk cabbie, but that's just autistic headcanoning

    As far as I can tell the thing inside the sarcophagus was just a mummy, the regular kind. An honest-to-god wrapped up corpse, still of some value to human archaeologists since it's 3000 or 4000 years old, and any vampiric-nature artifacts would probably not be triggered by humans and would just get stuffed away in some box somewhere, but they're absolutely worthless in the grand scheme of things

    • 1 week ago

      Don't mummies tend to get all pissy and curse whoever disturbs them, or are we not following that kind of logic here?

      • 1 week ago

        He's saying that it's a regular mummy, the kind that we have in the real world as well, as opposed to the supernatural kind.

  21. 1 week ago

    so much bullshit in the replies. It was a mummy, the one you see by Jack in the ending cutscene as Caine is watching them from behind. The mummy originally was assyrian ruler and seems like he was a ghoul for some vamp of old as the historical records indicate him drinking blood and living extraordinary long.

    Like mercurio. he reveals in his dialogue he is originally back from the 40s and 50s when he had to flee new york yet looks like he is 20

  22. 1 week ago

    Are any of the other games that Brian Mitsoda worked on as good as VtmB?

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