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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago
  2. 1 year ago

    >Oda is overpowered because +1 to ashigaru is overpowered
    Their location is a fricking viper's nest wedged in the very center of the map
    I get that the Oda capital itself is kinda rich but i can't invade, say, eastward to cover my left clank without some c**t down in Kyushu declaring war on me and fricking invading me with full stacks of troops by sea barely four turns later

    • 1 year ago

      Is the original Shogun Total War worth playing?

      >left clank

      • 1 year ago

        The original is many times better than 2. However you might not like it because you are used to 2, Shogun 2 is a completely casualized version of the original. This isn't a bad thing necessarily, for example the controls have been casualized which is an improvement imo. Also the difficulty effects the ai's behavior. On expert Shogun 1's ai is the second best in the series, only second to Medieval 1. Also prepare for Hojo bs towards either the late or mid game, depending on starting pos hope you like sieges, because you're gonna do a lot of them Finally, check out the Mongolian Invasion expansion, it's fun and has the best ending voice acting of any Total War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEb4dY8_4TU

        • 1 year ago

          Thank you for the input, I've not played Shogun 2 for myself yet or the original Medieval Total War for that matter but I have played Medieval II and a lot of Rome Total War and recently Barbarian Invasion.

          • 1 year ago

            In that case you might want to play Medieval 1 first, since it'll give you an idea of the difference between Shogun 1 and 2. The only major differences between Shogun and Medieval beside setting are, the ability to select individual units in a group and the title system. Also check the unit cards for the Yin Yang or the 4 bars, depending on which you play, as those indicate unit fatigue levels. Sadly CA removed this from the cards of all future releases
            Finally if you do play Medieval or Shogun, make sure to max the settings except unit scale, since otherwise the games will crash more often on modern systems. Huge scale will lengthen the time for recruitment by double versus large scale

    • 1 year ago

      Take 2 or 3 provinces towards the east, then peace with the Date and let them gobble up that entire half of Japan while keeping them happy.
      you start heading for Kyoto and never have to worry about them until Realm divide

      • 1 year ago

        That’s a little presumptuous. You need the Date to be able to come out on top of the Hojo, Takeda, and Uesugi. Takeda will come out as the dominant power in the east half the time, and they usually ally with Hojo.

        >trying out legendary Oda as my first serious game, never got far before
        >accidentally trigger realm divide while still smack in the middle of japan
        I eventually won but it took a long fricking while.

        I usually deal with the east before realm divide, or at least make sure Ikko Ikki and Takeda are dealt with. Though with the extremely fertile lands of the Ikko Ikki the game gets trivial.

        I was thinking about this game last thursday and after so many years dissapointed I realized it would have been great with hexagonal grid turn based battles... the last redeeming chance for Creative Assembly but instead of that they made their decades long chain of mistakes even worst with the most moronic and brain dead sea battles ever seen in a videogame and then they finally gave up and resorted to magic themed games where nothing has to work as intended or even make sense so they can keep paying the bills and dont starve
        >picture unrelated

        Naval combat is fun. Literally treat it like land combat until you get matchlock ships. Then bask in your own invincibility. For FotS learn you some real naval strategy and cross your T’s.

        • 1 year ago

          >cross your T’s.
          Why even come in melee.
          Just fire from max range and hide damaged ships behind line for repair.

    • 1 year ago

      >trying out legendary Oda as my first serious game, never got far before
      >accidentally trigger realm divide while still smack in the middle of japan
      I eventually won but it took a long fricking while.

    • 1 year ago

      I agree they're more challenging than most, but they're not that bad. Neither Asai nor Ise are aggressive and should be busy with Ikko Ikki and Hattori so if you know what you're doing you can secure peace with them while you eat Imagawa, secure an alliance with Hojo and Takeda and then go back west and take all the most valuable provinces around Kyoto until you're near RD limit and sit on your ass making money until ~20 turns till the campaign end, then blitz and win the game before Takeda and Hojo have a chance to betray you.

  3. 1 year ago

    I was thinking about this game last thursday and after so many years dissapointed I realized it would have been great with hexagonal grid turn based battles... the last redeeming chance for Creative Assembly but instead of that they made their decades long chain of mistakes even worst with the most moronic and brain dead sea battles ever seen in a videogame and then they finally gave up and resorted to magic themed games where nothing has to work as intended or even make sense so they can keep paying the bills and dont starve
    >picture unrelated

  4. 1 year ago

    What's your opinion on the various overhauls?
    >Master of Strategy
    >Rising Sun

    • 1 year ago

      I don't get the point of them, they are incomparable with so many other mods that offer more value imo. But does anyone know how to bundle mods together, iirc Total War games have mod limits that can be avoided this way

      • 1 year ago

        >with so many other mods that offer more value imo
        Any recommendation? I usually just play with the four turns a year and diplomacy fix mod.

        • 1 year ago

          darth mod is alright besides the audio bug (which appeared in rots only for me) and it has a highly customizable launcher

        • 1 year ago

          Strongholds of the Samurai is a must if you dont auto resolve siege battles. Then I usually use some of Fourstriders mods for the extra traits and retainers etc

    • 1 year ago

      >Radious, Darthmod
      Bloated to hell
      >Rising Sun
      Low quality, cool idea
      I dont know

      I only play with TRoM3

    • 1 year ago

      >Master or strategy

      even the kings and generals autist likes it, Ill give it a go

  5. 1 year ago

    why are sea battles so fricking bad in FotS? or is it darth mod?

    • 1 year ago

      Naval battles in FotS just strictly favours defence. Cannons are (rather realistically) inaccurate at range which means fights are pretty much all-or-nothing midrange slugfests with no real tactics. And random explosions are pretty annoying tbh.

  6. 1 year ago

    I've played, at the time of their release, every tw game except for a few (3K, throne, Troy and WH 2&3) and Shogun 2 is one of the best, if not the best vanilla experience, and it's far from my favorite setting. Realm at war is a bad experience the first time it happens to you, but after it you play around and at least it gives you a true end game. Presentation was and is still top notch, gameplay is streamlined but elegant.

    • 1 year ago

      I would tend to agree, never felt compelled to mod Shogun 2.

  7. 1 year ago

    drone strike those baka gaijin

    • 1 year ago

      Congratulations on taking everyone’s guns away!

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