I'm playing oblivion right now and it's almost silly how much of a better game it is compared to Skyrim.

I'm playing oblivion right now and it's almost silly how much of a better game it is compared to Skyrim. Having a dedicated spell casting button alone gives you a lot more possibilities for play style. Magic + sword + shield is better than flashy duel wielding. Why was everyone pissing their pants over how awesome Skyrim was when it came out, when it is a clear downgrade in every possible way?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    It was their first Elder Scrolls game so they have no reference of what the older games were like.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >pick sword, hammer or axe
    >all do the same amount of % damage of enemy total health, not a single change in gameplay
    >bow is either move back and shoot or stealth
    >everything scales, so your level one snowball does the same % damage as your level 100 blizzard inferno
    >game is just level up, get loot thats based on level so you do the same % damage as the weapon before the jump
    Also replayed it recently
    >go do sidequest
    >go to hunter house
    >hunter says "follow me outside"
    >gets stuck on every single door
    >need to wait to find him outside
    >he strolls at 1mph, I need to follow him
    >8 minutes of fricking nothing later
    >4 mountain lions, lined up waiting for interaction
    >shoot with bow
    >all 4 lions follow me in straight line
    >just point and shoot and move backward
    >Hunter npc hits guard in confussion
    >gets knocked out
    >get huge bounty for some fricking reason
    >ask myself why I'm playing this garbage
    Oh frick off.
    Oblivion is its own kind of terrible

    • 2 weeks ago

      Confirmed for not playing Oblivion. When you level up your weapons and spells actually do less % damage than what you did at level one, enemy health scales way faster than player damage.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Having to dedicate hands to spells is better for balance. unless you're willing to pause for every encounter you have to choose between stronger magic, weaker magic but a sword or a shield, or a sword and shield or two hander with no magic

    • 2 weeks ago

      You can hotkey spells

      Does anyone actually play the games they tall shit about on this board?

      • 2 weeks ago

        And if you want to use stronger magic or a shield/two hand you have to hotkey them too. there's only 8 hotkeys. if you want to sword&shield and cast magic that's 3 out of 8 right there for one single spell, also you have the drawing animation too.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hotkeying your weapon and shield is less necessary, I rarely change them in combat.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Doesn't spell hotkeys require an addon?

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes they do

  4. 2 weeks ago

    You're moronic. Skyrim is shit and Oblivion is fricking horrible. Arguing which is the best Bethesda game is like arguing which is the tastiest brand of glue. Frick off.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >le todd Howard is le bad
      t. gets all his opinions from youtube video essays

      We get it, Bethesda is cool to hate

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          Why are you telling me this when fallout NV and outer worlds are the quintessential reddit troony games?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Correct yes
        Now prove why any of these beliefs are bad or wrong?

        • 2 weeks ago

          You didn't actually give any reasons why oblivion is shitty and horrible though, you just said it is because le bethesda. I can't argue with you if you don't present an argument, this is conversation 101

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I love oblivion but the spellcasting button is my least favorite part and makes me not enjoy playing full magic characters. I'm glad they went back to normal equipping in skyrim

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hotkeyless casting makes playing a spellblade pure fricking cancer, it's so clunky
      There's honestly no reason they couldn't do both

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Having a dedicated spell casting button alone gives you a lot more possibilities for play style.
    Thank you, seriously I miss being able to cast while having a two handed weapon. And Todd will bring back the duel wielding system in ESVI as well when it drops in 2046 the frick.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Oblivion is better than Skyrim
    Morrowind is better than Oblivion
    (Modded) Daggerfall is better than Morrowind
    Arena sucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      >(Modded) Daggerfall is better than Morrowind

      Really? Redpill me on daggerfall, I haven't touched it

      • 2 weeks ago

        morrowind removed half of daggerfalls features instead of clarifying on them because bethesda fricked around in the late 90’s and lost a shit ton of money.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Daggerfall Unity with some of the most common mods (according to nexus mods) installed is great.
        There are dozens of factions, even more skills, which got dumbed down with each consecutive game in the franchise, huge dungeons to explore, actual cities and not just 5 houses with a wall around them, actual roleplaying required to finish quests, creating a good build actually requires thought - instead of virtually every build being viable.
        If you like Dungeon Crawling the feeling of traversing an open world the size of a real life country, this is the best game ever made.
        Vanilla Daggerfall has aged like milk tho, so mods are requried for current day enjoyment.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I played a bunch of Daggerfall Unity a while ago, I would say the whole game lives or dies depending on how much you like its dungeon crawling. The (unmodded) dungeons are randomly generated and often HUGE and mazelike, which can make them a pain in the ass to traverse. Sometimes the goal of a quest can even be behind a hidden door. Personally I found the dungeons too annoying to explore, but if you don't mind that or use a mod to shrink them then the game itself is pretty vast (most of it randomly generated, some of it hand-crafted) with a ton of guilds, spells, builds, stuff like that. Very exploitable and minmax friendly game if you like that sort of stuff.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Lol no. Daggerfall is shit. The character creation is kind of cool but 90% of skills are broken and useless. Morrowind is far more complex and fleshed out, and unlike Daggerfall it was actually finished.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Morrowind and Daggerfall are both great games.
          Which one you prefer is down to your personal taste and preference. Boths have their ups and downs. But you can't say that one is objectively better than the other.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >you can't say that one is objectively better than the other.
            I'm literally haven't said anything like that, however this post

            Oblivion is better than Skyrim
            Morrowind is better than Oblivion
            (Modded) Daggerfall is better than Morrowind
            Arena sucks

            did. Yet you replied to me instead of the original post that's guilty of what you're describing. Curious.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >but 90% of skills are broken and useless
          Didn't play DF, but in morrowind around 60% of the skills are completely useless. There's literally 0 point on leveling things like personality, sneak, pickpocket when 1 single illusion spell can do better than those 3 put together. This also applies to a less extent in the warrior build. There's no progression for warriors either, other than just leveling up strength and clicking enemies to death. Not a single fun to use skill or something

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah as someone who first played the most out of Skyrim ( technically Morrowind was my first but i uninstalled it after like 2 hours because it ran like shit at the time ) its just insane how much Oblivion is better than Skyrim, like for the first playthrough Skyrim was pretty fun for me but i lost my OG save and since then i just couldn't replicate the fun i had, it got only worse the more i started noticing the bland writing and quests with non-existent proper faction quests outside of very few noteworthy, it was really the game where Bethesda completely sold out their soul.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The ONLY thing I don't like about Oblivion is that the game turns to shit as soon as the enemies start adapting to your higher level.
      You bascially have to create an anti-character, picking only major/minor skills which you know you won't use, to prevent leveling up.

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah thats a major flaw but one that can be fixed on PC with modz.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    And morrowind's a much better game than Oblivion. Especially when it's got a working multiplayer
    we waiting you

    • 2 weeks ago

      kys morrowtroon

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I wish Oblivion had a good level scaling remover like Requiem for skyrim, its tough to go back to todds moron-proof system

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pretty sure OOO and the big overhauls get rid of level scaling entirely.

      • 2 weeks ago

        OOO is bloated, unstable dogshit before even getting into the clusterfrick that is FCOM.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ive never been able to get OOO to function without constant crashes

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pretty sure OOO and the big overhauls get rid of level scaling entirely.

      OOO is bloated, unstable dogshit before even getting into the clusterfrick that is FCOM.

      Ive never been able to get OOO to function without constant crashes

      Use Maskar's instead. Or Asension from the same guy that made the Jsawyer ED mod

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Use Maskar's instead
        Maskar's is highly configurable, but doesn't have nearly enough detail on what those configurations actually mean.
        >How much fleep do you want: [2]

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Oblivion has a lot of soul, but it's really fricking bad as an actual game, and for me it borders on unplayable. Skyrim isn't good, but it's also incredibly inoffensive compared to a game where you put 100% chameleon on your gear, not because the combat is particularly challenging, but because you just spent thirty minutes trading blows with a bandit and if you get into combat immediately after you will want to have a nice day.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Having a dedicated spell casting button alone gives you a lot more possibilities for play style.
    Just makes it too easy to have a jack of all trades characters. Skyrim hand equip style is great for balance. And you still got a spell button in the form of shouts, which was a welcome addition for non-magic characters.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Oblivion has so much soul, you can make spells(albeit not as good in Morrowind) and the NPCs uncanny potato faced idiocy shenigans will never be not funny

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Shit level scaling
    Shit dungeons
    Shit character models
    Shit main story(I think its the worst of them all)

    It has better guilds than skyrim for sure, the landscape is nice for the time but Skyrim beats it there which is the only thing Skyrim really excels at, but it just felt like a very casualized step down from Morrowind which preceded it. I will always be mad over the retconning of Cyrodil from a Roman jungle to generic ye ol medieval land. Even the Imperial guard barely look like Roman legionaries just generic fantasy warriors. I could say a lot more about why Oblivion is bad but that's just what immediately comes to mind.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the landscape is nice for the time but Skyrim beats it
      Oblivion map and nature is pure soul and coziness while skyrim is a bit of a theme park and just candy for the eye IMO

    • 2 weeks ago

      but enough about Skyrim
      Oblivion has
      the best dungeons
      the best side quests ( which are far more important than the main quest imo )
      the best expansion to date
      the most soul
      the most beautiful soundtrack of them all
      the most iconic memes
      the best voice acting
      and the most unique main story out of them all ( you're NOT the chosen one clique )

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Oblivion has aged like top shelf dog shit. The combat is horrendous and even jankier than skyrim, the quests are moderately less terrible but still largely garbage, the radiant AI is a tweaked out fentanyl addict, the graphics are absolute ass and they're not just old, they're downright ugly to look at. Oh and the voice acting, total bethesda grade A shit slop. Oblivion is entirely nostalgia, the game itself is fricking awful.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Oblivion has aged like top shelf dog shit. The combat is horrendous and even jankier than skyrim, the quests are moderately less terrible but still largely garbage, the radiant AI is a tweaked out fentanyl addict, the graphics are absolute ass and they're not just old, they're downright ugly to look at. Oh and the voice acting, total bethesda grade A shit slop. Oblivion is entirely nostalgia, the game itself is fricking awful.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Well at the time of oblivion you still had elitists saying its no morrowind etc. A lot of people against mobs scaling. Gaming was still nerds and not mainstream at all. So the more mainstream stuff at the time was shit like halo, not oblivion. Skyrim was babys first rpg and bethesda game for many people as it became more mainstream. While skyrims mod scene was nice it was still a pretty simplistic RPG without much depth or challenge to the mechanics but still enjoyable for many.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    skyrim is probably the better game with a more engaging perk system and less aggressive enemy/loot scaling but I have too much nostalgia for oblivion.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Skyrim is the most comfy walking around, minimal jank and goofy shit. other sp game with this amount of passable slop doesn't exist for me.

    I love skyrim and i hate it, game's depressing.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I love oblivion but why are there so many ugly nogs

  20. 2 weeks ago

    the world is way better too. skyrim's fricking sucks, it feels small and dead.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    For the same reason BG3, a fricking jrpg, was one of the most successful games of it's year.
    As time went on normies took over and tastes went to shit.
    Skyrim is an easier more streamlined version of Oblivion, hence it's more popular.
    Now sure Oblivion and even Morrowind are both more casual than what came before them but at least they brought significant upgrades (Morrowind had a 3d world, Oblivion had voice acting, AI and a significant leap in graphics).

    Then there's also the ass-burnt homosexuals. You know, those people who cannot let go of some imaginary future that their favorit game series was suppose to follow. The morons who complain about 3d fallouts, or about PoP warrior within, or Doom 3, or prey 2017, or Elden Ring or whatever. These are the morons who, almost 20 years later are STILL b***hing about Oblivion being set in a picturesque meadow instead of a grey wasteland.

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