I'm sure there's some on here who remember Sword of the Stars.

I'm sure there's some on here who remember Sword of the Stars. Well one of the developers said that if this change.org petition gets 30k signatures they'll start a crowdfund for an HD update.


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  1. 1 year ago

    Thanks but no thanks. Not after the shitshow that was SotS 2.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know too much but I hear that was mostly Paradox's fault by forcing Kerberos to release early.

      • 1 year ago

        No, that's not what happened at all.

        Kerberos was obligated to release the game by a certain date, and when they did, it was literally a beta build. Half of the planned mechanics didn't exist, the UI was fricked, the entire lighting system was an eye strain, and they had to make a public apology. The release was so bad that they gave away the DLC + expac for free.

        After a year of updates and bugfixes it became workable, but it still has memory leaks out the ass. By turn 200 the game slows to a crawl and nothing works. Which is unfortunate, because the LOA are one of the coolest scifi races I've seen.

        If Kerberos are going to remake anything, it should be Sots 2. And keep Mecron away from the fricking forums.

        • 1 year ago

          >If Kerberos are going to remake anything, it should be Sots 2. And keep Mecron away from the fricking forums.

          Also project management for software is very hard but when you've got X money and you get through it all and hit your release date without finishing the product you're still kind of on the hook for it.
          Real shame about SotS 2. I swear to god it was a beautiful format, I liked the setup, I liked the mission system (needed a little polish) and the ship design/techs/combat system were pure sex.

          It's genuinely painful to see them scrabbling away with little indie games hoping to strike it big like with The Pit again. I want more SotS lore and setting, not random mobile games.

          • 1 year ago

            i am pretty sure they hit sots gold by accident
            all their others games were various amount of disaster and bug fests often both

            • 1 year ago

              Not sure. I think SotS 2 would have been gold if it had been
              >had a better UI
              There's definitely a game I would like under the rubble there and it makes it all the more painful. They were on the right track.
              Given that, I'm inclined to think they were genuinely talented with 4x games even if Mecrons was a self-important c**t who once told me I didn't have any reason to expect a working game for my money.

              Sots: The Pit? Yeah that was a lottery win. None of their other indie games have done half as well afaiu.

              • 1 year ago

                Mission system was poo out my ass. The broken state of the game didn't kill it. What was underneath all the mess after they cleaned some of it up is what killed it.

              • 1 year ago

                You are poo. The mission system was fine and necessary. It worked on a number of different levels, and also made more sense than making a billion tankers to send out on one-way suicide trips.

              • 1 year ago

                It was an awful idea that stripped control away from the player and added layers of menus and complexity to complete basic tasks that are traditionally solved with a right click. If you don't like the tanker exploratiom rush, you tweak the numbers in the game, you don't try to reinvent a whole movement system for strategy games.

              • 1 year ago

                If you want it to be just like every other game why don't you just go play every other game?
                It's more realistic than muh suicide exploration and it let them use the advanced tech level from the first game, meaning faster stock drive speed, without having everyone rocket across the map instantly at the start of the game. It integrated with starbase infrastructure and made a system's flee support capacity relevant.
                It sucked 'cause the whole game sucked and lagged every time you wanted to change screens, and it certainly needed some UI passes, but the people who whine about that specifically (rather than the state of the whole game) are dumb and bad.

              • 1 year ago

                >If you want it to be just like every other game why don't you just go play every other game?
                This isn't even an argument and makes the rest of your post not worth reading. By saying this, you're saying that every other 4x game is the same. Change the content and mechanics. Don't change the basic control scheme. Left click to select and right click to move is perfect.

              • 1 year ago

                >had been
                I am tired to pretend that any unused 'potential' matter. It don't. They fricked it up and my farts have bigger impacts that any 'potential' you delude yourself that this pile of shit had.

      • 1 year ago

        >I hear that was mostly Paradox's fault by forcing Kerberos to release early
        its just mecron and that b***h erynie trying to whitewash themselves and building their own facade of lies
        in reality paradox give them free hand and they lied to them, lied to their fans and still continue to lie
        t. old kerberos forum user

      • 1 year ago

        Wrong, and I hope you get many replies telling you that. SotS 2 was the game that forced Paradox to be a more active participant in its publishing because Kerberos fricked them over so hard.


        I'm sure there's some on here who remember Sword of the Stars. Well one of the developers said that if this change.org petition gets 30k signatures they'll start a crowdfund for an HD update.


        That's tempting. I hate the devs, but the 1st one is basically perfect aside from how it looks and sounds.

        • 1 year ago

          >1st one is basically perfect aside from how it looks and sounds.
          i replayed it recently and sure its addictive but it also lack plenty of QoL improvements and is over all clunky as hell

          • 1 year ago

            Fair point.

            • 1 year ago

              like you lack obsolete design button and need to delete them, like wtf I remember pestering that old frick mecron to implement this

      • 1 year ago

        As people have already pointed out the bad decisions all came from Kerberos themselves, not from Paradox. They deliberately hid the state of the game and lied to their fans and to Paradox for every day they could stall the truth from getting out, like how they claimed they released the beta of the game instead of the gold version by accident, but when they later released the "correct" version it was literally the same unplayably broken shit. Core features being broken or even entirely unimplemented, bugs out the ass, completely unintuitive gameplay created by shit UI design combined with a weird overfocus on awkward gameplay elements that nobody cared about at the expense of stuff that's actually important, etc. Even much later after they patched the game so it was actually playable, it's still just a shit game designed by actual morons.

        After experiencing first-hand the shitshow that was the SotS2 release and the barefaced lies they told about their own game on the official forums I made a decision to A) Never pre-order a game ever again, and B) Never buy a Kerberos game ever again.

        • 1 year ago

          >I made a decision to A) Never pre-order a game ever again, and B) Never buy a Kerberos game ever again.

        • 1 year ago

          >they claimed they released the beta of the game instead of the gold version by accident, but when they later released the "correct" version it was literally the same unplayably broken shit.
          Man, this bit really shattered me. I remember the relief when they were like, "oh woopsie, wrong version, sorry", and then the confusion and anger when all the "correct" version changed was that the options menu was now greyed.

  2. 1 year ago

    >HD update
    There's nothing wrong with the game's looks and it runs on toasters. All these visual upgrade rereleases do is inflate hardware requirements and make games weigh tens of gigabytes.
    What the game could use is shortening of the load times, better AI and better combat.

  3. 1 year ago

    >30k signatures
    I like SotS, but let's be honest it was never that popular and even most of those who have played it have already forgotten about it.

  4. 1 year ago

    >3 years old petition

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