I'm thinking about getting Foxhole is it worth it?

I'm thinking about getting Foxhole is it worth it?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago


    it's a cool idea on paper but the sad reality is you are going to be subjected to the dev's increasing mismanagement and the community's hyper autism over logistics vs combat duties as well as the report-happy zealots that want to get people banned

  3. 7 months ago

    Here's the problem with all of those tanks and ships you see in the trailers: Players built those, and it took a LOT of time to build them.

    how do you build them? Well, it involves a process called 'Scrooping'. how do you scroop? You spend 5-6 hours a day, planting your ass down in a resource field someplace on the map, and bashing those resources, coal, sulfur, scrap, iron, with a hammer until you can fill a truck of it up
    then you go to a mill and refine the resources and use those to build tanks.

    It takes fricking days to build that silverhand in your image by yourself, you lose it in a matter of minutes on the front line.

    tl;dr what a great concept for a game ruined by some utterly moronic design decisions

    • 7 months ago

      for real? Thats some supreme autism shit putting even milsims to shame. Planetside already figured out how to do mass battles decades ago

    • 7 months ago

      It's not so much devs who decided how long it should take to create a single vehicle, it's the fact that games like this are infested with players who will play 20 hours a day mass producing vehicles, while the majority of players will not even touch the building/manufacturing side of the game.

      This leads to forcing stupid grind into the game because you don't want three chinese guys running bots to pump out 500 vehicles for one faction while the other side with normal humans who don't spend every waking second playing one single game would end up completely disadvantaged. It's already nearly at that point, but there are enough autists on both sides to keep the wars semi-close.

    • 7 months ago

      >janny simulator

  4. 7 months ago

    Foxhole is only worth getting into if you have friends and a group who will play it with you. If you play it by yourself, be prepared to play only one type of game: very slow trench warfare pushes where you die in like 10 seconds but are expected to do most of the heavy lifting by yourself. The actual pushes and breakthroughs in the game are done by Clans.

    I hate advocating for it but it's the one game where a socialism of resources would unironically improve the game. Only because it would give everyone a chance to use the fancy machines in the trailer. Otherwise you're playing a rather unfun top-down shooting game against 200 people (most of which are organized and thus will always have an advantage over you) where most of your team is moronic and things only go your way when major clans who poopsock 40 hours a week each are playing.

  5. 7 months ago

    Yes. It's similar to EVE but dodges a lot of the problems EVE has with PvP.

    The only ways to get filtered are being incapable of working as a team, or trying to win a war all on your own and burning yourself out. The game is designed to be played by coordinating.

    Find a side of gameplay you find fun and join a small regiment. Try out both factions. Factionalism brain-rot is real.

    t. 2000 hour tank larper

    • 7 months ago

      What if I don't play with a mic?

      • 7 months ago

        You don't need it to coordinate, though it helps. There are text channels for local, region, logistics, and strategic Intel.

  6. 7 months ago

    I hopped on, found somewhere kinda close to a frontline, a tank drove by and parked in front of me for some reason so I hopped into the machine gunner seat and the guy goes "Oh, uh... Yeah I guess we could use a machine gunner..." over VOIP.

    We proceed to just kind of roll up to the enemies and I gunned down everybody until I was out of ammo. It was fun enough for like.... 10 minutes. The issue is if you don't have actual people to play with you are basically at the whim of whoever is in some big company that basically controls your faction of choice in parts of the map.

    People will SPERG THE FRICK OUT if you touch vehicles or resources without knowing what you're doing, and most people will try to get new players to just run supplies 24/7. Don't listen to them, just go to a front line and use your pistol and try not to die too much so your side doesn't lose the war because you run out of uniforms (Basically spawn points)

  7. 7 months ago


    The game is basically ran by hall monitors who form clans for the express purpose of telling you how you're allowed to have fun.

    What to drive a tank? Too fricking bad. Get on Discord and suck their dick and maybe in 3-4 weeks, you'll be allowed to pull a tank.

    Want Rmats? Too fricking bad, it's TRANZGAMERZ Rmats, and they'll teamkill you if you take any, mass report you and get you banned for a month.

    Want to do literally anything new or interesting? Too fricking bad. You can't. It's for clanBlack folk only.

    • 7 months ago

      This is mostly true, but you can get the basic light and medium tanks as a solo. Variants are clannie exclusive or require sucking clannie dick. Some clannies will allow you to buy variants/vehicles with rmats, but they can cut you off for any reason. Shit game, shit devs.

  8. 7 months ago

    It was worth back in 2017. Now it's shitshow infested by clannies.

  9. 7 months ago

    I would play but I got banned for no reason because I got mass reported. Then I decided that I don't want to play with these fricking people anymore.

  10. 7 months ago

    Funny seeing so many people getting filtered in this thread.

  11. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Swap the furgay with the dudes and it's pretty accurate

  12. 7 months ago

    kek oh wow I thought it was top down battlefield with persistent maps. It has been rotting in my wishlist for years and I never knew. The trailers definitely dont show that its a pseudo mmo

  13. 7 months ago


    It's frustrating. It's a neat concept, but, it just doesn't work when you let players moderate it themselves and rely on automatic tools to enforce things.
    The developers have consistently failed to listen to basically anyone but big clans who want to keep the game in such a way that they have all the power and are completely free to make the game awful for any individual player.

  14. 7 months ago


    You can always refund it.

    Plus the game is actually kind of fun if you just go play on the frontlines. Map changes dynamically over time as areas are lost and gained because players build all the trenches and pillboxes and such, and the longer the war goes on the longer you'll find old areas that used to be heavily contested that are full of half destroyed trenches and shit it's kind of neat.

    If you avoid pissing off clans you can still just take fancy weapons and equipment from the spawn point before running to the battle, or you can just loot corpses and pretend it wasn't you if somebody asked where their Big Dick(R) Sniper went.

  15. 7 months ago

    >solo Major

    No. Unless you are prepared to deal with being a slave, climbing clanman "ranks", discord, and communication breakdowns at an international level do not bother with this game.

    The frontline can sustain only so much actual gameplay until it either collapses or the front moves so far that you have to do logistics.
    To do almost anything more advanced than running with a rifle requires another player, so either have friends or get ready to enter the world of Clans. To which is to say be ready to become a labor slave. You will gather the resources, you will fill your queues, and you will fill the stockpile.
    The game is best played with large groups because it is also possible to win simply with numbers. A well built base can succumb to an enemy push if there are not enough players to activate the AI, and there will be stacked fights. What idiot starts a fight they can't win, and numbers is an easy way to win a fight.
    Another easy way is vehicles, but those require advanced materials and advanced facilities and factorio style bases to make them. So have fun with that, solo.

    Shit sucks. Go back to Planetside 2

  16. 7 months ago

    >Join the frontline
    >It's a grindfest without tone or rhyme
    >Randomly shot everywhere
    >Can't push
    >Can't make a difference
    >Always low on menaingful supplies

    >Join logistics
    >Can't do anything worthwhile, everything important is hoarded by clans
    >Takes a frickton of time to do anything meaningful to get anywhere
    >Need the fricking metal scrap that it's always hoarded already

    >Try to make a tank
    >Get griefed or stolen by teammates
    >Finally get one
    >Needs a 4 man crew, which is pretty cool, but people don't know what to do because it's an endgame shit no one ever lasts on or nobody tries
    >When it works, it's awesome and could be a stand alone game that would sell pancakes
    >But it's not
    >You never get to play armoreds or get the logistics around it going
    >Teammates are lacking
    >metal is a grind

    >Try anything else
    >There's fricking nothing, just no man's land everywhere, or a barren wasteland of no players.

    Foxhole is a game too wide for its own good. Fighting sucks, and it's a war game. Logistics are cool, but it's aint Factorio either. Tank warfare is awesome, but it's unobtanium.

    Just do anything else.

    • 7 months ago

      I have been thinking of making tanks easier for the next update, I worry it will break the game balance though.

      • 7 months ago

        >devs read these threads but do nothing to break up the clannies

      • 7 months ago

        If you're a dev just do a 25v25 man mode where there are 5 tanks and two supply trucks and hunt each other through a big map

        Tank warfare in this game is actually really really good, as the Skirmish mode was. Now the good parts are gone and the shitty ones remain.

    • 7 months ago

      Back on the update before trains, I remember the thing that nobody was allowed to touch at all unless they already knew what they were doing was artillery, I remember hearing people just fricking sperging in voip about somebody touching their ammo or touching the gun they were using or whatever.

      Now it seems like if you touch anything that you didn't personally make, people get mad. I haven't grabbed anything from my own team's supplies at all the last few times I hopped on, I just go loot corpses because otherwise I get screamed at by some 19 year old.

    • 7 months ago

      >>Try anything else
      's fricking nothing, just no man's land everywhere, or a barren wasteland of no players.
      Back during the glory days of Gankerermin (rip) and before, I used to love sneaking behind lines with nothing but a wrench and binoculars to see what I could grab and/or break (like destroying a dozen harvesters in one life by driving them into ai). From then on the devs seemed to make choices that really limit doing solo/small scale stuff, especially for partisans. Couple that with clans sitting in the backline waiting for a literal discord AI to ping them when something appears on radar and I just wasn't having fun like I did in the earlier versions

      also devs never brought back an improved Dead Harvest and I still seethe about that

      • 7 months ago

        for me, it was running naked around the battlefield and looting all the corpses to bring back to base

    • 7 months ago

      a 4 man crew, which is pretty cool, but people don't know what to do because it's an endgame shit no one ever lasts on or nobody tries
      >>When it works, it's awesome and could be a stand alone game that would sell pancakes

      This would make a run for WoT's money, but with fantasy tanks and mechs and shit

      3 or 4 operators and 3 supply support players with their truck in the back, some infantry weapons when tanks are gone and it's shoveling time

  17. 7 months ago

    Can I do logistics and provide resources for the starved solo players?

    • 7 months ago

      To add. Are there any logistics clans that exist to not to hoard for themselves, but to provide resources for pubbers? It's actually the logistics side of Foxhole that interests me most but I don't want to be a slave to a clan.

      • 7 months ago

        You can. I used to do it like this once a week:
        >look at the global / regional chat, or look at logistical requests on the map
        >See a ton of
        >NEED RIFLE AMMO in wiener BRIDGE
        >Spend 20-30 minutes mining and crafting basic resources
        >load it into a truck found in a public parking lot
        >drive for 5 minutes to the front
        >unload it into the forward bunker
        >all the soldiers in the area see what is being delivered
        >Receive a flood of endorsments
        >Park the truck and join the fight
        All the anons here are rightfully disillusioned with the clan situation, but sometimes just a bunch of shirts can help hold a position for an assault

        • 7 months ago

          >>NEED RIFLE AMMO in wiener BRIDGE

          • 7 months ago

            Every logicuck eventually develops this superiority complex.
            >heh, look at those moron lemmings
            >goes back to holding LMB

          • 7 months ago

            that's when you learn not to deliver granades to bridges.
            A 17 years old will inevitably yell "EVERYONE GRAB A NADE AND RUSH", 20 morons will follow and then we lose the position in the counterattack

            • 7 months ago

              Nothing you do has an impact, might as well dick around
              Even in a clan, you can build Fort Buttsex for your butt comrades and when you go to sleep, Xi Chinchink will get to it and unmake it the next day.

              Just join, dick around, "shoot" some brushes, get bored and unninstall.

              Yes some funny shit happens from time to time. But it's not every day.

            • 7 months ago

              Or they lose the bridge because morons didn't supply grenades.

    • 7 months ago

      Nope, you'll go from FREE TANKS FOR EVERYONE to PAY FOR IT b***h after one war.

  18. 7 months ago

    Give it a go for 2 hours and then do a refund
    Playing a bit on the front-line van be fun at the start, you can grab some weapons and equipment that players brought to the front spawn, that were slaving away to create that stuff (try not to craft for your limited 2 hours or you will literally waste your time)
    It will be fun for the first few hours because it is a new experience, afterward, you will come to the realization that whatever you do, as a solo player, has no impact on the war whatsoever
    To build simple stuff you have to grind an entire day like a mindless slave and pretend collecting resources, crafting, and driving around is 'fun'
    To craft the actual fun stuff such as vehicles, you would have to collect rare resources for hours, maybe even days because clannies jump like flies to shit on those resources, if you somehow managed to get the stuff you need then pray that some clannie doesn't frick you over while you try to build what you want

    It sounds like a good concept but autist clannies turned this game into a full-time second job

  19. 7 months ago

    It has good moments, especially in the early days of a war.
    The atmosphere is really good, partecipating in a rush with 50 people and seeing all of them mowed down by machine guns, getting shelled by artillery in a trench, scavenging corpses to find a gas mask during an assault, it's honestly the most immersive WW1 experience you can get in a videogame.
    It's also hilarious at times, everyone is autistic but in a fun way.
    I was fighting on an isthmus and a guy yelled at me to get on a barge. There were 5 other guys, they gave me granades and we steamed down the beach shooting at the enemies from behind while blasting Pirates of the Caribbean on the mic. An enemy barge showed up and we started chucking granades trying to sink eachother.

    However the novelty runs out after a while and i strongly advise not to bother with logistics.

  20. 7 months ago

    if you are an autist who likes playing truck simulator for hours but also is somehow not a sperg who likes to coordinate with others this might be the perfect game for you

    • 7 months ago

      I'm that autist but you have to deal with your average discord user so that's a no from me

  21. 7 months ago

    >join game
    >spawn at garrison, lots of people running around
    >can hear shots outside
    >no guns in the garrison
    >grab a medkit and uniform
    >try to help by healing people
    >tanks roll past us
    >"hey you in the medic uniform, get the frick in, my gunner just died"
    >join tank battalion and enter the fray
    >tank on tank combat
    >people screaming orders at eachother
    >panic and shoot the first enemy tank I see
    >we blow up and die

    • 7 months ago

      war is hell

      • 7 months ago

        >war is hell
        There are no innocents in hell.

    • 7 months ago


  22. 7 months ago

    No. Clans are not a problem unless you are severely autistic and incapable of human communication, hence so many people whining about it here, but it's a non-issue for anyone not socially inept. The real problem is cheaters and the fact that someone can labor for literally dozens of hours to get materials only for someone else who bought two copies of the game to hop on their alt on the enemy team, fill a truck with vital resources and then drive into a river and destroy all the stuff. The dev team never bans these people so there's no point in playing.

    • 7 months ago

      Ah yes. I did forget about Private Chang who is seen doing almost nothing except following around a clan so they can report the location of everything to the other side. I also forgot about the times I heard people say to stop using in game voip and switch to discord so "spies don't report everything they're doing". These same people then talk about the 'spies they have on the other team' and give away enemy locations to people in the area.

      It's annoying when it happens for either side, but any game with fog of war like this is going to have it happen. Can't stop it with all the third party communications you can do.

    • 7 months ago

      t. clannie

    • 7 months ago

      Yes clans are a problem you brainfricked idiot. It's the same shit that has killed ss13 servers: communities sprout in discord servers and anyone that doesn't suck their wiener in a parasocial relationship gets ostracized from the actual game.

  23. 7 months ago

    devs do nothing about the cheats. lazor beams everywhere

  24. 7 months ago


    >listening to Gankerirgins
    the game is fun. The local coms make it worth the 20$ alone. Had some hilarious moments in the game that I haven't had after putting 1,300 hours into planetside 2.

    I litterally suicided 10 trucks into the enemy and no one reported me and only one guy complained. For me there just isnt enough progression to enjoy it but it is a fun time especially if you have friends that wanna play (I dont)

  25. 7 months ago

    I was also wondering this. It's been on my wishlist for years, and naval combat has me very interested this sale. This thread combined with all the negative Steam reviews all saying the same thing about clans and troony discords mass reporting everyone for trying to have fun are very disappointing. Might buy and refund, but kind of leaning away from ever buying it at this point. Shame the devs seem to not care how bad their community is.

    • 7 months ago

      You'd never be allowed on the big ships anyway.

      • 7 months ago

        That sucks. I just want to command ships and sink other ships.

        I have been thinking of making tanks easier for the next update, I worry it will break the game balance though.

        If you're actually a dev, you need to take a hard look at what people in this thread are saying and end the way the clan shit.

  26. 7 months ago

    seems cool but its like the worst parts of planetside combined with constantly dying to someone off-screen.
    your view distance is trash so you're left basically just shooting blindly in the general direction of the enemy and hope you hit someone.

    • 7 months ago

      I despise the fact that you have to angle your screen in a wonky way to be able to hit someone, and there's no hit markers or anything for "immersion"

      Makes sense for a little while until you remember it's a fricking videogame, about war, and makes it all so bland to fight. It's already meaningless as frick to be on the frontline, might as well play for the epic 360 no scopez

  27. 7 months ago

    Just play Albion online if you hate foxhole but still want all the guild cartel drama.

  28. 7 months ago

    >game has a cool core concept
    >it's tangled with the most unfun autistic mechanics that is actually what you're going to do 90% of the time before you get to have fun for 10%

    you hate to see it

  29. 7 months ago

    asymmetry killed the game
    facilities buried the corpse

  30. 7 months ago

    Yes, but to enjoy the game to its fullest extent you need to join a regiment. There’s a lot you can do as a solo player(combat, logistics, partisaning) but some parts require a group(facilities, tank combat, artillery). The highs in this game beat all the lows you encounter. Be respectful to people and don’t take anything personal and you’ll be fine.

    T. Lt. Col with 1300 hours played

  31. 7 months ago

    Clan man bad is an overblown issue repeated by people who either haven't personally interacted or people who cannot personally interact.

    • 7 months ago

      Then are you saying that clans don't utilise mass reports to assert claims of territory, or mass reports as a means to resolve disputes? And it follows that they're aware that mass reports result in an autoban that's usually not reversed.

  32. 7 months ago

    I remember having a lot of fun hearing people scream their lungs out by calling for a medic, and when there's a coordinated attack and you just chat with other players through the mic it can be quite enjoyable.
    Still, the grinding aspect of the game is fricking horrible though. You're gonna feel like every base is running out of resources because nobody wants to spend hours mining scrap like a robot. A lot of the cool things like tanks you'll probably never touch because it takes so long for one to get made

  33. 7 months ago

    No, troons killed it

  34. 7 months ago

    I'm considering getting it because industry and logistics interests me. Is there a tracker for the stuff you create that keeps track of what it's used for? Like if I made guns I would be interested in seeing a screen with the numbers of people the guns I've made have killed

    • 7 months ago

      This is the tracked stats:

      • 7 months ago

        That's damage that you have personally done, or does it include indirect damage weapons you've created has made?

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