I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you retards like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.

I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
>limited saves
I tolerated it in Resident Evil but won't tolerate it in an open ended rpg. NOPE, I had to mod it out.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    The saves are unlimited you tard the schnaps weighs almost nothing and costs almost nothing.

    • 2 months ago

      In other words it's a completely useless mechanic.

      • 2 months ago

        No, it filters morons.
        There should be mechanics that sound counter productive so the fanbase doesn't grow and remains small

        • 2 months ago

          >it filters morons
          >immediately voices his own moronation
          anon you're living proof that that idea does not work

  2. 2 months ago

    I liked it until I discovered that I couldn't save my progress and had to restart 1 hour back if I died randomly

  3. 2 months ago

    >limited saves
    You lost all integrity to get a serious answer you stupid, shitposting normalgay.

    • 2 months ago

      >limited saves
      this hasn't been a thing in for like 6 years you fricking poser, they changed all of that like 6 years ago

      his point is that you need items to save still, a very moronic feature that adds nothing to the game

      • 2 months ago

        Don't reply to me or my son ever again, casual.

        • 2 months ago

          it's a shit mechanic and that is an objective fact

          • 2 months ago

            The only objective fact is your skill issue. Git gud..

      • 2 months ago

        >his point is that you need items to save still
        no you don't, you just go to bed or wait for the game to autosave constantly like it has done for years, you're shitting your pants over a nonexistent issue.

      • 2 months ago

        They added a save & quit option and the save doesn't get deleted when you load, it is pretty much a permanent save. You need to die (or quit to title)to reload it but is a lifesaver when there is no bed close or if you dont want to use a potion.

      • 2 months ago

        Just admit you’re a quick save spamming biatch in other open world games and let’s get this thread over with.

        • 2 months ago

          why yes, when your game is jank ass and crashes constantly i should be allowed to spam F5 to avoid losing my progress
          anyways hows the weather in prague

        • 2 months ago

          >limited saves in a 2024 game
          What the frick? Is this real?

          In Deus Ex, I can save whenever I want. In Morrowind, I can save whenever I want. In Fallout New Vegas I can save whenever I want. In Fallout 2, I can save whenever I want.

          • 2 months ago

            > In Fallout New Vegas I can save whenever I want.
            A little on the nose there, bud.

            • 2 months ago

              what did he say that is wrong there? is he pointing out to other games in the genre and not even using modern ones

          • 2 months ago

            >In Fallout New Vegas I can save whenever I want.
            Correction. In New Vegas I have to manually save whenever I want because when unmodified the game spontaneously corrupts its autosaves for no reason.

          • 2 months ago

            >In Deus Ex, I can save whenever I want. In Morrowind, I can save whenever I want. In Fallout New Vegas I can save whenever I want. In Fallout 2, I can save whenever I want

            Every single one of those games also has Black folk. Checkmate, turbohomosexual.

            • 2 months ago

              >mfw you are right

          • 2 months ago

            homosexuals like you is the reason why it exist frick save scummers

      • 2 months ago


        I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
        >limited saves
        I tolerated it in Resident Evil but won't tolerate it in an open ended rpg. NOPE, I had to mod it out.

        Fricking moron

      • 2 months ago

        They hated him because he said the truth

      • 2 months ago

        No, it adds a necessity to learn how to ALCHEMY

      • 2 months ago

        It creates immersion, when there's a cost to saving and you can't just quicksave before every action you take. It's a great mechanic and I hope the sequel will remove savior schnapps completely, leaving sleeping as the only form of saving.

        • 2 months ago

          >you can't just quicksave before every action you take
          really like this, I just live with the consequences of my actions now instead of going for the 'success' roll 8/10 times

        • 2 months ago

          >drinking a craftable potion creates a point for your realistic medieval protagonist to time travel his consciousness back to
          This is some arbitrary shit. Either give saves or just have no saves at all, one life the whole game.

          • 2 months ago

            >He thinks alchemy is fantasy

      • 2 months ago

        You dont need items to save in kcd moron

      • 2 months ago

        You can save by sleeping you dumb Black person, it also autosaves everytime you pickup a quest. Or are you a dumb Black person that needs to save scum every time he tries to pick up a spoon off a table.

  4. 2 months ago

    the game is pretty ass yeah, and only got popular cuz of culture warrior nonsense and 99% of its sales was in its home country because they just recently discovered electricity there so they find it exciting

    • 2 months ago

      >the game is pretty ass yeah, and only got popular cuz of culture warrior nonsense
      NTA but I've been playing it the last several days and went into it not knowing about the culture warrior shit. So far, I love it. I love how cinematic it feels, the music is some of the best I heard, and I love the historical accuracies to the game. I've been craving a story driven game like this for a while now. It's really not bad. Or am I just moronic? And I'm also not white so I don't really care about that shit.

      • 2 months ago

        I swear it really feels like this place is getting raided by lefty pol or something.

        • 2 months ago

          It is.

        • 2 months ago

          Ganker is not a hivemind, there is not a single game that everyone here 100% loves
          try it, ask about anything

        • 2 months ago

          >I swear it really feels like this place is getting raided by lefty pol or something.
          funnily enough its true, clear enough that you can intuit the fact by simple observation

        • 2 months ago

          Yes they do
          Yet there is literally 24/7 pol and you don't care
          You're a gay who needs to go back with the rest of the normalgays obsessed with politics

      • 2 months ago

        >reddit cat
        Your opinion is worthless. Frick off.

        • 2 months ago

          >I dislike it so it must be reddit

      • 2 months ago

        >I'm also not white

        then you do not belong here, get the frick off my site

        • 2 months ago

          Alright. I'm sorry.

        • 2 months ago

          Wait until you realize most morons on here including yourself, are not white.

      • 2 months ago

        >I love how cinematic it feels
        Enjoy your marvel slop

        • 2 months ago

          There are no cringe quips here, one of the best traits of the first game is the dialogue: characters feel authentic.

          • 2 months ago

            I agree, it's cinematic in a good way in between giving you total freedom

    • 2 months ago

      I’m as chud as anyone else on Ganker and wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t actually good.

      I just like good games. I bought BG3 even though it was pozzed af.

  5. 2 months ago

    >limited saves
    this hasn't been a thing in for like 6 years you fricking poser, they changed all of that like 6 years ago

  6. 2 months ago

    I like the combat, design and accurate history.
    The save system was only a pain for the first bit of a new playthrough.
    I like fantasy but it is nice to see the history of your people and not some dei bastardization of it.

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        >t. seething turdie

  7. 2 months ago

    It only got popular because it had a white protagonist, yeah, but he's also gay, so I dunno

    • 2 months ago

      He's not gay, just like you're not employed.

      • 2 months ago

        Posting here is my job

        Only amerilards say this, they are mostly Czech.
        The game barely has any religious aspects. Or does saying "bless you" when someone sneezes make you a fundamentalist these days?

        Newpuritans are desperate

    • 2 months ago

      Only amerilards say this, they are mostly Czech.
      The game barely has any religious aspects. Or does saying "bless you" when someone sneezes make you a fundamentalist these days?

      • 2 months ago

        >The game barely has any religious aspects. Or does saying "bless you" when someone sneezes make you a fundamentalist these days?
        This, honestly-- it has just enough as would be necessitated by the setting, and gives a little bit of lip service to the hussites
        The mentioning of religion in KCD are at the same rate as the mentions of the nine divines in a TES game, and while Henry has a wholesome medieval adventure it's really not an especially religious story-- its really more like a secular medieval romance than anything else.
        As far as the monastery quest is far more about the quotidian lives of the monastics there than anything about the religious aspects of monasticism
        Henry doesn't even attend Mass once in game

  8. 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago

    its a meme
    you fell for a meme

  10. 2 months ago

    It's a pretty mediocre game at best. But there are actually genuine fans of it that prefer historical fantasy/fiction over any other kind of setting because it lets them LARP

    • 2 months ago

      thats erp you secondary

  11. 2 months ago

    I think King Wenceslas SUCKS

    • 2 months ago

      Fritz, get the manure

    • 2 months ago

      Spoken like a true Tatar.

    • 2 months ago

      He did suck but sigismund was a power hungry moron.
      Henry's dad was right, a king like Charles is born once every 200 years

  12. 2 months ago

    >limited saves
    Yeah very odd thing to have.

  13. 2 months ago

    You have no appreciation for SOVL.

  14. 2 months ago

    It's one of the most beautiful and immersive games in history. Naturally I expect your kind to hate beauty.

  15. 2 months ago

    kys the game is fun as frick. i wanted to wait for the VR version (which never came) but couldn't resist and played through almost the entire thing

    >limited saves
    that's a bit of a boomerism but it is only one tiny random aspect about the game

  16. 2 months ago

    >saves when you start a quest
    >saves throughout quests you're on
    >saves when you exit the game
    >saves when you sleep
    >saves when you "take a bath"
    >saves when you use a campfire
    ah yes "limited saves"

    • 2 months ago

      when you use a campfire
      That is not true, but you still have schnapps

      • 2 months ago

        is that dahalo

        • 2 months ago

          No, it's kikongo

          • 2 months ago

            >ahegao double piece
            >and they clapped

            • 2 months ago

              i laffed

          • 2 months ago

            is that henry on the left and sir divish on the right?

    • 2 months ago

      Ignoring the insufferable zoomers and casuals that now literally form 90% of Ganker for a moment, it is completely fair to say that KCD's autosaving system was bad.
      The Savior's schanps was not a bad mechanic, in fact the only bad thing about it is that they didn't go harder on it, and still made it way too plentiful and cheap, in fact entirely free once you unlock alchemy. I do appreciate the fact that it prevents you from spamming saves in quick succession by getting you drunk, that is such a cool way to ballance things but in terms of accesibility, I think it's flawed and does not force you to commit to your actions as much as it should. A lot of systems have this flaw of not being quite comfidently implemented into the game - like the hunger mechanic, which literally only works as-it-was-supposed if you play Hardcore mode with tapeworm trait.

      But the autosaving in the game was just sloppy. There were extensive quest chains that would have no autosave at key moments, sometimes for hours on, and this was made worse by the fact that the game wasn't exactly fricking stable for like a year after release.

      Quests needed a lot more careful use of autosaves, and this is something the devs acknowledged explicitly few days ago.

      Unfortunately they are not doubling down on the savior's schanps, quite the opposite, it's supposed to be even easier to come by in KCD2, which is disappointing, though maybe we can hope another hardcore mode option that would rectify this.

      • 2 months ago

        >in fact entirely free once you unlock alchemy
        You still have to buy/gather ingredients and make it, costing you time and money and then it still takes up inventory space.

        >which literally only works as-it-was-supposed
        How "was it supposed to work", mindreader anon?

        • 2 months ago

          >You still have to buy/gather ingredients and make it, costing you time and money and then it still takes up inventory space.
          I mean you are not wrong, those OCD people like are going to be stocked for life with those ingredients before they even unlock the alchemy bench, and it weighs next to nothing.

          Again - it's not bad. I just think that making it tighter would further improve on it.

          >How "was it supposed to work", mindreader anon?
          Be a mechanically significant element rather than a mindless and brain-dead tedious check.

          The problem with hunger in vanilla KCD is again, the fact that it's too easy to satisfy, trivializing it. You get one free meal from any of the "public pots" that are all over the map every 12 hours.
          That one meal is enough to keep you satisfied for about 12 hours.
          Unless you are taking a long trip into the wildreness or something, keeping yourself fed in KCD is as easy as stopping by a pot every time you wake up, and every time you go to bed. Pretty much every location that has bed - every tavern, the mill, etc... has one of those pots and as said, you get to use them free of charge, 2 times a day. You can go for about 24 hours without the hunger debuff becoming significant, and you are never more than an hour's way from nearest inn, camp, or other resting place, all of which feature these damn pots.
          You see the problem here? Or - the lack of it to be precise. The number of times you actually have to go and buy food can be usually counted on one hand.

          Tapeworm makes those pots provide you with 1/4th of that value, meaning you actually do have to actively buy or otherwise procure food on a daily basis. Making it actually mean something - it's not game-changing but at least in early game, the cost of food actually is something you have to account for, and buying supplies is a necessity. It adds to the game by giving you a problem to solve now.

      • 2 months ago

        >spamming saves in quick succession by getting you drunk
        I honestly thought that was a great mechanic, the game would be a piece of piss if you could save before every enemy camp and stealth kill everyone in their sleep. At least being drunk makes you clumsy and more conspicuous.

      • 2 months ago

        nah it was adequate
        i finished a hardcore playthrough recently and i was actually running out of schnapps by the end despite taking 1 hour tavern naps, stealing from alchemist and tavern merchant chests every chance i got
        i saved about once every 20 min and the only way i could get a big surplus is by cheating and looking up belladonna garden spawns

        • 2 months ago

          Just level herbalism and alchemy lmao

        • 2 months ago

          >nah it was adequate
          Everyone is going to have a slightly different experience with it, we all have our own skill levels and our own playstyles.
          My point was that A) the saviour's schnaps was by no means a bad system, but it could have been made better, and B) - the main point - that the autosaves objectively were sloppy as frick and are something that game can and should (and according to the devs, will) significantly improve upon. Though I kinda did forget to make a point I was meaning to, so I'll correct that now:
          One of the biggest issues with KCD's autosaving was how inconsistent it was. Some quests would auto-save after every major decision, fight or development, some would save at the start and then never fricking again, making it at times very hard to judge how much risk you are taking in terms of potential lost progress, and that amounted to needless frustration.

          I say that as someone who barely ever had to use autosaves - this shit is just universally true, it's basic game design rules.

          Seriously, this is ridiculous. This game is hot garbage. Why do you keep doing this?

          HOLY SHIT that game hit a nerve with you, haven't it?

          I haven't seen a person beeing this fricking analy raped by a game in years.

          >I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! is not a logical counteragument.
          That's not what I wrote. Maybe learn basic reading comprehension before you start frothing at the mouth.
          >You are irrationally afraid of losing. We get it. Casuals, morons, and insecure people generally are: they would rather play a boring game where that can't make them experience regret or any other negative emotion, than an interesting one that does threaten to make them feel something more negative at times.
          Fun negative emotion is feeling risk, danger, tension because of the potential rewards - winning, surviving, gaining, etc. It's why horror games are so popular. You are instead defending tedium - arbitrary "difficulty" added to waste people's free time - and calling it a plus, because you've been fooled by the marketing into thinking an incomplete or poorly designed game is actually a bravely designed one.
          >But we really need to stop discussing what an absolutely pathetic human you are, it's getting boring and it's exclusively taking us in circles, and it's not even videogame related.
          Yes, it is. Refer to my point about reading comprehension.
          >Which - appropriately enough brings us to my first post. You need to frick off to whatever social media circlejerk you stumbled in from. You are neither capable, nor interested in talking about videogames. Twitter is for morons who obsessively try to prostitute themselves out, so I suggest heading there next.
          You are obsessed with talking about me instead of continuing to back your point, maybe you should try some self-reflection on who is actually going off-topic.

          >That's not what I wrote. Maybe learn basic reading comprehension before you start frothing at the mouth.
          You really need to stop this. You are incredibly bad at this and you cannot pretend you don't realize that yourself. If you are self-aware, then you know what a fricking hole you are digging for yourself.

          >Fun negative emotion is feeling risk, danger, tension because of the potential rewards - winning, surviving, gaining
          Risk and danger are emotions predicated on consciousness of possible serious negative consequences of your action - and I should not have to say anything more, mongolid-kun.

          But I know for a fact that I do:
          You want to "experience risk", but you do not want face consequences of a failure. In other words, you are a moronic pussy.
          Again, walking circles here, WALKING. IN. CIRCLES.

          • 2 months ago

            >You want to "experience risk", but you do not want face consequences of a failure. In other words, you are a moronic pussy
            The game already has a failure state, it's called dying. All increasing the amount of progress lost does is force you to run through the exact same sequence of events again to get to where you would have been, and rote repetition taking the place of a proper safe system is not what I consider fun, or dynamic, or tense. It's just busywork. Maybe you don't understand because you have all the free time in the world, but many evolutions in game design happened because it geniunely made logical sense. I don't know how hard you have to hit your head to let marketing spiel convince you that the progress was a degeneration, but it must have been pretty fricking hard.

            • 2 months ago

              >run through the exact same sequence of events again to get to where you would have been
              There's no need to do this in most cases. You can take another route or do another thing instead. In fact, why wouldn't you do this?

              • 2 months ago

                Why would I? If I had something to do in the game, I'd want to get it done.

              • 2 months ago

                >Why would I?
                Because it's more enjoyable than doing the same thing over. Limited saves sucks in linear games, but in open world games, this issue of repetition isn't there. It's just you being too narrow-minded to make full use of the game design.

            • 2 months ago

              >The game already has a failure state, it's called dying.
              Please, please show some sign of being a human being capable of self-awareness and shame, PLEASE!
              This is fricking torture to watch. Seeing someone so completely twist and bend and humiliate himself because he literally can't fricking live with the fact that there is one game that does not specifically cater to his incredibly insecure, moronic ADHD special needs is fricking painful.
              And you are DUUUUMB. Jesus CHRIST what an insane fricking level or narcissitic delusions do you have to suffer from to fricking not realize this?

              Death does not mean NOTHING in a videogame. It's the actual, specific nature of the event, that defines meaning of a failure state. There is no risk, when there is nothing at stake. There is no thrill when there is no threat. This is something children naturally discover between the age of 4 and 8. You do not have the mental fortitude a healthy 8 years old child is 100% expected to have.
              You also do not have the basic human comprehension that a risk of negative consequences enhances the satisfaction of avoiding them. Futher more you lack the basic mental capacity to realize that the line people will draw at how much they are willing to risk differs from people to people, and that your threshold for frustration is not an objective fact.
              And further more you have still not even gotten to addressing literally every other argument everyone else did, notably about how salvaging mistakes in itself open's entire new space for interesting problem-solving and variety in experience.

              This is the third time I'm staring down the face of inhuman levels of mental damage and dysfunction.

              I am going to ask the same question that I already have:
              Why is this thread so full of mentally COMPLETELY dysfunctional people?

              • 2 months ago

                bro you need to go outside unironically just take a frickin walk and engage with nature homie

              • 2 months ago

                >Death does not mean NOTHING in a videogame. It's the actual, specific nature of the event
                Yes. In this case, a death signifies to me that my approach has failed, and Henry is deceased. The game offers to pull me out and put me back in an earlier point, letting me try again in order to play better or strategise better to get past that point. That's what makes a game. If I want more stakes, I can refuse to load more recent saves, allowing each failure to have more impact. If however I am allowed to save more often, my experience will be undeterred by technical issues such as CTDs. Have I explained this same concept simply enough for you to understand now? Please say yes.
                I don't like the design philosophy of those kind of games either, they aren't an effective use of my time, so I do go around discouraging more games like that from being made. The devs could be better using their time and resources. It's just that KC:D has some elements that make it attractive if not for the obvious design flaws, so I think it's salvageable as game series go.

                it's significantly more so that outright fricking enabling you to perfect every encounter because you're butthurt about taking too much damage in an easy fight
                you're a pathetic Black person that undoubtedly spams savestates in emulators too because anything that doesn't hand you victory on a silver platter is just wasting your time apparently
                just stick to netflix and youtube you moron, videogames are too complicated for you

                Calm down, anon. No one is making you reload those saves. It takes nothing away from your game to have that feature, for you specifically it would functionally be the same game. In my case? Well I appreciate you caring about my game experience in your own roundabout way, but I'm a big boy and can decide not to reload quicksaves for more immersion just fine.

              • 2 months ago

                gaming isn't an effective use of your time, zoomzoom

              • 2 months ago

                To each their own, but this is a video games board, we are here because we want to talk about video games, "Ganker doesn't blah blah blah" memes notwithstanding. So obviously a good chunk of us here have decided games are a worthy method of having fun, I just personally think some games could be better designed to maximize that fun and I think it's better for devs to not waste time making games that don't do that for me and so I discourage them from being made. KC:D has a potential but an absolute critical design flaw that detracts from its quality. Sure, I can just get the mod, but isn't it better to discuss why or why not this design flaw didn't need to be left in the game in the first place?

              • 2 months ago

                >me me me
                if you weren't so narcissistic you might be worth having a discussion with

              • 2 months ago

                >but I'm a big boy and can decide not to reload quicksaves for more immersion just fine.
                yeah we know you're too much of a b***h to actually harness that much willpower seeing as you've made at least twenty posts whining about the game filtering your moronic lifestyle
                i genuinely mean it, videogames are about not losing and you're coming into them with the casual moron mindset where you can only lose 20 seconds of it like you're watching a film and you had to take a piss
                don't play videogames, don't give your opinions on them, nothing you say matters or should be listened to and you've picked the worst medium for entertainment because you're a legitimate moron that literally doesn't understand the purpose of playing videogames

              • 2 months ago

                >yeah we know you're too much of a b***h to actually harness that much willpower
                I'm very impressed you're pursuing psychic omniscience as a personal skill but maybe you should practice it more before you start being confident your readings of what other people do are accurate.
                >seeing as you've made at least twenty posts
                Yeah, I'm discussing games on a board for discussing games. This shouldn't be a problem.
                >i genuinely mean it, videogames are about not losing and you're coming into them with the casual moron mindset where you can only lose 20 seconds of it like you're watching a film and you had to take a piss
                It's more like showing a film, picking out a 5 minute sequence, and randomly looping it in to extend the movie whenever the projector breaks down.
                >don't play videogames, don't give your opinions on them, nothing you say matters or should be listened to and you've picked the worst medium for entertainment because you're a legitimate moron that literally doesn't understand the purpose of playing videogames
                Immersive video games with high difficulty curves are in fact my favorite medium of entertainment. I like them so much I'm willing to spend time sharing with strangers about how they could be fixed and improved.

              • 2 months ago

                Immersive video games with high difficulty curves are in fact my favorite medium of entertainment.
                you're actually fricking insane to say that when half of this thread is you b***hing that this game doesn't have the biggest casual shitter mechanic baked in
                if you don't need it then why the frick are you crying about it instead of appreciating it? because you want casuals to ruin videogames even more? because you can't tolerate that there's an rpg out there that doesn't bend the fricking knee to the normalgay dicksuckery of quicksave homosexualry? you're a brain damaged hypocritical moron

              • 2 months ago

                >if you don't need it then why the frick are you crying about it instead of appreciating it? because you want casuals to ruin videogames even more? because you can't tolerate that there's an rpg out there that doesn't bend the fricking knee to the normalgay dicksuckery of quicksave homosexualry?
                No feature is being taken out. The combat is still challenging. The perk points still need careful thought about allocation, the dialogue choices need a bit of thought. The only difference is there is a defence against technical failure. That's a quality-of-life improvement, like basic bugfixing. I don't want to beat you over the head with the seatbelt analogy, but, you know.

              • 2 months ago

                >Yes. In this case, a death signifies to me that my approach has failed, and Henry is decease
                Possibility of negative consequences.

                This is basic concept that you are objectively incapable of comprehending. There is nothing else to say. 10 fricking people have been telling you the exact same fricking thing for well over an hour.
                Your entire, sole argument is:
                "But I hate the prospect of negative consequences, I can't stand it, it scares me, it makes me not want to play the game, I do not and never will even begin, even theoretically, consider possible benefits of it because it makes me feel bad about myself and I need, need absolute, constant reassurance, un-ending coddling and being told how great I am regardless of whenever I actually did overcome myself, or not. Therefore any mechanic that involves any form of inconvenience beyond a completely inconsequential message, of "ups - well that is not the correct thing to do, but don't worry, you are still doing great, here, let me reset it to the instant where you made a mistake so you can pick the other option - there you go, see, you are amazing, what a great chap you are!" is objectively shit and everyone else is wrong and I cannot, CANNOT be wrong on this, or anything else for that matter!"

                Still walking in circles... around a fricking loony bin apparently.

              • 2 months ago

                If you are thrilled by the prospect of a crash or a bug not induced by you in anyway possibly wiping out your game progress and you think that's fun, you do you. But don't pretend it's good game design. A car being more fun for daredevils to drive without seatbelts doesn't make the invention of seatbelts a bad idea.

                >me me me
                if you weren't so narcissistic you might be worth having a discussion with

                I just like reminding people these are my subjective opinions, no more valid than any other. Narcissists tend to claim their opinions are facts, like a certain someone in this thread is doing.

              • 2 months ago

                >If you are thrilled by the prospect of a crash or a bug not induced by you in anyway possibly wiping out your game progress and you think that's fun, you do you

                >i'm using hardware from 2015 and i'm upset that the game can't handle it therefore everyone should have turbo casual mechanics that annihilate any investment or stakes this game had

              • 2 months ago

                Game saves are a good last line of defence against those kinds of problems. If you think you can guarantee annihilation of all technical issues for everyone in any game by 100%, regardless of their specs, I have a bridge to sell to you. If you only care about your own experiences, e.g.
                >I played x hours and never got a crash
                well... you already proved in a previous comment you know what the definition of narcissism is, so...

              • 2 months ago

                what fricking poverty hardware could you be possibly running that you get crashes so often that'd make you want to trojan horse your casual crutch so badly?
                i've done two playthroughs of this fricking game on mid range 2019 hardware and i don't even remember crashing

              • 2 months ago

                Ryzen 7 5800
                16GB RAM
                GeForce RTX 3060

                Most people in the world, outside this board, aren't even gonna have ones remotely close to this.
                >HURRr DURrr you appeal to majority
                Well your point is that complex games shouldn't be casualised for a majority of people who are best suited for easier games or other hobbies entirely and I agree. But that's not the crux of the argument anymore, now it's accessibility based on money. Now if you want to argue further something along the lines of "frick poorgays" then I will concede to you because that comes down to pure belief and I support making games reasonably accessible based on specs. If they gotta turn down graphics, sure, but if they're running it on some clunker from the 80s then they should have a chance to be able to play it in some form. Half Life Alyx is a pretty good offender, it's cool that it was made but barely fricking anybody is gonna get to play it and Valve should have spent that time and resources on somwthing more financially accessible.

                But in the end, that's not even the point. Without a proper save system, one bug on the developer's part can end up wasting anybody's time regardless of specs. Just mistakes in their code. A measure against that, such as being able to save, is just common sense and a logical standard.

              • 2 months ago

                my hardware is worse than yours in every single fricking way except ram you stupid homosexual
                it's entirely on you for being a techlet and fricking something up

              • 2 months ago

                >it's entirely on you for being a techlet
                Why do you automatically assume that you did everything right and other people automatically did everything wrong?

                >If you are thrilled by the prospect of a crash or a bug
                Haven't lost progress once across two 60+ hours due to a crash.
                I did get fricked out of a major campaign moment in my first run because of a poorly implemented perk though. Objectively a bad thing and frustrating of course, but unlike you: I can deal with it. Frustration is part of life, it's something adult people deal with on a daily basis, because nothing in world is perfect, in fact very often it is imperfection that produces the most rewarding experiences, because again thrill of risk and success is proportional to risk of loss and frustration.

                And that is the gist of the thing. I can deal with frustration. You cannot deal with PROSPECT of frustration. I'm absolutely 100% sure that you never actually lost progress due to a crash either, you never got that far into the game, because the second you learned how the save-system works, you already knew that you will never, EVER, be able to cope with it.

                There is one fundamental underlying problem here. You are fundamentally not capable of facing the concept of critique, of any form of potentially negative implication about yourself.

                The idea that you have to acknowledge your own faults is making completely mentally unravel, it make you literally lose control of your own action, that is how horrifying it is to you.

                You hate the game's save system because it has two underlying implications:
                1) fricking up is a real thing that can have real negative consequences, and
                2) you are capable of fricking up, in fact you will frick up, and negative consequences are something you need to learn to live with.

                The idea that you are indeed, like every one of us, capable of fricking up, or being wrong, is unberable to you. The prospect of a system that has these implications written into it is unberable to you.

                You hate the as a whole, because the fact that you can't cope with it, and others can, implies that something may be wrong with you. See above.

                >Frustration is part of life, it's something adult people deal with on a daily basis, because nothing in world is perfect, in fact very often it is imperfection that produces the most rewarding experiences, because again thrill of risk and success is proportional to risk of loss and frustration.
                Sure, I agree.
                >And that is the gist of the thing. I can deal with frustration. You cannot deal with PROSPECT of frustration. I'm absolutely 100% sure that you never actually lost progress due to a crash either, you never got that far into the game, because the second you learned how the save-system works, you already knew that you will never, EVER, be able to cope with it.
                I did only once which isn't a big deal, but it's the principle of it. It doesn't matter if you lay out actual statistics of few crashes, the only thing that matters is principle, and in this case it's principle in game design. Vavra and his team explicitly chose to pick something that goes against basic progress in games development in order to give the game some marketing flair, when they know as real human programmers they can't guarantee their system will work as it should.
                >There is one fundamental underlying problem here. You are fundamentally not capable of facing the concept of critique, of any form of potentially negative implication about yourself. The idea that you have to acknowledge your own faults is making completely mentally unravel, it make you literally lose control of your own action, that is how horrifying it is to you.
                This is a massive leap. I'm pretty shit at the game (which doesn't make it bad). That's a fault I know of and I don't seem to be going into shock.

                I'm out of post length, hang on.

              • 2 months ago

                >Sure, I agree.
                No, you do not. You say that because you want to fricking believe that because again, admitting to yourself what you really are, is inconceivable.

                We would not be having this converation otherwise.

                >I'm out of post length, hang on.
                I am not really interested in continuing this discussion and if you had the capacity for self-awareness, you would know why.

                Yet here you are, after people completely 100% expose you, what utter pisser you are, and you still something believe people care what you think? You absolutely, 100% did not process a word anyone told you so far.
                Narcissim is a function of fundamental insecurity. Your sole value in life is being a living, walking embodiment of that fact.

                Endless circles...

              • 2 months ago

                >No, you do not.
                Yes, I do. I'm pretty sure you can't read my mind and know me better than myself. I think. Maybe you practice alchemy and know something I don't.
                >I am not really interested in continuing this discussion and if you had the capacity for self-awareness, you would know why.
                Well, I can tell you're upset that I for once gave a solid counter-argument rather than just call you a homosexual and call it a day like most anons here. But some days I just feel like prodding these talks along to see if I get a profound and in-depth response in return. Some days I actually do, today isn't one of those days, but like you said, we all have to accept frustration as a fact of life.

              • 2 months ago

                >Yes, I do. I'm pretty sure you can't read my mind and know me better than myself.
                The joke is that literally every other human being on this planet is more qualified to talk about your mind than you are.
                A person without capacity to self doubt, has no capacity to self-evaluate.
                All these circles man, making me dizzy.

              • 2 months ago

                >it's entirely on you for being a techlet
                Why do you automatically assume that you did everything right and other people automatically did everything wrong?
                >Frustration is part of life, it's something adult people deal with on a daily basis, because nothing in world is perfect, in fact very often it is imperfection that produces the most rewarding experiences, because again thrill of risk and success is proportional to risk of loss and frustration.
                Sure, I agree.
                >And that is the gist of the thing. I can deal with frustration. You cannot deal with PROSPECT of frustration. I'm absolutely 100% sure that you never actually lost progress due to a crash either, you never got that far into the game, because the second you learned how the save-system works, you already knew that you will never, EVER, be able to cope with it.
                I did only once which isn't a big deal, but it's the principle of it. It doesn't matter if you lay out actual statistics of few crashes, the only thing that matters is principle, and in this case it's principle in game design. Vavra and his team explicitly chose to pick something that goes against basic progress in games development in order to give the game some marketing flair, when they know as real human programmers they can't guarantee their system will work as it should.
                >There is one fundamental underlying problem here. You are fundamentally not capable of facing the concept of critique, of any form of potentially negative implication about yourself. The idea that you have to acknowledge your own faults is making completely mentally unravel, it make you literally lose control of your own action, that is how horrifying it is to you.
                This is a massive leap. I'm pretty shit at the game (which doesn't make it bad). That's a fault I know of and I don't seem to be going into shock.

                I'm out of post length, hang on.

                >b-but the poors!
                >muh principles
                >it MUST be accessible to EVERYONE
                You're a commie, aren't you?

              • 2 months ago

                >If you are thrilled by the prospect of a crash or a bug
                Haven't lost progress once across two 60+ hours due to a crash.
                I did get fricked out of a major campaign moment in my first run because of a poorly implemented perk though. Objectively a bad thing and frustrating of course, but unlike you: I can deal with it. Frustration is part of life, it's something adult people deal with on a daily basis, because nothing in world is perfect, in fact very often it is imperfection that produces the most rewarding experiences, because again thrill of risk and success is proportional to risk of loss and frustration.

                And that is the gist of the thing. I can deal with frustration. You cannot deal with PROSPECT of frustration. I'm absolutely 100% sure that you never actually lost progress due to a crash either, you never got that far into the game, because the second you learned how the save-system works, you already knew that you will never, EVER, be able to cope with it.

                There is one fundamental underlying problem here. You are fundamentally not capable of facing the concept of critique, of any form of potentially negative implication about yourself.

                The idea that you have to acknowledge your own faults is making completely mentally unravel, it make you literally lose control of your own action, that is how horrifying it is to you.

                You hate the game's save system because it has two underlying implications:
                1) fricking up is a real thing that can have real negative consequences, and
                2) you are capable of fricking up, in fact you will frick up, and negative consequences are something you need to learn to live with.

                The idea that you are indeed, like every one of us, capable of fricking up, or being wrong, is unberable to you. The prospect of a system that has these implications written into it is unberable to you.

                You hate the as a whole, because the fact that you can't cope with it, and others can, implies that something may be wrong with you. See above.

              • 2 months ago

                >You hate the game's save system because it has two underlying implications:
                >1) fricking up is a real thing that can have real negative consequences, and
                >2) you are capable of fricking up, in fact you will frick up, and negative consequences are something you need to learn to live with.
                The frick-up is on the developer, though. None of us have to do anything to be able to lose progress. Of course that can't be prevented completely because accidents are a part of life, but you can always mitigate the time lost with just-in-case features. Or are you arguing that we should accept frustration from failure on the developer's part? I think we should demand better.

    • 2 months ago

      Wrong, since you should play on hardcore, so there are no autosaves.

  17. 2 months ago

    >limited saves in a 2024 game
    What the frick? Is this real?

    • 2 months ago

      >What the frick? Is this real?
      no, its a 2018 game

  18. 2 months ago

    I'm a bosnian turko-gyppo-slav mutt atheist and I like the game

  19. 2 months ago

    I just modded it so I could save without needing the schnaps.
    It's a janky but immersive game with some cool quests and memorable moments.
    Traveling through the woods is awesome and the codex entries explaining how life was like back then were very interesting.

    Polgays and twittergays need to frick off.

    • 2 months ago

      >I just modded it so I could save without needing the schnaps.
      Fricking casuals can't even play a game that has multiple different ways of saving, literally have to mod something in to savescum. I hate modern gamers so much its unreal.

      • 2 months ago

        people want to play games without being annoyed yes

        • 2 months ago

          And I want to browse Ganker without being annoyed by zoomer morons with fried brains whose f5 button on their keyboard is the most faded one, whose experience with older systems are limited to emulators (with quick saves at any point), whose idea of top tier horror includes motel pools and old malls and whose lingo is directly taken from sub-IQ Black folk. Frick you b***h

          • 2 months ago

            Imagine being this upset over people wanting a feature in the game which has been the standard for the platform for the past 3 decades.

            • 2 months ago

              Imagine being a little b***h. Oh wait, you don't have to imagine it.

              • 2 months ago

                not him but what a weak comeback, try again

      • 2 months ago

        He's right.

      • 2 months ago

        Don't care. I'll play the game the way I want you can frick off along with the other gays.

      • 2 months ago

        managing hunger/energy is what matters, not really the save pots (as much).

      • 2 months ago

        >dude this game is realistic as frick
        >just has a bunch of features that make basic shit in the game tedious such as having to watch an animation to pick herbs or see your hand slowly go and pick up every item
        yeah i mod that shit out, open world games are already bloated by insane travel times

        • 2 months ago

          The game isn't for you blud

          • 2 months ago

            >dons heavy armor instantly from a menu
            wow so realistic

  20. 2 months ago

    I really enjoyed the game but the combat was shit the whole way through. Combos were shit, parrying was shit, master stroke was shit

  21. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.

    • 2 months ago

      based tbh i dont get why they make brown muzzie seethe so hard in fact I wish christians did like in the good ol times but now the israelites will have to do

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine the game having a historical portrayal of israelites, being hated by everyone, not being allowed to join any guilds. How well would they take that slice of authentic diversity?

  22. 2 months ago

    you are brown

  23. 2 months ago

    >he doubts the passion of late medieval/history autists
    It's almost like you don't actually play video games, OP.

  24. 2 months ago

    +Story, characters and dialogue are all fantastic
    +Music is really good
    +Level/perk system is good
    +Map and towns are great and incredibly detailed
    +Stealth/thief build is great fun
    +Speech functions well
    +Visually I thought it looked good

    -Combat was shit
    -A few mechanics are busted like early lockpicking
    -Near the end of the story you're literally travelling from one side of the map to the other repeatedly just to deliver messages
    -Love interests are dead ends after you frick them
    -Early game you're helpless, end game you're overpowered beyond belief

    That's what I got from it anyway
    7/10, definitely enjoyable, makes Skyrim look primitive in some aspects, but not so much in others.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >-Combat was shit
      Sounds like you were just bad at it.

      >-Love interests are dead ends after you frick them
      Name 2 (two) games where that isn't the case.

      >-Early game you're helpless
      Maybe if you suck. I killed two C*mans right at the start and, the second I was able to, went back to Skalitz to kill the local bandits in their sleep/stealth kill the awake ones. The game immediately gives you the tools to do so. And once you unlock masterstrikes it's game-over for any 1v1 whatsoever. Naked, bleeding, drunk Henry armed with a stick against a knight in full armor with shield and sword? GG no re.

      • 2 months ago

        No it was shit, like you said, you're helpless until you learn master strike or clinch master/head cracker then it becomes absolutely trivial.

        • 2 months ago

          >you're helpless until
          So you're helpless for like two whole seconds (and arguably not even that), got it.

          >You still have to buy/gather ingredients and make it, costing you time and money and then it still takes up inventory space.
          I mean you are not wrong, those OCD people like are going to be stocked for life with those ingredients before they even unlock the alchemy bench, and it weighs next to nothing.

          Again - it's not bad. I just think that making it tighter would further improve on it.

          >How "was it supposed to work", mindreader anon?
          Be a mechanically significant element rather than a mindless and brain-dead tedious check.

          The problem with hunger in vanilla KCD is again, the fact that it's too easy to satisfy, trivializing it. You get one free meal from any of the "public pots" that are all over the map every 12 hours.
          That one meal is enough to keep you satisfied for about 12 hours.
          Unless you are taking a long trip into the wildreness or something, keeping yourself fed in KCD is as easy as stopping by a pot every time you wake up, and every time you go to bed. Pretty much every location that has bed - every tavern, the mill, etc... has one of those pots and as said, you get to use them free of charge, 2 times a day. You can go for about 24 hours without the hunger debuff becoming significant, and you are never more than an hour's way from nearest inn, camp, or other resting place, all of which feature these damn pots.
          You see the problem here? Or - the lack of it to be precise. The number of times you actually have to go and buy food can be usually counted on one hand.

          Tapeworm makes those pots provide you with 1/4th of that value, meaning you actually do have to actively buy or otherwise procure food on a daily basis. Making it actually mean something - it's not game-changing but at least in early game, the cost of food actually is something you have to account for, and buying supplies is a necessity. It adds to the game by giving you a problem to solve now.

          >Be a mechanically significant element
          Why would it be that if it's not IRL? A roaming ne'erdowell like Henry wouldn't have had to worry about food one bit. He doesn't give a shit about laws so he can either steal shit or hunt&gather it himself in his Lord's domain. Not to mention that wiping out a single bandit group usually nets you enough food for several days.

          >it's too easy to satisfy, trivializing it.
          So like in reality, a'ight.

          Heard they're putting brown people in the sequel. Lmao dropped.

          >I-is that a single non-white person in m-my medieval game? Aiiiiiiiieeee, Orange Man save me!

          • 2 months ago

            >Why would it be that if it's not IRL?
            Are you kidding me? Are you murrican by chance?
            Also: if the mechanic does not add anything to the gameplay, don't implement it in the first place. It's a waste of dev time at best, and needless tedium at worst.
            If they didn't want food to be a concern for "supposed story reasons" (which is absolute bullshit by the way) they would have not implement it.
            Instead, they went out of way to not only implement it, but make it absurdly lavish and complex, down to over-eating being as big of a deal as starving.
            Only to shoot that whole mechanic in the foot because they didn't ballance it right, likely because they pussied out after initial feedback complaining about it being too restrictive, because playtesters suck.

            • 2 months ago

              >Are you kidding me?
              Try refuting it.

              >Also: if the mechanic does not add anything to the gameplay, don't implement it in the first place.
              Dumb take. Immersion is reason enough.

              (You) (or

              +Story, characters and dialogue are all fantastic
              +Music is really good
              +Level/perk system is good
              +Map and towns are great and incredibly detailed
              +Stealth/thief build is great fun
              +Speech functions well
              +Visually I thought it looked good

              -Combat was shit
              -A few mechanics are busted like early lockpicking
              -Near the end of the story you're literally travelling from one side of the map to the other repeatedly just to deliver messages
              -Love interests are dead ends after you frick them
              -Early game you're helpless, end game you're overpowered beyond belief

              That's what I got from it anyway
              7/10, definitely enjoyable, makes Skyrim look primitive in some aspects, but not so much in others.

              ) still haven't answered the question about love interests by the by.

              • 2 months ago

                >Try refuting it.
                I am supposed to refuse the fact that low-born people were not dealing with hunger - those without a homestead to back them up. In early 15th century.
                You are either completely moronic, or you joking. I fricking hope for the latter.

                >Dumb take. Immersion is reason enough.
                So you don't realize the absolute contradiction you just said either?
                OK. COMPLETE. UTTER, FRICKING. MURRICAN. moron is is.

              • 2 months ago

                Again, tardnon, 'cause you apparently can't read: Henry isn't some peasant bound to his small plot of land or adhering to the laws of the land. He steals, he poaches, he doesn't give a frick. A single kill in the woods can have him set for days, not to mention the abundance of other food sources. This goes doubly for Terminator Henry for whom bandits are just walking groschen and meal dispensaries.

                Not sure why you think "B-but the average 15th Bohemian pauper t-tho'!" is a sensible rebuttal. Henry isn't average. Not lore-wise and ESPECIALLY not in-game-wise. Plus, IRL he would have had even more options to choose from. Fish, for example, used to be beyond plentiful in the past yet Henry can't go fishing. Same for berry bushes/patches and the like.

                >So you don't realize the absolute contradiction you just said either?
                There is no contradiction here, silly.
                >MUH GAMEPLAY THOVGH
                Heh. Cry harder.

              • 2 months ago

                >He steals, he poaches, he doesn't give a frick
                Holy shit you absolute drooling burger: He may not give a frick, but everyone ELSE FRICKING WOULD.

                >Not sure why you think "B-but the average 15th Bohemian pauper t-tho'!" is a sensible rebuttal. Henry isn't average. Not lore-wise and ESPECIALLY not in-game-wise. Plus, IRL he would have had even more options to choose from. Fish, for example, used to be beyond plentiful in the past yet Henry can't go fishing.
                Again you are absolutely fricking contradicting yourself in literally every single fricking sentence.
                HOLY SHIT man, what is your actual medical diagnosis?

              • 2 months ago

                >but everyone ELSE FRICKING WOULD
                Only if he got caught, dumbass.

                >Again you are absolutely fricking contradicting yourself in literally every single fricking sentence.
                >still can't name a single contradiction

              • 2 months ago

                >Only if he got caught, dumbass.
                Again. I'm at a loss for words here. I have not seen anyone manage to build such a mindboggling mountain of STUPID in so few posts in my 15 years on this board.

                >still can't name a single contradiction
                Every. Since. Claim. You have made directly contradicts you previous claim. Every single one of them is also objectively fricking wrong at the same time. This is a miracle, and absolute fricking golden grail of moronation.

                You want examples. So far, you have said:
                "HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, a person like Hendry would have no problem feeding himself."
                IMMEDIATELY followed by:
                "You can't use the history card at me! It's a VIDEOGAME, history does not matter!"
                And the literal next sentence is:

                And following from that, you also said:
                "It's all about immersion!".
                again, instantly followed by:
                "Hendry is a videogame protagonist, he is a superhero, and superhero's don't have to worry about shit like food, it's a videogame, belivability does not matter at all!"
                And if that alone does not make you understand how everything you say is a contradiction of something else you say, again: you are genuinely so fundamentally mentally disabled that there is no possible way to even begin discussing anything with you, you are not capable of most rudimentary reasoning.

                I could go on explaining why you are also factually completely wrong to a point where I can safely bet my life on saying: "Yeah, you are a fat murrican kid who has not even seen a passport in his life and thinks Ninja Turtles is a great learning source on 10th century samurai society." Starting with how killing a deer is one thing, actually processing the animal into something that does not rot in 4 days is absolutely fundamentally a different problem, but I think we are struggling with a lot more general problem here, which is that you are clinically, medically, objectively, severely mentally disabled.

            • 2 months ago

              >Also: if the mechanic does not add anything to the gameplay,
              It adds you reason to visit taverns and roleplay normal life.

              • 2 months ago

                >It adds you reason to visit taverns and roleplay normal life.
                which.. also adds nothing you frickin moron????

              • 2 months ago

                Immersive roleplay is forte of the game.
                Muh "pure gameplay" reductionists suck wiener anyway.

              • 2 months ago

                >It adds you reason to visit taverns and roleplay normal life.
                Actually, it doesn't.
                It adds the option. What it lacks is an actual reason to do so. That is my problem with the implementation. Again, one that is easily fixed by the way:
                Hardcore is objectively the better way to play the game - just because of how it alters how you navigate the world - and tapeworm actually fixes the problem with hunger by making it good.

                So, in practical terms it's a non-issue. But design-wise: The vanilla game hunger is a great mechanical concept with lot of depth being given to it, unfortunately seriously hugely held back by a very common and understandable error in implementation/balance.

            • 2 months ago

              Hunger as a mechanic will never be satisfying in vidya ever, because in order for it to have any kind of presence and weight time needs to be moronicly accelerated to the point where if you aren't eating something every 45 minutes to an hour you fricking starve to death or become so crippled it's like you refused to eat or drink anything for five days straight.

              It's fricking absurd, it ALWAYS ruins immersion, it's tedium at worst and nothing at best, and no game will ever be able to satisfy it because we fricking humans are far too optimized to survive on little to nothing for a very long time compared to most predators and prey (reptiles notwithstanding). Yes, as long as you have water, you can go for literal months without eating depending on your body fat count and you're sooner likely to go insane from inactivity before you start to actually feel the worst of the effects of hunger itself.

              It should just be fricking abandoned as a survival gimmick at this point. That or make it an invaluable buff to have and then make a bunch of poisonous shit so you have to actually consider what you're about to eat. But then that would get solved too quickly and become a non-issue again, wouldn't it?

              • 2 months ago

                >unger as a mechanic will never be satisfying in vidya ever,
                I disagree, for many reasons. First - time-flow and scale of literally everything in literally every vidya ever is by definition, not going to be realistic. You think Ratay in KC:D feels reasonably realistic? Well it's literally less than 1/10th of the real place. In fact all distances in the game, are reduced to 1/10th or less of their real counterpart.
                Just like one day-night cycle in the game is reduced to what, 1-hour? 1/24th of the real thing?
                To suddenly start arguing that accelerating the rate at which hunger grows and affects the person is over the line makes absolutely no sense, a completely unjustified, arbitrary decision that one form of MASSIVE abstraction or re-scaling is inacceptable while a dozen far more glaring ones are completely fine.

                >it ALWAYS ruins immersion, it's tedium at worst and nothing at bes
                Whenver a system serves a function, such as enhancing immersion, or just adding to complexity and thus providing satisfaction to player, depends on how it engages with the player. Engagement means giving player an agency, the capacity to make decisions, and the ability to make them feel like those decisions matter.
                That is to say, whenever a hunger system is engaging or enhances immersion depends exclusively on execution, on how it affects the player behavior. And at core, hunger, like any other similar system, is a resource management. It is not in any way different, from asking a player to ration out ammunition, or heath items, or as it also happens in KC:D, save opportunities.

                Any resource management can be implemented well, or poorly. To condemn hunger mechanic on principle is completely arbitrary and absolutely no different from randomly condemning health kit management, or reloading. It's just you encountering the system once or twice, and randomly deciding to make absolute conclusion, based on subjective, tiny sample size, and no actual thought.

              • 2 months ago

                Health kit management is a completely different situation from hunger you disingenuous gaymunch. There is nothing "hardcore" about hunger. If you weren't a bad faith moron you would have made the comparison to the time limit in Majora's Mask, which would have been an excellent point both for you and against you because the game was made AROUND the time limit and the exploits you use to otherwise persevere through an otherwise impossible situation.

                A game needs to be built from the ground up around the concept of hunger for it to be anything but a contrivance that survival gays jerk themselves off to. Imagine suggesting hunger in something like Resident Evil, or Silent Hill. Imagine suggesting a hunger mechanic in something like fricking Penumbra. It's unnecessary busywork when you already have shit like limited healing, ammo conservation, and inventory management. How do you make the game more immersive and hardcore in games like those? Make enemies numerous, dangerous, and force you to make decisions that radically alter your playstyle.

                Don't Starve is the only game where hunger is not a contrived fricking slap-on because it was designed from the ground up, and what a fricking shock the game is niche and not as popular as other survival horrors. I condemn hunger as a mechanic because not a single fricking dev is willing to address its issues and make it worthwhile outside of it being THE core conflict. Not a god damned one. Ever. When one does, then I'll stop. Until then, it's as worthless as fast travel in open world games or Ubisoft towers as a form of map progression. If you don't think so, then either I'm a baited moron or you're the biggest moron in this thread. Is it me, or you, homosexual? Which is it?

              • 2 months ago

                >Health kit management is a completely different situation from hunger you disingenuous gaymunch
                The complete absurdity of the suggestion that a band-aid magically make you instantly recover from a severe bullet-would is completely acceptable, but the absurd suggestion that your character grows tangible weaker after one 24 hours of not eating is stupid, immersion breaking and completely cross the line, and the two things are absolutely nothing alike!

                >There is nothing "hardcore" about hunger.
                Are you drunk or something? Who the frick said ANYTHING about being "hardcore" you insecure projecting cretin.

                >If you weren't a bad faith moron you would have made the comparison to the time limit in Majora's Mask, which would have been an excellent point
                I love how you literally admit that I'm 100% right and even adding your own examples of why I am right, while calling me names and saying how I'm arguing in bad faith. What a fricking glorious mess you are.

                >A game needs to be built from the ground up around the concept of hunger for it to be anything but a contrivance that survival gays jerk themselves off to.
                Yes. For a mechanic to work well, it's generally needed to be deeply rooted in the system. What an astute observation, and thank you for literally confirming everything I said for the second time in two sentences!

                >Imagine suggesting hunger in something like Resident Evil, or Silent Hill.
                Why? I have not suggested such thing, in fact what I said strongly implies stupidity of such suggestion, so what the frick are you talking about? Who the frick are you arguing with, because I'm absolutely 100% sure it's not me.

                Are you hearing and engaging some random voice in your head? Do I need to suggest you getting back on your medication?

                >Don't Starve is the only game where hunger is not a contrived fricking slap-on
                As fricking confusing and straight up insane your post is, I'm happy that you ultimately agree with me on essentially everything I said.

              • 2 months ago

                Vast majority of games use all manner of items to signify health restoration and being this reductive is proof perfect you're talking out of your ass.
                >Who the frick said ANYTHING about being "hardcore" you insecure projecting cretin
                Because it sure as shit isn't realistic and any time people criticize hunger the number one fricking "counter" is calling them casualgays and implying hunger adds any kind of challenge or meaning. Even your example of
                >it brings you to taverns just like in real life
                is a moronic claim because you NATURALLY want to fricking do that in the first fricking place for sidequests, shopping, and general immersion in the fricking world interacting with NPCs. Hunger is not the solution to the imaginary problem you think it is.
                >That I'm 100% right
                Show me where KC:D was made in mind for hunger being the key conflict of the game. Show me. Because as it's implemented, the hunger system is quite literally a worthless mechanic that does not do anything worthwhile to justify its existence. It's a realismgay fallacy and you have yet to refute this fact. Even better that you pretend that there is no relevance to referring to other games without a hunger meter when they don't NEED it in order to make immersive tension. Hunger is a nuisance if you aren't already starving from the very fricking beginning (oh look we're back to the Don't Starve example again!) because that isn't how fricking hunger works.

                If a game can't get it like Don't Starve they shouldn't fricking add it all. Nice dodging my point about fast travel and Ubisoft towers too, homosexual.

              • 2 months ago

                >Vast majority of games use all manner of items to signify health restoration and being this reductive is proof perfect you're talking out of your ass.
                Actually it's literally proof of me being right, but again: at this point I'm entirely confident I'm talking to a literal crazy person here, and that you aren't actually talking to me at all.

                >Because it sure as shit isn't realistic and any time people criticize hunger the number one fricking "counter" is calling them casualgays
                Again. WHO THE FRICK are you arguing with here? Are these people calling you casual here in us right now, anon?

                >Show me where KC:D was made in mind for hunger being the key conflict of the game.
                Show me where I said anything about hunger being key conflict in KCD first, you absolute god damn gold-mine of insecure babbling...

                >Because as it's implemented, the hunger system is quite literally a worthless mechanic
                These are the exact fricking words I've said in the very first post of mine you replied to. In KCD vanilla game, the hunger isn't implemented right, that was indeed my point, one that triggered the other insane idiot into screaming at me how I'm wrong and how Hendry actually not being pressed to actively worry about food is a good thing.

                I've went from a person screeching about how I'm wrong and how the vanilla KCD hunger mechanic being very easy is a GOOD thing, (because apparently homeless people didn't suffer from hunger in middle ages or... something), to a person equally angrily screeching at me that I'm wrong because KCD's hunger system is not well implemented because it's too easy... which is literally what I said.

                What is this? Why are there so many clinically insane people in this thread?

              • 2 months ago

                I hate hunger because it's barely a gameplay mechanic, it's just "whoops, gotta remember to hit a button every X minutes." It's like having skill cooldowns that get you nothing in return besides changing the graphic on the hunger bar.

              • 2 months ago

                it's good because food drives you towards being social just like in real life, and new areas/quests. Taverns have sidequests, or towns, etc. Also if you want an extended trip without worrying about pots, get some dried food at the butcher.

              • 2 months ago

                >just like in real life
                homie i eat snickers

              • 2 months ago

                well the game tries to be realistic and being able to spend 100 days in the woods without food (even if not hunting) wouldn't make sense.

        • 2 months ago

          Uh I disabled master strikes in my game because it made the combat worse. I wasn't helpless though, maybe you're just bad.

          • 2 months ago

            >because it made the combat worse
            >t. got masterstriked so much by all his opponents he had to remove it

    • 2 months ago

      combat is great even without master strikes, you get to a point where you land that one hit after several back and forth blocks on their head or stun them and then you cut them down.

      I like how the game makes you get fricked early in combat (you are a peasant with no experience, it makes sense) but as soon as you train with bernard, OR fight some grunts, you get better and better and fights become easier.

  25. 2 months ago

    Dude? After you level alchemy you can brew much saves as you want.

  26. 2 months ago

    Heard they're putting brown people in the sequel. Lmao dropped.

    • 2 months ago

      Didn't they already have Cumans?

  27. 2 months ago

    I just wish the game had one single katana/wakizashi then it would be playable. Even if they bought into all the memes and gave it almost no durability. Its fun otherwise though and the hardcore playthrough was extremely rewarding.

    • 2 months ago

      Why would you add an unrelated sword and subpar ones at that during that time? They aren't even that good except the Chinese cartoons.

  28. 2 months ago

    >limited saves
    Every rpg game should have this. Being able to quickload whenever I feel like it ruins immersion and makes everything meaningless. Combat is not thrilling if I am able to load without penalty when I die. Dialogues are meaningless if I am able to load and try other outcomes if I so please.

  29. 2 months ago

    I like it because it's comfy and I'm a hick who grew up wandering the woods

    • 2 months ago

      This. Some of the scenery in this game gives me nostalgic vibes.

  30. 2 months ago

    I went in the game blind and now i love it.
    This is the only game that has made me feel like im really there.

    • 2 months ago

      >This is the only game that has made me feel like im really there.
      I think you could be very interesting in playing Gothic 1 and 2, and Pathologic 2. I can only highly recommend them, for the same kind of sensation.

    • 2 months ago

      >This is the only game that has made me feel like im really there.
      I feel you, and I can recommend you Rain World. It's wery different, true, but immersion factor is really here.

  31. 2 months ago

    >bonk head until headcracker procs
    i beat the game

  32. 2 months ago

    >admitting you need it to be easier for you

  33. 2 months ago

    The story is bland

    • 2 months ago

      I thought it was interesting enough for one playthrough but I tried it recently after seeing it's had a lot of changes and it just couldn't hold my attention past the first few missions.

    • 2 months ago

      the character development is unironically pretty good

    • 2 months ago

      I suggest you go watch your slice of life anime slop with zero depth. People wanna talk about KCD in here.

  34. 2 months ago

    it's comfy, the story/setting is cool and sometimes it even feels like a good rpg
    but the combat is complete dogshit, I really hope they fix it in the new one

  35. 2 months ago

    It's a pretty fun game. I hated the Radzig twist until someone pointed out to me that this explains why Henry is allowed to backtalk noblemen and kind of do whatever he wants without getting executed

    • 2 months ago

      >why Henry is allowed to backtalk noblemen
      That would explain it only if it was common knowledge. Which it explicitly isn't.

      And he doesn't do that in Skalitz for example.

      • 2 months ago

        Didn't that random foreign guy even know the truth? I remember him shit-talking Henry over it in that scene where you're captured at the camp, it's something like
        >they didn't tell you? they even told me, a foreigner, and they didn't tell *you*?
        I sort of assumed this was a Game of Thrones situation where the entire aristocracy was familiar with it but nobody said anything out of politeness

        • 2 months ago

          >they didn't tell you? they even told me, a foreigner, and they didn't tell *you*?

          >I sort of assumed this was a Game of Thrones situation where the entire aristocracy was familiar with it but nobody said anything out of politeness
          The opposite. For example, when Henry is officially introduced as Radzig's son in the epilogue the reaction is "I didn't know you had a son".

          >Only if he got caught, dumbass.
          Again. I'm at a loss for words here. I have not seen anyone manage to build such a mindboggling mountain of STUPID in so few posts in my 15 years on this board.

          >still can't name a single contradiction
          Every. Since. Claim. You have made directly contradicts you previous claim. Every single one of them is also objectively fricking wrong at the same time. This is a miracle, and absolute fricking golden grail of moronation.

          You want examples. So far, you have said:
          "HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, a person like Hendry would have no problem feeding himself."
          IMMEDIATELY followed by:
          "You can't use the history card at me! It's a VIDEOGAME, history does not matter!"
          And the literal next sentence is:

          And following from that, you also said:
          "It's all about immersion!".
          again, instantly followed by:
          "Hendry is a videogame protagonist, he is a superhero, and superhero's don't have to worry about shit like food, it's a videogame, belivability does not matter at all!"
          And if that alone does not make you understand how everything you say is a contradiction of something else you say, again: you are genuinely so fundamentally mentally disabled that there is no possible way to even begin discussing anything with you, you are not capable of most rudimentary reasoning.

          I could go on explaining why you are also factually completely wrong to a point where I can safely bet my life on saying: "Yeah, you are a fat murrican kid who has not even seen a passport in his life and thinks Ninja Turtles is a great learning source on 10th century samurai society." Starting with how killing a deer is one thing, actually processing the animal into something that does not rot in 4 days is absolutely fundamentally a different problem, but I think we are struggling with a lot more general problem here, which is that you are clinically, medically, objectively, severely mentally disabled.

          >I have not seen anyone manage to build such a mindboggling mountain of STUPID in so few posts in my 15 years on this board.
          And I have not seen anyone manage to evade specifics throughout such a mindboggling number of posts.

          >"HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, a person like Hendry would have no problem feeding himself."
          Keyword being "a person like Hendry(sic)", tardnon.

          >"You can't use the history card at me! It's a VIDEOGAME, history does not matter!"
          I objected to your comparison of Henry, not a land-bound peasant, to a land-bound peasant. You idiot. You buffoon. You absolute imbecile.

          >"It's all about immersion!".
          Tsk tsk tsk, I said immersion is reason enough, there needn't be some grand gameplay loop involving it.

          >"Hendry is a videogame protagonist, he is a superhero, and superhero's don't have to worry about shit like food, it's a videogame, belivability does not matter at all!"
          I never said that. Are you not just figuratively but also literally moronic? In fact, THIS is actually opposite of what I said.

          >I could go on explaining why you are also factually completely wrong
          You weren't able to begin explaining how I am wrong. You need to start doing that first before you could "go on", lil' buddy.

          >where I can safely bet my life on saying: [...]
          I hope that you will somehow be given the opportunity of doing so because it would end, mercifully, with your immediate death.

          >killing a deer is one thing, actually processing the animal into something that does not rot in 4 days is absolutely fundamentally a different problem
          LMAO, this tard doesn't know about fire.

          • 2 months ago

            It's a cutscene that plays in the quest where you have to sneak into the camp and you get captured. The foreign guy (forget his name) is mocking you and he says that line.

            • 2 months ago

              You mean Istvan? I assume Radzig mentioned it to him back in Skalitz after they both came across Henry.

              In the epilogue it's explicitly stated that this was not widely known. When Henry's officially introduced as Radzig's son the reaction is "I didn't know you had a son", not "Ah, of course, that bastard we all know you fathered". Capon didn't know either nor did any of the other nobles as far as we can tell. Seems to me that at least the Czech nobility didn't know and perhaps he was comfortable telling Istvan since he's a random Hungarian with whom he was unlikely to have much contact in the future.

          • 2 months ago

            >And I have not seen anyone manage to evade specifics throughout such a mindboggling number of posts.
            It's hard to get into specifics when you are dealing with a person who does not understand that saying "X" and "opposite of X" in two subsequent sentences constitutes a contradiction.

            As I said, I am working here with a... no matter how charitable I want to be, I can't call it a "human" - so... creature who does not understand how words work.
            Case in point:
            >Keyword being "a person like Hendry(sic)", tardnon.
            That is not actually english. It's not even human speech. That is an animal noise roughly imitating english. There is nothing else I can say about a collection of random syllables.

            I guess you THINK you are saying things, but you are not. This is a crude mockery of humanity.

            Do you seriously still expect me to fricking try and untangle the rest of the pathetic goal-posting, more literal animal noises, and a handful of abject lies? Because... I wish I could, but I can't, and nobody else could either.

            • 2 months ago

              I accept your concession, tardnon.

              Unusual to see the reason given being a feigned inability to understand what has been said thovghever. Curious choice.

              • 2 months ago

                Look, I'm just fricking telling you:
                When the severe and apparently undiagnosed mental disability will INEVITABLY start causing actual, serious tangible harm to people around you, and they will begin to naturally resent your very existence:
                You have been told about it, you have no excuse. You are mentally handicaped, and unless that is correctly diagnosed and accommodated, it will cause (more precisely - continue to cause) absolute misery to people around and consequently, eventually absolute misery to you.
                So when it all catches up to you, when you'll be sitting there wondering why are you and everyone around you locked in endless suffering: this is why, you absolutely 100% do know the cause, and you could have prevented it.

                Rest is up to you. Unfortunately for everyone else.
                Good luck, and may god have mercy on those around you.

              • 2 months ago

                Tardnon, after a concession as unmistakable as

                >And I have not seen anyone manage to evade specifics throughout such a mindboggling number of posts.
                It's hard to get into specifics when you are dealing with a person who does not understand that saying "X" and "opposite of X" in two subsequent sentences constitutes a contradiction.

                As I said, I am working here with a... no matter how charitable I want to be, I can't call it a "human" - so... creature who does not understand how words work.
                Case in point:
                >Keyword being "a person like Hendry(sic)", tardnon.
                That is not actually english. It's not even human speech. That is an animal noise roughly imitating english. There is nothing else I can say about a collection of random syllables.

                I guess you THINK you are saying things, but you are not. This is a crude mockery of humanity.

                Do you seriously still expect me to fricking try and untangle the rest of the pathetic goal-posting, more literal animal noises, and a handful of abject lies? Because... I wish I could, but I can't, and nobody else could either.

                you needn't keep posting further, you know? You lost loudly and clearly, your verbal fight is over, you can rest now and go back to doing what morons do. Like, I dunno, eating crayons or whatever.

              • 2 months ago

                >you needn't keep posting further, you know?
                I am aware, but I also have backbone and basic integrity, and sometimes that means doing or saying the right things even when you know it's completely futile.
                I posted what I posted because I would be a piece of shit if I didn't. Saying truth is worth doing even if you know nobody will be willing to listen, it's a matter of principle.

                And again, I am acutely aware of how completely pointless is explaining myself further here, but... again. Principles do matter to me, not to you.

              • 2 months ago

                >I am aware, but I also have backbone and basic integrity
                Not a functioning brain though, unfortunately.

                >I am acutely aware of how completely pointless is explaining myself further here
                You are not further explaining yourself though, you're futilely insulting me in lieu of actual arguments after your first and only attempt at actually addressing what I wrote failed miserably.

              • 2 months ago

                >You are not further explaining yourself though,
                I am, though I'll happily admit I'm not putting in nearly as much effort to make myself clearer as I could be. The reasons should be self-evident.

                People sometimes talk to their pets, like chastising them for misbehavior, despite being 100% aware that the animal does not, and cannot, understand them. But they don't break up the axiology textbooks when they do that, right?
                (axiology is the philosophical study of value's, including moral ones, which are what you are at core talking about when it talk about acting wrong. I'm implying the while people feel the urge to chastize the animal, they don't waste too much effort explaining the exact reasoning for their disappointment or anger)

                Same thing here. I engage you in a half-hearted fashion because it fundamentally does not make any sense to do otherwise - you are not capable of understanding anything I will say. I'm entirely just indulging myself here - you are not actually relevant to this process at all, you are just an object of my self-indulgent attention.

              • 2 months ago

                Tardnon, we've been over this. No matter how verbose your ramblings and tangents, they ill hide the fact of your inability to counter my arguments. Have you already forgotten that you conceded earlier? That means you're free to frick off now, your loss is there for all to see. Trying (and failing) to pick up from before that moment makes no sense in light of that. But on the bright side, there is no need to keep up the facade any longer. You can just ... leave the thread, y'know?

              • 2 months ago

                >they ill hide the fact of your inability to counter my arguments.
                Wow, you are back. As much as I would like to study the black hole equivalent of consciousness you represent, I was worn down by two other equally mentally deranged individuals already.

              • 2 months ago

                That makes two concessions in a row. Great! Will you finally shut your trap now or keep yapping so as to hear the grating sound of your own voice?

              • 2 months ago

                >That makes two concessions in a row. Great!
                I was going to say "believe what you need to believe", but that implies capacity to reason, so...I guess the right wording is:
                You do you, man.

    • 2 months ago

      henry gets shit on several times for talking back (by hanush, also bernard doesnt like it), and is punished for it by going hunting with hans

  36. 2 months ago

    I wish I was moronic enough to struggle with the abundance of saves the game gives you

  37. 2 months ago

    Lockpicking is so fricking bad.

    • 2 months ago

      *so easy

    • 2 months ago

      Stick your fricking gamepad in your rectum, Black person.
      Lockpicking is literally non-issue.

      • 2 months ago

        >I got filtered hard by the lockpicking minigame
        Another gamepad homosexual spotted, just have a nice day.

        Whatever nerds. I got a life. I don't got time to learn some stupid fricking lockpicking minigame. Go get a job.

        • 2 months ago

          It's literally "move a cursor in semicircle", you dunce. There's nothing

          • 2 months ago

            to learn.

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              So there's nothing to be filtered by.

              • 2 months ago

                You're supposed to be terrible at it when you're first learning it. It gets much easier as you level it up.

                I'm so fricking mad but the game is so fun It's too late I uninstalled it. I spent an hour trying to do it. I'm done. I'm sure it's fun for others but it pissed me the frick off.

            • 2 months ago

              You're supposed to be terrible at it when you're first learning it. It gets much easier as you level it up.

    • 2 months ago

      press the rotate button and rotate along with the lock. it's 100% meant for mouse players first.

  38. 2 months ago

    >limited saves
    Just find a bed, dude.

  39. 2 months ago

    just mod them out like the rest of us

  40. 2 months ago

    I wanna try it, but it sounds like it has too much life simulation shit. I just wanna be a badass knight.

  41. 2 months ago

    I got filtered hard by the lockpicking minigame. I uninstalled it. Yes, I tried installing mods but most of them are outdated and doesn't work. Game seems fun but frick that shit.

    • 2 months ago

      >I got filtered hard by the lockpicking minigame
      Another gamepad homosexual spotted, just have a nice day.

  42. 2 months ago

    Don't care, still buying KCD2.

  43. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    Duh. It was shilled almost entirety because it was part of the culture war

  44. 2 months ago

    they hype was definitely fueld by the deus vult fad but the game itself is fun. the melee combat is a bit wonky but the side-hustle content is enjoyable and engaging.

    • 2 months ago

      I beat the game twwice and I still don't get what the frick I'm supposed to do in that situation.
      Why does it steam?
      Why does the screen go blue?
      Why are there only sometimes sparks?

      • 2 months ago

        >Why does the screen go blue?
        >turning the stone requires stamina...

      • 2 months ago

        Just press T and it's explained. Sparks good, smoke bad

      • 2 months ago

        move sword into wheel so it sparks, when the blade stops sparking it's sharpened nice. if you do it badly, the durability goes down instead.

        blue = no stamina left

      • 2 months ago

        Holy frick stick to Skyrim.

      • 2 months ago

        >Why does it steam?
        It's smoke, not steam and it is because you are causing too much friction and the carbon on on the blade and stone is oxidising. In other words, you are pressing too hard and causing too much heat which is damaging the blade.
        >Why does the screen go blue?
        Because you are running out of breath. Turning that stone is hard work. In game terms, you are running out of stamina.
        Sparks indicate that particles of the metal are being shaved off, which is what you want. More sparks mean you are having a good angle between the stone and the sword.
        After a while, when if the sword is still at the same correct angle, but sparking slows down, it means you are done.

        It's an incredibly awkwards system in practice, by the way. I hated it, and just avoided it entirely.
        But the theory is not that hard to understand, it's just that if feels really off to control.

  45. 2 months ago

    no i hate crackers with every single fibre of my being and i still loved the game.

  46. 2 months ago

    I am convinced that people who boil everything down to race are utter halfwits.
    If a character is good on their own merit, the color of their skin doesn't matter.
    If a GAME is good, the color of the characters do not matter.

    Too many games nowadays are shit AND the characters in them are boring token minorities that haven't earned their place in the game.

    And there's nothing wrong with in-group preferences. If you are a white artist, there is nothing wrong with drawing only white characters, because you know the subject matter the best. It's not your place to provide represenation for other groups of people, let them do their own thing. If you want to draw other ethnicities, go for it. Be genuine, not because you have to(?).
    This forced idea that a game should be diverse just because, is a fricking brain tumor of the industry.
    You have an all asian developer team and some white b***h from california wants you to include other races in your game, like, what the frick is wrong with you?

    If it's such a huge issue, just make anthropomorphic characters and ditch the whole "human" thing then.

    • 2 months ago

      >I am convinced that people who boil everything down to race are utter halfwits.
      Most of them aren't half-wits.
      Most of them are malicious or prostitutes, likely combination of both.
      Look at this thread, the periodic completely off-topic garbage about religion, race, the whole /misc/ shit?
      You think even 1 out of the dozen or so people who spam this shit are anywhere remotely close to being genuine?

      It's ALL a larp. Nobody seriously believes what they are saying, it's purely a ritual. They spew this shit for two reasons.
      1) they are actually physically addicted to the sensation of getting a response, and
      2) they are so utterly impotent in their existence that being a minor pest and hopefully making others closer to being as miserable as they are, is literally the most power they will ever be able to exert over others, the most accomplishment they can dream of.

      Outside of Ganker, in real world with people who have real actual degree of significance in their life, are still largely product of the same problem, just at a slightly different scale.

  47. 2 months ago

    Still better than Dragons Dogma, now that's peak rpgjank garbage

  48. 2 months ago

    >only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    Uhh...yeah? Representation matters, chud.

  49. 2 months ago

    Why does this game trigger burgers so much?

    • 2 months ago

      America is mostly nonwhite, they cannot fathom not seeing Black folk for 2 seconds, makes their golem brain short circuit.

  50. 2 months ago

    Slavs are not white.

    • 2 months ago

      Czechs are more germanic than slavic.

    • 2 months ago

      OK, Hamjamin Fatlin.

    • 2 months ago

      Not the dark ones, but the ones with red or blonde hair are.

  51. 2 months ago

    They aren't white moron

  52. 2 months ago

    >I tolerated it in Resident Evil
    I didn't "tolerate" it in Resident Evil. It's one of my favorite features of Resident Evil. I love limited saves. It encourages more strategic play. I also do like the setting of KCD, but I like the mechanics and combat just as much. I used to mod Skyrmi to play more like KCD way before KCD existed.

  53. 2 months ago

    >game is liked
    >wtf there must be an ulterior motive for this

    god I hate Ganker

    • 2 months ago

      >game is liked
      and yet barely 10% of players finished it
      how curious

      • 2 months ago

        The whole point of the game is an autistic medieval life sim

        • 2 months ago

          >medieval life sim
          this is nothing like medieval life

          • 2 months ago

            The people who actually played the game disagree

            • 2 months ago

              >The people who actually played the game disagree
              ah yes they actually got medieval peasants to play the game sure

      • 2 months ago

        It's a long ass fricking game, I played it for ~90 hours and I wasn't even halfway through
        My save got corrupted because of patches so I was forced to stop playing, now that the sequel is coming, I'll start a new playthrough this year so that I can finally finish it.

        • 2 months ago

          >My save got corrupted because of patches so I was forced to stop playing
          >Ganker will still keep sucking this game to own the left

          • 2 months ago

            This was in march of 2018 you disingenuine wienersucker.
            You won't experience save corruptions 6 years after its release. I just got shit luck of the draw when they rolled out bugfixes.
            Same happened with Cyberpunk 2077, about 70 hours in and bugfix patches broke my game. This was during the wake of the release as well.

        • 2 months ago

          i have 193 hours and I still haven't finished the main story
          I got really close to the end on my first playthrough but I really wanted to do hardcore

      • 2 months ago

        that's a completely normal number

        • 2 months ago

          >that's a completely normal number
          for a shit game

          • 2 months ago

            Most people don't even finish games you moron, look at BG3. I guarantee you most never made it to Act 3, the fact KCD had at least 10% of people actually beating the game is impressive

            • 2 months ago

              >look at BG3.
              also a shit game

              • 2 months ago

                What's your favorite game?

              • 2 months ago

                Post a good game so I can laugh at you.

                >What's your favorite game?
                sex with hitler

              • 2 months ago

                Never a genuine answer from your ilk. Go drown yourself in a sink.
                My favorite game is Battleforge, and it's still the best RTS TCG game ever made with zero flaws.
                You will never know the joy of truly enjoying a game.

              • 2 months ago

                Post a good game so I can laugh at you.

            • 2 months ago

              This. Apparently 23% of people finished Baldurs Gate 3. Only around 14% finished that 40k Rogue Trader RPG, meanwhile ocer 60% beat Resident Evil 4 Remake on at least the normal difficulty. People generally do not finish games, especially long ones so it's really not something that should be used as a metric for games.

              • 2 months ago

                >23% of people finished Baldurs Gate 3
                Actually surprisingly high percentage

    • 2 months ago

      Ganker is always like this, it's to get a reaction more than anything. I can't discuss on this board my favourite game of last year because it just gets bait and shit posted until the thread dies or it's deleted.
      If you have a game you want to discuss, to talk about, to get excited over, to enjoy and share. Don't come to Ganker the depressed homosexuals here will try everything they can to convince you you're a schizo for enjoying a game.

      • 2 months ago

        the only way to get a thread going on this shithole now is to make a bait steam chart thread because everyone here is 12

    • 2 months ago

      like doom eternal on Ganker

  54. 2 months ago

    I loved it, I did four or five playthroughs.
    It's just a comfy RPG. Combat is meh but can be a lot of fun, especially if you use a mace with the headcracker perk. You just bonk everyone in the head.
    I also loved the dice game. It was comfy ending the session by playing dice at the tavern.
    Not sure why a lot of people hate it.

  55. 2 months ago

    I liked it because its Oblivion 2
    Im a cuman btw

  56. 2 months ago

    No. If it were the same concept only set in a different place and era where there are no white Christians I would still like it. I think this is just you projecting. You don't like it because you hate white christians, and you're seething

    You want a game set in medieval Europe to be your ethnic and racial pic and mix fetish at the expense of immersion. So your opinion can be discarded

    • 2 months ago

      >No. If it were the same concept only set in a different place and era where there are no white Christians I would still like it
      sure anon, sure

      • 2 months ago

        Sure. I'm glad we could come to an understanding

        • 2 months ago

          I'm sure you'd be playing this game if it was called "African kingdom: deliverance"

          • 2 months ago

            Depends on which kingdoms we are talking about. If it were bantu kingdoms then it wouldn't be too interesting. North Africa, sure. They had an actual civilisation that was more advanced than spear chucking

  57. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    Yes, the story is also really good and it has intrigue twists and what not. It's very anime & the character growth is great.

  58. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    but I don't like the game.

  59. 2 months ago

    >supposed-to-lose fights
    just beat me in a cutscene then, for fricks sake, such a waste of damn time.

    • 2 months ago

      you get a reward if you win but you aint good enough

  60. 2 months ago

    >You only like something because [headcanon]

  61. 2 months ago

    are the dlcs for this game any good?

    • 2 months ago

      band of bastards and hans capon ones are good
      from the ashes is meh but it's useful if you want a source of passive income
      woman's lot is the worst of the bunch

      • 2 months ago

        >from the ashes is meh
        Honestly it really just feels like a shitty mod and you don't even get a cool house out of it. you share a single room with some other losers

    • 2 months ago

      The dog companion one should have been baseline because it makes 1vgangbang much more tolerable

  62. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.

  63. 2 months ago

    yep, tired of seeing subs in places theyre no suppose to be

  64. 2 months ago

    Nobody actually likes Christians, half of Ganker will LARP as them but haven't actually visited a church in 20 years

  65. 2 months ago

    I dont get it? Its still pretty easy to save scum... just find any fricking bed and have a horse for travel + fast travel? Assuming your not playing in hardcore. But yeah im confused. Tho i got fat stacks saved from just looting people. So shnapps were never a issue for me anyway.

    • 2 months ago

      you can only save in your own bed but that's still not an excuse bc all you have to do is go to an inn

      • 2 months ago

        I know every other inn has a room to board, I should of worded that my bad. Talmburg if i remember is the earliest first bed you get to save in besides your parents home. But inns also have magic storage chest so that also helps lol.

  66. 2 months ago

    no, it's because the world is great, the characters are great, the music is great, and the atmosphere is the best in any RPG this decade.

    • 2 months ago

      >dude crysis but with slavs and history

    • 2 months ago

      I really got a bad vibe when the artist described the world of the second game as having "interesting rock formations" or something. Because that picture in combination with that description gives me the impression of "we're going to make it like shitty modern AAA open world games by artificially restricting travel by putting unnatural cliffs all over the place". The world in KCD feels more natural because it is actually just rolling hills with forests growing on them. Not a maze of unrealistic cliffs that are meant to constitute a videogame level's walls.

      • 2 months ago

        >I really got a bad vibe when the artist described the world of the second game as having "interesting rock formations" or something.
        This is what they are talking about. And yeah, it means the terrain will be naturally more constricting. It's still only one part of one of the two maps though, and it's worth remembering that artifical constriction of player movement is rooted in KC:D design from start. I don't think that replacing magically impassable bush with naturally existing rock formation is necessarily a bad thing.
        Also, while the terrain in the Czech paradise is more constrictive, it does not mean it's less complex to navigate. These things are mazes, not straight lines. It could (if they do things well) mean we are replacing sense of freedom with with a sense of mystery and threat, which is a fair trade.

        And again. It's not even remotely the entirety of the Trosky map. Which in itself is the smaller of the two maps you'll get to explore.

      • 2 months ago

        They are recreating a real place. Search "Trosky castle" on Google maps, the surrounding woods are full of cliffs and rock formations.

        • 2 months ago

          >Search "Trosky castle" on Google maps, the surrounding woods are full of cliffs and rock formations.
          NTA, but I don't think just saying "but that is how it is in the real place" is a sufficient argument. Not saying you are wrong and he is right - just that you need more to make a convincing point. Playing a devils advocate here, I'm going to say:
          "Well if that is how the real place is, why don't they just set the game in a different location that does not force you into linear corridors?"

          Again, I'm this guy

          >I really got a bad vibe when the artist described the world of the second game as having "interesting rock formations" or something.
          This is what they are talking about. And yeah, it means the terrain will be naturally more constricting. It's still only one part of one of the two maps though, and it's worth remembering that artifical constriction of player movement is rooted in KC:D design from start. I don't think that replacing magically impassable bush with naturally existing rock formation is necessarily a bad thing.
          Also, while the terrain in the Czech paradise is more constrictive, it does not mean it's less complex to navigate. These things are mazes, not straight lines. It could (if they do things well) mean we are replacing sense of freedom with with a sense of mystery and threat, which is a fair trade.

          And again. It's not even remotely the entirety of the Trosky map. Which in itself is the smaller of the two maps you'll get to explore.

          , this is just an exercise in argumentation. I actually think it's a really good choice of a location for KCD, though I would me more skeptical if that was the ENTIRE map. Given the fact that we saw both open plains and the sandstone mazes just on the Trosky map alone (as it is in the real-world location), and then we saw major segments of the Kuttenberg map as well which is entirely different, variety does not seem to be a point of concern.

      • 2 months ago

        Anon, you do know Czechia is a mountaineous country? Ever heard of the Sudetenland ?

        More specifically they talked about the "Bohemian Paradise" which is a real place, where Trosky castle is located (visible in the background of picrel)

        Also they said in an interview that Trosky will be the first map we visit, then Kuttenberg, which is odd since the game starts two days after the end of KCD1 and we were supposed to reach Kuttenberg first. Strongly hinting at an "Oblivion start" where we get captured, rot in prison for a while, explaining why Henry aged and lost most of his skills.

        • 2 months ago

          >Ever heard of the Sudetenland ?
          Yeah, we've heard of Germany before, anon.

  67. 2 months ago

    God be praised, Ganker, I've come to visit and check up on you.

  68. 2 months ago

    I stopped reading at you morons, historical accuracy triggers you which means you want to erase our history
    frick ALL the way off.

  69. 2 months ago

    The limited saves critique is not a valid one. It just displays their ignorance and that the fact they didn't play the game for more than 12 hours

    The save system is great. You can save by sleeping, which actually gives a consequence for dying. And if you want to overcome this, then you can. By learning alchemy. Then you can save for as many times as you prepare for. It gives a purpose to alchemy that makes it essential to learn, rather than just a useless feature no one will use. The same with the Herbalism skill. Do you know how chill it is to go looking for and picking Belladonna? And the rest of the ingredients so you can prepare for adventures? And then brewing Saviour schnapps with an alchemy table? No, of course you don't because you're an impatient Black person that will never see the true beauty of KCD, because you didn't want to learn how to play

  70. 2 months ago

    > no Black folk and muslims

  71. 2 months ago

    Started playing a couple of days ago. I modded in saves because the game crashes all the fricking time. The rest is good.

  72. 2 months ago

    >can enter houses, knock out asleep NPCs and repeat forever until you max out your stealth stat
    uh, is this by design? did they really do that stuff in medieval germany?

    • 2 months ago

      >uh, is this by design? did they really do that stuff in medieval germany?
      No, it's what we call a "design oversight" Result of a designer being only a human and not being always capable of correctly predicting every single possible course of action the player could conceivably take, and adjusting for all of them.

      The more complex your game is, the more likely it is for a design oversight to ocure. Extensive playtesting is one way of reducing the number of such oversight, but playtesting costs money, proportionally to the complexity of the system you are testing in fact, and with money being the most limiting factor of most game development projects, eventually you have to make decision on whenever it's better to use what money you have to develop more complexity or more content, or spend it on polishing existing systems.

      The more risk-avoidant the production is (which usually depends on how much money are riding on the thing), the more they tend to favor the latter over the former, or at least that used to be the case.

  73. 2 months ago

    I like it for the historical tourism aspect.
    I like some of the Assassin's Creed games for the same reason but those games also have a lot of silly and bad inauthentic stuff in them, the historical environments and architecture being the highlight of those games.

  74. 2 months ago

    doing a new run and im chasing bandits down and trying to find that ginger guy. what other game does forests like KCD?

  75. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    No, that's just a slight bonus. I like it because it's an actual modern RPG with good writing and quest design and a world that's fun to explore.

  76. 2 months ago

    Go back already holy frick

  77. 2 months ago

    >you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    Even if so - so what? Let peole have nice things.
    That being said, the combat is atrocious. I used a bow and arrow ONLY in order to not have to engage with this games awful combat system.

  78. 2 months ago

    I love this game and genuinely did not enjoy saviour schnapps at all. Modded it out.

  79. 2 months ago

    It's a good game

  80. 2 months ago

    My fav mechanic was unironically the clothing cleanliness mechanic where you had to keep your "town clothing" with all the social buffs on your horse and change/have a bath before going to the market

  81. 2 months ago

    >because the characters are white and Christian.
    That's not why I liked it
    That's why i played it

  82. 2 months ago

    It's by far the best videogames have ever gotten to letting you exist in a medieval society. It's clear the team knew and loved the medieval setting, and was actually able to depict it accurately. I can see how people who aren't into medieval settings don't get much out of the game, though. The combat especially, it's unique and interesting, but I don't think I'd call it good. Especially because of how much your stats invalidate any amount of skill expression the player tries to employ to kill enemies stronger than themselves.

    Still one of my top 10 games, and can't wait for the sequel

    • 2 months ago

      >It's by far the best videogames have ever gotten to letting you exist in a medieval society.
      True, but it's also one of the ONLY games that ever tried to get you to feel like you exist in plausible approximation of historical society.

      I mean seriously, how many games actually aim for that? I'm coming up with Cosmology of Kyoto, and then if we really squint, and also admit that it failed spectacularly, maybe Mount and Blade 2. Are there any other?

  83. 2 months ago

    So what?

    Post your nationality, ethnicity, skin color and age.

  84. 2 months ago

    I would play the Muslim Arab equivalent 100%, late medieval Islamic history is kino. Same for Chinese, Japanese.

    • 2 months ago

      >I would play the Muslim Arab equivalent 100%, late medieval Islamic history is kino. Same for Chinese, Japanese.
      Yeah, virtually any historical - any even many contemporary - setting could be make really appealing if approched with the same love and care that KC:D does. I especially share your sentiment about the Islamic world, I would fricking KILL for a game that does that environment, hell, I would kill for a much looser and more fantasy game as long as it would bring quarter of the passion, attention to detail or understanding of the subject matter to the table that KCD does.
      Middle eastern and central asian societies are so fricking underutilized man, not just in games, in pretty much any other media as well.

      Buuuut we probably won't see any of that. It requires people are genuinely deeply entranched in the environment, people who have grew up in it and loved it and studied it and breathed it from childhood.
      I'm afraid finding people like that who are interested in developing world in modern middle east is going to be impossible, in China it's going to be hard (frick cultural revolution) and as for Japan... it is entirely possible, but in my experience, Japs just have a very different way of looking at history in general. They don't fetishize past the way westerners do, which in some ways is cool, but it also means that stuff like historical realism tends to be less relevant to them.
      I mean there are all kinds of people in Japan, so it's not out of the question, but it is not a coincidence that we do not see even attempts at such things very often.
      The biggest attempt to create a semi-accurate Japanese history-game came from West, and it was not good at it, because as I said: you also need people born into the environment - a Czech studio can make KC:D, but would not be able to do the same for Bagdad, Westerner won't do justice to Japan, and Japan won't do justice to central Europe.

      • 2 months ago

        Koei used to make autistic Asian history sims until they realized people only bought dynasty warriors

        • 2 months ago

          >Koei used to make autistic Asian history sims until they realized people only bought dynasty warriors
          I should look into it. I know there were some Samurai games that were at least semi-authetic, and then of course, there is the big game (big by fame, not by popularity): Cosmology of Kyoto, which while also featuring a lot of fantastic elements, was for it's time remarkably dedicated to this idea of making you feel like you are in a living historical settings, as far as it's very crude tolls allowed it to be.

          I read all that and all I see is a shit justification for a shit mechanic. Same as hardcore modes, same as ironman modes - you're not making the game more tense, you're making it more tedious, because all these mechanics encourage is metagaming and playstyles that favor winning and surviving no matter how slow and unfun it is. Because the alternative is losing progress, which kills immersion harder than anything else.
          >so don't use those tactics
          Yeah, and you can just *not use* the save feature, there's your immersion. If you can't practice self-control then that should be on you, the solution isn't to break the game for players and call it a feature.

          >I read all that and all I see is a shit justification for a shit mechanic.
          Yeah, but as we established you are an ABSOLUTE idiot and the worst judge of what makes or does not make a game good, or work, or anything game related, so that is hardly surprising conclusion you have.

          Fricking morons will only see what they want to see, and nothing else, is what I'm saying.

          Please be so kind and follow my instructions from my previous post. Thank you.

          • 2 months ago

            >recieve a logical counter-argument
            >seethe uncontrollably
            I appreciate that you know when to concede your point.

            • 2 months ago

              a logical counter-argument
              I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
              is not a logical counteragument. Which you would realize, if you weren't a complete fricking idiot.

              You are irrationally afraid of losing. We get it. Casuals, morons, and insecure people generally are: they would rather play a boring game where that can't make them experience regret or any other negative emotion, than an interesting one that does threaten to make them feel something more negative at times.

              But we really need to stop discussing what an absolutely pathetic human you are, it's getting boring and it's exclusively taking us in circles, and it's not even videogame related.

              Which - appropriately enough brings us to my first post. You need to frick off to whatever social media circlejerk you stumbled in from. You are neither capable, nor interested in talking about videogames. Twitter is for morons who obsessively try to prostitute themselves out, so I suggest heading there next.

              • 2 months ago

                >I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! is not a logical counteragument.
                That's not what I wrote. Maybe learn basic reading comprehension before you start frothing at the mouth.
                >You are irrationally afraid of losing. We get it. Casuals, morons, and insecure people generally are: they would rather play a boring game where that can't make them experience regret or any other negative emotion, than an interesting one that does threaten to make them feel something more negative at times.
                Fun negative emotion is feeling risk, danger, tension because of the potential rewards - winning, surviving, gaining, etc. It's why horror games are so popular. You are instead defending tedium - arbitrary "difficulty" added to waste people's free time - and calling it a plus, because you've been fooled by the marketing into thinking an incomplete or poorly designed game is actually a bravely designed one.
                >But we really need to stop discussing what an absolutely pathetic human you are, it's getting boring and it's exclusively taking us in circles, and it's not even videogame related.
                Yes, it is. Refer to my point about reading comprehension.
                >Which - appropriately enough brings us to my first post. You need to frick off to whatever social media circlejerk you stumbled in from. You are neither capable, nor interested in talking about videogames. Twitter is for morons who obsessively try to prostitute themselves out, so I suggest heading there next.
                You are obsessed with talking about me instead of continuing to back your point, maybe you should try some self-reflection on who is actually going off-topic.

              • 2 months ago

                >You are instead defending tedium - arbitrary "difficulty" added to waste people's free time
                it's called stakes you fricking moron, most games had them before toddslop melted your brains
                just accept that you're a fricking casual and you got filtered holy shit

              • 2 months ago

                >making it back home to bed
                >game crashes, progress lost
                I imagine you would be the kind to argue against the introduction of car seatbelts.

              • 2 months ago

                worst case scenario you lost 15 minutes of gameplay
                any more and you're a moronic consumable hoarder that doesn't know how to play games because he considered quicksaves as an infinite consumable and can't cope with losing it

              • 2 months ago

                Right and having to take naps more often and drink more potions to allow you to jump back in time to a sooner point if your game crashes is the peak of immersion, is it? I can just feel the medieval lifestyle coursing through my veins.

              • 2 months ago

                it's significantly more so that outright fricking enabling you to perfect every encounter because you're butthurt about taking too much damage in an easy fight
                you're a pathetic Black person that undoubtedly spams savestates in emulators too because anything that doesn't hand you victory on a silver platter is just wasting your time apparently
                just stick to netflix and youtube you moron, videogames are too complicated for you

      • 2 months ago

        Good post and I think you're mostly right, but I also think a good team could leverage history experts and make a quality experience but another time and location.

        • 2 months ago

          >but I also think a good team could leverage history experts and make a quality experience but another time and location.
          I mean yes, but aside from questions of who the hell would fund such an endeavor, I also think you will inevitably end up with an extremely different type of experience than KC:D. Because there is one secret ingredient that makes KCD so fun and distinct: and that is all the shit in it that is actually deliberately completely ahistorical, and instead, is distinctly MODERN, contemporarily Czech.

          The fundamental folly of doing a pure historical reproduction, is that A) it's nearly impossible to actually achieve, and B) even if you succeed, you will likely end with something that is impressive, but very hard to relate to.

          Because limitations of our knowledge aside, the gap between how people thought in the past, and how we think today, is just gargantuan.
          The thing that completes KC:D is that aside from attention and passion for detail, it's also absolutely choke-full reflection of how Czechs actually think and experience world today, which is based on direct observation and participation, on being it core of who the people making the game actually are.
          There is a deep link between the two, of course, modern czechs are product of their history, but the fact that there is this modern element makes it human, close enough to be relatable, but distinct enough to feel cohesive and in a way, "exotic", or maybe I should say "unique".

          As I said, I think it's crucial that such a game is made by people who breathe that history, but they breathe it NOW. A game about historical japan would require extensive research and knowledge of past to be accurate, but also being filled with modern Japanese experience and outlook blending into it.

          This is why I think why trying to make great history-focused works on lands and people you aren't directly born into NOW, is a losing proposition.

          I hope that makes some sense, at least.

  85. 2 months ago

    This board shits on people who like being able to save because it's full of NEETs. You know some of us actually have jobs? A life? Family? No, you wouldn't understand that homosexual

    • 2 months ago

      We understand, we just don't understand why you wouldn't play another game in that case.

      • 2 months ago

        What value does it add to the game that would take away from the experience if removed?

        • 2 months ago

          It would make the game easier and I don't like that

        • 2 months ago

          It would make you like the game more and I hate you

        • 2 months ago

          >What value does it add to the game that would take away from the experience if removed?
          Sometimes you have to just marvel at how dumb you people are.
          Seriously. Have you ever tried to stop, and actually, actually fricking think about it? Actually dedicate few seconds of your time actually asking and trying to answer that question?

          Because if you can't fricking do that, you are too dumb, too lazy and too clueless to discuss videogames. Genuinely, you have nothing of value to add to this place, you can frick off wherever you came from.

          It would remove the necessity to commit to your action, and actively try to salvage situations that arise from making an error, instead of just undoing the error entirely. Because having to work around your errors increases tension, but also adds potential to emergent scenarios: improvizations, sudden escalations, or funny or memorable moments. Those kinds of things happen more often when you are encouraged to deal with your errors, rather than instantly undo them. All of this is fricking common sense, by the way, I should NOT have to explain any of this shit.

          • 2 months ago

            I read all that and all I see is a shit justification for a shit mechanic. Same as hardcore modes, same as ironman modes - you're not making the game more tense, you're making it more tedious, because all these mechanics encourage is metagaming and playstyles that favor winning and surviving no matter how slow and unfun it is. Because the alternative is losing progress, which kills immersion harder than anything else.
            >so don't use those tactics
            Yeah, and you can just *not use* the save feature, there's your immersion. If you can't practice self-control then that should be on you, the solution isn't to break the game for players and call it a feature.

  86. 2 months ago

    I started a new file, it's amazing that this is a 2018 game made by indie devs, when it literally shits on starfield with thousands of devs and Bethesda money.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's amazing that this is a 2018 game made by indie devs
      Well, you say indie, and you are not technically wrong, but it was entirely funded by one of the country's wealthiest people, a billionaire par excellance, and while the total cost of the game in dollars does not look all that impressive, that is only until you adjust it for local prices - then you realize it's in terms of amount of resources invested, people employed and general production values, equivalent to an AAA production title from US.

      It is technically indie in that it was not funded by traditional publisher, and in the sense that the guy funding it had actually no direct creative control over the studio, but it's an AA-at-least game, closer to AAA in terms of cost, scale and production process.

  87. 2 months ago

    We get it, you hate white people and you're an atheist. Sheesh.

  88. 2 months ago

    Bye Theresa.

    • 2 months ago

      >mfw her ramblings were hints towards KCD2 all along
      What else did she say? I can't remember?

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          Hmmm, could there be some connection? A bigger, more significant one?

  89. 2 months ago

    I hope there is another "get drunk with Godwin" quest.

    • 2 months ago

      >Mission: Get drunk with Godwin
      >Objective: Frick the whole brothel

    • 2 months ago

      >I hope there is another "get drunk with Godwin" quest.
      I think it's unironically a matter of personal honor to the people who are making the game, to try and top that scene. I suspect it will revolve around Hans.

  90. 2 months ago

    I'm convinced you didn't play this game so you don't bring much to a discussion of it.

  91. 2 months ago

    >Finally going to get to marry a proper redheaded women
    Bros I'm so fricking happy. I wish I was Henry.

  92. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      You DO know what game this is right?

      • 2 months ago

        >shitty ideas should be catered to because there's a market for it
        Classical liberalism was a mistake

  93. 2 months ago

    So I just started playing this blessed game and that lady of the castle visiting you at night made me feel a certain type of way

    • 2 months ago

      same, but i was open she was there to rape me while i couldn't say anything because she's a noble

    • 2 months ago

      Be sure to come back later in the game to bang her and get a fly shirt

  94. 2 months ago

    How come rightoids don't play games?

    • 2 months ago

      I bought it on GOG.

    • 2 months ago

      I just frick around doing sidequests and then get bored before I finish it

      • 2 months ago

        Same I never finished it, I get autistically sidetracked with everything else and get burned out before I can ever finish these games, then I need to start a new file

    • 2 months ago

      I've beaten the game then I bought it.

    • 2 months ago

      99% of people on steam buy games and never finish them

  95. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    Literally 80 IQ take.
    It's an incredibly detailed world. A very immersive game. It absolutely nails the atmosphere. it succeeds in making a living, breathing world in a way bethesda games can only dream of.
    Just to name a few...

  96. 2 months ago

    This site has overwhelmingly shit taste in vidya, what do you expect? If not for the relative lack of censorship I would be literally anywhere else. Alas, we're stuck here.

  97. 2 months ago

    >How come rightoids don't play games?
    frick off bad poster be better have sex have a nice day love yourself drive safe

  98. 2 months ago

    love reading these notes

    • 2 months ago

      It's shame it's not entirely accurate, or at least it still simplifies things down a bit too much.

      Like saying "beer served instead of soup". That is just... I get what they are referring to but it's a very dumb and inaccurate way of saying things.

  99. 2 months ago

    If the devs get KyoAnied, who would be the next best candidate to make these kind of games?

  100. 2 months ago

    I hope they'll give some better tutorial on the archery because either it's the controller or I'm just complete fricking ass at it

  101. 2 months ago

    This game is unbelievably comfy

    • 2 months ago

      I often catch myself wondering around the settlements and admiring the architecture, the little pathways along the walls, the small windows in the castle with a cozy vibe. Also I like how they made it colorful. Nobles loved colors

    • 2 months ago

      Somehow it has that Oblivion charm that no other game has

      • 2 months ago

        Oblivion with the graphics of this game would be awesome

      • 2 months ago

        who the frick likes oblivion here unironically

    • 2 months ago

      no, it's because the world is great, the characters are great, the music is great, and the atmosphere is the best in any RPG this decade.

      What makes it good is not pretty graphics, but photogrammetry. It's an extremely believable rural European nature that everyone knows and loves (except filthy mutts maybe).

  102. 2 months ago

    >moron l*ftoid culture warrior can't comprehend people just liking a game because it's open and fun

  103. 2 months ago

    Keep shit posters ^ off this board please

    • 2 months ago

      Mass replying homosexuals should get the rope.

      nah it was adequate
      i finished a hardcore playthrough recently and i was actually running out of schnapps by the end despite taking 1 hour tavern naps, stealing from alchemist and tavern merchant chests every chance i got
      i saved about once every 20 min and the only way i could get a big surplus is by cheating and looking up belladonna garden spawns

      Seriously, this is ridiculous. This game is hot garbage. Why do you keep doing this?

      • 2 months ago

        >Why do you keep doing this?
        keep having fun?
        if you don't appreciate having to actually having to play the game instead of mashing quicksave quickload through every fricking interaction until you get a perfect outcome you hate video games

        Just level herbalism and alchemy lmao

        herbalism only makes your pickup range bigger, it doesn't increase drop rates
        i physically could not get more schnapps unless i metagamed with garden locations

        • 2 months ago

          I can appreciate doing it enough to do it myself out of choice without needing to be forced to by fundamentally broken game design.

          • 2 months ago

            >out of choice
            you'd never play with limited saves because you're a fricking pussy and have to be pulled away from this awful quicksave meta that plagues every game nowadays

  104. 2 months ago

    Mass replying homosexuals should get the rope.

    • 2 months ago

      Just make a filter to hide any post that quotes more than five other posts bro.

  105. 2 months ago

    Czechia is less than 12% Christian you absolute mong

    • 2 months ago

      >because the characters are
      Reading comprehension much, stupid?

  106. 2 months ago

    > I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.

    Bingo, that’s it.

  107. 2 months ago

    It's a bit niche but if you want a medieval rpg what else is there?

  108. 2 months ago

    The game is immersive as frick, takes itself seriously, has wonderful environments and likable characters, combat is responsive and adequately weighty and saves depending on having schnapps actually save you from your brainrot of playing toddslop and rerolling everything because you're upset that a level 1 enemy hurt you
    What the frick is your problem moron, getting filtered by a game not stroking your ego right out the gate?

  109. 2 months ago


    Most people in the thread can tell that there are several of us that love the game, but just for this anon

    • 2 months ago

      i wish we had ids on every single board
      there's literally no downsides

      • 2 months ago

        Frick you, sometimes I just want to shitpost and have a sincere conversation at the same time

      • 2 months ago

        Apart from the fact that it removes one of the main differentiating aspects of an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD
        IDs aren't going to suddenly make this community and posters not shit.

  110. 2 months ago

    Most of the quests were pretty shallow and really lacked options and contextualization based on what you did, forcing you into an outcome just for a gotcha moment. The worst one is the one you do for your "friends" where you dress as a cuman and they make fun of you as if you didn't have 900 cuman kills on your tab. The game just ignores everything you do to force its narrative onto you, defeating the point of options. Oh, you went and defeated the entire cuman camp by yourself? Nope, they just spawn back, no one acknowledges it, no options to tell your lord what you did, it just never happened. This happens all the time.

    For me this is what ruined the game. I can mod out the bugs, I can get used to the (shitty) combat, hell I even learned to enjoy alchemy, but the shallow stupid quests, that I couldn't forgive, specially the ones that felt like the writers having fun at your expense.

    Picture unrelated.

    • 2 months ago

      There's usually always friction between games trying to be grounded and games trying to be open. Different devs are just gonna have different priorities for what to polish or not, since you can't cover for everything in a game that isn't linear. Maybe this particular balance isn't for you.

      • 2 months ago

        That only applies to some quests. Are you familiar with the quest where ladies are applying medicine to their veganas and hallucinate? It is impossible to get a good outcome on that quest. Either the "demon" guys show up, and you kill them, or they kill the woman. If you try to knock them out non-lethally, the game doesn't let you, they literally have infinite HP. The game constantly funnels you into these shitty results just to have a gotcha moment and it often feels very forced.

        • 2 months ago

          just don't come towards them when they're doing their gay ritual
          they'll give up and the quest will fail and you get your good outcome

          • 2 months ago

            Failing a quest is not a good outcome. It's just a half measure. it's as much as a "solution" to a quest as to never talking to someone so their quest never starts.

            Look, I liked the game, it's very pretty and immersive, but quests are railroaded as frick and poorly written. You can make excuses as much as you want, but the entire thing is littered with shitty quests.

  111. 2 months ago

    The plagueshit was so terrible, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

    • 2 months ago

      Most quests are shit. The fricking glitchy ass bird catching quest is so infuriating and overly convoluted on how you're supposed to do it.

      • 2 months ago

        >he fricking glitchy ass bird catching quest is so infuriating and overly convoluted on how you're supposed to do it.
        >walk around
        >hear loud ass CHIRPDERP CHIRP CHIRPDERP
        >hurr me no see awesome action button to press
        >hmm I wonder how I get this quest item I get on the ground, is there some kind of mechanic I can use to do so?
        >go into inventory
        >drop item

        • 2 months ago

          I regret completing it so fast on my hardcore run because it's apparently a free compass marker

        • 2 months ago

          >go into inventory
          >drop item
          >it falls through the floor

        • 2 months ago

          >go into inventory
          >drop item
          >it disappears from both your inventory and the world itself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
          had some skibidigyatt moment with this one tbh

  112. 2 months ago

    Sometime I wonder if Japanese europe geeks like KCD for showing them medieval europe in detail. It's too bad it's hard to find online discussion forums or wherever the japs talk about this stuff

    • 2 months ago

      Try starting a thread on 2chan or 5ch might be fun

    • 2 months ago

      I saw a couple moonrunes in the livestream chat. Most were korean and chinese

    • 2 months ago

      There are several Nip Let's Plays of it on YT, just watch those and read the comments.

  113. 2 months ago

    ADHD babies ruin every genre that isn't inherently ADHD in principle.
    The save system is genius, but unfortunately not demanding enough throughout a playthrough.
    Having to plan sufficiently for a journey across the map, is a godsend for a proper grounded RPG experience.

  114. 2 months ago

    I got a mod for free saves I don't give a frick.

  115. 2 months ago


    >Keep shit games off this board please.
    Go start a thread a out the good games you like then, homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      Any thread in this shithole that's talking favorably about anything is a shill thread.

  116. 2 months ago

    If the sequel is a little too streamlined in any one area, I'm gonna gut one of you idiocracy ass Black folk alive.

    • 2 months ago

      Come at me whiteboy I'll shove my boot so far up your perfect smooth angloBlack person ass your breath will smell like shoe polish

  117. 2 months ago

    How are they going to do skill progression in the sequel? Part of the appeal is that you start out as an illiterate peasant and you are shit at everything.

    • 2 months ago

      The X parasite infects your body and makes you forget everything or something and you have to remember it by killing cuman and eating their flesh

    • 2 months ago

      Henry takes a cannonball to his caveman brow and loses all his skills.

    • 2 months ago

      Henry you play in KCD2 is imposter and not a real Henry.

      • 2 months ago

        Bravo Kojima.

  118. 2 months ago

    >Become master alchemist
    >Infinite saves
    >Infinite health
    >Infinite money

    Don't tell them all you had to do was cook

    • 2 months ago

      Just cook some meth Jes- I mean Henry.

    • 2 months ago

      Don't forget instadeath poison that you can attach to your weapon and arrows. Alchemy is essential for archer builds

  119. 2 months ago

    It's like the average Gankerirgin has nerves of steel and can handle even the most incomprehensible mechanical challenge, but having to engage your noggin in any way is a crime against humanity.

  120. 2 months ago

    The Theresa DLC was one of the worst videogame experiences I've ever had.

    • 2 months ago

      the story of it was ok
      what made it feel like shit is being detached from henry and being unable to gain anything from completing it so you have no reason to do anything beyond beelining the quests

    • 2 months ago

      >The Theresa DLC was one of the worst videogame experiences I've ever had.
      The there story was absolutely miserable. Made even worse by the fact that it wasn't lazy and there was a lot of obvious effort that went into it, but at the same time, it had such obviously fundamental flaws that it was pain to actually experience.

      The other half (I started typing "the second half", but as some anon kindly pointed out to me in an earlier thread, the Johanka story is not actually locked behind completing Theresa's story, you can do them in any order, though you WANT to just skip the Theresa stuff) was some of the best stuff in the game. Johanka's story was genuinely great, had some of the most historically interesting themes, and some of the absolute best writing and character moments in the game.

      Shame they are sold together, and that most people will like me probably experince Theresa first and it will make them already bitter.

      • 2 months ago

        I had the same impression about the Johanka parts being Kino and the return to skalitz but as theresa being a total slog.
        I was actually blown away that they were sincere with the religious material and didn't use it as a chance to get a cheap shot in for some message about moronic superstitious medieval europeans who didnt know any better, especially considering the devs are post-hussite giga atheist church skeptics (I assume of most czechs)

        • 2 months ago

          >specially considering the devs are post-hussite giga atheist church skeptics (I assume of most czechs)
          Czechs are indeed mostly atheist and quite proud of it, but not usually edgy about. The distrust and sometimes disdain for religion comes from being disillusioned with the Church, and political powers associated with it, more than in the self-masturbatory epic conclusion that "wow, supernatural is not real, I'm so fricking smart to figure that out!"

          It's more that every time some kind of organization came and started lecturing you about it, it meant bullshit and trouble and humiliation. The whole atheism-as-an-identity is just one faucet of a broader wide-spread cultural notion, which is just scepticism towards any grand stories, toward anything too generalizing, or being too good or clean-sounding to be true.
          The same scepticism exists towards woke culture, communism, fascism, the green deal, the ZOG, the concept of enlightenism... big stories are associated with big bullshit and subsequent big raping.
          To a degree where that scepticism turns even against the national culture and history itself. Almost every aspect of our own history is being generally seen as ambivalent at best - with like 2 entire exceptions.
          Hussite uprising, which itself was a rebellion against CHURCH, not against Christianity, is now in itself seen as dubious affair because it already starts resembling just another one of those "big stories" we resent other cultures for worshipping.

          Czechs doubt, they doubt their doubts, and they love that skepticism about themselves, and they hate themselves for loving that side of themselves. All of this results in this very messy national mentality which inevitably ends up with few conclusions:
          1) Stop. Bullshiting us.
          2) while you are at it, leave us the frick alone all together
          3) the thing that we are most proud of, is the fact that we aren't proud of many things
          4) you know what, frick everything, just let me drink and not think too much.

          • 2 months ago

            Yes this is pretty much spot-on the implication I was trying to make about skeptic czechs, thx for the post.

            Kingdom Come definitley deals very well with Church skepticism (which is definitely present throughout the game) in a way a homosexual leftist west coast american writer never could, and I really applaud it for being sincere with the themes and offering a very down to earth portrayal with a balanced mix of showing things like Johanka's ascension to a sort of saintly figure but also a drunk fornicating priest, lel. it also leaves the RP open from the player side to be more of a classic skeptic czech archetype henry, or waldensian genocider sword of God henry

            • 2 months ago

              >things like Johanka's ascension to a sort of saintly figure but also a drunk fornicating priest
              Personally, what I liked most about the DLC, is that it sets out to do what all the fricking feminist bullshit claims to do:
              It is a rare, genuine exploration of an incredibly part of medieval culture and religiosity that has been, in more recent history, completely neglected: the actually really important and influential role of women in medieval religiosity, the concept of Marian devotions that has been hugely overshadowed be later inclinations to overpraise male roles.
              Because it's real, and interesting and makes our understanding of history richer.
              Which is to say, it's bullshit free. It does not explore it because it's important to a greater cause of grand epic gender power war that we all need to take a side in, it does not do it to prove that women are good and men bad, or women are victims and men oppressors, because all of that: it's bullshit.

              It's done because it's always interesting to learn more. No sides, no implications, no fricking judgements. No need to skew things one way or another for the sake of validating some other, greater underlying "truths".

              Being in many ways stereotypical Czech (or what I would like to believe myself to be stereotypical Czech) I don't resent things like feminism because it explores female perspective and role, I resent it because it's contaminated by bullshit from moment one, because it does not explore those things to make us know more - instead it ends up twisting shit up and adding more obfuscation, because it want us to act differently - which in itself hides the narcissitic implication that we (the ideology) already knows with confidence what is right and what is wrong.
              Knowledge generated to serve a conclusion, not conclusions generated based on knowledge.

              Also, I'm sorry this fricking rant. The three fricking idiots in this thread wore my own sanity down to next to nothing, and I CANNOT fricking sleep it off.

              • 2 months ago

                >Being in many ways stereotypical Czech
                Holy frick that explains a lot about Vavra's autism. All of you homosexuals are like this. Nuke that country NOW
                >I don't resent things like feminism
                Feminism IS bad. This just makes you some shitty fence shitter that thinks he's smart
                >The three fricking idiots in this thread wore my own sanity down to next to nothing, and I CANNOT fricking sleep it off.
                Looks to me like you are worse than anyone else in this thread and should eat heated buckshot you absolute fricking mongoloid homosexual
                >ohhh look at me I question everything and take the middle ground because it's SMART and I'm so tired of all these NON-SMART people I have to deal with UGHHH
                zoomers and election tourists didn't kill Ganker. you c**ts did, please stick to your containment board and have a nice day in silence there

              • 2 months ago

                >Feminism IS bad.
                >autistic reddit caps locking
                not the anon you replied to but you probably think modern day feminists are the real definition of feminists.
                original feminism has died and what's left is not even a shadow of its former self.
                the real feminists from the 50's are probably rolling over in their graves

              • 2 months ago

                "real" feminists were just as wrong about the patriarchy seeing as we are from the ground up a gynocentric society that built this whole thing explicitly to woman's benefit.
                It remains just as true today as it did back even to the original suffragette times that people who are the primary beneficiaries of an ordered society yet who are not subject to most of its rules, do not maintain it nor die to protect it should have equal power in determining its policies.
                Now in the modern day the delusion is so severe women literally think an average dude could not end her life with his bare hands on a whim, barring any external intercedence (by other men)

              • 2 months ago

                >Holy frick that explains a lot about Vavra's autism. All of you homosexuals are like this. Nuke that country NOW
                I am pround of this side of me, and the fact that it is connected to my culture. What are you proud of?

                >Feminism IS bad. This just makes you some shitty fence shitter that thinks he's smart
                You need to learn more carefully. I don't resent feminism because of X, I do resent it because of Y - that means I still do resent it.
                Feminism is bad.
                I am talking about the exact reason why I am convinced of it. That is all. The speed at which you rush to conclusion instead of actually reading what I'm saying prove that you are part of the problem though.You are wrong for the same reason why feminism is wrong - you put conclusions ahead of evidence.

                >Looks to me like you are worse than anyone else in this thread
                I wish I could say I'm sorry that I am making you feel uncomfortable, but I don't like to lie. In the spirit of that honesty: I actually find it rather satisfying. The fact that what I say threatens you proves that I'm at an advantage here. And yes, that is incredibly fricking petty of me, I know.

                >zoomers and election tourists didn't kill Ganker. you c**ts did,
                I'm close to 36, I have been here since 2008, am deeply ashamed of that, but you are the unwanted guest here. Screeching insecurity like the good old twitter taught you to do.

                >Also, I'm sorry this fricking rant.
                its OK bro, you're effortposting and I appreciate it. Your English writing is very eloquent for an ESL. Did you study at the bloody american university of cairo like those mujaheddin with the subtitles?

                >Did you study at the bloody american university of cairo like those mujaheddin with the subtitles?
                I'm not sure how to respond to that, honestly.

              • 2 months ago

                >Also, I'm sorry this fricking rant.
                its OK bro, you're effortposting and I appreciate it. Your English writing is very eloquent for an ESL. Did you study at the bloody american university of cairo like those mujaheddin with the subtitles?

              • 2 months ago

                Oh you actually were arguing in good faith. Huh.
                >The three fricking idiots in this thread wore my own sanity down to next to nothing, and I CANNOT fricking sleep it off.
                Well if I guess right I am one of those idiots, I admit I did play up making the argument confusing because it was fun. Irrational circular discourse is fun. The actual gist of it is I believe IF you could guarantee a game with zero bugs, I agree limiting saves would be a fun idea to try out, but the way I see it, that's not the world we live in, so we shouldn't waste time with ideas like that, so I discourage it. It's risky design and you were right in the first place, I'm not fond of risk. The ideal possibles means nothing to me, only the guarantees that things work. I like hard games, but I do value my time extremely, if something feels like a waste of time then I'm immediately against it, trying to argue me towards otherwise is pointless.

                I'm from an Asian country with a very China-like culture if it makes any sense, maybe I'm just used to low risk tolerance in life and needing to spend free time ultra-efficiently. You won't be able to convince me that the idea isn't bad design in principle no matter what but that doesn't mean you wasted time today, everyone here got to see the points argued for what they are. You can take that away at least. Also I never had a problem with the game's writing, I thought it was very high quality, but I think that's an argument you had with someone else and not me.

              • 2 months ago

                >there are non-ESL chinks on this board now
                It's fricking over much more than it ever was before

                >Holy frick that explains a lot about Vavra's autism. All of you homosexuals are like this. Nuke that country NOW
                I am pround of this side of me, and the fact that it is connected to my culture. What are you proud of?

                >Feminism IS bad. This just makes you some shitty fence shitter that thinks he's smart
                You need to learn more carefully. I don't resent feminism because of X, I do resent it because of Y - that means I still do resent it.
                Feminism is bad.
                I am talking about the exact reason why I am convinced of it. That is all. The speed at which you rush to conclusion instead of actually reading what I'm saying prove that you are part of the problem though.You are wrong for the same reason why feminism is wrong - you put conclusions ahead of evidence.

                >Looks to me like you are worse than anyone else in this thread
                I wish I could say I'm sorry that I am making you feel uncomfortable, but I don't like to lie. In the spirit of that honesty: I actually find it rather satisfying. The fact that what I say threatens you proves that I'm at an advantage here. And yes, that is incredibly fricking petty of me, I know.

                >zoomers and election tourists didn't kill Ganker. you c**ts did,
                I'm close to 36, I have been here since 2008, am deeply ashamed of that, but you are the unwanted guest here. Screeching insecurity like the good old twitter taught you to do.

                >Did you study at the bloody american university of cairo like those mujaheddin with the subtitles?
                I'm not sure how to respond to that, honestly.

                >pouring heart out on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
                You are a complete homosexual
                >You need to learn more carefully
                You need to stop speaking in a moronic fashion in the first place Black person don't pretend to be smart because you leave things out

              • 2 months ago

                >You are a complete homosexual
                I am sure impressed by our terminally online post-ironic badassness.

                >You need to stop speaking in a moronic fashion
                And you call me a zoomer and an election tourist?

                What are you doing here?

              • 2 months ago

                >Oh you actually were arguing in good faith. Huh.
                What is the point of arguing in bad faith?
                >I agree limiting saves would be a fun idea to try out, but the way I see it, that's not the world we live in, so we shouldn't waste time with ideas like that, so I discourage it.
                I appreciate the honesty, but I have to ask:
                Why the FRICK did you not say that in the first place?
                I mean sure, maybe us finding an agreement would cut the conversation shorter, but then again, it would not be painful and pointless one.
                Believe it or not, I don't like to call people idiots or insecure wrecks, I do it when people act that way, because I think that is necessary for a discussion to be meangful.
                I want to discuss games, and I'm feeling like I'm increasingly alone on that. Games are interesting. History is interesting and suitable to occassionally browse into if it's related to games. Game design is interesting, the possible variations of systems and their implications. We have the fricking opportunity to watch an entirely new medium, with an entirely new fricking universe of shit to figure out and learn.
                How did we devolve into that shit again? I'm not denying me fault, but I'm trying to figure out why do we need to deal with so much bullshit here every single debate?

                >It's risky design and you were right in the first place, I'm not fond of risk.
                Saying that literally fixes the problem and could have completely circumvented both the monkey show, man.

                Risk and reward are an endlessly complicated subject. Figuring out where the line between subjective preferences and "objectively" faulty decision is a subject matter for hours of interesting interaction. KCD is a great material for such discussion, it does indeed thread a thin line and people criticizing it are needed. But when you just say it's shit, when people explain the potential benefits and you dismiss it by saying "sounds excuse for shit design" - make yourself sound like an insecure twat. For no good reason, I see.

              • 2 months ago

                This board is often a shithole and I am used to treating anons with disdain because they usually do argue in bad faith. Habit kicked in. Also I was multitasking and phoneposting and skipped past the rest of the thread, if I read your arguments against the other anons I would have come to conclusion quicker that you were being for real. People being up for good discussion isn't a usual for this place, man.

              • 2 months ago

                >This board is often a shithole and I am used to treating anons with disdain
                So do I but there is a line between being an butthole (while discussing things) and being an butthole (in a way that kills the discussion), isn't there?
                I sure as frick ain't treating people with respect, I literally initiated our discussion by saying that if you don't understand what benefits could a limnited-save system provide, you are too stupid for this discussion and you need to frick off the board.
                But then I went and actually listed the benefits I genuinely think such system has, as accurately as I could. I don't treat people with respect either - the appeal of Ganker to me is that it allows us the luxury of being buttholes instead of having to go through the tirade of tip-toeing around each other that real world, and most more sane forums demand.

                Nobody wants or expects you to respect the others, but the problem starts when you stop respecting the discussion itself. We can call each other homosexuals and c**ts to our hearts content but the discussion itself does not have to die because of it. It's that the original beauty of this place? Being buttholes while still enjoying debating vidya?

                And again, I sure as hell don't avoid the same trap I'm implying you fell into from time to time - but we really need to fricking both try and avoid doing so a little more. The reason why people discussing in good faith are rare is because people pre-emptively assume others won't do it - that is a stupid way to kill a debate, isn't it?

            • 2 months ago

              >Johanka's ascension to a sort of saintly figure
              Oh I made sure that c**t went nowhere. Snuck in at night and knifed all the sick guys in their beds too

              • 2 months ago

                what ended up happening? The quest just ends? I kind of hate that about games that they never really flesh out the "evil" path. I understand why, but very often, I at least, fall into this pavlovian conditioning where I never want to risk doing the "wrong" thing because it will lock me out of content, however from an RP perspective maybe I dont agree with the obvious "correct" choice but still want to see where the story goes

    • 2 months ago

      Any woman related content in this game is one of the worst videogame experiences you could ever have. If not a tedious fetchquest, then it's a linear glorified cutscene.
      >prostitute quest
      bring X items
      >Lady Stephanie quests
      bring X items
      >herb lady quest
      bring X items
      >Theresa quests
      walk and watch a cutscene
      Maybe it is tied to some deeper theme.

      • 2 months ago

        Its wholesome because Henrys wholesome

  121. 2 months ago

    Could Henry beat the Asylum Demon?

  122. 2 months ago

    I hope they fix masterstrokes being the only way to fight and combos being impossible to pull so combat is actually fun and not boring ass passive shit.

  123. 2 months ago

    combat is moronic once you figure it out, being locked to enemies is gay and the fact that you can hit Black folk with a mace to the head and there is 0 blood or gore is very gay

  124. 2 months ago

    >check nexus mods
    >no katana mod

    why tho

  125. 2 months ago

    It's a bit jank but it's an amazing game. Only SJW trannies or people who have no skill dislike the game.

  126. 2 months ago

    It's also pretty good. No Black folk is the very base requirement for me to even look at your product.

  127. 2 months ago

    >NOPE, I had to mod it out.
    Then just do that and quit b***hing, tard.

  128. 2 months ago

    the game makes you want to explore, the mark of a good RPG.

  129. 2 months ago

    My FPS tanked into the 30's in the big battle where you attack the bandit camp. I fear what the 2nd game will do to my PC...

  130. 2 months ago

    It is genuinely one of the best action RPG games I have ever played and one of the only games in recent memory to really suck me into the world.
    >Beautiful world space and architecture
    >Historically accurate (or at least very close) armor, clothing and weapons
    >Likable characters
    >Great story beats with more than enough time to goof off and explore the world
    >Great combat system
    >A game that finally has a good gap between character skill and player skill without if relying on dice rolls and having a good narrative reason for it
    >A fair amount of customization in terms of playstyle and aesthetics
    >Your characters background and lifestyle actually mattering, so you have to do shit like learn to read and can't read until you do
    >Nice hardcore system without it being overbearing
    >A little bit of narrative wiggle room, like beating Hans in fencing/archery
    Genuinely a fun game. I think they could have changed the combat system to be more like Mount and Blade, but it wasn't awful and serves its role well. The only people who don't like the game have low IQ.

  131. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      it teleported me back to the surface btw so no biggie I suppose

    • 2 months ago

      I had that happen to me in Dragon's Dogma.

  132. 2 months ago

    It is always funny when anons are angry that some other anons enjoy something.. Sorry trannies we are not some club.

  133. 2 months ago

    What are the best stats to level up early when you have infinite time in Skalitz? I know pick up herbs for Herbalism and running for Vitality but something like Lockpick is a no go because you cant buy them yet, already broke 3/4 picks your bro gives but at least leveled up Lockpick to 1.

  134. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    I started playing it because of that and generally I enjoy everything with kBlack folk, or so I thought.
    I didn't enjoy this game at all. I enjoy Gothic so it's not like a bad combat system, ages of doing nothing but talk and being too weak to fight anything at first would stop me from enjoying a game but I need exploration to be enjoyable and fulfilling to make up for it. Gothc has that but here you are just in the medival real world where there is nothing interesting to explore other than lots of grass, trees and villages that look like all the other ones because it's realistic. It just bored me to tears.
    The save system really is weird because now they allow you to save by closing the game... at that point, just make saves unlimited without having to restart the game, wtf

    • 2 months ago

      The game has a large gap between player skill and character skill. Go out exploring once Henry becomes a competent swordsmen and is actually decently strong. You are literally a yokel, a smiths son, who has never had to swing a sword until a few days ago.
      >that look like all the other ones because it's realistic. It just bored me to tear
      Literally every town is distinct and packed with detail. The same goes for all the hamlets too.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm currently practicing swordfighting with wooden practice swords. I'm slowly getting a better feeling for it, getting into the flow of fighting. It's incredibly satisfying. No game is quite like this

  135. 2 months ago

    >encounter thieves on horse
    >somehow they are able to run at full speed and pull me off my horse that is going at full speed

    That is some bullshit honestly

  136. 2 months ago

    The intro and this immediately made it clear these eurodevs are massively based. Any random AAA studio will save this for a "HD Remaster edition"

  137. 2 months ago

    should I play this game for the first time on hardcore?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      The systems are incredibly janky, unique and difficult to approach. I'm playing it for the first time and I wouldn't recommend it. There will be moments where the jank nearly makes you quit the game, like not yet knowing you need to press forwards + sprint-sprint to make the horse gallop. I bet a massive chunk of people perma quit at that point in the prologue

    • 2 months ago

      the differences are
      no self map marker though there's a quest with a generic reward you can delay indefinitely that lets you drop cages that always show up on the map
      no hud though you can see the stats that hud shows though your character screen
      no autosaves on missions
      harder combat
      forced to take at least 2 negative perks

    • 2 months ago

      Don't do it unless you hate yourself

    • 2 months ago


  138. 2 months ago

    Will devs stop being sjw homosexuals and add kids in the game?

  139. 2 months ago

    >Didn't save in a while
    >Talk to the butterface girl that saved you because I felt like I owe her that at least
    >Ask how she made it out alive
    >Boom, I am suddenly playing as her in what is apparently an 8 hours long DLC about being a peasant girl which is the most boring thing imaginable to make a DLC about
    >No way out except playing it
    Dropped it, forgot about it for ages

    • 2 months ago

      fricking moron. Its literally the perfect phenotype of woman. I you go for anything "hotter" you basically look forward to a lifetime of playing king of the hill where eventually a smarter, stronger, better in every way dude will usurp your hill.

  140. 2 months ago

    Is the 2nd game going to murder PC's?

  141. 2 months ago

    Jesus christ this game attracts S-tier pseuds. This thread is worse than /vst/ and /vrpg/ combined

    • 2 months ago

      >Best game attracts best people

      • 2 months ago

        >Jesus christ this game attracts S-tier pseuds
        Yeah, I know. It's funny how the combat and save system filters them so hard they come here to cry about it, though!

        and jesus christ be praised for that because I'll take a pseud over a contrarian like you any day

        The only pseud here was the one trying to pretend a game without basic features is somehow functionally superior to games that do. The argument has no strength of its own so he resorts to personal attacks all the way to the end. Expected, but still disappointing.

        Why are you proud to be mentally ill

        • 2 months ago

          I think I'm pretty normal.

          >b-but the poors!
          >muh principles
          >it MUST be accessible to EVERYONE
          You're a commie, aren't you?

          I'm not that political, and everyone should have priniciples.

    • 2 months ago

      >Jesus christ this game attracts S-tier pseuds
      Yeah, I know. It's funny how the combat and save system filters them so hard they come here to cry about it, though!

    • 2 months ago

      and jesus christ be praised for that because I'll take a pseud over a contrarian like you any day

    • 2 months ago

      The only pseud here was the one trying to pretend a game without basic features is somehow functionally superior to games that do. The argument has no strength of its own so he resorts to personal attacks all the way to the end. Expected, but still disappointing.

  142. 2 months ago


    >Multiple people who do not share my opinion? Aiiiiieeee, jannyman save me!

  143. 2 months ago

    It's good because it's a realistic historical setting but you still have the freedom to do whatever you want.

    AND there's no Black folk

    • 2 months ago

      >AND there's no Black folk
      you clearly need to play the game again. i'll give the earliest example, in the beginning when you ride on the horse out of your town you'll see a group of them to your right trying to rape a woman.

  144. 2 months ago

    game looks pretty good

  145. 2 months ago

    Unironically the greatest RPG in the last decade.
    Also, people thinking it’s “pro-Christian” are proven morons. The game tears on Catholicism harder than a reddit atheist who owns Rick and Morty Funko Pops

  146. 2 months ago


    That's just what people who have actually played the game sound like, anon.

  147. 2 months ago

    Nah the only things about the game that pissed me off were the bugs and how shit combat was against multiple opponents.

    • 2 months ago

      szarban'd by BCC

  148. 2 months ago

    That's not the reason I like it, but if it were, that would be good enough.

  149. 2 months ago

    I liked it because I'm a huge M&Bgay and medieval head and I wanted something with directional sword combat and a bit more realism
    If Henry could command a Lance of men-at arms and bowmen a la M&B 1257 then it would be my favourite game of all time
    I'm literally a Crimean Tatar and a Muslim btw

  150. 2 months ago

    I like it because it is a fun game

  151. 2 months ago

    >game is made by an alt-right incel who's constantly whining on twitter about free speech
    There's nothing complicated about why Ganker audience and low quality males like this hot piece of garbage.

  152. 2 months ago

    This game gave me one of my most frustrating but memorable quests ever.

    When you are stuck being a priest for days. Hated it. PTSD inducing.
    But the freedom you feel getting out of it was pure relief. Great immersion.

    I then snuck back on a huge murder spree and killed all the priests.

  153. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.

  154. 2 months ago

    >I'm thoroughly convinced the only reason you morons like this game is because the characters are white and Christian.
    I actually thought the Christian aspect was interesting to see in the game, just the fact that religion was an actual part of daily life that permeated everywhere you went but didn't serve a mechanical purpose for the game.
    Really though I like the game in earnest. The combat takes some time and effort to get good at but soon you'll slip into it like a glove and enjoy every fight. And the way it handles things in general just aren't really done like they are in other games, even if they do have the same features.

  155. 2 months ago

    I liked the one handed sword combat a lot. I always wondered why the others, sword and shield, mace, axe, etc didn't have the same depth.

  156. 2 months ago

    I think this perception of the game could have been entirely avoided if the SAVE GAME button was not present in the main menu. It makes people think you need an item to save. But the developers clearly intended for the main method of saving to be sleeping in your bed. And the game does teach you this but it could have done a better job with it and I think removing the button from the main menu would be the simplest way to help with that.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, it became obvious very early on the save system was designed to prevent savescumming and the main way to save is by sleeping.

  157. 2 months ago

    Should I get this since it's on a big dick discount

    • 2 months ago

      How much do you mind jank?
      And how much do you appreciate commitment to detail and find such thing beautiful?

      If your answers are Yes and No respectively, it's not worth even the 6 grossen they ask.
      If you answer is "No and Yes" it's 100% absolutely worth it.
      If it's any other combination, I'd say it's still worth it because at worst, you won't be losing much money on something you don't enoy, and at best, you'll be having your time of life. Risk worth 10 thalers in my opinion.

    • 2 months ago

      sure if you are itching to play a medieval sim, game is hard to get into and its the only of its kind so getting used to is gameplay is a hassle then if you drop the game you are going to forget how to play and will have to re-learn. Get it if you are commited to beat it in 1 sitting.

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