Imagine if “gatekeeping” in any other skill in the world was like video games:

Imagine if “gatekeeping” in any other skill in the world was like video games:

>someone tries to learn piano

>“can someone tell me how to hold my hands so they don’t cramp up?”

>“LOOOOL look at this CASUL!! Figure it out yourself homosexual!!”

Sound moronic? That’s because it is, and so are you if you do it. Go on, try out your mental gymnastics to explain how this is “totally different”

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  1. 3 years ago

    Someone trying to learn piano doesn't frick my MMR up like some homosexual who cannot play a team based game.

    • 3 years ago

      >he doesn't play duets

  2. 3 years ago

    You are quite literally a shut in moron who spends 12 hours a day on the computer if you think “gatekeeping” doesn’t happen in any other hobby or interest. Photography for example is incredibly elitist. Music as well dumb frick

    • 3 years ago

      music literally more than anything lmao

    • 3 years ago

      The most lucrative artist today just make music for teenage girls to cut themselves or to prostitute themselves out to. The only "gatekeeping" is the means and opportunity to make it, once you're in it's ridiculously simple.

  3. 3 years ago


  4. 3 years ago

    Video games are MY hobby and I decide who is allowed to play them. Git gud or get out you newbie casual scrub.

  5. 3 years ago

    You will never be a woman

    Commit 56%

    • 3 years ago

      It keeps going up huh

  6. 3 years ago

    no it'd be more like
    >hey learning the piano is now mainstream and everyone is doing it I need to do it to look cool and fit in
    >hey this is kinda hard can we remove some of the keys?
    >hey its still hard can we make the piano play itself? Just for a few notes
    >its still kinda hard can we make the piano just play the entire song and all I need to do is push play?

  7. 3 years ago

    >more casuals pick up the piano
    >"this is too complicated, can we have less keys to play?"
    >"also these songs are too long, my hands are tired, can the music pieces be shorter and simpler? What do you mean it wont be same, if you dont like it just play the original."
    >"honestly playing the piano is about the same as watching someone else playing the piano, dont fricking judge me, i am as much as player as you are"
    >"lol he plays the piano for more than 2 hours a day? Sorry but i am an adult and have a life, cant spend all my free time practicing like you."
    >"music players are dead, and thats a good thing"
    I wish for no hobby, the casuals that play video games.

  8. 3 years ago

    people that use auto-tune to sound good shouldn't be singers

  9. 3 years ago

    Videogames are the least gatekept hobby moron.

  10. 3 years ago

    Check OP's filename. iPhone filename.

  11. 3 years ago

    Gatekeeping isn't a real thing.
    Nobody is obligated to be your friend.

  12. 3 years ago

    1. Ganker isn't the entire world.
    2. Not even Ganker is really like that. If someone asks Ganker for advice that isn't just treating the board like a search engine, they'll get well-intentioned advice.
    3. 99 times out of 100 the reason people get shit on here is because they act like disphits and say something like, "Playing piano is for homosexuals, enjoy your cramped hands, you morons," instead of just asking how they can identify and fix their problem.

  13. 3 years ago

    The only people that have a problem with gatekeeping are objectively unlikable people that the gate was made to keep out.
    Scumfricks like you have nothing but open hatred, animosity, and antagonism against the "community" they so desperately want to be a part of are also the same people that cry about gatekeeping and victimize themselves at every given opportunity.
    New people that just ask questions and interact with the fans of whatever they're partaking in will see the gate magically open for them with no assistance from people around them.
    If you honestly think its bad now, you wouldn't have even made it past the fricking driveway in old forum and message board days. You are the problem, not everyone else, that is an objective, irrefutable fact.

    Tl'dr: You're an unlikable, unwelcome, permanently hostile homosexual and no amount of screaming and crying and stomping your feet and holding your breath until you're red in the face will force people to welcome you with open arms.

  14. 3 years ago

    Gatekeeping only bothers people who are trying to get into a hobby to prostitute out attention, like OP.

  15. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      OP will never be a woman

    • 3 years ago

      this post never gets old

    • 3 years ago
      • 3 years ago

        they know when not to say anything, so when they actually speak, people tend to listen.
        also, much like any media, people tend to remember the good, and forget the bad (unless it's legendarily bad).

        like when people bring up older generations of consoles like the snes but leave out how many horrific platformer/cartoon mascot games there were.

  16. 3 years ago

    What are you talking about? Every game has bazillion guides for you to learn from.

  17. 3 years ago

    Gatekeeping weeds out competition

  18. 3 years ago

    >How can I do play this song
    >Please remove keys, playing is hard, I just want to fit in and feel good about myself

  19. 3 years ago

    >“can someone tell me how to hold my hands so they don’t cramp up?”

    People TELL you how to do it. You research how to do it. They don't fricking do it for you. You don't watch someone else play the piece and act as if that's the same as playing it yourself. The video game equivalent is like if we started mandating that sonatas and whatnot be republished only in simplified abridged versions so that they're inclusive, easier to play and so that the sheet music will sell more. The videogame approach is that instead of playing a complete work that's simpler, you'll ask to tackle the most advanced works, refuse to learn anything, and furthermore you'll also request that it's butchered and altered just for you.

  20. 3 years ago

    Why would you use piano as an example? Piano requires thousands of hours of practice to play at an acceptable level.
    Most people playing videogames can't even be bothered to play the tutorial or read ability descriptions, yet they feel entitled to wins in ranked play.

    • 3 years ago

      its a simple analogy to get the point across

      the fact you don't even have that basic understanding are the the kind of people we gatekeep

  21. 3 years ago

    >gate keeping in video games
    OP is a lying homosexual again

  22. 3 years ago
  23. 3 years ago

    anytime I've ever seen someone ask for genuine help akin to “can someone tell me how to hold my hands so they don’t cramp up?” I've seen them get genuine helpful answers. The only time people get shit on is when they call the game bullshit or request it be made easier for them. a better comparison would be someone saying "piano is too hard, it should only have 5 keys so I can play every song right away!" which would undoubtedly result in piano gays gatekeeping them

  24. 3 years ago

    >Imagine if “gatekeeping” in any other skill in the world was like video games:

    more appropriate would be:

    >game dev makes game in their vision
    >people play it, ignore common sense and critical thinking, complain incessantly online
    >people give them actual feedback and tips on how to improve
    >they ignore it, still complain
    >people realize they don't want help they just want to complain, tell them to git gud and either troll them or ignore them
    >shitters STILL fricking complain, to the point where everything even a decade later is compared to dark souls if it's remotely challenging

    why the frick can't they play ANY other fricking game? there's very few games with actual challenges that reward you for approaching it differently. yet these homosexuals who don't even like games want everything ruined.

  25. 3 years ago

    I think it's weirder to demand that gamers change their behavior instead of just ignoring them. Like if there's a mute function in game you just use it instead of crying to the game company to ban people.

  26. 3 years ago

    >someone tries to learn piano
    >"uhhhhh why so many keys??? this instrument would play soooo much better if it was just one key as that will lower the requirement of entry, no? or even voice activated so we don't let armless disabled peeps out, also how about it produces visuals as well??? lots of dead people around :*~~*~~*~~)"
    kys op
    well at least it wasn't a food analogy

  27. 3 years ago

    People gatekeep in competitive hobbies all the time you stupid kid

  28. 3 years ago

    "gatekeeeping" doesn't exist, if you want to play a game just play the fricking game, big meanie nerds in the internet can't take it away from you from their screens.
    But that doesn't mean communities or the devs have to cater to you, people can associate with whoever they want.

  29. 3 years ago

    Why not consult one of many sources that already exist with information on the technique rather than scream into the void for someone else to deliver it directly to you?

  30. 3 years ago

    >What is music
    >What is photography
    >What is art

  31. 3 years ago

    There's a difference between:
    >"Hey dude how do I play the piano?"
    >"Oh okay cool, thanks for the advice, it seems difficult but I'll get the hang of it"
    And entitlement like this:
    >"Hey dude how do I play the piano?"
    >"Wtf how was I supposed to know how this key works"
    >"This is stupid, this should be changed, why do the keys work this way?"
    >"What do you mean that this is how a piano is supposed to work? I don't understand"
    >"Why is it taking so long for me to learn this? This is poor design"
    >"Change it now, otherwise you'll lose a valuable member of the community"
    Gatekeeping is meant to keep morons from the latter group out.

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