>Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build

>Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build

What's the point of this game constantly introducing bosses that are more and more impossible to fight fairly? Goddrick and Rennala were already difficult beyond normal

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  1. 7 months ago

    I can see if you're a shitter getting hung up on Radahn... but Godrick and fricking Rennala?

    • 7 months ago

      Goddrick and Rennala already have a difficulty above standard bosses in 99% of games, there's no point in pretending otherwise

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, and they're still piss easy. Really, give up now. You're going to go nuts when you hit something like Duo or Malenia

        • 7 months ago

          i will not fight Malenia because its a dumb Sekiro fight

          • 7 months ago

            You will never get there bro. Literally don't sweat it.

          • 7 months ago

            it really isn't, she has like 3 combos total + the waterfowl attack which is not that hard to dodge as long as you get it into your brain that spamming B is not a solution for everything

            phase 2 she just starts jumping around a lot which you have to be a complete moron to get hit by and the phantom attack is just lrn2roll timing

          • 7 months ago

            Rivers of blood. 30 seconds braindead spam its weapon skill and win. Unless they fixed her insane weakness to bleed and make other things actually effect her bullshit hyperarmor moves.

          • 7 months ago

            kek, i am trash at soulsbornering games and i beat her solo no summons after 50 tries. just rivers of blood

      • 7 months ago

        Godrick I can get because he has deceptive timings but Rennala? Seriously?

        • 7 months ago

          I found rennala to be unexpectedly difficult in my magic run. She has pretty high magic resistance which already invalidates 70% of the spells you have at that point.
          Rock sling wrecks her pretty well but can dodge it pretty easily and hit you during the animation.
          Of course you can drink the Dex and str tears and assrape her in an instant with the bloodhound fang or whatever.

          • 7 months ago

            all of the fights in elden shart are attrition fights meant to drain your flasks. If you're not doing the right amount of dps you lose

            • 7 months ago

              I beat all of them with a very low damage build

              • 7 months ago

                What build?

              • 7 months ago

                Banished Knight Halberd and leveling whatever stat i felt like at the moment of leveling up

              • 7 months ago

                i beat 90% of the game sl1 +0 and I never once tried to beat godskin duo because I knew I had been out dpsed.

              • 7 months ago

                I had no problem with Gudskin duo, they never ganked me at the same time and every time fatso would roll, skinny would stay behind and do nothing

              • 7 months ago

                I just had no interest in actually fighting them. I barely beat the one at the windmill and that was because I could kite it. Plus the dragon area was terrible, why is there a dragon area? Was there something important about dragons? Don't care

              • 7 months ago

                That part of the game makes no sense, why do you even end up in the dragon area?

              • 7 months ago

                >i beat 90% of the game sl1 +0


              • 7 months ago

                By learning the not-random boss movesets

              • 7 months ago

                Mimic Tear solo'd the game for you.

                Radahn is a fricking joke after the nerfs
                Pre nerf I would barely scrape by with the npc summons, Post nerf is dissapointingly easy solo even on rl1

                What are the hardest aspects of a RL1 run?

              • 7 months ago

                It's honestly barely harder than a normal run
                Weapon upgrade level is the only stat that matters in this game it seems

              • 7 months ago

                getting hit
                it depends on if you use consumables and rune arcs too
                godfrey and malenia are the hardest parts
                had to resort to zweihander for malenia in rl1 and then i finished with iron balls which wreck radagon. i didn't use consumables or arcs until radagon.

          • 7 months ago

            rennala is basically she 1 shots you or you destroy her: the fight

            at least that's always been my experience, even when I did an INT build

      • 7 months ago

        Godrick is literally the easiest of the major bosses beside rykard, who is a gimick fight. Rahdahn is also a gimick fight. Youre SUPPOSED to summon everyone because it's a war festival. Choosing to not do it is just choosing to make the game less fun for yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      >Buy pic related
      >Enter hogwarts
      Even the most faithless fricks can get 10 faith.

      • 7 months ago

        You don't even need to level faith, just use the faith boosting talisman that's found in southern liurnia

    • 7 months ago

      >but Godrick and fricking Rennala?
      Those were cakewalks compared to this dark souls 2 hitbox having butthole.

  2. 7 months ago

    >can't have elden ring threads without bait anymore

    • 7 months ago

      try to fight this mf 1 vs 1

      IT'S fricking impossible, shut up homosexual

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I beat him prepatch solo sword and board no procs no element no spirit nigguh

      • 7 months ago

        its not and you suck

      • 7 months ago

        I did and only took me like 8 attempts

      • 7 months ago

        You aren't even supposed to fight him solo, homosexual. Was that not obvious with the whole festival thing and all the summon signs around the boss arena? You totally can fight him solo and win if you're good but saying the game is shit because you intentionally handicapped yourself and couldn't take the heat is the dumbest fricking argument I've ever heard.

      • 7 months ago

        I beat him 1v1 because I didn't know about the summons at the time. Just gotta learn his pattern like everything else.

        • 7 months ago

          >I beat him 1v1 because I didn't know about the summons at the time
          Can't afford glasses?

      • 7 months ago


        >Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build

        What's the point of this game constantly introducing bosses that are more and more impossible to fight fairly? Goddrick and Rennala were already difficult beyond normal

        great post
        much entertainment

      • 7 months ago

        Beat him first playthrough with no summons and no magic. Just a Guts build with lions claw and a Greatsword.

    • 7 months ago

      Elden shart threads haven't been made without bait since like week 2 when everybody realized it was trash

      • 7 months ago

        What's your favorite game

        • 7 months ago

          Definitely not elden shart which was actually made for monkeys

          • 7 months ago

            >desperate deflection
            Concession EMBRACED.

            • 7 months ago

              >post shit game
              >your favorite game a shit
              >no u
              Black person moron, I bet you love elden shart

          • 7 months ago

            You didn't answer my question

          • 7 months ago

            >post shit game
            >your favorite game a shit
            >no u
            Black person moron, I bet you love elden shart

            >post shit game
            >this game is shit
            >a-actually you worship it


        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Definitely not elden shart which was actually made for monkeys

        >post shit game
        >your favorite game a shit
        >no u
        Black person moron, I bet you love elden shart

        Elden GOTY is basically your god and you worship it in hate everyday KEK

        • 7 months ago

          >post shit game
          >this game is shit
          >a-actually you worship it

          • 7 months ago

            Glad you conceded. Smart troony.

            • 7 months ago

              conceded what, that elden ring is shit?

              • 7 months ago

                See you worshipping it AGAIN in the next thread in a few hours while NOT making a Nioh 2 thread, keep feeding the Mitsubishi empire, piggy!

              • 7 months ago

                What are you talking about you schizophrenic

        • 7 months ago

          these people are more autistic than actual autists

    • 7 months ago

      the franchise is too popular. DeS threads were comfy

    • 7 months ago

      This shit us so fricking cringe. Discordgays could shit up a GTA thread or shitpost about some other fricking game. The fact that this is gonna be a thing for potentially another 4-6 months is maddening.

    • 7 months ago

      Reddit or /vg/ genuinely have better discussion. Anybody here can and will, predictably argue against it but its true.

  3. 7 months ago

    I gave up fighting the wolfman in the cave. When I watch people fight I see them dodge roll towards the monster which always works for them but it seems counter-intuitive. Why shouldn't I just roll to the side?

    • 7 months ago

      Do you know about i-frames? I'm positive that's what you're seeing in those videos

    • 7 months ago

      this guy?


      • 7 months ago

        Nah. Beastman of Farum Azula right at the beginning. I tried like three times and then stopped.

        • 7 months ago

          give him another go he's really not that difficult

        • 7 months ago

          you can't give up after 3 tries in souls games
          the fights are only a min or two long, they're designed to be retried
          this isn't like monhun where if you fail a quest you lose 20mins of your time

    • 7 months ago

      BE BE

    • 7 months ago

      You're supposed to roll diagonally forward AND to the side, that's the trick to beating 90% of enemies, especially Maliketh. People get filted by Maliketh because they dodge backwards when he attacks which is the last thing you want to do. Simple dodging diagonally forward and to the side makes Maliketh a fricking joke.

    • 7 months ago

      When you know an enemy move has long recovery time as in it takes time to attack again you make an offensive roll to strike

      • 7 months ago

        It's funny the game teaches you this and reinforces it throughout the entire game then throws malenia at you

    • 7 months ago

      This post is probably bait but after BB and Dark souls 3 Fromsoft developed some kind of derangement syndrome where they think players unironically like using iframes to roll through attacks as an ubiquitous defensive and easily spammable option, when the only reason people pretend to do so is because of the "git gud" cult mentality which makes any criticism of this type of combat system immediately "countered" by the likes of
      >git gud

  4. 7 months ago

    >Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build
    Git gud, skrub.

  5. 7 months ago

    You're everything wrong about nu-Souls fans. The point of the fight is to summon a bunch of phantoms to help sell the grandiosity of the fight and show how beastly Radahn is. As well as make you feel good about yourself if you do manage to beat him alone.

    Sick of dumb fricking Black folk like you. It's a fricking video game, it isn't entitled to you being fair to it, it's already not fair to you.

    • 7 months ago

      pretty much this


      >Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build

      What's the point of this game constantly introducing bosses that are more and more impossible to fight fairly? Goddrick and Rennala were already difficult beyond normal

      it's THE RADAHN FESTIVAL, the idea that you are summoning a ton of allies and still getting your shit slapped is the point. going in there alone and summoning nobody actually makes less sense. if you were paying attention to anything before the fight that would be obvious.

  6. 7 months ago

    I beat him hitless at level 1 with an unupgraded weapon. it was a 12 minute fight. What exactly do you struggle with? you can ask me anything.

    • 7 months ago

      why do you lie on the internet

      • 7 months ago

        he's Radahn being beaten SL 1 and torch only, he's a joke


  7. 7 months ago

    They nerfed him HARD

  8. 7 months ago

    lol what? he's piss easy since they patched him shortly after launch

  9. 7 months ago

    summoning is the intended way to fight him, the first phase anyway

    • 7 months ago

      I think originally it was, he was supposed to be like a raid boss, but he's been so nerfed that summoning trivializes the fight.

  10. 7 months ago

    Where do I go now, I've beaten Margot, Goddfrey, Rennala, and Leoinine the Misbegotten.

    • 7 months ago

      At the entrance of Raya Lucaria is another portal that sends you to the northern half of Liurnia.

    • 7 months ago

      Ask the guys in Roundtable. They'll tell you.

  11. 7 months ago

    he's easy as frick to solo especially after the multiple patches, his hitboxes are completely gimped

    what on earth are you talking about

  12. 7 months ago

    Elden Ring is a game about making seemingly impossible odds manageable with your wits and resources. It's not a game about muh honorabru 1v1 duerru.

  13. 7 months ago

    Is It me or he looks like freaking Ken-Oh?

  14. 7 months ago

    I beat him alone without magic or weapon arts

  15. 7 months ago

    >I'm sure to win because my speed is superior

  16. 7 months ago

    I feel discussion of these games has been legitimately fricked at least since DS1 when "git gud" mentality started to screw actual discussion of the games because nobody knew how to play them, keep in mind that mentality directly led to the B team and Bamco leaning into the "LUL GIT GUD SOULS GAEMS SO HARD" bullshit that plagued DS2 and the gradual evolution of the formula into all the flippy dippy anime bullshit and delayed attacks from 5 minutes ago specifically meant to frick with people familiar with the classic tricks so things stay "hard"

    Keep in mind I'm not complaining about difficulty, I just don't like that it feels as though the refinement of the souls style is deliberately being gimped by sticking to obtuse and old shit that could very easily be fixed that doesn't

    • 7 months ago

      Their new approach to combat makes the games better and more engaging. I can remember tons of moves from the new games, but don't recall any of the moves from bosses like Dirty Colossus or Taurus Demon.

      • 7 months ago

        >how many moves you remember is somehow and indication of combat's quality
        The reason you do is because Fromsoft now uses tracking + unnatural delays + snap releases to FORCE you to learn the timings
        It's the definition of artificial difficulty and you're gobbling it up because it gives you meaningless gamer cred

    • 7 months ago

      It's startling to me that people who have, apparently, been discussing these games for a decade now still haven't noticed the oddity of how any discussion of "which boss is the hardest" always immediately descends into people disagreeing. Almost like any build you have or playstyle you use will be good against some bosses and bad against others. And that any difficulties you do have are because you've not yet realized you can just change up your approach and address the particular issue you're facing at the moment.

  17. 7 months ago

    I fought him alone, but he is a boss fight where where summoning and doing it with the bros is lore-accurate.

  18. 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    It's not impossible. He has a major weakness to rot.

  20. 7 months ago

    The only problematic thing I remember about her was her second phase dragon shit that has a pretty wide range. But otherwise it's more of a spectacle fight then anything difficult, no?

  21. 7 months ago
  22. 7 months ago

    I mean the point of the fight is Radahn even as a shell of himself is so powerful it takes an entire team to warriors to put him down. Plus Patches peacing out when he sees Radahn was pretty humourous.

  23. 7 months ago

    I just beat him with my gf

  24. 7 months ago

    I beat him with a quality longsword no magic no summons

  25. 7 months ago

    Stop crying b***h.

  26. 7 months ago

    Just grab a pickaxe from the miners and heavy him to death. It's almost too easy

  27. 7 months ago

    I have never played a souls or soulslike, aside from maybe AC6, and I'm just here to say that not all bosses should be designed to be beatable by all players. Some bosses should be hard enough that only a percentage of players manage to defeat them.

  28. 7 months ago

    What was ER like pre-patch?

    • 7 months ago

      Mimic Tear solo'd the game for you.

    • 7 months ago

      Many bosses were significantly harder
      FromSoft always nerfs their games to be much easier after the first 3 weeks or so because for some fricking reason they care about whiners whining

      • 7 months ago

        >FromSoft always nerfs their games to be much easier after the first 3 weeks or so because for some fricking reason they care about whiners whining
        More like they keep it hard for the hype at the launch and then nerf it as casuals buy it. Now it's not as hard but the casuals don't know that and they recommend the game further thus helping to sell more copies of the game.

  29. 7 months ago

    I may have been overleved when I fought Goddrick but he was easier then literally all of the bosses in Dark Souls 1 and several Demon Souls bosses, and Rennala is almost as easy. They are literally the weakest of the major bosses in the game because neither of them are actually full demigods. No wonder you find that an actual demigod boss to be hard.

    >Plays a game known for throwing difficult and challenging obstacles and boss in your path.
    >Gets upset when the game throws difficult and challenging obstacles and boss in his path.

  30. 7 months ago

    >enjoying the game a lot
    >grinded hard so i'm over level to the point where i can beat Margit(?) in 2 tries.
    >open the gates
    >giant ass swamp and forest
    >it's sn**l city
    >legitamate phobia of them
    >too scared to play the rest of the game
    >go back to grinding and hanging out in Limgrave
    I don't want to go into the crystal caves. I don't want to go into worm man forest. It's Snail City and it legit freaks me out
    I could've beaten this game last year but i'm such a pussy

    • 7 months ago

      What a homosexual lmao

      • 7 months ago

        i know 🙁

        why are you afraid of snails? the only way they can hurt you is if you eat them raw

        >snail city
        I can't for the life of me remember what part you might mean. The only snails I even remember right now are those slugs who die in one hit.

        ugh i can't even look at the word without shuddering. I can't explain why. But that's why it's a phobia. And I call it Sn**l City but I generally mean any where those things reside. Main place is right below where you first find the Golden Mask dude

        • 7 months ago

          >Main place is right below where you first find the Golden Mask dude
          Those where what I was thinking about. usually I just ride with Torrent past them and sometimes slay one or two since they're such a non-issue by the time you reach the Altus Plateau.
          I'd like to help you with your problem, but I honestly don't know how. Maybe use some ranged magic?

          • 7 months ago

            I've done ranged magic. I walk at a turtle's pace through the forest and click the lock on like a madman so i won't get snuck up on. But I get fricking P A R A L Y Z E D. It legitamately brings my playthrough to a halt when i enter a zone that might possibley have them and i hate it. I know by the time I reach the snowy mountain i should be in the clear. For now i think it's gonna take a while

            • 7 months ago

              Godspeed bro.

        • 7 months ago

          Bro, I'm praying for you, you will overcome this phobia.

          Stay strong

          • 7 months ago

            Godspeed bro.

            thanks anons

        • 7 months ago

          >enjoying the game a lot
          >grinded hard so i'm over level to the point where i can beat Margit(?) in 2 tries.
          >open the gates
          >giant ass swamp and forest
          >it's sn**l city
          >legitamate phobia of them
          >too scared to play the rest of the game
          >go back to grinding and hanging out in Limgrave
          I don't want to go into the crystal caves. I don't want to go into worm man forest. It's Snail City and it legit freaks me out
          I could've beaten this game last year but i'm such a pussy

          bro what?

          • 7 months ago

            Yea i know it's just a game or whatever. It's not real. But when you actually find yourself staring eye to eyestalk with one of those things that you avoid most of your life you don't know what's real or not.

        • 7 months ago

          wait, do you mean snails, like the snake snails in the game (which are kinda cute imo) or are you talking about the wormfaces (which everyone in the world thinks are gross and intimidating)?
          cause if you are worried about the wormfaces, they only appear in 3 places in the game, the one you mentioned in altus under the bridge, right next to the front door of volcano manner (there is one hollow dude who transforms into one), and an isolated section of farum azula
          you could avoid these areas entirely if you wanted

          • 7 months ago

            i am talking about the sn..ls that reside in skulls and rocks. And also the shellless sl*gs that wallow in mud and swamps and apparently are on fire?

            • 7 months ago

              ok well the sn*ls are all over the place
              i'd say if you want a visual trigger warning, any time you see magic crystals sticking out of the ground in the overworld or in a cave, you will see the crystal ones
              if you are around grave yards, that's where the skull/rock ones hang out
              i don't think there are many in calid except for a couple of crystal caves
              as far as the sl*gs go, you want to avoid the lava areas inside volcano manor, the sewers of leyndell, and the biggest ick area for you will be the poison castle but it's optional so you can skip it unless you really want the loot there

              • 7 months ago

                egad. frick. It's crazy because I made it through Ant City easy enough (even fist fought the queen). But once I reach somewhere that's possibly Sn**l City it's like I'm playing a completely different game. I was in a cave and doing the ranged magic to clear them out. When I reached a spot and had my sights on one I was attacked from behind. I was so on edge and thought it was another sn**l that i physically jumped and shouted and shut my eyes. It wasn't a sn**l. It was the Omen that hangs down that attacked me.
                If what you're saying is true I might not be able to make it. I've heard stories about Volcano Manor but I dunno anymore. I'm actually flinching irl just talking about this

              • 7 months ago

                you should go outside and just stomp and burn snails until you no longer fear them

              • 7 months ago

                Try eating snails. Escargot, some people like it. I think it's ok, but you should eat snail.

              • 7 months ago

                well the good news is that volcano manor and poison castle and the sewers are all optional
                you don't need to go to any of those places if you don't want to and can still beat the game

    • 7 months ago

      >snail city
      I can't for the life of me remember what part you might mean. The only snails I even remember right now are those slugs who die in one hit.

    • 7 months ago

      why are you afraid of snails? the only way they can hurt you is if you eat them raw

      • 7 months ago

        phobias are a b***h, man.
        irrational fears, key word being irrational. people can't rationalise why they have crippling fears of these kinds of things but they just do.
        I have a bullshit phobia called thalassophobia, fear of the deep ocean. Finding Nemo on the PS2 was genuinely one of the scraiest games I've ever played because of it. I dunno why I have it, I dunno why I'm afraid of it but the brain tells me that I am. phobias are a bullshit thing. The greatest enemy to mankind is their own mind.

        • 7 months ago

          Snails are still a pretty b***h ass fear to have no matter what man. I can understand heights or the ocean or even snakes or spiders sense some of them can actually hurt you, but you gotta be a real certified pussy to be afraid of snails.

          • 7 months ago

            again, key word is irrational.
            I had a buddy in school who would wig out if he saw a moth. pretty muscly guy too that would stand up for you in a fight and everything.
            simple fact of the mater is it is what it is. some people have this shit weighing on their mind and there's nothing anyone can do but commit to exposure to these things which causes great mental strain. That other guy is at least pushing past it.

            being at least partially afraid of the ocean is normal. Probably some genetic hand-me-down. Plus we've had thousands of years to die at sea

            Yeah but it's a whole thing with a lot of baggage. it's such a nothing thing to get hung up on that I wish I could move past, adding on to what I said about finding nemo I've got buddies that egg me on to play subnautica and I really play it but even just jumping off the pod 5 seconds into the game is enough to stress me out. It's weird because I grew up swimming and i loved it.
            You can rationalise a fear of the ocean, but not to this degree. Maybe I'm just an empathetic guy but a simple common animal bringing the same amount of mental anguish to a guy as a life or death situation like heights is more sad than anything because there's nothing I can do to help the guy. I respect the guy for at least facing it and mentioned actively trying to press on further into the game. I feel for the guy because I have a lot of internal dialog to myself about my own phobies, like why am I this paralysed by them and it brings nothing but frustration. I can imagine how this guy must feel.

            It blows that something like this can stop someone from enjoying a piece of media that they actively want to enjoy.

          • 7 months ago

            >can't attack you
            >are literally an enemy that can swarm and kill you
            are you beginning to understand why someone can get

            phobias are a b***h, man.
            irrational fears, key word being irrational. people can't rationalise why they have crippling fears of these kinds of things but they just do.
            I have a bullshit phobia called thalassophobia, fear of the deep ocean. Finding Nemo on the PS2 was genuinely one of the scraiest games I've ever played because of it. I dunno why I have it, I dunno why I'm afraid of it but the brain tells me that I am. phobias are a bullshit thing. The greatest enemy to mankind is their own mind.

            >tfw never going in the ocean because sea sn**ls are there
            we aren't so different brother
            fricked up so bad over this?

        • 7 months ago

          being at least partially afraid of the ocean is normal. Probably some genetic hand-me-down. Plus we've had thousands of years to die at sea

        • 7 months ago

          i feel like your phobia is pretty normal
          like i wouldn't describe myself as having that phobia, but i did have a bit of a panic attack when i went scuba diving cause yeah its that big dark open space, your mind fills in the blanks
          the abyss is intimidating no matter who you are
          that's why space is also kinda creepy

  31. 7 months ago

    Black Knife Gargoyle made me his b***h for a fricking month. Eventually i had to swallow my pride and use a level 1 skeleton summon. Don't listen to the haters. Beat the game by any memes necessary.

  32. 7 months ago


  33. 7 months ago

    What's the best overhaul mod? I was looking at Convergence.

  34. 7 months ago

    listen OP. If you keep trying, you WILL beat it, and then you'll get it. You'll understand why the game is the way it is, and you will enjoy it very much.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't listen to this poster. Just summon and use OP spells. You'll thank me once your done with this game and you realize you'd be stuck 100 hours ago on some stupid boss that is forcing you to memorize a bunch of bullshit combo delays timers.

  35. 7 months ago

    >die to him countless times
    >"this is it or i fricking quit"
    >epic battle
    >all summons expended
    >just me and radahn left
    >both have 1% hp left and i'm out of potions
    >so mentally drained i just say "frick it" and rides towards radahn with my sword out
    >in the distance radahn turns towards me and charges
    >both getting closer
    >both swing our weapon but i hit him first
    >he dies

    I'm a jaded boomer but damn that was probably the most kino gaming moment I've ever had.

  36. 7 months ago

    it honestly baffles me people still insist this game is unfair or bullshit or what the frick ever. literally beat every boss solo pre-patch without a huge amount of trouble, the biggest problems being malenia and mohg for me

    • 7 months ago

      >that vitality and stamina
      >fast rolls in that armor with a great shield and 1h zweihander
      You are massivley overleveled. You're meant to fight Radahn at like level 60.

      • 7 months ago

        Wrong. I remember making that webm shortly after people figured out that weapon scaling was fricked until later upgrade levels so i respecced more into vigor. here's a webm from before that when we were still figuring out the game.

    • 7 months ago

      You massively overleveled and using a Colossal Sword, which is the strongest weapon class in the game. You're also only able to actually hit him once despite using one of the strongest and more applicable Colossal Swords.

      • 7 months ago

        >which is the strongest weapon class in the game
        And yet it still manages to be weaker than just bleeding every boss to death. Trying to say the only reason I beat it was because I was using a Colossal Sword is massive cope, especially when this was before they buffed them.

        • 7 months ago

          >And yet it still manages to be weaker than just bleeding every boss to death.
          Nothing prevents you from putting bleed on those weapons.
          >Trying to say the only reason I beat it was because I was using a Colossal Sword is massive cope
          You have:
          >40+ VIG
          >30+ END to wear all shit and fast roll
          >24+ FTH for Boon
          >30+ STR for manor shield
          >11+ DEX for Zwei
          You're overleveled. Massively,

          • 7 months ago

            >Nothing prevents you from putting bleed on those weapons.
            No, but they're nowhere near as good as bleeding as something like 2 bleed weapons. There's a reason nobody puts bleed on strength weapons. Unfortunately, I can't really disprove you on my level because I simply can't remember the numbers. This is the earliest screenshot I can find of my build, probably a bit before I fought Radahn. Not really sure this counts as massively overlevelled though.

            It's pretty easy when you go back and fight bosses at almost double the intended level like that.

            I guess this invalidates every other playthrough where I also solo'd Radahn at lower levels since I wasn't exploring so much like the first run.

            • 7 months ago

              Well shit, this was just 2 days before I fought Radahn.

            • 7 months ago

              >No, but they're nowhere near as good as bleeding as something like 2 bleed weapons.
              Doesn't matter. Colossal Swords have better damage and stability than comparable weapons at the same weight and skill requirement. Which was my point.
              Additionally even in that screenshot you're overleveled for Radahn and it's obvious that you were almost a dozen levels higher in the clip you posted. Of course that shit was easy.

              • 7 months ago

                Radahn is a level 60-80 fight

              • 7 months ago

                Alright, man. You caught me. The only way I could've beat Radahn solo is because I was playing on easy mode. There's just no way I could've managed it by just learning his moveset and punishing accordingly, no, it was my level and equipment playing the game for me. Nevermind I was using the weakest Colossal Sword in the game before they got their massive buff. Seriously though, you're just shit at the game.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm not gonna comment on your actual build but goddamn I wish there was some better fashion in this game, they introduce the armor altering mechanic and it just boils down to 'cape/no cape' 90% of the time while the really significant changes are limited to specific pieces on specific sets, sometimes ALSO unalterable (fricking Banished Knight shit)

              • 7 months ago

                There are some neat outfits you can throw together, but I think the usual limiting factor is trying to match metal colors. You either have to lean into them being different by making something that looks intentionally scrappy and ramschackle (like pic related), or you have to limit yourself severely. There did need to be more sets of armor that aren't
                >dropped by random world mobs
                >just differently-colored knight uniforms
                Should have put some more sets in the early games as rewards for dungeons or what have you.

                It's why I think Bloodborne is still peak for Fashion Souls, because 98% of the sets are just clothes, so it's fine to mix and match differently-colored pieces. It also satisfies my autistic taste for women with incredibly long, lanky bodies wearing well-tailored pants.

            • 7 months ago

              Okay so you're 19 levels higher than the normal level for that fight. Congrats, though.

              • 7 months ago

                Radahns level is 75

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Bosses have a programmed scaling level that goes from 1 to 25, if assume the player is level 5 at boss level 1 and add 5 extra per boss level then Radahn (being level 16) lands at player level 75

              • 7 months ago

                >if assume the player is level 5 at boss level 1
                Why would you do this exactly?

              • 7 months ago

                Because Soldier of Godrick is the only level 1 boss

              • 7 months ago

                why exactly is that supposed to matter? Is your logic that 5 in the middle of the stating class levels (1-9) and that it's supposed to correlate with hidden values assigned to the boss for unknown reasons while also assuming that these hidden values denote a linear progression relative to the "intended" player level according to the devs?
                Also I distinctly remember the devs saying before the game released that the intended level for goddrick was around 40 (It was an interview either around the time of the initial gameplay showcase or the network test) so that doesn't fit with multiplying the internal boss number by 5 like you said.

              • 7 months ago

                *assume the player is level 1 at boss level 1, 5 at 2 and then add 5 for each boss level, my bad
                In case you are curious, this is the boss level and player level for each main boss:
                Godrick: 6/25
                Rennala: 10/45
                Regal Ancestor Spirit: 14/65
                Radahn: 16/75
                Astel, Fortissax and Morgott: 18/85
                Rykard: 19/90
                Fire Giant: 21/100
                Maliketh and Godefrey: 22/105
                Placidusax, Radagon and Elden Beast: 23/110
                Mohg: 24/115
                Malenia: 25/120

              • 7 months ago

                Lets see, I beat
                >Godrick at 26
                >Rennala at 46
                >Regal Spirit at 75 (???)
                >Radahn at 69
                >Astel at 112
                >Fortissax in NG+
                >Morgot at 95
                >Rykard at 108
                >Fire Giant at 118
                >Maliketh at 133
                >Godfrey at 151
                >Placidusax at 128
                >Radagon and beast at 155
                >Mohg at 120
                >Malenia at 146

              • 7 months ago

                it doesn't really make a difference outside what he can use since it's not in vigor
                also, it's radahn he's scaled very widely that's why he has 8000 hp but does more damage than morgott.

    • 7 months ago

      malenia and mohg aren't even that bad except for the waterfowl dance and mohg's bloody fire jizz all over the ground

    • 7 months ago

      It's pretty easy when you go back and fight bosses at almost double the intended level like that.

  37. 7 months ago

    >No story
    >Barren open world
    >No challenge
    >Dualwielding makes the game even more trivial
    >Input reading
    >Magic is overpowered
    >No mimics
    >Just summon ashes to win, bro!
    >Bosses are easier to stagger now, meaning the game is even more casual friendly
    >Most weapon abilities trivialize the game
    >Like 75% of the game is optional
    >No solo invasions
    >No covenants, meaning that PvP has no point
    >4 endings are the same (kek)
    >Intro is a powerpoint slideshow
    >"Altering costumes" system is the dumbest idea ever
    >Fast travel
    >They changed Malenia's white VA to black for woke points (OH NO NO)
    >All big bosses are garbage
    >Cuck shit
    >Feminist shit
    >Simp shit
    >Furry shit
    >troony shit
    >Gay shit
    >Pedophile shit
    >You have to simp for a woman in order to access some of the game's content (lmao)
    >Paid DLC
    >Final boss is a troony and a giant fish instead of kino old man battle like in literally all previous games
    >Skyrim dungeons (that have no rewards)
    >Boss reuse
    >Asset reuse
    >Worst camera ever
    Is Elden Ring the worst game of all time?

  38. 7 months ago

    none of the bosses you listed were hard, did you forget to level your weapon or something?

    the twin gargoyles are gonna eat you alive, kid

  39. 7 months ago

    radahn is easier than the bell gargoyles in das1

  40. 7 months ago

    i beat the following bosses at lvl 15 with +1/+3 weapons:

    tree sentinel
    radahn(with summons)
    both godskins
    red wolf

    am i good?

  41. 7 months ago

    Fighting him with a lot of summons is fighting fairly. He's a demigod, you're a random shitter.

  42. 7 months ago

    How the frick do I stop getting my shit pushed in fighting the gargoyles as a dex build?
    This shit is insane.

    • 7 months ago

      Dex infuse a greatsword

    • 7 months ago

      Dodge better. You gotta play the long game or find a weapon that deals strike damage that you can infuse to scale to C or maybe B with dex.

      • 7 months ago

        this is good advice
        also i'd say get some kind of regen either spell or flask
        and if you're like most people you're getting really screwed by the poison puke, so practice breaking your lock on and running away
        if you played sekiro it's like the big monkey fight, when he starts that wiggle to hold up his head and scream, you break lock on and sprint away

        Any weapon suggestions? I haven't played Sekiro.

        • 7 months ago

          Keen infused mace. Upgrade it as much as you can. Go with whatever ash of war makes sense.

        • 7 months ago

          some of the hammers/clubs are fast and do great damage on gargoyles
          they are also weak to magic so you can find/cook up some grease, or do a magic infusion if you want some extra damage
          the important thing is to get outta dodge when you see one starting to barf, the sekiro battle is just a similar situation. train yourself to notice the ques and disengage without panicking or fumbling the controls and you wont have issues with the poison barf anymore

          • 7 months ago

            Keen infused mace. Upgrade it as much as you can. Go with whatever ash of war makes sense.

            Ty anons. I'll try upgrading a mace or another hammer.

            What was your first playthrough like?

            I am on my first playthrough and to me it feels like the best since DS1.

            I used this

            I've been using this and Uchigatana as my main weapons.

            • 7 months ago

              >using any Jap weapon besides the odachi

    • 7 months ago

      Dodge better. You gotta play the long game or find a weapon that deals strike damage that you can infuse to scale to C or maybe B with dex.

      this is good advice
      also i'd say get some kind of regen either spell or flask
      and if you're like most people you're getting really screwed by the poison puke, so practice breaking your lock on and running away
      if you played sekiro it's like the big monkey fight, when he starts that wiggle to hold up his head and scream, you break lock on and sprint away

  43. 7 months ago

    Radahn is a fricking joke after the nerfs
    Pre nerf I would barely scrape by with the npc summons, Post nerf is dissapointingly easy solo even on rl1

  44. 7 months ago

    he took like 4 hours at rl1 but i didn't have the third talisman slot and the one that makes you take less damage at max hp.

    • 7 months ago

      the only move i never liked btw was the cut he does to get stuff under him or whatever it's called. like the chopping block attack or whatever. basically there just so you don't stay under him 24/7 but it does the most damage and comes out fast. gravity waves are fine just use your horse.

  45. 7 months ago

    to beat withou a lot of summons + cheese build
    I beat Radahn like second try
    I think it was either first try or second try on RL1 run
    No summons No Bleed No magic
    I also took like 300-500 attempts to beat Malenia the first time
    >What's the point of this game
    If you can't handle it you bought the wrong fricking game

  46. 7 months ago

    >wtf why is the game making me use its mechanics

  47. 7 months ago

    >Swipes aimlessly above your in a long multihit combo that allows you to safely land multiple fully charged R2s
    >does a long drawn out animation to buff his swords which also allows you to safely get in multiple fully charged R2s
    >immediately uses the weapon art attack which allows you to safely get in multiple fully charged R2s after rolling the roar
    >you also get some free hits in as he's jumping away for phase 2
    >in phase 2 is does a long animation where he pulls 4 meteors out of his ass which allows you to safely get in multiple fully charged R2s
    Here's your "strongest demigod" bro

    • 7 months ago

      >lost to at least 2 other demigods
      guess he was too strong to win

      • 7 months ago

        >lost to 1
        Malenia was a draw

      • 7 months ago

        To be fair he's probably 'young' here and likely before he got jacked and fought stars and shit but we'll never actually know because from is allergic to putting dates on things so every single thing he ever did is just said to be "long ago" and we have to figure out what fricking order everything happened in.

        • 7 months ago

          Was just about to point that out. He clearly is atleast a tenth of the size we actually meet him at. I hope the DLC lets us somehow see this dude at his top strength.

          Why do you take that painting as literal fact? The only fact is that Radahn's army was driven back.

          I guess the artist didn't get the memo that this dude is the size of a building. I though his lore said he eventually grew too big for his horse and that's one of the reasons he went on to master gravity magic or something to that effect.

          • 7 months ago

            Even the snake that ate Rykard is depicted as fricking tiny, people need to stop taking them literally.

            >his lore said he eventually grew too big for his horse and that's one of the reasons he went on to master gravity magic or something to that effect.

            That's literally the case. "Word of God" is more important than unreliable paintings of "in-game" lore.

            • 7 months ago

              Because it grew man. It got bigger from eating Rykard's Champions. That's the whole point of the entire Volcano Manor thing.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm just pointing out the passage of time. The event took place before he fought melania im pretty sure. Not sure how long time passed between these events. But we see him fight her when he is huge and at some point in time he was regular size. Which means he 'grew' its not a stretch to look at that picture and assume he was smaller at that time. I'm just saying the artist could have easily painted him bigger but chose deliberately not to.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm just pointing out the passage of time. The event took place before he fought melania im pretty sure. Not sure how long time passed between these events. But we see him fight her when he is huge and at some point in time he was regular size. Which means he 'grew' its not a stretch to look at that picture and assume he was smaller at that time. I'm just saying the artist could have easily painted him bigger but chose deliberately not to.

              Not to mention his throne at Leyndell is about the same size as Rykards

      • 7 months ago

        Why do you take that painting as literal fact? The only fact is that Radahn's army was driven back.

      • 7 months ago

        >Fights up front with no tricks
        >Loses against opponents that have no scruples
        Radahn's story is basically the player getting ganked by red phantoms

      • 7 months ago

        Radahn was probably physically stronger but Morgott overwhelmed him by his mix of constantly spawning weapon through his faith and his unrelenting style of prison hell sewer shank based martial arts. Also it looks like there aren't many Redmane soldiers in this image so he might have gotten outplayed strategically.

        Morgott is a really cool dude. I wish we learned more about how exactly he held Leyndell, both from outside threats and from inside turmoil while hiding the fact he was a Fell Omen.

      • 7 months ago

        >lost to 1
        Malenia was a draw

        To be fair he's probably 'young' here and likely before he got jacked and fought stars and shit but we'll never actually know because from is allergic to putting dates on things so every single thing he ever did is just said to be "long ago" and we have to figure out what fricking order everything happened in.

        he was holding back the stars with his own power all while he was doing all these shattering shenanigans
        so not only is he going toe-to-toe with the strongest creatures on the planet, he's simultaneously holding back the cosmos while he does it

        • 7 months ago

          We have no idea when he got into gravity magic and arrested the stars, that could have happened well into the shattering, especially since we have a illustration of him early in the Shattering during the siege of Leyndell and he's about the size of Morgott, who himself is a big guy. Plus there is no reason to think "Holding back the Stars" was something that was taking conscious physical effort. It could just be a pact he made with some of them after he beat them.

          • 7 months ago

            >Plus there is no reason to think "Holding back the Stars"
            Blaidd's dialogue after the battle somewhat implies this but it's still pretty muddy

            • 7 months ago

              I forget where but there is someone or an item that says "Radahn challenged the Stars and in a crushing victory arrested their cycles.". I really don't think this is some conscious effort he's performing. Particularly since he's insane.

              • 7 months ago

                well even if it's subconscious he's still using a portion of his magical power to hold back the stars, they literally shoot forward like a pulled back slingshot after he dies

              • 7 months ago

                No reason to think that. They're returning to their cycle, probably where they would be if they weren't forced to a stand still.

              • 7 months ago

                you're being stubborn
                you just used the phrase "forced to a stand still" to describe how radahn is actively forcing them to stand still
                c'mon kid

              • 7 months ago

                ??? You're the one insisting on a rigid interpretation of a purposefully vague concept to suit some headcannon power level.

              • 7 months ago

                the only thing i'm insisting is that you are deliberately avoiding the most obvious interpretation and i don't know why other than you just hate radahn for some reason
                personally, i don't care who is the most powerful, i think all the demigods are cool, but you, for some reason are getting all worked up about the most reasonable interpretation of what we have seen and heard

              • 7 months ago

                You're seriously projecting mate. The only stuff I've said is explaining that's it's vague when Radahn got big and learned gravity magic in relation to his fight with Morgott and that it's not really clear what the nature of Radahn's conflict with the Stars and what exactly he accomplished or what's causing their stasis until his death.

                There isn't any reason to think arresting the stars is taking conscious effort on Radahn's part. Mostly because he's explicitly stated to be insane and not capable of conscious effort.

              • 7 months ago

                Not him but isn't he only insane after him and caelid get mega rotted by malenia? This is after he tried to take leyndell. He stopped the stars before he fought her. It's also not difficult to believe in fantasy that some characters have a 'conviction' strong enough to do things even after their bodies give. We see this in stories all the time. I too don't know why exactly he is holding them back. But we do know there are gods outside of the lands between and creatures known as fallen stars. They are hostile and they could be seen by any empire as a great threat. Radahn was a man inspired to do great deeds by the first elden lord Godfrey. Him holding the stars back could just be him knowing the dangers or wanting glory to last the ages. Stories rarely lay out every detail in no uncertain terms in a neat diagram. Some things have to be inferred. Like radahn was actively holding back the stars as a sense of duty not just cuz he forgot to turn his magic off or whatever. That radahn wasn't always big and fought other powerful warriors and lost when he was not at his peak. Not trying to be an butthole I just like the discussion. There is no technically right answer as long as From continues to not be explicit with it's storytelling.

      • 7 months ago

        He tanked that btw.

  48. 7 months ago

    My calculations say that the correct level for Radahn is 75

    • 7 months ago

      That's on the high side but that would probably guarantee a fun fight instead of a one-shot fest for most players. I did him way too early in my first run and hated it but came back later and could actually survive attacks to learn them.
      Also the fricking Patches escaping the fight is great.

      • 7 months ago

        Is Patches really in Elden Ring? Maybe I'll try it.

  49. 7 months ago

    are they putting something in the water that dulls your reflexes? how the frick do you people find these games hard after the millionth release? hit the fricking invincibility button right before the big mean enemy hurts you. what's with all these mental gymnastics to pretend it's impossible?

    • 7 months ago

      its because they're attacking too soon after pressing said button and you commit to attacks so they can't roll outta that one

  50. 7 months ago

    >Impossible to beat withou a lot of summons

    Not true at all. Additionally, when you get good at the game, using summons makes Radahn MORE difficult rather than easier because they change his movement patterns.

    Radahn is easy to telegraph, he's just terrifying so people don't try to.

  51. 7 months ago

    >realize how busted the equip load sacred tear is
    >nobody uses it because ?????

  52. 7 months ago

    What was your first playthrough like?

    • 7 months ago

      I used this

    • 7 months ago

      No magic, two-handed heavy claymore with Cragblade, Blaidd armor, Ranni ending without a guide. Tons of fun even if it took about 100 hours.

  53. 7 months ago

    >he can't even beat post-nerf Radahn

  54. 7 months ago

    newbie here, I got a Guardian's Swordspear and I put Impaling Charge on it and everything is getting staggered to death. Shit's comfy

  55. 7 months ago

    Without risking sounding like I need to get gud, this b***h right here was the breaking point for me not using summons. I was going for a straight-forward sword and board quality build like I usually do in other From games, obviously no help or summons, and his HP is so bloated I couldn't just suck up having to continue not using the intentional cheese From added for the game.

    I fricking hate how much cheese was added. It's balanced around summons, weapon arts, broken magic, horizontal AND vertical dodging, zipping around on your horse, etc. And the only way to balance around that is ultra-fast all-encompassing AoE attacks with no down time in between attacks with absurd amounts of HP, which is further cemented by the entire boss-rush that's supposed to the be "late-game". I felt like I was specifically spit on for wanting to do a straight-forward build with not wanting to interact with the easy cheese mechanics.

    It's like they wanted it to be a choice between super ultra easy baby mode, or every boss from the mid-point on is Gael on steroids. What sucks is that I think bosses like Mohg are super cool, but like everything else in the game, it's bloated ad nauseam.

    • 7 months ago

      This is the most fair boss in the game besides the physik tho.
      It's just Qualaag and Laurence on steroids

    • 7 months ago

      >It's balanced around [the game mechanics they included in the game]
      >Why can't I play a self-imposed hard mode without it being hard
      Fricking come on, anon.

      • 7 months ago

        >Ignoring where I said using said mechanics turns the game into baby mode
        My issue with it is that there's no in-between. Interacting with those mechanics I beat the bosses first try and didn't feel any challenge. Not using the mechanics means the fights turn into absurdly bloated slog fights.

        • 7 months ago

          >My issue with it is that there's no in-between. Interacting with those mechanics I beat the bosses first try and didn't feel any challenge.
          This is how I felt with jumping attacks, when I deliberately stopped doing that to make the game less repetitive I was making the game into a different worse type of monotony. Then again I think the game is way too long for it's own good & I was probably doomed to become burned out for that reason regardless.

    • 7 months ago

      I love this fight
      I actually beat him without the plot tear and actually thought the phase change damage was mandatory

      • 7 months ago

        i like everything about the fight except the firey blood jizz that ruins it for me
        thats why i like sewer mohg better

    • 7 months ago

      And now you're discovering FROM has finally lost it. Just embrace the Reduvia L2 spam and summon that knight oleg homie, the game doesn't respect don't give it a inch.

    • 7 months ago

      >I felt like I was specifically spit on for wanting to do a straight-forward build with not wanting to interact with the easy cheese mechanics.
      because you are, how are people still not getting this, this is specifically how From has chosen to start balancing things for whatever fricking reason

      Half the interesting weapons have a spellcasting stat tacked on as a requirement and lots of those requirements are conveniently at levels that give you access to at least the most basic spells/incants, basic barriers that give you like 35% resists only need a fricking pissdrop of faith to use and no class starts out needing more than like two levels for either that or access to INT spells, weapon arts are busted and basically beg you to break the game with how much easier somber weapons are to upgrade comparatively, etc. They are literally doing everything short of grabbing people and screaming at them and even then remember the state of colossal weapons on release

  56. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      What game has good looking weapons in your opinion?

      • 7 months ago

        Probably Dark Souls 2 due to having so many things to pick from, chances were you could find one you'd like.

        • 7 months ago

          While I don't agree that ER's weapons are ugly, I will agree that DS2 had good looking weapons. Now I kinda want to play DS2 again.

          • 7 months ago

            since you got quads you gotta play ds2 sl1

            • 7 months ago

              >you gotta play ds2 sl1
              No. I've watched people do that run and it's fricking awful.

              Why is ER often called DS2-2?

              >Why is ER often called DS2-2?
              Never heard that before.

              I always get stuck in the trap of wanting to do another playthrough of DS2 because it has my favorite aesthetic and equipment variety of the series (including Elden Ring), but then when I boot it up I get reminded of how damn awful it feels to play. I somehow always forget that it feels like you're swinging a foam sword around. Majula will forever be the patrician's Soulsbournekiroring hub however.

              The fashion in DS2 was on point for sure. The movement and combat did feel worse than DS1 or DS3, but I still like the combat if you don't try to compare it to the other games. And yeah, Majula was a great hub spot. It actually felt like the people there liked you for once instead of just hanging out there because it was the only really safe spot you could exist; the music for Majula is still one of my favorites of all of the Souls series.

              • 7 months ago

                >Never heard that before.


                Both DS3 and ER have tons of influence from DS2, especially in terms of core mechanics and balance changes.
                Yui Tanimura, the DS2 was director, worked alongside Miyazaki on both these games as co-director.
                Tons of ideas got ported over nearly 1:1 because they worked very well:

                >estus shard/golden seed system
                >midroll up to 70% weight
                >rolling in any direction while locked on
                >effigy/ember/rune arc useable at any time and get HP back to max or get stat boost via great rune effects
                >hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
                >casting magic also consumes stamina to limit perpetual spam
                >backstabs have 2 way confirmation via a grab animation
                >guardbreak on a blocking enemy allows for a riposte
                >jumping attacks on all weapons unpariable
                >ultra/colossal weapons unpariable when 2H, except rolling/running attacks
                >reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels that allowed for strategic trades but not facetanking endgame bosses
                >parry frames active at the apex of the shield swing, not instantly at the start
                >4 ring slots so you can still have some interesting synergies and use of niche effects instead of having 90% of players just put on Havel's ring and Ring of Favor
                >blue sentinels to save hosts from invaders
                >limited respec
                >power stancing with any 2 weapons of the same class (only ER)
                >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
                >rolling in water raises fire def by 20% and lowers lightning def by 20% (only ER)

              • 7 months ago

                Not coping, just never heard anyone compare the two.

              • 7 months ago

                Keep coping. I'm putting my balls in your mouth, and you're coping. A sarcastic grin of disbelief as my left nut touches your tongue. you look around with raised eyebrows, like it's a joke, seeking approval from the crowd when my right nut goes home.

          • 7 months ago

            I always get stuck in the trap of wanting to do another playthrough of DS2 because it has my favorite aesthetic and equipment variety of the series (including Elden Ring), but then when I boot it up I get reminded of how damn awful it feels to play. I somehow always forget that it feels like you're swinging a foam sword around. Majula will forever be the patrician's Soulsbournekiroring hub however.

            • 7 months ago

              I sometimes boot up DS2 and just hang around the Majula hub, I don't even go out and do anything, it's just such a nice place to be.

              • 7 months ago

                I always get stuck in the trap of wanting to do another playthrough of DS2 because it has my favorite aesthetic and equipment variety of the series (including Elden Ring), but then when I boot it up I get reminded of how damn awful it feels to play. I somehow always forget that it feels like you're swinging a foam sword around. Majula will forever be the patrician's Soulsbournekiroring hub however.

                There's so much I love about Dark Souls 2, the plot that isn't hopeless, the locations are nice varied, the weapon and fashion selection is strong, the item icons and UI are the best in the series, but it plays and looks like utter jank.

                >but it plays and looks like utter jank.

                QRD on DS2 development? Why didn't they use the DeS/DaS engine?

              • 7 months ago

                The B team made it, who fricking knows why they didn't just build off the first game.

              • 7 months ago
            • 7 months ago

              There's so much I love about Dark Souls 2, the plot that isn't hopeless, the locations are nice varied, the weapon and fashion selection is strong, the item icons and UI are the best in the series, but it plays and looks like utter jank.

              • 7 months ago

                >There's so much I love about Dark Souls 2
                That's what makes it so infuriating, I love the game on paper but the movement, animation system & the way it calculates hitboxes ruins it. If it had any other souls game's animation system it'd be my favorite game in the series.

              • 7 months ago

                Entirely agree. Most people write 2 off as complete shit, but there's at least a dozen of us that can see the absolute potential that it had, it just unfortunately decided to fall off a cliff for the most important aspects of it being a game.

                >MFW there was never been a game to capture the utter comfiness of hanging around the Majula bonfire with the Emerald Herald

              • 7 months ago

                I’ll make fun of DS2 as a joke since it does have some of the funniest goofs in the series, like you walk into a room and see a ballista and go “how they frickin fit this whole ass ballista in here do they take it apart every time it needs to come out just to put it back together on the other side?” but scholar still is a fun game with some great areas. The lighting was toned down but it’s still great, I like how you can properly be left handed if you want, I like how ultra greatswords can parry for some reason, I like how the worst boss in the game is normally just an NPC that you can just be friends with, I like how Alonne’s room looks like that and that he commits seppuku if you humble him. I can also say similar statements about other souls, but I still think DS2’s innovations were sorely overlooked in DS3 and I’m glad Elden Ring actually took some stuff from this game in that regard.

              • 7 months ago

                De1 > De2 >= Sekiro >= Bloodborne > Des >De3 > ER

              • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              DS2 has a cutscene where a guy will build a ladder instead of just black-screening with noises. The passion is there, it's probably the most adventurous on repeat runs even including ER since it's so big and has a lot of weird shit. I love the weapon designs in this game, my favorite weapons were always the comically unwieldy and large ones and this game has the best of those. Smough's Hammer is my favorite weapon in all of souls, and it's in this game but it has a lot of runner-ups like the red-iron twinblades and crypt blacksword.

              • 7 months ago

                Entirely agree. Most people write 2 off as complete shit, but there's at least a dozen of us that can see the absolute potential that it had, it just unfortunately decided to fall off a cliff for the most important aspects of it being a game.

                >MFW there was never been a game to capture the utter comfiness of hanging around the Majula bonfire with the Emerald Herald

                >DS2 was too ambitious
                >DS3 was too safe and self-referential

                Which was better?

              • 7 months ago

                DS3 nailed the gameplay (was a fully realized version of Bloodborne) and IMO had without a doubt the best bosses of the series. The fact that it has Gael AND Friede alone makes it miles above actually playing DS2. Worse aesthetic and more linear, yes, but unfortunately where 2 fails is actually playing it.

                Ironically, 3 for me feels like the most realized version of Dark Souls. So many people try saying Elden Ring but I think it was too bloated and unfocused.

              • 7 months ago

                DS2, 3 is downright soulless. It did not need to be a sequel to 1.

              • 7 months ago

                DS3 is more disappointing because it played too safe imo, and contrary to what that other anon said, I don’t necessarily think it did the faster-paced combat as well as Bloodborne. Though Bloodborne doesn’t have too many bosses that follow the archetype of “8’0 guy with an armament”, Orphan of Kos is the closest (outside chalices, chalices are another story) as the hunter fights and shadows of yharnam are a lot different and are closer to Friede then what I’m talking about (Gael, Nameless King, Cinder, Elden Ring pushed 8 ft but a lot apply there too). I like the weapons and rewards for positioning in Bloodborne way better than DS3, this shows best against all the large bosses were getting a charge R2 off on the face of Laurence, Ebrietas, Ludwig, etc. is so satisfying and the bosses react a lot more realistically to how much you’re cutting them up. I don’t hate Midir, I think he’s fun to fight but not fun to abuse. Yeah… yeah that’s why people like monster hunter too I guess, the monsters are fun to fight and abuse. Just like Bloodborne for me.
                Oh but yeah I think DS2’s ambition is better.

              • 7 months ago

                3 for me.

        • 7 months ago

          While I don't agree that ER's weapons are ugly, I will agree that DS2 had good looking weapons. Now I kinda want to play DS2 again.

          since you got quads you gotta play ds2 sl1

          Why is ER often called DS2-2?

          • 7 months ago

            A lot of ideas were carried over and the director of DS2 had a big role in Elden Ring. Powerstancing is probably the biggest from a gameplay perspective. Fire Giant is actually an idea DS2 was gonna do but couldn't at the time, and a similar character to Miquella is mentioned and is also related to dreams.
            also there was a joke about dragonriders being obese crucible knights kek

          • 7 months ago

            It incorporated most of the improvements & additions dark souls 3 discarded from 2.

            I always get stuck in the trap of wanting to do another playthrough of DS2 because it has my favorite aesthetic and equipment variety of the series (including Elden Ring), but then when I boot it up I get reminded of how damn awful it feels to play. I somehow always forget that it feels like you're swinging a foam sword around. Majula will forever be the patrician's Soulsbournekiroring hub however.

            >but then when I boot it up I get reminded of how damn awful it feels to play.
            I've done this like 5 times now, on release I played the whole way through with friends & doing PVP but without that all that's there is the game itself & it's seriously lacking. Funnily enough I do the same thing with 3 but I actually play it for a few hours before the realization that I'm not having fun sets in.

    • 7 months ago

      I like the Crucible Knight stuff.

    • 7 months ago

      They're cool tho

  57. 7 months ago

    The smartest thing I did in this game was my build. I used Vyke's Dragonbolt, which buffs your equip load, and the great-jar talisman. I was able to get a light load with the bastard sword, with 50 poise and scaled armor. So when the buff is active, I have a light load and the buff actually feels a bit different to play. I didn't wanna slot in the bullgoat talisman so my outfit was limited but I managed to look cool with the iron helm and scaled armor.

  58. 7 months ago

    Blaidd after battle:
    >can’t fathom how Radahn was holding back something of that scale. He was a living legend, if ever I saw one.
    The fact that he uses "was holding" implies its continuous whereas he could've just said "held" instead.
    Again, it is a bit muddy though because Blaidd admits in the same sentence he doesn't understand how Radahn was able to hold back the stars.

    • 7 months ago

      Exactly. Glad we agree.

  59. 7 months ago

    DS2 remade on ER engine, would it work?

    • 7 months ago

      It would just be ER with a DS2 skin. The two are pretty different games.

  60. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      She's so fricking fluffy

      • 7 months ago

        Isn't it great?

  61. 7 months ago
  62. 7 months ago

    Will Fromtrannies kill themselves if DLC is not announced on TGA?

  63. 7 months ago

    I literally one shot radahn. Get good unironically.

  64. 7 months ago

    I don't remember what RL I was at but I solo'd him with Golden Halberd + medium shield while running around shirtless so it's not impossible with a decent weapon. Still more fun with the summons though and the boss is designed that way as a "festival".

  65. 7 months ago

    You can literally block this moron down the ocean and he dies

  66. 7 months ago

    Rank em

    • 7 months ago

      Man this made me realize how shit the main ensemble of bosses in Elden Ring are. The only ones I think were legitimately well designed were Morgott and Mohg. Other than that, Margit and Godrick were decent early game fights, and Ancestor Spirit and Renalla were cool looking fights. Everything else is bottom of the barrel and overtuned, ignoring all of the repeat bosses. The dragon bosses being the same thing with different elements made me chuckle.

      • 7 months ago

        >bottom of the barrel
        Is this bait? Frick you dumb c**t, learn to play

    • 7 months ago

      I completely missed Dragonlord Placidusax on my 1st playthrough.

  67. 7 months ago

    I'm just here to say I came to that animation of Malenia pinning down and riding the player infecting them with scarlet rot until the player dies as she keeps straddling

    • 7 months ago

      Do you actually die in animation? Wtf is the appeal?

  68. 7 months ago

    using everything in your arsenal is not cheesing god i hate people like you

    • 7 months ago

      Perhaps not literally cheesing but when it makes the game piss simple with 0 challenge, yeah might as well be cheesing.

  69. 7 months ago

    Cause it's fun. No seriously, I loved rolling into the Burnt Ivory King fight with a squad of Knights and the Radahn fight is exactly what I've been wanting since then. You and a whole crew just fighting this big boss who warrants it.

    As for the others, that's a strictly "quantity of good acquired" issue.

  70. 7 months ago

    I read that as girldick holy frick i really need to quit porn.
    Also he's doable without summons judt really annoying

  71. 7 months ago

    He's a gimmick boss. You're supposed to use the summons, just like you're supposed to use the special sword when fighting Rykard.

  72. 7 months ago

    Even in the dlc 90% of enemies will have high holy resistance, won't they?

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm gonna kill you with the power given to me by my imaginary friend
      It's time to accept reality, your imaginary friend with his powers are not real

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