In all fairness Valve has maintained TF2 for nearly two decades at minimal cost to the consumer.

In all fairness Valve has maintained TF2 for nearly two decades at minimal cost to the consumer.

How many multiplayer games from 2007 are still maintained? The only one I could think of is WOW which one would have put thousands of dollars into subscription fees

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  1. 1 week ago

    diablo 2 and warcraft 3 been up for longer

    • 1 week ago

      >warcraft 3
      Would have been better without any further support after 2019 lmao

      In all fairness Valve has maintained TF2 for nearly two decades at minimal cost to the consumer.

      How many multiplayer games from 2007 are still maintained? The only one I could think of is WOW which one would have put thousands of dollars into subscription fees

      Half Life deathmatch

  2. 1 week ago

    Do Project M and its successors count as support for a 2008 fighting game?

  3. 1 week ago

    If you want to keep selling lootboxes the game's official serves should remain playable, sorry. Take down the shop and then we'll talk.

    • 1 week ago

      Normally, I'd say Valve should ban your main account for being a Black person and hosting bots because they won't nerf the schwicky shwag or whatever moronic nonsensical demand you have, but considering you morons mostly got bored and just impotently seethe that they're ignoring you on Reddit, Youtube, Ganker, and that Valve matchmaking is already playable again (and has been for a week).
      Honestly maybe just fricking ignoring you fricking homosexuals is the best option.

      • 1 week ago

        Oh go frick yourself with your stupid fricking shitposting and your strawmen. Everyone who even dares to say that MAYBE Valve should mantain a game they're still fricking monetizing is now a compgay or bot hoster to you gays. This company's been given way too much credit, they can pull whatever the hell they want and you'll still suck their dick
        Nobody gives gives a shit about balance decisions at this point and everyone's accepted there's no more nerfs or buffs happening anymore. Is it too fricking much to want them to get rid of the goddamn bots making the game unplayable? We all know they can. They just can't be arsed about doing it.

        • 1 week ago

          >wah wah they won't nerf things waaah I totally care about bots and it's a coincidence that things get worse when we throw a fit you're a boot licker because Valve won't add the "People Like Me" Update
          I don't care

          • 1 week ago

            I'd GLADLY play this game with zero content updates as long as they fricking solve the bot problem. EVERYONE has long since acknowledged there will be no more balance changes. The YouTubers you're so concerned about have acknowledged it (every single video on TF2's balance for the past three years has included the words "yeah this doesn't matter anyway since they'll never change it" in some shape or form), everyone has acknowledged we'll never get anything but hats. We just want the fricking bots gone

            • 1 week ago

              The current bout of homosexualry was spurred on by a gay going to Valve and saying that Eric was open to the idea of a balance update.
              Yes, it is about rebalancing the game.
              Just like last time.
              And the time before that.
              The time further before that being that a troon wanted to trick Valve into hiring they/them and their friends as a moderator by spamming meaningless no-no words and contacting the gaming press. Which was met by Valve giving everyone an Opt Out chat filter and shutting off voice and text chat for fresh accounts, which were used at the time this happened.
              Everything you fricking homosexuals have done for the past 7 fricking years has been to try and grab control of the game.
              Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.

              • 1 week ago

                >"i have a watersports fetish"
                what did homosexual number six hundred eighty million five hundred eighty three thousand two hundred ninety four mean by this????

              • 1 week ago

                im really pissed about this urinatory comment. You expect me to gargle and swallow this baseless accusation. I made a golden post highlighting the glistening stream of issues in this game and you think that implies that I want a chubby thighed woman to straddle my head and unload her bladder directly into my throat.

              • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Lotta gerunds in that final sentence there. Kinda funny.

  4. 1 week ago

    >When all they did the last five+ years was add more crates and hats.
    No, user made maps don't count.

  5. 1 week ago

    I wish Halo 3 continued to be supported instead of the timeline we got

    • 1 week ago

      Me personally I'm glad Microsoft and 343i completely fricking fumbled the release of MCC on PC, now I finally have closure that
      IT'S OVaH

      • 1 week ago

        at least you can still play the campaigns and that's literally the only reason I got it

  6. 1 week ago

    They made boatloads of money on morons buying keys and trading, maybe invest some of that money back into the game you lazy hacks

  7. 1 week ago

    as long as the tf2 community is as homosexual and gay and moronic and lame as it is now, tf2 will never change. valve is trying to cut this turd loose

  8. 1 week ago

    >How many multiplayer games from 2007 are still maintained?
    Off the top of my head Roblox, WoW, Runescape, EverQuest. Actually they are older than TF2.
    Minecraft, Starcraft 2, and league of legends are a couple years newer but still 14-15 years old and they are still getting updates.
    Valve sells items and continues to add new microtransactions and they rake in somewhere around $100million a year from it- valve should fix their servers.

    • 1 week ago

      I wouldn't really call Runescape the same game as it was in 2007.
      Even if we're specifying OSRS.
      Runescape, Runescape 2, and Runescape 3 while still featuring all the content from the predecessors are pretty radically different games from each other.
      And OSRS now is almost unrecognizable as Runescape 2 the second you accidentally walk slightly too far away from stuff that was in from the Archive.

    • 1 week ago

      >Starcraft 2
      No way it's 14 years old.
      >July 2010
      What the frick.

      • 1 week ago

        They keep adding skins and what-if mini-campaign scenarios except when it comes to Nova. Sure she got the DLC but for some reason it's hands off when it comes to big titty blondie content. Then again pre-Overwatch 2 there were some talk of a more Nova-oriented Starcraft game similar to the They Are Billion's campaign maps featuring a hero, and we already got that in Nova Covert Ops so they do have the capacity to do it again, just bigger. But it feels like nowadays the only thing Blizzard does right is CGI trailers.

    • 1 week ago

      >Starcraft 2
      No new official updates since 2020 unfortunately

    • 1 week ago

      Leave Valve alone or we're going to have a problem, friend

    • 1 week ago

      The people who add those cosmetics are likely sole developers doing it on their own time

  9. 1 week ago

    The game is fricking dead. It has like 10,000 max players, and that is for a free to play game filled with third worlders and whales with sunk cost fallacy. Everyone else is a bot. If they got rid of the bots then everyone would declare the game dead based on the numbers. Just play a new fricking game.

  10. 1 week ago

    >In all fairness Valve has maintained TF2 for nearly two decades at minimal cost to the consumer.
    No, they didn't. They didn't maintain shit. They bastardized and corrupted the game. I haven't been able to play the game I paid money for in over a decade.

    • 1 week ago

      >They bastardized and corrupted the game.
      half of that is thanks to e-celebs

  11. 1 week ago

    I'm amazed this game is still being played so much, that's a testament to 1) how great this game was and 2) how shit the industry is now that no real successor replaced it

    I played TF2 almost daily from 2007 to 2014 then gradually stopped by 2017. Been thinking of giving it a go again but rather just let it rest in my memories.

  12. 1 week ago

    >In all fairness Valve has maintained TF2 for nearly two decades
    Not really, the last Valve made update was like 10 years ago

  13. 1 week ago

    Other games get killed by the devs. TF2 was killed by its players.

  14. 1 week ago

    put dispenser here

  15. 1 week ago

    >join 24/7 Hightower server
    >half the people on the server have more than 200 points

    • 1 week ago

      I dont know how people can play on high tower for longer than an hour.

      • 1 week ago

        yeah turbine and 2fort are much better

      • 1 week ago

        Like any other question related to TF2, "autism" is a safe answer

      • 1 week ago

        Deathmatch is fun.

  16. 1 week ago

    >How many multiplayer games from 2007 are still maintained?
    They shouldn't have maintained tf2

  17. 1 week ago

    >2007 tf2 players are quakegays
    >2010 tf2 players are ponygays and furries
    >2020 tf2 players are trannies and furries

    • 1 week ago

      Quakegays died of old age and valve tried to pander to degenerates to get most shekels from mannconomy
      It worked.

      • 1 week ago

        Wrong. We are still quaking

    • 1 week ago

      Quake wasn't nearly as dead in 2007
      My little pony game out 2010
      Transgenderism came out in 2020
      Furries are eternal because a ton of them are passionate and in IT and have the knowledge to run quality servers.
      It's why amusingly there's the meme of Furry Pound being shockingly decent if you turn off sprays.

    • 1 week ago

      The old boomer quakegays were still there for a while but started to be overwelmed by the brony millenial crowd and probably moved on for the most part

    • 1 week ago

      >muh quake
      even in 2007 you were an ancient boomer let alone 17 years later. go back to your lair

    • 1 week ago

      Arena shooters as a genre were already dead by the time 2010 rolled around. Halo fading out of the mainstream overnight and the failure of quake champions proved that. I cant think of a single quake gay from 2007 who still played in 2010, let alone to this day.
      Funny enough Battle royal shooters are probably the closest that genre has to a succesor
      Was really just a fad that nobody outside of aging millenials give a shit about anymore. Even then those millenials are slowly moving on from MLP, just look at the state of the containment board
      >furries and trannies
      Furries will never go away, they've latched onto this game for as long as Tohougays have. Just another niche group that are nowhere near as prominent as you'd think.
      Trannies are the newest fad like the previous 2 mentioned, a sadly common part of any multiplayer game. but only seem like a large amount due to ecelebs overhyping them.

      All of them are fads that either go away over time, or stay contained in some hyper obscure server.

      • 1 week ago

        Man, I hope transgenerism is a fad that will go away. It sure doesn't seem like it will though.

  18. 1 week ago

    show me the law that states games are only allowed to be supported for x years

  19. 1 week ago

    Stop giving Valve money you morons

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Valve has grown fat on the lazy and ADHD ridden general population who have lost all sense of purpose and priority.
      >Bro wants me to jump on Dota2 saying its basically Dota3 now
      >current event is some map adventure shit they were doing in 2015
      >Store is offering, for 30 fricking real dollars, the privileged of grinding some more shit on their event map to eventually get a single item...designed by the community
      >95% of rewards are shitty wallpaper jpegs and pieces of candy for some recycled minigame
      >its worse than battlepass shit which I already hate
      >My friend has already spent weeks grinding and is eagerly awaiting more
      >He's spent over a hundred dollars on crates but didnt get the rare sets he wanted and barely uses any he does get.
      >His chance of getting the item goes up by a fractional amount so he keep fricking buying more
      >hes managed to get 1 rare thing in maybe 5 years spending god knows how much.
      These people cannot be redeemed they know they're doing the most moronic shit imaginable but they cant stop. He justifies it by saying he has plenty of disposable income but hes the sort of guy who after years of miserable hard labour has nothing to show for it but a shitty housing development property he barely lives in, a boat he never uses, a TV thats too large and a girlfriend who is absolutely definitely fricking other people while hes on FIFO.

      tl;dr if you buy loot crates and battlepasses you are a cuck

  20. 1 week ago

    I recently realized my steam library is the exact same as 8 years ago. New games come and go but the few that stay are ancient

  21. 1 week ago

    Creating micro economies in games was the best business decision valve ever made and one of the worst aspects of gaming. They're in control of every facet; supply, demand, price, transactions (for gigantic fees). People put real money in and none of it can ever come out. Not only that but people still love it and want it in more games. TF2 is an NFT game without the connection to tangible currency or pseudo ownership, it has been a hat simulator for such a long time I dont understand how this moronic backlash is only happening now. It wouldnt surprise me if 95% of 'players' are just bots on fricking hat servers.

    • 1 week ago

      most of tf2's playerbase now is zoomers who started playing in 2019-2021

  22. 1 week ago

    >at minimal cost to the consumer.
    they literally made billions from hats, moron

  23. 1 week ago

    • 1 week ago

      >The old Steam UI color

  24. 1 week ago

    How feasible is it to make a server that only allows people who purchased TF2, before it went f2p?
    I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to make a bot that listens for connection attempts and looks up their Steam ID, but even if it's public I don't know if there's a "first played on date"-like field to use. Maybe checking their inventory for the halo would be close enough?

  25. 1 week ago

    I never asked this, but why is there so many bots in TF2, is it to win the random shit you get from match to match without playing?

    • 1 week ago

      I dont really understand because Im not a third worlder or Chinese but it seems that if its even remotely possible to generate money, even the most embarrassingly inefficient amount, people will devote their entire lives into generating passive "income" from it. In this case a bot that does anything in game will generate a tiny trickle of items that you can turn into scrap and sell (I guess?) Again seems like an embarrassing waste of time and effort.

      It used to be idle bots on idle servers, then valve decided that was a bit too obvious and added some barely functional detection methods. Unfortunately those methods meant idle bot farms became bots in actual games and now here we are, the game is objectively and completely ruined for the sake of shitters and valve making some money. However its been this way for years, morons just wont let it go and die with any dignity.

  26. 1 week ago

    >Take a hat from the workshop that the community made
    >Press a button to put it in the game
    >Take 75% of the of the money from key sales for doing nothing
    >The creators have to split that remaining 25% between everyone
    The average workshopper, who gets hats in the game, makes $15,000 from that hat while valve makes close to $50,000,000+ a year off of TF2. Imagine working for fractions of pennies on the dollar.

  27. 1 week ago

    Quite a few MMOs I think
    Maplestory, Wurm, Runescape, Mabinogi, RO, Elsword, etc

  28. 1 week ago

    >players have control of the game via servers, can set server rules, balance their own shit etc do whatever they want
    >those same players choose to make 24/7 bot slop servers with random crits anyway

    Players ruined this game and valve just took their cut.

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