is Dominions 5 singleplayer worth the effort of learning it ?

is Dominions 5 singleplayer worth the effort of learning it ?
I tried to watch tutorials on youtube but i bounced from it very fast. the game looks turbo autistic but everyone seems to have very high opinion on it.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Singleplayer on the easier settings is a good way to get a handle on the basics and let's you experiment with the variety of units and spells. Just understand that singleplayer skills won't help you in multiplayer so you'll have to watch those tutorials or some recorded games again. Once you have an idea of the basics, those videos will seem less autistic.

    • 1 year ago

      >Single player
      Dominions is primarily a multiplayer game. And as anon noted, whatever you learn in SP isn't very applicable in MP.
      Conquest of Elysium is more suited for SP.

      • 1 year ago

        just want form armies and see folks fighting
        can you design enemy races that you face?
        I want to make mostly low fantasy races and play it medieval style

        • 1 year ago

          >just want form armies and see folks fighting
          Dominions is worth it then, yes. Though naturally the spectacle will not compare to Total War or even Field of Glory, as each unit is an individual rather than a company. Singleplayer should keep you busy for a long time, provided you don't read up on strategy guides or the multiplayer meta.
          >low fantasy medieval
          Yes again. Either by playing in the middle or late eras, as each era is progressively less powerful magically while more technologically advanced, or by using mods of which there are a lot.

        • 1 year ago

          Depending on what you mean, yes, and yes but both are potentially different kinds of tedious.

          You can control the enemy factions as setting them as human and play their turns however you please, I don't do this because I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears after a few turns.

          And Dom5 is very flexible for modding, so you could mod whatever new factions you like in, do need to hack sprites together for them though and the amount of variables you might need to edit plus adding national spells and summons I can see being also it's own brand of headache.

        • 1 year ago

          the game already has a lot of nations so you can just play one you like and set the AI to others you like and you won't have to deal with nations you don't like
          modding is as easy as writing a .txt file with all the nations, units, spells, items, and other shit your mod includes, formatting it in a way that the game understands, and slapping some pics on that thing, having said that, it's not easy, because it's very tedious. thankfully others did that already so all you need to play with modded nations is to download them and make sure there's no conflicting ID's because it's finnish code, bugs will 1000% be a thing

          • 1 year ago

            I just want have nations of knights, barbarians, samurais, bugmen etc with some low magic or none and very limited(or zero) monsters and that is all

            • 1 year ago

              LA Man or maybe MA Marignon
              EA Ulm
              LA Jomon
              I... actually don't know
              >low magic
              LA or unit-heavy factions like EA Ermor and LA Agartha all the way

          • 1 year ago

            >because it's finnish code
            Illwinter is swedish company.

      • 1 year ago

        >Conquest of Elysium is more suited for SP

        And even then it's a worse game than Dominions

      • 1 year ago

        because it's fun

  2. 1 year ago

    Just read the Greta manual and do something else.

  3. 1 year ago

    Dom5 singleplayer sucks because the AI sucks
    play multiplayer where opponents at least use basic strategies of thugging (having a commander unit not command any troops because he's decked out in good gear that lets him take on a small army solo)

    • 1 year ago

      MP games can go on for months and people quit when things start to go bad for them. Plus most MP players are veterans who will crush your soul without a thought. My first MP game was traumatic and honestly didn't feel like I learned much.

      On the other hand, AI can't adapt to your strategies so once you find one winning army composition you steamroll the map with it. But there are so many unique nations it's fun to dick around in SP

      • 1 year ago

        Doms MP is wonderful because you as a complete newbie have almost equal chances to a seasoned veteran
        Blessed be RNG

      • 1 year ago

        >MP games can go on for months
        blitz games exist in theory
        >people quit when things start to go bad for them. Plus most MP players are veterans
        one cancels the other, just make him think you're winning so he quits and then you're fighting an AI. at least that's how it works with /domg/ anons
        >there are so many unique nations it's fun to dick around in SP

    • 1 year ago

      How many gems do you typically spend on a thug anyway? I've only joined a handful of mp games since Dom 3 and never really gotten around to making good ones. I do enjoy beefing up commanders with an item or three. Not much more

      • 1 year ago

        a good chassis and a vine shield alone are more than enough for some cases, add in a cool fire/ice sword and your dude can take on basic PD no problem
        then if you need to handle mages the average price of the item kit will increase, as you add in armors, misc slots, and the rest of the gears.

  4. 1 year ago

    As was already mentioned, yeah but.
    The AI is quite limited in what it can do and higher difficulties simply give it more resources to throw against you. As a consequence anything learned in SP is very useless against human opponents.

    • 1 year ago

      It's still fun. You can try whatever without doing the most broken stuff. Just enjoy a cool fantasy war

  5. 1 year ago

    I wish this game had more viable nations and pretender gods.

    • 1 year ago

      ...are there any that aren't viable? maybe except for some that are just outright terrible like LA Lemuria or EA Marverni

      • 1 year ago

        nta but Asphodel seems interesting but its a schizophrenic popkill race that still needs to tend to its econ/population

        • 1 year ago

          Growth 3, Turmoil 3, Luck 3
          The rest is up to you
          Asphodel seems like a slightly worse rendition of MA Ermor but it can work, especially since most of the MP games I've been to take longer before an anti-popkill alliance forms in their case

      • 1 year ago

        Yomi is a though one for instance

        • 1 year ago

          Oni Shugo or whatever tehy are, mounted giant commanders, make for excellent ez-thugs and if kitted and blessed correctly are good SC's too
          the goblin chaff is icing on the cake but man it's a tasty cake

  6. 1 year ago

    how do you even start this game, is it one of those titles where you need to watch 50h of tutorials first to play it?

    • 1 year ago

      Don't recall if Dom5 has a tutorial but I did the one in 4 and that was enough to get started. The youtube tutorials are mostly about optimizations for MP play

      • 1 year ago

        Just checked and the tutorial in Dom5 is a link to youtube videos by DasTactics. Meh, the in-game tutorial in Dom4 was good enough imo

        Can someone gift me dominions 5 hehe

        hehe no

    • 1 year ago

      just play, pirate if you must, the game isn't that difficult to understand
      >the world is broken into provinces, you usually start with one, and all others (that aren't player controlled) are independant and have their own milita forces
      >you have two kinds of units: commanders and troops. coms can lead troops between provinces, and also can be equipped with magic items
      >at the start of the game troops are king. at the endgame mages (special kind of commander) are king
      >mages can do magic, both in and out of battle. in battle spells are weak and temporary, but useful for winning a fight. out of battle spells are strong, but require the mage to be in a lab to cast them, these are useful for winning the war. labs also help mages research, unlocking stronger magics that usually need stronger mages
      >each province has a few resource incomes but the most important is gold, that's how much money you make from it

      >you play a god-pretender with your own Dominion, this shows your political/spiritual power around the common masses
      >at the start of the game, you get to build them, picking a chassis, magic paths, path-related Blessings, and scales, for your Pretender
      >Blessing will be applied to you sacred units when a friendly preist casts a bless spell on them, or when they sit in the same province as your Pretender. Scales modify the income from provinces you control and have Dominion over
      >ways to spread Dominion include: walking around with your Pretender or their prophet, building lodsa churches, having preists preach the good word

      >combat is simple, bigger numbers win but there's this thing called Dominions Random Number that lets a smaller number win every now and again
      >fights are resolved automatically, with you giving general orders to troops and commanders, and watching the fireworks unfold
      >each unit has their own HP, attack/defence skills, strength, weapons, armor, and everything has too many numbers to describe in a short guide
      >big number = better

      • 1 year ago

        >misspells priest
        advice discarded.

        • 1 year ago

          Manish is my fifth language, please understand i am just Agarthan rock stacker, stacking rock all day long, there's not much time left for language learning

    • 1 year ago

      bro the game at its core is very basic like diplomacy. you attack province you build units click end turn. The difficulty comes from the initially overwhelming magic system and endless combat options you have available to you. You can only learn that stuff by experience, or by watching 100's of hours of youtube playthroughs. You can learn at your own pace. just pick a spell and cast it and see what happens, there you just learnt one spell. All of the combos, whats strong and when, and nuances of high level multiplayer gameplay you can only learn by getting ass blasted by it in multiplayer.

      It's a very easy game to pick up and play, its a very hard game to master.

  7. 1 year ago

    I play SP because I just don't have the time and willpower to dedicate myself to a PBEM game that can go on for months.
    I can see how fun it is with the constant backstabbings and mutual alliances that can benefit the players. I remember some autists here saying they read Kissinger, Clausewitz and Machiavelli and getting better at the game by applying their theories in practice.
    As for SP, it's still very fun. I treat it as a RP game where I take it slow, make fun builds even though they don't work and just roll with it.

  8. 1 year ago

    No, even multiplayer is a giant waste of time, unless you are have infinite time every day to play the game you will be forced to play by mail and advance like one turn per day, plus the diplomatic system sucks since it rewards cheaters and tryhards. And of course the AI isn't remotely good enough to make the singleplayer game compelling.

    • 1 year ago

      >unless you are have infinite time every day to play the game you will be forced to play by mail and advance like one turn per day, plus the diplomatic system sucks since it rewards cheaters and tryhards
      The frick are you talking about?
      Host is the only one who needs to deal with mail shit and diplo is just diplo, ask someone to suck and frick your neighbors together and give them some cash so they say yes

  9. 1 year ago

    Can someone gift me dominions 5 hehe

  10. 1 year ago

    I love dominions 5 but I'm moronic and since I'm moronic, defeatism is all I feel in MP or when bad rng happens

    I never learn from my mistakes really

  11. 1 year ago

    also I hope the water element separates into ice magic in the next game

  12. 1 year ago

    didnt read any posts here but i just wanted to say ive been wanting to get into dominions for LITERAL years, since the release of dominions 4, but not a single one of my friends wants to give it a shot and singleplayer gets boring after youve learned the ropes. someone be my friend and play epic-scale long-term multiplayer games with me PLEASE

    • 1 year ago

      just go to /domg/

    • 1 year ago

      the general is rather generous in games.

  13. 1 year ago

    Yes. I have 300+ hours in dominions and all are SP/

  14. 1 year ago

    singleplayer is braindead
    multiplayer is where Dominions shines at

  15. 1 year ago

    ok homosexuals
    quick question
    do >we start another mp league or stick to /domg/

  16. 1 year ago

    I would like to join a Ganker game once but I'd need a reminder for that

    • 1 year ago

      The website were domg hosts it's games allows you to set up email reminders for when you can do your next turn, it's pretty sweet

    • 1 year ago

      The website were domg hosts it's games allows you to set up email reminders for when you can do your next turn, it's pretty sweet

      Which reminds me, don't be like me and impatiently wait for games to start and join 5 at a time, once games get rolling you'll easily spend 30mins doing your turn ... Per game, which makes it take up all of your free time every day. Good way to burn out of the game quick. Also, even though most anons won't outright tell you, a bit of roleplay and friendly banter can score you nice neighbors who will leave you alone for the first couple of turns, the silent anons usually get ran over quick. Just don't forget to keep scouts in their territories so you can anticipate when the "alliance" goes sour, and then ofcourse tip off your neighbors' neighbor that there's a juicy opportunity. good luck out there anon

  17. 1 year ago

    If you wanna play single player just get conquest of Elysium

    • 1 year ago

      I did that and regret it. Dominions is the better game, even for SP

  18. 1 year ago

    tried to like it but its not for me, dog shit controls are off putting, how do you frick up simple thing like selecting and giving orders by swapping the left/right mouse buttons for no fricking reason.

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