is emulation and piracy wrong?

is emulation and piracy wrong?

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  1. 2 years ago

    yes, and that's why it feels so good doing it

    • 2 years ago

      no; the EU conducted a massive study on piracy, but then they completely scrapped it and didn't publish it because they found that pirating does not affect sales at all.
      GTAV is one of the most pirated and most sold games of all time

  2. 2 years ago

    Emulation? No. Piracy? Questionable.

  3. 2 years ago

    >current year
    >using snes9x and vba

  4. 2 years ago

    Hell no

  5. 2 years ago

    Honestly? Yes. It's the reason why most games don't get re releases like movies or music does. It's a shame too because I would love to play old games on my switch.

    • 2 years ago

      If Nintendo released GBA games on the switch I'd buy them, I even bought some when I had a Wii U.
      Now there's no option but to emulate. I don't think that's my fault.

      • 2 years ago

        Stop talking.

        • 2 years ago

          Nice argument.

    • 2 years ago

      >imagine wanting more of the cancerous practice of milking old titles for outrageous prices

    • 2 years ago

      >most games don't get re releases like movies or music does.
      Absolute horseshit, the RNC games emulate like dogshit because of how hard they pushed the hardware, and have only gotten a single re-release on PS3, games don't get re-released for new platforms because actually porting something is difficult and studios find it not worth the time.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Ratchet and Clank, two of the devs made a developer's commentary series where they detailed how they pushed the PS2 to it's absolute limit

    • 2 years ago

      >emulation being a thing is the reason there are no re-releases.
      You've got it ass backwards friend.
      First off:
      Vidya has been doing re-releases for ages. And not just Switch recently with N64, SNES and NES titles, They've re-released Mario 64 before,
      and WiiU as well as Wii had the "Virtual Console" where you could buy old video games, including OoT and others.
      RE4 is re-released approximately every 27 minutes. It was re-released for:
      >Playstation 2
      >PS3 / Xbox 360
      >PC ultimate HD
      >PS4 / Xbox one
      >and now a remake for PC PS5 Xbox X.
      Plenty of re-releases. If ever some shit is not re-released, you can bet your ass it's just not profitable in general. Not because "emu exists". The majority of people is lazy. OoT has been easily emulatable for decades now, yet people still were willing to throw literally 50 dollars at nintendo to play SM64, Mario kart, Starfox, Yoshi's Story and OoT on Switch for a year.
      So people are willing to pay quite a bit of money so they don't have to emulate. If you ever think a certain game is not coming because of emulation, you might just had that corporate dick you sucked, cum in your brain too hard.

    • 2 years ago

      re-releases are publishers having a war on used games sales on don't delude yourself otherwise
      no, don't buy that old game for $5 from a pawn shop, pay $40 for our new **HD REMASTER** that adds absolutely nothing to the experience and in many cases is actually worse overall

      it absolutely isn't about games reservation or trying to keep old titles relevant, don't kid yourself

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    No. If hardware manufacturers refuse to make old games accessible on newer hardware or port the game to PC, then emulating is justified as it would be the only way people could realistically enjoy their old products.
    Eventually, the old hardware is going to break, discs will get scratched, cartridges will get corroded, and we can't rely on the manufacturers/developers to properly archive and preserve their old products, so the responsibility is ours.
    If you want manufacturers/developers to do a better job at preserving and archiving, then start emulating. Do it a lot, brazenly pirate their games and demand that they do a better job that makes their customers happy.

  8. 2 years ago

    Don't know and don't give a shit. I'll continue to pirate and emulate

  9. 2 years ago

    Not. A. Single. Penny

  10. 2 years ago

    Emulation is fine assuming the game is no longer being sold anywhere/anywhere that isn’t eBay, and/or you already own the game, or at least paid for it at one point. I don’t suggest anyone go buy panzer dragoon saga just to be a good goy.
    Piracy is, and always will be, wrong.
    It’s nice to ramble on about the same shit other pirates tell themselves, such as
    >I’m stealing from a bad corporation/greedy entity, it will send a message
    >I’ll buy it if I like it (which (You) never do anyway)
    >I’m not spending $60 on a video game
    >it’s not stealing it’s copying, I was never going to pay anyway
    All of these reasons are simply a way to cope with being a dopamine fried NEET. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, people enjoy the things they’ve worked for (NOT just paid for), or deserved, more than the things that fall into their lap or are not deserved.

    • 2 years ago

      >piracy is bad because it makes me think youre bad
      boohoo homie im doing it anyway

  11. 2 years ago

    No. Why does this question keep being brought up?

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    don't care, youtube homosexuals ruined 2nd hand games market, I'm gonna play King of the Monsters 2 on my snes emulator whenever i want.

  13. 2 years ago

    Emulation is good. Piracy is fine if there's no legitimate way to get a game, and I'm certainly not going to be bothered if Nintendo loses a few potential sales of the latest Pokemon to piracy. Don't pirate small developer's games, though. They're the only ones who get to try new things instead of having their games dictated by shareholders.

    • 2 years ago

      frick you ill pirate it anyway

    • 2 years ago

      if I ever make a game i'll release it myself on public trackers only all the characters wear a pirate hat and every piece of text and dialog has been run through a pirate speech translator

  14. 2 years ago

    Oh shit, that's what that baseball game was called?

  15. 2 years ago

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with emulation by itself, only debatable part is acquiring roms you haven't bought but that's just plain old piracy, no need to separate them. Same as abandonware really, it's just piracy of abandoned software the rightholder doesn't care about anymore.

    As for piracy, most games worth pirating are old games anyway, and many of them aren't available for purchase anymore, so it's hard to make arguments against it.
    If you pirate modern AAA drivel then you've wasted your time and the companies should pay you instead, because time is money.

    • 2 years ago

      Legality aside, what if you download roms of games you own but don't want to take the time dumping?

      What if you once owned the, beat them, but don't want to pay scalper prices to get them back?

      • 2 years ago

        what if it's a game you never got to experience and the only legal way to get it is to spend hundreds of dollars on secondhand copies where none of the money goes to the publisher.

      • 2 years ago

        Morally speaking, if you still have the original cart, disc or whatever, then I don't see any way it should be objectionable to anyone.
        If you've lost or sold the original media, then I suppose it's the same as pirating it without ever having bought it, but again for old games I don't think that's very objectionable.

  16. 2 years ago

    >thinks legality=morality
    Midwits that legitimately ask this question get the rope

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    Video games should be free because everything should be free. GIBSMEDAT ERRYTHANG.

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    You're not entitled to every game ever made. If companies don't want to re release decades old games and you don't have money to afford from resellers, just move on

    • 2 years ago

      I'm entitled to everything I want because I'm me.

  21. 2 years ago

    > You're not entitled to every game ever made. If companies don't want to re release decades old games and you don't have money to afford from resellers, just move on

    lol shut up homosexual

  22. 2 years ago

    only when they run like shit like pcsx2

  23. 2 years ago

    It's already wrong to put emulation next to piracy like they're the same.
    You can emulate 100% free of piracy, and you can practice piracy 100% without emulation. They are not related topics.

    To answer the question:
    Emulation is never morally wrong.
    Piracy on the other hand can be morally wrong. However pirating is justified when the game can no longer reasonably acquired trough legal means. Such as Abandonware, or outdated cartridge based games that are no longer made.

  24. 2 years ago

    It's only wrong if the developer is currently selling a version of the game that is superior to any previous iteration you could emulate, but such an occurrence is very rare.

  25. 2 years ago

    israelites in the 90s wanted complete control over how their games were sold and used so they tried to sue emulator developers AND LOST
    nintendo in particular has been seething about it ever since, passing around false information on their website about the legality of emulation and in essence trying to meme that emulation isn't just illegal, its immoral
    the actual legality of it is a tangled web where you're allowed backups but possibly not in specific circumstances, and the tools to make backups aren't actually legal, and emulators must be 100% reverse engineered with no knowledge of the actual console's codebase

    in conclusion just do whatever you want, no one is going to have you arrested for playing SMW in bsnes

    • 2 years ago

      I mean you can make the argument that emulation is immoral because the company is basically losing hardware sales

      • 2 years ago

        Except the part where the hardware in question isnt even being sold new via retailer, so its all second hand market stuff anyway. Nothing the companies would profit off feel guilt free!

        • 2 years ago

          that only applies to EoL systems but there have been many nintendo systems who got emulators way before their EoL, especially the handhelds and also the switch now

      • 2 years ago

        Sure if people only emulated the newest games. But they don't, most of us emulate shit that hasn't been sold for years

      • 2 years ago

        you could make this argument where the hardware is still being sold, like emulating switch games
        but no, nintendo is not still selling SNES consoles

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