Is Fallout 3 still worth a playthrough in 2022?

I would be playing with mods, but remembering how jank and crashy it is makes me think I should play new vegas or morrowind instead. What do you anons think?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Get TTW for New Vegas, that way you get the best of two worlds.

    FO3 has a fraction of New Vegas modding support, including critical engine level extensions.

    • 2 years ago

      this mod is good but doing main quest in 3 will lock you out of a certain side quest in NV as the enclave faction will be immediately hostile

    • 2 years ago

      Does the mod address the ED-E plothole?

      • 2 years ago

        What plothole?

        • 2 years ago

          ED-E should only be in mojave after BS.
          If you do NV first it should be there

          • 2 years ago

            Starting NV and then going for 3 is already such a non lore friendly way that this is the smallest plothole

      • 2 years ago

        It's just FO3 and NV crammed into each other.
        If you complete Point Lookout and then do OWB your brain will still only have the bullet scar and not the lobotomy.

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout 3 was not worth a playthrough on release. Unless you like me have a morbid fascination with failure and incompetence. In which case, it is a fascinating study of endless chain of failures. And especially especially if you did enjoy the original Fo1/2 games.

      Fallout 3 is a terrible game, but it is also THE worst piece of RPG world-building, settings design, and writing, ever presented in an AAA videogame. There is nothing that quite compares to how dumb and insanely wrong and ill-concieved it is from every imaginable narrative point of view.
      To a point when it does becomes genuinely entertaining on that level alone.


      • 2 years ago

        YES ANON


        no tww is a azy mod that remove any challenge

        New vegas is a dogshit railroad

        Fallout 3 is better in any field





        literally the soul of them game

        shut the frick up Fabio you gyppo moron
        you really think your barely comprehensible posts written in broken english do any favors for this boards opinion of F3? it was a bad game before you showed up, but you turned it into a joke
        also, webtroons suck major dick and your waifu is a troony

    • 2 years ago

      It's not as crashy as shit new Vegas

      Don't do this, your game will literally crash every ten seconds. New Vegas is still a buggy fricking mess. Even Fallout 76 launched with less crashes and bugs than New Vegas currently gets when fully patched.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely moronic take. I have over 600 mods and it hardly crashes.

    • 2 years ago

      I would be playing with mods, but remembering how jank and crashy it is makes me think I should play new vegas or morrowind instead. What do you anons think?

      Do not play TTW, it's bloated as frick, the game is not balanced for it. Imagine going into fallout new vegas with all your gear already, that's what it's like playing TTW.

      • 2 years ago

        >he doesn't start in NV and go back to FO3 to obliterate it
        Half the fun of the mod is the pseudo NG+ experience you get when finishing one game and going into the other

        • 2 years ago

          That gets old fast, and it's a serious issue with both FO3 and FONV in their vanilla states. Everything is way too easy once you hit level 15 or 20, very hard just makes stuff bullet sponges.

          • 2 years ago

            I dunno I don't mind it very much, I'd rather go into 3 with all my stuff from NV than playing 3 from the start as it's own thing. Even if you don't like the fused game you cannot deny the appeal of playing 3 with NV mechanics, items and mods. Hell there's even a mod that changes speech checks to be like NV's skill checks, though obviously they aren't as varied and widely implemented.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah that's fair then. I'm just a bit too lazy to mod in general as I don't enjoy having to check compatibility between everything and install it in the right order.
              I spoke with a TTW dev once and I explained that I didn't like the load order/compatibility shit and he started ranting about how it can't be like linux because they aren't pirates and it's the modder's intellectual property lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        Just use the mod called benny humbles you. Holy shitGanker is full of brainlet morons that no nothing about modding

      • 2 years ago

        Download some custom difficulty mods. Why are you modding the game in the first place if you can't overcome such a basic balancing issue?

        • 2 years ago

          Anon don't help these people. They're too basic to understand things like that.

          Though I recommend bleedless and casual ttw if you're interested

      • 2 years ago

        there are mods to basically restart your build when you come to new vegas mate

    • 2 years ago

      The only mods you really need for Fallout 3 are, in order of importance:
      >replace Chinese Assault Rifle with AK-47
      >replace American Assault Rifle with M4 (or have the standalone variant)
      >replace (or again, standalone) Combat Armor with the Winterized Combat Armor (including reskins, so Talons, Reilly's Rangers, etc. have their own variant)
      >the big weapon retexture pack for the vanilla weapons (especially important for the hunting rifle)
      >a mod called "More Where That Came From" for more radio songs
      >FOSE for Bullet Time and Sprint respectively
      >optionally a weather mod to change outdoor lighting

      And then you're golden. You can also opt in for companion mods (like recruiting the girl from retaking liberty), but the companions in Fallout 3 aren't that great in my opinion so I would consider that optional.

      Anything beyond that is fluff and unnecessary, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. This includes EVE (and any particle/visual FX mod in general), ironsights (which are janky as hell in Fallout 3 and you get better functionality with the base game zoom-in), and especially Tale of Two Wastelands. Don't do it to yourself.

      No need for TTW. You can play both games independently just fine.

      • 2 years ago

        >replace FAL with an M4
        Kys actual troon

        • 2 years ago

          Noguns detected

    • 2 years ago

      Listen to this guy OP
      TTW massively improves fallout 3, makes it quite fun actually. Just don't go to the Mojave afterward because you're overlevelled as frick and everything's too easy

    • 2 years ago

      Does TTW enable hardcore mode from new vegas in 3?

      • 2 years ago

        I believe so

    • 2 years ago

      this, but be aware because other anons are right. new vegas perks are pretty overpowered and make the game a cakewalk. also, dont bother going to vegas, your character will be way overpowered by then.

      Does TTW enable hardcore mode from new vegas in 3?

      yes and it is much more fun than nv because the game is not design around it. good luck getting purified water.

    • 2 years ago

      TTW fricking sucks.

  2. 2 years ago

    no, it's a grey depressing mess where even walking from A to B is a massive ordeal with all the walls around

  3. 2 years ago

    Depends how long ago you played it.

  4. 2 years ago

    Fallout 3 was not worth a playthrough on release. Unless you like me have a morbid fascination with failure and incompetence. In which case, it is a fascinating study of endless chain of failures. And especially especially if you did enjoy the original Fo1/2 games.

    Fallout 3 is a terrible game, but it is also THE worst piece of RPG world-building, settings design, and writing, ever presented in an AAA videogame. There is nothing that quite compares to how dumb and insanely wrong and ill-concieved it is from every imaginable narrative point of view.
    To a point when it does becomes genuinely entertaining on that level alone.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon don't listen to this guy, it's a fun enough video game.

      • 2 years ago

        It's really not, unless you have literally NO frame of reference. It's bad even by modern Bethesda standards.
        The RPG elements are absolutely god awful. Your stats don't matter, different builds make zero impact beyond what flavor of weapons are you using, the quests are terrible, incredibly railroaded, with choice and consequence elements having that trademark late 2000's problem of being insultingly cartoony and not actually stemming from your character properties - they are literally just a "are you a nice guy (TM) or mister cartoony evil (TM)". In facts, the quests are so insanely lazy and insipid, the ONLY chain-quest-line in the whole game, is also a fricking tutorial questline you are expected to finish 2 hours in (I'm talking about Moira quests). Everything else is basically one one-off quest per location, and they are AWFUL. Fricking Vampires and Superhero's quests, and I wish I was joking. This also ties to another problem, which is some of the most abhorent frontloading I've ever seen. Beth is generally very guilty of frontloading since Oblivion, but no other game of theirs is THIS FRICKING TERRIBLE with it. The first location you'll visit is actually the biggest, most detailed, and most quest-dense place in the game. You get the game's strongest weapon (in a CoD style scripted battle) less than 4 hours into the MQ. It's amazing how cheap it all is.

        It's also terrible as an action game. In fact the shooting is so fricking bad, they had to implement VATS as a crutch to avoid fricking playing the combat in it's base stage.

        So there is really nothing worth experiencing in the base gameplay systems, quests or other mechanical dimensions.
        But add to it that aformentioned UNBELIVABLE bad narrative - main story, side-quest writing, location desing, landscaping, world-building, writing, characters and dialogue, and you have an entirely new level of AWFUL.
        Beth games have been bad since Oblivion. But Fo3 is the absolute worst by a landslide.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, this person is a moronic zealot. Give the game a go and form you own opinion.

        • 2 years ago



          BE WTF YOU WANT


          • 2 years ago

            How many elderly ladies have you robbed in the last week, gypsoid?

        • 2 years ago

          This homosexual got filtered hard

          • 2 years ago

            Filtered by what? The game makes it a point to never serve up anything that's too hard for the sake of muh free-form exploration in my vaguely FO themed amusement park

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry everyone, disregard this post of mine. I typed it while getting spitroasted.

      • 2 years ago

        >it's a fun

    • 2 years ago

      But the "atmosphere" and exploration, of endless metro tunnels filled with green orcs with guns, bandits with guns, and zombies with fists.

    • 2 years ago

      no. you described something like mass effect andromeda.
      get that stick out your ass,homosexual. fallout 3 isnt that bad

      • 2 years ago

        >game I like is not hyperbolically bad!
        >game I don't like is hyperbolically bad!

        • 2 years ago

          so you think fallout 3, a beloved classic, is bad. and mass effect andromeda, a lolcow of gaming, is good?

          • 2 years ago

            Fallout 3 is bad. Andromeda is extremely mediocre.

          • 2 years ago

            both are bad

            • 2 years ago

              >no. you described something like mass effect andromeda.
              Mass Effect andromeda has incredibly dull and uninspired characters and story, combed with an absolutely hilarious presentation, which make it so much worse on first glance.
              But it's nowhere near the actual INSANE STUPIDITY of Fo3. Andromeda does not try. Fo3 goes out of it's way to an insane degree to be as attrocious as it humanly can be. Andromeda has nothing on Fo3 in terms of how absolutely moronic the world, the story, the characters and all other narrative elements are.
              Fo3 has shit like the Megaton backstory. There is nothing in Andromeda that would even begin approaching that level of bad writing.

              Fallout 3 is bad. Andromeda is extremely mediocre.

              oh hell no. i know you guys are not trying to say andromeda was just mediocre. that game was pure aids.

              • 2 years ago

                Cry more, crowbcat.

              • 2 years ago

                >oh hell no. i know you guys are not trying to say andromeda was just mediocre.
                OH, sorry. I'm not saying Andromeda was just mediocre. It was fricking attrocious. I'm not downplaying how bad Andromeda was.
                I'm just stating the obvious fact that even with how absolutely awful andromeda was, Fo3 was a LOT FRICKING WORSE in terms of it's story, writing, world-building, quest design, character etc...
                Andromeda is an study of incompetence on it's own. It's kinda amazing how lazy the whole concept was, especially for a game that was supposed to revive the interest in a near murdered franchise.
                But the absolute worst errors in story and writing in Andromeda are as fricking grave and misguided, as the BETTER written parts of Fo3.
                When it comes to the real choice awfulness of Fo3, not even Andromeda can quite live up to it. Or even get anywhere near it.

              • 2 years ago

                i just think that, while fallout 3 is gay and moronic, it offers a unique experience. there's a good reason as to why it was so popular when it came out. it's not fair to call it a horrible game, even when it's downright 2 IQ at times.

              • 2 years ago

                fallout 3 was popular because it was oblivion with guns

                >Shittier rpg mechanics
                >when New Vegas literally killed build diversity by removing big guns and removed the only actual RPG mechanic (dice rolls)

                >characters being able to convince anyone of anything without any skill in speech is a better RPG mechanic than the game having a myriad of skill checks that reward your character build

              • 2 years ago

                >without any skill in speech
                Even a stuttering moron can occasionally convince someone to do something.
                >Charisma 1 Speech 100 builds aren't a thing in NV
                Kys disingenuous moron

              • 2 years ago

                hey anon what would you call a 1 CHR 100 speech character in NV? Would that be a....character build? how about all the other non speech skill checks? you think you should be able to stutter your way to convincing Easy Pete to hand over his dynamite?

              • 2 years ago

                >Would that be a....character build?
                No it's metagaming because Cha is useless in Fallout 3.
                Still better then the moronic shit Fallout 3's speech system was.

              • 2 years ago

                >hey anon what would you call a 1 CHR 100 speech character in NV?
                a diversity hire

              • 2 years ago

                don't quit your day job Seinfeld

              • 2 years ago

                quit your life troony

              • 2 years ago

                >gets btfo

              • 2 years ago

                >makes a twitch chatter tier joke

              • 2 years ago

                >man whose entire repertoire of "jokes" is just invoking the board's boogiemen is now an expert on humor

              • 2 years ago

                >projecting this hard
                did me btfoing you this much make tou cry?

              • 2 years ago

                it isn't projecting when both of your previous posts in this chain do exactly what I described anon

              • 2 years ago

                >it-t isn't p-p-projecting
                now post a söyjak so I can post a gigachad win this argument
                also eat shit

              • 2 years ago

                you're right anon I was pretty upset when I wrote that, I apologize

              • 2 years ago

                >there's a good reason as to why it was so popular when it came out.
                It's the exact same reason why Michael Bay's Transformers were popular.
                Trash specifically and deliberately aimed at the lowest common denominator tends to make a lot of money when backed up with enough raw marketing power.
                That does not make them not shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >fallout 3, a beloved classic
            lmao we've reached the point where some people think oblivion with guns, a widely mocked game, is a beloved classic.

      • 2 years ago

        >no. you described something like mass effect andromeda.
        Mass Effect andromeda has incredibly dull and uninspired characters and story, combed with an absolutely hilarious presentation, which make it so much worse on first glance.
        But it's nowhere near the actual INSANE STUPIDITY of Fo3. Andromeda does not try. Fo3 goes out of it's way to an insane degree to be as attrocious as it humanly can be. Andromeda has nothing on Fo3 in terms of how absolutely moronic the world, the story, the characters and all other narrative elements are.
        Fo3 has shit like the Megaton backstory. There is nothing in Andromeda that would even begin approaching that level of bad writing.

        • 2 years ago

          >Fo3 has shit like the Megaton backstory.
          This is so moronic its not even funny
          >perfectly good half blown out city right down the street
          >nah bro lets drag some airplaces from halfway across the barren wasteland and build our city around a fricking bomb lmao
          Even worst is when unfunny els/homosexual Black folk try and say
          >but uh bro what about the raiders in the school building? reddit Ganker hello sirs
          There is NOTHING to imply that those raiders have been there for over 100 fricking years. Pure and simply lazy writing.

          • 2 years ago

            >perfectly good half blown out city right down the street
            That is not even the worst part of it.
            The worst part of it is how you can actually see the "evolution" of the idea, in how they repeatedly made completely nonsensical decisions, then decided to rewrite the story to justify them instead of actually re-working the idea, then the rewrites made even less sense, so they did even more rewrites, which made it even worse than that, until eventually, they just gave up and said "Frick it, our audience are morons, why are we even trying?"

            Megaton is like Pathologic of AWFUL. It's like it incorporates the story of it's own production into the world, except it's a study of insane stupidity. It's a METANARATIVE of a writers failure.

            • 2 years ago

              Seems to me it would have been an easy fix to just make the town run by the atomic cult instead of it just being a couple of random buttholes who showed up after the fact.
              Bad story logic aside I always liked megaton as a location. The shanty town built in the walls of a crater was a nice aesthetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Actually, it's kinda hard to "easy fix" the absolute jumbled mess that is the ideas behind Megaton. For starters, the whole core idea, the gimmick of the live nuclear bomb that the player can blow up, in itself, is already very seriously misguided. They clearly went with "oh hey, nukes are like a big leitmotif in Fo settings, so let's cram as many of them as we can, because that is totally cool and EPIC", completely missing the point that nukes are something you are supposed to be scared off in the world, they essentially represent the most horrifying dimension of the world itself.

                So that idea is bad from the core.
                But way they then kept pilling on the stupid ideas is worse. They placed the bomb into a crater because "it makes sense, bombs make craters!" and it clearly took them MONTHS before someone finally pointed out that bombs only make craters when the actually BLOW UP.
                And then, instead changing the town layout, they decided to rewrite the story and claim that it was an airplane crash that created the crater, and the bomb was on that plane.
                They even reincorporated plane parts into the town's assets to clear that out.
                But AGAIN nobody fricking realized that A) if an airplane crashed down and made that crater, the nuke would be shattered to pieces, B) there are WAY too many airplane parts used around to come from a single airplane, and C) most of the assets they made are obviously from CIVILIAN AIRPLANES.
                At which point they re-wrote the story a third time, stating that the bomb wasn't on board the plane that crashed, but just so happened to also land in the crater's center by sheer coincidence, while inventing an AIRPLANE GRAVEYARD that just happened to be nearby too, despite this being DC suburbs and also, there is literally no fricking space for that location to fit in anywhere on the map (since they only made this part of the backstory up long after the map rough outlines were firmly locked in).

                And that is how we got Megaton. It's a journey.

              • 2 years ago

                The "easy fix" was to scrap the town entirely and move every NPC into the actual still standing buildings not a mile away from the settlement.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah. Or at least, scrap the crater city layout, don't waste time on the plane assets (which are only there because the game is ripping off Junktown from Fo1), and as you said, at least make the whole city a crazy religious place where people genuinely do worship the bomb - with a temple around it, all people being affected by that cult, place pilgrims to the site around in random encounters or perhaps resting in other settlements, shit like that.

                But this is a game where the world-building and writing is so commited, that they have ONE town whose backstory is "it's a caravan trade stop". Let's ignore that the town does not lie on any logical trade routes, and does not have any ANY amenities for cravans, or even caravans themselves, to a point you'd never realize this is a trade stop without the clumsy exposition dialogue... what quest have they decided to put into this hub of trade and commerce?
                Superheroes. People dressing up as comic superheroes. That is what they went with. That is the only story if this key strategic trade stop.

                The writing and general world-building in this game is truly marvellous in how utterly awful it is.

              • 2 years ago

                The town doesn't all necessarily have to be cult members.
                I'm thinking of mideval times where towns would spring up around abbeys where the church leased the land to farmers in exchange for a tithe.
                Just so you could avoid leaning into the "everyone here is WACKY!" kind of thing.
                And you could then explain why people arent living in the ruins a few blocks away, because they glommed onto an existing settlement that a faction had a good reason for building in the first place.

              • 2 years ago

                >The town doesn't all necessarily have to be cult members.
                Honestly, you are trying to convince me that people are willing to settle down in a place that offers no logical benefits, but does have a live fricking nuclear bomb in the middle.
                I think giving an explanation in the form of "they are religious nutjobs" is kinda needed here. Otherwise, anyone will immediately ask "why don't you move somewhere else that is NOT constantly in danger of blowing up"?

                A strong religious significance would explain why people disregard the danger, or even flock towards it. A small minority of people who then may not be in on the faith, but find these religious folk easy to make money off could then exist on top of that, but they need to be a minority, to make their economic reasoning to be there plausible.

                Otherwise, you'd really need to start coming up with other reasons for the people to disregard the threat and stay. Like a water well or something. But then you are already going towards the trap of laying multiple unrelated features just to justify the first one, which is generally a bad idea.

                So yeah, actually commiting to the strenght of faith and symbolic value of the site seems like the most elegant solution, as it would explain everything else, if we want to insist on the live bomb gimmick.

              • 2 years ago

                The town doesn't all necessarily have to be cult members.
                I'm thinking of mideval times where towns would spring up around abbeys where the church leased the land to farmers in exchange for a tithe.
                Just so you could avoid leaning into the "everyone here is WACKY!" kind of thing.
                And you could then explain why people arent living in the ruins a few blocks away, because they glommed onto an existing settlement that a faction had a good reason for building in the first place.

                Oh, and just to clarify, I'm in no way implying that being in a cult means they are acting whacky. You can (unless you are Bethesda) write cults and strong religious movements, even ones based on a very silly propositions, with some degree of nuance. After all, there are thousands of religions and cults around us, and most people in them aren't crazy cartoony characters. It just takes the realization that one's faith does not actually dictate the rest of his personality (most of the time, at least).

                I've done research among Mahikari and Moonists among others, and believe me or not, most of those people are actually normal on most levels of interactions, despite being often quite devoted members of organizations that were repeatedly labeled as actual cults.
                The Children of the Atom has been already established in Fo universe, and for the most part, while kinda crazy in their religious beliefs, they were also portrayed as quite a sensible organization helping out a great deal of people in Fo2.

          • 2 years ago

            You're a moronic homosexual
            >cult worships bomb
            >build their church by bomb
            >naturally more people gravitate to said bomb
            >sell the churchgoers food and drink
            >eventually town is built around said bomb

            • 2 years ago

              homosexual contrarian doesn't even know the lore of his own shitty game.
              Megaton was grown from people got told to frick off by vault 101 and the cultists later showed up and draged shit from halfway across the wasteland.
              Still doesn't explain why they'd just build the church there and build the actual city in the ruins is still moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't know what the frick you're talking about kid. I suggest you'd go back to Twitch or Reddit and jerk off to your favorite onions fallout streamer

              • 2 years ago

                >You don't know what the frick you're talking about kid.
                You're either some pathatic 40 year old boomer who still talks about children entertainment and deludes himself into thinking he has some sort of seniority over other people here or some zoomer poser who was likely 6 years old when this game came out. Whatever what way it is you should have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                you typed all of that. Are you really that mad?

                >Why do NVtards write paragraphs long tirades and not know what the frick they're talking about?
                First of all, I'm hardly an NV tard, since of the three decent Fo games, NV is still the weakest in my opinion.
                Second of all, we know that is the pathetic pretense behind the town. If you'd actually READ what I wrote, you'd know that nothing what I've said contradict that. The fact that you are literally unable to even read what we say may explain why you think Megaton is not insanely stupid as an idea.

                You are functionally illiterate. You don't get to accost others about their understanding of this fricking comedy of world-building.

                fallout 2 is worse than New Vegas you fricking tard.
                >it's le fricking funny bro
                no, you're mad. using humor to cope with how much your seething. your jimmies have been rustled, son.

              • 2 years ago

                >Are you really that mad?
                Can't be as mad as you were when you tried to call me a "kid" you gay homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                >fallout 2 is worse than New Vegas you fricking tard.
                Those are some bold words from someone who did not ever play Fo2.
                For the record, the ONLY Fo game that goes COMPLETELY OFF THE RAILS with tone and generally out of place elements, is Fo3. You know, the game with le whacky rich english people, the vampire quest line, the superhero questline, the fricking random Blade Runner quest line, the fricking Harold questline, Little Lamplight, and fricking Liberty Prime.

                Fo2 is easily the best of the Fallout games, because it has by far most depth, complexity, reactivity, build variety, and all those things that actually matter in a cRPG in the first place. It may not have quite as consistent tone as Fo1, but that is mostly because Fo1 is actually quite light on content, it's a pretty small and kinda shallow game, which does allow it to maintain a more clear tone.
                But Fo2 is absolutely not the endless chain of jokes you were told it is. It has jokes and lighter moments, but most of it is still very dark, and very well written.
                I would say you should actually play it, but considering that you are here defending Fo3, you probably shouldn't.

                Just keep in mind, kid, that the one thing you were told to hate about Fo2, is actually what Fo3 is guilty off. Fo3 is the only game where dumb jokes, absolute lack of coherency in tone, and childish whacky shit GENUINELY DEFINES 90% of the content.
                And the remaining 10% are so poorly written they come across as a comedy anyway.

                But beth fanboys sure as hell are amusing when they try to pretend they are actual people.

              • 2 years ago

                The superhero quest line and liberty prime were pretty cool

              • 2 years ago

                Don't bother responding to him. His adhd ridden brain finds it impossible to read a post that isn't just buzzwords or a shitty wojak edit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Don't bother responding to him. His adhd ridden brain finds it impossible to read a post that isn't just buzzwords or a shitty wojak edit.
                He is very entertaining to me though.

              • 2 years ago

                It's funny because you wrote a whole tirade based on an argument I never made.
                Fallout 2 is dogshit. You forget all the fricking factions in that shithole that are le whacky people larp as le whacky thing. Which yes, Fallout 3 is guilty of. But not on the same fricking level where every single faction in the game are LARPers.
                Fallout 3 never goes off the rails with it's tone. It's consistently whacky, juxtaposed with the desolate depressing wasteland. The core of the tone of Fallout 3 is light juxtaposed with dark. All the shitty writing is charming and never overstays it's welcome. Fallout 2 is just homosexualry at it's worst.
                Fallout 2 is the one that's inconsistent. All these whacky samurai Yakuza and 20s gangsters and wannabe mongoloids running around. The fact your village worships a giant head of the main character from the first game. Or the fact that there's telepaths in the game. Plus le funny epic Sergeant Dornan. After playing Fallout 1, a relatively dark and serious game you get thrust into this homosexualry. It's insane.
                Fallout 1 and 2 have the worst combat I've ever seen in a game. Even SMT1 was less of a slog and I fricking hate first person dungeon crawlers.
                If you want to play a good turn based game, go play any shin Megami tensei game. If you want to lick butthole your entire life keep circle jerking over a trash game.
                And for the record, YES New Vegas is a lot better than Fallout 2. Even if you don't think the story is as good. At least you don't have to endure hours or torture to experience the shit story.
                You are a pretty good troll though because I've written almost 2000 characters responding to your bullshit. Go have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's funny because you wrote a whole tirade based on an argument I never made.
                Says the kid who attacked me for "not realizing that Megaton was build around worship of the bomb" when every single one of my points was based around the absurdity of the story behind the bomb, and one of them even discussed how it could be improved if they really actually did lean into the worship of the bomb more?

                That is hilarious.
                No. Unlike you, I actually replied to the specific falsehood you presented here:
                >it's le fricking funny bro
                You even repeat the exact false point here:
                >You forget all the fricking factions in that shithole that are le whacky people larp as le whacky thing.
                No, they are not. Something you'd be aware of if you played the game. If you think Lynette or Marcus or the Salvators or Tandy are "le whacky people", then you clearly haven't played the game, there is nothing else to say. I think you don't even know what factions and locations are there in Fo2, since you talk about "LARPING", which is only somewhat sensible in context of New Vegas, where there is one faction based on emulating a pre-existing historical faction.
                I genuinely am sure you literally don't know the first thing about Fo2 and you just regurgitate arguments you'd normally use towards NV fans.
                Which is fricking sad.
                Moira is whacky. Tenpenny is whacky. The fricking superhero LARPERS are whacky. Liberty Prime is insanely whacky. The vampires in Arefu, the fricking tree Harold, the very ideas behind Little Lamplight, Tranquility Line or even the idea behind the fricking Purifier are whacky.

                Fo2 has a lot of jokes, but it also has a LOT of serious content. Again, you'd know this if you actually played the game. And there is no "larping" what so ever. That is only a thing in Fo3 (Tenpenny, superheros etc...), Fo4 (Minutemen) and FoNV (Ceasars Legion).

                Why did you even think you'd get away with lying like this?

              • 2 years ago

                They are "le whacky people". They just take themselves 100% seriously you dumb homosexual.
                >where there is one faction based on emulating a pre-existing historical faction.
                But Great Khans and NCR predate New Vegas. Every single faction in 2 are LARPers.
                >Moira is whacky. Tenpenny is whacky. The fricking superhero LARPERS are whacky. Liberty Prime is insanely whacky. The vampires in Arefu, the fricking tree Harold, the very ideas behind Little Lamplight, Tranquility Line or even the idea behind the fricking Purifier are whacky.
                Yes. Fallout 3 doesn't take itself seriously.
                >Fo2 has a lot of jokes, but it also has a LOT of serious content
                That's the fricking problem!!! Stop trying to be serious and le whacky at the same times.
                >And there is no "larping" what so ever.
                Again, Yakuza, Shi clan, Salvatores, etc. are AS WHACKY as Fallout 3 but they take themselves seriously.

                hey anon what would you call a 1 CHR 100 speech character in NV? Would that be a....character build? how about all the other non speech skill checks? you think you should be able to stutter your way to convincing Easy Pete to hand over his dynamite?

                1 CHR 100 speech only works in New Vegas.
                It's fun when a character who has no skill stumbles his way with pure luck into success. It's not fun saving the game and reloading and attempting the roles until you succeed. That's called playing the game like a homosexual.
                Skill Checks in New Vegas suck ass. It's literally le dopamine meme. Wow bro you dumped points into a stat, good job man!!!! It kills the fun of the game. It's fun as frick when you have a 99% chance to succeed but you fail miserably. That is fun. That is roleplaying. Have you ever played DnD? You roll the dice. Not statwank like a fricking nerd.

              • 2 years ago

                >failing a speech check arbitrarily is more fun than being rewarded for making your character a specific way
                Fallout isn't DnD

              • 2 years ago

                Fallout is a roleplaying game.
                Fallout 3 and New Vegas are Action RPGs with shooter elements.
                DnD is a real roleplaying game. New Vegas dumbs down the roleplaying.
                Build autism is not roleplaying, it's simulating.
                The savescumming criticism is not a real criticism. I can save before a skill check in new Vegas, reload, set my Speech to 100 and then rip the speech check a new one.
                Disco Elysium is more of a roleplaying game FFS and even Fallout 1&2 had dice rolls.

              • 2 years ago

                >being rewarded for the skills your character has in game isn't role playing
                >save scumming a percent check is the same as literally cheating a skill to max to pass a check
                being bad at a skill and being unable to pass the check is more roleplaying than a singular skill altering a invisible percent chance

              • 2 years ago

                >being bad at a skill and being unable to pass the check is more roleplaying than a singular skill altering a invisible percent chance
                Nope. That's called a simulation. Where everything operates on numbers and will run the same every time. Fallout New Vegas is less of a roleplaying game. It abandons it's roots as one and becomes an FPS with roleplaying aspects. Most if not all of the RPG mechanics are dumbed down for casuals to make them feel more intelligent.

              • 2 years ago

                ok I'm done arguing in circles with you moron, enjoy jerking off your infinitely inferior dice rolls in a bad game while I enjoy being rewarded for building my character a specific way.

              • 2 years ago

                It's funny because I have every single Fallout game released on PC in my steam library and I can play any of them whenever I want.
                It's also funny because I have more hours in New Vegas than 3.
                Go suck a chode.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nope. That's called a simulation. Where everything operates on numbers and will run the same every time. Fallout New Vegas is less of a roleplaying game. It abandons it's roots as one and becomes an FPS with roleplaying aspects
                Wait, what is the frame of reference here? Fallout 1/2? Fallout 3?
                Because compared to Fo1/2, you might have a point in FNV somewhat lessening the RPG elements, as it has a fair bit more action focus.
                But if we are talking comparison to Fo3 (or any Beth game), it sure as frick isn't. FNV returns the RPG elements Fo3 basically completely abandoned.

              • 2 years ago

                >They are "le whacky people". They just take themselves 100% seriously you dumb homosexual.
                How are they "whacky"?

                >But Great Khans and NCR predate New Vegas. Every single faction in 2 are LARPers.
                How are they larpers? How is Vault City larpers? How is New Reno larpers? Do you even know what that word means?

                >Yes. Fallout 3 doesn't take itself seriously.
                That is not an excuse for piss poor writing and lack of any actually relatable characters or themes.
                "It's supposed to be shit!" isn't justifying it being shit, kid.

                >Stop trying to be serious and le whacky at the same times.
                I know this will be utterly lost on you, but if you are making a game as MASSIVE and complex as Fo2, you will need to switch gears from time to time. It's what gives it variety and depth. There are extremely serious themes in Fo2 - Vault City, Broken Hills, New Reno, NCR, even the Enclave (which I will admit is one of the weaker aspects of Fo2) themselves are tragic and complex factions, all of which directly thematically relate to the game's core theme - the destructive nature of humanity, and the inability to learn from it's own mistakes.

                The game occassionally jokes around, but unlike Fo3 - it does do it to contrast the actual, well thought out dark elements. What you originally claimed Fo3 does, but are now denying.
                I will admit that not everything in Fo2 works. I could do without a ghost in Den, or without the talking Deathclaws, and Enclave does really lack in strong actual antagonist, especially compared to Master in Fo1.
                But those are relatively minor blemishes on otherwise massive and really well made cRPG, with mostly great factions, quests and characters.

                What does Fo3 have, exactly? Your father who is unironically a GOOD GUY. 3Dog who is unironically a GOOD GUY. Brotherhood who is unironically, unquestionably, GOOD GUY.

                Fo3 is bunch of dumb, childish shit thrown together with no rhyme, reason, complexity, themes. It's jangling keys in front of your eyes.

              • 2 years ago

                >lack of any actually relatable characters or themes.
                a nuclear apocalypse is not le relatable anon.
                sorry that you're mad at Todd for not letting you make a gay character to relate to.
                >Your father who is unironically a GOOD GUY. 3Dog who is unironically a GOOD GUY. Brotherhood who is unironically, unquestionably, GOOD GUY
                objective morality bad, be a good goy and embrace Nihilism!
                >really well made cRPG
                lol, lmao even. It's the worst RPG of all time.

              • 2 years ago

                Can you only speak in cliches or something?

              • 2 years ago

                >a nuclear apocalypse is not le relatable anon.
                Judging from your obsession with the "le" thing, I'm going to take a guess and say you are 17 at best.
                But no. The idea of all fiction is that it has to be relatable on some level. If you can't relate to the themes of Fallout - or the many, MANY Fear-of-the-Bomb related fiction that inspired it, you are broken inside. Which would explain a lot about you, your inability to read or use language correctly.
                You are mentally severely hampered. You have fundamental problems understanding both text, and basic human considerations. You seem to struggle with the very concept of fiction all together.
                You like Fo3 because you are functionally a toddler, and jangling keys in front of your face is literally the most entertainment you'll ever be able to appreciate.

                >objective morality bad, be a good goy and embrace Nihilism!
                I wonder if you even realize that you are becoming increasingly just a satire of yourself as the discussion progresses. There is less and less actual words in your posts, and more and more desperate le epic memes.

                Again, explains quite a lot.

                >lol, lmao even. It's the worst RPG of all time.
                Funny how you were not able to answer a single one of the questions I raised, kid. I asked you how Vault City is "larping"? Or what is "whacky" about Lynette or Tandy or Marcus.

                Why don't you answer that, kid?

              • 2 years ago

                not that anon
                not reading all that
                not caring

                anyway you like new vegas because you think it's a work for intellectuals while in its core it's just a fricking random shit put into place with no correlation by a bunch of fisting robot loving trannies. you are basically a caricature of ulysses

              • 2 years ago

                people here will really act like a smug moron while admitting they refuse to actually engage with any argument

              • 2 years ago

                bonus points
                >fallout bait thread

              • 2 years ago

                >You like Fo3 because you are functionally a toddler, and jangling keys in front of your face is literally the most entertainment you'll ever be able to appreciate.
                A simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
                It looks like you rolled low, homosexual. The gun flips around in your hand and shoots you.
                GAME OVER, fricking loser.
                >I wonder if you even realize that you are becoming increasingly just a satire of yourself as the discussion progresses. There is less and less actual words in your posts, and more and more desperate le epic memes.
                Absolutely zero self-awareness. Your schizo psychoanalysis is typical of a pseud who actually enjoyed Fallout 2.

              • 2 years ago

                >A simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
                Nothing funnier than fans of one of the absolutely dumbest, most desperately main-stream lowest common denominator pandering shitshow try to say shit like this.
                Kid, sometimes, things are simple because they are dumb. The fact that you can't tell the difference between moronic key jiggling and actual purity of form, is rather telling on it's own.
                But keep digging that hole for yourself, it is quite amusing.

                >Absolutely zero self-awareness.
                I can only assume that you are talking about yourself. If not... are you familiar with the concept of "mirroring"?

              • 2 years ago

                >>A simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
                >Nothing funnier than fans of one of the absolutely dumbest, most desperately main-stream lowest common denominator pandering shitshow try to say shit like this.
                >Kid, sometimes, things are simple because they are dumb. The fact that you can't tell the difference between moronic key jiggling and actual purity of form, is rather telling on it's own.
                >But keep digging that hole for yourself, it is quite amusing.
                zero self-awareness.
                >I can only assume that you are talking about yourself. If not... are you familiar with the concept of "mirroring"?

              • 2 years ago

                >Nothing funnier than fans of one of the absolutely dumbest, most desperately main-stream lowest common denominator pandering shitshow try to say shit like this.
                so talking about yourself?
                >purity of form
                yeah fallout 3 called and wants it plot back

              • 2 years ago

                >>A simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
                >Nothing funnier than fans of one of the absolutely dumbest, most desperately main-stream lowest common denominator pandering shitshow try to say shit like this.
                >Kid, sometimes, things are simple because they are dumb. The fact that you can't tell the difference between moronic key jiggling and actual purity of form, is rather telling on it's own.
                >But keep digging that hole for yourself, it is quite amusing.
                zero self-awareness.
                >I can only assume that you are talking about yourself. If not... are you familiar with the concept of "mirroring"?

                I feel like I should remind you to of the age-old addage about "going full moron".
                I get that you lost the argument, and that desperate spouting of memes and being simply obnoxious is all you have left.

                But when you start acting this moronic, it stops being fun. There is no point in even engaging you anymore. Which is bad for you, since you are the one whos who are this fricking desperate for attention.

                When you go full moron, you'll lose those precious (You)'s. Even when you lost the argument, and random shitposting is all you have left, you are still begging us for attention, but without moderating yourself at least a little, you'll quickly lose even that pathetic source of validation.

                So... are you going to try again, or do you straight up admit that you completely lost the argument AND lost your cool and self-control even in basic shitposting, making you a failure at failing?

                It's your choice.

              • 2 years ago

                judging by your epoch of a reply I presume you are a leftist.
                here is a quick tip for you: if you can't make your point in couple sentences then don't bother commenting at all

              • 2 years ago

                Well, I can see you are trying, but I can't say you are succeeding. I'll give you one more post to try again.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can see you are trying
                then sadly you must be blind

              • 2 years ago

                >epoch of a reply
                God damn you are a dumb fricking esl.
                An epoch is a period of time.

              • 2 years ago

                You wrote yourself in a corner simply by just going "no u".
                Brevity is the soul of wit.
                A simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
                Kys homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >You wrote yourself in a corner simply by just going "no u".
                OK, you really are trying.
                The problem here is: I objectively and self-evidently didn't. I made points, I raised questions for you to answer.

                You literally even CONFIRMED me pointing out that you seem to be satisfied with literal key-jiggling.
                Your point now seems to be "Key-jiggling is better because simpler things are always better." Which still really isn't a very compelling argument to make.

                You literally admited that the damn key-jiggling really IS the most you can ever appreciate in your life. You completely concieded my point here, as well as failed to address any of the questions I raised.

                I can see you are trying really hard, but I'm still kinda struggling to find anything to work with here, you literally admited I'm right on every level so far.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact that you think Fallout 2 is anything more than key jiggling is really telling of how highly you think of yourself.
                Again anon, nobody has time to read all that shit. Keep it short like your dick.
                Go play an RPG outside of Fallout 2 and have your mind fricking blown.

                >epoch of a reply
                God damn you are a dumb fricking esl.
                An epoch is a period of time.

                It's a long time though. Just about as long as it takes to read his snoozers.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a long time though.
                Yes. It is. That doesn't make your comment any more coherent
                >imagine reading your year post
                It doesn't make any sense.

              • 2 years ago

                >It doesn't make any sense.
                neither do 5 paragraphs of what boils down to "no u"

              • 2 years ago

                So you're replying to gibberish with gibberish?
                Do you need to see a doctor?

              • 2 years ago

                when you have nothing to say why say anything at all?

              • 2 years ago

                Epoch =/= a year. You fricking ESL homosexual. An epoch is MANY years. It expresses how long it takes to read your shitty posts.
                >imagine reading your year post
                It's not even phrased the same way as anon phrased it.
                If you weren't ESL, you would know the intention of the phrase "epoch of a post" is referencing that the post is very long, as is the length of an epoch.
                Also, I wasn't the anon you were originally replying to.

                >blaming consoles

                That's just Todd propaganda. I will place ten thousand dollars that it's literally the Creation Engine could not handle such large open spaces and the dev team had no idea how to optimize the games rendering.

                Damn you guys are REALLY, REALLY stupid aren't you? Fallout 3 and NV are Gamebryo. And Gamebryo can handle a ton, mind you. People cope about Gamebryo not being able to handle shit but forget about how you can mod the shit it "can't handle" in the game. There's that mod that turns Free side into one cell. Same with the Strip. Also you forget that most of the wasteland is a large open space.

              • 2 years ago

                >Epoch =/= a year.
                I never said it did.
                I am pointing out how little your comment makes sense by replacing one period of time for another.
                You really need to work on your reading comprehension buddy, being moronic on purpose isn't a good look.

              • 2 years ago

                How about replace it with something that is comparable? A year is short. An epoch is not

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I give up on you. You are way too boring.

                so will your seething copepost be a trilogy or are you planning to expand further because I like your way of dodging everything by simply going "no u, i am the narcissistic genius and my opinion is better because it just is and now deal with it and then ill say couple buzzwords like key dangling or whatever i didn't actually read your post but imma make epic of gilgamesh look like cthulhu in comparison anyway


                format my text like a redditor and you should all bow to me because of my superior intelligence (you see i spent 15 points into it) and unlike you plebeians i pronounce the word caesar as creaser because why not

                but you wouldn't get it because my intelligence is immesurable and my day is ruined

                because i had to do the captcha 5 times and i only got verification not required 2 times anyway hows your sex life oh hi mark"

                I'm considering cutting you off too. But let's be super generous and give you one last chance:

                so will your seething copepost be a trilogy or are you planning to expand further because I like your way of dodging everything by simply going "no u, i am the narcissistic genius and my opinion is better because it just is and now deal with it and then ill say couple buzzwords like key dangling or whatever i didn't actually read your post but imma make epic of gilgamesh look like cthulhu in comparison anyway


                format my text like a redditor and you should all bow to me because of my superior intelligence (you see i spent 15 points into it) and unlike you plebeians i pronounce the word caesar as creaser because why not

                but you wouldn't get it because my intelligence is immesurable and my day is ruined

                because i had to do the captcha 5 times and i only got verification not required 2 times anyway hows your sex life oh hi mark"

                >I like your way of dodging everything by simply going "no u, i am the narcissistic genius and my opinion is better because it just is and now deal with it and then ill say couple buzzword
                Dodging what? Remind me and post an actual point you've made and I have - in your opinion - failed to acknowledge.
                It should be very simple for you.
                As for "buzzwords", you are the one who endlessly posts "le whacky" and "Kys" and so on. I'm not aware of using any buzzwords, which seems to be the source of both of you raging.
                The "lack of brevity" you both seem to complain is actually me avoiding communicating in meme speak and buzzwords. That is literally your domain. I make my points clear, and in as plain speech as I can.
                But if you still feel otherwise, feel free to quote me on where I used "buzzwords" according to you, and I'm sure I can try and make my point clearer for you.

                As for "superiority" thing, well yeah, I won the discussion so far. That is how a better view is separated from a worse one. If you actually could make a point of your own, that is not a meme, we can renew this competition.

                As for the rest of your post, that is the DEFINITION of avoiding making points, talking about format rather than content of my posts, and general raving of a very sore loser.

                Prove me wrong. Say something of actual substance. Show me what point I dodged. Show me were I confused you with my language.
                Go on. Do something other than whinning for a change. I'll be more than happy if you manage to do that.

                But I doubt you will. And if you fail, I'm cutting you off for good as well.

              • 2 years ago

                >Remind me and post an actual point you've made
                I haven't made a single point other than call you a Black personbrain but you are too slow to ACK-nowledge it.
                anyway post a tldr and


                might actually finish reading one of your posts

              • 2 years ago

                Good job boys, we made the troony have a meltdown

              • 2 years ago

                >I make my points clear, and in as plain speech as I can.
                >writes the lotr trilogy worth of text

              • 2 years ago

                You are a dipshit. FO3 is a great game and the only people that hate it are contrarian homosexuals or troony zoomers.

                Good job boys, we made the troony have a meltdown

                >Remind me and post an actual point you've made
                I haven't made a single point other than call you a Black personbrain but you are too slow to ACK-nowledge it.
                anyway post a tldr and


                might actually finish reading one of your posts


                Bethesda fanboys in action, everyone. Take moment to appreciate that you are not one of these poor sods. This is literally the best they can muster up.

              • 2 years ago

                Take moment to appreciate that you are not this braindead homosexual who can't even make an original insult so he resorts to mass replying

              • 2 years ago

                There is something fascinating about you defending a brain-dead game, and using the "I can't read anything longer than two sentences!" as an argument in your favor.

                Pro-tip kids: We already know you are moronic, attention-deficit mongolid children. You don't need to keep reminding us.

                Though then again, with your attention span, maybe you just forget that you already said that inbetween your posts.

              • 2 years ago

                >he thinks that Fallout 2 is any less braindead
                LMAO the midwit syndrome strikes again.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is something fascinating about you defending a brain-dead game
                >defending a game
                >post literally calling you a Black person because you can't make a concise post
                yeah you might have reading comprehension issues

              • 2 years ago


                Nobody is forcing you to read it.
                But you said I did not flesh out my point.
                I just proved you wrong.

                >writes the lotr trilogy worth of text
                Yeah, that is how plain language works.
                The reason why you can keep your posts so short is because you are not actually saying anything.

                You are endlessly repeating buzzwords and memes.
                Actually making a point takes a time.
                A buzzword is brief, but meaningless. That is why you lost this argument.

                It is however funny that you accuse others of reading comprehension issues when you literally can't deal with three paragraphs of text.

                You see, in the world I live in, not being able to read is what indicates a reading comprehension issues.
                I really wonder what the world you live in is like.

              • 2 years ago

                so will your seething copepost be a trilogy or are you planning to expand further because I like your way of dodging everything by simply going "no u, i am the narcissistic genius and my opinion is better because it just is and now deal with it and then ill say couple buzzwords like key dangling or whatever i didn't actually read your post but imma make epic of gilgamesh look like cthulhu in comparison anyway


                format my text like a redditor and you should all bow to me because of my superior intelligence (you see i spent 15 points into it) and unlike you plebeians i pronounce the word caesar as creaser because why not

                but you wouldn't get it because my intelligence is immesurable and my day is ruined

                because i had to do the captcha 5 times and i only got verification not required 2 times anyway hows your sex life oh hi mark"

              • 2 years ago

                you basically wrote an entire shakespearean play about
                >no u
                you should consider becoming a proctologist judging by your ability to stretch shit so much

              • 2 years ago

                >a simpleton admires complexity, a genius admires simply
                anon BTFO

              • 2 years ago

                >anon BTFO
                Yeah. Nothing more impressive than saying "lazy things are inherently BETTER" and then saying "GAME OVER loser".
                Such beauty of argumentation on display there.

              • 2 years ago

                Fallout 2 doesn't offer as much replayability as NV. The physical combat builds aren't varied, very few companions make for useful partners, and roleplaying as a selfish prick almost never offers substantial reward or reputation. New Vegas offers way more.

              • 2 years ago

                >Fallout 2 doesn't offer as much replayability as NV
                I can't really agree with you on that one, but honestly, it's not a claim I feel I need to contest that much. I can see the appeal of NV, I don't think it's a bad game, I just think it's held back by the abysmal Beth tech, budgetary restraints, and also the fact that let's be honest here: The Fallout well has been running a bit dry back during Fo2, and NV is just REALLY stretching it in my opinion.
                But I might be just conservative. I've done like three replays of FoNV and while it certainly wasn't a bad time, I quickly went back to Fo2 when I wanted more Fo fix.
                I do have to say that things like companion were a lot more mechanically important than in New Vegas, though. I guess you could argue that in NV, they might have a bit more fleshed out unique questlines, but in Fo2 companions oftem made a massive difference when it comes to skill checks, and I can't remember much of that coming up in New Vegas.
                I also found them just more interesting. We could debate on the ballance of it, but I found characters like Myron or Marcus a bit more varied. But that can boil down to taste.

              • 2 years ago

                Fallout 2 has zero replayability. After i beat it, i set it down and never ever looked back

              • 2 years ago

                >Fallout 2 has zero replayability.
                Funny, I replayed it dozens of times.
                Guess you're wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                No you haven't. Or if you have there is probably something wrong with you.

              • 2 years ago

                >No you haven't.
                P sure I have. Even before Resto Project.

              • 2 years ago

                Idk, personally the gameplay is not enjoyable for me. There are many games I consider good that I will NEVER touch again. Maybe in 20 years

              • 2 years ago

                Didn't ask. You said it has no replayability, objectively wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                I cannot replay the game so it's not replayable

              • 2 years ago

                The characters and maps are big taste factor, yeah. I'm probably willing to always defend NV as being an overall better game than F2 (mainly because NV has better quest solutions/resolutions than F2), but something I will give F2 credit for is having the best civilized-post-apocolyptic feeling to it. Something I wish New Vegas had was more areas like Vault City, Broken Hills, San Francisco, and NCR Capital. I say this because I like the Fallout series for seeing how re-developed people/societies in a new destroyed and dangerous new world function, and being able to solve their problems in unique ways. I still replay both NV and F2 plenty for these reasons; I like getting that fix same as you, man.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, you are making me realize something.
                My biggest problem with New Vegas may be a rather shallow one, and it's just the presentation. I generally tend to view FPS games as more immersive than other views, but in case of the 3D Fallouts, I genuinely feel like (relative to the old-school ones), it's actually working against the game. The environments feel... claustrophobic. I have to applaud NV for doing a pretty good job emulating the feeling of older Fo games atmosphere, but it still feels like a poor fit. Everything is off-scale.
                Which is a bit unfair point, because I know that transition to full 3D FPS state can't be done without messing up with the scale of things. But on the other hand, Gamebryo games feel like they do PARTICULARLY bad job of it. Compared to something like say, Kingdom Come Deliverance.

                And that may be a BIG part of why I always found NV ultimately less compelling.
                I do also have other issues. NV tries a lot with it's factions, but I just can't find anything quite as interesting - simultaneously rich in themes and feeling more grounded - as say Broken Hills, or Vault City in NV. The new factions/interpretations of them - particularly Boomers, Legion, the chem addicts - never struck me anywhere near as much as those in Fo2.
                But again: I don't want to rag on New Vegas, I respect the game a great deal. I may have personally be more happy with a new IP rather than milking Fallout more, because again, I kinda feel the settings were already rather stretched back in Fo2, but New Vegas was an admirable attempt non-the-less.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked it as my first fallout for the atmosphere, setting and servicable gameplay
      even then I was able to tell the story was shit but most games have a shit story anyway. I just made up a better story in my mind.

      If it was not a fallout game and was made by a smaller studio f3 would probably be beloved as a soulful janky old game, much like dragons dogma

      • 2 years ago

        >If it was not a fallout game and was made by a smaller studio f3 would probably be beloved as a soulful janky old game,
        Not really. Now - lack of frame of reference is an understandable thing. If this was your introduction to Fallout and to RPG's, I can see how you'd enjoy it at the time. Age probably also plays a role here.

        But Fallout 3 really is bad on a very fundamental level. Because it's not only incredibly, UNBELIVABLY stupid - it's also incredibly shallow, safe, cheap, and lazy.

        I don't like Dragon's Dogma, but I can see where it takes risks and does some interesting things, even though I find the execution terrible, and the game massively overrated. It does experiment - with it's movement mechanics, with the Pawn system and the adaptative A.I., with eschewing some accessibility options for a "unique" approach. It even tries in the story department, at least a little.

        Fo3 is entirely build on high marketing, brand reputation, big name voiceacters, and desperate desire to pander to the idiotic 7th gen mainstream crowd.

        It's a CYNICAL, braindead game. There is nothing to it that could make it some kind of janky cult classic, because it does not have any appeal outside of people who only played the awful mainstream game at the time and didn't know any better.

        It takes no risks. It puts no effort in. It has no vision, no atmosphere, tone, nothing.
        Fo3 is one of the embodiment of a committee design, super-main-stream-appealing trash.

        That is why Fo3 does not have the reputation that NV has build. And I should repeat: I don't really like NV that much. But just like with the DD example: you can see where the appeal is, where the game put that extra work in.
        Fo3 completely lacks this dimension. It could never become a popular game if it wasn't tied to the AAA business and mass-appeal environment.

    • 2 years ago

      You spent two paragraphs waxing pseudointellectually about a game you reportedly don't like. Come back when you've fleshed your points out. There's nothing to discuss if all you have are vague claims.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      You are a dipshit. FO3 is a great game and the only people that hate it are contrarian homosexuals or troony zoomers.

      • 2 years ago

        >FO3 is a great game
        What does it do well?

      • 2 years ago

        That and old CRPG elitists who at least have a good reason to dislike it.
        And some Fallout fans hate how the worldbuilding of Fallout 3 is intentionally more goofy and zany and how the whole game in general takes itself a lot less seriously than others in the franchise.

        • 2 years ago

          Then you answer this

          >FO3 is a great game
          What does it do well?

        • 2 years ago

          You are a dipshit. FO3 is a great game and the only people that hate it are contrarian homosexuals or troony zoomers.

          lmao filtered by a simple question

          >FO3 is a great game
          What does it do well?

          Udderly fricking obliberateb :DDDD

    • 2 years ago

      Cope and sneethe trancel. New Vegas would not of existed without it

  5. 2 years ago

    >is fallout 3 worth playing

  6. 2 years ago



    no tww is a azy mod that remove any challenge

  7. 2 years ago

    Shit story
    Shit gameplay
    Shit world
    What's there to like?

  8. 2 years ago

    play new Vegas instead. it's a better game

    • 2 years ago

      Shit story
      Shit gameplay
      Shit world
      What's there to like?

      New vegas is a dogshit railroad

      Fallout 3 is better in any field

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you, sir. I will not redeem the New vegas.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yes… Arefu.. Home…

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Fallout 3 thread?

  12. 2 years ago

    Oh definitely man, my mate Sanjawi says it's a solid 10/10

  13. 2 years ago

    Serious answer accordig to the opinion of I - only if you're really into ruined urban enviroments. That's the main draw of the game - that you have so many abandoned buildings and rubble to scale and sift through.

  14. 2 years ago

    fo3 is bad

  15. 2 years ago

    I would say yes, if only the fricking city ruins doesn't exist.
    It's literally the worst thing ever in any bethesdashit. Todd was probably thinking "hey how cool would it be if you can only explore the ground city by using the subway? There will be rubbles and invisible wall around the ground city, so you HAVE to use the confusing subway system!"
    Frick that shit. Frick it to hell.

    • 2 years ago

      literally the soul of them game

    • 2 years ago

      I actually got stockholm syndrome for that when I started stumbling into places that I hadn't been before in like hundreds of hours of play. The nested aspect of downtown DC makes it feel a lot bigger than it would have if you literally just walked for like three minutes and saw the entirety of downtown.

    • 2 years ago

      half the fricking quest markers break in the subways too.
      even worst is the fact that they're just lazy copy pasted assets with a bit of dressing to make them seem not all shitty and uninteresting

  16. 2 years ago

    There are bits I like about Fallout 3. The exploration and design of the world are pretty cozy for wandering around and Bethesda's brand of navigation and item collection can be fun.

    I wouldn't really recommend it as a game because it doesn't even pretend to be balanced as a shooter or an RPG and honestly once you've played a few bog-standard RPGs the writing starts feeling embarrassing- but I don't hate it. If you're willing to overlook the shortcomings it's a comfortable, nice experience.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Fallout: its been 200 years since the bombs and civilisation is rebuilding

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    Game is fricking amazing and was when it came out
    Coming to v for an opinion is fricking moronic
    If you are interested play the fricking game don't ask these moron c**ts anything

  20. 2 years ago

    Is it worth it? No, but if you're going to play it anyway play TTW so you at the very least get the mechanical improvements and access to NV mods so the gameplay is bearable.

  21. 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    better atmosphere than nv unironically

    • 2 years ago

      How so? I never feel like I'm in danger because of the enemy scaling, where in NV going somewhere dangerous and trying to sneak through is very tense.

  23. 2 years ago

    fallout 3 is trash. gaylords still have no response to the shittery that is tenpenny towers. it was never worth playing to begin with, I'm sorry I wasted time on it.

  24. 2 years ago

    Going back to it after playing NV is kinda rough

  25. 2 years ago

    I'd say it's still a good game and well worth a playthrough, it's just that it's marred by a lot of big and small problems that were adressed/fixed in NV that can be really annoying.
    >enemy-level scaling just gets moronic late-game, way too many high level enemies that are not even tough, just annoying because of how spongy they are
    >repair-system flat out sucks + guns break way too quickly
    >merchants have not anywhere near enough caps, making you have to travel to several spots to unload all your loot
    >shooting feels much worse than in NV, gun-selection is severly lacking compared to it
    >having to navigate DC through all those boring tunnels gets boring quick

  26. 2 years ago

    >decide to do TTW playthrough
    >spend hours getting mod list to play nice with TTW because dev is a homosexual that breaks shit on purpose
    >finally getting it to work
    >have to play Fallout 3

    • 2 years ago

      What are you talking about. What is broken also Roy is based learn to mod its easy you fricking moron.

  27. 2 years ago


    >megaton isn't built around a bomb
    >It's just built around a bomb

    • 2 years ago

      new Vegas gays really can't into subtlety. Maybe i need to explain it for you
      it's not build for the bomb but for the people who worshipped it.

      • 2 years ago

        >FO3 gay saying NV fans can't into subtlety
        Buddy you're the one defending a game in which it's idea of morality is a binary choice between nuking people with a bomb they by all means shouldn't be living near or not.

        • 2 years ago

          Except it's not a binary choice if you play the game.
          tenpenny sent Burke to evacuate the town and safely detonate it. The fact NVtrannies can't even tell you this is really telling. Tenpenny wants to make the wasteland safer so that the bomb wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Burke is just evil. Doing his bidding knowing that the town is not safely evacuated is evil

          • 2 years ago

            >Tenpenny wants to make the wasteland safer so that the bomb wouldn't fall into the wrong hands
            That's so fricking bullshit. He even fricking say's he doesn't like it because he thinks the city is a fricking eyesore to look at from the top of his literal ivory tower.
            FO3 gays make up fanfiction in their fricking heads and pass it off as cannon.

            • 2 years ago

              >FO3 gays make up fanfiction in their fricking heads and pass it off as cannon.
              They don't.
              They steal it from others.
              Fun fact. A good while ago, I was musing in a Fo3 thread about how the whole Little Lamplight concept could be actually salvaged. I came up with this silly idea, that they could actually use Supermutants to make it make more sense, and proposed an alternative story in which the kids in little lamplight are being protected by the SM's, who have some kind of weird, long-forgotten instinct to protect kids - a tiny thread of humanity left in them from before the FEV transformation.
              But as the kids grow up, the supermutants would gradually lose that protective sentiments to them, forcing them to escape.

              That was a short flight of fancy I was making up on the spot.

              So that is where they get up these fanfictions. They steal them from people who hate Fo3, but occassionally wonder how it could be made to work.

              I wish I was making this shit up.

            • 2 years ago

              >Tenpenny wants to make the wasteland safer so that the bomb wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.
              Absolute horseshit lol, he wants the town gone because he can't stand looking at it from his balcony, that's some ultradeep writing right here

              Why you make up facts to win an argument on Ganker?

              "Oh no. I'm certainly rather sore about all that. But certain sacrifices must be made. Besides, Burke assured me that bomb was quite unstable. I asked Burke to suggest they vacate. It was all a matter of time. Think of it as helping speed along the process of natural selection. Don't lose any sleep over it."
              Play the fricking game you Black folksssss!!!!!

              • 2 years ago

                >Think of it as helping speed along the process of natural selection. Don't lose any sleep over it."
                I think you lack the most rudimentary reading comprehension. Because those lines literally say "Those people had it coming, you should feel no guilt about murdering them, I certainly don't."
                Reading really IS the key problem here, isn't it?

              • 2 years ago

                He didn't realize people where in that trash heap until you told him.
                He also had no problem with Ghouls living in Tenpenny towers as long as they behaved.

              • 2 years ago

                >He didn't realize people where in that trash heap until you told him.
                Then why did he claim to have asked Burke to "suggest they vacate".

              • 2 years ago

                >he didn't realize people lived there
                dude it's one of like the 3 functioning settlements in the entire area, there's no way he didn't know that's the one of the few places they can trade supplies at. and if he did send burke there to clear people out then he obviously did know people lived there, because otherwise burke wouldn't had gone at all.

              • 2 years ago

                imagine being so autismo
                he sits in his tower all day shooting at neghouls and molerats

              • 2 years ago

                >he sits in his tower all day shooting at neghouls and molerats
                quite poetic coming from a Gankertard
                >Verification not required.

          • 2 years ago

            Why you make up facts to win an argument on Ganker?

          • 2 years ago

            How is it not a binary choice when your options are either explode the town or don't explode the town

          • 2 years ago

            >Tenpenny wants to make the wasteland safer so that the bomb wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.
            Absolute horseshit lol, he wants the town gone because he can't stand looking at it from his balcony, that's some ultradeep writing right here

          • 2 years ago

            >Doing his bidding knowing that the town is not safely evacuated is evil
            Good karma church of the atom wants the nuclear bomb detonated and prays it happens daily.

            >Shittier rpg mechanics
            >when New Vegas literally killed build diversity by removing big guns and removed the only actual RPG mechanic (dice rolls)

            >removed the only actual RPG mechanic (dice rolls)
            Dice rolls are moronic in a video game RPG because you don't have the infinite power of imagination to cope with failed roll on an important test on your path to the goal.

            >FO3 is a great game
            What does it do well?

            It released when he was 12 years old.

            >Because this is Ganker
            I may be old-school, but I generally come here to talk about things. Have a discussion. You know, since this is a discussion board?
            What do you think is the purpose of this place?
            To screech meaningless buzzwords at other people who screech meaningless buzzwords at you?
            What is the point of that?

            It's just like reddit without the names!
            Epic greentext stories
            >be me
            God I fricking hate this place, each time I stumble back it's somehow worse.

  28. 2 years ago


    >Why do NVtards write paragraphs long tirades and not know what the frick they're talking about?
    First of all, I'm hardly an NV tard, since of the three decent Fo games, NV is still the weakest in my opinion.
    Second of all, we know that is the pathetic pretense behind the town. If you'd actually READ what I wrote, you'd know that nothing what I've said contradict that. The fact that you are literally unable to even read what we say may explain why you think Megaton is not insanely stupid as an idea.

    You are functionally illiterate. You don't get to accost others about their understanding of this fricking comedy of world-building.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Is game older than 24 hours worth playing?
    Woah... So this... Is the power of zooming...

  30. 2 years ago


    >paragraphs long tirades
    Me and that anon were having a discussion. Maybe if you werent such an egotistical argumentative moron someone would entertain having a conversation with you too.
    Why are you so desperate for attention?
    Did your dad say he was leaving because the internet doesn't think fallout 3 is "kino" enough?

  31. 2 years ago

    >play new vegas instead
    these games have almost the same amount of jank

  32. 2 years ago


    someone said house is a homosexual and they got offended that his pronoun is his and not xir

  33. 2 years ago

    fallout 3 chads i need a list of essential mods that will restore content and basically keep the game vanilla but with some quality of life changes

    TTWtrannies need not apply, also ENBgays should kill themselves

    • 2 years ago

      >TTWchads need not apply
      Why? Are you to stupid to instal it?

      • 2 years ago

        i want the vanilla experience, not a shitty newtroony mod

        just as their are 2 genders, fallout 3 and new vegas are 2 games

        • 2 years ago

          >anime avatargay thinks he has any right to call anybody a troony
          kek. Also why even ask for mods if you want vanilla.

          • 2 years ago

            because i dont want the game to look gay like pic

            i want fixes, quality of life (like the fallout 4 quick loot menu) and restored content if there is any. is that too hard to understand?

            • 2 years ago

              >I want quality of life (like the fallout 4 quick loot menu)
              install TTW and get this
              like seriously you don't ever have to go into NV if you don't want to, and you get all the bonus mechanical improvements from NV like iron sights, stat requirements on weapons, perks and so on. there is no reason NOT to use TTW as the basis of a FO3 playthrough anymore.

            • 2 years ago

              >not gay
              anon, the game was made by bethesda it's gay by default.
              also if you already listed what you want just go on fricking nexus and search for quick loot mod Black person

        • 2 years ago

          >fallout 3 and new vegas are 2 games
          nv is just a glorified dlc
          also if you want vanilla then why ask for mods?

    • 2 years ago

      >wanting to play FO3 vanilla
      dude seriously just stop being a moronic contrarian and download TTW and all the Just Mod stuff for NV and play FO3 that way. there's no reason NOT to do this, it even fixes the issues with getting FO3 to run on modern hardware.

      • 2 years ago

        >it even fixes the issues with getting FO3 to run on modern hardware.
        I thought they fixed that when it released on gamepass?

        • 2 years ago

          did they? I wouldn't know, I bought the game on steam for like 5 bucks years ago for the explicit purpose of playing TTW

          • 2 years ago

            You might want to try redownloading it, I want to say they pushed the update to steam as well.

          • 2 years ago

            Like last year they updated the game on steam

            • 2 years ago

              You might want to try redownloading it, I want to say they pushed the update to steam as well.

              that's pretty nice, though it's entirely too late for me to care. if I ever go back it's gonna be with TTW for the NV mods.

              • 2 years ago

                Just something to put in your back pocket if you ever get the itch again.
                It does annoy the shit out of me that they've re-released skyrim 400 fricking times for every device imaginable but we cant get a directors cut or special edition of 3 and nv where the fix a lot of the bugs, remove limitations from the 360/ps3 console bottleneck and put a little bit of polish on things in general.

    • 2 years ago

      I play the game of the year edition on ps3

  34. 2 years ago

    fallout 3 is fallout nv but with more tunnels/dense cityscape and shittier rpg mechanics, weapon and armor variety, world building, quests, and story

    • 2 years ago

      >Shittier rpg mechanics
      >when New Vegas literally killed build diversity by removing big guns and removed the only actual RPG mechanic (dice rolls)

      • 2 years ago

        >killed build diversity by removing big guns
        Big Guns is a late game skill, that just forces you to dump points into at some point at the game because you don't have any big guns and even if you somehow find one you don't have any ammo, thats not build diversity.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah nv has so much weapon/armor variety lmao
      reused armors (they didn't even bother to reuse the pitt dlc raider shit) and guns are just shitty repeaters. the landscape of nv is basically nothing and world building consists of homosexuals literally walking into your face. so to correct you

      • 2 years ago

        you are moronic. I will make a list, not counting uniques and including all DLC
        >.32 pistol
        >Scoped .44 Magnum
        >.357 Magnum Revolver
        >.44 Magnum Revolver
        >That Gun/5.56mm Pistol
        >Hunting Revolver
        >Police Pistol
        >10mm Pistol
        >Chinese Pistol
        >.45 Auto Pistol
        >9mm Pistol
        >10mm Pistol
        >12.7mm Pistol
        >Silenced .22 Pistol
        SMGs - FALLOUT 3
        >10mm SMG
        SMGs - FALLOUT NV
        >.45 Auto SMG
        >9mm SMG
        >10mm SMG
        >12.7mm SMG
        >H&H Tools Nail Gun
        >Silenced .22 SMG
        >Combat Shotgun
        >Double Barrel Shotgun
        >Sawed-off Shotgun
        >Caravan Shotgun
        >Hunting Shotgun
        >Lever-action Shotgun
        >Riot Shotgun
        >Sawed-off Shotgun
        >Single Shotgun
        RIFLES - FALLOUT 3
        >Assault Rifle
        >BB gun
        >Chinese Assault Rifle
        >Hunting Rifle
        >Lever-Action Rifle
        >Sniper Rifle
        >Anti-materiel Rifle
        >Assault Carbine
        >Automatic Rifle
        >Battle Rifle
        >BB Gun
        >Brush Gun
        >Cowboy Repeater
        >Hunting Rifle
        >Light Machine Gun
        >Marksman Carbine
        >Service Rifle
        >Sniper Rifle
        >Trail Carbine
        >Varmint Rifle
        I'll end it right there. FO3 is shit for weapon variety and its a cope to pretend it isnt. doesnt even have weapon mods. frick off for eternity.

        • 2 years ago

          FONV also has an ammo type system.

        • 2 years ago

          Caravan shotgun and single shotgun in new Vegas were both pretty ass, I liked the lever action and hunting shotgun but the riot shotgun was a little underwhelming sounding. So pretty much the lever action, sawed off, and hunting shotgun were the only good ones in my opinion so on par with fallout three's shotguns which all sounded and felt great to use. I didn't use any of the other guns because I'm not a loser.

          • 2 years ago

            While this is totally fair (ignoring how custom ammo interacts with each weapon), the poster i was replying to was talking about a lack of weapon variety. Shotguns are definitely the weakest roster in NV but still more variety than 3, which has two double-barrels and 1 semi auto.

            • 2 years ago

              fair enough and one of the double barrels is behind point lookout anyways, guess they just wanted to make them count. I like fallout three but I'm not a flat out moron about it.

        • 2 years ago

          >it's all just bb gun reskins with different ammo types and couple revolvers
          >removes automatic weapons in favor of shitty 22lr that fires 5.56 for some reason but does less damage than a fricking fist
          you lost deal with it

          and your game is for troons

  35. 2 years ago

    NVsissies... It's over.

    • 2 years ago

      I always laugh at this. He's playing a comedic post-apocalyptic video game and he's expecting realism

    • 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    Oblivion in the fallout universe.
    It's moronic fun, it's appealing like a Saturday morning cartoon.

  37. 2 years ago

    Both can crash quite a lot but if you put vsync on and limit the threads it'll significantly reduce them

  38. 2 years ago

    Ganker takes the fallout way too seriously. Even the original games were over the top and nonsensical.
    The gameplay is pretty meh but it's still fun. It's the junk food of videogames

  39. 2 years ago

    i say yes. i wouldn't even mod much. most i would really care to have is aim down sights, but i might not even do that.
    the only games im willing to mod are fallout 4 and skyrim.

  40. 2 years ago

    How did one pajeet manage to make it impossible to seriously discuss either New Vegas or Fallout 3 on Ganker? Truly amazing.

    • 2 years ago

      this thread isn't so bad honestly, but I swear the entire board is infested with either A. Bots who need to turn every thread into an anti troony circlejerk or B. legit autistic folk who have nothing better to do than to spend all their time trying to sabotage genuine good faith videogame discussion

    • 2 years ago

      posting every day without fail

    • 2 years ago

      He didn't, but dumb Black folk can't not take the most obvious bait.

  41. 2 years ago

    >Download Tale of Two wastelands and 100+ mods
    >Never had a single crash after 250 hours and multiple playthroughs

    I swear some of you are trying to play these games on your Samsung fridge or something.

    Just read the 5 step guides and the overwhelming of majority of games will never crash no matter what you do.

    • 2 years ago

      >download a few animation mods and an ENB on top of vanilla NV
      >game crashes every 15 seconds

      • 2 years ago

        >download ENB
        There is your problem. ENBs on NV are broken.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe if you're an idiot who can't read basic instructions

          • 2 years ago

            are you referencing the transparency when you don't turn off AA? Because that's not what I meant

  42. 2 years ago

    I tried a few years back on PC and dropped it after a few hours because of how unstable it was, I even installed lighter mods and focused on ones that fixed the issues and bugs and it still crashed every half hour. Meanwhile my NV was modded to high hell and barely crashes.

  43. 2 years ago

    The game is fun for the first 10-20 hours you play it, exploring the wastelands and getting cool weapons to play around with kind of like a toybox, but as time goes on the game starts to become pretty fricking repetitive.

    In terms of being an open world game, it hold up well as there is a shit-ton to do, lots to see, explore, collect, and interact with overall. Bethesda were and are still the kings when it comes to making their worlds fun to explore.

    In terms of being a FPS, its above average. The combat is janky as hell with most of the weapons, but the variety of options you have when it comes to your arsenal as well as the flashiness of VATS makes it fun and it tickles that psychotic, autistic child in you that when you get a crit on an enemy and their head explodes into guts and gore.

    In terms of being a RPG, its decent. There lots of perks that change the way how you play the game, the perks are alright but a majority of them you will probably have to an advanced level at the end of the game.

    Story is shit, avoid it altogether, characters are either over the top and wacky, or boring as hell, so i didn't really take a majority of them seriously.

    The Pitt and Point Lookout are kino.

    overall, not a bad game, but i doubt i'll be replaying this anytime soon. It suffers from that oblivion problem where its not a bad game, but the game that came after it end up wiping the floor with it.

    Just play new vegas.

    • 2 years ago

      >in terms of being a FPS its above average
      in what fricking universe is FO3 an above average shooter? no ironsights, no recoil, no leaning. you name VATS as a positive in regards to it being a good shooter but VATS just removes the onus of trying to use the game's incredibly poor gun handling onto the system and not the player. NV has most of these same issues, fixed only with mods.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not gonna lie I agree with a lot of what you said but I still find myself coming back to 3 even though I've finished it twice, I've finished new Vegas once but I guess I just like the atmosphere of 3 a lot more.

  44. 2 years ago

    I actually beat Fallout 3 Vanilla a few days ago for the first time OP.

    It's definitely worth a play, it's actually surprising just how many elements hold up. V.A.T.s is always fun, the whole Washington D.C aesthetic is actually really cool at first. There is a frickload of content squeezed into a relatively small map, if you explore in a straight line you are going to find new places to explore and quests to do, its great.

    There are problems with the game though, it's obviously been rushed. The game's interiors and dungeons end up feeling like asset flipped copy and pasted locations with a lot of dungeons having very little reward for doing them. There really wasn't a single super memorable or likeable character I met for my entire playthrough, the game feels very surface level as far as actual world building. It's more like an MMO than an actual singleplayer WRPG.

    You can get a good solid maybe 20-25 hours out of it before you get bored and things start wearing out their welcome I think. It's still a great game and I was surprised with how much fun I had despite Ganker and the other site hating it so much.

    • 2 years ago

      The metro tunnels were a late addition because consoles couldn't handle all the buildings (same reason why the strip in new vegas is broken up into 3 or 4 separate load screens.

      • 2 years ago

        >blaming consoles

        That's just Todd propaganda. I will place ten thousand dollars that it's literally the Creation Engine could not handle such large open spaces and the dev team had no idea how to optimize the games rendering.

        • 2 years ago

          Fallout 3 was pretty impressive at the time. To pretend otherwise is revisionist history. You're not getting much better world rendering on that console generation.

          • 2 years ago

            You are joking right? Games that came out the same year:

            Saints Row 2
            GTA 4
            Fable 2
            Burnout Paradise
            Far Cry 2

            Fallout 3 was already incredibly dated by 2008. There's a reason why so many people made fun of it by calling it "Oblivion with guns" when it first came out because it was literally just a big mod for Oblivion.

            • 2 years ago

              >saints row 2 is more impressive than fallout 3

              • 2 years ago

                Wow a thumbnail of a screenshot taken in the lowest resolution possible. Christ you are grasping at straws.

                Saints Row 2 had a full real time lighting engine, character models that actually looked good, an entire bustling city full of unpredictable A.I, better quality textures, it blew the fricking water out of Fallout 3 in terms of technology.

                In fact give a single big game in 2008 that looked worse than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was insanely dated by 2008 and everybody knew it. It had literally nothing to do with consoles at all and that is just more and more cope and excuses from a developer that has always been known to be full of incompetent morons.

              • 2 years ago

                >roll around in the mud with me about whether this shitty-looking 08 game is better than that shitty-looking 08 game
                I'd only do that provided the precondition that I care what you think, and I don't.

            • 2 years ago

              while I agree with you fable 2 is even more segmented than any bethesda game so using it as an example is silly

              • 2 years ago

                Ok, maybe it is more segmented. But it's segmented much better than Fallout 3s D.C. Maybe bethesda should have realized their engine was so limited and either not have based Fallout 3 next to a major city or built the game from the ground up for the segmented parts to be more fun and interesting.

                D.C is just literally the worst part of the game, it actually keeps me from ever wanting to replay Fallout 3 again because I know finding my way around that copy pasted maze is the most unfun shitty experience Bethesda has ever come up with up.

  45. 2 years ago

    I jumped into it recently because I do actually fondly remember the game, but problems did become pretty immediately apparent.
    >Everything to do with Vault 101 is awful, albeit it's less railroady and has more genuine choice than 4's intro which makes it better in my eyes
    >You are waaaay too tanky to start with even if you take low End so combat isn't really anything at all
    >Writing and roleplaying in general is weak compared to NV or any recent JRPG. Ran into an early random encounter with a mugger and the intelligence check to get out of it was saying that muggers don't exist in the wasteland which is ????????

    • 2 years ago

      stop playing on Very Easy you game journalist.

      • 2 years ago

        I ran out of ammo early on and so I decided to try and kill raiders with a baseball bat and one of them pulled out a flamer

        I thought "Oh, I'm probably dead" but instead it did basically nothing to me and I could just slowly beat him to death while getting cooked alive

  46. 2 years ago

    I played through it just a month ago, minus the Pitt. And the answer is yes, it's still fun.

  47. 2 years ago

    How does FO3 make so many people seethe? You literally have people making 1h+ essays on youtube talking about whether the game is good or bad. It just boggles the mind.

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't make anyone seethe except the brain damaged gypsy who spams these threads daily in his desperate cries for attention.
      You are literally pretending to be moronic and then saying "lel gotem" when people call you a moron.

      • 2 years ago

        I really can't think of a single game that has shit like picrel. That's hardly "doesn't make anyone seethe" territory.

        • 2 years ago

          God I can't stand many a true nerd. Terrible points, Nails on a chalkboard inflection.

        • 2 years ago

          >people trying to piggyback off of other successful FO3 video essays it actually them seething uncontrollably
          I implore you to stop seeing any reaction to anything ever as hysterics, you are not the singular bastion of level headed thought.

          • 2 years ago

            That's just one example. Another would be this very thread. Or pretty much every single FO3 thread that both Ganker and /vrpg/ has. It ALWAYS devolves into the same discussion over and over again with people eventually devolving into dumb namecalling. You can't even write it off as trolling at this point due to how often you have obviously different people going the same route.

            • 2 years ago

              Its not a discussion though. These threads never are.
              Its one mongoloid trying to present his headcannon as fact and then going full pajeet when people point out that the argument doesn't even hold up under its own logic.
              >MY DENSITY!

              • 2 years ago

                I suppose. My point was, it's only FO3 (maybe FONV) that really starts this kind of stuff. Of course you see trolling and whatnot with other games, but FO3 is the only one that has consistently produced the same exact thread thousands of times over a decade. If it is just one guy then you would think they update their talking points.

              • 2 years ago

                >you would think they update their talking points
                Because insane people do not act rationally by definition and if it still farm's (You)'s from newbies then no reason to change the script.
                Also the fallout pajeet tends to consistently make the exact same improbable spelling mistakes that I suspect its just a bot.
                And as soon as a shitpost gains any traction you have a whole cadre of discord trannies ready to jump in and help derail more threads.
                And before the Gypsy-schizo showed up the resident moron was the guy who got bullied off NMA decades ago and has never recovered.
                Most of the trash threads like this are not organic and full of samegayging in a desperate attempt to be le ebin social engineers and memetic warfare veterans who don't realize its the "frick off moron" image day after day.

          • 2 years ago

            Whether the authors are seething is irrelevant. The fact that people need several-hour-long video essays to help them digest their opinion on a game is stupid.

        • 2 years ago

          Its outrage bait for morons who define their personalities by what entry of a corporate franchise you like best.
          If you're watching a 96 hour retrospective about how "this game is actually good and you are wrong" you're already gone too far down the moron street to be helped.

        • 2 years ago

          literally right-wing meme vs leftwing meme
          >Fallout 3 good
          >only needs an hour to explain why
          >uh no actually it not good
          >needs 8 hours to explain why it's actually bad through nitpicking

          • 2 years ago

            it's ok to admit you just don't like comprehensive reasoning

            • 2 years ago

              Imagine being smug that you let a content mill youtuber puke their garbage tastes into your mouth rather than playing the game and drawing your own conclusions.

              • 2 years ago

                why do you think I didn't form my own opinion then seek out other's opinions to see what they think

              • 2 years ago

                because we all know you didn't that's why

              • 2 years ago

                damn bro you've got 100 in strawman building

              • 2 years ago

                What makes you think that people who don't want to watch an 8-hour-long video about a toy for teenagers are just intellectually lazy on account of their aversion to comprehensive reasoning? I think what I think about FO3. I don't need some 16-year-old to tell me I'm misinterpreting my own opinion.

              • 2 years ago

                why do you think they're trying to change your mind? are you so insecure with your own opinions that the mere existence of a dissenting opinion in video form is perceived as an attack on your own opinion? just take it as what it is, that person's opinion and reasoning behind the opinion.

              • 2 years ago

                >are you so insecure with your own opinions that the mere existence of a dissenting opinion in video form is perceived as an attack on your own opinion
                Have you actually watched any of these videos? Most evaluate the common perspectives people have to support their positive or negative opinions of the game them attempt to disprove them by nitpicking details that the average person won't consider because FO3 is a $10 game, not a $40,000 car. Your insistence that I view these videos as personal attacks is ad hom, and I'm not gonna dignify it with a reply.
                >just take it as what it is, that person's opinion and reasoning behind the opinion
                I know what these videos are. I'm saying that I don't need to watch a long-winded critique of a digital toy in order to feel fulfilled in my perspective on a game. Maybe you do. Today you hopefully learned that your approach to enjoying a game isn't the same as everyone else's.

              • 2 years ago

                ah I see so I'm not allowed to imply you feel like your opinion is under attack but you're allowed to outright say that I need to watch these videos to feel fulfilled with my perspective.

              • 2 years ago

                Seeing as your idea of a response to some anon saying he dislikes such videos was to suggest he doesn't have comprehensive reasoning skills, I think that's a fair conclusion. You're the one who started chimping out when someone dared heckle video essayists.

              • 2 years ago

                ah and now I'm chimping out. what is with you lot and always painting even milquetoast opposition as hysterical?

              • 2 years ago

                I'll be straight with you, anon. You're boring. Your whole argument hinges on whether disliking video essays indicates a lack of reasoning skills. Ironic considering you've largely ignored my points in favor of cherrypicking single words and making that the basis of your short, warrantless rebuttals. Watch all the video essays you want. I genuinely couldn't care less. Keep seething that I don't if it dignifies your consumption of them, though. No skin of my nose that you don't have anything better to do with your time.

              • 2 years ago

                anon the joke I was making with the comprehensive reasoning thing was a jab at the "lefty memes are too long" because typically left leaning explanations are multilayered and complicated as they try to tackle many of the causes of whatever particular thing is being discussed.

              • 2 years ago

                I think that anon has demonstrated his lack of comprehension fully and he has now backpedaled himself into a corner where he can't address any arguments and has revealed that he's just here for low effort shitposting.

            • 2 years ago

              We all know what started this New Vegas wiener sucking trend and it's the bread tuber hbomberguy
              He also says you should get your jab!!! You're denying SCIENCE if you prefer Fallout 3 over New Vegas.

              • 2 years ago

                >We all know what started this New Vegas wiener sucking trend and it's the bread tuber hbomberguy
                newbie detected.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a decent experience in terms of exploration and setting, a mediocre RPG, and a pretty terrible story. You've also got old fallout fans and people that started on 3 clashing

    • 2 years ago

      people feel strongly about Fallout and the revival game is one of the worst ones made yet.

  48. 2 years ago


  49. 2 years ago

    No. The combat stinks, the environment is boring to explore, leveling system is not balanced at all, the perks are just normal skill boosts, and the roleplaying is very very limited.

  50. 2 years ago

    It takes a while to get it working, but once you do Fallout 3 is still a great time.
    The world is fun to world around in, the side quests are fun, the dungeons are nice, even if the combat is pretty bad.
    The DLCs are good too. Well three out of five anyways.

    Fallout 3 is also not too long which is great. Like even if you play all DLCs and go to literally every location on the map, it's still under like 50 hours.
    Which is a lot, but not much compared to New Vegas and 4 which are super long.

    As I get older I feel I can't play long games as well, and I'm drawn more to shorter games.
    I have more money than time now it feels. Even if that's not exactly true

  51. 2 years ago

    It was never worth even pirating.

  52. 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      Nobody is forcing you to read it.
      But you said I did not flesh out my point.
      I just proved you wrong.

      >I make my points clear, and in as plain speech as I can.
      >writes the lotr trilogy worth of text

      >writes the lotr trilogy worth of text
      Yeah, that is how plain language works.
      The reason why you can keep your posts so short is because you are not actually saying anything.

      You are endlessly repeating buzzwords and memes.
      Actually making a point takes a time.
      A buzzword is brief, but meaningless. That is why you lost this argument.

      • 2 years ago

        >But you said I did not flesh out my
        Not ever (you) is from the same person, newbie.

        • 2 years ago

          Why are you replying to people who clearly aren't talking to you, when you don't even have a point to make then?
          Didn't they teach you that is rude, as well as utterly wasting everyone's time?
          Did your prostitute of a mother not at least teach you to shut up when she was fricked by her pimp?

          Seriously, what exactly did you think you'll achieve with that post?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >as well as utterly wasting everyone's time?
            look where you are Black person
            >Verification not required.

          • 2 years ago

            >Seriously, what exactly did you think you'll achieve with that post?
            If you won this argument, as you claim, you should already know that, right?

            • 2 years ago

              >If you won this argument, as you claim, you should already know that, right?
              I do, actually, but I was curious about what your rationalization is going to be.

              Your "point" is that you are DESPERATE for the attention participating in a discussion usually gets you. But you have absolutely nothing of worth to say.

              So you randomly "join in" by posting those buzzwords you now have instead of actual thoughts, and hope for the best. And congratulations, you won the jackpot.

              I do find it all very sad, but I'm also bored and you are a handy distraction.

              I can't be bothered to even skim through that cope and seethe so please post a tldr

              OK, I'll highlight the key sentences:
              >You either prove yourself to be smart enough to hold an actual conversation, or you'll have a breakdown, screeching meaningless buzzwords at me in impotent rage.
              >Either way, I fricking win.
              There is your TLDR.

              • 2 years ago

                thanks for the tldr
                anyway I'm going to admit I haven't even played a fallout game and I just like calling new trannies trannies because they're so easy to bait

                >Because this is Ganker
                I may be old-school, but I generally come here to talk about things. Have a discussion. You know, since this is a discussion board?
                What do you think is the purpose of this place?
                To screech meaningless buzzwords at other people who screech meaningless buzzwords at you?
                What is the point of that?

                >discussion board
                this is a IMAGE BOARD site you Black person. have you posted any images?

          • 2 years ago

            >Why are you replying to people who clearly aren't talking to you, when you don't even have a point to make then?
            Because this is Ganker

            • 2 years ago

              >Because this is Ganker
              I may be old-school, but I generally come here to talk about things. Have a discussion. You know, since this is a discussion board?
              What do you think is the purpose of this place?
              To screech meaningless buzzwords at other people who screech meaningless buzzwords at you?
              What is the point of that?

              • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >Nobody is forcing you to read it.
        are you implying at least a single homosexual bothered to read past the 5th sentence?
        >You are endlessly repeating buzzwords and memes.
        and you're just regurgitating "no u"
        >That is why you lost this argument.
        and you lost this argument by default because (You) imply every response is from the same person and refusing yo actually state your point because all you did was say
        >no I won't make a concise post because I already made a post so I'm making an another one without even stating my point but that's beside the point because you can't be bothered to read million lines without a point because I'm too dense to acknowledge I didn't have a point in the first place

        See [...]
        It is however funny that you accuse others of reading comprehension issues when you literally can't deal with three paragraphs of text.

        You see, in the world I live in, not being able to read is what indicates a reading comprehension issues.
        I really wonder what the world you live in is like.

        >anon calls you a moron
        >n-n-no u

        • 2 years ago

          >are you implying at least a single homosexual bothered to read past the 5th sentence?
          At least one did, considering there was an actual discussion for a while, before the sorry kid eventually gave up and started just shitposting.
          But that is barely relevant. I do understand that a lot of text just makes you scared, raging and screaming and all, but that isn't really my problem.
          I was making a point. If you have the mental capacity to deal with an discussion, you can engage me. If you are mentally moronic and words just make you throw a tantrum... well, that isn't my problem, I've made my point, won the argument, and had my fun.

          It's funny how viceral your response is (and very fitting with your taste in games). The fact that I talk in plain speech which does require more words makes you incredibly, personally insulted. Apparently, to you people, it's a direct attack.
          Which may actually make a lot of sense.
          Either way, your insecurity isn't my responsibility. You either prove yourself to be smart enough to hold an actual conversation, or you'll have a breakdown, screeching meaningless buzzwords at me in impotent rage.

          Either way, I fricking win.
          I come from the old school of Gankerners, who actually came here to DISCUSS things. You clearly don't. But don't act as if that is somehow my problem, and not yours.

          >refusing yo actually state your point because all you did was say
          My point is that Fo3 is a terribly written and braindead game, which I detailed above. The fact that I did is what makes you seethe so much right now.
          But if you have any QUESTIONS, feel free to ask them.

          But I know you won't. You can't. You are unable of discussion, you are just raging at people more eloquent than you are.

          • 2 years ago

            I can't be bothered to even skim through that cope and seethe so please post a tldr

  53. 2 years ago

    timeline for fallout threads on Ganker
    >NMA is a founded
    >Hbombertroon makes his video about why Fallout New Vegas is the best game ever made
    >UpIsNotJump collaborates and shits on FALLOUT 3
    >NMAtroons are emboldened by these e-celebs promoting their game (more like it's their Joe Biden. No one in NMA likes New Vegas but they hate Bethesda enough to shill it)
    >ManyATrueNerd completely refutes hbombercuck
    >Trannies independently express their love for New Vegas
    >This emboldens one based anon, Slayer Moloch, also known as Italianon from /smtg/, also known as pajeet or gypsy
    >Slayer starts making memes against New Vegas. Compiles screenshots of actual Twitter trannies
    >NMAtroons take mass casualties. The raid is over
    >Other based anons start making new FALLOUT 3 vs New Vegas threads using Slayer's typing style and his memes
    >NVtrannies seethe
    >Total victory for Bethesdachads.

    • 2 years ago

      You got it wrong.
      Hbomberguy made his video about him hating Fallout many years before he made his video about how he loves New Vegas.

      That video was a big genesis of that type of thing really.
      That and the mixed reception of Fallout 4 and the huge clusterfrick of Fallout 76.
      With that people turned against Bethesda and, since people are morons, they saw everything in black and white. If Bethesda's games suck now, they must always suck and always have sucked.
      So zoomers mainly, who never played Fallout 3, just parroted bad arguments from Hbomberguy and various reddit or Ganker autists writing full ass essays about why they don't like Fallout 3.
      Then those people just start repeating the same shit without having played 3, and now we're trapped in a cycle where people shit on 3 for things it isn't and exaggerate problems which do exist and ignore positives of the game.

      It's similar to how people make a really big deal about Fallout 2's pop culture references, when outside of the Hubologists, they are really few and far between. You can play Fallout 2 for many hours and only see like one at most.
      But it's made out to be a huge problem on Ganker because zoomers who never played Fallout 2 got tired of hearing it be called the best game in the series.

      • 2 years ago

        The funniest thing is seeing the length of his Fallout video and then the length of ManyATrueNerd's response and seeing the length of the literally who coming to defend mr. Breadtuber from ManyATrueChud

        • 2 years ago

          I remember Hbomberguy's thing was a bit before the huge trend of this gigantic day long video essays, so back then I thought it was insanely fricking long.
          I was really surprised to see that MATN's video was actually a half hour longer than Hbomber's.

          I swore I remembered the Hbomber video being like three hours.
          Must of been the changing of the times which messed up my memory

  54. 2 years ago

    It stopped being worth a playthrough the second New Vegas came out.

  55. 2 years ago

    I just played like 60 hours of it on Win 10 and had 1 crash when alt+tabbing.

    Only 1 mod and on a downgraded patch to make that mod work.

    • 2 years ago

      What mods?

      • 2 years ago

        Loot menu, thats it.

  56. 2 years ago

    I went in thinking I wanted to mod it, but really the best experience if you're going back to it is just hit it with the patch and play straight up vanilla.

    I'd argue that it is worth it , I was really surprised how well the game held up considering the age and the writing is actually quite good in some spots. You can definitely feel the added benefit of a longer development cycle in the smaller details, and the way the game plays makes it a bit more casual than New Vegas which surprisingly felt nice.

  57. 2 years ago

    Fallout 2 gays telling Fallout 3 gays that their game is childish and stupid is like a person who reads Percy Jackson saying the same to someone reading Franklin the Turtle.

  58. 2 years ago

    I unironically like FO3 with tale of 2 wastelands and Ultimate JSawyer mod installed.
    It fixes the leveling system and balance a lot.

  59. 2 years ago

    Just started playing, pretty fun.
    Some real synchronicity going on.

  60. 2 years ago

    Even if Megaton have a stupid ass lore, it is still very interesting visually. One thing I like about Fallout 3 is that most location actually feel different from each other and have their own touch.
    But we wouldn’t have this conversion of Fallout 3 being if instead of being called “Fallout 3” it were called “Crazy post-apocaliptic adventures by todd howard”

  61. 2 years ago

    It's decent but certain parts age pretty poorly. Exploration outside of dc is still pretty fun though.

  62. 2 years ago

    I just think it’s cool that Bethesta aproached to the creators of the OG fallout and told them “Ey, make a new game about your old ip we brought, here’s our engine”
    They didn’t really have to and could have hired just some random pajeet team to make a souless spin off but they didn’t and now the obsidian trilogy is complete. A shame that Bethesta now kinda dislike obsidian due to the NV preference from the fandom

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think it was that noble of them, since they A) did not approach Obsidian, Obsidian approached them, and B) they only did it to placate the obvious MASSIVE outrage about how they utterly raped Fallout with Fo3.
      And they immediately went on to scum the studio over, and absolutely refuse to acknowledge it. NV is now the new Morrowind of Bethesda, a game I'm pretty sure the studio really regrets releasing, because it sets up standards they no longer want to be beholden to.

      With that said, you are right that they did not HAVE to do it. I just think the reasoning wasn't exactly noble.

      • 2 years ago

        Wouldn't it make sense to have the next Fallout being handled by the Obsidian team?
        They're both owned by the same company now.

        • 2 years ago

          How they were ever allowed to work on another game after the abortion that was KOTOR2, the world will never know.

        • 2 years ago

          Obsidian has several projects right now including that avowed game, I don't think they have the manpower to get a new fallout-level open world rpg out within the next couple years. I heard rumors about inxile doing a nv style spinoff which would be cool.

          • 2 years ago

            Are they more of the old guard or just new writers?
            Outer Worlds felt really lacking.

            • 2 years ago

              I wouldn't know for obsidian. InXile has some old fallout 1 and 2 guys still I think.

        • 2 years ago

          >Wouldn't it make sense to have the next Fallout being handled by the Obsidian team?
          To Bethesda?
          Absolutely not.
          To Microsoft?
          Either way it does not really matter, unless not only Microsoft forces Beth to relinquish the brand to Obsidian, but they also somehow manage to get together the same group of people that was at Obsi back in the days of New Vegas.
          Because I REALLY don't think Obsidian today is the same studio that made New Vegas anymore.
          And hell - let's be completely honest here. Even at it's best, Obsidian was always a fricking coin-toss studio, maybe less than that. They make one good game per three or four shit ones - and that was true even when they had the full crew, with Avellone and all.

          I don't want to shit on Obsidian, they are trying their best, but I would caution against presenting them as sure-fire hit makers as well. They don't know what they are doing. They just at least take the risk that allows them to hit the bullseye occassionally.

          • 2 years ago

            It's more the Fallout team.
            Part of why people hate nu fallout is the lack of the look and feel of the older games.

      • 2 years ago

        In all seriousness I don't think bethesda cares that much about NV or Morrowind being online favorites on Ganker or whatever, they still get tons of people to buy their current games and praise them endlessly. I think fo4 proves they do take some criticism into account (like how they implemented a bunch of stuff from NV like companion quests) but I don't think they really care beyond that.

        • 2 years ago

          I think they did more the opposite.
          Like the extremely simplified speech system and general lack of care in the actual world.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean they simplified the speech system sure, but it's pretty clear the factions, companion quests and stuff like that they took from NV. Ultimately they're making bethesda games and I'm not saying they made NV 2, just that they took some elements to cover criticisms of fo3 (like the railroaded main quest.).

        • 2 years ago

          >I don't think bethesda cares that much about NV or Morrowind being online favorites on Ganker or whatever
          I'm pretty sure they do. Yeah, they are incredibly succesful with their insanely shitty development philosophy, but they are not completely bullet proof as their last few games illustrated, and I'm sure as frick convinced they are aware that the reputation of the other, much better games related to their franchises hurts their current appearance.

          Todays Bethesda was forged in the fires of 7th gen. They REALLY like to be in control of the standards of their respective massive niches. And while the old coots who remember when open world RPG's were actually good are a minority compared the endless masses of brainwashed kids that gobble modern Beth shit up and demand seconds, they are vocal and stable, while brain-dead mass is fickle and mute.
          And that can be a thorn in their side.

          • 2 years ago

            >And while the old coots who remember when open world RPG's were actually good are a minority compared the endless masses of brainwashed kids that gobble modern Beth shit up and demand seconds

            This will forever be the cope that Obsidiots tell themselves. If you like good open world RPGS you know New Vegas is not one. If you've played the original Fallouts you know that what NV tried was an absolute fricking embarrassment.

            • 2 years ago

              >This will forever be the cope that Obsidiots tell themselves.
              You are really fond of this word "cope" for someone who does not know what it means.

              The old garde managed to convince Bethesda to allow New Vegas to be made. They managed to temporarily convince AAA industry that im-sims are actually in demand. They pushed beth to allow for the Nu-Dooms.

              This isn't cope, it's simple fact. Despite being an economic minority, they have impact on the industry.

              >If you like good open world RPGS you know New Vegas is not one. If you've played the original Fallouts you know that what NV tried was an absolute fricking embarrassment.
              I've actually stated above several times that I'm personally not all that fond of New Vegas. But it along side games like KC:D sure as hell is far better than what most major studios do.

              Ultimately, I enjoy Fo1/2 more, but that does not mean I can't appreciate New Vegas for giving it a valiant try.
              Unlike anything that Beth or Bioware or Ubisoft has shat out in the past ten years. .

              I get what you're saying, but I think any downfall or screwup that will happen is because they somehow alienate the larger playerbase (like how f76 got widely mocked because of bugs). I guess we'll see what happens with starfield, I can see that under performing due to it being a new ip and the delays aren't a good sign.

              >but I think any downfall or screwup that will happen is because they somehow alienate the larger playerbase
              In the grand scheme of things, you are probably right. If the old-school fans really had an immediate power, things would look differently. But I am saying that even thought it may not be the biggest thing in the world, the existence of these more old-school oriented games and their fanbases aren't completely trivial, and have made some interesting waves in the past (see above).
              And from that perspective, I believe they are a thorn in Bethesda's side, even if they are unlikely to be a major turning point.

              The best we could hope for is seeing them influence the market AFTER Beth's next major failure with the mainstream base. Because they are vocal, and can temporarily sway the mainstream IF the mainstream is disenfranchised enough.

          • 2 years ago

            I get what you're saying, but I think any downfall or screwup that will happen is because they somehow alienate the larger playerbase (like how f76 got widely mocked because of bugs). I guess we'll see what happens with starfield, I can see that under performing due to it being a new ip and the delays aren't a good sign.

      • 2 years ago

        This is such hysterical cope I can't even begin to start unraveling it

        • 2 years ago

          I suspect you have trouble unraveling it because you don't know what the word "cope" really means to begin with.

          But please, try. Amuse us all.

          • 2 years ago

            >Amuse us

            • 2 years ago

              Well, you tried. I should have not expected anything more from you.

              • 2 years ago

                >claims to have superior intelligence
                >can't notice stylistic differences clearly defining he replies to different anons
                go back to r/eddit summergay

              • 2 years ago

                Summergay is a myth. Moot confirmed this year's ago.

          • 2 years ago

            You write like such a homosexual, you sound like a child trying to sound smart by talking like an 1800s character from a book.

            >NV is now the new Morrowind of Bethesda, a game I'm pretty sure the studio really regrets releasing, because it sets up standards they no longer want to be beholden to

            What kind of fantasy land are you living in? Do you think Todd is pulling a cape over his face in the dark, brooding over how much better New Vegas is? That is such a supremely childish and moronic fantasy said only to boost yourself up. You're transparent in your attempts to fit in and you're a disgusting cringe poster on top of it. There, you feel amused now?

            • 2 years ago

              >You write like such a homosexual, you sound like a child trying to sound smart by talking like an 1800s character from a book.
              I've said it before, and I'll say it again: How insecure I make you isn't really interesting to me or relevant to the discussion.
              Next time, skip that shit and get to the actual points.

              >Do you think Todd is pulling a cape over his face in the dark, brooding over how much better New Vegas is?
              Now, I KNOW that he is an INSANELY frugal business man who does a shitton of calculations about how to make the absolute biggest profit with the least amount of effort, and he uses massive market research tools to achieve that.
              I am not implying that New Vegas personally offends him. I think he correctly calculated that it isn't the best thing to happen for his business strategy, which again, mainly revolves around 7th gen era style control of industry standards.

              • 2 years ago

                >I've said it before, and I'll say it again: How insecure I make you isn't really interesting to me or relevant to the discussion.

                Indubitably my old good chum! A fine how do you do on this day Watson! Avast! There seems to be trouble afoot methinks!

                >Next time, skip that shit and get to the actual points.

                You made no point either

                >Now, I KNOW that he is an INSANELY frugal business man who does a shitton of calculations about how to make the absolute biggest profit with the least amount of effort, and he uses massive market research tools to achieve that.
                I am not implying that New Vegas personally offends him. I think he correctly calculated that it isn't the best thing to happen for his business strategy, which again, mainly revolves around 7th gen era style control of industry standards.

                Yeah you're were told by Ganker to like this game so you forced yourself yourself and no amount of schizo rambling will ever change that fact.

              • 2 years ago

                >Indubitably my old good chum! A fine how do you do on this day Watson! Avast! There seems to be trouble afoot methinks!
                Kid, I get that Ganker is probably the only source of any social contact you have these days, but getting this freaked out by common conversational English is really disturbing.
                You need help.

                >You made no point either
                I made a very clear one. Two actually: one about you having trouble with basic conversation, the other about the economic nature of Bethesda situation and strategy. Bethesda factually profits from maintaining low standards in the specific market they almost entirely monopolized.

                >Yeah you're were told by Ganker to like this game
                No, I was not. I don't even particularly like New Vegas, I've said that before many times.
                You however, are now completely running away from my points, and yours as well. I've explained why presence of games that set different standards than Bethesda is pushing is not a matter of "cope", but a simple, logical, economic analysis. You've mistakenly assumed that I think Todd has some sort of PERSONAL, EMOTIONAL hickup here.

                I've explained why that assumption was wrong.
                You are now vomiting more unrelated, factually wrong accusations that have nothing to do with that statement, to try and distract us from the fact that once again, I've proved you COMPLETELY WRONG.

                I've never stated that Todds (and Bethesda)'s concern about games like New Vegas was emotional, I've explained why it's economical and pragmatic, you were AGAIN proven to be completely wrong.

                I'm pretty sure the discussion ends here.

              • 2 years ago

                You need to take your fricking meds.

                >Two actually: one about you having trouble with basic conversation

                I get the feeling you say this to a lot of people anon. How painful it must be to be so much smarter than everyone around you yet be a total massive gay that no one is willing to listen to.

              • 2 years ago

                >You need to take your fricking meds.
                I'm not the one having a literal fit over basic english, and screeching something random about "schizos" because I dare to not praise the insane festivals of mediocrity and zero effort that Beth has been shovelling to your mouth for the last ten years.

                I gave you a very clear and matter-of-factly answer.
                You accused me of assuming that Todd harbours irrational hate for games like New Vegas.
                I've explained that I simply understand Todd's business strategy, and explained how that works.

                The only person going on a literal loony show right now here is you.

                >How painful it must be to be so much smarter than everyone around you yet be a total massive gay that no one is willing to listen to.
                Again kid, you are the only one in obvious pain here. Because I talk like a normal person.

                Fun fact. I teach and lecture for living. My ability to communicate is literally one of the cornerstones of my job. And you seem to be the only one having problem with it.

                But again, funny how you desperately try to avoid your failure of argumentation above, now desperately and completely focusing on my completely normal way of writing.
                I'm not sure why you think that will work though, I've made it clear I'm pretty much ahead of you on this.

  63. 2 years ago

    NV is just better in every possible way.
    The story doesn't make sense as all parties want the same thing and don't work together.
    It's a fun game it's just that NV does everything better.
    Only really good DLC is Point Lookout and maybe Operation Anchorage.

  64. 2 years ago

    It's not a bad game FONV is just better in most ways.
    Get TTW if you want to play FO3 as it adds the various gameplay expansions introduced with FONV.
    FO3 has some fun sidequests but FONV feels a bit more finished.

  65. 2 years ago

    I played FO3 to completion. The same can't be said for FONV.

    • 2 years ago

      >spend a week modding it
      >play 6 hours
      >uninstalled before reaching novac
      nv is boring shit. the info dumps, the sob stories, fetch quests, empty map, no difficulty at all.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I played it and finished it and it got piss easy with all the dlcs

  66. 2 years ago

    It's good but be evil. Being good in this game is not fun at all

  67. 2 years ago

    Are people still arguing about this in [Current Year]?

    Just buy both FO3 and FNV. They're like 10 bucks each on steam, 20 bucks w/ all DLC, frequently go on sale.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah they're just cheap lazyasses who probably wouldn't even torrent them, or they just like arguing and trolling.

  68. 2 years ago

    It was so bad. NV that is.

  69. 2 years ago


    eh, good points. well said even though it's a bit harsh at times.

  70. 2 years ago
  71. 2 years ago

    >thread full of amateur novelists
    >arguments about nothing
    >everyone just regurgitates "no u"
    just your average wednesday on Ganker

    • 2 years ago

      He's actually just replying to himself now anon.

  72. 2 years ago
  73. 2 years ago

    How come Vertibirds aren't more common in New California? Didn't the schematics for them get leaked by the Chosen One?

    • 2 years ago

      >Didn't the schematics for them get leaked by the Chosen One?
      Three explanations come to mind.
      1) Chosen one leaking the schematics may not be considered cannon, because it's not necessary part of Fo2's main story.
      2) Having schematics, and having production facilities aren't quite the same thing. I can imagine building such thing may require a LOT of specialized infrastructure, which may not make mass production easy.
      3) Artistic licence and technical limitations of the engine used in New Vegas.

  74. 2 years ago
  75. 2 years ago

    All Fallout games are worth playing. Except BoS, Tactics, and 76.

    • 2 years ago

      >Except BoS, Tactics, and 76.
      And 3 and 4 and Shelther.

      • 2 years ago

        >And 3 and 4 and Shelther.
        Is shelter really THAT bad, that it deserves to be put on the same level as Fo3?
        I haven't played it, but from what I've seen it looked like a completely harmless mobile extension.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you not play 3 if you liked NV? It's more of the same shit gameplay.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >Why would you not play 3 if you liked NV? It's more of the same shit gameplay.
            The fact that you can't see the difference is kinda sad. Surprisingly enough, finer details can make a world of difference, but you have to have some basic observation and comprehension capacity, I guess.

            Still has the same engine and gameplay. NV just has improved systems and better writers. It's basically Fallout 3: 2. You are doing yourself a disservice by not trying Fallout 3 at all if you enjoyed NV. Especially when you can enjoy best of both with TTW.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, "same gameplay" means quests with actual quest design in rpgs.
              Big smart boy

              • 2 years ago

                I live in a southwestern state and new Vegas just makes me think of the desert here so I play three because I like mtn dew

              • 2 years ago

                Don care

              • 2 years ago

                kill self

              • 2 years ago

                Why, I don't live in the fricking *SA.

              • 2 years ago

                so you're moronic

        • 2 years ago

          >Why would you not play 3 if you liked NV? It's more of the same shit gameplay.
          The fact that you can't see the difference is kinda sad. Surprisingly enough, finer details can make a world of difference, but you have to have some basic observation and comprehension capacity, I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      Tactics isn't that bad.

  76. 2 years ago

    yes, but it is bugged and unstable as hell with even a few good content mods.

  77. 2 years ago

    give up on the idea of texture and model replacers and you can cram some decent mods in there. You'll have to jump through some performance hoops (imo) even if you play vanilla. The worst thing about FO3 is that it doesn't have iron sights so that is a must have mod.

  78. 2 years ago

    i tried it and modded it and then turned it off at megaton

  79. 2 years ago

    Bethesda games are best experienced vanilla on console or controller. Becuase that is the platform they where designed for.

  80. 2 years ago

    I replayed it a year ago and even the parts I thought would be good turned out to be bad. The random dungeons were laboriously big and the notes and stories in them if there were any were so much more half-baked than I remembered. The Pitt is almost literally an hour long if you side with the raiders and 90% of its content is collecting ingots too. I already knew the writing and story was trash so no need to comment on that. NV with a lite version of the World of Pain mod is really all you need if you have a dungeon crawling itch

    • 2 years ago

      >90% of its content is collecting ingots too.
      The metal blaster is worth it.

  81. 2 years ago

    Depends what you want out of if. I love FO3, but I don't love it because it's got a great story or gameplay. I love it because crawling through dilapidated ruins exploring for shit directly stimulates some primitive part of my monkey brain. FO3 does that shit well: pick any direction and you'll find something neat to explore. Andale, the Republic of Dave, those fricking vampire posers. If you're fine with that, play it.

    NV on the other hand has nowhere near the same degree of fun explorability, trying to pick a random direction and explore and you will get your face smashed into invisible walls and wasp eggs laid in your brain. But if you stop that and actually act like a sane person and go to the settlements and shit youll find it does have those piddling little things like incredible writing, characters, quests and improved game design.

    So play FO3, or frick it even FO4, if you're fine with playing a game that's kinda shit but does one thing - tiny slices of immersive explorable content, like hot pockets of discovery - really fricking well. And NV if you want a game that's better in every way except that one specific thing.

    >TL;DR. People who think FO3 is a good game are moronic. People who think no one should play FO3 are equally moronic. FO3 is like paying a dominatrix to get pegged by a fifteen inch Bad Dragon dildo: you go into that situation because you want it and if so then great, enjoy! And if you didn't want that it's your own fricking fault.

  82. 2 years ago

    It's just a worse Fallout NV. Still a great game.

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