Is Final Fantasy Bad?

I can only assume this is the most charitable breakdown of the old games, since I don't play old JRPGs. From the sound of it, their plots were pure trash. Is this why the genre is a joke in the West?

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  1. 7 months ago

    i guess if you're the type of idiot that watches cinemasins and furiously nods his head while the narrator goes "uhm, did you know? idiots? that a human could never ACTUALLY catch a bullet? DING! what a plot hole!" you might not like the story of these games but also there's a lot more to them than the stories.

    • 7 months ago

      >that a human could never ACTUALLY catch a bullet?
      Wait... Wdym?

  2. 7 months ago

    >Muh plot
    FF's issue is that the games are either mediocre or straight up bad as actual games, you can reduce any plotline ever made to a bunch of sardonic sentences.
    But clearly you're not here to have an actual discussion about anything, especially considering the west was the place where FF got big in the first place, if you weren't a clueless underage straight outta Twitter you'd know this simple fact.

    • 7 months ago

      I know this place struggle with reading compression, but OP is basically saying that he has never played any of these games before and is asking if whether or not his Pic is a good summary of the series.

      >the west was the place where FF got big in the first place
      Final Fantasy VII was what made the series and JRPGs successful OUTSIDE of Japan, but you seriously can't believe that FF wasn't a popular series UNTIL it's Western releases, right?

      • 7 months ago

        >Says others lack reading compression (sic)
        >Immediately demonstrates complete lack of it
        Also FF1 was the first FF game that was sold to western audiences, the only games they skipped before FF7 came out were 2, 3 and 5.

        • 7 months ago

          Final Fantasy was popular in Japan and incredibly niche in the West until FFVII. "the west was the place where FF got big in the first place" implies that it was not popular/successful until it was released in the states, which is demonstrably false.

          Again, you don't GENUINELY believe that FF is only popular due to it being released in the West, right?

          • 7 months ago

            >incredibly niche in the West
            Niche but not "incredibly" niche, the games did sell hundreds of thousands and regularly made Nintendo Power's top seller lists.

            • 7 months ago

              >Nintendo Power's top seller lists
              Zelda II stayed in the top 10 of the NES' list from the moment it came out until when they stopped keeping track of NES sales. I would absolutely NOT consider it a good metric for genuine sales data.

      • 7 months ago

        Believe it or not, plots weren't the primary motivation for playing early Final Fantasy games. They were more like maybe a quarter of the motivation.

        >OP is basically saying that he has never played any of these games before and is asking if whether or not his Pic is a good summary of the series.
        That's not what he's asking at all. He's just a mindless zoomer who learned what trolling was yesterday and came here to try it out.
        The answer to your imaginary version of OP is:

        The picture is a funny summary of the plots of each game. There's some truth but it's not meant to be taken seriously (and even then some things are false/trolling, eg Cloud being "most generic protagonist alive"). If OP's conclusion from the img is that "the plots were pure trash" and he feels compelled to ask about it, it means OP's reading skills and IQ are far below that required to play these games for children.

        • 7 months ago

          To be fair, trolling is literally the only way to start a conversation on this shithouse of a website.

          • 7 months ago

            No it's not, especially on a slow board like this. This problem has plagued /vrpg/ since its inception. It's not like Ganker where threads slide to the archive in 10 minutes if there's not a 5-way flamewar of thoughtless one-liner "bantz" keeping it afloat.

            • 7 months ago

              This board is just as prone to the same stupid arguments; we just have more time to actually articulate them instead have to coat them in buzzwords and inflammatory rhetoric to get people's attention.

        • 7 months ago

          >plots weren't the primary motivation for playing early Final Fantasy games
          Who are you guys trying to fool with this shit?

          • 7 months ago

            Not trying to fool anyone. Just stating the truth as someone who was there and has actually played the games. You're just a zoomer shitposter from Ganker with no ability to think for yourself.

            • 7 months ago

              Ah, you're homosexual. Ok.

            • 7 months ago

              You're becoming senile then, because people haven't stopped talking about FF6 then, and FF4 was the first time they put actual effort into the story and characters.

      • 7 months ago

        FF 1 Dawn of Souls is pretty good actually

        >is asking if whether or not his Pic is a good summary of the series

        • 7 months ago

          >1, 3,10, 12, and 14 on par with 6 and 9.
          >2 and 11 on par with 5 and 8.
          >7 on par with 4.
          >Tactics not with 6 and 9.
          That's a fricking terrible ranking.

    • 7 months ago

      >you can reduce any plotline ever made to a bunch of sardonic sentences
      That applies to pretty much any piece of fiction if you're uncharitable enough.

      • 7 months ago

        This. Someone in a DQ thread claimed that all the plots were the same, but listed

        >villain threatens world
        >hero gathers friends to fight them
        >heroes win though teamwork and magic

        • 7 months ago

          >you can reduce any plotline ever made to a bunch of sardonic sentences
          That applies to pretty much any piece of fiction if you're uncharitable enough.

          >Muh plot
          FF's issue is that the games are either mediocre or straight up bad as actual games, you can reduce any plotline ever made to a bunch of sardonic sentences.
          But clearly you're not here to have an actual discussion about anything, especially considering the west was the place where FF got big in the first place, if you weren't a clueless underage straight outta Twitter you'd know this simple fact.

          "Heh, this series is so dumb and not smart like me, ha ha. It's always like
          pretty lame tbh, ha ha."

  3. 7 months ago

    Why would anyone save a post that boring? Is that yours?

    • 7 months ago

      What, you've never saved disingenuous posts about series you don't like?

      • 7 months ago

        No, just one game.

      • 7 months ago

        ...Did you save and repost your own post that was so shitty that it got zero replies?
        jesus fricking christ man, there is autism and then there is whatever the frick you have.

    • 7 months ago

      >Is that yours?
      Looking at the filename and the fact that it has zero replies, I'm going to say yes.
      Shame on you for using bait as stale as that, OP.

      • 7 months ago

        According to the archives, it did have replies; just two hours later.
        I assume OP just wants this to be a copypasta.

  4. 7 months ago

    what a horrible fricking post

  5. 7 months ago

    >s Final Fantasy Bad?
    15 and 16? Yes.

  6. 7 months ago

    This is literally a joke post from /tg/.

    • 7 months ago

      What's the joke?

    • 7 months ago

      No it's not. It was a factious post in a /vr/ thread about if the plots were "easier to understand" in the original Japanese.

  7. 7 months ago

    All of the games mentioned were
    pivotal. The op probably just mad because none of them had genital customization or gay sex in them.

  8. 7 months ago

    What's the pic from?

    • 7 months ago

      The issue of Nintendo Power that first showed a sneak peek at Final Fantasy.

      • 7 months ago

        I never understood why americans feel the need to add a female character to an adventuring party.
        White mage in the first game in clearly a man based on his later depiction ingame.

        • 7 months ago

          Odd, considering White Mages get viewed as a primarily feminine class later on in the series. Does that mean that American sensibilities influenced this?

          • 7 months ago

            Nah, its influenced by MMO's and anime.

            The nurturing side of a woman's character is much easier to show when they literally need to nurture for their job lol

            Also how before the whole 'gamers are sexist' shit that went around, majority of the time when girls played they would choose healer/support class.

        • 7 months ago

          Odd, considering White Mages get viewed as a primarily feminine class later on in the series. Does that mean that American sensibilities influenced this?

          >men were known to be priests and doctors, often at the same time
          >females are known to be nuns and nurses, often at the same time
          >priests and doctors were only around for the really bad times, so you probably weren't going to survive if you were seeing them
          >nuns and nurses were around for the rest of the time, so you probably were going to survive if you were seeing them
          >confirmation bias takes care of the rest
          >"How could people ever make the connection to a healer being female?"
          It's a fricking mystery.

  9. 7 months ago

    yeah that's about right
    yeah that's about right
    not really it's basically just 4 silent protagonists go beat up a bad thing
    yeah that's about right but it's better than it sounds
    yeah that's about right but it's better than it sounds
    it's like if you were playing a normal evil empire are bad plot until the halfway mark and then the Joker shows up and blows up the planet and becomes god, it's weird
    nah, the protagonist is actually a deranged schizo who spends most of the game either being a complete c**t or having nam flashbacks, the villain is a cross between an anime pretty boy and The Thing. it's kinda captain planety, though
    this one is actually somehow dumber than it sounds
    no this one is like, alien space illuminati starting wars as part of their secret plan to replace everyone's souls, it's weird

    • 7 months ago

      I can kinda see the one about 9 being a mash-up of the other games.

      The crystals, the four fiends, garland
      The cast are rebels fighting against an evil empire that actually did evil things, KEYWORDS
      horned summoners, invincible
      classes as characters
      An evil tree being full of souls being a main antagonist, gilgamesh
      steampunkish setting, actual villain is the goofy man behind the emperor who wants to steal the power of the gods
      villain from space, MC and the final boss are more deeply connected than initially realized, slotting gemstones into equipment, chocobo breeding, limit breaks

      It's that they mashed the plots together and more that it's just a love letter to the series up to that point.

      • 7 months ago

        >classes as characters
        Also protag and main antag being brothers

    • 7 months ago

      It isn't so much weird given that Kefka is just batshit insane as he was a test subject who was the first magicite infused soldier who Gestahl only thought of as a puppet he could control. As long as Gestahl gave him things to kill and entertain him, Kefka would not go rogue. But when Kefka saw the Warring Triad, he decided that it was far more of a valuable asset and the taste of power was far more alluring than seeing a dotard like Gestahl rule, that such power should be used to stir as much chaos as possible. Gestahl did not stop Kefka when he should have due to his own lust for power and resources, believing that wielding the ultimate power would assure nobody would rebel, his tolerance of that insanity lead to his own demise and the literal upturning of the world.

    • 7 months ago

      Yea FF9 was illuminati creates conflict over centuries to gather souls to feed their planet which is ruined because their puppet finds the strings and gets giga asshurt hes both a puppet AND a shitty beta test version compared to MC

  10. 7 months ago

    The worst part about the Final homosexualry series is that it is never truly final. Wack ass moviegames for zesty Ohio homies. It do be like dat tho.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh man what a spicy hot take you are so cool and contrary

  11. 7 months ago

    I like how he tried to make all look bad and generic but didn't work with 8

    Never played a FF btw

  12. 7 months ago

    I can only believe that the person who wrote this called Cloud and Seph generic as a red herring when they end up being the super bizarre atypical characters they end up being because generic is the last word I'd use to describe either one.

    • 7 months ago

      They are "generic" in the sense that they defined the genre. It's like how NGE is "generic".

      • 7 months ago

        So not generic at all.

  13. 7 months ago

    All story ever is just a recoloring of Journey to the West and I'm tired of pretending they aren't.

    disclaimer: has never actually read Journey to the West

    • 7 months ago

      If you have no clue, then don't post that you have no clue

      • 7 months ago

        All /vrpg/ posts ever is just a recolouring of and I'm tired of pretending they aren't.

        disclaimer: has never actually read

  14. 7 months ago

    I laugh at how the asses of the Japanese shit lovers in this thread are on fire.

    • 7 months ago

      Sure you are

  15. 7 months ago

    FF8’s plot is so unique that even when you put it like that it still comes off as awesome.
    Sorry, no unbiased person can read that and not think, wait, that sounds pretty cool actually.

    • 7 months ago

      It's like the entirety of Trails, when you read about it, you're like "oh my, that does sound interesting, lots of cool worldbuilding etc" and then you actually play it and it's a lame slog

      • 7 months ago

        That was my experience playing Lament of Innocence after reading about it and listening to the soundtrack for years. Some games are better off NOT played.

    • 7 months ago

      >people don't like FF8 because it shows them that being an distant edgelord is actually a problem, and not the cool guy they thought they were being
      Many such cases.

      • 7 months ago

        FF8 suffered because it wasn't FF7 - 2
        That and apparently most people had no idea how the Junction system worked because they didn't want to sit and read.

        • 7 months ago

          >apparently most people had no idea how the Junction system
          I don't think that's possible. But the junction system was stupid because it reduced spells to mere statsticks and dedicated casters were much weaker than pure physical attackers

          • 7 months ago

            Go back far enough and you'll find posts on GameFAQs of people whining about how using GFs are the only way to do anything useful in battle and subsequently realizing that they never bothered doing anything with the Junction System aside from assigning GFs to characters and that's it.

        • 7 months ago

          You're not wrong about FF8 suffering because it's not FF7-2, but I was specifically talking about taking the game on its own terms. People would have probably accepted FF8, if it wasn't a game that called out the Gen-X/Millennial "meh, whatever" attitude so obviously.
          >they didn't want to sit and read
          You know damn well, that Americans only read Harry Potter and Twilight/50 Shades. Now that those crazes are over, it's mostly Boomers keeping the reading rates where they are. People, especially under 50, are reading less often, and less during each time they do read. Gen Alpha is probably going to be the first generation to be over 50% never-readers in a very long time.
          There's a reason why audiobooks are on the rise, and it's not because everyone has such long commutes to work. It's because literacy rates are falling. Gen Alpha are starting to hit junior high, without being able to read at any significant level.

        • 7 months ago

          This is what the kids call "cope".

          • 7 months ago

            >noooooo you can't just have a game themed around heterosexual romance between white people
            sorry gayboy, but ff8 wasn't made for your kind

        • 7 months ago

          You're not wrong about FF8 suffering because it's not FF7-2, but I was specifically talking about taking the game on its own terms. People would have probably accepted FF8, if it wasn't a game that called out the Gen-X/Millennial "meh, whatever" attitude so obviously.
          >they didn't want to sit and read
          You know damn well, that Americans only read Harry Potter and Twilight/50 Shades. Now that those crazes are over, it's mostly Boomers keeping the reading rates where they are. People, especially under 50, are reading less often, and less during each time they do read. Gen Alpha is probably going to be the first generation to be over 50% never-readers in a very long time.
          There's a reason why audiobooks are on the rise, and it's not because everyone has such long commutes to work. It's because literacy rates are falling. Gen Alpha are starting to hit junior high, without being able to read at any significant level.

          FF 8 never suffered lmao. It sold massively, had excellent reviews (fan and critic), and continues to be well-liked by many people.
          Ganker has a tiny minority of people who post, hence the strange misperceptions people have about games.

          • 7 months ago

            These theories stretch back to GameFAQs and are related to similar theories about Dragon Quarter and Chrono Cross. It's people who have to make these proclamations that "you don't like change" when someone doesn't a particular game. It's autistic cope for not being able to understand that other people have different opinions.

            • 7 months ago

              >someone doesn't a particular
              *doesn't like

              You'll even notice this behaviour with cRPGs too, PoE and PoE2 are an example. Pity them.

          • 7 months ago

            Sales wise, it did fantastically.
            Fandom-wise, however, is a different story. That's what people mean they say it suffered because it wasn't "FF7-2". The new crop of Western Final Fantasy fanboys despised it because it wasn't a sequel to 7. It wasn't until 9 that it got looked upon favorably, because 9 played tribute to the old games that they didn't play.

            These theories stretch back to GameFAQs and are related to similar theories about Dragon Quarter and Chrono Cross. It's people who have to make these proclamations that "you don't like change" when someone doesn't a particular game. It's autistic cope for not being able to understand that other people have different opinions.

            I wouldn't say that they're just "theories"; people did genuinely hate FF8, Dragon Quarter, and Chrono Cross for not being enough like their predecessors in the West, but that was purely an in-fandom thing.

            • 7 months ago

              wtf is a fandom and why does it matter? Is it just spergs who post online? lmao
              You still see Squall avis on israelitetube to this day

              • 7 months ago

                oh LMAO I didn't even read the ending.
                >9 looked upon favorably
                by WHO? Nobody even played it ROFL
                Pure spergery tbh

              • 7 months ago

                He means absolutely everybody he heard from online didn't suck its dick all the time and how dare they.

              • 7 months ago

                Mandom. Anon probably meant mandom

              • 7 months ago

                >I will now pretend to not know what a collective noun for fan culture is

                >Muh plot
                FF's issue is that the games are either mediocre or straight up bad as actual games, you can reduce any plotline ever made to a bunch of sardonic sentences.
                But clearly you're not here to have an actual discussion about anything, especially considering the west was the place where FF got big in the first place, if you weren't a clueless underage straight outta Twitter you'd know this simple fact.

                was right about you not wanting to have an actual discussion, OP.

            • 7 months ago

              >The new crop of Western Final Fantasy fanboys despised it because it wasn't a sequel to 7
              Cool story bro. Been told that a bunch, first FF was on the NES. This is called making shit up to cope with your inability to grasp differences in opinion. It's a narrative that allows you to not feel afraid of the chaos of human activity.

              • 7 months ago

                >zoom zoom wasn't alive for the fanboys
                >therefor it didn't happen
                Why do you even post, zoomie? We can tell you weren't alive for that era of video games.

              • 7 months ago

                I have a GameFAQs account older than most posters here, anon. I'm not saying xxxX*SephirothisGod*Xxxx didn't exist, I'm saying they don't describe everyone who dislikes FF8 that you've talked to.

              • 7 months ago

                >anon doesn't understand what generalities are
                >thinks any statement must include all the views that existed
                Yes anon, you're autism is still a problem.
                No one's denying that people have always loved and liked FF8. That's not what we're talking about.
                The majority of online discussion about the game, has always been focusing on the fact that people didn't like it, or how they enjoyed Triple Triad more than the rest of the game.
                There's always been a subsection of people who have always liked it, and if you'd have actually paid attention to our discussion, instead of letting your autism flare up, you'd realize that we're people who DO like FF8.
                But please, continue letting your autism rage anyways.
                My favorite FF8 discussions were about the LLG capabilities, because of junctioning.

              • 7 months ago

                You actually don't understand anything of what I'm saying. Of course I know you're a FF8 fanboy, I can tell by how you are coping with theories about how the people shitting on it over the years are actually FF7 fanboys who didn't get junctioning or the themes. I think most people just aren't good at explaining their dislike and it comes down to FF8 having worse characters and a worse plot than the other games. Junctioning is brainlet level stuff anyway, attach spell that gives bigger number and add status effects. It's a gimmick system.

              • 7 months ago

                >Of course I know you're a FF8 fanboy
                Then you're moronic, because I don't even rank it in my top 5 FFs. I just think it gets a bad name online, which you're still a zoom zoom, so you're unable to understand that it was the black sheep for quite some time.
                >are actually FF7 fanboys
                Zoomie, just accept that you weren't there. You never got to see people begging SE for FF7Remake, until just recently.
                >it comes down to FF8 having worse characters and a worse plot than the other games
                So you haven't understood a word about what I said, and choose to go in a completely different direction, edgelord-sama?
                >It's a gimmick system.
                Wait until you realize that gimmick system IS Final Fantasy. Always was, always is, always will be. They have pointlessly reinvented the wheel, in one form or another, with each game.
                FFs are games made for kids. Every one of them. Of course it has to be "brainlet stuff". The target audience is literally kids-teens.
                Just admit that you weren't there, have no idea what you're talking about, and are unable to cope with these facts.
                FF8 was the black sheep, for the longest time. There was always the people saying "but I like it anyways", because they accepted that they were the minority.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                In the West, Final Fantasy IV barely sold over a quarter million copies and FF1 & FFVI didn't sell over a million. Final Fantasy was a niche series until FFVII; which sold over half its 10+ Million copies over here. Like it or not; FFVII was the introduction to the series for most people who are into the series now. And that massive success colored the expectations of many people for the next games that came out.

                Pretending that FFVII wasn't a nexus point for fans of the series and didn't influence their opinion of the next game is like saying that OoT wasn't the entry point for a lot of people into Zelda and that it didn't influence people's disgust of Wind Waker.

              • 7 months ago

                It's more about how any criticism gets tarred with that brush though. Maybe you aren't doing that, but I've seen it happen so often, and with so many games, that I just don't listen to these theories. If FF8 had better characters and plot, or more interesting gameplay, it would have been universally acclaimed.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't think anyone's saying that FF8 is an overlooked classic shat on because FF7 fanboys on YouTube told them to. They're more saying that it failing to be a proper follow up to one of the world's most successful video games didn't do it any favors in how it's remembered by fans of the series. Every one of its errors or missteps become more glaring when it came after two milestone entries in its own series.

              • 7 months ago

                You guys are bizarre lmao

              • 7 months ago

                BTW, for other anons. Feel free to reference this moment with any "established Ganker canon" that also exists rofl.
                Say something enough times and people twist their memories right around those things. Ironic that this case is about VIII.

              • 7 months ago

                >Final Fantasy IV barely sold over a quarter million copies and FF1 & FFVI didn't sell over a million
                Which were good numbers for console RPGs in the early 90s. JRPG or otherwise.

                I don't think anyone's saying that FF8 is an overlooked classic shat on because FF7 fanboys on YouTube told them to. They're more saying that it failing to be a proper follow up to one of the world's most successful video games didn't do it any favors in how it's remembered by fans of the series. Every one of its errors or missteps become more glaring when it came after two milestone entries in its own series.

                We've been talking about FF8, for 6 years, before youtube was even in existence. Not sure why you think recent video essays are going to suddenly change the discussion.
                It's super obvious, to everyone who was there, to know what the general opinions you saw about FF8, back then.

                You guys are bizarre lmao

                >caring what reviewers said
                That stopped mattering very quickly, as the shelf-life for those things, was literally the shelf the magazine was sold on. It was the era of fanboys typing essays about what they liked and disliked, not sucking off reviewers.
                You normalgays can't comprehend what the internet was like then.

                BTW, for other anons. Feel free to reference this moment with any "established Ganker canon" that also exists rofl.
                Say something enough times and people twist their memories right around those things. Ironic that this case is about VIII.

                >any "established Ganker canon"
                We've been arguing about Final Fantasy, from before Ganker existed, newbie.

              • 7 months ago

                lmao reception there includes reader reviews etc. for magazines
                Face it "oldgay", you are 12 years old and have no idea what you're talking about

              • 7 months ago

                >mfw I bought Brave Fencer Musashi for the ff8 demo

              • 7 months ago

                Me too. I love Final Fantasy, but Brave Fencer Mushashi volume 1 is better than all 10 "classic" FF Games combined even, and the best game in the entire Playstation 1 library too iirc

              • 7 months ago

                You will be glad to know that the devs who worked on Musashi were moved to permanent MMO duty with FF XI.
                This is the true cost of MMOs.

              • 7 months ago

                This alone more than warrants nuking Japan a 3rd time. The only question is which city

              • 7 months ago

                Sakaguchi moved to Hawaii and he is the one principally to blame for XI.

  16. 7 months ago

    Honest to God, that post makes all the games sound awesome.

  17. 7 months ago

    I have only played 1 and 3, but
    it's completely wrong for ff1, in it you defeat travel to and defeat 4 and then 1 more demons to save the land and you find this out at after 1/4 of the game, but because of time travelling magick that will tear apart time and space itself the demos and their evils will return making everything you did in game pointless or leading to a "cycle of violence" with no end.So you then travel to the source of the disturbance of it and battle at the end of the world with the avatar of a primeval force of the world(ingame) that has manifested because of the actions of a tragic individual.
    and the ff3 is 4 adventurers from a small village go on an adventure to save their kingdom that slowly expands into saving their continent, then the world that sunk and it's inhabitants turned to stone and then world from it's problems before the water fulfilling the prophecy from the beginning of the game meanwhile slowly uncovering the nature of their strange world and learning many arts of war(jobs) from all over their world.
    In conclusion the guy wanted to get off by telling people on the internet that their games suck and I wasted my time trying to disprove points he made in 2 minutes.
    >inb4 not addressed said points
    only similarity between ff1 and what he said is that both things have a temple with powerfull evil in it, that is it.
    And the thing for ff3 is not even worth attempting, because he used vague things from popculture to describe a single thing from the game badly, and the only "superpowers" the characters get is that they can get healed and rested from springs water unless you are calling magic in a fantasy setting a "superpower". I guess I addressed it.
    Why would someone waste the valuable time of the people on the internet for nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      These are all factious points trying to boil the plots down into glib one-liners.

      FF1 is heavily inspired by AD&D, and the primary goal in Temple of Elemental Evil is fighting four demons that represent the four classical elements. The time loop they're talking about is that, since you kill Chaos and the Fiends before they're sent forward in time, the events of the game never happen, leaving the player as the only one to know what happened.

      As for the FF3 one, he's only using a Harry Potter metaphorically. Voldemort/Slytherin are suppose to be standing in for Xande going mad from being given the gift of mortality instead of what Noah's other two disciples got. "Superpowers" is most definitely being factious. It's not getting genuinely heated over.

      • 7 months ago

        Doesn't the game mention that Elfs Dwarfs , and Dragons know because....Uh....Race magic?

        • 7 months ago

          Wow, I forgot FF1 had that much ending text. I'm sure it's too poorly translated for anyone to get what the hell they were trying to say there.

  18. 7 months ago

    Threads like these don’t make me angry, just sad. Seems like every franchise I like can’t get a single genuine, non-troll thread and the ones I make get derailed by the usual shitposters
    These problems always existed but it seems like the last two years have really degenerated this site. Arguably a worse place than reddit

    • 7 months ago

      Make a genuine thread and you will have at least one anon not shitposting. FF sadly only attracts morons lately.

    • 7 months ago

      What genuine conversations can you even have about the FF series as a whole? It's old, and the games have shifted their emphasis several times to the point where there is no common ground between players.

      • 7 months ago

        FF1 would genuinely make an interesting AD&D module and would be a good way to introduce people to that old ruleset.
        FF2 being one of the first games to make XP be gained through actual "experience" is neat and something that really ought to be explored in more RPGs.
        FF3 (and DQ2 for that matter) is the origin of "preserve all your best healing items until the last dungeon" in JRPGs, plus, not enough is sais about the optimazation of the job classes in this game. Hell, FF3, FF5, and Tactics being the real "class system" games ought to be talked about more.

        • 7 months ago

          Again, that is strictly about a certain segment of the series, and not the whole. Make a specific thread to talk about these specific things and ignore posts that attempt to derail you into talking about FF8. Someone will engage. Maybe.

        • 7 months ago

          >FF1 would genuinely make an interesting AD&D module and would be a good way to introduce people to that old ruleset.
          There's already Temple of Elemental Evil for that, FF1 has the advantage of diluting the "hommlet" part of the game homogeneously throughout the general game progression, but it's still largely just ToEE, and we have a passable videogame adaptation for ToEE too, albeit not AD&D.
          >FF2 being one of the first games to make XP be gained through actual "experience" is neat and something that really ought to be explored in more RPGs
          SaGa exists, it has spawned many spiritual successors and popularized that idea when it comes to japanese games, in the west it was the Dungeon Master games that did that, both were influenced by tabletop systems such as Runequest.

          Final Fantasy is overrated much like other Jrpgs, but at least Final Fantasy does 2 things i respect:

          1) It tries to evolve its formula: whether thats for good or bad its up to you, but at least it tries to do something new rather than just slap shallow/outdated gameplay mechanics like other games in its genre.

          2) It punches above its weight in presentation: Square from FF7 up to FF10 pushed the presentation forward in RPGs and used to have top of the line presentation up until FF10, then it went into a slumber then it started recovering, FF16 has good presentation for a Jrpg.

          So although it may fail many times at least they are trying, can't say the same about other games in its genre. (Hello Dragon Quest) (Hello Persona) (Hello Trails) etc etc

          So yeah, now for your question is FF bad? well its a franchise with ups and downs, i think its overrated as even its best game is not in my top 20 RPGs let alone top 20 games, but when it comes to JRPGs i think its a must play. at least FF6-FF10

          >It tries to evolve its formula:
          Never happened because FF never settled on anything that wasn't being a movie, it was and still is extremely rudimentary as an RPG.
          You shit on DQ but that is actually a series that tangibly evolved and polished itself through the years by sticking to certain core elements and refining them with almost every single game, same exact thing for Persona which had already kinda figured out what it wanted to be with EP, and honestly you can also say the exact same about Legend of Heroes, especially from Trails onwards.

          Meanwhile what did FF achieve through 16 mainline games and countless spinoffs?
          Character building was always scatterbrained and very shallow busywork at best, with every game having worthless gimmicks that most of the times did more bad than good, the game structure has always been ridiculously linear and stiff with no real effort in exploring the genre's possibilities, the battle systems are the single most low effort in the industry considering the amount of money these games work with, mostly because if your character building systems are garbage the battle systems suffer from it too.
          Bloat isn't depth, it's not evolution either.

          • 7 months ago

            >Never happened
            One of the major faults of the FF series, is that each game has to reinvent the battle mechanics. The reason they stopped being JRPGs and are not ARPGs, is because they ran out of ideas to reinvent the JPRG again.

          • 7 months ago

            I think he means that FF1's setting should be made as an actual campaign setting to teach people how to play AD&D. Like how Wizard recently made a bunch of the worlds from Magic the Gathering into campaign modules so that people who play Magic would want to get into D&D.

  19. 7 months ago

    Final Fantasy is overrated much like other Jrpgs, but at least Final Fantasy does 2 things i respect:

    1) It tries to evolve its formula: whether thats for good or bad its up to you, but at least it tries to do something new rather than just slap shallow/outdated gameplay mechanics like other games in its genre.

    2) It punches above its weight in presentation: Square from FF7 up to FF10 pushed the presentation forward in RPGs and used to have top of the line presentation up until FF10, then it went into a slumber then it started recovering, FF16 has good presentation for a Jrpg.

    So although it may fail many times at least they are trying, can't say the same about other games in its genre. (Hello Dragon Quest) (Hello Persona) (Hello Trails) etc etc

    So yeah, now for your question is FF bad? well its a franchise with ups and downs, i think its overrated as even its best game is not in my top 20 RPGs let alone top 20 games, but when it comes to JRPGs i think its a must play. at least FF6-FF10

    • 7 months ago

      >So although it may fail many times at least they are trying

  20. 7 months ago

    >FF-sloppers crying about much better JRPGs

  21. 7 months ago

    >FF6(1994) is just Emperor Joker(2000).
    Emperor Joker is just FF6, as FF6 was first.
    It's also a stretch, Kefka is full of lonesome hatred for all of humanity. uses his powers to try to crush humans into proving that he's right. Which is why he doesn't smite The Fanatic's Tower, they've already converted. Willing to kill all of humanity, to finally be right. Earth would still exist, when he eventually dies. There's no going back to the World of Balance, everyone has to move forward in the World of Ruin, and make the best of it.
    Joker uses Mxyzptlk's powers for his own entertainment, killing and having Batman come back to life thousands of times, everything is inverted, everyone hates Superman, the Earth is a cube, etc. But Joker doesn't care about anything, so reality is going to come apart at the seams if Superman and Mxyzptlk don't undo what Joker has done. They manage to trick Joker into giving Mxyzptlk his powers back, and Superman and Mxyzptlk revert reality back to how it originally was. Even going to far as Superman taking on the memories of Batman's thousands of deaths, so Batman can be sane again.
    They're also presented very different, Emperor Joker is about Superman discovering the problem, and then finding a solution, where he doesn't know why everything is the way it is, and it all just seems wrong. No one's confused about Kefka, even if they don't know the specifics of Espers, Magic, etc, they still know that Kefka's crazy and that he's the reason for all the suffering in the WoR.
    FF6 is far more about the various kinds of love that exist, how that relates to finding your place in the world, and blending the gameplay with the story in a way that few RPGs would even try, truly a memorable moment in the history of the JRPG. While Emperor Joker is just another day at the office for Superman, an interesting idea, that's drug down by Loeb's average(at best) writing, it's far closer to a classic Superman comic that your grandparents would have read.

    • 7 months ago

      Good analysis, anon, but I couldn't hear it over the sound of trains being suplexed!

      • 7 months ago

        playing this game for the first time and got to this moment the other day. Id seen memes about it but i had forgotten them until I watched it happen, pretty sick

  22. 7 months ago

    +1 data point: my first FF was 7, then 4/5/6, then 8/9/10, then 1/2/3. I like 8 and dislike 9, even though I like the older games 9 is a homage to.

  23. 7 months ago

    which game is that image from?

  24. 7 months ago

    FF7 alone is a better series than anything made by a western dev

  25. 7 months ago

    FF1 and FF2 are more or less accurate. The others describe characters and events from their games with varying levels of accuracy, but leave far too much out to usefully describe those games.

  26. 7 months ago

    I dont even know what star wars or d&d are.
    Not everyone is a slop consumer like in op's pic.

    • 7 months ago

      >Never heard of Dungeons and Dragons
      >Never even heard of Star Wars
      Where do you live...? The most rural&bombarded sector of Afganistan I assume?

  27. 7 months ago

    >caring about FF's plot
    Kinda setting yourself up for failure, but if you tune your expectations they're mostly fun

    As OP's pic said, it's an AD&D adventure. Mostly an excuse to travel and fight shit. Once in awhile a weird twist like a robot or time travel is tossed in and it's silly but fun and does its job

    Yea it's Fantasy Star Wars. It's actually pretty ambitious for a famicom RPG.

    Again I dunno what you expect from kilobytes of data but as far as a high flying adventure with a continuously expanding scope goes, this is fun for what it is and the Heroes of Darkness reveal is neat too, This is the Are You A Bad Enough Dude console.

    My main gripe with 4 is that it moves too quickly and it doesn't commit to any character death, so the drama is weightless. There are good character moments here and there

    FF4 is a sequel to FF2 and FF5 is a sequel to FF3, only it knows it's silly. It's just an excuse for some setpieces. I don't like that Galuf takes over most of the story, especially because the rest of the party never feels like they get much agency or meaningful development, but I'm overthinking it

    This game is really trying, and while I think it has a lot of great moments, some of the drama needs more time to breathe, and some plotlines feel superfluous to the point where I think you can axe a few to give others more presence. Emperor Joker felt novel at the time, though in

    see, this fixes my problem with FF6. It's no longer an ensemble, but the drama has more time to build. Problem now is it gets convoluted and anime

    yea this one's a total mess and feels like a reaction to 7's success but learned the wrong lessons

    this is pretty close to my ideal FF plot. It still has some of those PS1 era asspulls, but it generally moves at a good pace and the character drama works, though some characters run out of stuff to do, which sucks

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like this game doesn't realize how stupid it is. Maybe it's better in Japanese. There are some great ideas here (Sin is a cool "antagonist", Jecht is fun, a lot of the religion v technology stuff is interesting in theory) but a lot is executed poorly (Seymour sucks for a whole mess of reasons, the whole fayth dream thing is kinda unsatisfying, a lot of the drama feels silly)

      see, this knows it's fricking stupid, so I'm okay with it here

      it's got the Matsuno ingredients, but it winds up being a mess, and that breaks my heart. Vaan and Penelo distract too much to be "observers", even though it's clearly Ashe's story. This is carried by its localization.

      >the XIII trilogy
      I legitimately don't get why they committed to this beyond the sunk cost. The first game seemed like it'd be a flashier FF7, but it got so lost in its own jargon, and the characters lack meaningful development. By the end of LR I didn't feel anything about these characters

      Great inter-party interactions, but the story was so scattered across different media and platforms, and the world was just a mess. Went in one ear and out the other for me.

      haven't played it yet but it seems like it's embarrassed to be a Final Fantasy game and even a JRPG.

    • 7 months ago

      >ff2 was ambitious for a fc game
      you killed your credibility right here. there is no shortage of good 8 bit rpgs that shit all over ff2. anyone who thinks that game is ambitious hasnt played very many. dq4 was the right around the corner, sweet home and mother 1 in '89 and metal max down the line. too bad cuz you seemed pretty insightful about the other games but the ff2 comment is have only played 3 famicom rpgs is the vibe im getting and makes me question any of your writing.

  28. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't call FF a bad series. sure the plots are rather samey-same up until FFV but it's always enjoyable.

  29. 7 months ago

    >their plots were pure trash
    I played and finished only FF1 (let's not count FF14 MMO) and many many western RPGs. I can surely say that FF1 plot is ahead of identical western plots about saviors of the world.

    • 7 months ago

      Its so simple but the writing (excluding the nes translation) was just enough to make it feel melancholic and deeper than it was. For a game of the time it was really well done.

    • 7 months ago

      >played many games
      Lol and this comment. Game narratives never matched Ultima 4 or 5. Why do you kids throw away your credibility about games you've never played? Why make it this obvious? Do you really need to cope over the "great" story of Final Fantasy 1?

  30. 7 months ago

    That post make 2, 4, 5 and 8 sound super awesome.

  31. 7 months ago

    the guy who wrote that post clearly didn't even play the games. granted i only played 6 and 7 but, for one thing the joker never became the antichrist last time i checked and for another thing, 7's entire cast is literally subversions of jrpg tropes. like how moronic can you get for example your main character is a mook and he fricking won before the game even started. completely normal to have a funny animal in your party right? WRONG frickhead he's a robot with a body camera working for the enemy, et cetera.

    • 7 months ago

      As other people have pointed out, FF7 is viewed as being "generic" by the zoomers because it's treated as "THE" JRPG by the West.

  32. 7 months ago

    >"it is literally this except you change this, change this and change this other thing" - the post
    Holy fricking brainlet

  33. 7 months ago

    Anon you just read an obvious bad faith reading of the series and somehow thought it might be true. I haven't even played some of these and even I know its not in good faith

  34. 7 months ago

    I think there are more good FF games than bad, and I'm counting the ones I see people love but didn't personally enjoy that much in the bad category

    • 7 months ago

      I think there’s more good ones than bad, but I also don’t think they’re making any more good ones.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm mixed on 7R and Stranger of Paradise but I like them more than I dislike them, although I wish I could wholeheartedly love them

  35. 7 months ago

    >A man gets violently kicked to death by a camel and his wife puts him back together and his son is a bird
    >A man has sex with a large woman she gives birth to a dog
    >A man hears voices and mutilates his dick and tries to kill his son
    >A man dresses up like a woman because his neighbor keeps stealing his tools
    >A man sits under a tree and realizes nothing really matters
    >A man has lots of sex and his wife kills his mistresses
    >A man fricks a child
    >A woman goes batshit because her husband was too busy creating Japan to give her the D
    >A man gets roofied and rapes a girl and she's not allowed to leave his house anymore because she ate all of the eggs
    >A woman has a foot kink and chooses her husband after seeing just their feet but it turns out he's an ugly chud
    >This dragon has too many heads!
    >One day the nothing just exploded into everything
    >Some woman's moronic son decided to make an ant farm but he gets mad if the ants want to get out of the glass prison.

    And these are our religious beliefs?
    Boy, what fricking cringe!
    I'm glad incredibly short, biased summations are a completely accurate depiction of the subject they're summarizing.

    >A man makes a shit thread because he is a homosexual
    Completely accurate!

    • 7 months ago

      Underrated post.

    • 7 months ago

      >listening to a PokePoster
      That being said, this is one of those "shit OP, interesting posters" threads.

  36. 7 months ago

    Most FF fans don't like FF for the plot. The ones that do are unironically mentally ill.

  37. 7 months ago

    FF7 is the Seinfeld of JRPGs

    • 7 months ago

      Elaborate. You're saying its very mainstream but also high quality?

      • 7 months ago

        He means it's full of israelites.

        • 7 months ago

          Elaborate. You're saying its very mainstream but also high quality?

          He's saying it's popular and nobody knows why.
          High quality my arse, seinfeld was, is, and always will be boring shit for boring shits.

          • 7 months ago

            Seinfeld was popular because it had witty writing and characterization. FF7 was popular because it provided an interesting world to play in with a lot of spectacle.

  38. 7 months ago

    >Can only compare it to other western popculture shit because he has no idea what the hero's journey is
    >Can't even fault FF5 because it's just that good
    >FF6 is literally my capeshit comic book read that instead. What do mean a jrpg focused around the theme of overcoming loss is completely different form and a dime a dozen what if villain WINNNS comic. A clown becomes god so it's literally the same bro
    Don' take this homosexual's post seriously

  39. 7 months ago

    This is taking one or two details, some so minor I do not even remember them existing, and going out of the way to describe them as shitty ad possible forcing in pop culture references. It's such an obvious case of forced negativity I font see how you could take it seriously even if you never touched any of these games.

    It's like writing a review for the god father as
    >guy with chipmunk cheeks hosts a party for his ugly daughter. RANDOM HORSE HEAD because XD le edgy reddit humor. Than people get shot BECAUSE BECAUSE LE BULLETS OK. Americans literally clapped for this and it spawned 2 shitty sequels that are the same thing but with gratuitous sex scenes and OMG Italians are le classy

  40. 7 months ago

    FF has never had good gameplay (typical of RPGs, both west and east)
    but had some funny stories.

    • 7 months ago

      What's a nontypical RPG with good gameplay?

      • 7 months ago

        Ys I y& II chronicles

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