Is it finally playable?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    No it wont for awhile. Maybe a year later once all their DLC shit goes on sale for like 70% off and the modding community fixed most of Nu-CA's. The game still runs like ass, the balance is still hell, forgotten empires got a nice patch but the dwarves still suck ass and may of the other factions haven't been brought up to scratch.

    Throw it on the Wishlist and wait a year.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it's alright

      >DLC shit goes
      >on sale
      >for like 70% off

      guess we can throw the idea that /vst/ is any smarter than Ganker straight in the trash lmao

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Very boring, first 10 turns are fun but I never finish games

  4. 2 years ago

    No and it's not far off being abandoned by CA

  5. 2 years ago

    It is playable but still got plenty of bugs that can make the game really annoying.

  6. 2 years ago

    it's alright. needs chaos dwarfs and some more content for most factions before it will be good (empire especially but most of the game 3 factions as well). also need to make it more stable, been having a crash during land battles every so often since the last patch that obviously makes the game very frustrating. Oh, and replenishment to needs to be rebalanced for all factions. Playing game 2/3 factions with a couple exceptions vs game 1 factions (except vampires) is like night and day replenishment wise and also very frustrating.

  7. 2 years ago

    Immortal Empire is pretty good.
    And outside of the added content, the game looks and feels much better than TWW2 for some reason

  8. 2 years ago

    Now? It's much better than at release

  9. 2 years ago

    The real question is:
    What does it bring to the table that II doesn't have?
    And I'm 100% sincere with this. I genuinely see no point of going from II to III, since it doesn't seem to have any meaningful change or addition.

    • 2 years ago

      better diplomacy

      • 2 years ago

        diplomacy changes, new factions and their mechanics plus a lot of campaign changes in immortal empires

        NTA, I saw diplomacy when that cheese homosexual streamed the game at release and I found it lacking, which was especially evident with the Slaanesh faction, like your allies DoWing your vassals. Did some big update drop since then that fixed this or is it just the case of "it's slightly less terrible this time"?

        • 2 years ago

          lots of changes since then yes

      • 2 years ago

        diplomacy changes, new factions and their mechanics plus a lot of campaign changes in immortal empires

        Is that the 3K diplo, or something else entirely? Because I fund the super-praised 3K diplo to be just as lackluster as always.

    • 2 years ago

      diplomacy changes, new factions and their mechanics plus a lot of campaign changes in immortal empires

    • 2 years ago

      Is that the 3K diplo, or something else entirely? Because I fund the super-praised 3K diplo to be just as lackluster as always.

      I haven't played 3k, but from what I've seen of other people drawing comparisons its generally a step up from that too. Vassals actually work, province trading is generally convenient and the AI will use it, getting armies from allies and setting war targets actually does stuff now, allied recruitment and outposts are pretty decent incentives on top of the army borrowing to actually build more than a purely defensive alliance/pursue diplomacy for more than just confeds, and quick deals/balance deal makes a lot of the tedious work of diplomatic interactions much quicker.

      Other reasons, major and minor, include things like reworked siege/settlements (they are currently a sidegrade, but seem to be a point of priority for patches and are much easier to mod into being better imo, so atm not really an incentive but potentially one down the line). The combination system for gear gives a use to all the piles of common equipment you used to hoard. Reworked skill trees are generally more fun, lightning battles are a little harder to get to and more support for having a wider range of units in army skills. Item sets opened up more space for modders and lords to get mechanics/scale. Landmarks can now trigger events, there's more mod possibilities with this. Unit upgrade system for WoC is a massive improvement and mods that apply this to all factions are both in-line with lore and make for a very different campaign experience where doomstacks are much, much less prevalent. New races add some new dynamics, notably ogre camps add more incentives to fight at more places than just the roads and cities and the daemon races tend to have campaign effects that require approaching them different, such as slannesh seducing units or tzeentch stealing settlements.

      Honestly all told idk if its worth the upgrade right now if you're happy with II. But it's (slowly) getting there imo. It doesn't run great and there are absolutely growing pains but it is growing.

      • 2 years ago

        >AI is slightly improved
        Guess I will have to see for myself in few months, then
        >Modding modding modding
        Couldn't care any less

    • 2 years ago

      >it doesn't seem to have any meaningful change or addition.
      Doesn't it MASSIVELY revamp how siege battles work, among other things?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, it made them BAD. Classic case of "CA starts making a shitty change and uses their pet youtubers and reddit bots to make it seem like something the community wants". Siege battles were completely fricking fine in Warhammer 1 and 2 until the moron influencer who I'm not going to name went "sieges actually SUCK" and then people who never played either of the games started jumping over each other to suck his dick and go "ong so true oomfie". There hasn't been a single Total War game with bad sieges since Shogun 2 (I've played every single one including motherfricking Thrones of Britannia, which in fact had the best sieges in the series despite being a horrible fricking clusterfrick otherwise) and the sieges in Warhammer 3 are fricking GODAWFUL.

        • 2 years ago

          Actual moron. There was nothing redeeming about TW:W1&2 one wall sieges. It was an actual diarrhea on every single level with no reedeeming features whatsoever. TW:W3 are still shit, but at least better than what was before

          • 2 years ago

            moron, you can;t name single TW title where sieges worst than that we have in TWWH 1&2.
            Even Empire have better.

            >Gib (You)s, I'm starving
            Here, it's a pity to leave people hanging and begging on Christmas

        • 2 years ago

          Just in case, my phrasing here is poor. I'm not saying Shogun 2 had bad sieges

          • 2 years ago

            Actual moron. There was nothing redeeming about TW:W1&2 one wall sieges. It was an actual diarrhea on every single level with no reedeeming features whatsoever. TW:W3 are still shit, but at least better than what was before

            (also, I've never actually played either Warhammer 1 or 2, I made all of that up)

        • 2 years ago

          moron, you can;t name single TW title where sieges worst than that we have in TWWH 1&2.
          Even Empire have better.

        • 2 years ago

          >no chaos dwarves
          no buy
          simple as

          WH1 and 2 sieges were rancid dogshit. I can't give you my opinion on 3's since I haven't gotten it yet but everyone says they're shit too even though they made massive changes. What's the connecting factor here? AI. AI being genuinely moronic will be a massive plague on TW's battles for all of eternity because only a few studios think AI is worth investing in and CA isn't one of them

        • 1 year ago

          WH1&2 sieges were really bad. Using the walls never made sense, and the best strategy was to take advantage of the AI being totally passive so you can use all of your ranged ammo with 100% efficiency and spam spells to victory, and when you can't do that, you never want to defend on the walls, and any kind of direct assault is just waiting for your melee chafe to just whittle down the enemies melee.

      • 2 years ago

        >make siege maps with layered defences, choke points, multiple avenues of attack
        >capturing the first set of walls gives attackers enough points to win
        >units still struggle path to walls or through gates
        >pathing inside the settlement is even more fricked up
        CA has never and will never understand how to make a seige

  10. 2 years ago

    Yes. There are still some bugs but those can be fixed. In fact Immortal Empires is getting out of the BETA phase next year. After that CA will focus on the actual good stuff. Chaos Dwarfs being the first on the list.

  11. 2 years ago

    Rather than that it’s basically the only modern fantasy strategy game I know.
    I don’t think others with the same budget exist.
    It has no alternatives which is why it’s so successful.

    • 2 years ago

      >modern fantasy strategy
      RTS/HOMM hybrid is what I wanted to say* just to elaborate.
      Otherwise there are shit tons of these boring grand strategy titles from Paradox.

  12. 2 years ago

    RoC campaign is an irredeemable, unplayable shit. This game is useless if you also don't have access to IE which requires two other games.

    IE needs to be free and part of a base game. Buying TW:W1 and TW:W2 should only unlock access to their races. Once IE is free all new dlcs and updates should be built around it, without a need to also include them in RoC map, which heavily limits available content.

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with RoC ? I just finished my Kislev campaign and it was alright. I don't get all the shit it gets.

    • 2 years ago

      What’s that from looks awesome

      • 1 year ago

        Mark of Chaos was smaller scale, with linear campaign instead of a sandbox and naturally was graphically less impressive. But it had a much better art direction. And the best army painter in strategy games

        • 1 year ago

          Mark of chaos was dark omen v2, it was nice, but it was buggy af and poorly optimized (tww3 kind of), dunno if they changed it because ive dropped the game after 2 campaigns. Best painter are still DoW games.

          • 1 year ago

            Forgot to add, during release.

      • 1 year ago

        Also had some neat setpiece battles like one against a Skaven Super Zzzap Cannon

  13. 2 years ago

    Today I lost the WH2 vortex campaign as Clan Moulder. It made me frustrated because I was playing on easy and still got rolled by Nagarod by turn 79. Fricking elf-things

  14. 2 years ago

    Just sign my petition.

    • 2 years ago

      No, paypiggies deserve to suffer.

  15. 2 years ago

    >No naval combat
    >In a setting with the biggest emphasis on naval battles since Empire:TW
    I could understand the cope in TW:W1. But the fact that TW:W2, where there are two races with a massive focus on their naval supremacy and which got a Pirates of Caribbean themed dlc, didn't add naval battles is a joke.

    • 2 years ago

      In WH2 CA realized they could add shitty half-baked menu minigame buffs instead of putting effort in to make more strategic mechanics like WH1 had.

      • 2 years ago

        We went from M2 naval combat and back again

    • 2 years ago

      TT warhammer wasnt about naval battles, in tw series its just stupid that its missing and given that ca had some expirience/blueprint for it (shogun2 for example) they should add it, given the series is almost 10y old. Thing is, manpower was directed to do stupid shit like towers/barricades or domination battles in sp. They throw a cheese at wall and see if it will stick, i would uderstand it for the first game, but in 3rd? They should have make some large poll and see what consumers want. Meanwhile they focused on mp gays and attaining the eastern market. Having said all of that I got w3 3 days ago and im having a blast with it. Maybe its a honeymoon phase or I was just so jaded with playing w2, but the game dont struck me as being worse than w2 atm. There are some problems (unselectable vassal armies, i had one ctd and 2 1s freezes during quest battle, towers and barricades being obnoxious and not adding any fun factor to the game) and new factons could use some fleshing out, but overall the diplo and other changes are superior to the w2 systems. Beside said crash/fps freeze the game runs smoother and with overall better fps than w2, i only played for around 15h but its nowhere unplayable as many ppl write. The game should be put into heavy bug/play test phase, multi and legendhomosexuals should be ridiculed and unanswered (really its just around 100 noisy ppl + metahomosexuals that cheese pretty easy game) and dlc team should focus on delivering content to flesh out new races while updating old ones with new systems (like lizardmen, they all good during battle but how hard would it be to change to add/update campaign mechanics? Even one person moder teams can do this, just feed his some art assets and voilà). Its all about bad managment of workforce and picking up bad ideas in a favor of perfecting old and proven mechanics, same shit everywhere.

      • 2 years ago

        >TT warhammer wasnt about naval battles
        They had those

        • 2 years ago

          That's Man o War, not Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Don't be disingenuous.

    • 1 year ago

      How much would that setup cost ?
      Easily 5 digits ?

  16. 2 years ago

    Still waiting for Neferata's Lamian vampire faction to come out.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, there's still NOT-indochina region that's completely empty for now

  17. 2 years ago

    >No naval battles

    • 2 years ago

      >please add this mode that no one ever plays in the entire history of total war

      • 2 years ago

        Again, I played it.

  18. 2 years ago

    Yes but it's boring.
    Two was great but three added nothing interesting at all, the whole franchise is overrun with c**ty WAACgays who are only interested in buffing their faction for battles so nobody put any thought into making the game enjoyable they just cater to these idiots now.
    Unfortunately two was such a good game they'll get a pass because everyone already bought 3 and the franchise won't die until Warhammer 4 comes out and that is also shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >until Warhammer 40k comes out

  19. 2 years ago

    the only fun I had was doing some memeshit runs, like Ikkit Claw hightech units only etc

  20. 2 years ago

    has someone modded the chaos rpg loot drops for other factions (empire most of all)?

  21. 2 years ago

    >no chorfs
    >no play

    • 2 years ago

      Why haven't they started cranking out the DLC yet? They're letting the game go a long time with no new content.

      • 2 years ago

        The same reason we haven't had a bullshit press-release about sales records being broken, like CA do every time there is a single positive number to talk about

      • 2 years ago

        They at least know to fix their gigantic broken pile of shit before charging DLC which surprises me.

  22. 1 year ago

    It felt like TW:W1/2 eventually devolved into nothing but being on one side of a siege battle with their fricking dogshit one wall maps.
    Does 3 do anything to up field battles? The change to even unwalled settlements has me worried.

  23. 1 year ago

    I've been playing the shit out of Domination and it's tons of fun, it's unfortunate that so many people get incredibly asshurt at the mere mention of playing a WARHAMMER game with other people.

  24. 1 year ago

    does the AI still refuse to confederate and leave you nothing but tiny fractured factions to steamroll once you get big

  25. 1 year ago

    Yes but only with mods

  26. 1 year ago

    What is your favorite faction for a long victory campaign?

    • 1 year ago

      Campaigns like chameleon doomslayer or rat Dr. Moroue

    • 1 year ago

      Any of the Tomb Kings. I hate managing cash flow, so their braindead everything-is-free economy is a godsend.

  27. 1 year ago

    Once you find the Miao Ying daemon impregnation mods, the Realms of Chaos campaign gets really fun.

  28. 1 year ago

    which is more fun to play a campaign of, Skarbrand or Valkia? I assume they play very similarly

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