Is it finally time to give myself over to Dwarf Fortress?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    this game has a difficulty cliff not a curve

    • 10 months ago

      Why not? It's fun.

      I'm really looking for a reality-replacement. WoW served this for many years. (Then I can think of no other decent possibilities.

      • 10 months ago

        try rimworld

      • 10 months ago

        Try Amazing cultivator simulator, if Rimworld is too real

    • 10 months ago

      Why not? It's fun.

      what am i supposed to be doing in this game? its really cool but im so fricking lost

      the joke is that its the easiest and most boring of the colony management games
      t. used to love DF for years until I realised how fricking boring it is
      all the ""epic stories"" you hear were from 2007-ish era SomethingAwful forums where a lot of RP, poor understanding of the game, outdated mechanics and weird code made more interesting shit happen.
      all that shit has since either been figured out or removed from the game, not to mention modern versions run 70% worse frame per second because of bloat (2014 update increased fps by 60% on its own and it was never fixed)
      at best, install lazy newb pack for df2012, play it for 1 or 2 forts then go back to ONI or Rimjob or w/e it is you already play

      • 10 months ago

        But I don't want to play Rimworld

      • 10 months ago

        This is the objectively correct opinion from anybody who has played DF a lot, and who wanted the game to be good. From my experience of playing DF for hundreds of hours, I got attacked a handful of times which I easily dealt with, despite having all the world generation savagery and monsters turned all the way up. The rest of the time was just uneventful toiling away building bedrooms one at a time

        But I don't enjoy Rimworld.

        >but the gameplay itself was surpassed by every other game which has ripped it off.
        Ah yes, Rimworld....and....Rimworld...and Rimworld.

        There are not that many DF-type colony sims outside of some garbage rimworld clones.

        Songs of Syx is an excellent DF rip off

        • 10 months ago

          >Songs of Syx

          How far is it from being more or less done?

  2. 10 months ago

    Why not? It's fun.

    • 10 months ago

      this game has a difficulty cliff not a curve

      >t. redditors who think all the crazy stories people write in the forums are actually true
      It's genuinely not worth your time, OP. DF invented the colony sim genre and has incredible world generation, but the gameplay itself was surpassed by every other game which has ripped it off. Just play any other colony sim, DFs gameplay is notoriously broken with tedious controls.

      • 10 months ago

        But I don't enjoy Rimworld.

      • 10 months ago

        >but the gameplay itself was surpassed by every other game which has ripped it off.
        Ah yes, Rimworld....and....Rimworld...and Rimworld.

        There are not that many DF-type colony sims outside of some garbage rimworld clones.

        • 10 months ago

          >Amazing Cultivation Simulator
          >First Feudal
          >Oxygen Not Included
          Rimworld is the best of them, but there are alternatives if you want a different flavor.

          • 10 months ago

            the joke is that its the easiest and most boring of the colony management games
            t. used to love DF for years until I realised how fricking boring it is
            all the ""epic stories"" you hear were from 2007-ish era SomethingAwful forums where a lot of RP, poor understanding of the game, outdated mechanics and weird code made more interesting shit happen.
            all that shit has since either been figured out or removed from the game, not to mention modern versions run 70% worse frame per second because of bloat (2014 update increased fps by 60% on its own and it was never fixed)
            at best, install lazy newb pack for df2012, play it for 1 or 2 forts then go back to ONI or Rimjob or w/e it is you already play

            isnt the oxygen game the one with all the piss fetish shjt?
            amazing cultivation simulator is lots of fun but i just get filtered HARD by flood dragon and just never got past it

            • 10 months ago

              >isnt the oxygen game the one with all the piss fetish shjt?
              Huh? If you don't build and maintain toilets then colonists start peeing on the floor. That pee can be then mopped up and recycled into normal water. The amount you get is negligible, but I guess someone can fap to that?

              • 10 months ago

                That's fricking disgusting. Must be the developer's fetish. Dwarf Fortress doesn't have that you know. Dwarfs don't piss or shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Yea, dorfs just puke all over the tavern and puke while fighting, but that's what any man would do

              • 10 months ago

                >That's fricking disgusting
                eh recycled piss is just water, the stuff that comes out of your kitchen sink is probably grosser. They recycle piss, sweat and everything else into drinking water on the ISS

              • 10 months ago

                only played it for an hour years ago but im guessing piss has liquid physics and people collect it and drown colonists in piss chambers

      • 10 months ago

        Let's say for the sake of argument that I'm an old xoomer who really doesn't want to even play a game, but just wants a thing to think about and/or do, perhaps on a third monitor, just for want of having something in my life. I don't need "fun." I just want a thing.

        • 10 months ago

          Dwarf Fortress is a great idle game. It pauses when things go wrong, so you're never in too much trouble just letting it play while you do other things.

        • 10 months ago

          >it doesn't have to be fun
          >it doesn't have to be played
          You can't just leave DF on in the background. You have to constantly toil away at keyboard shortcuts to build more bedrooms. I doubt you've actually played the game, kinda like the thousands of redditors who ejaculate at the thought of playing THE MOST COMPLEX GAME OF ALL TIME

          • 10 months ago

            But I don't want to play Rimworld

          • 10 months ago

            Is English not your first language or do you not understand that I made this thread precisely because I hadn't ever played the game? What does reddit have to do with anything? Why are you insecure and angry about something like a video game?

            • 10 months ago

              Thought you were a different anon, my point still stands though
              It's not exactly a thing you can leave on in the background to glance at. You still can if you REALLY want to, though.
              Most of the gameplay requires you to open the Announcements or Reports menu to actually see what is happening in game. If there's combat, you won't know who is fighting, who's winning, why they're fighting or any details whatsover without opening some menus. Could be a spy getting caught, a drunken fight, or a schizo meltdown.
              My frustration with DF comes with the fact it's an enormous time sink to learn the controls, mechanics, etc. especially if you've never played a colony sim game, only to find it's an extremely disappointing game on almost every level. ESPECIALLY when you look at the DF community, and how it's full of crazy exciting forum stories and grand tales of fortresses rising and falling. As someone who played DF for hundreds of hours, nothing that interesting happened. Assuming you do leave DF on in the background, it's just going to slowly dwindle to FPS death as the game continues to get laggier and laggier, an issue which still hasn't been solved in a decade.

              • 10 months ago

                As I said, I'm mostly looking for A Thing To Do. My requirements are that it is an enormous timesink. That's pretty much it. I cannot play D4 because Blizzard are a bunch of fricking morons and homosexuals. My One With The Light paladinfrick on Ascension is pretty much M+ capped until Wrath drops, and I don't really do alts. I just need something to do.

              • 10 months ago

                Also: I do not interact with communities, of any variety, as a matter of principle. I'm drawn to DF because
                1) I like dwarves
                2) I am intrigued by the fact that it appears to be some sort of autistic passion project
                3) I like dwarves a lot

              • 10 months ago

                le ebin edits:
                The only thing that even seems like a remote second possibility would be something like Caves of Qud. But it doesn't have dwarves.

  3. 10 months ago

    I tried playing once, but i was too moronic to understand the ascii graphics, even with the noob pack.

  4. 10 months ago

    what am i supposed to be doing in this game? its really cool but im so fricking lost

    • 10 months ago

      This game is not that very good, when I played it as a kid it was magical because it was the first of its kind, after you learn the basics theres barely any danger, theres depth to some autistic shit like you can damage the nerves of a dwarf, but that rarely lead to interesting shit.

    • 10 months ago

      It is a sandbox game, so if you are looking for an objective other than the ones set by yourself as a reason to play the game then I guess you can play and survive until your fortress becomes the moutainhome of your civ, just keep everybody well feed, drunk, armed and alive while the population grows.
      Otherwise try to think of a cool concept for a fort, like for example, the next fort I am planing when I get the time will be based on those those Ethiopian carved rock churchs, then try to fulfill your imagination.

    • 10 months ago

      Get inspired with whatever you want make it happen.
      Otherwise, get to know your dwarfs, get to know your visitors, build defenses (or don't), setup new industries, make and customize bedrooms and noble rooms, make eye pleasing mega structures, setup and train your military, capture rare and exotic animals to train and farm, declare war, do trade, become the mountainhome, dig deep, explore the caverns, dig too deep.
      Generally all I need is a cool idea to get me going.

  5. 10 months ago

    does the mega with the latest steam version that used to float around /dfg/ still exists?

  6. 10 months ago

    More like troony fortress lmao

    • 10 months ago

      Ive made a troony fortress in rimwold once

      • 10 months ago

        You can do pretty much anything in rimworld if you're using mods

        • 10 months ago

          Can you have fun?

          • 10 months ago


  7. 10 months ago

    RimWorld is better

  8. 10 months ago

    Just play Space Station 13 it's way less autistic, and that's saying something

    • 10 months ago

      Played both, SS13 is more autistic since you're expected to roleplay, also controls are even more shit somehow

  9. 10 months ago

    It fell off hard after the Steam release, there isn't even a general anymore.

  10. 10 months ago

    Rimworld sucks becauase if you don't build your base as a maximum security prison with killzones you are going to get fricked hard.
    Dwarf Fortress while easier is more fun if you like seeing ant colonies.

  11. 10 months ago

    All of you keep saying "Colony, colony, colony", I just can't unthink now of this game, so I'll just leave pic here

    Quite nothing similar to DF, but still a good memory...

    Also frick steam Dwarf Fortress, Vettlingr tileset is the way

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Good game, I remember getting assraped in the campaign

  12. 10 months ago

    There is absolutely nothing to do in DF.

  13. 10 months ago

    adventure mode when?

  14. 10 months ago

    It's good fun. The main difficulty comes from the fact that there's a lot of stuff that you need to learn but you can take things easy. The main killer of many forts is water, so always be careful around water.

  15. 10 months ago

    What about Banished? Is Banished good?

    • 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    DF is mechanically very flawed, but Toady would rather focus on shit like world generation, legends mode, adventure mode etc.
    Meanwhile, here's a non exhaustive list of moronic shit in this game
    >animals that don't graze require no food at all, meaning if you have a chicken and a roost while barricading yourself in a mountain you will have infinite food
    >not that it would matter, because all cave crops simply grow from nothing, wet the ground once with some water and it's infinite food, thread, drinks and so on
    >any invasion can be stopped by a single draw bridge
    >there's no reason to interact with the outside world at all, trade simply isn't worth it because you can be self sufficient from day one with your starting dwarfs, unless you need some specific ore your map is missing
    >no reason to ever go into the caves unless your starting map surface has no water
    >thus there's no reason to have a military unless you want to larp
    Which is what this whole game boils down to. Larping. It's more of a tech demo than a game. You CAN do funny stuff with it, but at each step there's that thought scratching at the back of your mind "This isn't necessary, I'm just pretending to be moronic so I might get some fun out of it later"
    So if you like roleplaying, then you're going to have a lot of fun with it. If you don't, it will get stale very quickly.
    Also steam version sucks and is published by actual trannies.

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